* File: RTCPIO.C * Product: RTP/RTCP implementation * Description: Provides the RTCP network I/O. * * INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information * This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement with * Intel Corporation and may not be copied nor disclosed except in * accordance with the terms of that agreement. * Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "rrcm.h"
/ Global Variables /--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DBG_CUM_FRACT_LOSS 0
long microSecondFrac [FRACTION_ENTRIES] = {500000, 250000, 125000, 62500, 31250, 15625, 7812, // some precision lost
3906, // some precision lost
1953, // some precision lost
976}; // ~ 1 milli second
/ External Variables /--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern PRTCP_CONTEXT pRTCPContext; extern RRCM_WS RRCMws;
extern ISDM2 Isdm2; #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern char debug_string[]; #endif
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
extern LPInteropLogger RTPLogger; #endif
* Function : xmtRTCPreport * Description: RTCP report generator * * Input : pSSRC : -> to the SSRC entry * * Return: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FormatRTCPReport (PRTCP_SESSION pRTCP, PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, DWORD curTime) { PLINK_LIST pTmp; RTCP_COMMON_T *pRTCPhdr; RTCP_RR_T *pRTCPrr; RECEIVER_RPT *pRTCPrecvr; SENDER_RPT *pRTCPsr; DWORD numRcvRpt; DWORD numSrc; SOCKET sd; DWORD dwTotalRtpBW = 0; PDWORD pLastWord; SDES_DATA sdesBfr[MAX_NUM_SDES]; PCHAR pData; unsigned short pcktLen; int weSent = FALSE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
DWORD timeDiff; #endif
// update ISDM
if (Isdm2.hISDMdll && pSSRC->hISDM) updateISDMstat (pSSRC, &Isdm2, XMITR, TRUE); #endif
ASSERT (!pSSRC->dwNumXmtIoPending); // should only have one pending send
if (pSSRC->dwNumXmtIoPending) return FALSE; memset (sdesBfr, 0x00, sizeof(SDES_DATA) * MAX_NUM_SDES);
// lock out access to the SSRC entry
EnterCriticalSection (&pSSRC->critSect);
// socket descriptor
sd = pSSRC->RTCPsd;
// RTCP common header
pRTCPhdr = (RTCP_COMMON_T *)pRTCP->XmtBfr.buf;
// RTP protocol version
pRTCPhdr->type = RTP_TYPE;
// reset the flag
weSent = 0;
// SR or RR ? Check our Xmt list entry to know if we've sent data
if (pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwCurXmtSeqNum != pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwPrvXmtSeqNum) { // set flag for Bw calculation
weSent = TRUE;
// update packet count
pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwPrvXmtSeqNum = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwCurXmtSeqNum;
// build SR
RTCPbuildSenderRpt (pSSRC, pRTCPhdr, &pRTCPsr, sd);
// set the receiver report pointer
pData = (PCHAR)(pRTCPsr + 1);
// adjust for the additional structure defined in the SENDER_RPT
pData -= sizeof (RTCP_RR_T);
pRTCPrr = (RTCP_RR_T *)pData;
// calculate the RTP bandwidth used by this transmitter
dwTotalRtpBW = updateRtpXmtBW (pSSRC); #endif
} else { // payload type, RR
pRTCPhdr->pt = RTCP_RR;
// set the receiver report pointer
pRTCPrecvr = (RECEIVER_RPT *)(pRTCPhdr + 1);
// set our SSRC as the originator of this report
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->SSRC, &pRTCPrecvr->ssrc);
pRTCPrr = pRTCPrecvr->rr; }
// build receiver report list
numRcvRpt = 0; numSrc = 0;
// go through the received SSRCs list
pTmp = pRTCP->RcvSSRCList.prev; while (pTmp) { // increment the number of sources for later time-out calculation
// check to see if this entry is an active sender
if (((PSSRC_ENTRY)pTmp)->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd == ((PSSRC_ENTRY)pTmp)->rcvInfo.dwPrvNumPcktRcvd) { // not an active source, don't include it in the RR
pTmp = pTmp->next; // next entry in SSRC list
continue; }
// build RR
RTCPbuildReceiverRpt ((PSSRC_ENTRY)pTmp, pRTCPrr, sd);
// calculate the RTP bandwidth used by this remote stream
dwTotalRtpBW += updateRtpRcvBW ((PSSRC_ENTRY)pTmp); #endif
// next entry in receiver report
// next entry in SSRC list
pTmp = pTmp->next;
if (++numRcvRpt >= MAX_RR_ENTRIES) // !!! TODO !!!
// When over 31 sources, generate a second packet or go round robin
break; }
// check to see if any Receiver Report. If not, still send an empty RR,
// that will be followed by an SDES CNAME, for case like initialization
// time, or when no stream received yet
if ((numRcvRpt == 0) && (weSent == TRUE)) { // adjust to the right place
pRTCPrr = (RTCP_RR_T *)pData; }
// report count
pRTCPhdr->count = (WORD)numRcvRpt;
// packet length for the previous SR/RR
pcktLen = (unsigned short)((char *)pRTCPrr - pRTCP->XmtBfr.buf); RRCMws.htons (sd, (WORD)((pcktLen >> 2) - 1), &pRTCPhdr->length);
// check which SDES needs to be send
RTCPcheckSDEStoXmit (pSSRC, sdesBfr);
// build the SDES information
pLastWord = RTCPbuildSDES ((RTCP_COMMON_T *)pRTCPrr, pSSRC, sd, pRTCP->XmtBfr.buf, sdesBfr);
// calculate total RTCP packet length to xmit
pRTCP->XmtBfr.len = (u_long)((char *)pLastWord - pRTCP->XmtBfr.buf);
if ( ! (pSSRC->dwSSRCStatus & RTCP_XMT_USER_CTRL)) { #ifdef DYNAMIC_RTCP_BW
// get 5% of the total RTP bandwidth
dwTotalRtpBW = (dwTotalRtpBW * 5) / 100;
// calculate the next interval based upon RTCP parameters
if (dwTotalRtpBW < pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwRtcpStreamMinBW) { dwTotalRtpBW = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwRtcpStreamMinBW; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: RTCP BW (Bytes/sec) = %ld", dwTotalRtpBW); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
dwTotalRtpBW = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwRtcpStreamMinBW; #endif
pSSRC->dwNextReportSendTime = curTime + RTCPxmitInterval (numSrc + 1, numRcvRpt, dwTotalRtpBW, weSent, (int)(pRTCP->XmtBfr.len + NTWRK_HDR_SIZE), &pRTCP->avgRTCPpktSizeRcvd, 0); } else { // user's control of the RTCP timeout interval
if (pSSRC->dwUserXmtTimeoutCtrl != RTCP_XMT_OFF) { pSSRC->dwNextReportSendTime = timeGetTime() + pSSRC->dwUserXmtTimeoutCtrl; } else { pSSRC->dwNextReportSendTime = RTCP_XMT_OFF; } }
#ifdef _DEBUG
timeDiff = curTime - pSSRC->dwPrvTime; pSSRC->dwPrvTime = curTime;
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: Sent report #%ld for SSRC x%lX after %5ld msec - (%s) w/ %d RR", pSSRC->dwNumRptSent, pSSRC->SSRC, timeDiff, (weSent==TRUE) ? "SR": "RR", numRcvRpt); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// unlock pointer access
LeaveCriticalSection (&pSSRC->critSect);
return TRUE; }
* Function : getSSRCpcktLoss * Description: Calculate the packet loss fraction and cumulative number. * * Input : pSSRC: -> to SSRC entry * update: Flag. Update the number received, or just calculate the * number of packet lost w/o updating the counters. * * * Return: Fraction Lost: Number of packet lost (8:24) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD getSSRCpcktLoss (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, DWORD update) { DWORD expected; DWORD expectedInterval; DWORD rcvdInterval; int lostInterval; DWORD fraction; DWORD cumLost; DWORD dwTmp;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter getSSRCpcktLoss()\n");
// if nothing has been received, there is no loss
if (pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd == 0) { IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit getSSRCpcktLoss()\n");
return 0; }
// as per the RFC, but always one packet off when doing it ???
expected = pSSRC->rcvInfo.XtendedSeqNum.seq_union.dwXtndedHighSeqNumRcvd - pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwBaseRcvSeqNum + 1;
cumLost = expected - pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd;
// 24 bits value
cumLost &= 0x00FFFFFF;
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP : High Seq. #: %ld - Base: %ld", pSSRC->rcvInfo.XtendedSeqNum.seq_union.dwXtndedHighSeqNumRcvd, pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwBaseRcvSeqNum + 1); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE);
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP : Expected: %ld - CumLost: %ld", expected, cumLost); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// Network byte order the lost number (will be or'ed with the fraction)
RRCMws.htonl (pSSRC->RTPsd, cumLost, &dwTmp); cumLost = dwTmp;
// fraction lost (per RFC)
expectedInterval = expected - pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwExpectedPrior; rcvdInterval = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd - pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwPrvNumPcktRcvd;
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP : Exp. interval: %ld - Rcv interval: %ld", expectedInterval, rcvdInterval); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// check if need to update the data, or just calculate the loss
if (update) { pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwExpectedPrior = expected; pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwPrvNumPcktRcvd = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd; }
lostInterval = expectedInterval - rcvdInterval;
if (expectedInterval == 0 || lostInterval <= 0) fraction = 0; else { fraction = (lostInterval << 8) / expectedInterval;
// 8 bits value
if (fraction > 0x000000FF) // 100 % loss
fraction = 0x000000FF;
fraction &= 0x000000FF; }
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP : Lost interval: %ld - Fraction: %ld", lostInterval, fraction); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// get the 32 bits fraction/number
cumLost |= fraction;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit getSSRCpcktLoss()\n");
return cumLost; }
* Function : RTCPcheckSDEStoXmit * Description: Check which SDES needs to be transmitted with this report. * SDES frequency varies for each type and is defined by the * application. * * Input : pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * pSdes: -> to SDES buffer to initialize * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RTCPcheckSDEStoXmit (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, PSDES_DATA pSdes) { PSDES_DATA pTmpSdes = pSdes;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPcheckSDEStoXmit()\n");
if (pSSRC->cnameInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->cnameInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // CNAME
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_CNAME; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->cnameInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->cnameInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->cnameInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->nameInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->nameInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // NAME
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_NAME; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->nameInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->nameInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->nameInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->emailInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->emailInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // EMAIL
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_EMAIL; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->emailInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->emailInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->emailInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->phoneInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->phoneInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // PHONE
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_PHONE; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->phoneInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->phoneInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->phoneInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->locInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->locInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // LOCATION
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_LOC; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->locInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->locInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->locInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->toolInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->toolInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // TOOL
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_TOOL; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->toolInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->toolInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->toolInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->txtInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->txtInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // TEXT
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_TXT; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->txtInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->txtInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->txtInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
if (pSSRC->privInfo.dwSdesFrequency) { if ((pSSRC->dwNumRptSent % pSSRC->privInfo.dwSdesFrequency) == 0) { // PRIVATE
pTmpSdes->dwSdesType = RTCP_SDES_PRIV; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = pSSRC->privInfo.dwSdesLength; memcpy (pTmpSdes->sdesBfr, pSSRC->privInfo.sdesBfr, pSSRC->privInfo.dwSdesLength); } }
pTmpSdes++; pTmpSdes->dwSdesLength = 0;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPcheckSDEStoXmit()\n"); }
* Function : RTCPbuildSDES * Description: Build the SDES report * * Input : pRTCPhdr: -> to the RTCP packet header * pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * sd: Socket descriptor * startAddr: -> to the packet start address * pSdes: -> to the SDES information to build * * Return: pLastWord: Address of the packet last Dword ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PDWORD RTCPbuildSDES (RTCP_COMMON_T *pRTCPhdr, PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, SOCKET sd, PCHAR startAddr, PSDES_DATA pSdes) { RTCP_SDES_T *pRTCPsdes; RTCP_SDES_ITEM_T *pRTCPitem; int pad = 0; PCHAR ptr; unsigned short pcktLen;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPbuildSDES()\n");
// setup header
pRTCPhdr->type = RTP_TYPE; pRTCPhdr->pt = RTCP_SDES; pRTCPhdr->p = 0; pRTCPhdr->count = 1;
// SDES specific header
pRTCPsdes = (RTCP_SDES_T *)(pRTCPhdr + 1);
// Get the SSRC
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->SSRC, &pRTCPsdes->src);
// SDES item
pRTCPitem = (RTCP_SDES_ITEM_T *)pRTCPsdes->item;
while (pSdes->dwSdesLength) { // set SDES item characteristics
pRTCPitem->dwSdesType = (char)pSdes->dwSdesType;
// make sure we don't go too far
if (pSdes->dwSdesLength > MAX_SDES_LEN) pSdes->dwSdesLength = MAX_SDES_LEN;
pRTCPitem->dwSdesLength = (unsigned char)(pSdes->dwSdesLength);
memcpy (pRTCPitem->sdesData, pSdes->sdesBfr, pSdes->dwSdesLength);
// packet length
pcktLen = (unsigned short)((char *)(pRTCPitem->sdesData + pRTCPitem->dwSdesLength) - (char *)pRTCPsdes);
pRTCPitem = (RTCP_SDES_ITEM_T *)((unsigned char *)pRTCPsdes + pcktLen);
pSdes->dwSdesLength = 0; // setting this to zero will clear this entry
// next SDES
pSdes++; }
// total SDES packet length
pcktLen = (unsigned short)((char *)pRTCPitem - (char *)pRTCPhdr);
// Zero the last word of the SDES item chunk, and padd to the
// 32 bits boundary. If we landed exactly on the boundary then
// have a whole null word to terminate the sdes, as is needed.
pad = 4 - (pcktLen & 3); pcktLen += (unsigned short)pad;
ptr = (PCHAR)pRTCPitem; while (pad--) *ptr++ = 0x00;
// update packet length in header field
RRCMws.htons (sd, (WORD)((pcktLen >> 2) - 1), &pRTCPhdr->length);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPbuildSDES()\n");
return ((PDWORD)ptr); }
* Function : RTCPbuildSenderRpt * Description: Build the RTCP Sender Report * * Input : pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * pRTCPhdr: -> to the RTCP packet header * pRTCPsr: -> to the Sender Report header * sd: Socket descriptor * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RTCPbuildSenderRpt (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, RTCP_COMMON_T *pRTCPhdr, SENDER_RPT **pRTCPsr, SOCKET sd) { DWORD dwTmp; DWORD NTPtime; DWORD RTPtime; DWORD RTPtimeStamp = 0;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPbuildSenderRpt()\n");
// payload type, SR
pRTCPhdr->pt = RTCP_SR;
// padding
pRTCPhdr->p = 0;
// sender report header
*pRTCPsr = (SENDER_RPT *)(pRTCPhdr + 1);
// fill in sender report packet
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->SSRC, &((*pRTCPsr)->ssrc));
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumPcktSent, &((*pRTCPsr)->psent));
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumBytesSent, &((*pRTCPsr)->osent));
// NTP timestamp
NTPtime = RTPtime = timeGetTime ();
// get the number of seconds (integer calculation)
dwTmp = NTPtime/1000;
// NTP Msw
RRCMws.htonl (sd, (NTPtime/1000), &((*pRTCPsr)->ntp_sec));
// convert back dwTmp from second to millisecond
dwTmp *= 1000;
// get the remaining number of millisecond for the LSW
NTPtime -= dwTmp;
// NTP Lsw
RRCMws.htonl (sd, usec2ntpFrac ((long)NTPtime*1000), &((*pRTCPsr)->ntp_frac));
// calculate the RTP timestamp offset which correspond to this NTP
// time and convert it to stream samples
if (pSSRC->dwStreamClock) { RTPtimeStamp = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSendRTPTimeStamp + ((RTPtime - pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSendRTPSystemTime) * (pSSRC->dwStreamClock / 1000)); }
RRCMws.htonl (sd, RTPtimeStamp, &((*pRTCPsr)->rtp_ts));
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPbuildSenderRpt()\n"); }
* Function : usec2ntp * Description: Convert microsecond to fraction of second for NTP * As per VIC. * Convert micro-second to fraction of second * 2^32. This * routine uses the factorization: * 2^32/10^6 = 4096 + 256 - 1825/32 * which results in a max conversion error of 3*10^-7 and an * average error of half that * * Input : usec: Micro second * * Return: Fraction of second in NTP format ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD usec2ntp (DWORD usec) { DWORD tmp = (usec * 1825) >>5; return ((usec << 12) + (usec << 8) - tmp); }
* Function : usec2ntpFrac * Description: Convert microsecond to fraction of second for NTP. * Just uses an array of microsecond and set the corresponding * bit. * * Input : usec: Micro second * * Return: Fraction of second ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD usec2ntpFrac (long usec) { DWORD idx; DWORD fraction = 0; DWORD tmpFraction = 0; long tmpVal; DWORD shift;
for (idx=0, shift=FRACTION_SHIFT_MAX-1; idx < FRACTION_ENTRIES; idx++, shift--) { tmpVal = usec; if ((tmpVal - microSecondFrac[idx]) > 0) { usec -= microSecondFrac[idx]; tmpFraction = (1 << shift); fraction |= tmpFraction; } else if ((tmpVal - microSecondFrac[idx]) == 0) { tmpFraction = (1 << shift); fraction |= tmpFraction; break; } }
return fraction; }
* Function : RTCPbuildReceiverRpt * Description: Build the RTCP Receiver Report * * Input : pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * pRTCPsr: -> to the Receiver Report header * sd: Socket descriptor * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RTCPbuildReceiverRpt (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, RTCP_RR_T *pRTCPrr, SOCKET sd) { DWORD dwDlsr;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPbuildReceiverRpt()\n");
// get the SSRC
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->SSRC, &pRTCPrr->ssrc);
// get fraction and cumulative number of packet lost (per RFC)
pRTCPrr->received = getSSRCpcktLoss (pSSRC, TRUE);
// extended highest sequence number received
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->rcvInfo.XtendedSeqNum.seq_union.dwXtndedHighSeqNumRcvd, &pRTCPrr->expected);
// interrarival jitter
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->rcvInfo.interJitter, &pRTCPrr->jitter); #else
// Check RFC for details of the round off
RRCMws.htonl (sd, (pSSRC->rcvInfo.interJitter >> 4), &pRTCPrr->jitter); #endif
// last SR
RRCMws.htonl (sd, pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSR, &pRTCPrr->lsr);
// delay since last SR (only if an SR has been received from
// this source, otherwise 0)
if (pRTCPrr->lsr) { // get the DLSR
dwDlsr = getDLSR (pSSRC);
RRCMws.htonl (sd, dwDlsr, &pRTCPrr->dlsr); } else pRTCPrr->dlsr = 0;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPbuildReceiverRpt()\n"); }
* Function : getDLSR * Description: Get a DLSR packet * * Input : pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * * Return: DLSR in seconds:fraction format ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD getDLSR (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC) { DWORD dwDlsr; DWORD dwTime; DWORD dwTmp;
// DLSR in millisecond
dwTime = timeGetTime() - pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSRLocalTime;
// get the number of seconds (integer calculation)
dwTmp = dwTime/1000;
// set the DLSR upper 16 bits (seconds)
dwDlsr = dwTmp << 16;
// convert back dwTmp from second to millisecond
dwTmp *= 1000;
// get the remaining number of millisecond for the LSW
dwTime -= dwTmp;
// convert microseconds to fraction of seconds
dwTmp = usec2ntpFrac ((long)dwTime*1000);
// get only the upper 16 bits
dwTmp >>= 16; dwTmp &= 0x0000FFFF;
// set the DLSR lower 16 bits (fraction of seconds)
dwDlsr |= dwTmp;
return dwDlsr; }
* Function : RTCPsendBYE * Description: Send an RTCP BYE packet * * Input : pRTCP: -> to the RTCP session * pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * byeReason: -> to the Bye reason, eg, "camera malfunction"... * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RTCPsendBYE (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, PCHAR pByeReason) { #define MAX_RTCP_BYE_SIZE 500 // ample
PRTCP_SESSION pRTCP; WSABUF wsaBuf; char buf[MAX_RTCP_BYE_SIZE]; RTCP_COMMON_T *pRTCPhdr; RTCP_RR_T *pRTCPrr; RECEIVER_RPT *pRTCPrecvr; BYE_PCKT *pBye; DWORD *pLastWord; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwNumBytesXfr; DWORD offset; DWORD byeLen; unsigned short pcktLen; PCHAR pBfr;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPsendBYE()\n");
// get the RTCP session
pRTCP = pSSRC->pRTCPses;
// check to see if under H.323 conference control. Don't send BYE in
// this case
if (pRTCP->dwSessionStatus & H323_CONFERENCE) return;
// make sure the destination address is known
if (!(pRTCP->dwSessionStatus & RTCP_DEST_LEARNED)) { IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPsendBYE()\n"); return; }
// RTCP common header
pRTCPhdr = (RTCP_COMMON_T *)buf;
// RTP protocol version
pRTCPhdr->type = RTP_TYPE;
// empty RR
pRTCPhdr->pt = RTCP_RR;
// padding
pRTCPhdr->p = 0;
// report count
pRTCPhdr->count = 0;
// set the receiver report pointer
pRTCPrecvr = (RECEIVER_RPT *)(pRTCPhdr + 1);
// get our SSRC
RRCMws.htonl (pSSRC->RTCPsd, pSSRC->SSRC, &pRTCPrecvr->ssrc);
// build receiver report list
pRTCPrr = pRTCPrecvr->rr;
// just adjust the size, sending 0 or garbagge doesn't matter, the
// report count will tell the receiver what's valid
// packet length for the previous RR
pcktLen = (unsigned short)((char *)pRTCPrr - buf); RRCMws.htons (pSSRC->RTCPsd, (WORD)((pcktLen >> 2) - 1), &pRTCPhdr->length);
// BYE packet
pRTCPhdr = (RTCP_COMMON_T *)pRTCPrr; pRTCPhdr->type = RTP_TYPE; pRTCPhdr->pt = RTCP_BYE; pRTCPhdr->count = 1;
pBye = (BYE_PCKT *)pRTCPhdr + 1; RRCMws.htonl (pSSRC->RTCPsd, pSSRC->SSRC, pBye->src);
// send the reason
pBfr = (PCHAR)pBye; if (pByeReason) byeLen = min (strlen(pByeReason), MAX_SDES_LEN); else byeLen = strlen ("Session Terminated");
// Pre-zero the last word of the SDES item chunk, and padd to the
// 32 bits boundary. Need to do this before the memcpy, If we
// landed exactly on the boundary then this will give us a whole
// null word to terminate the sdes, as is needed.
offset = (DWORD)((pBfr - buf) + byeLen); pLastWord = (unsigned long *)(buf + (offset & ~3)); *pLastWord++ = 0;
if (pByeReason) memcpy (pBfr+1, pByeReason, byeLen); else strcpy (pBfr+1, "Session Terminated");
*pBfr = (unsigned char)byeLen;
pcktLen = (unsigned short)((char *)pLastWord - (char *)pRTCPhdr); RRCMws.htons (pSSRC->RTCPsd, (WORD)((pcktLen >> 2) - 1), &pRTCPhdr->length);
// calculate total RTCP packet length to xmit
wsaBuf.len = (u_long)((char *)pLastWord - buf);
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
if (RTPLogger) { //INTEROP
InteropOutput (RTPLogger, (BYTE FAR*)(buf), (int)wsaBuf.len, RTPLOG_SENT_PDU | RTCP_PDU); } #endif
// send the packet
dwStatus = RRCMws.sendTo (pSSRC->RTCPsd, &wsaBuf, 1, &dwNumBytesXfr, 0, (PSOCKADDR)pRTCP->toBfr, pRTCP->toLen, NULL, NULL);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPsendBYE()\n"); }
* Function : updateRtpXmtBW * Description: Calculate a sending stream bandwidth during the last report * interval. * * Input : pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * * Return: Bandwith used by transmitter in bytes/sec ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD updateRtpXmtBW (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC) { DWORD dwBW = 0; DWORD dwTimeInterval; DWORD dwByteInterval; DWORD dwTimeNow = timeGetTime();
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter updateRtpXmtBW()\n");
if (pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated == 0) { pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated = dwTimeNow; pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeNumBytesSent = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumBytesSent; pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeNumPcktSent = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumPcktSent; } else { dwTimeInterval = dwTimeNow - pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated; pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated = dwTimeNow;
// get the interval in second (we loose the fractional part)
dwTimeInterval = dwTimeInterval / 1000;
dwByteInterval = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumBytesSent - pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeNumBytesSent;
dwBW = dwByteInterval / dwTimeInterval;
pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeNumBytesSent = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumBytesSent; pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastTimeNumPcktSent = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumPcktSent; }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit updateRtpXmtBW()\n");
return dwBW; } #endif // #ifdef DYNAMIC_RTCP_BW
* Function : updateRtpRcvBW * Description: Calculate a remote stream RTP bandwidth during the last * report interval. * * Input : pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * * Return: Bandwith used by the remote stream in bytes/sec ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD updateRtpRcvBW (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC) { DWORD dwBW = 0; DWORD dwTimeInterval; DWORD dwByteInterval; DWORD dwTimeNow = timeGetTime();
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter updateRtpRcvBW()\n");
if (pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated == 0) { pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated = dwTimeNow; pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeNumBytesRcvd = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd; pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeNumPcktRcvd = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumBytesRcvd; } else { dwTimeInterval = dwTimeNow - pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated; pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeBwCalculated = dwTimeNow;
// get the interval in second (we loose the fractional part)
dwTimeInterval = dwTimeInterval / 1000;
dwByteInterval = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumBytesRcvd - pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeNumBytesRcvd;
dwBW = dwByteInterval / dwTimeInterval;
pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeNumBytesRcvd = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumPcktRcvd; pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwLastTimeNumPcktRcvd = pSSRC->rcvInfo.dwNumBytesRcvd; }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit updateRtpXmtBW()\n");
return dwBW; } #endif // #ifdef DYNAMIC_RTCP_BW
// [EOF]