/* *************************************************************************
** INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information ** ** This listing is supplied under the terms of a license ** agreement with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied ** nor disclosed except in accordance with the terms of ** that agreement. ** ** Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** ************************************************************************* */ //
// $Author: CLORD $
// $Date: 17 Apr 1997 16:50:04 $
// $Archive: S:\h26x\src\dec\dxbase.cpv $
// $Header: S:\h26x\src\dec\dxbase.cpv 1.48 17 Apr 1997 16:50:04 CLORD $
// $Log: S:\h26x\src\dec\dxbase.cpv $
// Rev 1.48 17 Apr 1997 16:50:04 CLORD
// moved updating xres and yres from DecompressQuery to DecompressBegin,
// this fixes VPhone frame dimension changes, when a Query was sent after the
// DecompressEnd and before the DecompressBegin
// Rev 1.47 27 Mar 1997 12:32:48 MDUDA
// No longer checking input compression in Decompress. This change
// is to fix problem where DVP nulls out compression field between
// calls to DecompressBegin and Decompress.
// Rev 1.46 24 Mar 1997 15:00:34 mbodart
// Fix PVCS tracker bug 150 in the H.263 bug base: allow a change of
// dimensions in "redundant" DecompressBegin's.
// Rev 1.45 18 Mar 1997 16:21:10 MDUDA
// Commented out call to H263TermColorConvertor in DecompressEnd.
// This fixes a Graphedt problem where starts and stops cause a hang.
// Rev 1.44 18 Mar 1997 10:43:28 mbodart
// Quick one-line fix to previous change. Note that there are still problems
// in graphedt, when trying a bunch of play-pause-stop-play... combinations.
// We need to re-evaluate how DecompressBegin/DecompressEnd deal with
// memory allocation and initialization.
// Also rearranged some DbgLog messages in DecompressQuery to give more
// condensed information.
// Rev 1.43 14 Mar 1997 19:01:36 JMCVEIGH
// Removed H263TermDecoderInstance from DecompressEnd. Some apps.
// send a DecompressEnd, but then restart decompressing at the
// middle of the sequence (i.e., not a the previous keyframe). We
// therefore need to retain the reference frame. The instance is
// free in DrvClose.
// Rev 1.42 07 Mar 1997 09:07:42 mbodart
// Added a missing '#ifndef H261' in DecompressQuery.
// Added a call to _clearfp() in the Decompress exception handler, so that
// the exception will not reoccur in the caller's code.
// Rev 1.41 14 Jan 1997 11:16:22 JMCVEIGH
// Put flag for old still-frame mode backward compatibility under
// #ifdef H263P
// Rev 1.40 13 Jan 1997 10:51:14 JMCVEIGH
// Added NULL pointer checks in all functions that interface with
// application.
// Rev 1.39 10 Jan 1997 18:30:24 BECHOLS
// Changed decompress query so that it will accept negative heights.
// Rev 1.38 06 Jan 1997 17:40:24 JMCVEIGH
// Added support to ensure backward compatibility with old
// still-frame mode (crop CIF image to 320x240). Since 320x240 size
// is valid with arbitrary frame size support in H.263+, we check
// for this case by either comparing the source/destination header
// sizes or the source header size and the size contained in the
// picture header of the bitstream.
// Rev 1.37 03 Jan 1997 15:05:16 JMCVEIGH
// Re-inserted check in DecompressQuery that allows a H263 bitstream
// with frame dimensions 320x240 in non-prime decoder to be
// supported. This undos the elimination of this check in rev. 1.33.
// Rev 1.36 11 Dec 1996 16:02:34 MBODART
// In Decompress, catch any exceptions and return an error code. This gives
// upstream active movie filters a chance to recover gracefully.
// Rev 1.35 09 Dec 1996 18:02:10 JMCVEIGH
// Added support for arbitrary frame sizes.
// Rev 1.34 27 Nov 1996 13:55:18 MBODART
// Added a comment to DecompressQuery that explicitly enumerates the
// formats and transformations that H.261 supports.
// Rev 1.33 21 Nov 1996 17:27:18 MDUDA
// Disables YUV12 output zoom by 2 and removed 160x120, 240x180,
// and 320x240 acceptance of H263 input.
// Rev 1.32 15 Nov 1996 08:39:56 MDUDA
// Added 640x480 frame size for H263 and FOURCC_YUV12.
// Rev 1.31 14 Nov 1996 09:22:34 MBODART
// Disable the ability to select a DCI color convertor, they don't exist!
// However, DCI col. conv. initialization does exist, and differs from
// non-DCI initialization.
// Rev 1.30 13 Nov 1996 10:58:32 RHAZRA
// H.261 YUV12 decoder now accepts CIF, QCIF, 160x120, 320x240 and 640x480
// Rev 1.29 12 Nov 1996 08:47:12 JMCVEIGH
// Removed initial arbitrary frame size support, i.e., reverted back
// to rev 1.27. Will hold off on custom picture format support until
// branch for release candidate for PS 3.0.
// Rev 1.28 11 Nov 1996 11:51:14 JMCVEIGH
// Added initial support for arbitrary frame sizes (H.263+ draft,
// document LBC-96-263). Define H263P to allow frame sizes from
// 4 <= width <= 352 and 4 <= height <= 288, where both width and
// height are multiples of 4.
// Rev 1.27 20 Oct 1996 13:31:46 AGUPTA2
// Changed DBOUT into DbgLog. ASSERT is not changed to DbgAssert.
// Rev 1.26 26 Sep 1996 09:46:00 BECHOLS
// Turned on Snapshot for H263. This code merely sets up for the Snapshot
// copy, and waits on an event for the decoder to do the copy. When the
// event is signaled, the Snapshot trigger wakes up and returns the status
// of the copy to the caller.
// Rev 1.25 25 Sep 1996 17:30:32 BECHOLS
// changed the snapshot code to wait on an event while the decoder
// does the snapshot copy.
// Rev 1.24 24 Sep 1996 13:51:42 BECHOLS
// Added Snapshot() implementation.
// Rev 1.23 03 Sep 1996 16:29:22 CZHU
// enable DDRAW, removed define
// Rev 1.22 18 Jul 1996 09:24:36 KLILLEVO
// implemented YUV12 color convertor (pitch changer) in assembly
// and added it as a normal color convertor function, via the
// ColorConvertorCatalog() call.
// Rev 1.21 01 Jul 1996 10:05:10 RHAZRA
// Turn off aspect ratio correction for YUY2 color conversion.
// Rev 1.20 19 Jun 1996 16:38:54 RHAZRA
// Added a #ifdef to coditionally disable DDRAW (YUY2) support
// Rev 1.19 19 Jun 1996 14:26:28 RHAZRA
// Added code to (i) accept YUY2 as a valid output format (ii) select
// YUY2 color convertor in SelectColorConvertor()
// Rev 1.18 30 May 1996 17:08:52 RHAZRA
// Added SQCIF support for H263.
// Rev 1.17 30 May 1996 15:16:38 KLILLEVO
// added YUV12 output
// Rev 1.16 30 May 1996 10:13:00 KLILLEVO
// removed one cluttering debug statement
// Rev 1.15 01 Apr 1996 10:26:34 BNICKERS
// Add YUV12 to RGB32 color convertors. Disable IF09.
// Rev 1.14 09 Feb 1996 10:09:22 AKASAI
// Added ifndef RING0 around code in DecompressGetPalette to eliminate
// warning in building RING0 release version of codec.
// Rev 1.13 11 Jan 1996 16:59:14 DBRUCKS
// cleaned up DecompressQuery
// added setting of bProposedCorrectAspectRatio (in Query) and
// bCorrectAspectRatio (in Begin) if the source dimensions are SQCIF,
// QCIF, or CIF and the destination dimensions are the aspect ratio
// sizes with a possible zoom by two.
// Rev 1.12 18 Dec 1995 12:51:38 RMCKENZX
// added copyright notice
// Rev 1.11 13 Dec 1995 13:22:54 DBRUCKS
// Add assertions to verify that the source size is not changing on
// a begin.
// Rev 1.10 07 Dec 1995 13:02:52 DBRUCKS
// fix spx release build
// Rev 1.9 17 Nov 1995 15:22:30 BECHOLS
// Added ring 0 stuff.
// Rev 1.8 15 Nov 1995 15:57:24 AKASAI
// Remove YVU9 from decompress and decompress_query.
// (Integration point)
// Rev 1.7 25 Oct 1995 18:12:36 BNICKERS
// Add YUV12 color convertors. Eliminate YUV9 looking glass support.
// Rev 1.6 17 Oct 1995 17:31:24 CZHU
// Fixed a bug in DecompressQuery related to YUV12
// Rev 1.5 18 Sep 1995 08:40:50 CZHU
// Added support for YUV12
// Rev 1.4 08 Sep 1995 12:11:12 CZHU
// Output compressed size for debugging
// Rev 1.3 25 Aug 1995 13:58:06 DBRUCKS
// integrate MRV R9 changes
// Rev 1.2 23 Aug 1995 12:25:12 DBRUCKS
// Turn on the color converters
// Rev 1.1 01 Aug 1995 12:27:38 DBRUCKS
// add PSC parsing
// Rev 1.0 31 Jul 1995 13:00:12 DBRUCKS
// Initial revision.
// Rev 1.0 17 Jul 1995 14:46:14 CZHU
// Initial revision.
// Rev 1.0 17 Jul 1995 14:14:26 CZHU
// Initial revision.
#include "precomp.h"
extern BYTE PalTable[236*4];
#define WIDTHBYTES(bits) (((bits) + 31) / 32 * 4)
* * Build16bitModeID(). * * given red, green and blue values showing their maximum value, * count the bits standing and then form a decimal digit which lists * the number of red bits in the hundreds position, green in the tens * position and blue in the ones position. * * This code is used when the RGB16 table is built so the correct * field size will be used. * * returns the 16 bit mode ID * * Prototype in rgb16cct.h * ***************************************************************************/ int Build16bitModeID(I32 red, I32 green, I32 blue) { int rval; int Rbits, Gbits, Bbits; U32 i;
for (Rbits = 0,i = 1; i < (1L << 30); i = i << 1) Rbits += (red & i) ? 1 : 0; for (Gbits = 0,i = 1; i < (1L << 30); i = i << 1) Gbits += (green & i) ? 1 : 0; for (Bbits = 0,i = 1; i < (1L << 30); i = i << 1) Bbits += (blue & i) ? 1 : 0; rval = Rbits * 100 + Gbits * 10 + Bbits;
return(rval); }
* SelectConvertor(LPDECINST, BOOL); * History: 03/18/94 -BEN- ***********************************************************************/ static UINT SelectConvertor( LPDECINST lpInst, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiDst, BOOL bIsDCI) { UINT uiCnvtr = 0xFFFF; DWORD FAR * pDW = (DWORD FAR *)((LPBYTE)lpbiDst+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); int RequestedMode;
/* Force off the DCI color converters because we can not be sure that the
* archive data has not changed. * Also, we have no DCI color convertors, so don't select one! */
bIsDCI = 0;
switch(lpInst->outputDepth) { case 12: if ((lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_YUV12) || (lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_IYUV)) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 12 bits color convertor: raw YUV12 output\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = YUV12NOPITCH; // YUV12 output
} break;
case 8: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 8 bits color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if (lpInst->UseActivePalette==0) { switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: if(bIsDCI == TRUE) { uiCnvtr = CLUT8DCI; DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUT8DCI convertors selected\r\n", _fx_)); } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUT8 convertors selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8; } break;
case 2: if(bIsDCI == TRUE) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUT8ZoomBy2DCI convertors selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8ZoomBy2DCI; } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUT8ZoomBy2 convertors selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8ZoomBy2; } break; } } else { switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: if(bIsDCI == TRUE) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUTAPDCI is selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8APDCI; } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUTAPDCI is selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8APDCI; } break;
case 2: if(bIsDCI == TRUE) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUT8APZoomBy2DCI is selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8APZoomBy2DCI; } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: CLUT8APZoomBy2DCI is selected\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = CLUT8APZoomBy2DCI; } break; } } break; case 16: // check which mode is
if (lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_YUY2) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 16 bits YUY2 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); uiCnvtr = YUY2DDRAW; break; } else { if (lpbiDst->biCompression == BI_RGB) RequestedMode = 555; /* default rgb16 mode */ else //if (lpbiDst->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS)
RequestedMode = Build16bitModeID(pDW[0], pDW[1], pDW[2]);
switch (RequestedMode) { case 555: switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16 in 555 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16555DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16555; break;
case 2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16x2 in 555 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16555ZoomBy2DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16555ZoomBy2; break; } //end of 555
case 664: switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16 in 664 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16664DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16664; break;
case 2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16x2 in 664 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16664ZoomBy2DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16664ZoomBy2; break; } //end of 664
case 565: switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16 in 565 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16565DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16565; break;
case 2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16x2 in 565 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16565ZoomBy2DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16565ZoomBy2; break; } //end of 565
case 655: switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16 in 655 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16655DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16655; break;
case 2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: RGB16x2 in 655 color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB16655ZoomBy2DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB16655ZoomBy2; break; } //end of 655
default: break;
} // switch
} // else
case 24: switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 24 bits color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB24DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB24; break;
case 2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 24 bits color convertor, x2\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB24ZoomBy2DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB24ZoomBy2; break; } break;
case 32: switch(lpInst->XScale) { case 1: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 32 bits color convertor\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB32DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB32; break;
case 2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Selected 32 bits color convertor, x2\r\n", _fx_)); if(bIsDCI == TRUE) uiCnvtr = RGB32ZoomBy2DCI; else uiCnvtr = RGB32ZoomBy2; break; } break; }
return(uiCnvtr); }
* DWORD PASCAL DecompressQuery(LPDECINST, ICDECOMPRESSEX FAR *, BOOL); * History: 02/18/94 -BEN- * * The following table summarizes the transformations that the H.261 decoder * and I420 color convertor support. * * H.261 Decoder Inputs and Outputs * +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Input Format | Supported Output Formats for this Input Format | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | H.261 FCIF (352 x 288) | 352 x 288 RGBnn, YUV12 or YUY2 | | or | 352 x 264 RGBnn (aspect ratio correction) | | YUV12 FCIF (352 x 288) | 704 x 576 RGBnn (zoom by 2) | | | 704 x 528 RGBnn (zoom by 2, aspect ratio corr.) | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | H.261 QCIF (176 x 144) | 176 x 144 RGBnn, YUV12 or YUY2 | | or | 176 x 132 RGBnn (aspect ratio correction) | | YUV12 QCIF (176 x 144) | 352 x 288 RGBnn (zoom by 2) | | | 352 x 264 RGBnn (zoom by 2, aspect ratio corr.) | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | YUV12 640 x 480 | 640 x 480 RGBnn, YUV12 or YUY2 | | | 1280 x 960 RGBnn (zoom by 2) | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | YUV12 320 x 240 | 320 x 240 RGBnn, YUV12 or YUY2 | | | 640 x 480 RGBnn (zoom by 2) | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | YUV12 160 x 120 | 160 x 120 RGBnn, YUV12 or YUY2 | | | 320 x 240 RGBnn (zoom by 2) | +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ * * Notes: * o RGBnn represents RGB8, RGB16, RGB24 and RGB32. * o Zoom by 2 and aspect ratio correction are not supported with YUY2 and * YUV12 *output*. * o Aspect ratio correction on output is only supported * when the *input* resolution is exactly QCIF or FCIF. * ***********************************************************************/ DWORD PASCAL DecompressQuery( LPDECINST lpInst, ICDECOMPRESSEX FAR * lpicDecEx, BOOL bIsDCI) { LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiSrc; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiDst; int iSrcWidth; int iSrcHeight; int iDstWidth; int iDstHeight; BOOL bSupportedSrcDimensions;
// Check for NULL pointers
if ((lpicDecEx == NULL) || (lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc == NULL)) return (DWORD)ICERR_ERROR;
// Set source and destination bitmap info headers
lpbiSrc = lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc; lpbiDst = lpicDecEx->lpbiDst;
// Check the source dimensions
iSrcWidth = lpbiSrc->biWidth; iSrcHeight = lpbiSrc->biHeight; bSupportedSrcDimensions = FALSE; if (lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H263) { /* H261 supports CIF and QCIF
* H263 supports CIF, SQCIF, and QCIF. * H263 also may need 160x120, 240x180, and 320x240 as Tom put special * code into exbase to accept these. */ #ifdef H263P
/* H.263+ supports custom picture format with width [4,...,352],
* height [4,...,288], and both a multiple of 4. */ if ((iSrcWidth <= 352 && iSrcHeight <= 288) && (iSrcWidth >= 4 && iSrcHeight >= 4) && (iSrcWidth & ~3) == iSrcWidth && (iSrcHeight & ~3) == iSrcHeight)
bSupportedSrcDimensions = TRUE; #else
if ((iSrcWidth == 352 && iSrcHeight == 288) || #ifndef H261
(iSrcWidth == 80 && iSrcHeight == 64) || #endif
(iSrcWidth == 128 && iSrcHeight == 96) || (iSrcWidth == 160 && iSrcHeight == 120) || (iSrcWidth == 240 && iSrcHeight == 180) || (iSrcWidth == 320 && iSrcHeight == 240) || #endif
(iSrcWidth == 176 && iSrcHeight == 144)) bSupportedSrcDimensions = TRUE; #endif // H263P
else if (lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H26X) { /* H.263+ supports custom picture format with width [4,...,352],
* height [4,...,288], and both a multiple of 4. */ if ((iSrcWidth <= 352 && iSrcHeight <= 288) && (iSrcWidth >= 4 && iSrcHeight >= 4) && (iSrcWidth & ~3) == iSrcWidth && (iSrcHeight & ~3) == iSrcHeight)
bSupportedSrcDimensions = TRUE; } #endif
else if ((lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_YUV12) || (lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_IYUV)) { #ifndef H261
if (((iSrcWidth <= 352 && iSrcHeight <= 288) && (iSrcWidth >= 4 && iSrcHeight >= 4) && ((iSrcWidth & ~3) == iSrcWidth) && ((iSrcHeight & ~3) == iSrcHeight)) || (iSrcWidth == 640 && iSrcHeight == 480)) #else
if ((iSrcWidth == 352 && iSrcHeight == 288) || (iSrcWidth == 176 && iSrcHeight == 144) || (iSrcWidth == 160 && iSrcHeight == 120) || (iSrcWidth == 320 && iSrcHeight == 240) || (iSrcWidth == 640 && iSrcHeight == 480)) #endif
bSupportedSrcDimensions = TRUE; } if (! bSupportedSrcDimensions ) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Unsupported source dimensions in query\r\n", _fx_)); return (DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } /* Stop if just querying input
*/ if (lpbiDst == NULL) return ICERR_OK;
/* Check the bit depth
*/ switch (lpbiDst->biBitCount) { case 8: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking 8 bits\r\n", _fx_)); if (lpbiDst->biCompression != BI_RGB) return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); break;
case 12: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking 12 bits\r\n", _fx_)); if ((lpbiDst->biCompression != FOURCC_YUV12) && (lpbiDst->biCompression != FOURCC_IYUV)) return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); break;
case 16: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking 16 bits\r\n", _fx_)); switch (lpicDecEx->lpbiDst->biCompression) { case BI_RGB: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: BI_RGB\r\n", _fx_)); break; case BI_BITFIELDS: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: BI_BITFIELDS\r\n", _fx_)); break; /*
* This definition of BI_BITMAP is here because MS has not provided * a "standard" definition. When MS does provide it, it will likely be * in compddk.h. At that time this definition should be removed. */ #define BI_BITMAP mmioFOURCC('B', 'I', 'T', 'M')
case BI_BITMAP: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking BI_BITMAP\r\n", _fx_)); if (lpicDecEx->lpbiDst->biYPelsPerMeter != 0) { // output shouldn't cross a segment boundary in a scan line.
return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); } break;
case FOURCC_YUY2: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking YUY2 for DirectDraw\r\n", _fx_)); break; default: return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); } // switch biCompression
case 24: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking 24 bits\r\n", _fx_)); if (lpbiDst->biCompression != BI_RGB) { return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); } break;
case 32: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Checking 32 bits\r\n", _fx_)); if (lpbiDst->biCompression != BI_RGB) { return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); } break;
default: return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); break; }
if(lpbiDst->biCompression != BI_RGB && lpbiDst->biCompression != FOURCC_IF09) // check color space
{ #define BI_BITMAP mmioFOURCC('B', 'I', 'T', 'M')
if(lpbiDst->biCompression != BI_BITMAP) return (DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; if(lpbiDst->biYPelsPerMeter != 0) { return (DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } */
// Find the destination dimensions
if (bIsDCI == TRUE) { iDstWidth = lpicDecEx->dxDst; iDstHeight = lpicDecEx->dyDst; } else { iDstWidth = lpbiDst->biWidth; iDstHeight = lpbiDst->biHeight; }
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Query destination %d,%d\r\n", _fx_, iDstWidth, iDstHeight));
// For the sake of the checks below, we need to take the absolute value
// of the destination height.
if(iDstHeight < 0) { iDstHeight = -iDstHeight; }
// Check out the instance pointer
if (!lpInst) return ICERR_ERROR;
// Check the destination dimensions
if ((iSrcWidth == iDstWidth) && (iSrcHeight == iDstHeight)) { lpInst->pXScale = lpInst->pYScale = 1; lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio = FALSE; } else if ( ((iSrcWidth<<1) == iDstWidth) && ((iSrcHeight<<1) == iDstHeight) ) { lpInst->pXScale = lpInst->pYScale = 2; lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio = FALSE; } else if ( #ifndef H261
((iSrcWidth == 128) && (iSrcHeight == 96)) || #endif
((iSrcWidth == 176) && (iSrcHeight == 144)) || ((iSrcWidth == 352) && (iSrcHeight == 288)) ) { /* Support aspect ratio correction for SQCIF, QCIF, and CIF
*/ if ( (iSrcWidth == iDstWidth) && ((iSrcHeight*11/12) == iDstHeight) ) { lpInst->pXScale = lpInst->pYScale = 1; lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio = TRUE; } else if ( ((iSrcWidth<<1) == iDstWidth) && (((iSrcHeight<<1)*11/12) == iDstHeight) ) { lpInst->pXScale = lpInst->pYScale = 2; lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio = TRUE; } else { return(DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } } else { return(DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
/* check color depth
*/ if(lpbiDst->biBitCount != 8 && lpbiDst->biBitCount != 16 && lpbiDst->biBitCount != 12 && // raw YUV12 output
lpbiDst->biBitCount != 24 && lpbiDst->biBitCount != 32) { return(DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
lpInst->xres = (WORD)lpbiSrc->biWidth; lpInst->yres = (WORD)lpbiSrc->biHeight;
/* aspect ratio correction with YUV12 is not supported
*/ if (lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio && ((lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_YUV12) || (lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_IYUV))) { return (DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
/* No driver zooming in DirectDraw */
if ( ((lpInst->pXScale == 2) && (lpInst->pYScale == 2)) && (lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_YUY2) ) { return (DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; }
/* No driver zooming for YUV12 */
if ( ((lpInst->pXScale == 2) && (lpInst->pYScale == 2)) && ((lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_YUV12) || (lpbiDst->biCompression == FOURCC_IYUV)) ) { return (DWORD)ICERR_UNSUPPORTED; } return (DWORD)ICERR_OK; }
;// Description: Added header.
;// History: 02/18/94 -BEN-
DWORD PASCAL DecompressGetPalette( LPDECINST lpInst, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiSrc, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiDst) { DWORD dw; LPBYTE lpPalArea, PalStart; #ifndef RING0
HDC hDC; #endif
BYTE tmp; int i; // int iUseActivePalette;
icDecEx.lpbiSrc = lpbiSrc; icDecEx.lpbiDst = lpbiDst; if(dw = DecompressQuery(lpInst, &icDecEx, FALSE)) return dw;
if (lpbiDst == NULL) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: NULL parameter\r\n", _fx_)); return (DWORD)ICERR_ERROR; }
if(lpbiDst->biBitCount != 8) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: called with biBitCount != 8\r\n", _fx_)); return (DWORD)ICERR_ERROR; } lpbiDst->biClrUsed = 256; /* specify all used */ lpbiDst->biClrImportant = 0;
#ifndef RING0
/* copy system palette entries (valid entries are 0-9 and 246-255) */ hDC = GetDC(NULL); lpPalArea = (unsigned char FAR *)lpbiDst + (int)lpbiDst->biSize; GetSystemPaletteEntries(hDC, 0, 256, (PALETTEENTRY FAR *)lpPalArea); ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC); #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
iUseActivePalette = GetPrivateProfileInt("indeo", "UseActivePalette", 0, "system.ini"); if (iUseActivePalette) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { tmp = *lpPalArea; *lpPalArea = *(lpPalArea+2); *(lpPalArea+2) = tmp; lpPalArea += 4; } lpPalArea = (unsigned char FAR *)lpbiDst + (int)lpbiDst->biSize; _fmemcpy(lpInst->ActivePalette, lpPalArea, sizeof(lpInst->ActivePalette)); lpInst->UseActivePalette = 1; } #endif
if (!lpInst) return ICERR_ERROR;
#ifndef RING0
if (lpInst->UseActivePalette == 1) { #ifdef WIN32
memcpy(lpPalArea,lpInst->ActivePalette, sizeof(lpInst->ActivePalette)); #else
_fmemcpy(lpPalArea,lpInst->ActivePalette, sizeof(lpInst->ActivePalette)); #endif
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Return the current active palette saved...\r\n", _fx_)); } else { #endif
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: return the fixed palette...\r\n", _fx_)); PalStart = (LPBYTE)lpbiDst + (int)lpbiDst->biSize; lpPalArea = PalStart + 40; // fill in starting from the 10th
for(i = 0; i < (236 << 2); i++) *lpPalArea++ = PalTable[i];
lpPalArea = PalStart; // reverse r&b: dealing with DIBs
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)// for all the entries,from PALENTRY to RGBQUAD
// fixed by CZHU, 1/23/95
{ tmp = *lpPalArea; *lpPalArea = *(lpPalArea+2); *(lpPalArea+2) = tmp; lpPalArea+=4; } #ifndef RING0
} #endif
return (DWORD)ICERR_OK; }
* DWORD PASCAL DecompressGetFormat(LPDECINST, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER, * LPBITMAPINFOHEADER); * Description: This allows us to suggest a good format to decompress to. * * History: 02/18/94 -BEN- ***********************************************************************/ DWORD PASCAL DecompressGetFormat( #ifdef USE_BILINEAR_MSH26X
LPINST pi, #else
LPDECINST lpInst, #endif
LPDECINST lpInst = (LPDECINST)pi->DecompPtr; #endif
DWORD dw; ICDECOMPRESSEX icDecEx; LPBYTE lpPalArea; int i; BYTE tmp; HDC hDC; BOOL f8Bit;
// check input format - dont check output: being asked to give one back
icDecEx.lpbiSrc = lpbiSrc; icDecEx.lpbiDst = NULL; if(dw = DecompressQuery(lpInst, &icDecEx, FALSE)) return dw;
// If the current disply mode is 8 bit return a size large enough
// to hold a 256 palette after the BMIh
hDC = GetDC(NULL); f8Bit = (8 == GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(hDC, PLANES)); ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC); #ifdef FORCE_8BIT_OUTPUT // { FORCE_8BIT_OUTPUT
f8Bit = TRUE; #endif // } FORCE_8BIT_OUTPUT
#if defined(FORCE_16BIT_OUTPUT) || defined(FORCE_24BIT_OUTPUT) // { if defined(FORCE_16BIT_OUTPUT) || defined(FORCE_24BIT_OUTPUT)
f8Bit = FALSE; #endif // } if defined(FORCE_16BIT_OUTPUT) || defined(FORCE_24BIT_OUTPUT)
// if lpbiDst == NULL return size required to hold a output format
// (add palette size)
if (lpbiDst == NULL) return(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (int)(f8Bit ? 1024 : 0));
// check for NULL parameter
if (lpbiSrc == NULL) { // This was probably verified in DecompressQuery, but just to be safe...
ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: NULL parameter\r\n", _fx_)); return (DWORD)ICERR_ERROR; }
lpbiDst->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); #ifdef USE_BILINEAR_MSH26X
if (pi->fccHandler == FOURCC_H26X) { lpbiDst->biWidth = lpbiSrc->biWidth << 1; lpbiDst->biHeight = lpbiSrc->biHeight << 1; } else { #endif
lpbiDst->biWidth = lpbiSrc->biWidth << 1; lpbiDst->biHeight = lpbiSrc->biHeight << 1; #else // }{ FORCE_ZOOM_BY_2
lpbiDst->biWidth = lpbiSrc->biWidth; lpbiDst->biHeight = lpbiSrc->biHeight; #endif // } FORCE_ZOOM_BY_2
} #endif
lpbiDst->biBitCount = 16; #else // }{ FORCE_16BIT_OUTPUT
lpbiDst->biBitCount = (int)(f8Bit ? 8 : 24); #endif // } FORCE_16BIT_OUTPUT
lpbiDst->biPlanes = 1; lpbiDst->biCompression = BI_RGB; lpbiDst->biXPelsPerMeter = 0; lpbiDst->biYPelsPerMeter = 0; lpbiDst->biSizeImage = (DWORD) WIDTHBYTES(lpbiDst->biWidth * lpbiDst->biBitCount) * lpbiDst->biHeight; lpbiDst->biClrUsed = lpbiDst->biClrImportant = 0;
if (f8Bit) { // Copy the palette
lpPalArea = (LPBYTE)lpbiDst + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 40; // fill in starting from the 10th
for(i = 0; i < (236 << 2); i++) *lpPalArea++ = PalTable[i];
lpPalArea = (LPBYTE)lpbiDst + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); // reverse r&b: dealing with DIBs
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)// for all the entries,from PALENTRY to RGBQUAD
// fixed by CZHU, 1/23/95
{ tmp = *lpPalArea; *lpPalArea = *(lpPalArea+2); *(lpPalArea+2) = tmp; lpPalArea+=4; } }
return ICERR_OK; }
* DWORD PASCAL DecompressBegin(LPDECINST, ICDECOMPRESSEX FAR *, BOOL) * Description: Provides codec indication to prepare to receive * decompress requests for a particular input to output * conversion. Begins arrive asynchronously, and should * result in the codec adapting to the changes specified, * if any. * * History: 02/18/94 -BEN- **********************************************************************/ DWORD PASCAL DecompressBegin( LPDECINST lpInst, ICDECOMPRESSEX FAR *lpicDecEx, BOOL bIsDCI) { int CodecID; DWORD dw; UINT ClrCnvtr; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiSrc; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiDst;
// Check for NULL parameters
if (lpInst == NULL || lpicDecEx == NULL) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: NULL parameter\r\n", _fx_)); return (DWORD)ICERR_ERROR; }
// Set source and destination pointers
lpbiSrc = lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc; lpbiDst = lpicDecEx->lpbiDst;
// at begin need to know input and output sizes
if (lpbiSrc == NULL || lpbiDst == NULL) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: NULL parameter\r\n", _fx_)); return((DWORD)ICERR_BADFORMAT); }
if(lpInst->Initialized == TRUE) { /* We assume the source dimensions never change. If they do change
* we should terminate the instance because the allocations are * based on dimensions. Until we add code to do that we need this * assertion. */ ASSERT(lpInst->xres == (WORD)lpbiSrc->biWidth); ASSERT(lpInst->yres == (WORD)lpbiSrc->biHeight); if(lpbiDst != NULL) { if(dw = DecompressQuery(lpInst, lpicDecEx, bIsDCI)) { return(dw); // error
} else { // apply changes
lpInst->XScale = lpInst->pXScale; lpInst->YScale = lpInst->pYScale; lpInst->bCorrectAspectRatio = lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio; lpInst->outputDepth = lpbiDst->biBitCount; ClrCnvtr = SelectConvertor(lpInst,lpbiDst, bIsDCI); if (ClrCnvtr != lpInst->uColorConvertor ) { if((dw = H263TermColorConvertor(lpInst)) == ICERR_OK) dw = H263InitColorConvertor(lpInst, ClrCnvtr); lpInst->uColorConvertor=ClrCnvtr; } return(dw); } } }
// first time begin - check if this is a format I like
if(dw = DecompressQuery(lpInst, lpicDecEx, bIsDCI)) { return(dw); // error
} else { // apply proposed format to 'current' format
lpInst->XScale = lpInst->pXScale; lpInst->YScale = lpInst->pYScale; lpInst->bCorrectAspectRatio = lpInst->bProposedCorrectAspectRatio; lpInst->outputDepth = lpbiDst->biBitCount; } #ifdef USE_BILINEAR_MSH26X
if ((lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H263) || (lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H26X)) #else
if (lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H263) #endif
{ CodecID = H263_CODEC; } else if ((lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_YUV12) || (lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_IYUV)) { CodecID = YUV12_CODEC; }
if(dw = H263InitDecoderInstance(lpInst, CodecID)) { return(dw); } ClrCnvtr = SelectConvertor(lpInst, lpbiDst, bIsDCI); dw = H263InitColorConvertor(lpInst, ClrCnvtr); return(dw); }
* DWORD PASCAL Decompress(LPDECINST, ICDECOMPRESS FAR *, DWORD); * History: 02/18/94 -BEN- **********************************************************************/ DWORD PASCAL Decompress( LPDECINST lpInst, ICDECOMPRESSEX FAR *lpicDecEx, DWORD dwSize, BOOL bIsDCI) { DWORD ret = (DWORD) ICERR_ERROR;
// Check for NULL parameters
if ((lpInst == NULL) || (lpInst->Initialized != TRUE) || (lpicDecEx == NULL) || (lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc == NULL) || (lpicDecEx->lpbiDst == NULL)) { ret = (DWORD) ICERR_ERROR; goto done; }
if ((lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H263) || (lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H26X) #else
if ((lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_H263) #endif
|| (lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_YUV12) || (lpicDecEx->lpbiSrc->biCompression == FOURCC_IYUV) ) { try { #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) // { #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON)
ret = H263Decompress(lpInst, lpicDecEx, bIsDCI, TRUE); #else // }{ #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON)
ret = H263Decompress(lpInst, lpicDecEx, bIsDCI); #endif // } #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON)
} catch (...) { // For a DEBUG build, display a message and pass the exception up.
// For a release build, stop the exception here and return an error
// code. This gives upstream code a chance to gracefully recover.
// We also need to clear the floating point control word, otherwise
// the upstream code may incur an exception the next time it tries
// a floating point operation (presuming this exception was due
// to a floating point problem).
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Exception during H263Decompress!!!\r\n", _fx_)); throw; #else
_clearfp(); ret = (DWORD) ICERR_ERROR; #endif
} }
done: return ret; }
* DWORD PASCAL DecompressEnd(LPDECINST); * History: 02/18/94 -BEN- **********************************************************************/ DWORD PASCAL DecompressEnd(LPDECINST lpInst) { if(lpInst && lpInst->Initialized == TRUE) { H263TermColorConvertor(lpInst); #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) // { #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON)
H263TermDecoderInstance(lpInst, TRUE); #else // }{ #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON)
H263TermDecoderInstance(lpInst); #endif // } #if defined(DECODE_TIMINGS_ON) || defined(DETAILED_DECODE_TIMINGS_ON)
return ICERR_OK; }
* * DecompressSetPalette() is called from the ICM_DECOMPRESS_SET_PALETTE * message. * * Fill in the palette using lpParam1. * ****************************************************************************/ DWORD PASCAL DecompressSetPalette(LPDECINST pinst, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER unused) { int i; unsigned char FAR * palette; RGBQUAD FAR *palptr;
// Check for NULL parameter
if (pinst == NULL) { return (DWORD)ICERR_ERROR; }
pinst->InitActivePalette = 0; /* must re-init AP at Begin */ pinst->UseActivePalette = 0; /* must re-init AP at Begin */
if (lpbi && (lpbi->biBitCount == 8 && lpbi->biCompression == 0)) { palette = (unsigned char FAR *)lpbi + (int)lpbi->biSize;
// Check if palette passed is identity
for (i = 0*4, palptr = (RGBQUAD FAR *)PalTable; i < 236*4; i += 4, palptr++) { if (palette[i+40] != palptr->rgbRed || palette[i+41] != palptr->rgbGreen || palette[i+42] != palptr->rgbBlue ) break; }
if (i < 236*4) { /* broke early - not the identity palette */ /* Actually RGBQUAD (BGR) format. */ if ( #ifdef WIN32
memcmp((unsigned char FAR *)pinst->ActivePalette, (unsigned char FAR *)lpbi + (int)lpbi->biSize, (int)lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) == 0 #else
_fmemcmp((unsigned char FAR *)pinst->ActivePalette, (unsigned char FAR *)lpbi + (int)lpbi->biSize, (int)lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) == 0 #endif
) { /* same as last palette - don't re-init AP */ DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Use current active palette\r\n", _fx_)); pinst->UseActivePalette = 1; pinst->InitActivePalette = 1; } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Use new active palette\r\n", _fx_)); #ifdef WIN32
memcpy((unsigned char FAR *)pinst->ActivePalette, (unsigned char FAR *)lpbi + (int)lpbi->biSize, (int)lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); #else
_fmemcpy((unsigned char FAR *)pinst->ActivePalette, (unsigned char FAR *)lpbi + (int)lpbi->biSize, (int)lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); #endif
pinst->UseActivePalette = 1; } } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Use fixed palette\r\n", _fx_)); } } else { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: Use NULL (fixed) palette\r\n", _fx_)); }
return ICERR_OK; }