// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 2000
// File: tcainfo.cpp
// This code contains tests to exercise the functionality of the certcli
// "CA" interfaces, detailed in certca.h
#include <pch.cpp>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <certca.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <csldap.h>
#define wszREGADMINALIAS L"Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\CertificateTemplates\\Aliases\\Administrator"
#define wszREGPOLICYHISTORY L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Group Policy\\History"
WCHAR const g_wszSep[] = L"================================================================";
#define TE_USER 0
#define TE_MACHINE 1
// CheckSupportedCertTypes()
// This function checks the certificate types enumerated through the property
// API, and compares them to the types enumerated by the cert type API.
// Params:
// hCA - IN Handle to CA
// papwszProperty - IN String array w/ present values
// Returns:
// HRESULT from CAINFO calls.
HRESULT CheckSupportedCertTypes( IN HCAINFO hCA, IN WCHAR const * const *papwszTemplate) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwCT; DWORD dwCT2; DWORD cTemplate; DWORD i; DWORD *rgIndex = NULL; HCERTTYPE hCT = NULL; WCHAR **papwszCTFriendlyName = NULL; WCHAR **papwszCTCN = NULL; BOOL fFirst;
// First, find out how many cert types there are according to
// value returned from property array...
for (cTemplate = 0; NULL != papwszTemplate[cTemplate]; cTemplate++) ;
// alloc bool array for testing
rgIndex = (DWORD *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(DWORD) * cTemplate); if (NULL == rgIndex) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); } memset(rgIndex, 0xff, sizeof(DWORD) * cTemplate); CSASSERT(MAXDWORD == rgIndex[0]);
// Let's try out the enumeration of cert types on the CA object,
// just as a sanity check... we'll then compare them against
// the values stored in the property array.
hr = CAEnumCertTypesForCA( hCA, CT_ENUM_USER_TYPES | CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES, &hCT); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAEnumCertTypesForCA", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAEnumCertTypesForCA"); } if (NULL == hCT) // no cert types for CA
{ // Should be at least one, according to property enumeration
if (NULL != papwszTemplate[0]) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_CT_BUT_EXISTS)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND; _JumpError(hr, error, "CAEnumCertTypesForCA"); } wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_CT_FOR_CA)); wprintf(wszNewLine); }
dwCT = 0; dwCT2 = CACountCertTypes(hCT);
// Enumerate remaining certificate types for CA
while (NULL != hCT) { HCERTTYPE hPrevCT;
// Mark bool...
hr = CAGetCertTypeProperty( hCT, CERTTYPE_PROP_FRIENDLY_NAME, &papwszCTFriendlyName); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAGetCertTypeProperty", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAGetCertTypeProperty"); } hr = CAGetCertTypeProperty( hCT, CERTTYPE_PROP_CN, &papwszCTCN); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAGetCertTypeProperty", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAGetCertTypeProperty"); } wprintf( L"%ws[%u]: %ws (%ws)", myLoadResourceString(IDS_CERT_TYPE), dwCT, NULL != papwszCTCN? papwszCTCN[0] : NULL, NULL != papwszCTFriendlyName? papwszCTFriendlyName[0] : NULL);
hr = CACertTypeAccessCheck(hCT, NULL); if (S_OK != hr) { if (hr != E_ACCESSDENIED) { wprintf(wszNewLine); cuPrintAPIError(L"CACertTypeAccessCheck", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CACertTypeAccessCheck"); } wprintf(L" -- %ws", myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_ACCESS)); hr = S_OK; } wprintf(wszNewLine);
if (NULL != papwszCTCN) { for (i = 0; i < cTemplate; i++) { if (0 == mylstrcmpiL(papwszTemplate[i], papwszCTCN[0])) { rgIndex[i] = dwCT; break; } } CAFreeCertTypeProperty(hCT, papwszCTCN); papwszCTCN = NULL; } if (NULL != papwszCTFriendlyName) { CAFreeCertTypeProperty(hCT, papwszCTFriendlyName); papwszCTFriendlyName = NULL; } dwCT++; // CACountCertTypes checking
// set up enumeration object
hPrevCT = hCT; hCT = NULL; hr = CAEnumNextCertType(hPrevCT, &hCT); CACloseCertType(hPrevCT); hPrevCT = hCT;
if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAEnumNextCertType", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAEnumNextCertType"); } if (NULL == hCT) { break; } } wprintf(L"%ws: %u\n", myLoadResourceString(IDS_CERT_TYPES), dwCT);
fFirst = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < cTemplate; i++) { //wprintf(L"ct[%u]: %ws\n", i, papwszTemplate[i]);
if (MAXDWORD == rgIndex[i]) { if (fFirst) { wprintf(wszNewLine); fFirst = FALSE; } wprintf( L"%ws: %ws\n", papwszTemplate[i], myLoadResourceString(IDS_CERT_TYPE_MISSING)); } } hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != rgIndex) { LocalFree(rgIndex); } if (NULL != papwszCTFriendlyName) { CAFreeCertTypeProperty(hCT, papwszCTFriendlyName); } if (NULL != papwszCTCN) { CAFreeCertTypeProperty(hCT, papwszCTCN); } if (NULL != hCT) { CACloseCertType(hCT); } return(hr); }
// ShowExpirationTime()
// This function simply displays the expiration time.
// Parameters:
// hCA - IN Handle to CA
// Returns:
// HRESULT from APIs, or S_OK
HRESULT ShowExpirationTime( IN HCAINFO hCA) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwExp; DWORD dwUnits;
WCHAR *arwszDisplay[] = {L"Days", L"Weeks", L"Months", L"Years"};
// Retrieve and display expiration data
hr = CAGetCAExpiration(hCA, &dwExp, &dwUnits); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAGetCAExpiration", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAGetCAExpiration"); }
for (DWORD i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(ardwUnits); i++) { if (dwUnits == ardwUnits[i]) { wprintf(wszNewLine); wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_CA_EXPIRATION), arwszDisplay[i], dwExp); break; } } wprintf(wszNewLine); wprintf(wszNewLine);
error: return(hr); }
// DisplaySupportedCertTypes()
// Returns:
// hr from CAINFO API, fills array of cert types, for use in -addct flag
HRESULT DisplaySupportedCertTypes( IN HCAINFO hCA) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR **papwszCertTypes = NULL; DWORD i;
hr = CAGetCAProperty(hCA, CA_PROP_CERT_TYPES, &papwszCertTypes); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty", CA_PROP_CERT_TYPES);
wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE)); wprintf(wszNewLine);
// Prepare certificate types in tab delimited format
if (NULL == papwszCertTypes || NULL == papwszCertTypes[0]) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_SUPPORTED_TEMPLATE)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = S_FALSE; _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty", CA_PROP_CERT_TYPES); }
if (g_fVerbose) { for (i = 0; NULL != papwszCertTypes[i]; i++) { wprintf(L"%ws\n", papwszCertTypes[i]); } wprintf(L":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n"); }
// This compares the values returned from the property enumeration
// to the values returned by enumerating the cert types
hr = CheckSupportedCertTypes(hCA, papwszCertTypes); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CheckSupportedCertTypes");
error: if (NULL != papwszCertTypes) { HRESULT hr2 = CAFreeCAProperty(hCA, papwszCertTypes); if (S_OK != hr2) { if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } cuPrintAPIError(L"CAFreeCAProperty", hr2); _PrintError(hr2, "CAFreeCAProperty"); } } return(hr); }
HRESULT PingCA( IN WCHAR const *pwszCAName, IN WCHAR const *pwszServer, OUT ENUM_CATYPES *pCAType) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszConfig = NULL; CAINFO *pCAInfo = NULL;
hr = myFormConfigString(pwszServer, pwszCAName, &pwszConfig); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myFormConfigString");
hr = cuPingCertSrv(pwszConfig, &pCAInfo); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "cuPingCertSrv");
*pCAType = pCAInfo->CAType;
error: if (NULL != pCAInfo) { LocalFree(pCAInfo); } if (NULL != pwszConfig) { LocalFree(pwszConfig); } return(hr); }
HRESULT DisplayCAProperty( IN HCAINFO hCA, IN WCHAR const *pwszProperty, IN UINT idsFail, IN UINT idsDisplay, IN BOOL fIgnoreEmpty, OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR **ppwszOut) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR **papwszProperty = NULL; WCHAR const *pwsz;
if (NULL != ppwszOut) { *ppwszOut = NULL; } hr = CAGetCAProperty(hCA, pwszProperty, &papwszProperty); if (S_OK != hr) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(idsFail), hr); wprintf(wszNewLine); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAGetCAProperty"); } if (NULL != papwszProperty && NULL != papwszProperty[0]) { pwsz = papwszProperty[0]; } else { if (fIgnoreEmpty) { hr = S_OK; goto error; } pwsz = L""; } wprintf(wszNewLine); wprintf(myLoadResourceString(idsDisplay), pwsz); wprintf(wszNewLine);
if (NULL != ppwszOut) { hr = myDupString(pwsz, ppwszOut); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); } hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != papwszProperty) { HRESULT hr2 = CAFreeCAProperty(hCA, papwszProperty); if (S_OK != hr2) { if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } cuPrintAPIError(L"CAFreeCAProperty", hr2); _PrintError(hr2, "CAFreeCAProperty"); } } return(hr); }
#define CASMF_ONLINE 0x00000001
class CASummary { public: CASummary() { m_pwszMachine = NULL; m_pwszCA = NULL; m_CAType = ENUM_UNKNOWN_CA; m_dwFlags = 0; m_hrCACert = S_OK; m_hrAccess = S_OK; }
~CASummary() { if (NULL != m_pwszMachine) { LocalFree(m_pwszMachine); } if (NULL != m_pwszCA) { LocalFree(m_pwszCA); } }
public: WCHAR *m_pwszMachine; WCHAR *m_pwszCA; ENUM_CATYPES m_CAType; DWORD m_dwFlags; HRESULT m_hrCACert; HRESULT m_hrAccess; };
HRESULT DisplayCAInfo( IN HCAINFO hCA, IN BOOL fPing, IN OUT CASummary *pCA) { HRESULT hr; CERT_CONTEXT const *pccCA = NULL; DWORD VerifyState;
wprintf(g_wszSep); // CA Name
hr = DisplayCAProperty( hCA, CA_PROP_NAME, IDS_FORMAT_CA_NAME_PROP_FAILED, IDS_FORMAT_CA_NAME_LIST, FALSE, &pCA->m_pwszCA); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "DisplayCAProperty", CA_PROP_NAME);
// Machine name for CA
hr = DisplayCAProperty( hCA, CA_PROP_DNSNAME, IDS_FORMAT_CA_DNS_PROP_FAILED, IDS_FORMAT_CA_MACHINE_LIST, FALSE, &pCA->m_pwszMachine); _JumpIfErrorStr(hr, error, "DisplayCAProperty", CA_PROP_DNSNAME);
// DN of CA Object on DS
// DN of CA certificate
// Signature algs
pCA->m_hrAccess = CAAccessCheck(hCA, NULL); if (S_OK != pCA->m_hrAccess) { _PrintError(pCA->m_hrAccess, "CAAccessCheck"); wprintf(wszNewLine); cuPrintError(0, pCA->m_hrAccess); }
// Get the expiration date/time/... for an individual CA
hr = ShowExpirationTime(hCA); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ShowExpirationTime");
if (fPing) { hr = PingCA(pCA->m_pwszCA, pCA->m_pwszMachine, &pCA->m_CAType); _PrintIfError(hr, "PingCA"); if (S_OK == hr) { wprintf(wszNewLine); wprintf(g_wszPad2); cuDisplayCAType(pCA->m_CAType); pCA->m_dwFlags |= CASMF_ONLINE; } }
hr = CAGetCACertificate(hCA, &pccCA); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CAGetCACertificate");
wprintf(wszNewLine); pCA->m_hrCACert = cuVerifyCertContext( pccCA, // pCert
NULL, // hStoreCA
0, // cApplicationPolicies
0, // apszApplicationPolicies
0, // cIssuancePolicies
0, // apszIssuancePolicies
IsEnterpriseCA(pCA->m_CAType), // fNTAuth
&VerifyState); _PrintIfError(pCA->m_hrCACert, "cuVerifyCertContext");
// Cert Types for CA == Multi valued property
wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = DisplaySupportedCertTypes(hCA); if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } _JumpIfError(hr, error, "DisplaySupportedCertTypes");
error: wprintf(wszNewLine); return(hr); }
VOID DisplayCASummary( IN CASummary const *pCA) { wprintf(L"%ws\\%ws:\n", pCA->m_pwszMachine, pCA->m_pwszCA);
if (ENUM_UNKNOWN_CA != pCA->m_CAType) { wprintf(g_wszPad2); cuDisplayCAType(pCA->m_CAType); }
if (S_OK != pCA->m_hrCACert) { wprintf(g_wszPad2); cuPrintError(0, pCA->m_hrCACert); }
wprintf( L" %ws\n", myLoadResourceString((CASMF_ONLINE & pCA->m_dwFlags)? IDS_ONLINE : IDS_OFFLINE));
if (S_OK != pCA->m_hrAccess) { wprintf(g_wszPad2); cuPrintError(0, pCA->m_hrAccess); } wprintf(wszNewLine); }
// EnumCAs()
// We've got to assume that this works. Enumerates CAs on the DS.
// Returns:
// Number of CA's on DS.
HRESULT EnumCAs( IN WCHAR const *pwszDomain, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN BOOL fPing) { HRESULT hr; DWORD i; DWORD cCA; HCAINFO hCA = NULL; CASummary *prgCAList = NULL;
// Enumerate all of the CA's on the DS
hr = CAEnumFirstCA(pwszDomain, dwFlags, &hCA); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAEnumFirstCA", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAEnumFirstCA"); } if (NULL == hCA) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_CA_ON_DOMAIN)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND; _JumpError(hr, error, "CAEnumFirstCA"); }
// Make sure that the counting function works at this stage.
cCA = CACountCAs(hCA);
prgCAList = new CASummary[cCA]; if (NULL == prgCAList) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "new"); }
for (i = 0; i < cCA; i++) { HCAINFO hNextCA;
if (0 != i) { hr = CAEnumNextCA(hCA, &hNextCA); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CAEnumNextCA", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CAEnumNextCA"); } if (NULL == hNextCA) { wprintf( myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_CAS_ON_DOMAIN), i, pwszDomain); wprintf(wszNewLine); break; }
// It is difficult to determine the desired behavior for this API.
hr = CACloseCA(hCA); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"CACloseCA", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CACloseCA"); }
hCA = hNextCA; } hr = DisplayCAInfo(hCA, fPing, &prgCAList[i]); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "DisplayCAInfo"); }
// check the count in the enumeration, and verify the results
if (cCA != i) { cuPrintAPIError(myLoadResourceString(IDS_CAENUMNEXTCA), cCA); hr = E_FAIL; _JumpError(hr, error, "cCA != i"); }
wprintf(g_wszSep); wprintf(wszNewLine); for (i = 0; i < cCA; i++) { DisplayCASummary(&prgCAList[i]); }
error: delete [] prgCAList; if (NULL != hCA) { CACloseCA(hCA); } return(hr); }
// TestDFSPath()
// Verifies that the DFS on this machine can access the SYSVOL share
HRESULT TestDFSPath( IN WCHAR const *pwszDFSPath) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwDate = 0; DWORD dwTime = 0;
if (!GetFileAttributesEx( pwszDFSPath, GetFileExInfoStandard, (VOID *) &sFileData)) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_DFS), hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetFileAttributesEx");
// To do... Add diagnostics here
} wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_DFS_DATA_ACCESS)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
// TestLdapPath()
// This function verifies that LDAP connectivity is still there for a given
// ldap URL
HRESULT TestLdapPath( IN WCHAR const *pwszLdapURL) { HRESULT hr; ULONG ldaperr; WCHAR *pwszError = NULL; LDAP *pldapbind = NULL; WCHAR *rgwszSearchAttribute[2] = {L"CN", NULL}; WCHAR *pwszSearchParam = L"(&(objectClass=*))"; LDAPMessage *SearchResult = NULL; WCHAR *pwszTmpUrl = NULL;
// Parse URL, and do the search thing.
pwszTmpUrl = wcsstr(pwszLdapURL, L"//"); if (NULL == pwszTmpUrl) // not a URL
{ hr = S_OK; goto error; } pwszTmpUrl += 2;
pldapbind = ldap_init(NULL, LDAP_PORT); if (NULL == pldapbind) { hr = myHLdapLastError(NULL, &pwszError); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_init", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_init"); }
// This gives the IP address of the Cached LDAP DC from binding handle.
// Resolve the name?
ldaperr = ldap_bind_s(pldapbind, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE); if (ldaperr != LDAP_SUCCESS) { hr = myHLdapError(pldapbind, ldaperr, &pwszError); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_bind_s", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_bind_s"); } wprintf( L"%ws: %hs\n", myLoadResourceString(IDS_CACHED_LDAP_DC), pldapbind->ld_host);
ldaperr = ldap_search_s( pldapbind, pwszTmpUrl, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, pwszSearchParam, rgwszSearchAttribute, 0, &SearchResult);
if (ldaperr != LDAP_SUCCESS) { // we can't be 100% sure that this attribute is on the objec
// for example, user UPN, so don't log to event log
hr = myHLdapError(pldapbind, ldaperr, &pwszError); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_search_s", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_s"); }
if (0 == ldap_count_entries(pldapbind, SearchResult)) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_ENTRY_IN_PING)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND; _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_s"); } hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != pwszError) { wprintf(L"%ws\n", pwszError); LocalFree(pwszError); } if (NULL != SearchResult) { ldap_msgfree(SearchResult); } if (NULL != pldapbind) { ldap_unbind(pldapbind); } return(hr); }
// DisplayHistoryData()
// This function takes a key name, hkey, and value, and prints the value string.
#define wszREGDISPLAYNAME L"DisplayName"
#define wszREGGPONAME L"GPOName"
#define wszREGDSPATH L"DSPath"
#define wszREGFILESYSPATH L"FileSysPath"
HRESULT DisplayHistoryData( IN WCHAR const *pwszKeyName, IN WCHAR const *pwszSubKeyName, IN HKEY hKeyPolicy) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hr2; HKEY hKeyNew = NULL; WCHAR buff[512]; DWORD cwc; DWORD dwType;
// Get #'d history key handle
hr = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPolicy, pwszSubKeyName, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyNew); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"RegOpenKeyEx", hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "RegOpenKeyEx", pwszSubKeyName); }
// Get GPO Values
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(buff); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyNew, wszREGDISPLAYNAME, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) buff, &cwc); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"RegQueryValueEx", hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx", wszREGDISPLAYNAME); } wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_KEY_COLON)); wprintf(L" %ws\\%ws\n", pwszKeyName, pwszSubKeyName);
wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_DISPLAYNAME_COLON)); wprintf(L" %ws\n", buff);
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(buff); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyNew, wszREGGPONAME, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) buff, &cwc); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintAPIError(L"RegQueryValueEx", hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx", wszREGGPONAME); }
wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_GPO_NAME), buff); wprintf(wszNewLine);
// See if LDAP can hit this policy
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(buff); hr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyNew, wszREGDSPATH, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) buff, &cwc); if (hr == S_OK) { wprintf(L"%ws\n", buff); hr = TestLdapPath(buff); _PrintIfError(hr, "TestLdapPath"); } else if (hr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_DSPATH)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = S_OK; } else { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_REG_QUERY_VALUE_FAILED), hr); wprintf(wszNewLine); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "RegQueryValueEx", wszREGDSPATH); }
// See if DFS can get the data..
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(buff); hr2 = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyNew, wszREGFILESYSPATH, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *) buff, &cwc); if (hr2 == S_OK) { wprintf(L"%ws\n", buff); hr2 = TestDFSPath(buff); _PrintIfErrorStr(hr2, "TestDFSPath", buff); } else if (hr2 == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_FILE_SYS_PATH)); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr2 = S_OK; } else { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_REG_QUERY_VALUE_FAILED), hr2); wprintf(wszNewLine); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } _JumpErrorStr(hr2, error, "RegQueryValueEx", wszREGFILESYSPATH); } if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
error: wprintf(wszNewLine); if (NULL != hKeyNew) { RegCloseKey(hKeyNew); } return(hr); }
// ResultFree()
// Frees results copied from LDAP search
VOID ResultFree( IN OUT WCHAR **rgwszRes) { DWORD i = 0;
if (NULL != rgwszRes) { while (NULL != rgwszRes[i]) { LocalFree(rgwszRes[i]); i++; } LocalFree(rgwszRes); } }
HRESULT ResultAlloc( IN WCHAR const * const *rgpwszLdapRes, OUT WCHAR ***prgpwszOut) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cValue; DWORD i; WCHAR **rgpwszOut = NULL;
for (cValue = 0; NULL != rgpwszLdapRes[cValue]; cValue++) ;
rgpwszOut = (WCHAR **) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, (cValue + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR *)); if (NULL == rgpwszOut) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "LocalAlloc"); }
for (i = 0; i < cValue; i++) { hr = myDupString(rgpwszLdapRes[i], &rgpwszOut[i]); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); } rgpwszOut[i] = NULL; *prgpwszOut = rgpwszOut; rgpwszOut = NULL; hr = S_OK;
error: if (NULL != rgpwszOut) { ResultFree(rgpwszOut); } return(hr); }
// GetPropertyFromDSObject()
// This function calls the DS to get a property of the user or machine object,
// mimicing the call made by the CA.
// Params:
// rgwszSearchAttribute - IN NULL Terminated WCHAR *array. Only coded for 1
// value retrieval at a time
// Returns:
// Pointer to string array that must be freed by call to LocalFree(), and
// wszDN, if User specified
HRESULT GetPropertyFromDSObject( IN WCHAR **rgwszSearchAttribute, IN BOOL fMachine, OPTIONAL OUT WCHAR **ppwszUserDN, OUT WCHAR ***prgwszDSSearchRes) { HRESULT hr; ULONG ldaperr; WCHAR *pwszError = NULL; LDAP *pldapbind = NULL;
WCHAR *pwszSearchUser = L"(&(objectClass=user)"; WCHAR *pwszSearchComputer = L"(&(objectClass=computer)(cn="; WCHAR wszSearchParam[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR *pwszAttName = NULL; WCHAR **rgwszValues = NULL; LDAPMessage *SearchResult = NULL; LDAPMessage *Attributes = NULL; DWORD dwValCount;
*prgwszDSSearchRes = NULL; if (fMachine) { // Get CN
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszNTLM); if (!GetComputerName(wszNTLM, &cwc)) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"GetComputerName", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetComputerName"); }
// Get DN
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszDN); if (!GetComputerObjectName(NameFullyQualifiedDN, wszDN, &cwc)) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"GetComputerName", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetComputerObjectName"); } pwszCNName = wszNTLM; } else // User
{ // Get the SAM name..
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszNTLM); if (!GetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible, wszNTLM, &cwc)) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"GetUserNameEx", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "GetUserNameEx"); }
// Parse off user name...
pwszCNName = wcschr(wszNTLM, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwszCNName) { pwszCNName = wszNTLM; } else { pwszCNName++; }
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszDN); if (!TranslateName( wszNTLM, NameSamCompatible, NameFullyQualifiedDN, wszDN, &cwc)) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"TranslateName", hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "TranslateName", wszNTLM); } }
if (!fMachine && NULL != ppwszUserDN) { hr = myDupString(wszDN, ppwszUserDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myDupString"); }
// Init LDAP calls
pldapbind = ldap_init(NULL, LDAP_PORT); if (NULL == pldapbind) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_init", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_init"); }
ldaperr = ldap_bind_s(pldapbind, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE); if (ldaperr != LDAP_SUCCESS) { hr = myHLdapError(pldapbind, ldaperr, &pwszError); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_bind_s", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_bind_s"); }
// Compose search string
if (fMachine) { swprintf(wszSearchParam, L"%ws%ws))", pwszSearchComputer, pwszCNName); } else { swprintf(wszSearchParam, L"%ws)", pwszSearchUser); }
// Do the search
ldaperr = ldap_search_s( pldapbind, wszDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, wszSearchParam, rgwszSearchAttribute, 0, &SearchResult); if (ldaperr != LDAP_SUCCESS) { // we can't be 100% sure that this attribute is on the objec
// for example, user UPN, so don't log to event log
hr = myHLdapError(pldapbind, ldaperr, &pwszError); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_search_s", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_s"); }
if (0 == ldap_count_entries(pldapbind, SearchResult)) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_LDAP_NO_ENTRY), rgwszSearchAttribute[0]); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND; _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_search_s"); }
// Make assumption that only one value will be returned for a user.
Attributes = ldap_first_entry(pldapbind, SearchResult); if (NULL == Attributes) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"ldap_first_entry", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "ldap_first_entry"); }
rgwszValues = ldap_get_values( pldapbind, Attributes, rgwszSearchAttribute[0]); // remember, only one search
if (NULL == rgwszValues) { // we can't be 100% sure that this attribute is on the object
// for example, user UPN, so don't log to event log
// wprintf(L"ldap_get_values failed! %x", hr);
hr = S_OK; goto error; }
// ok, we've got the required attributes off of the user object..
// Let's return the proper strings, which must be freed by ResultFree()
hr = ResultAlloc(rgwszValues, prgwszDSSearchRes); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "ResultAlloc");
error: if (NULL != pwszError) { wprintf(L"%ws\n", pwszError); LocalFree(pwszError); } if (NULL != SearchResult) { ldap_msgfree(SearchResult); } if (NULL != rgwszValues) { ldap_value_free(rgwszValues); } if (NULL != pldapbind) { ldap_unbind(pldapbind); } return(hr); }
// DisplayLMGPRoot()
// This function uses CAPI2 api to enumerate roots in group policy root store
HRESULT DisplayLMGPRoot() { HRESULT hr; HCERTSTORE hStore = NULL; DWORD cCert; CERT_CONTEXT const *pcc = NULL; CERT_CONTEXT const *pccPrev;
// Open local machine GP store
hStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_SYSTEM_W, 0, NULL, CERT_STORE_OPEN_EXISTING_FLAG | CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE_GROUP_POLICY, (VOID const *) wszROOT_CERTSTORE); if (NULL == hStore) { hr = myHLastError(); cuPrintAPIError(L"CertOpenStore", hr); _JumpError(hr, error, "CertOpenStore"); }
wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_ROOT_CERT_IN_POLICY)); wprintf(wszNewLine);
// Enumerate certificates in store, giving subject, and thumbprint
cCert = 0; pccPrev = NULL; while (TRUE) { pcc = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore, pccPrev); if (NULL == pcc) { break; }
// Output info
wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_CERT_COLON), cCert); wprintf(wszNewLine);
hr = cuDumpSerial(g_wszPad2, IDS_SERIAL, &pcc->pCertInfo->SerialNumber); _PrintIfError(hr, "cuDumpSerial");
hr = cuDisplayCertNames(FALSE, g_wszPad2, pcc->pCertInfo); _PrintIfError(hr, "cuDisplayCertNames");
hr = cuDumpCertType(g_wszPad2, pcc->pCertInfo); _PrintIfError2(hr, "cuDumpCertType", CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND);
hr = cuDisplayHash( g_wszPad2, pcc, NULL, CERT_SHA1_HASH_PROP_ID, L"sha1"); _PrintIfError(hr, "cuDisplayHash");
// Prepare for next cert
pccPrev = pcc; cCert++; } if (0 == cCert) { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_NO_ROOT_IN_POLICY)); wprintf(wszNewLine);
wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_CHECK_EVENT_LOG)); wprintf(wszNewLine); } hr = S_OK;
error: return(hr); }
// DisplayPolicyList()
// This function displays the GPOs applied to a machine / user
HRESULT DisplayPolicyList( IN DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hr2; HKEY hKeyPolicy = NULL; HKEY hKeyPolicySub = NULL; DWORD iPolicy; DWORD cwc; WCHAR wszKey[512]; WCHAR wszKeySub[512]; WCHAR **rgszValues = NULL; FILETIME ft;
// Output
switch (dwFlags) { case TE_MACHINE: wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_POLICY_MACHINE)); wprintf(wszNewLine); break;
default: wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_POLICY_USER)); wprintf(wszNewLine); break; }
// Open history key for enumeration
hr = RegOpenKeyEx( (TE_MACHINE & dwFlags)? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wszREGPOLICYHISTORY, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyPolicy); if (S_OK != hr) { cuPrintErrorAndString(L"RegOpenKeyEx", 0, hr, wszREGPOLICYHISTORY); wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_POSSIBLE_NO_POLICY)); wprintf(wszNewLine); _PrintErrorStr(hr, "RegOpenKeyEx", wszREGPOLICYHISTORY); if (hr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { hr = S_OK; } goto error; } for (iPolicy = 0; ; iPolicy++) { DWORD iPolicySub;
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszKey); hr2 = RegEnumKeyEx( hKeyPolicy, iPolicy, wszKey, &cwc, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft); if (S_OK != hr2) { if (hr2 == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } cuPrintAPIError(L"RegEnumKeyEx", hr2); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } _JumpError(hr2, error, "RegEnumKeyEx"); } hr2 = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyPolicy, wszKey, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyPolicySub); if (S_OK != hr2) { cuPrintAPIError(L"RegOpenKeyEx", hr2); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } _JumpErrorStr(hr2, error, "RegOpenKeyEx", wszKey); } for (iPolicySub = 0; ; iPolicySub++) { cwc = ARRAYSIZE(wszKeySub); hr2 = RegEnumKeyEx( hKeyPolicySub, iPolicySub, wszKeySub, &cwc, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft); if (S_OK != hr2) { if (hr2 == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } cuPrintAPIError(L"RegEnumKeyEx", hr2); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } _JumpError(hr2, error, "RegEnumKeyEx"); } hr2 = DisplayHistoryData(wszKey, wszKeySub, hKeyPolicySub); _PrintIfError(hr2, "DisplayHistoryData"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } RegCloseKey(hKeyPolicySub); hKeyPolicySub = NULL; }
error: if (NULL != hKeyPolicySub) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPolicySub); } if (NULL != hKeyPolicy) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPolicy); } return(hr); }
// ShowUserAndComputerInfo()
// GetUserName and GetComputerName()
HRESULT ShowUserAndComputerInfo() { HRESULT hr; WCHAR buff[256]; DWORD cwc;
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(buff); if (!GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, buff, &cwc)) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError(hr, "GetComputerNameEx"); cuPrintAPIError(L"GetComputerNameEx", hr); } else { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_COMPUTER_NAME), buff); wprintf(wszNewLine); hr = S_OK; }
cwc = ARRAYSIZE(buff); if (!GetUserNameEx(NameSamCompatible, buff, &cwc)) { HRESULT hr2 = myHLastError();
_PrintError(hr, "GetUserNameEx"); cuPrintAPIError(L"GetUserNameEx", hr2); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } } else { wprintf(myLoadResourceString(IDS_FORMAT_USER_NAME), buff); wprintf(wszNewLine); wprintf(wszNewLine); }
return(hr); }
// Display Client Info
// This function is responsible for printing out the certificate template
// alias information, as well as any policies downloaded for an individual
// machine.
HRESULT DisplayClientInfo() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2; WCHAR **rgwszDSSearchRes = NULL; WCHAR *rgwszSearch[] = { L"mail", NULL };
// Show user and computer name *including domain*
hr2 = ShowUserAndComputerInfo(); _PrintIfError(hr2, "ShowUserAndComputerInfo"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
// Then, display all of the policies downloaded
hr2 = DisplayPolicyList(TE_USER); _PrintIfError(hr2, "DisplayPolicyList"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
hr2 = DisplayPolicyList(TE_MACHINE); _PrintIfError(hr2, "DisplayPolicyList"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
// Show the root certificates in the LMGP store
hr2 = DisplayLMGPRoot(); _PrintIfError(hr2, "DisplayLMGPRoot"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; }
// Display autoenrollment object(s)
#if 0
hr2 = DisplayAutoenrollmentObjects(); _PrintIfError(hr2, "DisplayAutoenrollmentObjects"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } #endif
// Verify DC LDAP connectivity
// PingDC();
hr2 = GetPropertyFromDSObject(rgwszSearch, FALSE, NULL, &rgwszDSSearchRes); _PrintIfError(hr2, "GetPropertyFromDSObject"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = hr2; } if (NULL != rgwszDSSearchRes) { ResultFree(rgwszDSSearchRes); }
return(hr); }
HRESULT verbTCAInfo( IN WCHAR const *pwszOption, OPTIONAL IN WCHAR const *pwszDomain, IN WCHAR const *pwszArg2, IN WCHAR const *pwszArg3, IN WCHAR const *pwszArg4) { HRESULT hr; BSTR strDomainDN = NULL; BSTR strConfigDN = NULL; LDAP *pld = NULL;
if (myIsMinusSignString(pwszDomain)) { hr = DisplayClientInfo(); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "DisplayClientInfo"); } else { DWORD dwFlags = 0; BOOL fForceOld;
if (NULL == pwszDomain) { if (NULL != g_pwszDC) { pwszDomain = g_pwszDC; dwFlags |= CA_FLAG_SCOPE_DNS; } else { hr = myLdapOpen(NULL, 0, &pld, &strDomainDN, &strConfigDN); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myLdapOpen");
pwszDomain = strDomainDN; } } fForceOld = g_fForce; if (g_fForce) { g_fForce--;
dwFlags |= CA_FIND_INCLUDE_NON_TEMPLATE_CA | CA_FIND_INCLUDE_UNTRUSTED; } hr = EnumCAs(pwszDomain, dwFlags, TRUE); g_fForce = fForceOld; _JumpIfError(hr, error, "EnumCAs"); } hr = S_OK;
error: myLdapClose(pld, strDomainDN, strConfigDN); return(hr); }