Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements routines for service specific SSR Knowledge Base merging via KBreg.xml.
Vishnu Patankar (VishnuP) - Jun 2002
User mode only.
Exported Functions:
Revision History:
Created - Jun 2002
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "kbproc.h"
#include "process.h"
#include <Wbemcli.h>
HRESULT process::SsrpProcessKBsMerge( IN PWSTR pszKBDir, IN PWSTR pszMachineName, OUT IXMLDOMElement **ppElementRoot, OUT IXMLDOMDocument **ppXMLDoc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called to merge KBs
pszKBDir - the root directory from which to get the KBs
pszMachineName - name of the machine to preprocess
ppElementRoot - the root element pointer to be filled in ppXMLDoc - document pointer to be filled in Return:
HRESULT error code
++*/ {
// load the KB registration document
WCHAR szKBregs[MAX_PATH + 50]; WCHAR szWindir[MAX_PATH + 50]; WCHAR szMergedKB[MAX_PATH + 50]; DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr <IXMLDOMDocument> pXMLKBDoc; OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNodeList> pKBList; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pKB; CComPtr <IXMLDOMElement> pXMLDocElemRoot; BOOL bOsKbMatch = FALSE;
if ( !GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szWindir, MAX_PATH + 1) ) { SsrpLogError(L"Error GetSystemWindowsDirectory() \n"); SsrpLogWin32Error(GetLastError()); return E_INVALIDARG; } wcscpy(szMergedKB, szWindir); wcscat(szMergedKB, L"\\security\\ssr\\kbs\\MergedRawKB.xml"); CComVariant MergedKB(szMergedKB);
wcscpy(szKBregs, pszKBDir); wcscat(szKBregs, L"KBreg.xml");
CComVariant KBregsFile(szKBregs); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void**)&pXMLKBDoc); if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLKBDoc == NULL ) {
SsrpLogError(L"COM failed to create a DOM instance"); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pXMLKBDoc->load(KBregsFile, &vtSuccess);
if (FAILED(hr) || vtSuccess == VARIANT_FALSE ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
// get the root element
hr = pXMLKBDoc->get_documentElement(&pXMLDocElemRoot);
if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLDocElemRoot == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
if (NULL == pszMachineName) {
// local machine
osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVersionInfo);
if (!GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFOW)&osVersionInfo)){ SsrpLogError(L"Error GetVersionEx \n"); SsrpLogWin32Error(GetLastError()); goto ExitHandler; } }
else {
// remote machine - use WMI
hr = SsrpGetRemoteOSVersionInfo(pszMachineName, &osVersionInfo);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"SsrpGetRemoteOSVersionInfo failed"); goto ExitHandler; } }
hr = pXMLDocElemRoot->selectNodes(L"KBs", &pKBList);
if (FAILED(hr) || pKBList == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pKBList->nextNode(&pKB);
if (FAILED(hr) || pKB == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
while (pKB) { CComBSTR bstrText; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pName; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pXDNodeServiceStartup; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> pXMLAttribNode; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pXMLMajorInfo; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pXMLMinorInfo; hr = pKB->get_attributes( &pXMLAttribNode );
if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLAttribNode == NULL){ SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pXMLAttribNode->getNamedItem(L"OSVersionMajorInfo", &pXMLMajorInfo ); if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLMajorInfo == NULL){ SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pXMLAttribNode->getNamedItem(L"OSVersionMinorInfo", &pXMLMinorInfo );
if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLMinorInfo == NULL){ SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } CComBSTR bstrValue; DWORD dwMajor; DWORD dwMinor;
hr = pXMLMajorInfo->get_text(&bstrValue);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bstrValue ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
dwMajor = _wtoi(bstrValue); hr = pXMLMinorInfo->get_text(&bstrValue);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bstrValue ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
dwMinor = _wtoi(bstrValue);
if (osVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion == dwMajor && osVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion == dwMinor) {
// got the required KB node
bOsKbMatch = TRUE;
break; }
hr = pKBList->nextNode(&pKB); if (FAILED(hr) || pKB == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } }
if (bOsKbMatch == FALSE) { SsrpLogError(L"Failed to map OSversion to KB information in registration"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto ExitHandler;
// merge according to precedence
hr = SsrpMergeAccordingToPrecedence(L"Extensions", pszKBDir, ppElementRoot, ppXMLDoc, pKB);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"Failed to merge Extension KB"); goto ExitHandler; } hr = SsrpMergeAccordingToPrecedence(L"Root", pszKBDir, ppElementRoot, ppXMLDoc, pKB);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"Failed to merge Root KB"); goto ExitHandler; } hr = SsrpMergeAccordingToPrecedence(L"Custom", pszKBDir, ppElementRoot, ppXMLDoc, pKB); if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"Failed to merge Custom KB"); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpOverwriteServiceLocalizationFromSystem(*ppElementRoot, *ppXMLDoc);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"Failed to merge Custom KB"); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = (*ppXMLDoc)->save(MergedKB);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); } ExitHandler:
return hr;
HRESULT process::SsrpGetRemoteOSVersionInfo( IN PWSTR pszMachineName, OUT OSVERSIONINFOEX *posVersionInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called to get version info from remote machine via WMI
pszMachineName - remote machine name posVersionInfo - os version info to fill via WMI queries Return:
HRESULT error code
++*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr <IWbemLocator> pWbemLocator = NULL; CComPtr <IWbemServices> pWbemServices = NULL; CComPtr <IWbemClassObject> pWbemOsObjectInstance = NULL; CComPtr <IEnumWbemClassObject> pWbemEnumObject = NULL; CComBSTR bstrMachineAndNamespace; ULONG nReturned = 0; bstrMachineAndNamespace = pszMachineName; bstrMachineAndNamespace += L"\\root\\cimv2";
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &pWbemLocator );
if (FAILED(hr) || pWbemLocator == NULL ) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error getting instance of CLSID_WbemLocator \n"); SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer( bstrMachineAndNamespace, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0L, NULL, NULL, &pWbemServices );
if (FAILED(hr) || pWbemServices == NULL ) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error ConnectServer \n"); SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error CoSetProxyBlanket \n"); SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pWbemServices->ExecQuery(CComBSTR(L"WQL"), CComBSTR(L"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem"), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pWbemEnumObject);
if (FAILED(hr) || pWbemEnumObject == NULL) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem\n"); SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pWbemEnumObject->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemOsObjectInstance, &nReturned);
if (FAILED(hr) || pWbemOsObjectInstance == NULL) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error enumerating\n"); SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
VARIANT vVersion;
hr = pWbemOsObjectInstance->Get(CComBSTR(L"Version"), 0, &vVersion, NULL, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error getting Version property \n"); SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
if (V_VT(&vVersion) == VT_NULL) {
SsrpLogError(L"Error Version property is null\n"); goto ExitHandler;
// extract the version information into DWORDs since
// the return type of this property is BSTR variant
// of the form "5.1.2195"
BSTR bstrVersion = V_BSTR(&vVersion); WCHAR szVersion[5]; szVersion[0] = L'\0';
PWSTR pszDot = wcsstr(bstrVersion, L".");
if (NULL == pszDot) { SsrpLogError(L"Version property has no '.' \n"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto ExitHandler;
wcsncpy(szVersion, bstrVersion, 1);
posVersionInfo->dwMajorVersion = (DWORD)_wtoi(szVersion);
wcsncpy(szVersion, pszDot+1, 1);
posVersionInfo->dwMinorVersion = (DWORD)_wtoi(szVersion);
ExitHandler: if (V_VT(&vVersion) != VT_NULL) { VariantClear( &vVersion ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT process::SsrpMergeAccordingToPrecedence( IN PWSTR pszKBType, IN PWSTR pszKBDir, OUT IXMLDOMElement **ppElementRoot, OUT IXMLDOMDocument **ppXMLDoc, IN IXMLDOMNode *pKB ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called to load and merge XML KBs
pszKBType - type of KB - i.e. Custom/Extension/Root pszKBDir - path to KB directory ppElementRoot - the root element pointer to be filled in ppXMLDoc - document pointer to be filled in pKB - pointer to KB registration node
HRESULT error code
++*/ {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szKBandName[MAX_PATH]; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNodeList> pKBList; WCHAR szKBFile[MAX_PATH + 20]; WCHAR szWindir[MAX_PATH + 20];
wcscpy(szKBandName, pszKBType); wcscat(szKBandName, L"/Name");
hr = pKB->selectNodes(szKBandName, &pKBList);
if (FAILED(hr) || pKBList == NULL ) {
SsrpLogError(L"No KBs in this category \n"); hr = S_OK; goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pKBList->nextNode(&pKB);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
while (pKB) {
CComBSTR bstrValue;
hr = pKB->get_text(&bstrValue);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bstrValue ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
wcscpy(szKBFile, pszKBDir); wcscat(szKBFile, bstrValue);
if ( 0xFFFFFFFF == GetFileAttributes(szKBFile) ) {
SsrpLogError(L"KB File not found");
hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpMergeDOMTrees(ppElementRoot, ppXMLDoc, szKBFile);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pKBList->nextNode(&pKB);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } }
return hr;
HRESULT process::SsrpMergeDOMTrees( OUT IXMLDOMElement **ppMergedKBElementRoot, OUT IXMLDOMDocument **ppMergedKBXMLDoc, IN WCHAR *szXMLFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called to load and merge XML KBs
*ppElementRoot - pointer to final merged KB root *ppXMLDoc - pointer to final merged KB doc to which merges are made Return:
HRESULT error code
++*/ {
CComPtr <IXMLDOMDocument> pXMLKBDoc; CComPtr <IXMLDOMElement> pXMLKBElemRoot; CComVariant KBFile(szXMLFileName); CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pNewNode; HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT_BOOL vtSuccess = VARIANT_FALSE;
// instantiate DOM document object to read and store each KB
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void**)&pXMLKBDoc); if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLKBDoc == NULL ) {
SsrpLogError(L"COM failed to create a DOM instance"); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pXMLKBDoc->put_preserveWhiteSpace(VARIANT_TRUE);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } //
// load the KB XML into DOM
hr = pXMLKBDoc->load(KBFile, &vtSuccess);
if (FAILED(hr) || vtSuccess == VARIANT_FALSE ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } //
// get the root element
hr = pXMLKBDoc->get_documentElement(&pXMLKBElemRoot);
if (FAILED(hr) || pXMLKBElemRoot == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
if (*ppMergedKBElementRoot == NULL) {
// special case: this is the first KB, so simply clone the empty merged KB tree with it
hr = pXMLKBElemRoot->cloneNode(VARIANT_TRUE, &pNewNode);
if (FAILED(hr) || pNewNode == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = (*ppMergedKBXMLDoc)->appendChild(pNewNode, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr) ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
// update the empty values so that next time around, we know that
// the merged KB is initialized with the first KB
hr = (*ppMergedKBXMLDoc)->get_documentElement(ppMergedKBElementRoot);
if (FAILED(hr) || *ppMergedKBElementRoot == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
goto ExitHandler;
// this is not the first KB - perform actual merges in the following way:
// number of mergeable entities in MergedKB = n
// number of mergeable entities in CurrentKB = m
// O(m x n) algorithm for merging:
// foreach mergeable entity in CurrentKB
// foreach mergeable entity in MergedKB
// if no <Name> based collision
// append entity from CurrentKB into MergedKB
// else
// replace existing entity in MergedKB by entity from CurrentKB
hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"Description/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"SecurityLevels/Level/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"Roles/Role/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"Tasks/Task/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"Services/Service/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"RoleLocalization/Role/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"TaskLocalization/Task/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities(L"ServiceLocalization/Service/Name", *ppMergedKBElementRoot, *ppMergedKBXMLDoc, pXMLKBDoc, pXMLKBElemRoot, szXMLFileName );
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
return hr; }
HRESULT process::SsrpAppendOrReplaceMergeableEntities( IN PWSTR pszFullyQualifiedEntityName, IN IXMLDOMElement *pMergedKBElementRoot, IN IXMLDOMDocument *pMergedKBXMLDoc, IN IXMLDOMDocument *pCurrentKBDoc, IN IXMLDOMElement *pCurrentKBElemRoot, IN PWSTR pszKBName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called to load and merge XML KBs
pszFullyQualifiedEntityName - string containing the entity name representing the entity pMergedKBElementRoot - pointer to final merged KB root pMergedKBXMLDoc - pointer to final merged KB doc to which merges are made pElementRoot - root of current KB pXMLDoc - pointer to current KB doc from which merges are made pszKBName - name of the source KB Return:
HRESULT error code
++*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pNameCurrent; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNodeList> pNameListCurrent; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> pAttribNodeMap; CComPtr <IXMLDOMAttribute> pAttrib; CComBSTR bstrSourceKB(L"SourceKB"); CComBSTR bstrSourceKBName(wcsrchr(pszKBName, L'\\')+1); hr = pCurrentKBElemRoot->selectNodes(pszFullyQualifiedEntityName, &pNameListCurrent);
if (FAILED(hr) || pNameListCurrent == NULL ) {
hr = S_OK; goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pNameListCurrent->nextNode(&pNameCurrent);
if (FAILED(hr) || pNameCurrent == NULL) { #if 0
// no need to error out if these nodes are not present in the source KB
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } while (pNameCurrent) { CComBSTR bstrCurrentText; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pNameMerged; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNodeList> pNameListMerged; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pRootOfEntityName; LONG ulLength; hr = pNameCurrent->get_text(&bstrCurrentText);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bstrCurrentText ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pMergedKBElementRoot->selectNodes(pszFullyQualifiedEntityName, &pNameListMerged); if (FAILED(hr) || pNameListMerged == NULL ) { SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pNameListMerged->get_length(&ulLength); if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } if (ulLength == 0) { PWSTR pszRootOfFullyQualifiedEntityName; WCHAR szRootOfEntityName[MAX_PATH];
memset(szRootOfEntityName, L'\0', MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
// no need to error out if these nodes are not present - but append is necessary
wcscpy(szRootOfEntityName, pszFullyQualifiedEntityName);
pszRootOfFullyQualifiedEntityName = wcschr(szRootOfEntityName, L'/');
pszRootOfFullyQualifiedEntityName[0] = L'\0';
hr = pCurrentKBElemRoot->selectSingleNode(szRootOfEntityName, &pRootOfEntityName);
if (FAILED(hr) || pRootOfEntityName == NULL) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pMergedKBElementRoot->appendChild(pRootOfEntityName, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); } goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pNameListMerged->nextNode(&pNameMerged);
if (FAILED(hr) || pNameMerged == NULL) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } while (pNameMerged) { CComBSTR bstrMergedText; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pCurrentNameParent; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pMergedNameParent; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pMergedNameGrandParent;
hr = pNameMerged->get_text(&bstrMergedText);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bstrMergedText ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pNameCurrent->get_parentNode(&pCurrentNameParent);
if (FAILED(hr) || pCurrentNameParent == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pNameMerged->get_parentNode(&pMergedNameParent);
if (FAILED(hr) || pMergedNameParent == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pMergedNameParent->get_parentNode(&pMergedNameGrandParent);
if (FAILED(hr) || pMergedNameGrandParent == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pCurrentNameParent->get_attributes(&pAttribNodeMap);
if (FAILED(hr) || pAttribNodeMap == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pCurrentKBDoc->createAttribute( bstrSourceKB, &pAttrib );
if (FAILED(hr) || pAttrib == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pAttrib->put_text(bstrSourceKBName);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pAttribNodeMap->setNamedItem(pAttrib, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } if (0 == SsrpICompareBstrPwstr(bstrCurrentText, bstrMergedText)) {
// collision - need to delete pNameMerged's parent and
// replace pMergedNameParent with pCurrentNameParent
hr = pMergedNameGrandParent->replaceChild(pCurrentNameParent, pMergedNameParent, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
} else {
// no collision - need to append pNameCurrent's parent to
// pNameMerged's grandparent's section
hr = pMergedNameGrandParent->appendChild(pCurrentNameParent, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } }
hr = pNameListMerged->nextNode(&pNameMerged);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pNameListCurrent->nextNode(&pNameCurrent);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
ExitHandler: return hr;
HRESULT process::SsrpOverwriteServiceLocalizationFromSystem( IN IXMLDOMElement *pMergedKBElementRoot, IN IXMLDOMDocument *pMergedKBXMLDoc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Routine called to overwrite service info in localization section
pMergedKBElementRoot - pointer to root of merged DOM pMergedKBXMLDoc - pointer to merged Document Return:
HRESULT error code
++*/ { CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pServiceName; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNodeList> pServiceNameList; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = pMergedKBElementRoot->selectNodes(L"ServiceLocalization/Service/Name", &pServiceNameList);
if (FAILED(hr) || pServiceNameList == NULL ) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pServiceNameList->nextNode(&pServiceName);
if (FAILED(hr) || pServiceName == NULL) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } while (pServiceName) { CComBSTR bstrServiceText; PWSTR pszDescription = NULL; PWSTR pszDisplay = NULL; LPSERVICE_DESCRIPTION pServiceDescription = NULL;
hr = pServiceName->get_text(&bstrServiceText);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bstrServiceText) { SsrpLogError(L"Failed to "); goto ExitHandler; }
pszDisplay = SsrpQueryServiceDisplayName(bstrServiceText);
if ( SsrpQueryServiceDescription(bstrServiceText, &pServiceDescription) && pServiceDescription != NULL){ pszDescription = pServiceDescription->lpDescription; }
if ( pszDisplay != NULL && pszDescription != NULL) {
CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pServiceNameParent; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pDescription; CComPtr <IXMLDOMNode> pDisplayName;
if (FAILED(hr) || pServiceNameParent == NULL) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
hr = pServiceNameParent->selectSingleNode(L"Description", &pDescription); if (FAILED(hr) || pDescription == NULL) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pDescription->put_text(pszDescription);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pServiceNameParent->selectSingleNode(L"DisplayName", &pDisplayName); if (FAILED(hr) || pDisplayName == NULL) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; } hr = pDisplayName->put_text(pszDisplay);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SsrpLogParseError(hr); goto ExitHandler; }
if (pServiceDescription) {
LocalFree(pServiceDescription); pServiceDescription = NULL; } hr = pServiceNameList->nextNode(&pServiceName); if (FAILED(hr)) { SsrpLogError(L"Failed to "); goto ExitHandler; }
ExitHandler: return hr; }