// File: MruList.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include "MRUList.h"
#include "ConfUtil.h"
CMRUList::CMRUList() : m_nValidEntries (0), m_pszRegKey (NULL), m_fDirty (FALSE) { DebugEntry(CMRUList::CMRUList);
// Clear out information
for (int i = 0; i < MRU_MAX_ENTRIES; i++) { m_szNames[i][0] = _T('\0'); }
DebugExitVOID(CMRUList::CMRUList); }
CMRUList::~CMRUList() { DebugEntry(CMRUList::~CMRUList);
if (m_fDirty) { Save(); } delete m_pszRegKey;
DebugExitVOID(CMRUList::~CMRUList); }
BOOL CMRUList::ShiftEntries(int nSrc, int nDest, int cEntries) { DebugEntry(CMRUList::ShiftEntries);
ASSERT(m_nValidEntries > 0); ASSERT(nSrc >= 0 && nSrc < MRU_MAX_ENTRIES); ASSERT(nDest >= 0 && nDest < MRU_MAX_ENTRIES); ASSERT(nSrc != nDest); if ((0 == cEntries) || (cEntries > (MRU_MAX_ENTRIES - nSrc))) { TRACE_OUT(( "CMRUList::ShiftEntries: Adjusting cEntries from %d to %d", cEntries, (MRU_MAX_ENTRIES - nSrc))); cEntries = (MRU_MAX_ENTRIES - nSrc); } if (nSrc > nDest) { // Copy forwards (first to last)
for (int i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { lstrcpy(m_szNames[nDest + i], m_szNames[nSrc + i]); } } else { // Copy backwards (last to first)
for (int i = (cEntries - 1); i >= 0; i--) { lstrcpy(m_szNames[nDest + i], m_szNames[nSrc + i]); } }
DebugExitBOOL(CMRUList::ShiftEntries, bRet);
return bRet; }
BOOL CMRUList::Load(LPCTSTR pcszRegKey) { DebugEntry(CMRUList::Load); BOOL bRet = TRUE;
ASSERT(pcszRegKey); delete m_pszRegKey; m_pszRegKey = PszAlloc(pcszRegKey); RegEntry reMRU(pcszRegKey, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); int nCount = 0;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reMRU.GetError()) { // Determine how many entries has been saved in the registry:
nCount = reMRU.GetNumber(REGVAL_MRU_COUNT, 0); }
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { TCHAR szRegName[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR pStr;
// Retrieve the name from the registry:
wsprintf(szRegName, "%s%d", REGVAL_NAME_MRU_PREFIX, i); pStr = reMRU.GetString(szRegName); if( NULL == pStr ) *m_szNames[i] = '\0'; else lstrcpyn(m_szNames[i], pStr, MRU_MAX_STRING); }
// Set the valid entries member variable:
m_nValidEntries = nCount; // Clear the dirty flag since we have just loaded:
m_fDirty = FALSE;
DebugExitBOOL(CMRUList::Load, bRet);
return bRet; }
BOOL CMRUList::Save() { DebugEntry(CMRUList::Save);
if (NULL != m_pszRegKey) { RegEntry reMRU(m_pszRegKey, HKEY_CURRENT_USER);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reMRU.GetError()) { // Save the number of entries to the registry:
reMRU.SetValue(REGVAL_MRU_COUNT, m_nValidEntries);
for (int i = 0; i < m_nValidEntries; i++) { TCHAR szRegName[MAX_PATH];
// Set the name in the registry:
wsprintf(szRegName, "%s%d", REGVAL_NAME_MRU_PREFIX, i); reMRU.SetValue(szRegName, m_szNames[i]); }
reMRU.FlushKey(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reMRU.GetError()) { // Clear the dirty flag since we have just saved:
m_fDirty = FALSE; bRet = TRUE; } } } else { ERROR_OUT(("Can't save MRU info - no reg key stored!")); }
DebugExitBOOL(CMRUList::Save, bRet);
return bRet; }
BOOL CMRUList::MoveEntryToTop(int nIndex) { DebugEntry(CMRUList::MoveEntryToTop);
BOOL bRet = TRUE; ASSERT(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < m_nValidEntries);
if (nIndex < (m_nValidEntries - 1)) { TCHAR szTempName[MRU_MAX_STRING]; lstrcpy(szTempName, m_szNames[nIndex]);
// Move everything down by 1:
ShiftEntries(nIndex + 1, nIndex, m_nValidEntries - nIndex);
lstrcpy(m_szNames[m_nValidEntries - 1], szTempName); }
// Set the dirty flag:
m_fDirty = TRUE;
DebugExitBOOL(CMRUList::MoveEntryToTop, bRet);
return bRet; }
/* A D D N E W E N T R Y */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: AddNewEntry
Return TRUE if the entry is NEW. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CMRUList::AddNewEntry(LPCTSTR pcszName) { DebugEntry(CMRUList::AddNewEntry);
int nExistingEntry = FindEntry(pcszName); BOOL bRet = (-1 == nExistingEntry); // bRet = TRUE if this is NEW
if (!bRet) { // This entry already exists, move it to the top:
MoveEntryToTop(nExistingEntry); } else { // This entry doesn't exist already, so add it:
if (MRU_MAX_ENTRIES == m_nValidEntries) { ShiftEntries(1, 0);
m_nValidEntries--; } ASSERT(m_nValidEntries < MRU_MAX_ENTRIES); // Set the index to be one past the last current entry:
int nCopyIndex = m_nValidEntries;
lstrcpyn(m_szNames[nCopyIndex], pcszName, MRU_MAX_STRING - 1);
// Increment the number of valid entries:
m_nValidEntries++; // Set the dirty flag:
m_fDirty = TRUE; }
DebugExitBOOL(CMRUList::AddNewEntry, bRet);
return bRet; }
/* F I N D E N T R Y */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: FindEntry
Performs a case-insensitive search for the string -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CMRUList::FindEntry(LPCTSTR pcszName) { for (int i = 0; i < m_nValidEntries; i++) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(m_szNames[i], pcszName)) { return i; } }
return -1; // not found
// CMRUList::DeleteEntry. //
bool CMRUList::DeleteEntry ( const TCHAR * const entry ){ int entryIndex = FindEntry( entry ); bool deleted = (entryIndex != -1);
if( deleted ) { ShiftEntries( entryIndex + 1, entryIndex );
m_fDirty = TRUE; }
return( deleted );
} // End of CMRUList::DeleteEntry.
// CMRUList::ReplaceEntry. //
bool CMRUList::ReplaceEntry ( const TCHAR * const oldEntry, const TCHAR * const newEntry ){ int entryIndex = FindEntry( oldEntry ); bool replaced = (entryIndex != -1);
if( replaced ) { lstrcpyn( m_szNames[ entryIndex ], newEntry, MRU_MAX_STRING - 1 );
m_fDirty = TRUE; }
return( replaced );
} // End of CMRUList::ReplaceEntry.
// CMRUList::AppendEntry. //
bool CMRUList::AppendEntry ( const TCHAR * const entry ){ DebugEntry( CMRUList::AppendEntry );
bool result; if( (result = (FindEntry( entry ) == -1)) != false ) { // This entry doesn't already exist so we'll append it on...
if( m_nValidEntries == MRU_MAX_ENTRIES ) { // The list is full so we'll replace the last one...
lstrcpyn( m_szNames[ 0 ], entry, MRU_MAX_STRING - 1 ); } else { if( m_nValidEntries > 0 ) { ShiftEntries( 0, 1 ); }
lstrcpyn( m_szNames[ 0 ], entry, MRU_MAX_STRING - 1 ); m_nValidEntries++; }
// Set the dirty flag...
m_fDirty = TRUE; }
DebugExitBOOL( CMRUList::AppendEntry, result );
return( result );
} // End of CMRUList::AppendEntry.