// File: rtoolbar.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "CallingBar.h"
#include "RToolbar.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "ConfRoom.h"
#include "richaddr.h"
#include "dlgAcd.h"
#include "callto.h"
#include "topwindow.h"
#include "roomlist.h"
#define ReleaseIt(pUnk) if (NULL != (pUnk)) { (pUnk)->Release(); (pUnk) = NULL; }
const static int CCH_MAX_NAME = 256;
// BUGBUG georgep: Hard-coded colors for the edit control
static const COLORREF EditBack = RGB(-1 , -1 , -1 ); static const COLORREF EditFore = RGB(0, 55, 55);
void CCallingBar::SetEditFont(BOOL bUnderline, BOOL bForce) { // BUGBUG georgep: For now, we will never underline; We'll probably need to
// change this some time in the future
bUnderline = FALSE;
if (!bForce && ((bUnderline&&m_bUnderline) || (!bUnderline&&!m_bUnderline))) { return; } m_bUnderline = bUnderline;
LOGFONT lf; { HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(10, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); } lf.lfWidth = 0; lf.lfEscapement = 0; lf.lfOrientation = 0; lf.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; lf.lfItalic = FALSE; lf.lfUnderline = (BYTE)bUnderline; lf.lfStrikeOut = FALSE; lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS; lf.lfFaceName[0] = '\0';
m_pEdit->SetFont(CreateFontIndirect(&lf)); }
void CCallingBar::ClearAddr(RichAddressInfo **ppAddr) { if (NULL != *ppAddr) { m_pConfRoom->FreeAddress(ppAddr); *ppAddr = NULL; } }
void CCallingBar::ClearCombo() { if (NULL == m_pEdit) { return; }
// Clear the combo
while (0 < m_pEdit->GetNumItems()) { RichAddressInfo *pAddr = reinterpret_cast<RichAddressInfo*>(m_pEdit->GetUserData(0)); ClearAddr(&pAddr); m_pEdit->RemoveItem(0); } }
void CCallingBar::OnNewAddress(RichAddressInfo *pAddr) { if (NULL != pAddr) { m_pEdit->SetSelectedIndex(-1);
ClearAddr(&m_pAddr); m_pAddr = pAddr; } }
CCallingBar::CCallingBar() : m_pAddr(NULL), m_pEdit(NULL), m_bUnderline(FALSE), m_pAccel(NULL) { }
BOOL CCallingBar::Create(CGenWindow *pParent, CConfRoom *pConfRoom) { m_pConfRoom = pConfRoom;
// Create the toolbar
if (!CToolbar::Create(pParent->GetWindow())) { return(FALSE); }
CCallingBar *pDial = this;
pDial->m_nAlignment = Center;
// Add the directory button
static const Buttons callButtons[] = { { IDB_DIAL , CBitmapButton::Disabled+1, 1, ID_TB_NEW_CALL, IDS_TT_TB_NEW_CALL, }, } ;
// Create the text control
CComboBox *pEdit = new CComboBox(); m_pEdit = pEdit; if (NULL != pEdit) { if (pEdit->Create(pDial->GetWindow(), 200, CBS_AUTOHSCROLL|CBS_DROPDOWN, g_szEmpty, this)) { USES_RES2T pEdit->SetTooltip(RES2T(IDS_TT_ADDRESS_BAR)); // pEdit->SetWindowtext(RES2T(IDS_TT_ADDRESS_BAR));
// Set the colors and the font
pEdit->SetColors(CreateSolidBrush(EditBack), EditBack, EditFore);
SetEditFont(FALSE, TRUE); ::SendMessage( *pEdit, CB_LIMITTEXT, CCallto::s_iMaxAddressLength, 0 ); } }
// Add the call button on the right
AddButtons(pDial, callButtons, 1);
// I want the second button on the right, and the ComboBox in the
// middle
pDial->m_uRightIndex = 1; pDial->m_bHasCenterChild = TRUE;
m_pAccel = new CTranslateAccelTable(GetWindow(), ::LoadAccelerators(GetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CALL))); if (NULL != m_pAccel) { AddTranslateAccelerator(m_pAccel); }
return(TRUE); }
void CCallingBar::OnTextChange(CComboBox *pEdit) { ClearAddr(&m_pAddr); SetEditFont(FALSE); }
void CCallingBar::OnFocusChange(CComboBox *pEdit, BOOL bSet) { if (!bSet) { RichAddressInfo *pAddr = NULL; int index = m_pEdit->GetSelectedIndex(); if (0 <= index) { LPARAM lpAddr = m_pEdit->GetUserData(index); if (static_cast<LPARAM>(-1) != lpAddr && 0 != lpAddr) { // There are cases where the combo thinks we have a selection,
// but there is no associated address
pAddr = reinterpret_cast<RichAddressInfo*>(lpAddr);
// I need to make a copy so I won't delete twice
RichAddressInfo *pCopy = NULL; m_pConfRoom->CopyAddress(pAddr, &pCopy);
OnNewAddress(pCopy); } } }
if (bSet) { // Only clear this on setfocus, to avoid some weirdness when the focus is
// lost while the list is dropped down.
IEnumRichAddressInfo *pEnum; if (SUCCEEDED(m_pConfRoom->GetRecentAddresses(&pEnum))) { for (long index=0; ; ++index) { RichAddressInfo *pAddr;
if (S_OK != pEnum->GetAddress(index, &pAddr)) { break; }
m_pEdit->AddText(pAddr->szName, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pAddr)); }
pEnum->Release(); } } }
void CCallingBar::OnSelectionChange(CComboBox *pCombo) { }
CCallingBar::~CCallingBar() { ClearAddr(&m_pAddr);
ReleaseIt(m_pEdit); }
LRESULT CCallingBar::ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uCmd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uCmd) { case WM_DESTROY: if (NULL != m_pAccel) { RemoveTranslateAccelerator(m_pAccel); m_pAccel->Release(); m_pAccel = NULL; }
ClearCombo(); break;
case WM_SETFOCUS: if (NULL != m_pEdit) { ::SetFocus(m_pEdit->GetWindow()); } break;
default: break; }
return(CToolbar::ProcessMessage(hwnd, uCmd, wParam, lParam)); }
void CCallingBar::OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { switch (id) { case ID_TB_NEW_CALL: {
// Make sure all the fields are updated correctly
OnFocusChange(m_pEdit, FALSE);
int szEditLen = m_pEdit->GetText(szEdit, ARRAY_ELEMENTS(szEdit));
if( szEditLen > 0 ) { szEditLen = TrimSz( szEdit ); }
if( (m_pAddr != NULL) || (szEditLen > 0) ) { const TCHAR * pszCallto; const TCHAR * pszDisplayName; NM_ADDR_TYPE nmAddressType;
if( hasValidUserInfo( m_pAddr ) ) { pszCallto = m_pAddr->rgDwStr[ 0 ].psz; pszDisplayName = m_pAddr->szName; nmAddressType = static_cast<NM_ADDR_TYPE>(m_pAddr->rgDwStr[ 0 ].dw); } else { pszCallto = szEdit; pszDisplayName = szEdit; nmAddressType = bCanCallAsPhoneNumber( pszCallto )? NM_ADDR_ALIAS_E164: NM_ADDR_UNKNOWN; }
g_pCCallto->Callto( pszCallto, // pointer to the callto url to try to place the call with...
pszDisplayName, // pointer to the display name to use...
nmAddressType, // callto type to resolve this callto as...
true, // the pszCallto parameter is to be interpreted as a pre-unescaped addressing component vs a full callto...
NULL, // security preference, NULL for none. must be "compatible" with secure param if present...
true, // whether or not save in mru...
true, // whether or not to perform user interaction on errors...
GetWindow(), // if bUIEnabled is true this is the window to parent error/status windows to...
NULL ); // out pointer to INmCall * to receive INmCall * generated by placing call...
} else { CDlgAcd::newCall( GetWindow(), m_pConfRoom ); } break; }
case ID_TB_DIRECTORY: // Let the parent handle this command
default: FORWARD_WM_COMMAND(hwnd, id, hwndCtl, codeNotify, CToolbar::ProcessMessage); } }
int CCallingBar::GetText(LPTSTR szText, int nLen) { if (NULL != m_pEdit) { return(m_pEdit->GetText(szText, nLen)); }
szText[0] = '\0'; return(0); }
void CCallingBar::SetText(LPCTSTR szText) { if (NULL != m_pEdit) { m_pEdit->SetText(szText); } }