#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef PLS_DEBUG
#include "plog.h"
CCallLog::CCallLog(int size) { m_bValid = false;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_pLogEntry = new CPacketLogEntry[size]; if (m_pLogEntry == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("CCallLog:Out of memory")); return; }
m_currentIndex = 0; m_size = size; m_bValid = true; }
CCallLog::~CCallLog() { if (m_bValid) { delete [] m_pLogEntry; } }
bool CCallLog::AddEntry(DWORD dwTimeStamp, DWORD dwSeqNum, LARGE_INTEGER LL_ArrivalTime, DWORD dwSize, bool fMark) { CPacketLogEntry Entry;
if (m_bValid == false) return false;
Entry.dwTimeStamp = dwTimeStamp; Entry.dwSequenceNumber = dwSeqNum; Entry.LL_ArrivalTime = LL_ArrivalTime; Entry.dwSize = dwSize; Entry.dwLosses = 0; Entry.bLate = false; Entry.bMark = fMark;
if (SizeCheck() == false) return false;
m_pLogEntry[m_currentIndex++] = Entry; return true;
bool CCallLog::SizeCheck() { if (m_bValid == false) return false;
if (m_currentIndex < m_size) return true; return false; }
bool CCallLog::Flush(HANDLE hFile) { int index; CPacketLogEntry *pEntry; char szOutputLine[80]; DWORD dwNumWritten; __int64 ArrivalTime64; __int64 PerfFreq64; LARGE_INTEGER LL_PerfFreq; if (m_bValid == false) return false;
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false;
// what's the performance frequency of this machine
QueryPerformanceFrequency(&LL_PerfFreq); PerfFreq64 = LL_PerfFreq.QuadPart;
for (index = 0; index < m_currentIndex; index++) { pEntry = &m_pLogEntry[index];
ArrivalTime64 = pEntry->LL_ArrivalTime.QuadPart * 1000; ArrivalTime64 = ArrivalTime64 / PerfFreq64;
sprintf(szOutputLine, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", pEntry->dwTimeStamp, pEntry->dwSequenceNumber, (int)ArrivalTime64, pEntry->dwSize, pEntry->dwLosses); if (pEntry->bMark) strcat(szOutputLine, "\tMARK"); else strcat(szOutputLine, "\t");
if (pEntry->bLate) strcat(szOutputLine, "\tLATE"); strcat(szOutputLine, "\n");
WriteFile(hFile, szOutputLine, strlen(szOutputLine), &dwNumWritten, NULL);
} return true; }
CCallLog& CCallLog::operator=(const CCallLog& log) { WARNING_OUT(("CCallLog:Assignment not supported")); return *this; }
CCallLog::CCallLog(const CCallLog& log) { WARNING_OUT(("CCallLog:Copy constructor not supported")); return; }
bool CCallLog::PerformStats() { int index, probeIndex; DWORD nextExpected; bool bFound;
if (m_bValid == false) return false;
if (m_currentIndex == 0) return false;
// Set the current "loss" value for each entry to 0
for (index = 0; index < m_currentIndex; index++) { m_pLogEntry[index].dwLosses = 0; m_pLogEntry[index].bLate = false; }
// the first packet will always be a match with nextExpected
nextExpected = m_pLogEntry[0].dwSequenceNumber;
for (index = 0; index < m_currentIndex; index++) { if (nextExpected > 65535) nextExpected = 0; // if the packet has the next expected seq num, then everything is ok
if (m_pLogEntry[index].dwSequenceNumber == nextExpected) { nextExpected++; continue; }
// we've detected a missing packet... time to go hunting
else if (m_pLogEntry[index].dwSequenceNumber > nextExpected) { bFound = false; probeIndex = index+1; while ((probeIndex < m_currentIndex) && (probeIndex < (index+PLOG_MAX_NOT_LATE)) ) { if (m_pLogEntry[index].dwSequenceNumber == nextExpected) bFound = true; probeIndex++; }
// the packet was merely out of sequence
if (bFound == true) { nextExpected++; continue; }
// the packet is probably lost
// notice that we are simply incrementing dwLoss measure,
// rolling the index back one
m_pLogEntry[index].dwLosses++; nextExpected++; index--; // this is so we can continue to count additional
// loss packets for the same index
continue; // back to the top of the for-loop
// a packet that was either previously thought of as lost or late
else { m_pLogEntry[index].bLate = true; }
return true; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------
CPacketLog::CPacketLog(LPTSTR szDiskFile): m_hFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_nExtension(0) { m_pCallLog = NULL; strcpy(m_szDiskFile, szDiskFile); }
// initializes an output file. Closes the current file if still open
bool CPacketLog::InitFile() { char szFileName[120];
if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
sprintf(szFileName, "%s%d%s", m_szDiskFile, m_nExtension, PLOG_FILE_EXT); m_hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
while ((m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (m_nExtension < 100)) { CloseHandle(m_hFile); sprintf(szFileName, "%s%d%s", m_szDiskFile, m_nExtension, PLOG_FILE_EXT); m_hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); m_nExtension++; }
m_hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARNING_OUT(("CPacketLog:Unable to initialize output file")); return false; }
return true;
CPacketLog::CPacketLog(const CPacketLog& packet_log) { // it wouldn't be an error if duphandle was used correctly
ERROR_OUT(("CPacketLog:Invalid to create a new packetLog via a copy constructor")); return; }
CPacketLog& CPacketLog::operator=(const CPacketLog& packet_log) { // it wouldn't be an error if duphandle was used correctly
ERROR_OUT(("CPacketLog:Invalid to create a new packetLog via the assignment operator")); return *this; }
CPacketLog::~CPacketLog() { if (m_pCallLog != NULL) { Flush(); delete (m_pCallLog); }
if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(m_hFile);
bool CPacketLog::Flush() { char *szCallHeader = "CALLSTART\n"; DWORD dwNumWritten;
if (m_pCallLog == NULL) return false;
WriteFile(m_hFile, szCallHeader, strlen(szCallHeader), &dwNumWritten, NULL); m_pCallLog->Flush(m_hFile);
return true; }
bool CPacketLog::MarkCallStart() { // write the previous call to file
if (m_pCallLog != NULL) { Flush(); CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; delete m_pCallLog; }
if (false == InitFile()) { return false; }
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_pCallLog = new CCallLog(PLOG_MAX_PACKETS_CALL); if (m_pCallLog == NULL) return false;
return true; }
bool CPacketLog::AddEntry(DWORD dwTimeStamp, DWORD dwSeqNum, LARGE_INTEGER LL_ArrivalTime, DWORD dwSize, bool fMark) { if (m_pCallLog == NULL) { if (false == MarkCallStart()) return false; }
return (m_pCallLog->AddEntry(dwTimeStamp, dwSeqNum, LL_ArrivalTime, dwSize, fMark));
// if-def pls_debug