#include "precomp.h"
#include "fsdiag.h"
#include <initguid.h>
#include <datguids.h>
#include <nmqos.h>
#include <t120qos.h>
/* T120qos.cpp
* * Copyright (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation * * Abstract: * * Global Variables: * * g_pIQoS - Global interface pointer to QoS interface * g_dwLastQoSCB - timestamp of last QoS notification obtained via GetTickCount * g_dwSentSinceLastQoS - bytes sent since last QoS notification (or epoch) * */
// IQOS interface pointer and resources request
LPIQOS g_pIQoS = NULL; T120RRQ g_aRRq;
// Global last QoS notification time stamp
DWORD g_dwLastQoSCB = 0; DWORD g_dwSentSinceLastQoS = 0; BOOL g_fResourcesRequested = FALSE;
// NOTE: Since connections through this transport typically
// consist of a single socket connection, followed by
// disconnection, followed by multiple connections, the
// following heuristic count is used to prevent on-off-on
// initialization of QoS at the time the first call is started.
// It represents the minimum number of socket connections that
// must be initiated (without an intervening disconnect of all
// connected sockets) before QoS initialization takes place.
WORD g_wConnectionCount = 0;
// extern from transprt.cpp to detect no connections
///// QOS related stuff ///////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CALLBACK QosNotifyDataCB ( LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST lpResourceRequestList, DWORD_PTR dwThis) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST prrl=lpResourceRequestList; int i; int iBWUsageId;
for (i=0, iBWUsageId = -1L; i<(int)lpResourceRequestList->cRequests; i++) {
if (lpResourceRequestList->aRequests[i].resourceID == RESOURCE_OUTGOING_BANDWIDTH) iBWUsageId = i; }
if (iBWUsageId != -1L) {
// Calculate effective bits-per second rate:
// 1000 milliseconds per second
// 8 bits per byte
int nEffRate = MulDiv ( g_dwSentSinceLastQoS, 1000 * 8, GetTickCount() - g_dwLastQoSCB );
// Report bandwidth usage to QoS:
// Are we using less than the available bandwidth?
if ( ( nEffRate ) < lpResourceRequestList->aRequests[iBWUsageId].nUnitsMin ) { // Request our effective usage
lpResourceRequestList->aRequests[iBWUsageId].nUnitsMin = nEffRate; } else { // Request everything by not modifying nUnitsMin
; }
g_dwLastQoSCB = GetTickCount(); g_dwSentSinceLastQoS = 0;
QoSUnlock(); }
return hr; }
VOID InitializeQoS( VOID ) { DWORD dwRes; HRESULT hRet;
// Already initialized?
if ( g_fResourcesRequested ) return;
// If the number of connections has not reached the
// trigger count, defer QoS initialization (see MIN_CONNECTION_COUNT
// comment above)
if ( g_wConnectionCount < MIN_CONNECTION_COUNT ) { g_wConnectionCount++; return; }
// Initialize QoS. If it fails, that's Ok, we'll do without it.
// No need to set the resource ourselves, this now done by the UI
if (NULL == g_pIQoS) { if (0 != (hRet = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_QoS,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IQoS, (void **) &g_pIQoS))) { WARNING_OUT (("Unable to initalize QoS: %x", hRet)); g_pIQoS = (LPIQOS)NULL; // Tolerate failure, operate w/o QoS
return; } }
// Initialize our request for bandwidth usage.
g_aRRq.cResourceRequests = 1; g_aRRq.aResourceRequest[0].resourceID = RESOURCE_OUTGOING_BANDWIDTH; g_aRRq.aResourceRequest[0].nUnitsMin = 0;
// Register with the QoS module. Even if this call fails,
// that's Ok, we'll do without the QoS support
dwRes = (HRESULT)g_pIQoS->RequestResources((GUID *)&MEDIA_TYPE_T120DATA, (LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST)&g_aRRq, QosNotifyDataCB, NULL );
if ( 0 == dwRes ) { g_fResourcesRequested = TRUE; } }
VOID DeInitializeQoS( VOID ) { if (NULL != g_pIQoS) { if ( g_fResourcesRequested ) { g_pIQoS->ReleaseResources((GUID *)&MEDIA_TYPE_T120DATA, (LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST)&g_aRRq); g_fResourcesRequested = FALSE; } g_wConnectionCount = 0; g_pIQoS->Release(); g_pIQoS = NULL; } }
VOID MaybeReleaseQoSResources( VOID ) { if (g_pSocketList->IsEmpty()) { if (NULL != g_pIQoS) { if ( g_fResourcesRequested ) { g_pIQoS->ReleaseResources((GUID *)&MEDIA_TYPE_T120DATA, (LPRESOURCEREQUESTLIST)&g_aRRq); g_fResourcesRequested = FALSE; } } g_wConnectionCount = 0; } }