Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.
Created, May 21, 1999 by DavidCHR.
CONTENTS: GetComputerRoleInformation DoItAnyway
#include "everything.hxx"
extern "C" { #include "..\keytab2\keytab\ldlib\delegtools.h"
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lm.h>
PLDAP GlobalLdap = NULL; LPWSTR GlobalClientName = NULL; LPWSTR GlobalDomainSetting = NULL; /* if NULL, we're not doing anything
in the domain. if Nonnull, this is the DNS domain we want. */
BOOL ConnectedToDsa( VOID ) {
BOOL ret = ( GlobalLdap != NULL ); LPWSTR TargetComputer = NULL; DWORD dwErr; PLDAP pLdap;
if ( !ret ) {
if ( GlobalDomainSetting ) { PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOW pDcInfo;
dwErr = DsGetDcNameW( NULL, // computername (don't care)
GlobalDomainSetting, NULL, // guid (don't care)
NULL, // site (don't care)
&pDcInfo );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr ) {
TargetComputer = pDcInfo->DomainControllerName;
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_DOMAIN, ( "Found Domain Controller: %ws\n", TargetComputer ) ); /* Sometimes, inexplicably, DsGetDcName returns
a DC name that starts with "\\\\". It doesn't seem to happen all the time, so I'll workaround. */
while ( TargetComputer[ 0 ] == L'\\' ) {
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_DOMAIN, ( "Changed to %ws...\n", TargetComputer ) );
/* assert that we were not given a DCname that's just
a bunch of slashes. */
ASSERT( TargetComputer[ 0 ] != L'\0' );
/* WASBUG 73940: leaks, but we don't care. it's an app, so
any leaked memory will be short-lived. */
} else {
printf( "Failed to locate a DC for %ws: 0x%x.\n", GlobalDomainSetting, dwErr );
return FALSE;
pLdap = ldap_openW( TargetComputer, LDAP_PORT );
if ( pLdap ) {
dwErr = ldap_bind_s( pLdap, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE );
if ( LDAP_SUCCESS == dwErr ) {
GlobalLdap = pLdap; ret = TRUE;
} else {
ldap_unbind( pLdap );
printf( "Ldap bind failed for %ws: 0x%x\n", TargetComputer ? TargetComputer : L"default DC", dwErr );
} else {
printf( "Ldap open failed for %ws: 0x%x.\n", TargetComputer ? TargetComputer : L"default DC", GetLastError() );
} } if ( !ret ) {
GlobalLdap = NULL;
return ret;
NTSTATUS AssignUnicodeStringToWideString( IN PUNICODE_STRING pString, OUT LPWSTR *Buffer ) {
p = (LPWSTR) malloc( pString->Length + sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( p ) {
memcpy( p, pString->Buffer, pString->Length );
p[ pString->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = L'\0'; *Buffer = p;
} else {
printf( "unable to allocate string copy of %wZ.\n", pString );
NAME: ChooseDomain
specifies to use either the given domain (if Parameter 0 is nonnull) or the caller's domain.
MODIFIES: the global UserDomain variable (above)
TAKES: Parameters -- ripped from argv
RETURNS: a status code indicating success or failure LOGGING: printf on failure CREATED: Apr 23, 1999 LOCKING: none CALLED BY: main FREE WITH: n/a -- no resources are allocated **************************************************************--*/
NTSTATUS ChooseDomain( LPWSTR *Parameters ) {
NTSTATUS ret = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; KERB_QUERY_TKT_CACHE_REQUEST TicketRequest = { KerbRetrieveTicketMessage }; PKERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_RESPONSE pTicketResponse; ULONG cbTicketResponse; if ( Parameters[ 0 ] ) {
GlobalDomainSetting = Parameters[ 0 ]; printf( "Connecting to specified domain %ws...\n", GlobalDomainSetting );
// first, bind to the default DSA for this realm.
if ( TRUE ) { /* 73944: this was ConnectedToDsa(), but we don't
necessarily have to connect to a DSA before calling the package. */
// now, determine who we are.
ret = CallAuthPackage( &TicketRequest, sizeof( TicketRequest ), (PVOID *) &pTicketResponse, &cbTicketResponse ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( ret ) ) {
/* WASBUG 73946: leaks, but the app doesn't run for more
than a second. "Leaked" memory goes away on exit, so we don't care. */
if ( !GlobalDomainSetting ) { /* only set this if we haven't set it ourselves.
The reason being that the specified domain (above) is NOT the same as this one, which came from the cache. */
AssignUnicodeStringToWideString( &pTicketResponse->Ticket.DomainName, &GlobalDomainSetting );
} ASSERT( pTicketResponse->Ticket.ClientName->NameCount == 1 );
AssignUnicodeStringToWideString( &pTicketResponse->Ticket.ClientName->Names[ 0 ], &GlobalClientName );
} else {
printf( "Ticket cache query failed. Error 0x%x\n", ret );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( ret ) ) {
ASSERT( GlobalDomainSetting != NULL ); printf( "Using domain %ws.\n", GlobalDomainSetting );
} else {
printf( "Could not guess user's domain.\n" " Please specify domain on command line and try again.\n" );
return ret; }
NAME: GetComputerRoleInformation
Queries the target server for its role information-- basically, we use this to determine whether the machine is a domain controller.
MODIFIES: pulRoleData
RETURNS: a status code indicating success or failure LOGGING: CREATED: Jan 25, 2000 LOCKING: CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: n/a -- no resources are allocated **************************************************************--*/
NTSTATUS GetComputerRoleInformation( PULONG pulRoleData ) {
NetStatus = NetServerGetInfo( ServerName, // global.
101, // level
(LPBYTE *) &pServerInfo );
if ( NetStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
printf( "Cannot determine %ws's Server Role: 0x%x.\n", ServerName ? ServerName : L"this computer", NetStatus );
} else {
if ( pulRoleData ) *pulRoleData = pServerInfo->sv101_type;
NetApiBufferFree( pServerInfo );
return N;
NAME: DoItAnyway
prompts the user-- "Do it anyway?"
MODIFIES: nothing
RETURNS: TRUE if the user decided to do it anyway FALSE if the user decided to abort.
CREATED: Jan 25, 2000 CALLED BY: anyone (most notably SetDnsDomain) FREE WITH: n/a -- no resources are allocated **************************************************************--*/
BOOL DoItAnyway( VOID ) {
int Response;
while ( TRUE ) {
printf( "Do it anyway [y/n]? " ); Response = '\0';
do {
Response = getchar();
} while ( isspace( Response ) );
switch( Response ) {
case 'Y': case 'y':
return TRUE; break;
case 'N': case 'n':
return FALSE; break;
case EOF: printf( "EOF at console. Assuming no.\n" ); return FALSE; break;
printf( "[unknown: %02x '%c']\n", Response, Response ); break;
} }
NTSTATUS SetDnsDomain( LPWSTR * Parameter) { NTSTATUS Status; POLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO DnsDomainInformation = {0}; LPSTR Description; ULONG Index, Role; BOOL PromptTheUser = FALSE; LPWSTR Arg;
// If no parameter is passed, prepare to unjoin from all domains/realms.
// Print a scary message, but don't give the user a chance to abort.
if( Parameter[0] == NULL ) { Arg = L"WORKGROUP"; fprintf( stderr, "No parameter to /SetRealm - unjoining computer from all domains/realms.\n" ); } else { Arg = Parameter[0]; }
if( !CheckUppercase( Arg ) ) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
/* 453781: don't fiddle with DNS domain information if the
machine is a Domain Controller -- results in a dead machine. */
Status = GetComputerRoleInformation( &Role );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
Description = "Cannot verify. If %ws is a domain controller, "; PromptTheUser = TRUE;
goto WarnMe;
Description = "%ws is a domain controller-- "; WarnMe:
printf( "*** WARNING! ***\n" ); printf( Description, ServerName ? ServerName : L"this computer" ); printf( "resetting its\n" "DNS Domain Information may render it unusable.\n" );
if ( !PromptTheUser ) {
printf( "This operation is not supported.\n" );
return EPT_NT_CANT_PERFORM_OP; // cannot perform.
} else if ( !DoItAnyway() ) {
return Status;
} } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // by default
printf("Setting Dns Domain\n");
// set the netbios name to be the portion before the first '.' and
// truncate to 14 characters
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DnsDomainInformation.Name, Arg );
for (Index = 0; Index < DnsDomainInformation.Name.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) ; Index++ ) { if (DnsDomainInformation.Name.Buffer[Index] == L'.') { DnsDomainInformation.Name.Length = (USHORT) (Index * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; } } if (DnsDomainInformation.Name.Length > DNLEN * sizeof(WCHAR)) { DnsDomainInformation.Name.Length = DNLEN * sizeof(WCHAR); }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DnsDomainInformation.DnsDomainName, Arg );
Status = LsaSetInformationPolicy( LsaHandle, PolicyDnsDomainInformation, (PVOID) &DnsDomainInformation );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Failed to set dns domain info: 0x%x\n",Status); return(Status); }
// Set the value in tcpip
if (!SetComputerNameEx( ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain, Arg)) { printf("Failed to update host dns domain: %d (0x%x) \n", GetLastError(), GetLastError() ); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); }
return(Status); }
BOOL CheckUppercase( LPWSTR wszRealmName ) { PWCHAR c = wszRealmName;
while( *c != L'\0' ) { if( iswalpha(*c) && !iswupper(*c) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Your realm name \"%ws\" has lowercase letters.\nTraditionally, Kerberos Realms are in UPPERCASE. Please verify.\n", wszRealmName ); if( DoItAnyway() ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } c++; } return TRUE; }