// This file adds native support for streaming WDM video capture
// PhilF-: This needs to be rewritten. You should have two classes
// (CVfWCap & WDMCap) that derive from the same capture class instead
// of those C-like functions...
#include "Precomp.h"
void WDMFrameCallback( HVIDEO hvideo, WORD wMsg, HCAPDEV hcd, // (Actually refdata)
LPCAPBUFFER lpcbuf, // (Actually LPVIDEOHDR) Only returned from MM_DRVM_DATA!
DWORD dwParam2 );
// Globals
extern HINSTANCE g_hInst;
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMGetDevices | This function enumerates the installed WDM video * capture devices and adds them to the list of VfW capture devices. * * @parm PDWORD | [OUT] pdwOverallCPUUsage | Specifies a pointer to a DWORD to * receive the current CPU usage. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. * * @devnote MSDN references: * DirectX 5, DirectX Media, DirectShow, Application Developer's Guide * "Enumerate and Access Hardware Devices in DirectShow Applications" ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMGetDevices(void) { HRESULT hr; ICreateDevEnum *pCreateDevEnum; IEnumMoniker *pEm;
// First, create a system hardware enumerator
// This call loads the following DLLs - total 1047 KBytes!!!:
// 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LZ32.DLL' = 24 KBytes
// According to LonnyM, there's no way to go around SETUPAPI.DLL
// when dealing with PnP device interfaces....
if ((CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum)) != S_OK) { return FALSE; }
// Second, create an enumerator for a specific type of hardware device: video capture cards only
hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, &pEm, CDEF_BYPASS_CLASS_MANAGER); pCreateDevEnum->Release();
// Third, enumerate the list itself
if (hr == S_OK) { ULONG cFetched; IMoniker *pM; IPropertyBag *pPropBag = 0;
hr = pEm->Reset();
while(hr = pEm->Next(1, &pM, &cFetched), hr==S_OK) {
pM->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void **)&pPropBag);
if (pPropBag) { VARIANT var; LPINTERNALCAPDEV lpcd;
if (!(lpcd = (LPINTERNALCAPDEV)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof (INTERNALCAPDEV)))) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Failed to allocate an INTERNALCAPDEV buffer\r\n", _fx_)); break; // break from the WHILE loop
// Get friendly name of the device
var.vt = VT_BSTR; if ((hr = pPropBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &var, 0)) == S_OK) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, lpcd->szDeviceDescription, MAX_PATH, 0, 0); SysFreeString(var.bstrVal); } else LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_NAME, lpcd->szDeviceDescription, CCHMAX(lpcd->szDeviceDescription));
// Get DevicePath of the device
hr = pPropBag->Read(L"DevicePath", &var, 0); if (hr == S_OK) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, lpcd->szDeviceName, MAX_PATH, 0, 0); SysFreeString(var.bstrVal);
// There's no reg key for version information for WDM devices
// Those devices can't be disabled from the MM control panel
// lpcd->dwFlags |= CAPTURE_DEVICE_DISABLED;
// Mark device as a WDM device
lpcd->dwFlags |= WDM_CAPTURE_DEVICE;
g_aCapDevices[g_cDevices] = lpcd; g_aCapDevices[g_cDevices]->nDeviceIndex = g_cDevices; g_cDevices++; } }
pM->Release(); }
pEm->Release(); }
return TRUE;
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMOpenDevice | This function opens a WDM video capture * devices and adds them to the list of VfW capture devices. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to open. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMOpenDevice(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMOpenDevice");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && (lstrlen(g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->szDeviceName) != 0));
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (lstrlen(g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->szDeviceName) == 0)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Open streaming class driver
CWDMPin *pCWDMPin; if (!(pCWDMPin = new CWDMPin(dwDeviceID))) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Insufficient resource or fail to create CWDMPin class\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } else { // Open the WDM driver and create a video pin
if (!pCWDMPin->OpenDriverAndPin()) { goto Error0; } }
// Create video stream on the pin
CWDMStreamer *pCWDMStreamer; if (!(pCWDMStreamer = new CWDMStreamer(pCWDMPin))) { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: Insufficient resource or fail to create CWDMStreamer\r\n", _fx_)); goto Error0; }
g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin = (PVOID)pCWDMPin; g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer = (PVOID)pCWDMStreamer;
return TRUE;
Error0: delete pCWDMPin; g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin = (PVOID)NULL; g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer = (PVOID)NULL;
return FALSE; }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMCloseDevice | This function closes a WDM video capture * device. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to close. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMCloseDevice(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMCloseDevice");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices));
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Close video channel
if (g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer) { delete ((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer); g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer = (PVOID)NULL; }
// Close driver and pin
if (g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin) { delete ((CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin); g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin = (PVOID)NULL; }
return TRUE; }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMGetVideoFormatSize | This function returns the size of the * structure used to describe the video format. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to query. * * @rdesc Always returns the size of a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. ***************************************************************************/ DWORD WDMGetVideoFormatSize(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMGetVideoFormatSize");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: return size=%ld\r\n", _fx_, (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)));
// Return size of BITMAPINFOHEADER structure
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMGetVideoFormat | This function returns the structure used * to describe the video format. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to query. * * @parm DWORD | [OUT] pbmih | Specifies a pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER * structure to receive the video format. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMGetVideoFormat(DWORD dwDeviceID, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmih) { FX_ENTRY("WDMGetVideoFormat");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld, pbmih=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID, pbmih));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin && pbmih);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin) || !pbmih) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Make sure the size information is correct
if (!pbmih->biSize) pbmih->biSize = WDMGetVideoFormatSize(dwDeviceID);
// Get the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure
if ((((CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)->GetBitmapInfo((PKS_BITMAPINFOHEADER)pbmih, (WORD)pbmih->biSize))) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: return\r\n biSize=%ld\r\n biWidth=%ld\r\n biHeight=%ld\r\n biPlanes=%ld\r\n biBitCount=%ld\r\n biCompression=%ld\r\n biSizeImage=%ld\r\n", _fx_, pbmih->biSize, pbmih->biWidth, pbmih->biHeight, pbmih->biPlanes, pbmih->biBitCount, pbmih->biCompression, pbmih->biSizeImage)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMSetVideoFormat | This function sets the video format on * a WDM video capture device. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to initialize. * * @parm DWORD | [OUT] pbmih | Specifies a pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER * structure describing the video format. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMSetVideoFormat(DWORD dwDeviceID, PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmih) { FX_ENTRY("WDMSetVideoFormat");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld, pbmih=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID, pbmih));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin && pbmih && pbmih->biSize);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin) || !pbmih ||!pbmih->biSize) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Set the BITMAPINFOHEADER on the device
if (((CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)->SetBitmapInfo((PKS_BITMAPINFOHEADER)pbmih)) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: return\r\n biSize=%ld\r\n biWidth=%ld\r\n biHeight=%ld\r\n biPlanes=%ld\r\n biBitCount=%ld\r\n biCompression=%ld\r\n biSizeImage=%ld\r\n", _fx_, pbmih->biSize, pbmih->biWidth, pbmih->biHeight, pbmih->biPlanes, pbmih->biBitCount, pbmih->biCompression, pbmih->biSizeImage)); return TRUE; } else { // PhilF-: This sometimes fail, but we keep on streaming... fix that
ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMGetVideoFormat | This function returns the structure used * to describe the video format. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to query. * * @parm DWORD | [OUT] pbmih | Specifies a pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER * structure to receive the video format. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMGetVideoPalette(DWORD dwDeviceID, CAPTUREPALETTE* lpcp, DWORD dwcbSize) { FX_ENTRY("WDMGetVideoPalette");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld, lpcp=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID, lpcp));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin && lpcp);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin) || !lpcp) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Get the palette information
if ((((CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)->GetPaletteInfo(lpcp, dwcbSize))) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMInitializeExternalVideoStream | This function initializes * an input video stream on the external video channel of a WDM video * capture device. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to initialize. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMInitializeExternalVideoStream(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMInitializeExternalVideoStream");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID)); DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMInitializeVideoStream | This function initializes * an input video stream on the videoin channel of a WDM video capture * device. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to initialize. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMInitializeVideoStream(HCAPDEV hcd, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwMicroSecPerFrame) { FX_ENTRY("WDMInitializeVideoStream");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld, FPS=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID, 1000000UL / dwMicroSecPerFrame));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Initialize channel
vsip.dwMicroSecPerFrame = dwMicroSecPerFrame; vsip.dwCallback = (DWORD_PTR)WDMFrameCallback; vsip.dwCallbackInst = (DWORD_PTR)hcd; vsip.dwFlags = CALLBACK_FUNCTION; // vsip.hVideo = (DWORD)hvideo;
if ((((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)->Open(&vsip))) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMUnInitializeVideoStream | This function requests a WDM * video capture device to close a capture stream on the videoin channel. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to initialize. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMUnInitializeVideoStream(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMUnInitializeVideoStream");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Close streaming on channel
if ((((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)->Close())) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMVideoStreamStart | This function requests a WDM video * capture device to start a video stream. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to start. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMVideoStreamStart(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMVideoStreamStart");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Start streaming
if ((((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)->Start())) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMVideoStreamStop | This function requests a WDM video * capture device to stop a video stream. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to freeze. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMVideoStreamStop(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMVideoStreamStop");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Stop streaming
if ((((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)->Stop())) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMVideoStreamReset | This function resets a WDM video capture * devie to stop input of a capture stream and return all buffers to the * client. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to reset. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMVideoStreamReset(DWORD dwDeviceID) { FX_ENTRY("WDMVideoStreamReset");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Reset streaming
if ((((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)->Reset())) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_INIT, ("%s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE(("%s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMVideoStreamAddBuffer | This function requests a WDM video * capture device to add an empty input buffer to its input buffer queue. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to initialize. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMVideoStreamAddBuffer(DWORD dwDeviceID, PVOID pBuff) { FX_ENTRY("WDMVideoStreamAddBuffer");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_STREAMING, (" %s: dwDeviceID=%ld, pBuff=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID, pBuff));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && pBuff && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if (!pBuff || (dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Reset streaming
if ((((CWDMStreamer *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMStreamer)->AddBuffer((LPVIDEOHDR)pBuff))) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_STREAMING, (" %s: succeeded\r\n", _fx_)); return TRUE; } else { ERRORMESSAGE((" %s: failed!!!\r\n", _fx_)); return FALSE; } }
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMGetFrame | This function requests a WDM video * capture device to transfer a single frame to or from the video device. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to request. * * @parm PVOID | [OUT] pBuff | Specifies a pointer to a <t VIDEOHDR> structure. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMGetFrame(DWORD dwDeviceID, PVOID pBuff) { FX_ENTRY("WDMGetFrame");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_STREAMING, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld, pBuff=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID, pBuff));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && pBuff && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if (!pBuff || (dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Get the frame from the device
if (((CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)->GetFrame(lpVHdr)) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
* @doc EXTERNAL WDMFUNC * * @func BOOL | WDMShowSettingsDialog | This function puts up a property * sheet with a VideoProcAmp and CameraControl page for a WDM video capture * device. * * @parm DWORD | [IN] dwDeviceID | Specifies the ID of the device to request. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise. ***************************************************************************/ BOOL WDMShowSettingsDialog(DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hWndParent) { PROPSHEETHEADER Psh; HPROPSHEETPAGE Pages[MAX_PAGES];
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_STREAMING, ("%s: dwDeviceID=%ld\r\n", _fx_, dwDeviceID));
ASSERT(g_cDevices && (dwDeviceID <= (DWORD)g_cDevices) && g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin);
// Validate globals and parameters
if (!g_cDevices) { SetLastError(ERROR_DCAP_BAD_INSTALL); return FALSE; } if ((dwDeviceID > (DWORD)g_cDevices) || (!g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Initialize property sheet header and common controls
Psh.dwSize = sizeof(Psh); Psh.dwFlags = PSH_DEFAULT; Psh.hInstance = g_hInst; Psh.hwndParent = hWndParent; Psh.pszCaption = g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->szDeviceDescription; Psh.nPages = 0; Psh.nStartPage = 0; Psh.pfnCallback = NULL; Psh.phpage = Pages;
// Create the video settings property page and add it to the video settings sheet
CWDMDialog VideoSettings(IDD_VIDEO_SETTINGS, NumVideoSettings, PROPSETID_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP, g_VideoSettingControls, g_VideoSettingsHelpIDs, (CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin); if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = VideoSettings.Create()) Psh.nPages++;
// Create the camera control property page and add it to the video settings sheet
CWDMDialog CamControl(IDD_CAMERA_CONTROL, NumCameraControls, PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL, g_CameraControls, g_CameraControlsHelpIDs, (CWDMPin *)g_aCapDevices[dwDeviceID]->pCWDMPin); if (Pages[Psh.nPages] = CamControl.Create()) Psh.nPages++;
// Put up the property sheet
if (Psh.nPages && PropertySheet(&Psh) >= 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE;
void WDMFrameCallback( HVIDEO hvideo, WORD wMsg, HCAPDEV hcd, // (Actually refdata)
LPCAPBUFFER lpcbuf, // (Actually LPVIDEOHDR) Only returned from MM_DRVM_DATA!
DWORD dwParam2 ) { FX_ENTRY("WDMFrameCallback");
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CALLBACK, (" %s: wMsg=%s, hcd=0x%08lX, lpcbuf=0x%08lX, hcd->hevWait=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, (wMsg == MM_DRVM_OPEN) ? "MM_DRVM_OPEN" : (wMsg == MM_DRVM_CLOSE) ? "MM_DRVM_CLOSE" : (wMsg == MM_DRVM_ERROR) ? "MM_DRVM_ERROR" : (wMsg == MM_DRVM_DATA) ? "MM_DRVM_DATA" : "MM_DRVM_?????", hcd, lpcbuf, hcd->hevWait));
// If it's not a data ready message, just set the event and get out.
// The reason we do this is that if we get behind and start getting a stream
// of MM_DRVM_ERROR messages (usually because we're stopped in the debugger),
// we want to make sure we are getting events so we get restarted to handle
// the frames that are 'stuck.'
if (wMsg != MM_DRVM_DATA) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CALLBACK, (" %s: Setting hcd->hevWait - no data\r\n", _fx_)); SetEvent(hcd->hevWait); return; }
// Buffer ready queue:
// We maintain a doubly-linked list of our buffers so that we can buffer up
// multiple ready frames when the app isn't ready to handle them. Two things
// complicate what ought to be a very simple thing: (1) Thunking issues: the pointers
// used on the 16-bit side are 16:16 (2) Interrupt time issues: the FrameCallback
// gets called at interrupt time. GetNextReadyBuffer must handle the fact that
// buffers get added to the list asynchronously.
// To handle this, the scheme implemented here is to have a double-linked list
// of buffers with all insertions and deletions happening in FrameCallback
// (interrupt time). This allows the GetNextReadyBuffer routine to simply
// find the previous block on the list any time it needs a new buffer without
// fear of getting tromped (as would be the case if it had to dequeue buffers).
// The FrameCallback routine is responsible to dequeue blocks that GetNextReadyBuffer
// is done with. Dequeueing is simple since we don't need to unlink the blocks:
// no code ever walks the list! All we have to do is move the tail pointer back up
// the list. All the pointers, head, tail, next, prev, are all 16:16 pointers
// since all the list manipulation is on the 16-bit side AND because MapSL is
// much more efficient and safer than MapLS since MapLS has to allocate selectors.
// Move the tail back to skip all buffers already used.
// Note that there is no need to actually unhook the buffer pointers since no one
// ever walks the list!
// This makes STRICT assumptions that the current pointer will always be earlier in
// the list than the tail and that the tail will never be NULL unless the
// current pointer is too.
while (hcd->lpTail != hcd->lpCurrent) hcd->lpTail = hcd->lpTail->lpPrev;
// If all buffers have been used, then the tail pointer will fall off the list.
// This is normal and the most common code path. In this event, just set the head
// to NULL as the list is now empty.
if (!hcd->lpTail) hcd->lpHead = NULL;
// Add the new buffer to the ready queue
lpcbuf->lpNext = hcd->lpHead; lpcbuf->lpPrev = NULL; if (hcd->lpHead) hcd->lpHead->lpPrev = lpcbuf; else hcd->lpTail = lpcbuf; hcd->lpHead = lpcbuf;
#if 1
if (hcd->lpCurrent) { if (!(hcd->dwFlags & HCAPDEV_STREAMING_PAUSED)) { // if client hasn't consumed last frame, then release it
lpcbuf = hcd->lpCurrent; hcd->lpCurrent = hcd->lpCurrent->lpPrev; DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CALLBACK, (" %s: We already have current buffer (lpcbuf=0x%08lX). Returning this buffer to driver. Set new current buffer hcd->lpCurrent=0x%08lX\r\n", _fx_, lpcbuf, hcd->lpCurrent)); if (!WDMVideoStreamAddBuffer(hcd->nDeviceIndex, (PVOID)lpcbuf)) { ERRORMESSAGE((" %s: Attempt to reuse unconsumed buffer failed\r\n", _fx_)); } } } else { #else
if (!hcd->lpCurrent) { // If there was no current buffer before, we have one now, so set it to the end.
hcd->lpCurrent = hcd->lpTail; }
// Now set the event saying it's time to process the ready frame
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_CALLBACK, (" %s: Setting hcd->hevWait - some data\r\n", _fx_)); SetEvent(hcd->hevWait); }