Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
Module Name:
This header file describes the classes used in managing ACLs within Calais.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 1/24/1997
Windows NT, Win32, C++ w/ Exceptions
#ifndef _NTACLS_H_
#define _NTACLS_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <Malloc.h>
// CSecurityDescriptor
class CSecurityDescriptor { public:
typedef struct { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY sid; DWORD dwRidCount; // Actual number of RIDs following
DWORD rgRids[2]; } SecurityId;
static const SecurityId SID_Null, SID_World, SID_Local, SID_Owner, SID_Group, SID_Admins, SID_DialUp, SID_Network, SID_Batch, SID_Interactive, SID_Service, SID_System, SID_SysDomain;
CSecurityDescriptor(); ~CSecurityDescriptor();
public: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR m_pSD; PSID m_pOwner; PSID m_pGroup; PACL m_pDACL; PACL m_pSACL; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES m_saAttrs; BOOL m_fInheritance;
public: HRESULT Attach(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSD); HRESULT AttachObject(HANDLE hObject); HRESULT Initialize(); HRESULT InitializeFromProcessToken(BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE); HRESULT InitializeFromThreadToken(BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE, BOOL bRevertToProcessToken = TRUE); HRESULT SetOwner(PSID pOwnerSid, BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE); HRESULT SetGroup(PSID pGroupSid, BOOL bDefaulted = FALSE); HRESULT Allow(const SecurityId *psidPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); HRESULT Allow(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); HRESULT Deny(const SecurityId *psidPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); HRESULT Deny(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); HRESULT Revoke(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal); void SetInheritance (BOOL fInheritance) {m_fInheritance = fInheritance;};
// utility functions
// Any PSID you get from these functions should be free()ed
static HRESULT SetPrivilege(LPCTSTR Privilege, BOOL bEnable = TRUE, HANDLE hToken = NULL); static HRESULT GetTokenSids(HANDLE hToken, PSID* ppUserSid, PSID* ppGroupSid); static HRESULT GetProcessSids(PSID* ppUserSid, PSID* ppGroupSid = NULL); static HRESULT GetThreadSids(PSID* ppUserSid, PSID* ppGroupSid = NULL, BOOL bOpenAsSelf = FALSE); static HRESULT CopyACL(PACL pDest, PACL pSrc); static HRESULT GetCurrentUserSID(PSID *ppSid); static HRESULT GetPrincipalSID(LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, PSID *ppSid); static HRESULT AddAccessAllowedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, const SecurityId *psidPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); static HRESULT AddAccessAllowedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); static HRESULT AddAccessDeniedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, const SecurityId *psidPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); static HRESULT AddAccessDeniedACEToACL(PACL *Acl, LPCTSTR pszPrincipal, DWORD dwAccessMask); static HRESULT RemovePrincipalFromACL(PACL Acl, LPCTSTR pszPrincipal);
operator PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() { return m_pSD; }
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // _NTACLS_H_