Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.
DESCRIPTION: main() for ksetup
Created, May 21, 1999 by DavidCHR.
#define EXTERN // nothing
#include "everything.hxx"
extern CommandPair Commands[ ANYSIZE_ARRAY ];
extern ULONG cCommands;
extern TestFunc DumpState;
extern NTSTATUS OpenLsa( VOID ); // in support.cxx
BOOL FindCommand( IN LPWSTR CommandName, OUT PULONG pulCommandId ) {
ULONG iCommand;
for (iCommand = 0; iCommand < cCommands ; iCommand++ ) {
if ( 0 == lstrcmpi( CommandName, Commands[iCommand].Name) ) {
// found the command.
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "Found %ws (command %ld)", CommandName, iCommand ) );
*pulCommandId = iCommand;
return TRUE;
} }
printf( "%ws: no such argument.\n", CommandName );
return FALSE; }
BOOL StoreArguments( IN ULONG iArg, IN LPWSTR *argv, OUT PULONG piArg, IN OUT PAction pAction ) {
ULONG iCommand = pAction->CommandNumber; PCommandPair pCommand = Commands + iCommand; ULONG iParam = 0; BOOL ret = TRUE; BOOL KeepParsing = FALSE;
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "Building %ld-arg array.\n", Commands[ iCommand ].Parameter ) );
if ( pCommand->Parameter != 0 ) {
/* this command has required parameters.
Copy them as we go. */
for ( iParam = 0; ret && argv[ iArg ] && ( iParam < MAX_COMMANDS -1 ); iArg++, iParam ++ ) {
ASSERT( argv[ iArg ] != NULL );
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "Evaluating iParam=%ld, iArg=%ld, \"%ws\"\n", iParam, iArg, argv[ iArg ] ) );
if ( argv[ iArg ][ 0 ] == L'/' ) {
// this parameter is a switch. We're done.
// if we don't need any more arguments, don't consume this one.
if ( ( iParam > pCommand->Parameter ) && !( pCommand->flags & CAN_HAVE_MORE_ARGUMENTS ) ) {
printf( "%ws only takes %ld arguments.\n", pCommand->Name, pCommand->Parameter );
ret = FALSE; break;
// at this point, the options are consumable.
pAction->Parameter[ iParam ] = argv[ iArg ];
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "%ws's arg %ld is %ws\n", pCommand->Name, iParam, pAction->Parameter[ iParam ] ) );
} // for loop
if ( ret ) {
// left the loop without error
if ( ( iParam < pCommand->Parameter ) && !( pCommand->flags & CAN_HAVE_FEWER_ARGUMENTS ) ) {
// too few options.
printf( "%ws requires %ld options (only %ld supplied).\n", pCommand->Name, pCommand->Parameter, iParam );
ret = FALSE;
} } // parameter count check.
if ( ret ) { pAction->Parameter[ iParam ] = NULL; /* null-terminate
in all success cases. */ *piArg = iArg;
#if DBG
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "Leaving StoreOptions-- %ws with iArg=%ld. %ld args:\n", pCommand->Name, iArg, iParam ));
for ( iParam = 0; pAction->Parameter[ iParam ] != NULL ; iParam++ ) {
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "arg %ld: %ws\n", iParam, pAction->Parameter[ iParam ] ) );
} #endif
return ret;
VOID PrintUsage( IN ULONG iCommand );
NAME: main()
main() function, the primary entry point into the program. When this function exits, the program exits.
TAKES: argc : count of string entries in argv argv : array of space-delimited strings on the command line RETURNS: the exit code (or errorlevel) for the process CALLED BY: the system FREE WITH: n/a
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain(ULONG argc, LPWSTR argv[]) {
ULONG Command = 0; ULONG iAction, iArg, iCommand, iParam ; BOOLEAN Found; NTSTATUS Status; PAction Actions; ULONG ActionCount = 0; BOOL StuffToDo = FALSE; // used only for debugging
// GlobalDebugFlags = 0xFF;
// lazy way to do this.
Actions = (PAction) malloc( argc * sizeof( *Actions ) );
if ( !Actions ) {
printf( "Failed to allocate array.\n" ); return -1; }
ZeroMemory( Actions, argc * sizeof( *Actions ));
for ( iArg = 1; iArg < argc; /* iArg++ */ ) { Found = FALSE;
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "Searching for iArg=%ld, %ws..\n", iArg, argv[ iArg ] ) );
// first, find the command.
if ( FindCommand( argv[ iArg ], &iCommand ) ) {
Actions[ActionCount].CommandNumber = iCommand;
if ( StoreArguments( iArg, // starting here
argv, &iArg, // moves past last arg
&Actions[ ActionCount ] ) ) {
if ( Commands[iCommand].flags & DO_COMMAND_IMMEDIATELY ) {
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_LAUNCH, ( "Doing %ws immediately:\n", Commands[ iCommand ].Name ) );
Status = Commands[iCommand].Function( Actions[ActionCount].Parameter );
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "%ws returned 0x%x\n", Commands[ iCommand ].Name, Status ) );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( Commands[ iCommand ].ConfirmationText ) {
printf( "NOTE: %ws %hs\n", Commands[ iCommand ].Name, Commands[ iCommand ].ConfirmationText ); } } else { if ( Status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { PrintUsage( iCommand ); } else { printf( "%ws failed: 0x%x.\n", Commands[ iCommand ].Name, Status); } goto Cleanup; } } else {
// need to do this command later.
StuffToDo = TRUE; ActionCount++; } } else { // StoreArgs
printf( "use %ws /? for help.\n", argv[ 0 ] ); return -1; } } else { printf( "use %ws /? for help.\n", argv[ 0 ] );
return -1; } } // argument loop.
Status = OpenLsa(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Failed to open lsa: 0x%x\n",Status); goto Cleanup; }
if ( StuffToDo ) {
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "------------------ %hs -------------------\n", "performing delayed actions now" ) ); }
for (iAction = 0; iAction < ActionCount ; iAction++ ) { if (!( Commands[Actions[iAction].CommandNumber].flags & DO_COMMAND_IMMEDIATELY )) {
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_LAUNCH, ( "Doing %ws:\n", Commands[ Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ].Name ) );
Status = Commands[Actions[iAction].CommandNumber].Function( Actions[iAction].Parameter);
DEBUGPRINT( DEBUG_OPTIONS, ( "%ws: 0x%x\n", Commands[ Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ].Name, Status ) );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) { PrintUsage( Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ); } else { printf("Failed %ws : 0x%x\n", Commands[ Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ].Name, Status); } goto Cleanup; } else {
if ( Commands[ Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ].ConfirmationText ) {
printf( "NOTE: %ws %hs\n", Commands[ Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ].Name, Commands[ Actions[ iAction ].CommandNumber ].ConfirmationText ); } } } }
if (ActionCount == 0) { DumpState(NULL); }
Cleanup: if (LsaHandle != NULL) { Status = LsaClose(LsaHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Failed to close handle: 0x%x\n",Status); } }
return 0; }