// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
// File: enc.cpp
#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "encode.h"
OIDTRANSLATE const * LookupOidTranslate( IN CHAR const *pszObjId) { DWORD i; OIDTRANSLATE const *pOid = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < g_cOidTranslate; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(pszObjId, g_aOidTranslate[i].pszObjId)) { pOid = &g_aOidTranslate[i]; break; } } CSASSERT(NULL != pOid); return(pOid); }
long EncodeObjId( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN CHAR const *pszObjId) { OIDTRANSLATE const *pOid; long cbLength;
pOid = LookupOidTranslate(pszObjId);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_OBJECT_ID; } cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, pOid->cbOIDEncoded);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory( pbEncoded + cbLength, pOid->abOIDEncoded, pOid->cbOIDEncoded); } return(1 + cbLength + pOid->cbOIDEncoded); }
// EncodeLength ASN1 encodes a length field. The parameter
// dwLen is the length to be encoded, it is a DWORD and
// therefore may be no larger than 2^32. The pbEncoded
// parameter is the encoded result, and memory must be
// allocated for it by the caller. The pbEncoded parameter
// indicates if the result is to be written to the pbEncoded
// parameter. The function cannot fail and returns the
// number of total bytes in the encoded length.
// encoded length.
// Notes: Encodes 0x0000 to 0x007f as <lobyte>
// Encodes 0x0080 to 0x00ff as <81>, <lobyte>
// Encodes 0x0100 to 0xffff as <82>, <hibyte>, <lobyte>
long EncodeLength( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD dwLen) { // length is between 2^8 and 2^16 - 1
if (dwLen > 0xff) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded[0] = 0x82; pbEncoded[1] = (BYTE) (dwLen >> 8); pbEncoded[2] = (BYTE) dwLen; } return(3); }
// length is between 2^7 and 2^8 - 1
if (dwLen > 0x7f) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded[0] = 0x81; pbEncoded[1] = (BYTE) dwLen; } return(2); }
// length is between 0 and 2^7 - 1
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded[0] = (BYTE) dwLen; } return(1); }
long EncodeNull( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_NULL; *pbEncoded = 0; } return(2); }
// EncodeAlgid ASN1 encodes an algorithm identifier. The
// parameter Algid is the algorithm identifier as an ALG_ID
// type. pbEncoded is the parameter used to pass back the
// encoded result, and memory must be allocated for it by
// the caller. The pbEncoded parameter indicates if the
// result is to be written to the pbEncoded parameter
// The function returns a -1 if it fails and otherwise
// returns the number of total bytes in the encoded
// algorithm identifier.
long EncodeAlgid( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD Algid) { DWORD i; LONG cb = -1;
// determine the algorithm id which is to be encoded and
// copy the appropriate encoded algid into the destination
for (i = 0; i < g_cAlgIdTranslate; i++) { if (Algid == g_aAlgIdTranslate[i].AlgId) { cb = EncodeObjId(pbEncoded, g_aAlgIdTranslate[i].pszObjId); break; } } return(cb); }
long EncodeAlgorithm( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD AlgId) { BYTE abTemp[32]; long cbResult; BYTE *pb;
pb = abTemp;
// Take a guess at the total length:
pb += EncodeHeader(pb, sizeof(abTemp));
cbResult = EncodeAlgid(pb, AlgId); if (cbResult == -1) { return(-1); } pb += cbResult;
cbResult += EncodeNull(pb);
// Fix up the total length:
cbResult += EncodeHeader(abTemp, cbResult);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory(pbEncoded, abTemp, cbResult); } return(cbResult);
// EncodeInteger ASN1 encodes an integer. The pbInt parameter
// is the integer as an array of bytes, and dwLen is the number
// of bytes in the array. The least significant byte of the
// integer is the zeroth byte of the array. The encoded result
// is passed back in the pbEncoded parameter. The pbEncoded
// indicates if the result is to be written to the pbEncoded
// parameter. The function cannot fail and returns the number
// of total bytes in the encoded integer.
// This implementation will only deal with positive integers.
long EncodeInteger( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN BYTE const *pbInt, IN DWORD dwLen) { DWORD iInt; long j; // Must be signed!
LONG cbResult; LONG cbLength;
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_INTEGER; } cbResult = 1;
// find the most significant non-zero byte
for (iInt = dwLen - 1; pbInt[iInt] == 0; iInt--) { if (iInt == 0) // if the integer value is 0
{ if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = 0x01; *pbEncoded++ = 0x00; } return(cbResult + 2); } }
// if the most significant bit of the most significant byte is set then add
// a 0 byte to the beginning.
if (pbInt[iInt] > 0x7f) { // encode the length
cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, iInt + 2);
// set the first byte of the integer to 0 and increment pointer
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += cbLength; *pbEncoded++ = 0; } cbResult++; } else { // encode the length
cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, iInt + 1); if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += cbLength; } } cbResult += cbLength;
// copy the integer bytes into the encoded buffer
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { // copy the integer bytes into the encoded buffer
for (j = iInt; j >= 0; j--) { *pbEncoded++ = pbInt[j]; } } cbResult += iInt + 1; return(cbResult); }
long EncodeUnicodeString( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN WCHAR const *pwsz) { long cbLength; long cbData = wcslen(pwsz) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_UNICODE_STRING; } cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, cbData);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += cbLength; for ( ; L'\0' != *pwsz; pwsz++) { *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) (*pwsz >> 8); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) *pwsz; } } return(1 + cbLength + cbData); }
// EncodeIA5String ASN1 encodes a character string. The pbStr
// parameter is the string as an array of characters, and dwLen
// is the number of characters in the array. The encoded result
// is passed back in the pbEncoded parameter. The pbEncoded
// indicates if the result is to be written to the pbEncoded
// parameter. The function cannot fail and returns the number
// of total bytes in the encoded string.
long EncodeIA5String( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN BYTE const *pbStr, IN DWORD dwLen) { long cbLength;
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_IA5_STRING; } cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory(pbEncoded + cbLength, pbStr, dwLen); } return(1 + cbLength + dwLen); }
// EncodeOctetString ASN1 encodes a string of hex valued
// characters. The pbStr parameter is an array of characters,
// and dwLen is the number of characters in the array. The
// encoded result is passed back in the pbEncoded parameter. The
// pbEncoded parameter indicates if the result is to be written
// to the pbEncoded parameter. The function cannot fail and
// returns the number of total bytes in the encoded octet string
long EncodeOctetString( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN BYTE const *pbStr, IN DWORD dwLen) { long cbLength;
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_OCTET_STRING; } cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory(pbEncoded + cbLength, pbStr, dwLen); } return(1 + cbLength + dwLen); }
// EncodeBitString ASN1 encodes a string of bit characters. The
// pbStr parameter is an array of characters (bits), and dwLen
// is the number of characters in the array. The encoded result
// is passed back in the pbEncoded parameter. The pbEncoded
// indicates if the result is to be written to the pbEncoded
// parameter. The function cannot fail and returns the number
// of total bytes in the encoded string. This function uses
// the DER.
long EncodeBitString( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN BYTE const *pbStr, IN DWORD dwLen) { long cbLength;
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_BIT_STRING; } cbLength = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen + 1);
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += cbLength;
// the next byte tells how many unused bits there are in the last byte,
// but this will always be zero in this implementation (DER)
*pbEncoded++ = 0; CopyMemory(pbEncoded, pbStr, dwLen); } return(1 + cbLength + 1 + dwLen); }
// Function: EncodeFileTime
// Synopsis: Encodes a FILETIME to a ASN.1 format time string.
// Arguments: [pbEncoded] --
// [Time] --
// [UTC] -- Indicate Time is UTC (true) or local (false)
// [WriteFlag] --
// History: 8-10-95 RichardW Created
// Notes:
long EncodeFileTime( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN FILETIME Time, IN BOOL UTC) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { SYSTEMTIME st; FILETIME ft; int count;
if (UTC) { ft = Time; } else { LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&Time, &ft); }
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st);
*pbEncoded++ = BER_UTC_TIME;
count = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, 13);
// CODE! It is only used to encode current dates, anyway,
pbEncoded++; st.wYear %= 100;
*pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wYear / 10) + '0'); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wYear % 10) + '0');
*pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wMonth / 10) + '0'); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wMonth % 10) + '0');
*pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wDay / 10) + '0'); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wDay % 10) + '0');
*pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wHour / 10) + '0'); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wHour % 10) + '0');
*pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wMinute / 10) + '0'); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wMinute % 10) + '0');
*pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wSecond / 10) + '0'); *pbEncoded++ = (BYTE) ((st.wSecond % 10) + '0');
*pbEncoded = 'Z'; }
// Tag(1) + Len(1) + Year(2) + Month(2) + Day(2) +
// Hour(2) + Min(2) + Sec(2) + 'Z'(1) --> 15
return(15); }
// EncodeHeader ASN1 encodes a header for a sequence type. The
// dwLen is the length of the encoded information in the
// sequence. The pbEncoded indicates if the result is to be
// written to the pbEncoded parameter. The function cannot
// fail and returns the number of total bytes in the encoded
// header.
// Notes: Encodes header as <BER_SEQUENCE>, <length>
long EncodeHeader( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD dwLen) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_SEQUENCE; } return(1 + EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen)); }
// EncodeSetOfHeader ASN1 encodes a header for a set of type.
// The dwLen is the length of the encoded information in the
// set of. The pbEncoded indicates if the result is to be
// written to the pbEncoded parameter. The function cannot
// fail and returns the number of total bytes in the encoded
// header.
// Notes: Encodes header as <SET_OF_TAG>, <length>
long EncodeSetOfHeader( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD dwLen) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_SET_RAW; } return(1 + EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen)); }
// Notes: Encodes header as <BER_OPTIONAL | 0>, <length>
long EncodeAttributeHeader( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD dwLen) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_OPTIONAL | 0; } return(1 + EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen)); }
// Notes: Encodes header as <BER_SET>, <length>
long EncodeSetHeader( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD dwLen) { if (NULL != pbEncoded) { *pbEncoded++ = BER_SET; } return(1 + EncodeLength(pbEncoded, dwLen)); }
// EncodeName ASN1 encodes a Name type. The pbName parameter is
// the name and dwLen is the length of the name in bytes.
// The pbEncoded indicates if the result is to be written to
// the pbEncoded parameter. The function cannot fail and
// returns the number of total bytes in the encoded name.
long EncodeName( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN BYTE const *pbName, IN DWORD dwLen) { BYTE Type[MAXOBJIDLEN]; long TypeLen; BYTE Value[MAXNAMEVALUELEN+MINHEADERLEN]; long ValueLen; BYTE Attribute[MAXNAMELEN]; long AttributeLen; BYTE SetHdr[MINHEADERLEN]; long HdrLen; long NameLen;
// encode the name value
ValueLen = EncodeIA5String(Value, pbName, dwLen);
// encode the attribute type, this is an object identifier and here it
// is a fake encoding
Type[0] = 0x06; Type[1] = 0x01; Type[2] = 0x00;
TypeLen = 3;
// encode the header for the attribute
AttributeLen = EncodeHeader(Attribute, ValueLen + TypeLen);
// copy the attribute type and value into the attribute
CopyMemory(Attribute + AttributeLen, Type, TypeLen); AttributeLen += TypeLen;
CopyMemory(Attribute + AttributeLen, Value, ValueLen); AttributeLen += ValueLen;
// encode set of header
HdrLen = EncodeSetOfHeader(SetHdr, AttributeLen);
// encode Name header
NameLen = EncodeHeader(pbEncoded, HdrLen + AttributeLen); if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory(pbEncoded + NameLen, SetHdr, HdrLen); }
NameLen += HdrLen; if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory(pbEncoded + NameLen, Attribute, AttributeLen); }
return(NameLen + AttributeLen); }
long EncodeRDN( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN NAMEENTRY const *pNameEntry) { LONG cbResult; LONG Length; DWORD cbOIDandData; DWORD cbSequence; OIDTRANSLATE const *pOidName;
// Compute the size of the encoded OID and RDN string, with BER encoding
// tags and lengths.
pOidName = LookupOidTranslate(pNameEntry->pszObjId); cbOIDandData = 1 + EncodeLength(NULL, pOidName->cbOIDEncoded) + pOidName->cbOIDEncoded + 1 + EncodeLength(NULL, pNameEntry->cbData) + pNameEntry->cbData;
cbSequence = 1 + EncodeLength(NULL, cbOIDandData) + cbOIDandData;
Length = EncodeSetHeader(pbEncoded, cbSequence); if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += Length; }
cbResult = EncodeHeader(pbEncoded, cbOIDandData); if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += cbResult; *pbEncoded++ = BER_OBJECT_ID; } Length += cbResult + 1;
cbResult = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, pOidName->cbOIDEncoded); if (NULL != pbEncoded) { pbEncoded += cbResult; CopyMemory(pbEncoded, pOidName->abOIDEncoded, pOidName->cbOIDEncoded); pbEncoded += pOidName->cbOIDEncoded;
*pbEncoded++ = pNameEntry->BerTag; } Length += cbResult + pOidName->cbOIDEncoded + 1;
cbResult = EncodeLength(pbEncoded, pNameEntry->cbData); Length += cbResult;
if (NULL != pbEncoded) { CopyMemory(pbEncoded + cbResult, pNameEntry->pbData, pNameEntry->cbData); } return(Length + pNameEntry->cbData); }
long EncodeDN( OPTIONAL OUT BYTE *pbEncoded, IN NAMETABLE const *pNameTable) { CHAR *pszNext; CHAR *pszRDN; long Result; long Length; long SaveResult; NAMEENTRY const *pNameEntry; DWORD i;
SaveResult = 0; // force one full iteration
pNameEntry = pNameTable->pNameEntry; Length = 0; for (i = 0; i < pNameTable->cnt; i++) { Length += 9 + pNameEntry->cbData; pNameEntry++; }
while (TRUE) { BYTE *pb;
pb = pbEncoded;
Result = EncodeHeader(pb, Length); if (SaveResult == Result) { break; } if (NULL != pb) { pb += Result; } SaveResult = Result;
Length = 0; pNameEntry = pNameTable->pNameEntry; for (i = 0; i < pNameTable->cnt; i++) { Result = EncodeRDN(pb, pNameEntry);
if (Result < 0) { Length = 0; goto error; // return(-1)
} if (NULL != pb) { pb += Result; } Length += Result; pNameEntry++; } } error: return(Result + Length); }