#include "precomp.h"
#define MAGIC_CPU_DO_NOT_EXCEED_PERCENTAGE 50 //Don't use more than this % of the CPU for encoding (also in audiocpl.cpp)
Name : GetQOSCPULimit
Purpose : Gets the total allowed CPU percentage use from QoS
Parameters: None
Returns : How much of the CPU can be used, in percents. 0 means failure
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ ULONG GetQOSCPULimit(void) { #define MSECS_PER_SEC 900
// create the QoS object and get the IQoS interface
// CoInitialize is called in conf.cpp
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_QoS, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IQoS, (void **) &pQoS);
if (FAILED(hr) || !pQoS) { // this means that QoS was not instantiated yet. Use predefined value
// ASSERT, because I want to know if this happens
ASSERT(pQoS); ulCPUPercents = MSECS_PER_SEC; goto out; }
// get a list of all resources from QoS
hr = pQoS->GetResources(&pResourceList); if (FAILED(hr) || !pResourceList) { ERROR_OUT(("GetQoSCPULimit: GetReosurces failed")); goto out; }
// find the CPU resource
for (i=0; i < pResourceList->cResources; i++) { if (pResourceList->aResources[i].resourceID == RESOURCE_CPU_CYCLES) { // QoS keps the CPU units as the number of ms in a sec that the
// CPU can be used. Need to divide by 10 to get percents
ulCPUPercents = pResourceList->aResources[i].nUnits / 10; break; } }
out: if (pResourceList) pQoS->FreeBuffer(pResourceList);
if (pQoS) pQoS->Release();
return ulCPUPercents; }
HRESULT CapsCtl::ComputeCapabilitySets (DWORD dwBitsPerSec) { HRESULT hr = hrSuccess; UINT nAud = 0; UINT nAudCaps = 0; UINT nVid = 0; UINT nVidCaps = 0; UINT x, y, nSets = 0; BASIC_AUDCAP_INFO *pac = NULL; BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO *pvc = NULL; MEDIA_FORMAT_ID *AdvList = NULL; int CPULimit; LPAPPCAPPIF pAudIF = NULL; LPAPPVIDCAPPIF pVidIF = NULL;
if (pAudCaps) { hr = pAudCaps->QueryInterface(IID_IAppAudioCap, (void **)&pAudIF); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto ComputeDone; } }
if (pVidCaps) { hr = pVidCaps->QueryInterface(IID_IAppVidCap, (void **)&pVidIF); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto ComputeDone; } }
//Save away the Bandwidth
// Create the default PTERMCAPDESCRIPTORS set
// Get the number of BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO and BASIC_AUDCAP_INFO structures
// available
if (pVidIF) pVidIF->GetNumFormats(&nVidCaps); if (pAudIF) pAudIF->GetNumFormats(&nAudCaps);
if (nAudCaps) { // Allocate some memory to hold the list in
if (pac = (BASIC_AUDCAP_INFO*)MemAlloc(sizeof(BASIC_AUDCAP_INFO) * nAudCaps)) { // Get the list
if ((hr = pAudIF->EnumFormats(pac, nAudCaps * sizeof (BASIC_AUDCAP_INFO), (UINT*)&nAudCaps)) != hrSuccess) goto ComputeDone; } else { hr = CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto ComputeDone; } }
if (nVidCaps) { // Allocate some memory to hold the video list in
if (pvc = (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO*) MemAlloc(sizeof(BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO) * nVidCaps)) { // Get the list
if ((hr = pVidIF->EnumFormats(pvc, nVidCaps * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), (UINT*)&nVidCaps)) != hrSuccess) goto ComputeDone; } else { hr = CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto ComputeDone; } }
//Allocate memory for the defined list of Codecs, so we can track them
if (nAudCaps) { AdvList = (MEDIA_FORMAT_ID*) MemAlloc(sizeof(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID) * nAudCaps); if (!AdvList) { hr = CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto ComputeDone; } }
if (pAdvertisedSets && pAdvertisedSets->wLength) { ResetCombinedEntries(); }
// We're about to write over pSetIDs, make sure it's freed.
if (pSetIDs) { MemFree(pSetIDs); pSetIDs = NULL; }
//Allocate nVidCaps+1 Set Ids
ASSERT(!pSetIDs); pSetIDs = (DWORD*) MemAlloc(sizeof(DWORD) * (nVidCaps + 1)); if (!pSetIDs) { hr = CAPS_E_SYSTEM_ERROR; goto ComputeDone; }
// If we can get a % limit from the QOS, then use that as the upper bound of
// CPU consumption for a Codec. If it exceeds this bound, do not enable it.
CPULimit= (int) GetQOSCPULimit(); if (CPULimit == 0) CPULimit = MAGIC_CPU_DO_NOT_EXCEED_PERCENTAGE;
// Now, sort that list, according to preference
// This function adds the sets to the advertised list. It sorts audio
// by each video codec.
for (x=0; ((x<nVidCaps) && (nVid < H245_MAX_ALTCAPS));x++) { //Check to make sure the video codec can be advertised.
if ((pvc[x].wCPUUtilizationDecode < CPULimit) && pvc[x].bRecvEnabled && pVidCaps->IsFormatPublic(pvc[x].Id)) { nVid++; // Loop through the Audio codecs, checking to see if they can
// fit alongside the video codec
// BUGBUG - we only check the total BW and CPU because we rely on
// QOS to scale back the video in favor of audio. in other words,
// video can be scaled down to zero BW and CPU.
for (y=0;((y<nAudCaps) && (nAud < H245_MAX_ALTCAPS)) ;y++) { if ((pac[y].wCPUUtilizationDecode < CPULimit) && ((pac[y].uAvgBitrate <= dwBitsPerSec && pac[y].bRecvEnabled) && pAudCaps->IsFormatPublic(pac[y].Id))) { // going to advertise this ID in this
AdvList[nAud++]=pac[y].Id; } }
//Advertise this set, if we can do audio and video
if (nAud) { hr = AddCombinedEntry (AdvList,nAud,&pvc[x].Id,1,&pSetIDs[nSets++]); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto ComputeDone; } }
nAud = 0; } }
// Advertising only one media type in a simcaps set is redundant.
//Now, do the no-video case. If we couldn't advertise above.-- Which implies, in this iteration
// A problem with all the video codecs. We don't do any "combined" compares, so we know
// it's a video problem (if it's audio, well we won't have anything to advertise anyways)
if (!nSets) { for (y=0;y<nAudCaps;y++) { if ((pac[y].wCPUUtilizationDecode < CPULimit) && ((pac[y].uAvgBitrate <= dwBitsPerSec && pac[y].bRecvEnabled) && pAudCaps->IsFormatPublic(pac[y].Id))) { //Advertise this ID
AdvList[nAud++]=pac[y].Id; } }
//Advertise this set, if we can do any audio codecs alone
if (nAud) { //Since the set is 0 based the nVidCaps+1th entry is nVidcaps...
hr=AddCombinedEntry (AdvList,nAud,NULL,0,&pSetIDs[nSets++]); if(!HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto ComputeDone; } } }
//#endif // if(0)
if (pVidIF) { pVidIF->Release(); }
if (pAudIF) { pAudIF->Release(); }
if (AdvList) { MemFree(AdvList); }
if (pvc) { MemFree(pvc); }
if (pac) { MemFree(pac); }
return(hr); }