/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef DEBUG /* These functions are only available for DEBUG */
HDBGZONE ghZoneApi = NULL; // API zones
static PTCHAR _rgZonesApi[] = { TEXT("API"), TEXT("Warning"), TEXT("Events"), TEXT("Trace"), TEXT("Data"), TEXT("Objects"), TEXT("RefCount"), };
VOID InitDebug(void) { // Enable memory leak checking and keep freed memory blocks on the
// heap's linked list (filled with 0xDD)
// This depends on the use of the debug c runtime library from VC++ 4.x
#if 0
int tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG); tmpFlag |= (_CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); _CrtSetDbgFlag(tmpFlag); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR, _CRTDBG_MODE_WNDW); // create a message box
// To track down memory leaks, uncomment the following lines
LONG cAlloc = 0; // Allocation number
if (0 != cAlloc) { _CrtSetBreakAlloc(cAlloc); } #endif // 0
DBGINIT(&ghZoneApi, _rgZonesApi); }
VOID DeInitDebug(void) { DBGDEINIT(&ghZoneApi); ExitDebugModule(); }
UINT DbgApiWarn(PCSTR pszFormat,...) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgPrintf("API:Warning", pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); return 0; }
UINT DbgApiEvent(PCSTR pszFormat,...) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgPrintf("API:Event", pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); return 0; }
UINT DbgApiTrace(PCSTR pszFormat,...) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgPrintf("API:Trace", pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); return 0; }
UINT DbgApiData(PCSTR pszFormat,...) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgPrintf("API:Data", pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); return 0; }
#endif /* DEBUG - the whole file */