- QOS.CPP - * Microsoft NetMeeting * Quality of Service DLL * IQoS interfaces * * Revision History: * * When Who What * -------- ------------------ --------------------------------------- * 10.23.96 Yoram Yaacovi Created * * Functions: * IQoS * CQoS::QueryInterface * CQoS::AddRef * CQoS::Release * CQoS::RequestResources * CQoS::ReleaseResources * CQoS::SetClients * CQoS::SetResources * CQoS::GetResources * CQoS::FreeBuffer * Public: * CQoS::CQoS * CQoS::~CQoS * CQoS::Initialize * Private * CQoS::AnyRequests * CQoS::FindClientsForResource * CQoS::StoreResourceRequest * CQoS::FreeResourceRequest * CQoS::UpdateClientInfo * CQoS::QoSCleanup * CQoS::FindClient * CQoS::UpdateRequestsForClient * External * CreateQoS * QoSEntryPoint */
#include "precomp.h"
EXTERN_C int g_cQoSObjects=0; EXTERN_C HANDLE g_hQoSMutex=NULL; class CQoS *g_pQoS;
#ifdef DEBUG
static PTCHAR _rgZonesQos[] = { TEXT("qos"), TEXT("Init"), TEXT("IQoS"), TEXT("Thread"), TEXT("Structures"), TEXT("Parameters"), }; #endif /* DEBUG */
Name : QoSCleanup
Purpose : Cleans up a QoS object before releasing (free memory, etc)
Parameters: pqos - pointer to a QoS pbject
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::QoSCleanup () { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; LPRESOURCEINT pr=NULL; LPCLIENTINT pc=NULL;
* Free memory */ // traverse and free all the memory allocated by the QoS object
// resources and requests first
pr = m_pResourceList; while (pr) { LPRESOURCEINT prNext=pr->fLink;
// first, delete the request list for this resource
MEMFREE(pr); pr = prNext; } m_pResourceList = 0;
// next is clients
pc = m_pClientList; while (pc) { LPCLIENTINT pcNext=pc->fLink; // delete the request list for this client
// now delete the client itself
MEMFREE(pc); pc = pcNext; } m_pClientList = 0;
// terminate the QoS thread and let it exit
// the thread should really be terminated when the last request
// is released, so this is just a safety measure
// delete the events
if (m_evImmediateNotify) CloseHandle(m_evImmediateNotify); m_evImmediateNotify = NULL;
if (m_evThreadExitSignal) CloseHandle(m_evThreadExitSignal); m_evThreadExitSignal = NULL;
return hr; }
Name : AnyRequests
Purpose : Finds out if there are any resource requests
Parameters: none
Returns : TRUE - there is at least one request
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ BOOL CQoS::AnyRequests(void) { LPRESOURCEINT pr=NULL; BOOL bAnyRequests=FALSE;
pr = m_pResourceList; while (pr) { if (pr->pRequestList) { bAnyRequests=TRUE; break; }
// next resource
pr = pr->fLink; }
return bAnyRequests; }
Name : FindClientsForResource
Purpose : Finds if there are clients for a specific resource
Parameters: [in] dwResourceID = the ID of the resource [in] pc = client pointer to start searching from [out] puSamePriClients = number of clients with the same priority for this resource is returned here [out] puLowerPriClients = number of clients with lower priority for this resource is returned here
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : This function is NOT general purpose. It only counts clients with the same priority DOWN the list.
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::FindClientsForResource( DWORD dwResourceID, LPCLIENTINT pc, ULONG *puSamePriClients, ULONG *puLowerPriClients) { LPCLIENTINT pctemp=pc->fLink; LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT pcrr=NULL;
*puLowerPriClients = 0; *puSamePriClients = 1; // the first client (at 'pc')
while (pctemp) { LPRESOURCEINT pr=NULL; // does this client need this specific resource ?
pcrr = pctemp->pRequestList; while (pcrr) { if (pcrr->sResourceRequest.resourceID == dwResourceID) { // it is either a same priority client or a lower priority
// client (the list is sorted)
(pctemp->client.priority == pc->client.priority ? (*puSamePriClients)++ : (*puLowerPriClients)++); break; }
// next request for this client
pcrr = pcrr->fLink; } pctemp = pctemp->fLink; }
return NOERROR; }
Name : FreeListOfRequests
Purpose : Free all records of a linked list of requests, given the address of the list pointer. Zero's the list pointer
Parameters: lppRequestList - address of the pointer to the beginning of the list
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::FreeListOfRequests(LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT *lppRequestList) { LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT prr=*lppRequestList; HRESULT hr=NOERROR;
while (prr) { LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT prrNext=prr->fLink;
MEMFREE(prr); prr = prrNext; }
*lppRequestList = NULL;
return hr; }
Name : FreeResourceRequest
Purpose : Frees resource units and respective resource requests
Parameters: pClientGUID - the GUID of the calling client (stream) pnUnits - a pointer of where to return the number of units freed pResourceInt - pointer to the resource being freed
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::FreeResourceRequest ( LPGUID pClientGUID, LPRESOURCEINT pResourceInt, int *pnUnits) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT prr=NULL, *prrPrev=NULL;
// find the request from this client
prr = pResourceInt->pRequestList; prrPrev = &(pResourceInt->pRequestList); while (prr) { if (COMPARE_GUIDS(&(prr->guidClientGUID), pClientGUID)) { // we do have a request from this client.
// reclaim the units...
*pnUnits = prr->sResourceRequest.nUnitsMin;
// ...and remove it
*prrPrev = prr->fLink; MEMFREE(prr);
// we're done.
hr = NOERROR; goto out; }
prrPrev = &(prr->fLink); prr = prr->fLink; }
out: return hr; }
Name : StoreResourceRequest
Purpose : Stores a resource request with the resource
Parameters: pClientGUID - the GUID of the calling client (stream) pResourceRequest - the request to store pfnQoSNotify - a pointer to a notification function for the requesting client pResourceInt - pointer to the resource on which to store the request
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::StoreResourceRequest (LPGUID pClientGUID, LPRESOURCEREQUEST pResourceRequest, LPFNQOSNOTIFY pfnQoSNotify, DWORD_PTR dwParam, LPRESOURCEINT pResourceInt) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT prr=NULL, *prrPrev=NULL; BOOL fRequestFound=FALSE;
* Store the request */
// do we already have a request from this client ?
prr = pResourceInt->pRequestList; prrPrev = &(pResourceInt->pRequestList); while (prr) { if (COMPARE_GUIDS(&(prr->guidClientGUID), pClientGUID)) { // we do have a request from this client. override it.
RtlCopyMemory( &(prr->sResourceRequest), pResourceRequest, sizeof(RESOURCEREQUEST)); RtlCopyMemory(&(prr->guidClientGUID), pClientGUID, sizeof(GUID)); prr->pfnQoSNotify = pfnQoSNotify; prr->dwParam = dwParam;
// we're done.
hr = NOERROR; fRequestFound = TRUE; break; }
prrPrev = &(prr->fLink); prr = prr->fLink; }
if (!fRequestFound) { // not found. make one
prr = (LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT) MEMALLOC(sizeof(RESOURCEREQUESTINT)); ASSERT(prr); if (!prr) { ERRORMSG(("StoreResourceRequest: MEMALLOC failed on RESOURCEREQUESTINT\n")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; } *prrPrev = prr; prr->fLink = NULL;
// whether found or made, copy the contents in
RtlCopyMemory( &(prr->sResourceRequest), pResourceRequest, sizeof(RESOURCEREQUEST)); RtlCopyMemory(&(prr->guidClientGUID), pClientGUID, sizeof(GUID)); prr->pfnQoSNotify = pfnQoSNotify; prr->dwParam = dwParam;
out: return hr; }
Name : UpdateClientInfo
Purpose : Updates the client info when a resource request is granted
Parameters: pClientGUID - the GUID of the calling client (stream) pfnQoSNotify - a pointer to a notification function for the requesting client
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::UpdateClientInfo (LPGUID pClientGUID, LPFNQOSNOTIFY pfnQoSNotify) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; LPCLIENTLIST pcl=NULL;
* Update client info */
// we'll do this through calling the SetClients method
// allocate and fill a CLIENTLIST structure
pcl = (LPCLIENTLIST) MEMALLOC(sizeof(CLIENTLIST)); if (!pcl) { ERRORMSG(("UpdateClientInfo: MEMALLOC failed\n")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; }
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID) pcl, sizeof(CLIENTLIST));
// fill in the resource list
pcl->cClients = 1; RtlCopyMemory(&(pcl->aClients[0].guidClientGUID), pClientGUID, sizeof(GUID)); pcl->aClients[0].priority = QOS_LOWEST_PRIORITY;
// set the clients info on the QoS module
hr = SetClients(pcl);
out: if (pcl) MEMFREE(pcl);
return hr; }
Name : UpdateRequestsForClient
Purpose : Update a client's request list by finding all existing resource requests for this client
Parameters: pClientGUID - the GUID of the calling client (stream)
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::UpdateRequestsForClient (LPGUID pClientGUID) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; LPRESOURCEINT pr=NULL; LPCLIENTINT pc=NULL; LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT prr=NULL, *pcrrfLink=NULL, pcrr=NULL;
* get rid of the current request list for this client */ // find the client first
hr = FindClient(pClientGUID, &pc); if (FAILED(hr) || !pc) { hr = QOS_E_NO_SUCH_CLIENT; goto out; }
// now delete old request list
* create and add the new request list */ pr = m_pResourceList; pcrrfLink = &(pc->pRequestList); while (pr) { prr = pr->pRequestList; while (prr) { if (COMPARE_GUIDS(&(prr->guidClientGUID), pClientGUID)) { // we found a request from this client.
// allocate memory for it, and copy it in
pcrr = (LPRESOURCEREQUESTINT) MEMALLOC(sizeof(RESOURCEREQUESTINT)); ASSERT(pcrr); if (!pcrr) { ERRORMSG(("UpdateRequestsForClient: MEMALLOC failed on RESOURCEREQUESTINT\n")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; } // copy the contents in
RtlCopyMemory(pcrr, prr, sizeof(RESOURCEREQUESTINT));
// need a different fLink for the client request list
*pcrrfLink = pcrr; pcrr->fLink = NULL; pcrrfLink = &(pcrr->fLink); }
// next request
prr = prr->fLink; }
// next resource
pr = pr->fLink; }
out: return hr; }
Name : FindClient
Purpose : Finds and returns a client record
Parameters: pClientGUID - the GUID whose record to find ppClient - address of where to put a pointer to the client found
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::FindClient(LPGUID pClientGUID, LPCLIENTINT *ppClient) { LPCLIENTINT pc=NULL; HRESULT hr=NOERROR;
*ppClient = NULL; pc = m_pClientList; while (pc) { if (COMPARE_GUIDS(&(pc->client.guidClientGUID), pClientGUID)) { *ppClient = pc; goto out; }
// next client
pc = pc->fLink; }
out: return hr; }
IUnknown Methods
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, LPVOID *lppNewObj) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
if (IsBadReadPtr(&riid, (UINT) sizeof(IID))) { hr = ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG); goto out; }
if (IsBadWritePtr(lppNewObj, sizeof(LPVOID))) { hr = ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG); goto out; } *lppNewObj = 0; if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IQoS) *lppNewObj = (IQoS *) this; else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; goto out; } ((IUnknown *)*lppNewObj)->AddRef ();
out: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::QueryInterface - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
ULONG CQoS::AddRef (void) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::AddRef\n"));
InterlockedIncrement((long *) &m_cRef);
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::AddRef - leave, m_cRef=%d\n", m_cRef));
return m_cRef; }
ULONG CQoS::Release (void) { DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::Release\n"));
// if the cRef is already 0 (shouldn't happen), assert, but let it through
if (InterlockedDecrement((long *) &m_cRef) == 0) { if (m_bQoSEnabled) QoSCleanup(); delete this; DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::Final Release\n")); return 0; }
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::Release - leave, m_cRef=%d\n", m_cRef)); return m_cRef; }
Name : CQoS::RequestResources
Purpose : Requests resources
Parameters: lpStreamGUID - the GUID of the calling client (stream) lpResourceRequestList - a list of resource requests that the caller wants to reserve lpfnQoSNotify - a pointer to a notification function for the requesting client
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::RequestResources (LPGUID lpClientGUID, LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST lpResourceRequestList, LPFNQOSNOTIFY lpfnQoSNotify, DWORD_PTR dwParam) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG i; BOOL fResourceFound=FALSE, fRequestGranted=FALSE; LPRESOURCEINT pResourceInt=NULL, *pPrevResourcefLink=NULL; RESOURCEREQUEST *pResourceRequest=NULL;
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::RequestResources\n")); /*
* Parameter validation */
// lpResourceRequestList should at least have a count DWORD
// must have a GUID and a notify callback
if (!lpResourceRequestList || IsBadReadPtr(lpResourceRequestList, (UINT) sizeof(DWORD)) || !lpClientGUID || !lpfnQoSNotify) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto out_nomutex; }
DISPLAYPARAMETERS( REQUEST_RESOURCES_ID, lpClientGUID, lpResourceRequestList, lpfnQoSNotify, dwParam, 0);
ACQMUTEX(g_hQoSMutex); if (!m_bQoSEnabled) // just return
goto out;
* Find and allocate the resources */
// for each requested resource
pResourceRequest=lpResourceRequestList->aRequests; for (i=0; i < lpResourceRequestList->cRequests; i++) { pResourceInt = m_pResourceList; fResourceFound = FALSE; // find the resource
while (pResourceInt) { if (pResourceInt->resource.resourceID == pResourceRequest[i].resourceID) { // resource found
// see if the resource is available
// priority will be handled at the first notify callback
// CHECK: add nUnitsMax handling
if (pResourceRequest[i].nUnitsMin <= pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits) { // resource is available. take the requested share.
pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits -= pResourceRequest[i].nUnitsMin;
// store a local copy of the request
pResourceRequest[i].hResult = StoreResourceRequest(lpClientGUID, &(pResourceRequest[i]), lpfnQoSNotify, dwParam, pResourceInt); // if we failed storing, propagate the result to the bottom line
// returned result
if (FAILED(pResourceRequest[i].hResult)) { hr = pResourceRequest[i].hResult; } else { // at least one request was granted to this client
fRequestGranted = TRUE; } } else // resource not available
{ // let the client know how much is available
pResourceRequest[i].nUnitsMin = pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits; pResourceRequest[i].hResult = QOS_E_RES_NOT_ENOUGH_UNITS; hr = QOS_E_REQ_ERRORS; } fResourceFound = TRUE;
break; }
// not this one. try next one.
pResourceInt = pResourceInt->fLink; } // while
if (!fResourceFound) { pResourceRequest[i].hResult = QOS_E_RES_NOT_AVAILABLE; hr = QOS_E_REQ_ERRORS; }
// next request
} // for
// if we allocated resources to this client, add it to the client list,
// provided that it is not already in the list
// special case: if the call to RequestResources was made from the QoS
// notification proc, no need to update the client info. Actually, it will
// be bad to do this, since we are traversing the client list in the
// notify proc right at this moment...
if (fRequestGranted && !m_bInNotify) { // add (or update) the client list with this client
// if the client is not already in the client list - add it
FindClient(lpClientGUID, &pc); if (!pc) { hrTemp = UpdateClientInfo (lpClientGUID, lpfnQoSNotify); if (FAILED(hrTemp)) hr = hrTemp; }
// also, make a note that RequestResources has been called. This will
// make the QoS thread skip one heartbeat in order not call a client
// too early
m_nSkipHeartBeats = 1;
// we have at least one request, so spawn the QoS thread, if not
// already running
if (!m_hThread) hrTemp = StartQoSThread();
} out: DISPLAYQOSOBJECT(); RELMUTEX(g_hQoSMutex); out_nomutex: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::RequestResources - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::ReleaseResources
Purpose : Releases resources
Parameters: lpClientGUID - the GUID of the calling client (stream) lpResourceRequestList - a list of resource requests that the caller wants to reserve
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : The values in the resource list are ignored. The resources specified are freed.
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::ReleaseResources (LPGUID lpClientGUID, LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST lpResourceRequestList) { ULONG i; int nUnits=0; BOOL fResourceFound=FALSE; LPRESOURCEINT pResourceInt=NULL, *pPrevResourcefLink=NULL; RESOURCEREQUEST *pResourceRequest=NULL; HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
* parameter validation */
// lpResourceRequestList should at least have a count DWORD
if (!lpResourceRequestList || IsBadReadPtr(lpResourceRequestList, (UINT) sizeof(DWORD))) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto out_nomutex; }
DISPLAYPARAMETERS( RELEASE_RESOURCES_ID, lpClientGUID, lpResourceRequestList, 0, 0, 0);
if (!m_bQoSEnabled) // just return
goto out;
// for each requested resource
pResourceRequest=lpResourceRequestList->aRequests; for (i=0; i < lpResourceRequestList->cRequests; i++) { // make sure we start with no error (caller might not cleared last hresult)
pResourceRequest[i].hResult = NOERROR; pResourceInt = m_pResourceList; fResourceFound = FALSE; // find the resource
while (pResourceInt) { if (pResourceInt->resource.resourceID == pResourceRequest[i].resourceID) { // resource found
// free the local copy of the request
pResourceRequest[i].hResult = FreeResourceRequest(lpClientGUID, pResourceInt, &nUnits); // if succeeded, claim the units back
if (SUCCEEDED(pResourceRequest[i].hResult) && (nUnits >= 0)) { // add the freed units
pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits += nUnits; // in case something went wrong and we now have more available units
// than total ones
// NOTE: the ASSERT below is no longer proper. If SetResources was called,
// and decreased the total units for a resource while there were
// requests on this resource, the available units for this resource
// might exceed the total one if released. Since QoS will auto-repair
// this in the next notify cycle, the window for this is very small
// ASSERT(!(pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits > pResourceInt->resource.nUnits));
if (pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits > pResourceInt->resource.nUnits) { // we don't want to have more available units than total
pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits = pResourceInt->resource.nUnits; } } else { // no such request
pResourceRequest[i].hResult = QOS_E_NO_SUCH_REQUEST; hr = QOS_E_REQ_ERRORS; } fResourceFound = TRUE;
break; }
// not this one. try next one.
pResourceInt = pResourceInt->fLink; } // while
if (!fResourceFound) { pResourceRequest[i].hResult = QOS_E_NO_SUCH_RESOURCE; hr = QOS_E_REQ_ERRORS; } // next request
// if no requests left, can let the notification thread go...
if (m_hThread && !AnyRequests()) { // stop the thread
StopQoSThread(); }
out_nomutex: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::ReleaseResources - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::SetResources
Purpose : Sets the available resources on the QoS module
Parameters: lpResourceList - list of resources and their availability
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::SetResources (LPRESOURCELIST lpResourceList) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG i; BOOL fResourceFound=FALSE; LPRESOURCEINT pResourceInt=NULL, *pPrevResourcefLink=NULL; RESOURCE *pResource=NULL;
* parameter validation */
// lpResourceList should at least have a count DWORD
if (!lpResourceList || IsBadReadPtr(lpResourceList, (UINT) sizeof(DWORD))) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto out_nomutex; }
if (!m_bQoSEnabled) // just return
goto out;
* Get configurable resource info */
pResource=lpResourceList->aResources; for (i=0; i < lpResourceList->cResources; i++) { TCHAR szKey[10]; // should be way enough for a resource ID
int nUnits=INT_MAX; int nLeaveUnused=0;
// build and open the key
wsprintf(szKey, "%d", pResource[i].resourceID);
RegEntry reQosResource(szKey, reQoSResourceRoot.GetKey(), FALSE, KEY_READ);
// MaxUnits:
// run through the list of resources and make sure none of the
// resources was set to a number of units above the allowed maximum
// if it was, trim and warn
// get maximum numbers for the resource, if any, from the registry
nUnits = reQosResource.GetNumberIniStyle(TEXT("MaxUnits"), INT_MAX); // is the client trying to set the resource to a higher value ?
if (pResource[i].nUnits > nUnits) { pResource[i].nUnits = nUnits; hr = QOS_W_MAX_UNITS_EXCEEDED; } // LeaveUnused:
// leave some of the resource unused, as configured
// use different default value depending on the resource
switch (pResource[i].resourceID) { case RESOURCE_OUTGOING_BANDWIDTH: nLeaveUnused = 30; break; default: nLeaveUnused = 10; break; }
nLeaveUnused = reQosResource.GetNumberIniStyle( TEXT("LeaveUnused"), nLeaveUnused);
pResource[i].nUnits = (pResource[i].nUnits * (100 - nLeaveUnused)) / 100; }
* Add the resource to the list */
// run through the input resource list and store the resources
// resource availability is NOT accumulative
pResource=lpResourceList->aResources; for (i=0; i < lpResourceList->cResources; i++) { pResourceInt = m_pResourceList; pPrevResourcefLink = &m_pResourceList; fResourceFound = FALSE; while (pResourceInt != 0) { if (pResourceInt->resource.resourceID == pResource[i].resourceID) { // found a match
// did the total number of units change for this resource ?
if (pResourceInt->resource.nUnits != pResource[i].nUnits) { // update the now available units
// since we could end up with less units than what was allocated
// we are issuing a NotifyNow at the end of this call
pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits = pResource[i].nUnits - (pResourceInt->resource.nUnits - pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits); if (pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits < 0) pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits = 0; }
// override the previous setting
RtlCopyMemory( &(pResourceInt->resource), &(pResource[i]), sizeof(RESOURCE)); fResourceFound = TRUE; break; }
// not this one. try next one.
pPrevResourcefLink = &(pResourceInt->fLink); pResourceInt = pResourceInt->fLink; } // while
if (fResourceFound) continue;
// not found. add the resource
pResourceInt = (LPRESOURCEINT) MEMALLOC(sizeof(RESOURCEINT)); ASSERT(pResourceInt); if (!pResourceInt) { ERRORMSG(("IQoS::SetResources: MEMALLOC failed on RESOURCEINT\n")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; }
// copy the resource in
RtlCopyMemory( &(pResourceInt->resource), &(pResource[i]), sizeof(RESOURCE)); pResourceInt->fLink = NULL; pResourceInt->nNowAvailUnits = pResourceInt->resource.nUnits; *pPrevResourcefLink = pResourceInt;
// increment the number of resources we're tracking
// this number will never go down
// next resource
} // for
// since there was a possible change in the resource availability,
// run an immediate notification cycle
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) NotifyNow();
out_nomutex: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::SetResources - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::GetResources
Purpose : Gets the list of resources available to the QoS module
Parameters: lppResourceList - an address where QoS will place a pointer to a buffer with the list of resources available to QoS. The caller must use CQoS::FreeBuffer to free this buffer.
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::GetResources (LPRESOURCELIST *lppResourceList) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG i; LPRESOURCELIST prl=NULL; LPRESOURCEINT pResourceInt=NULL; RESOURCE *pResource=NULL;
* parameter validation */
// lpResourceList should at least have a count DWORD
if (!lppResourceList || IsBadWritePtr(lppResourceList, (UINT) sizeof(DWORD))) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto out_nomutex; }
// no list yet
*lppResourceList = NULL;
if (!m_bQoSEnabled) // just return
goto out_nomutex;
* Get resource info */
// allocate a buffer for the resources info
prl = (LPRESOURCELIST) MEMALLOC(sizeof(RESOURCELIST) + ((LONG_PTR)m_cResources-1)*sizeof(RESOURCE)); if (!prl) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ERRORMSG(("GetResources: MEMALLOC failed\n")); goto out; }
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID) prl, sizeof(RESOURCELIST) + ((LONG_PTR)m_cResources-1)*sizeof(RESOURCE));
// now fill in the information
prl->cResources = m_cResources; pResourceInt=m_pResourceList; for (i=0; i < m_cResources; i++) { ASSERT(pResourceInt);
// see if we have a NULL resource pointer
// shouldn't happen, but we shouldn't crash if it does
if (!pResourceInt) { hr = QOS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR; ERRORMSG(("GetResources: bad QoS internal resource list\n")); goto out; }
// copy the resource info into the buffer
RtlCopyMemory( &(prl->aResources[i]), &(pResourceInt->resource), sizeof(RESOURCE)); // next resource
pResourceInt = pResourceInt->fLink; } // for
*lppResourceList = prl; out: DISPLAYQOSOBJECT(); RELMUTEX(g_hQoSMutex);
out_nomutex: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::GetResources - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::SetClients
Purpose : Tells the QoS module what are the priorities of the requesting streams. This allows the QoS module to allocate resources appropriately.
Parameters: lpClientList - list of clients and their respective priorities
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : client info will override an already existing info for this client
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::SetClients(LPCLIENTLIST lpClientList) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG i; BOOL fClientFound=FALSE; LPCLIENTINT pClientInt=NULL, *pPrevClientfLink=NULL, pClientNew=NULL;; LPCLIENT pClient=NULL;
* parameter validation */
// lpClientList should at least have a count DWORD
if (!lpClientList || IsBadReadPtr(lpClientList, (UINT) sizeof(DWORD))) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto out_nomutex; }
if (!m_bQoSEnabled) // just return
goto out;
// first remove existing clients that are being set again
// this will make it easier to store clients in a priority order
pClient=lpClientList->aClients; for (i=0; i < lpClientList->cClients; i++) { pClientInt = m_pClientList; pPrevClientfLink = &m_pClientList; fClientFound = FALSE; while (pClientInt != 0) { if (COMPARE_GUIDS( &(pClientInt->client.guidClientGUID), &(pClient[i].guidClientGUID))) { // found a match
LPCLIENTINT pClientIntNext=pClientInt->fLink;
// special case for internal calls from RequestResources
// we want to preserve the original priority before freeing
if (pClient[i].priority == QOS_LOWEST_PRIORITY) pClient[i].priority = pClientInt->client.priority;
// free the requests for this client
// NOTE: we're not going to recreate the request list from
// the one in the resource list. it will be created on the
// fly when needed.
// free the client record
MEMFREE(pClientInt); *pPrevClientfLink = pClientIntNext; fClientFound = TRUE; break; }
// not this one. try next one.
pPrevClientfLink = &(pClientInt->fLink); pClientInt = pClientInt->fLink; } // while
// next resource
} // for
// now store the clients in the input list in priority order
pClient=lpClientList->aClients; for (i=0; i < lpClientList->cClients; i++) { pClientInt = m_pClientList; pPrevClientfLink = &m_pClientList; while (pClientInt != 0) { // as long as the priority of the new client is higher than or equal to the one
// in the list, we continue to traverse the list
if (pClient[i].priority < pClientInt->client.priority) { // this is the place to insert this client
break; }
// not time to insert yet. next client
pPrevClientfLink = &(pClientInt->fLink); pClientInt = pClientInt->fLink; } // while
// not found. add the client
pClientNew = (LPCLIENTINT) MEMALLOC(sizeof(CLIENTINT)); ASSERT(pClientNew); if (!pClientNew) { ERRORMSG(("IQoS::SetClients: MEMALLOC failed on CLIENTINT\n")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; }
// copy the resource in
RtlCopyMemory( &(pClientNew->client), &(pClient[i]), sizeof(CLIENT)); pClientNew->fLink = pClientInt; *pPrevClientfLink = pClientNew;
// next resource
} // for
out_nomutex: DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::SetClients -leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::NotifyNow
Purpose : Tells the QoS module to initiate a notification cycle as soon as possible.
Parameters: None
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : Don't call from within a notify proc.
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::NotifyNow(void) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::NotifyNow - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::FreeBuffer
Purpose : Frees a buffer allocated by the QoS module.
Parameters: lpBuffer - a pointer to the buffer to free. This buffer must have been allocated by QoS
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::FreeBuffer(LPVOID lpBuffer) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
if (lpBuffer) MEMFREE(lpBuffer);
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("IQoS::FreeBuffer - leave, hr=0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; }
Name : CQoS::CQoS
Purpose : The CQoS object constructor
Parameters: none
Returns : None
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ inline CQoS::CQoS (void) { m_cRef = 0; // will be bumped to 1 by the explicit QI in CreateQoS
m_pResourceList = NULL; m_cResources = 0; m_pClientList = NULL; m_evThreadExitSignal = NULL; m_evImmediateNotify = NULL; m_hThread = NULL; m_bQoSEnabled = TRUE; m_bInNotify = FALSE; m_nSkipHeartBeats = 0; m_hWnd = NULL; m_nLeaveForNextPri = 5; // can't use ++ because RISC processors may translate to several instructions
InterlockedIncrement((long *) &g_cQoSObjects); }
Name : CQoS::~CQoS
Purpose : The CQoS object destructor
Parameters: none
Returns : None
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ inline CQoS::~CQoS (void) { // can't use ++ because RISC processors may translate to several instructions
InterlockedDecrement((long *) &g_cQoSObjects); g_pQoS = (CQoS *)NULL; }
Name : CQoS::Initialize
Purpose : Initializes the QoS object
Parameters: None
Returns : HRESULT
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HRESULT CQoS::Initialize(void) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; OSVERSIONINFO tVersionInfo;
* Initialize the object */
// first see if QoS is enabled
m_bQoSEnabled = reQoS.GetNumberIniStyle(TEXT("Enable"), TRUE); if (!m_bQoSEnabled) { // don't create a thread, but return success
DEBUGMSG(ZONE_IQOS,("Initialize: QoS not enabled\n")); hr = NOERROR; goto out; }
* QoS notification thread */
// create an event that will be used to signal the thread to terminate
// CreateEvent(No security attr's, no manual reset, not signalled, no name)
m_evThreadExitSignal = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(m_evThreadExitSignal); if (!(m_evThreadExitSignal)) { ERRORMSG(("Initialize: Exit event creation failed: %x\n", GetLastError())); hr = E_FAIL; goto out; }
// create an event that will be used to signal the thread to initiate
// an immediate notify cycle
// CreateEvent(No security attr's, no manual reset, not signalled, no name)
m_evImmediateNotify = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(m_evImmediateNotify); if (!(m_evImmediateNotify)) { ERRORMSG(("Initialize: Immediate notify event creation failed: %x\n", GetLastError())); hr = E_FAIL; goto out; }
//Set the OS flag
tVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize=sizeof (OSVERSIONINFO); if (!(GetVersionEx (&tVersionInfo))) { ERRORMSG(("Initialize: Couldn't get version info: %x\n", GetLastError())); hr = E_FAIL; goto out; }
if (tVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) { bWin9x=TRUE; }else { if (tVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { bWin9x=FALSE; }else { //How on earth did we get here?
ASSERT (0); hr=E_FAIL; goto out;
} }
out: RELMUTEX(g_hQoSMutex); return hr; }
Name : CreateQoS
Purpose : Creates the QoS object and return an IQoS interface pointer
Returns : HRESULT
Comment : CreateQoS will only create one instance of the QoS object. Additional calls will return the same interface pointer
***************************************************************************/ extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI CreateQoS ( IUnknown *punkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { CQoS *pQoS; HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
*ppv = 0; if (punkOuter) return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION;
* instantiate the QoS object */
// only instantiate a new object if it doesn't already exist
if (g_cQoSObjects == 0) { if (!(pQoS = new CQoS)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto out; }
// Save pointer
g_pQoS = pQoS; // initialize the QoS object
hr = pQoS->Initialize(); } else { // this is the case when the object was already instantiaed in this
// process, so we only want to return the object pointer.
pQoS = g_pQoS; }
// must have only one QoS object at this point
ASSERT(g_cQoSObjects == 1); RELMUTEX(g_hQoSMutex);
// get the IQoS interface for the caller
if (pQoS) { // QueryInterface will get us the interface pointer and will AddRef
// the object
hr = pQoS->QueryInterface (riid, ppv); } else hr = E_FAIL;
out: return hr; }
Name : QoSEntryPoint
Purpose : Called by nac.dll (where the QoS lives these days) to make the necessary process attach and detach initializations
Parameters: same as a standard DllEntryPoint
Returns :
***************************************************************************/ extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY QoSEntryPoint( HINSTANCE hInstDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { BOOL fRet=TRUE;
switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: QOSDEBUGINIT();
// create a no-name mutex to control access to QoS object data
if (!g_hQoSMutex) { g_hQoSMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); ASSERT(g_hQoSMutex); if (!g_hQoSMutex) { ERRORMSG(("QoSEntryPoint: CreateMutex failed, 0x%x\n", GetLastError())); fRet = FALSE; } } break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if (g_hQoSMutex) CloseHandle(g_hQoSMutex); g_hQoSMutex = NULL; DBGDEINIT(&ghDbgZoneQoS); break;
default: break; }
return fRet; }