* File: vcmcaps.h * * * VCM implementation of Microsoft Network Video capability object. * * Additional methods supported by this implementation: * * VIDEO_FORMAT_ID AddEncodeFormat(VIDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtBuf,LPVOID lpvMappingData, UINT uSize); * VIDEO_FORMAT_ID AddDecodeFormat(VIDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtBuf,LPVOID lpvMappingData, UINT uSize); * * Revision History: * * 12/27/95 mikev created * 07/28/96 philf added support for video */
#ifndef _VCMCAPS_H
#define _VCMCAPS_H
#include <pshpack8.h>
// VCM enumeration support functions
BOOL GetVideoFormatBuffer(VOID); BOOL __stdcall FormatTagEnumCallback(HVCMDRIVERID hadid, PVCMFORMATTAGDETAILS paftd, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD fdwSupport); BOOL __stdcall FormatEnumCallback(HVCMDRIVERID hadid, PVCMFORMATDETAILS pafd, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD fdwSupport); BOOL __stdcall DriverEnumCallback(HVCMDRIVERID hadid, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD fdwSupport);
#ifdef __cplusplus
class CVcmCapability { protected: HACMDRIVER hAcmDriver; DWORD m_dwDeviceID; public: CVcmCapability(); ~CVcmCapability(); BOOL FormatEnum(CVcmCapability *pCapObject, DWORD dwFlags); BOOL DriverEnum(CVcmCapability *pCapObject); HACMDRIVER GetDriverHandle() {return hAcmDriver;}; virtual BOOL FormatEnumHandler(HVCMDRIVERID hadid, PVCMFORMATDETAILS pafd, VCMDRIVERDETAILS *padd, DWORD_PTR dwInstance); };
#define SQCIF 0x1
#define QCIF 0x2
#define CIF 0x4
#define UNKNOWN 0x8
#define get_format(w,h) ((w == 128 && h == 96 ) ? SQCIF : ((w == 176 && h == 144 )? QCIF: ((w == 352 && h == 288 ) ? CIF :UNKNOWN)))
#define STD_VID_TERMCAP(tc) {H245_CAPDIR_LCLRX, H245_DATA_VIDEO,(tc), 0, {0}}
//Advertise the maximum possible rate, and assume we can do below this.
//H.261 defines a max MPI of 4!
#define STD_VID_PARAMS {0,0,1}
typedef struct VideoParameters { BYTE RTPPayload; // RTP payload type
DWORD dwFormatDescriptor; // the unique ID of this format
UINT uSamplesPerSec; // the number of frames per second
UINT uBitsPerSample; // the number of bits per pixel
VIDEO_SIZES enumVideoSize; // enum. Use Small, Medium, Large
UINT biWidth; // the frame width in pixels
UINT biHeight; // the frame height in pixels
typedef struct VidCapDetails { DWORD dwFormatTag; CC_TERMCAP H245Cap; NSC_CHANNEL_VIDEO_PARAMETERS nonstd_params; VIDEO_PARAMS video_params; // this has a dependency on protocol.h
DWORD dwPublicRefIndex; // index of the local capability entry that will be
// advertized. Zero if this entry is the one to advertize
BOOL bSendEnabled; BOOL bRecvEnabled; DWORD dwDefaultSamples; // default number of samples per packet
UINT uMaxBitrate; // max bandwidth used by this format (calculated: bits per sample * sample rate)
UINT uAvgBitrate; // average bandwidth used by this format (we get this from the codec)
WORD wCPUUtilizationEncode; WORD wCPUUtilizationDecode; WORD wApplicationPrefOrder; // overriding preference - lower number means more preferred
UINT uLocalDetailsSize; // size in bytes of what lpLocalFormatDetails points to
LPVOID lpLocalFormatDetails; UINT uRemoteDetailsSize; // size in bytes of what lpRemoteFormatDetails points to
* VCM interface * Definitions for interfacing with VCM */
typedef struct { PVIDCAP_DETAILS pVidcapDetails; // a pointer to an VIDCAP_DETAILS structure
DWORD dwFlags; // misc flags...
PVIDEOFORMATEX pvfx; // pointer to video format structure. used when adding formats
// implementation class of the Video Interface
class CImpAppVidCap : public IAppVidCap { public: STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef()); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release()); STDMETHOD(GetNumFormats(UINT *puNumFmtOut)); STDMETHOD(ApplyAppFormatPrefs(PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFormatPrefsBuf, UINT uNumFormatPrefs)); STDMETHOD(EnumFormats(PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFmtBuf, UINT uBufsize, UINT *uNumFmtOut)); STDMETHOD(EnumCommonFormats(PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFmtBuf, UINT uBufsize, UINT *uNumFmtOut, BOOL bTXCaps)); STDMETHOD( GetBasicVidcapInfo (VIDEO_FORMAT_ID Id, PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFormatPrefsBuf)); STDMETHOD( AddVCMFormat (PVIDEOFORMATEX lpvfx, PVIDCAP_INFO pVidCapInfo)); STDMETHOD( RemoveVCMFormat (PVIDEOFORMATEX lpvfx)); STDMETHOD_ (PVIDEOFORMATEX, GetVidcapDetails(THIS_ VIDEO_FORMAT_ID Id)); STDMETHOD( GetPreferredFormatId (VIDEO_FORMAT_ID *pId)); STDMETHOD (SetDeviceID(DWORD dwDeviceID));
void Init(class CMsivCapability * pCapObject) {m_pCapObject = pCapObject;};
protected: class CMsivCapability * m_pCapObject; };
class CMsivCapability : public IH323MediaCap, public CVcmCapability {
protected: UINT uRef; BOOL bPublicizeTXCaps; BOOL bPublicizeTSTradeoff; //LOOKLOOK this supports a hack to disable CPU intensive codecs if not running on a pentium
WORD wMaxCPU; static MEDIA_FORMAT_ID IDsByRank[MAX_CAPS_PRESORT]; static UINT uNumLocalFormats; // # of active entries in pLocalFormats
static UINT uStaticRef; // global ref count
static UINT uCapIDBase; // rebase capability ID to index into IDsByRank
static VIDCAP_DETAILS *pLocalFormats; // cached list of formats that we can receive
static UINT uLocalFormatCapacity; // size of pLocalFormats (in multiples of VIDCAP_DETAILS)
PVIDCAP_DETAILS pRemoteDecodeFormats; // cached list of formats that the
// other end can receive/decode
UINT uNumRemoteDecodeFormats; // # of entries for remote decode capabilities
UINT uRemoteDecodeFormatCapacity; // size of pRemoteDecodeFormats (in multiples of VIDCAP_DETAILS)
PVCM_APP_PARAM m_pAppParam; // a pointer to a PVCM_APP_PARAM structure. Used to carry
// a information through the enumeration process
// but can be used for other purposes
// embedded interface classes
CImpAppVidCap m_IAppVidCap; protected:
// Internal functions
UINT IDToIndex(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID id) {return id - uCapIDBase;}; MEDIA_FORMAT_ID IndexToId(UINT uIndex){return uIndex + uCapIDBase;};
LPTSTR AllocRegistryKeyName(LPTSTR lpDriverName, UINT uSampleRate, UINT uBitsPerSample, UINT uBytesPerSec,UINT uWidth,UINT uHeight); VOID FreeRegistryKeyName(LPTSTR lpszKeyName);
VOID CalculateFormatProperties(VIDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtBuf, PVIDEOFORMATEX lpvfx); BOOL IsFormatSpecified(PVIDEOFORMATEX lpFormat, PVCMFORMATDETAILS pvfd, VCMDRIVERDETAILS *pvdd, VIDCAP_DETAILS *pVidcapDetails); virtual VOID SortEncodeCaps(SortMode sortmode); virtual VIDEO_FORMAT_ID AddFormat(VIDCAP_DETAILS *pFmtBuf,LPVOID lpvMappingData, UINT uSize); BOOL UpdateFormatInRegistry(VIDCAP_DETAILS *pFmt); BOOL BuildFormatName( PVIDCAP_DETAILS pVidcapDetails, WCHAR *pszDriverName, WCHAR *pszFormatName); HRESULT GetFormatName(PVIDCAP_DETAILS pVidcapDetails, PVIDEOFORMATEX pvfx);
public: STDMETHOD_(BOOL, Init()); STDMETHOD_(BOOL, ReInit()); CMsivCapability(); ~CMsivCapability(); // handler for codec enumeration callback
// Common interface methods
// IVCapApi methods
STDMETHOD(GetNumFormats(UINT *puNumFmtOut)); STDMETHOD(ApplyAppFormatPrefs(PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFormatPrefsBuf, UINT uNumFormatPrefs)); STDMETHOD(EnumFormats(PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFmtBuf, UINT uBufsize, UINT *uNumFmtOut)); STDMETHOD(EnumCommonFormats(PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFmtBuf, UINT uBufsize, UINT *uNumFmtOut, BOOL bTXCaps)); STDMETHOD( GetBasicVidcapInfo (VIDEO_FORMAT_ID Id, PBASIC_VIDCAP_INFO pFormatPrefsBuf)); STDMETHOD( AddVCMFormat (PVIDEOFORMATEX lpvfx, PVIDCAP_INFO pVidCapInfo)); STDMETHOD( RemoveVCMFormat (PVIDEOFORMATEX lpvfx)); STDMETHOD( GetPreferredFormatId (VIDEO_FORMAT_ID *pId)); STDMETHOD (SetDeviceID(DWORD dwDeviceID)) {m_dwDeviceID = dwDeviceID; return hrSuccess;};
// support of IVCapApi methods
virtual HRESULT CopyVidcapInfo (PVIDCAP_DETAILS pDetails, PVIDCAP_INFO pInfo, BOOL bDirection); //
// IH323MediaCap methods
STDMETHOD_(VOID, FlushRemoteCaps()); STDMETHOD( AddRemoteDecodeCaps(PCC_TERMCAPLIST pTermCapList)); STDMETHOD_(VIDEO_FORMAT_ID, AddRemoteDecodeFormat(PCC_TERMCAP pCCThisCap));
// Get local and remote channel parameters for a specific encode capability
STDMETHOD( GetEncodeParams(LPVOID pBufOut, UINT uBufSize, LPVOID pLocalParams, UINT uLocalSize,MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idRemote,MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idLocal)); STDMETHOD( GetPublicDecodeParams(LPVOID pBufOut, UINT uBufSize, VIDEO_FORMAT_ID id)); STDMETHOD( GetDecodeParams(PCC_RX_CHANNEL_REQUEST_CALLBACK_PARAMS pChannelParams, VIDEO_FORMAT_ID * pFormatID, LPVOID lpvBuf, UINT uBufSize)); STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetNumCaps()){return uNumLocalFormats;}; STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetNumCaps(BOOL bRXCaps)); STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsHostForCapID(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID CapID)); STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsCapabilityRecognized(PCC_TERMCAP pCCThisCap)); STDMETHOD(SetCapIDBase(UINT uNewBase)); STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetCapIDBase()) {return uCapIDBase;}; STDMETHOD (IsFormatEnabled (MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID, PBOOL bRecv, PBOOL bSend)); STDMETHOD_(BOOL, IsFormatPublic(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID)); STDMETHOD_(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID, GetPublicID(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID));
STDMETHOD_ (VOID, EnableTXCaps(BOOL bSetting)) {bPublicizeTXCaps = bSetting;}; STDMETHOD_ (VOID, EnableRemoteTSTradeoff(BOOL bSetting)) {bPublicizeTSTradeoff= bSetting;}; STDMETHOD (SetAudioPacketDuration( UINT durationInMs)); STDMETHOD (ResolveToLocalFormat(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatIDLocal, MEDIA_FORMAT_ID * pFormatIDRemote)); STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetLocalSendParamSize(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID dwID)); STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetLocalRecvParamSize(PCC_TERMCAP pCapability)); STDMETHOD( CreateCapList(LPVOID *ppCapBuf)); STDMETHOD( DeleteCapList(LPVOID pCapBuf)); STDMETHOD( ResolveEncodeFormat(VIDEO_FORMAT_ID *pIDVidEncodeOut,VIDEO_FORMAT_ID * pIDVidRemoteDecode));
// methods provided to the Data pump, common to H.323 and MSICCP
STDMETHOD(GetDecodeFormatDetails(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID, VOID **ppFormat, UINT *puSize)); STDMETHOD(GetEncodeFormatDetails(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID, VOID **ppFormat, UINT *puSize)); };
#endif // __cplusplus
#include <poppack.h>
#endif //#ifndef _VCMCAPS_H