// Main WB Window
// Copyright Microsoft 1998-
#include "precomp.h"
#include <dde.h>
#include "version.h"
#include "nmwbobj.h"
static const TCHAR s_cszHtmlHelpFile[] = TEXT("nmwhiteb.chm");
// Class name
TCHAR szMainClassName[] = "T126WBMainWindowClass";
extern TCHAR g_PassedFileName[];
void ShiftFocus(HWND hwndTop, BOOL bForward); BOOL IsWindowActive(HWND hwnd);
// Scroll accelerators
typedef struct tagSCROLL { UINT uiMenuId; UINT uiMessage; UINT uiScrollCode; } SCROLL;
// tooltip data
// check codes
#define NA 0 // dont't check checked state
#define TB 1 // check toolbar for checked state
#define BT 2 // check tipped wnd (a button) for checked state
typedef struct { UINT nID; UINT nCheck; UINT nUpTipID; UINT nDownTipID; } TIPIDS;
HRESULT WbMainWindow::WB_LoadFile(LPCTSTR szFile) { //
// If a file name was passed
if (szFile && g_pMain) { int cchLength; BOOL fSkippedQuote;
// Skip past first quote
if (fSkippedQuote = (*szFile == '"')) szFile++;
cchLength = lstrlen(szFile);
// NOTE:
// There may be DBCS implications with this. Hence we check to see
// if we skipped the first quote; we assume that if the file name
// starts with a quote it must end with one also. But we need to check
// it out.
// Strip last quote
if (fSkippedQuote && (cchLength > 0) && (szFile[cchLength - 1] == '"')) { BYTE * pLastQuote = (BYTE *)&szFile[cchLength - 1]; TRACE_MSG(("Skipping last quote in file name %s", szFile)); *pLastQuote = '\0'; }
g_pMain->OnOpen(szFile); }
return S_OK; }
void WbMainWindow::BringToFront(void) { if (NULL != m_hwnd) { int nCmdShow = SW_SHOW;
WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; ::ZeroMemory(&wp, sizeof(wp)); wp.length = sizeof(wp);
if (::GetWindowPlacement(m_hwnd, &wp)) { if (SW_MINIMIZE == wp.showCmd || SW_SHOWMINIMIZED == wp.showCmd) { // The window is minimized - restore it:
nCmdShow = SW_RESTORE; } }
// show the window now
::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, nCmdShow);
// bring it to the foreground
::SetForegroundWindow(m_hwnd); } }
// Function: WbMainWindow constructor
// Purpose: Create the main Whiteboard window. An exception is thrown
// if an error occurs during construction.
WbMainWindow::WbMainWindow(void) { OSVERSIONINFO OsData;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::WbMainWindow");
// Initialize member vars first!
ZeroMemory(m_ToolArray, sizeof(m_ToolArray));
m_hwnd = NULL; m_hwndToolTip = NULL; ZeroMemory(&m_tiLastHit, sizeof(m_tiLastHit)); m_nLastHit = -1;
m_bInitOk = FALSE; m_bDisplayingError = FALSE;
m_hwndSB = NULL; m_bStatusBarOn = TRUE; m_bToolBarOn = TRUE;
// Load the main accelerator table
m_hAccelTable = ::LoadAccelerators(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(MAINACCELTABLE));
m_hwndQuerySaveDlg = NULL; m_hwndWaitForEventDlg = NULL; m_hwndWaitForLockDlg = NULL;
m_pCurrentTool = NULL; ZeroMemory(m_strFileName, sizeof(m_strFileName)); m_pTitleFileName = NULL;
// Load the alternative accelerator table for the pages edit
// field and text editor
m_hAccelPagesGroup = ::LoadAccelerators(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(PAGESGROUPACCELTABLE)); m_hAccelTextEdit = ::LoadAccelerators(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(TEXTEDITACCELTABLE));
// Show that we are not yet in a call
m_uiSubState = SUBSTATE_IDLE;
// We are not currently displaying a menu
m_hContextMenuBar = NULL; m_hContextMenu = NULL; m_hGrobjContextMenuBar = NULL; m_hGrobjContextMenu = NULL;
m_bInSaveDialog = FALSE;
m_bSelectAllInProgress = FALSE; m_bUnlockStateSettled = TRUE; m_bQuerySysShutdown = FALSE;
// figure out if we're on Win95
m_bIsWin95 = FALSE; OsData.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if( GetVersionEx( &OsData ) ) { if( OsData.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS ) m_bIsWin95 = TRUE; }
m_cancelModeSent = FALSE;
// We only do this once for the lifetime of the DLL. There is no
// way really to clean up registered window messages, and each register
// bumps up a ref count. If we registered each time WB was started up
// during one session of CONF, we'd overflow the refcount.
if (!g_uConfShutdown) { g_uConfShutdown = ::RegisterWindowMessage( NM_ENDSESSION_MSG_NAME ); }
m_pLocalRemotePointer = NULL; m_localRemotePointerPosition.x = -50; m_localRemotePointerPosition.y = -50; }
// Open()
// Do Main window initialization (stuff that can fail). After this,
// the run code will try to join the current domain and do message loop
// stuff.
BOOL WbMainWindow::Open(int iCommand) { WNDCLASSEX wc;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::Open");
if (!InitToolArray()) { ERROR_OUT(("Can't create tools; failing to start up")); return(FALSE); }
// Init comon controls
// Get the class info for it, and change the name.
ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc)); wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.style = CS_DBLCLKS; // CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW?
wc.lpfnWndProc = WbMainWindowProc; wc.hInstance = g_hInstance; wc.hIcon = ::LoadIcon(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APP)); wc.hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW)); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); wc.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU_WB_WITHFILE); wc.lpszClassName = szMainClassName;
if (!::RegisterClassEx(&wc)) { ERROR_OUT(("Can't register private frame window class")); return(FALSE); }
// Create the main drawing window.
if (!::CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, szMainClassName, NULL, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, g_hInstance, this)) { // Could not create the main window
ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create main window")); return(FALSE); }
// Create the pop-up context menu
if (!CreateContextMenus()) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create context menus")); return(FALSE); }
// Register the the main window for Drag/Drop messages.
DragAcceptFiles(m_hwnd, TRUE);
// Create the drawing pane
// (the Create call throws an exception on error)
RECT clientRect; RECT drawingAreaRect;
::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &clientRect); drawingAreaRect.top=0; drawingAreaRect.bottom = DRAW_HEIGHT; drawingAreaRect.left = 0; drawingAreaRect.right = DRAW_WIDTH;
// Every control in the main window has a border on it, so increase the
// client size by 1 to force these borders to be drawn under the inside
// black line in the window frame. This prevents a 2 pel wide border
// being drawn
::InflateRect(&clientRect, 1, 1);
SIZE sizeAG; m_AG.GetNaturalSize(&sizeAG);
if (!m_drawingArea.Create(m_hwnd, &drawingAreaRect)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create drawing area")); return(FALSE); }
// Create the toolbar
if (!m_TB.Create(m_hwnd)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create tool window")); return(FALSE); }
// Create the attributes group
// The attributes group is on the bottom, underneath the
// drawing area, above the status bar.
RECT rectAG;
rectAG.left = clientRect.left; rectAG.right = clientRect.right; rectAG.top = drawingAreaRect.bottom; rectAG.bottom = rectAG.top + sizeAG.cy;
if (!m_AG.Create(m_hwnd, &rectAG)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create attributes group window")); return(FALSE); }
// Create the widths group.
// The widths group is on the left side, underneath the tools group
SIZE sizeWG; RECT rectWG;
// The widths group is on the left side, underneath the toolbar
m_WG.GetNaturalSize(&sizeWG); rectWG.left = 0; rectWG.right = rectWG.left + sizeWG.cx; rectWG.bottom = rectAG.top; rectWG.top = rectWG.bottom - sizeWG.cy;
if (!m_WG.Create(m_hwnd, &rectWG)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create widths group window")); return(FALSE); }
// Create the status bar
m_hwndSB = ::CreateWindowEx(0, STATUSCLASSNAME, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CCS_NOPARENTALIGN | CCS_NOMOVEY | CCS_NORESIZE | SBARS_SIZEGRIP, clientRect.left, clientRect.bottom - STATUSBAR_HEIGHT, (clientRect.right - clientRect.left), STATUSBAR_HEIGHT, m_hwnd, 0, g_hInstance, NULL);
if (!m_hwndSB) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create status bar window")); return(FALSE); }
// Initialize the color, width and tool menus
m_currentMenuTool = IDM_SELECT; m_pCurrentTool = m_ToolArray[TOOL_INDEX(IDM_SELECT)]; OnSelectTool(m_currentMenuTool);
m_hwndToolTip = ::CreateWindowEx(NULL, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_ALWAYSTIP, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, m_hwnd, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL); if (!m_hwndToolTip) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to create tooltip window")); return(FALSE); }
// Add a dead-area tooltip
ZeroMemory(&ti, sizeof(ti)); ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO); ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND; ti.hwnd = m_hwnd; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)m_hwnd; ::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
// Ensure the page buttons are disabled while starting
// If this is the first time we have created a clipboard object,
// register the private Whiteboard formats.
if (g_ClipboardFormats[CLIPBOARD_PRIVATE] == 0) { g_ClipboardFormats[CLIPBOARD_PRIVATE] = (int) ::RegisterClipboardFormat("NMWT126"); }
m_bInitOk = TRUE;
BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; // indicates whether window opened successfully
// Get the position of the window from options
RECT rectWindow;
::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rectWindow.left, rectWindow.top, rectWindow.right - rectWindow.left, rectWindow.bottom - rectWindow.top, FALSE );
// Inititalize the fake GCC handle, it will be used when we are not in a conference and need
// handles for workspaces/drawings/bitmaps etc...
g_localGCCHandle = 1;
// Create a standard workspace
if(g_pCurrentWorkspace) { m_drawingArea.Attach(g_pCurrentWorkspace); } else { if(g_numberOfWorkspaces < WB_MAX_WORKSPACES) { m_drawingArea.Detach(); WorkspaceObj * pObj; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pObj = new WorkspaceObj(); pObj->AddToWorkspace(); g_pConferenceWorkspace = pObj; } }
// Start synced
if(!OPT_GetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_TOOLBARVISIBLE, DFLT_MAIN_TOOLBARVISIBLE)) { OnToolBarToggle(); } ::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, iCommand); ::UpdateWindow(m_hwnd);
// Update the window title with no file name
// Return value indicating success or failure
return(bSuccess); }
// Function : OnMenuSelect
// Purpose : Update the text in the help bar
void WbMainWindow::OnMenuSelect(UINT uiItemID, UINT uiFlags, HMENU hSysMenu) { UINT firstMenuId; UINT statusId;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnMenuSelect");
// Work out the help ID for the menu item. We have to store this now
// because when the user presses F1 from a menu item, we can't tell
// which item it was.
if ((uiFlags & MF_POPUP) && (uiFlags & MF_SYSMENU)) { //
// System menu selected
statusId = IDS_MENU_SYSTEM; } else if (uiFlags & MF_POPUP) { // get popup menu handle and first item (bug NM4db:463)
HMENU hPopup = ::GetSubMenu( hSysMenu, uiItemID ); firstMenuId = ::GetMenuItemID( hPopup, 0 );
// figure out which popup it is so we can display the right help text
switch (firstMenuId) { case IDM_NEW: statusId = IDS_MENU_FILE; break;
case IDM_DELETE: statusId = IDS_MENU_EDIT; break;
case IDM_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE: statusId = IDS_MENU_VIEW; break;
case IDM_HELP: statusId = IDS_MENU_HELP; break;
case IDM_WIDTH_1: // (added for bug NM4db:463)
statusId = IDS_MENU_WIDTH; break;
default: statusId = IDS_DEFAULT; break; } } else { //
// A normal menu item has been selected
statusId = uiItemID; }
// Set the new help text
TCHAR szStatus[256];
if (::LoadString(g_hInstance, statusId, szStatus, 256)) { ::SetWindowText(m_hwndSB, szStatus); } }
// WbMainWindowProc()
// Frame window message handler
LRESULT WbMainWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lResult = 0; WbMainWindow * pMain;
pMain = (WbMainWindow *)::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
switch (message) { case WM_NCCREATE: pMain = (WbMainWindow *)((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->lpCreateParams; ASSERT(pMain);
pMain->m_hwnd = hwnd; ::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)pMain); goto DefWndProc; break;
case WM_DESTROY: ShutDownHelp(); break;
case WM_NCDESTROY: pMain->m_hwnd = NULL; break;
case WM_SIZE: pMain->OnSize((UINT)wParam, (short)LOWORD(lParam), (short)HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_ACTIVATE: if (GET_WM_ACTIVATE_STATE(wParam, lParam) == WA_INACTIVE) { // Cancel the tooltip if it's around
if (pMain->m_hwndToolTip) ::SendMessage(pMain->m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, FALSE, 0); } goto DefWndProc; break;
case WM_SETFOCUS: pMain->OnSetFocus(); break;
case WM_CANCELMODE: pMain->OnCancelMode(); break;
case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: pMain->OnInitMenuPopup((HMENU)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_MENUSELECT: pMain->OnMenuSelect(GET_WM_MENUSELECT_CMD(wParam, lParam), GET_WM_MENUSELECT_FLAGS(wParam, lParam), GET_WM_MENUSELECT_HMENU(wParam, lParam)); break;
case WM_MEASUREITEM: pMain->OnMeasureItem((UINT)wParam, (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break;
case WM_DRAWITEM: pMain->OnDrawItem((UINT)wParam, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break;
case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: lResult = pMain->OnQueryNewPalette(); break;
case WM_PALETTECHANGED: pMain->OnPaletteChanged((HWND)wParam); break;
case WM_HELP: pMain->OnCommand(IDM_HELP, 0, NULL); break;
case WM_CLOSE: pMain->OnClose(); break;
case WM_QUERYENDSESSION: lResult = pMain->OnQueryEndSession(); break;
case WM_ENDSESSION: pMain->OnEndSession((UINT)wParam); break;
case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: pMain->OnSysColorChange(); break;
case WM_USER_PRIVATE_PARENTNOTIFY: pMain->OnParentNotify(GET_WM_PARENTNOTIFY_MSG(wParam, lParam)); break;
case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: if (pMain) pMain->OnGetMinMaxInfo((LPMINMAXINFO)lParam); break;
case WM_COMMAND: pMain->OnCommand(LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam), (HWND)lParam); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: pMain->OnNotify((UINT)wParam, (NMHDR *)lParam); break;
case WM_DROPFILES: pMain->OnDropFiles((HDROP)wParam); break;
case WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR: pMain->OnDisplayError(wParam, lParam); break;
case WM_USER_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES: pMain->m_AG.DisplayTool(pMain->m_pCurrentTool); break;
case WM_USER_LOAD_FILE: pMain->WB_LoadFile(g_PassedFileName); // Fall through.
case WM_USER_BRING_TO_FRONT_WINDOW: pMain->BringToFront(); break;
default: if (message == g_uConfShutdown) { lResult = pMain->OnConfShutdown(wParam, lParam); } else { DefWndProc: lResult = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; }
return(lResult); }
// OnCommand()
// Command dispatcher for the main window
void WbMainWindow::OnCommand(UINT cmd, UINT code, HWND hwndCtl) { switch (cmd) { //
case IDM_NEW: OnNew(); break;
case IDM_OPEN: OnOpen(); break;
case IDM_SAVE: OnSave(FALSE); break;
case IDM_SAVE_AS: OnSave(TRUE); break;
case IDM_PRINT: OnPrint(); break;
case IDM_EXIT: ::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break;
case IDM_DELETE: OnDelete(); break;
case IDM_UNDELETE: OnUndelete(); break;
case IDM_CUT: OnCut(); break;
case IDM_COPY: OnCopy(); break;
case IDM_PASTE: OnPaste(); break;
case IDM_SELECTALL: OnSelectAll(); break;
case IDM_BRING_TO_TOP: m_drawingArea.BringToTopSelection(TRUE, 0); break;
case IDM_SEND_TO_BACK: m_drawingArea.SendToBackSelection(TRUE, 0); break;
case IDM_CLEAR_PAGE: OnClearPage(); break;
case IDM_DELETE_PAGE: OnDeletePage(); break;
case IDM_PAGE_INSERT_AFTER: OnInsertPageAfter(); break;
case IDM_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE: OnToolBarToggle(); break;
case IDM_STATUS_BAR_TOGGLE: OnStatusBarToggle(); break;
case IDM_ZOOM: OnZoom(); break;
case IDM_SELECT: case IDM_PEN: case IDM_HIGHLIGHT: case IDM_TEXT: case IDM_ERASER: case IDM_LINE: case IDM_BOX: case IDM_FILLED_BOX: case IDM_ELLIPSE: case IDM_FILLED_ELLIPSE: OnSelectTool(cmd); break;
case IDM_REMOTE: OnRemotePointer();
// Are we turnig remote pointer on
if(m_pLocalRemotePointer) { //put us in select-tool mode
OnSelectTool(IDM_SELECT); } break;
case IDM_GRAB_AREA: OnGrabArea(); break;
case IDM_GRAB_WINDOW: OnGrabWindow(); break;
case IDM_SYNC: OnSync(); break;
case IDM_LOCK: OnLock(); break;
case IDM_COLOR: OnSelectColor(); break;
case IDM_EDITCOLOR: m_AG.OnEditColors(); break;
case IDM_FONT: OnChooseFont(); break;
case IDM_WIDTH_1: case IDM_WIDTH_2: case IDM_WIDTH_3: case IDM_WIDTH_4: OnSelectWidth(cmd); break;
case IDM_ABOUT: OnAbout(); break;
case IDM_HELP: ShowHelp(); break;
case IDM_PAGE_FIRST: OnFirstPage(); break;
case IDM_PAGE_PREV: OnPrevPage(); break;
case IDM_PAGE_GOTO: OnGotoPage(); break;
case IDM_PAGE_NEXT: OnNextPage(); break;
case IDM_PAGE_LAST: OnLastPage(); break;
case ID_NAV_TAB: ShiftFocus(m_hwnd, TRUE); break;
case ID_NAV_SHIFT_TAB: ShiftFocus(m_hwnd, FALSE); break;
} }
// Function: OnInitMenuPopup
// Purpose: Process a WM_INITMENUPOPUP event
void WbMainWindow::OnInitMenuPopup ( HMENU hMenu, UINT uiIndex, BOOL bSystemMenu ) {
// Ignore the event if it relates to the system menu
if (!bSystemMenu) { if (hMenu) { SetMenuStates(hMenu); m_hInitMenu = hMenu; } else { m_hInitMenu = NULL; }
// Save the last menu we handled, so that we can alter its state
// if necessary whilst it is still visible
} }
// Function: GetMenuWithItem
// Purpose: Return the menu which contains the specified item.
HMENU WbMainWindow::GetMenuWithItem(HMENU hMenu, UINT uiID) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::GetMenuWithItem");
ASSERT(hMenu != NULL);
HMENU hMenuResult = NULL;
// Get the number ofitems in the menu
UINT uiNumItems = ::GetMenuItemCount(hMenu); UINT uiPos; UINT uiNextID;
// Look for the item through the menu
for (uiPos = 0; uiPos < uiNumItems; uiPos++) { // Get the ID of the item at this position
uiNextID = ::GetMenuItemID(hMenu, uiPos);
if (uiNextID == uiID) { // We have found the item
hMenuResult = hMenu; break; } }
// If we have not yet found the item
if (hMenuResult == NULL) { // Look through each of the submenus of the current menu
HMENU hSubMenu;
for (uiPos = 0; uiPos < uiNumItems; uiPos++) { // Get the ID of the item at this position
uiNextID = ::GetMenuItemID(hMenu, uiPos);
// If the item is a submenu
if (uiNextID == -1) { // Get the submenu
hSubMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hMenu, (int) uiPos);
// Search the submenu
hMenuResult = GetMenuWithItem(hSubMenu, uiID); if (hMenuResult != NULL) { // We have found the menu with the requested item
break; } } } }
return hMenuResult; }
// Function: WbMainWindow::InitializeMenus
// Purpose: Initialise the menus: set up owner-drawn menu items and
// those read from options file.
void WbMainWindow::InitializeMenus(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::InitializeMenus");
// Make the width menu ownerdraw
HMENU hMenu = GetMenuWithItem(::GetMenu(m_hwnd), IDM_WIDTH_1); if (hMenu != NULL) { // Change each entry to be ownerdraw (loop until failure)
int iIndex; UINT uiId; int iCount = ::GetMenuItemCount(hMenu);
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iCount; iIndex++) { uiId = ::GetMenuItemID(hMenu, iIndex); ::ModifyMenu(hMenu, iIndex, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_ENABLED | MF_OWNERDRAW, uiId, NULL); } } }
// Function: CheckMenuItem
// Purpose: Check an item on the application menus (main and context
// menu.)
void WbMainWindow::CheckMenuItem(UINT uiId) { CheckMenuItemRecursive(::GetMenu(m_hwnd), uiId, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); CheckMenuItemRecursive(m_hContextMenu, uiId, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); CheckMenuItemRecursive(m_hGrobjContextMenu, uiId, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); }
// Function: UncheckMenuItem
// Purpose: Uncheck an item on the application menus (main and context
// menus.)
void WbMainWindow::UncheckMenuItem(UINT uiId) { CheckMenuItemRecursive(::GetMenu(m_hwnd), uiId, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItemRecursive(m_hContextMenu, uiId, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItemRecursive(m_hGrobjContextMenu, uiId, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_UNCHECKED); }
// Function: CheckMenuItemRecursive
// Purpose: Check or uncheck an item on the any of the Whiteboard menus.
// This function recursively searches through the menus until
// it finds the specified item. The menu item Ids must be
// unique for this function to work.
BOOL WbMainWindow::CheckMenuItemRecursive(HMENU hMenu, UINT uiId, BOOL bCheck) { UINT uiNumItems = ::GetMenuItemCount(hMenu);
// Attempt to check the menu item
// A return code of -1 from CheckMenuItem implies that
// the menu item was not found
BOOL bChecked = ((::CheckMenuItem(hMenu, uiId, uiCheck) == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE); if (bChecked) { //
// If this item is on the active menu, ensure it's redrawn now
if (hMenu == m_hInitMenu) { InvalidateActiveMenu(); } } else { UINT uiPos; HMENU hSubMenu;
// Recurse through the submenus of the specified menu
for (uiPos = 0; uiPos < uiNumItems; uiPos++) { // Assume that the next item is a submenu
// and try to get a pointer to it
hSubMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hMenu, (int)uiPos);
// NULL return implies the item is a not submenu
if (hSubMenu != NULL) { // Item is a submenu, make recursive call to search it
bChecked = CheckMenuItemRecursive(hSubMenu, uiId, bCheck); if (bChecked) { // We have found the item
break; } } } }
return bChecked; }
// Function: InvalidateActiveMenu
// Purpose: If a menu is currently active, gray items according to
// the current state, and force it to redraw.
void WbMainWindow::InvalidateActiveMenu() { if (m_hInitMenu != NULL) { // A menu is displayed, so set the state appropriately and force a
// repaint to show the new state
::RedrawWindow(::GetTopWindow(::GetDesktopWindow()), NULL, NULL, RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_ERASENOW | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } }
// Function: SetMenuState
// Purpose: Sets menu contents to their correct enabled/disabled state
void WbMainWindow::SetMenuStates(HMENU hInitMenu) { BOOL bLocked; BOOL bPageOrderLocked; BOOL bPresentationMode; UINT uiEnable; UINT uiCountPages; BOOL bIdle; BOOL bSelected;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::SetMenuStates");
// Check menu exists
if (hInitMenu == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("Menu doesn't exist")); return; }
HMENU hMainMenu = ::GetMenu(m_hwnd);
// Get the window's main menu and check that the menu
// now being popped up is one on the top-level. (We do not
// seem to be able to associate the index number passed with
// sub-menus easily.)
if ((hInitMenu != m_hContextMenu) && (hInitMenu != m_hGrobjContextMenu)) { BOOL bTopLevel = FALSE;
int nCount = ::GetMenuItemCount(hMainMenu);
for (int nNext = 0; nNext < nCount; nNext++) { HMENU hNextMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hMainMenu, nNext); if (hNextMenu != NULL) { if (hNextMenu == hInitMenu) { bTopLevel = TRUE; break; } } }
// not a top level, so leave the function now
if (!bTopLevel) { TRACE_DEBUG(("Not top-level menu")); return; } }
BOOL bImNotLocked = (g_pCurrentWorkspace ? (g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetUpdatesEnabled() ? TRUE : g_pNMWBOBJ->m_LockerID == g_MyMemberID) :FALSE); BOOL bIsThereAnything = IsThereAnythingInAnyWorkspace(); BOOL bIsThereSomethig = bImNotLocked && (g_pCurrentWorkspace && g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetHead() != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; BOOL bIsThereTrash = bImNotLocked && (g_pTrash->GetHead() != NULL) && (g_pCurrentWorkspace != NULL); BOOL bIsSomethingSelected = bImNotLocked && g_pDraw->GraphicSelected() && g_pDraw->GetSelectedGraphic()->GraphicTool() != TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER && g_pCurrentWorkspace != NULL; BOOL bIsSynced = g_pDraw->IsSynced(); BOOL bOnlyOnePage = (g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHead() == g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetTail());
// Functions which are disabled when contents is locked
uiEnable = MF_BYCOMMAND | (bImNotLocked && bIsSynced ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
// File menu
::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_NEW, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_OPEN, uiEnable);
uiEnable = MF_BYCOMMAND | (bIsThereAnything ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_SAVE, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_SAVE_AS, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_PRINT, uiEnable);
// Tools menu
uiEnable = MF_BYCOMMAND | (bImNotLocked ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_SELECT, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_ERASER, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_PEN, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_HIGHLIGHT, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_GRAB_AREA, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_GRAB_WINDOW, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_LINE, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_BOX, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_FILLED_BOX, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_ELLIPSE, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_FILLED_ELLIPSE, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_TEXT, m_drawingArea.Zoomed() ? MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED : uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_ZOOM, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_REMOTE, uiEnable);
::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_FONT, MF_BYCOMMAND | bImNotLocked && m_pCurrentTool->HasFont() ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_EDITCOLOR, MF_BYCOMMAND | bImNotLocked && m_pCurrentTool->HasColor() ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
HMENU hToolsMenu = ::GetSubMenu(hMainMenu, MENUPOS_TOOLS); uiEnable = (bImNotLocked && m_pCurrentTool->HasWidth()) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED;
if (hToolsMenu == hInitMenu ) { ::EnableMenuItem(hToolsMenu, TOOLSPOS_WIDTH, MF_BYPOSITION | uiEnable ); }
UINT i; UINT uIdmCurWidth = 0; if( uiEnable == MF_ENABLED ) uIdmCurWidth = m_pCurrentTool->GetWidthIndex() + IDM_WIDTH_1;
for( i=IDM_WIDTH_1; i<=IDM_WIDTH_4; i++ ) { ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, i, uiEnable );
if( uiEnable == MF_ENABLED ) { if( uIdmCurWidth == i ) ::CheckMenuItem(hInitMenu, i, MF_CHECKED ); else ::CheckMenuItem(hInitMenu, i, MF_UNCHECKED ); } }
// Edit Menu
uiEnable = MF_BYCOMMAND | (bIsSomethingSelected? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_DELETE, uiEnable ); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_CUT, uiEnable ); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_COPY, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_BRING_TO_TOP, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_SEND_TO_BACK, uiEnable);
uiEnable = MF_BYCOMMAND | (bIsThereSomethig ?MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_CLEAR_PAGE, uiEnable); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_SELECTALL, uiEnable);
::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_PASTE, MF_BYCOMMAND | CLP_AcceptableClipboardFormat() && bImNotLocked ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_UNDELETE, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bIsThereTrash? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED) );
::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_DELETE_PAGE, MF_BYCOMMAND | bIsSynced && bImNotLocked && !bOnlyOnePage ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_PAGE_INSERT_AFTER, MF_BYCOMMAND | bIsSynced && bImNotLocked && g_numberOfWorkspaces < WB_MAX_WORKSPACES ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
// View Menu
::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_SYNC, MF_BYCOMMAND | (bImNotLocked && !m_drawingArea.IsLocked()? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED)); ::EnableMenuItem(hInitMenu, IDM_LOCK, MF_BYCOMMAND |((bImNotLocked && bIsSynced) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED));
// Enable toolbar
// Enable page controls
m_AG.EnablePageCtrls(bImNotLocked); }
// Function: WbMainWindow destructor
// Purpose: Tidy up main window on destruction.
WbMainWindow::~WbMainWindow() { //
// Destroy the tooltip window
if (m_hwndToolTip) { ::DestroyWindow(m_hwndToolTip); m_hwndToolTip = NULL; }
if (m_hGrobjContextMenuBar != NULL) { ::DestroyMenu(m_hGrobjContextMenuBar); m_hGrobjContextMenuBar = NULL; } m_hGrobjContextMenu = NULL;
if (m_hContextMenuBar != NULL) { ::DestroyMenu(m_hContextMenuBar); m_hContextMenuBar = NULL; } m_hContextMenu = NULL;
POSITION position = m_pageToPosition.GetHeadPosition();
while (position) { pPoint = (PAGE_POSITION*)m_pageToPosition.GetNext(position); delete pPoint; }
// Free the palette
if (g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay) { if (g_pDraw && g_pDraw->m_hDCCached) { // Select out the rainbow palette so we can delete it
::SelectPalette(g_pDraw->m_hDCCached, (HPALETTE)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE), TRUE); }
DeletePalette(g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay); g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay = NULL; }
g_bPalettesInitialized = FALSE; g_bUsePalettes = FALSE;
if (g_pIcons) { delete g_pIcons; g_pIcons = NULL; }
if(m_pTitleFileName) { delete m_pTitleFileName; m_pTitleFileName = NULL; }
// Delete all the objectsb in global lists
DeleteAllWorkspaces(FALSE); ASSERT(g_pListOfWorkspaces); g_pListOfWorkspaces->EmptyList();
ASSERT(g_pListOfObjectsThatRequestedHandles); g_pListOfObjectsThatRequestedHandles->EmptyList();
g_numberOfWorkspaces = 0;
// Delete objects in limbo, sitting in the undelete trash
T126Obj* pGraphic;
// Burn trash
pGraphic = (T126Obj *)g_pTrash->RemoveTail(); while (pGraphic != NULL) { delete pGraphic; pGraphic = (T126Obj *) g_pTrash->RemoveTail(); }
::DestroyWindow(m_hwnd); ::UnregisterClass(szMainClassName, g_hInstance);
// OnToolHitTest()
// This handles tooltips for child windows.
int WbMainWindow::OnToolHitTest(POINT pt, TOOLINFO* pTI) const { HWND hwnd; int status; int nHit = -1;
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pTI, sizeof(TOOLINFO)));
hwnd = ::ChildWindowFromPointEx(m_hwnd, pt, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE); if (hwnd == m_AG.m_hwnd) { ::MapWindowPoints(m_hwnd, m_AG.m_hwnd, &pt, 1); hwnd = ::ChildWindowFromPointEx(m_AG.m_hwnd, pt, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE);
if (hwnd != NULL) { nHit = ::GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd);
pTI->hwnd = m_hwnd; pTI->uId = (UINT_PTR)hwnd; pTI->uFlags |= TTF_IDISHWND; pTI->lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
return(nHit); } } else if (hwnd == m_WG.m_hwnd) { int iItem;
::MapWindowPoints(m_hwnd, m_WG.m_hwnd, &pt, 1);
iItem = m_WG.ItemFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
pTI->hwnd = m_WG.m_hwnd; pTI->uId = iItem;
// Since the area isn't a window, we must fill in the rect ourself
m_WG.GetItemRect(iItem, &pTI->rect); pTI->lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
return(iItem); } else if (hwnd == m_TB.m_hwnd) { RECT rect; TBBUTTON button; int i;
for (i = 0; i < TOOLBAR_MAXBUTTON; i++) { if (::SendMessage(m_TB.m_hwnd, TB_GETITEMRECT, i, (LPARAM)&rect) && ::PtInRect(&rect, pt) && ::SendMessage(m_TB.m_hwnd, TB_GETBUTTON, i, (LPARAM)&button) && !(button.fsStyle & TBSTYLE_SEP)) { nHit = button.idCommand;
pTI->hwnd = m_TB.m_hwnd; pTI->uId = nHit; pTI->rect = rect; pTI->lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
// found matching rect, return the ID of the button
return(nHit); } } }
return(-1); }
// WinHelp() wrapper
LRESULT WbMainWindow::ShowHelp(void) { HWND hwndCapture;
// Get the main window out of any mode
::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
// Cancel any other tracking
if (hwndCapture = ::GetCapture()) ::SendMessage(hwndCapture, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
// finally, run the NetMeeting Help engine
return S_OK; }
// TimedDlgProc()
// This puts up a visible or invisible dialog which only goes away when
// an event occurs or a certain amount of time has passed. We store the
// DialogBoxParam parameter, a TMDLG pointer, in our user data. That is
// from the stack of the DialogBoxParam() caller, so it is valid until that
// function returns, which won't be until a bit after the dialog has been
// destroyed.
INT_PTR CALLBACK TimedDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fHandled = FALSE; TMDLG * ptm;
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: ptm = (TMDLG *)lParam; ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(ptm, sizeof(TMDLG))); ::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)ptm);
// Set the WbMainWindow hwnd
if (ptm->bLockNotEvent) { g_pMain->m_hwndWaitForLockDlg = hwnd; } else { g_pMain->m_hwndWaitForEventDlg = hwnd; }
// Set max timer
::SetTimer(hwnd, TIMERID_MAXDISPLAY, ptm->uiMaxDisplay, NULL);
// Change the cursor if invisible
if (!ptm->bVisible) ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
fHandled = TRUE; break;
// End the dialog--since we timed out, it acts like cancel
fHandled = TRUE; break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == BN_CLICKED) { ptm = (TMDLG *)::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(ptm, sizeof(TMDLG)));
// Clear out the HWND variable
if (ptm->bLockNotEvent) { g_pMain->m_hwndWaitForLockDlg = NULL; } else { g_pMain->m_hwndWaitForEventDlg = NULL; }
// Restore the cursor
if (!ptm->bVisible) ::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
::KillTimer(hwnd, TIMERID_MAXDISPLAY);
::EndDialog(hwnd, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)); } break; }
fHandled = TRUE; break;
// Don't let these dialogs be killed by any other means than our
// getting an event or timing out.
case WM_CLOSE: fHandled = TRUE; break; }
return(fHandled); }
// FilterMessage()
// This does tooltip message filtering, then translates accelerators.
BOOL WbMainWindow::FilterMessage(MSG* pMsg) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if ((pMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && pMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST) || (pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) || (pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) || (pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK) || (pMsg->message == WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK) || (pMsg->message == WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK) || (pMsg->message == WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK)) { // Cancel any tooltip up
::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, FALSE, 0); }
// handle tooltip messages (some messages cancel, some may cause it to popup)
if ((pMsg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE || pMsg->message == WM_NCMOUSEMOVE || pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP || pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONUP || pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONUP) && (GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) >= 0 && GetKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) >= 0 && GetKeyState(VK_MBUTTON) >= 0)) { #if 0
// If this mouse move isn't for a descendant of the main window, skip
// it. For example, when the tooltip is shown, it gets a mousemove
// to itself, which if we didn't check for it, would cause us to
// immediately dismiss this!
HWND hwndTmp = pMsg->hwnd;
while (hwndTmp && (::GetWindowLong(hwndTmp, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD)) { hwndTmp = ::GetParent(hwndTmp); }
if (hwndTmp != m_hwnd) { // This is not for us, it's for another top level window in
// our app.
goto DoneToolTipFiltering; } #endif
// determine which tool was hit
pt = pMsg->pt; ::ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &pt);
ZeroMemory(&tiHit, sizeof(tiHit)); tiHit.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
int nHit = OnToolHitTest(pt, &tiHit);
if (m_nLastHit != nHit) { if (nHit != -1) { // add new tool and activate the tip
if (!::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&tiHit)) { ERROR_OUT(("TTM_ADDTOOL failed")); }
if (::GetActiveWindow() == m_hwnd) { // allow the tooltip to popup when it should
::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, TRUE, 0);
// bring the tooltip window above other popup windows
::SetWindowPos(m_hwndToolTip, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE); } }
// relay mouse event before deleting old tool
::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_RELAYEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)pMsg);
// now safe to delete the old tool
if (m_tiLastHit.cbSize != 0) ::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_DELTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&m_tiLastHit);
m_nLastHit = nHit; m_tiLastHit = tiHit; } else { // relay mouse events through the tooltip
if (nHit != -1) ::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_RELAYEVENT, 0, (LPARAM)pMsg); } }
#if 0
DoneToolTipFiltering: #endif
// Assume we will use the main accelerator table
HACCEL hAccelTable = m_hAccelTable;
// If this window has focus, just continue
HWND hwndFocus = ::GetFocus(); if (hwndFocus && (hwndFocus != m_hwnd)) { // Check whether an edit field in the pages group has the focus
if (m_AG.IsChildEditField(hwndFocus)) { hAccelTable = m_hAccelPagesGroup; } // Check whether text editor has the focus and is active
else if ( (hwndFocus == m_drawingArea.m_hwnd) && (m_drawingArea.TextEditActive())) { // Let editbox do its own acceleration.
hAccelTable = NULL; } }
return ( (hAccelTable != NULL) && ::TranslateAccelerator(m_hwnd, hAccelTable, pMsg)); }
// Function: OnDisplayError
// Purpose: Display an error message
void WbMainWindow::OnDisplayError(WPARAM uiFEReturnCode, LPARAM uiDCGReturnCode) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnDisplayError");
// Only continue if we are not currently displaying an error
if (!m_bDisplayingError) { // Show that we are currently displaying an error message
m_bDisplayingError = TRUE;
// Display the error
::ErrorMessage((UINT)uiFEReturnCode, (UINT)uiDCGReturnCode);
// Show that we are no longer displaying an error
m_bDisplayingError = FALSE; } }
// Function: OnPaletteChanged
// Purpose: The palette has changed.
void WbMainWindow::OnPaletteChanged(HWND hwndPalette) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnPaletteChanged");
if ((hwndPalette != m_hwnd) && (hwndPalette != m_drawingArea.m_hwnd)) { // Tell the drawing area to realize its palette
m_drawingArea.RealizePalette( TRUE ); } }
// Function: OnQueryNewPalette
// Purpose: We are getting focus and must realize our palette
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnQueryNewPalette(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnQueryNewPalette");
// Tell the drawing area to realize its palette
m_drawingArea.RealizePalette( FALSE );
return TRUE; }
// Function: PopupContextMenu
// Purpose: Popup the context menu for the drawing area. This is called
// by the drawing area window on a right mouse click.
void WbMainWindow::PopupContextMenu(int x, int y) { POINT surfacePos; RECT clientRect; T126Obj * pGraphic;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::PopupContextMenu");
surfacePos.x = x; surfacePos.y = y;
m_drawingArea.ClientToSurface(&surfacePos); if( (pGraphic = m_drawingArea.GetHitObject( surfacePos )) != NULL && pGraphic->GraphicTool() != TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER ) { if(!pGraphic->IsSelected() ) { g_pDraw->SelectGraphic(pGraphic); }
// selector tool is active, and one or more objects are selected
m_hInitMenu = m_hGrobjContextMenu;
} else { // no current selection, show drawing menu
m_hInitMenu = m_hContextMenu; }
// set up current menu state
// pop it up
::GetClientRect(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, &clientRect); ::MapWindowPoints(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, NULL, (LPPOINT)&clientRect.left, 2);
::TrackPopupMenu(m_hInitMenu, TPM_RIGHTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, x + clientRect.left, y + clientRect.top, 0, m_hwnd, NULL);
// reset m_hInitMenu to indicate the popup menu isn't being shown anymore
m_hInitMenu = NULL;
// Function: OnSize
// Purpose: The window has been resized.
void WbMainWindow::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy ) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnSize");
// Only process this message if the window is not minimized
if (nType != SIZE_MINIMIZED) {
// The user's view has changed
if (m_bStatusBarOn) { ::ShowWindow(m_hwndSB, SW_HIDE); } // Resize the subpanes of the window
// Show it again
if (m_bStatusBarOn) { ::ShowWindow(m_hwndSB, SW_SHOW); }
// If the status has changed, set the option
if (m_uiWindowSize != nType) { m_uiWindowSize = nType;
// Write the new option values to file
OPT_SetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_MAXIMIZED, (m_uiWindowSize == SIZE_MAXIMIZED)); OPT_SetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_MINIMIZED, (m_uiWindowSize == SIZE_MINIMIZED)); } } }
// Function: SaveWindowPosition
// Purpose: Save the current window position to the options file.
void WbMainWindow::SaveWindowPosition(void) { RECT rectWindow;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::SaveWindowPosition");
// Get the new window rectangle
::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rectWindow);
// Write the new option values to file
OPT_SetWindowRectOption(&rectWindow); }
// Function: ResizePanes
// Purpose: Resize the subpanes of the main window.
void WbMainWindow::ResizePanes(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::ResizePanes");
// The client area is organized as follows:
// -------------------------------------
// | | |
// | T | |
// | o | Drawing Area |
// | o | |
// | l | |
// | s | |
// |---| |
// | W | |
// | i | |
// | d | |
// | t | |
// | h | |
// | s | |
// |-----------------------------------|
// | Attributes (colors) | Pages |
// |-----------------------------------|
// | Status |
// -------------------------------------
RECT clientRect; RECT rectStatusBar; RECT rectToolBar; RECT rectWG; RECT rectAG; RECT rectDraw; SIZE size; SIZE sizeAG;
// Get the client rectangle
::GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &clientRect); rectStatusBar = clientRect;
// Resize the help bar and progress meter
if (m_bStatusBarOn) { rectStatusBar.top = rectStatusBar.bottom - STATUSBAR_HEIGHT;
::MoveWindow(m_hwndSB, rectStatusBar.left, rectStatusBar.top, rectStatusBar.right - rectStatusBar.left, rectStatusBar.bottom - rectStatusBar.top, TRUE); } else { // Status bar is off - set it's height to zero
rectStatusBar.top = rectStatusBar.bottom; }
// Resize the tool and width windows
m_TB.GetNaturalSize(&size); rectToolBar.left = 0; rectToolBar.right = rectToolBar.left + size.cx; rectToolBar.top = 0; rectToolBar.bottom = rectToolBar.top + size.cy;
m_WG.GetNaturalSize(&size); rectWG.left = rectToolBar.left; rectWG.top = rectToolBar.bottom; rectWG.bottom = rectWG.top + size.cy;
if (!m_bToolBarOn) { // Toolbar is either off or floating - set its width to zero
rectToolBar.right = rectToolBar.left; } rectWG.right = rectToolBar.right;
// Position attribute group
::MoveWindow(m_AG.m_hwnd, rectToolBar.left, rectStatusBar.top - sizeAG.cy, clientRect.right - rectToolBar.left, sizeAG.cy, TRUE);
// finish fiddling with tools and widths bars
if (m_bToolBarOn) { //
// We make the toolbar, which includes the width bar, extend all
// down the left side.
rectToolBar.bottom = rectStatusBar.top - sizeAG.cy; rectWG.left += TOOLBAR_MARGINX; rectWG.right -= 2*TOOLBAR_MARGINX;
::MoveWindow(m_TB.m_hwnd, rectToolBar.left, rectToolBar.top, rectToolBar.right - rectToolBar.left, rectToolBar.bottom - rectToolBar.top, TRUE);
::MoveWindow(m_WG.m_hwnd, rectWG.left, rectWG.top, rectWG.right - rectWG.left, rectWG.bottom - rectWG.top, TRUE);
::BringWindowToTop(m_WG.m_hwnd); }
// Resize the drawing pane
rectDraw = clientRect; rectDraw.bottom = rectStatusBar.top - sizeAG.cy; rectDraw.left = rectToolBar.right; ::MoveWindow(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, rectDraw.left, rectDraw.top, rectDraw.right - rectDraw.left, rectDraw.bottom - rectDraw.top, TRUE);
// Check to see if Width group is overlapping Attributes group. This can happen if
// the menu bar has wrapped because the window isn't wide enough (bug 424)
RECT crWidthWnd; RECT crAttrWnd;
::GetWindowRect(m_WG.m_hwnd, &crWidthWnd); ::GetWindowRect(m_AG.m_hwnd, &crAttrWnd);
if (crAttrWnd.top < crWidthWnd.bottom) { // the menu bar has wrapped and our height placements are wrong. Adjust window
// by difference and try again
RECT crMainWnd;
::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &crMainWnd); crMainWnd.bottom += (crWidthWnd.bottom - crAttrWnd.top + ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME));
::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, crMainWnd.left, crMainWnd.top, crMainWnd.right - crMainWnd.left, crMainWnd.bottom - crMainWnd.top, FALSE);
// this is going to recurse but the adjustment will happen only once.....
} }
// Function: WbMainWindow::OnGetMinMaxInfo
// Purpose: Set the minimum and maximum tracking sizes of the window
void WbMainWindow::OnGetMinMaxInfo(LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi) { if (m_TB.m_hwnd == NULL) return; // not ready to do this yet
SIZE csFrame; SIZE csSeparator; SIZE csAG; SIZE csToolBar; SIZE csWidthBar; SIZE csMaxSize; SIZE csScrollBars;
csFrame.cx = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); csFrame.cy = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
csSeparator.cx = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); csSeparator.cy = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE);
csScrollBars.cx = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); csScrollBars.cy = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
m_TB.GetNaturalSize(&csToolBar); m_WG.GetNaturalSize(&csWidthBar);
// Set the minimum width and height of the window
lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = csFrame.cx + csAG.cx + csFrame.cx;
lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = csFrame.cy + GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION ) + GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENU ) + csToolBar.cy + csWidthBar.cy + csSeparator.cy + csAG.cy + csSeparator.cy + csFrame.cy + STATUSBAR_HEIGHT;
// Retrieves the size of the work area on the primary display monitor. The work
// area is the portion of the screen not obscured by the system taskbar or by
// application desktop toolbars
RECT rcWorkArea; ::SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, (&rcWorkArea), NULL ); csMaxSize.cx = rcWorkArea.right - rcWorkArea.left; csMaxSize.cy = rcWorkArea.bottom - rcWorkArea.top;
lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.x = 0; lpmmi->ptMaxPosition.y = 0; lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x = csMaxSize.cx; lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y = csMaxSize.cy; lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x = csMaxSize.cx; lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y = csMaxSize.cy; }
// Function: WbMainWindow::CreateContextMenus
// Purpose: Create the pop-up context menus: used within the application
// drawing area.
BOOL WbMainWindow::CreateContextMenus(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::CreateContextMenus");
m_hContextMenuBar = ::LoadMenu(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CONTEXTMENU)); if (!m_hContextMenuBar) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create context menu")); DefaultExceptionHandler(WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); return FALSE; } m_hContextMenu = ::GetSubMenu(m_hContextMenuBar, 0);
m_hGrobjContextMenuBar = ::LoadMenu(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(GROBJMENU)); if (!m_hGrobjContextMenuBar) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create grobj context menu")); DefaultExceptionHandler(WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); return FALSE; } m_hGrobjContextMenu = ::GetSubMenu(m_hGrobjContextMenuBar, 0);
// make parts of m_hGrobjContextMenu be owner draw
::ModifyMenu(m_hGrobjContextMenu, IDM_WIDTH_1, MF_ENABLED | MF_OWNERDRAW, IDM_WIDTH_1, NULL); ::ModifyMenu(m_hGrobjContextMenu, IDM_WIDTH_2, MF_ENABLED | MF_OWNERDRAW, IDM_WIDTH_2, NULL); ::ModifyMenu(m_hGrobjContextMenu, IDM_WIDTH_3, MF_ENABLED | MF_OWNERDRAW, IDM_WIDTH_3, NULL); ::ModifyMenu(m_hGrobjContextMenu, IDM_WIDTH_4, MF_ENABLED | MF_OWNERDRAW, IDM_WIDTH_4, NULL);
return TRUE; }
// Function: WbMainWindow::OnMeasureItem
// Purpose: Return the size of an item in the widths menu
void WbMainWindow::OnMeasureItem ( int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT measureStruct ) { // Check that this is for a color menu item
if ( (measureStruct->itemID >= IDM_WIDTHS_START) && (measureStruct->itemID < IDM_WIDTHS_END)) { measureStruct->itemWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK) + (2 * CHECKMARK_BORDER_X) + COLOR_MENU_WIDTH; measureStruct->itemHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK) + (2 * CHECKMARK_BORDER_Y); } }
// Function: WbMainWindow::OnDrawItem
// Purpose: Draw an item in the color menu
void WbMainWindow::OnDrawItem ( int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT drawStruct ) { COLORREF crMenuBackground; COLORREF crMenuText; HPEN hOldPen; HBRUSH hOldBrush; COLORREF crOldBkgnd; COLORREF crOldText; int nOldBkMode; HBITMAP hbmp = NULL; BITMAP bitmap; UINT uiCheckWidth; UINT uiCheckHeight; RECT rect; RECT rectCheck; RECT rectLine; HDC hMemDC; UINT uiWidthIndex; UINT uiWidth; HPEN hPenMenu;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnDrawItem");
// Check that this is a width menu item
if( (drawStruct->itemID < IDM_WIDTHS_START) || (drawStruct->itemID >= IDM_WIDTHS_END) ) { return; }
// get menu item colors
if( (drawStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) || ((drawStruct->itemState & (ODS_SELECTED |ODS_CHECKED)) == (ODS_SELECTED |ODS_CHECKED)) ) { crMenuBackground = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT; crMenuText = COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT; } else if( drawStruct->itemState & ODS_GRAYED) { crMenuBackground = COLOR_MENU; crMenuText = COLOR_GRAYTEXT; } else { crMenuBackground = COLOR_MENU; crMenuText = COLOR_MENUTEXT; }
hPenMenu = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, ::GetSysColor(crMenuBackground)); if (!hPenMenu) { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to create penMenu")); ::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); goto bail_out; }
rect = drawStruct->rcItem;
// Fill the whole box with current menu background color
hOldPen = SelectPen(drawStruct->hDC, hPenMenu); hOldBrush = SelectBrush(drawStruct->hDC, GetSysColorBrush(crMenuBackground));
::Rectangle(drawStruct->hDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
SelectBrush(drawStruct->hDC, hOldBrush); SelectPen(drawStruct->hDC, hOldPen);
if( (hbmp = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE( OBM_CHECK ), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0,0, 0 )) == NULL ) { TRACE_MSG(("Failed to create check image")); ::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); goto bail_out; }
// Get the width and height of the bitmap (allowing some border)
::GetObject(hbmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap); uiCheckWidth = bitmap.bmWidth + (2 * CHECKMARK_BORDER_X); uiCheckHeight = bitmap.bmHeight;
// Draw in a checkmark (if needed)
if (drawStruct->itemState & ODS_CHECKED) { hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(drawStruct->hDC); if (!hMemDC) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create memDC")); ::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); goto bail_out; }
crOldBkgnd = ::SetBkColor(drawStruct->hDC, GetSysColor( crMenuBackground ) ); crOldText = ::SetTextColor(drawStruct->hDC, GetSysColor( crMenuText ) ); nOldBkMode = ::SetBkMode(drawStruct->hDC, OPAQUE );
HBITMAP hOld = SelectBitmap(hMemDC, hbmp);
if (hOld != NULL) { rectCheck = rect; rectCheck.top += ((rectCheck.bottom - rectCheck.top)/2 - uiCheckHeight/2); rectCheck.right = rectCheck.left + uiCheckWidth; rectCheck.bottom = rectCheck.top + uiCheckHeight;
::BitBlt(drawStruct->hDC, rectCheck.left, rectCheck.top, rectCheck.right - rectCheck.left, rectCheck.bottom - rectCheck.top, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectBitmap(hMemDC, hOld); }
::SetBkMode(drawStruct->hDC, nOldBkMode); ::SetTextColor(drawStruct->hDC, crOldText); ::SetBkColor(drawStruct->hDC, crOldBkgnd);
::DeleteDC(hMemDC); }
// Allow room for the checkmark to the left of the color
rect.left += uiCheckWidth;
uiWidthIndex = drawStruct->itemID - IDM_WIDTHS_START; uiWidth = g_PenWidths[uiWidthIndex];
// If pens are very wide they can be larger than the allowed rectangle.
// So we reduce the clipping rectangle here. We save the DC so that we
// can restore it - getting the clip region back.
if (::SaveDC(drawStruct->hDC) == 0) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to save DC")); ::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); goto bail_out; }
if (::IntersectClipRect(drawStruct->hDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom) == ERROR) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to set clip rect"));
::RestoreDC(drawStruct->hDC, -1); ::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); goto bail_out; }
hOldPen = SelectPen(drawStruct->hDC, hPenMenu); hOldBrush = SelectBrush(drawStruct->hDC, GetSysColorBrush(crMenuText));
rectLine.left = rect.left; rectLine.top = rect.top + ((rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2) - uiWidth/2; rectLine.right= rect.right - ((rect.right - rect.left) / 6); rectLine.bottom = rectLine.top + uiWidth + 2;
::Rectangle(drawStruct->hDC, rectLine.left, rectLine.top, rectLine.right, rectLine.bottom);
SelectBrush(drawStruct->hDC, hOldBrush); SelectPen(drawStruct->hDC, hOldPen);
::RestoreDC(drawStruct->hDC, -1);
bail_out: if (hPenMenu != NULL) { ::DeletePen(hPenMenu); } }
// Function: OnSetFocus
// Purpose: The window is getting the focus
void WbMainWindow::OnSetFocus(void) { // We pass the focus on to the main drawing area
::SetFocus(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd); }
// Function: OnParentNotfiy
// Purpose: Process a message coming from a child window
void WbMainWindow::OnParentNotify(UINT uiMessage) { switch (uiMessage) { // Scroll message from the drawing area. These are sent when the user
// scrolls the area using the scroll bars. We queue an update of the
// current sync position.
case WM_HSCROLL: case WM_VSCROLL: // The user's view has changed
PositionUpdated(); break; } }
// Function: QuerySaveRequired
// Purpose: Check whether the drawing pane contents are to be saved
// before a destructive function is performed.
int WbMainWindow::QuerySaveRequired(BOOL bCancelBtn) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::QuerySaveRequired");
// If we are not maximized
if (!::IsZoomed(m_hwnd) && !::IsIconic(m_hwnd)) { // Save the new position of the window
SaveWindowPosition(); }
// Default the response to "no save required"
int iResult = IDNO;
// If we are already displaying a "Save As" dialog, dismiss it.
if (m_hwndQuerySaveDlg != NULL) { ::SendMessage(m_hwndQuerySaveDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDCANCEL, BN_CLICKED), 0); ASSERT(m_hwndQuerySaveDlg == NULL); }
// If any of the pages has changed - ask the user if they want to
// save the contents of the Whiteboard.
if (g_bContentsChanged && IsThereAnythingInAnyWorkspace()) { ::SetForegroundWindow(m_hwnd); //bring us to the top first
// SetForegroundWindow() does not work properly in Memphis when its called during a
// SendMessage handler, specifically, when conf calls me to shutdown. The window activation
// state is messed up or something and my window does not pop to the top. So I have to
// force my window to the top using SetWindowPos. But even after that the titlebar is not
// highlighted properly. I tried combinations of SetActiveWindow, SetFocus, etc but to no
// avail. But, at least the dialog is visible so you can clear it thus fixing the
// bug (NM4db:2103). SetForegroundWindow() works ok for Win95 and NT here without
// having to use SetWindowPos (it doesn't hurt anyting to do it anyway so I didn't
// do a platform check).
::SetWindowPos(m_hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0,0, 0,0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); // force to top
::SetWindowPos(m_hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0,0, 0,0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); // let go of topmost
// Display a dialog box with the relevant question
// LOWORD of user data is "cancel command is allowed"
// HIWORD of user data is "disable cancel button"
iResult = (int)DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, bCancelBtn ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(QUERYSAVEDIALOGCANCEL) : MAKEINTRESOURCE(QUERYSAVEDIALOG), m_hwnd, QuerySaveDlgProc, MAKELONG(bCancelBtn, FALSE)); }
return iResult; }
// QuerySaveDlgProc()
// Handler for query save dialogs. We save some flags in GWL_USER
INT_PTR CALLBACK QuerySaveDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fHandled = FALSE;
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: //
// Save away our HWND so this dialog can be cancelled if necessary
g_pMain->m_hwndQuerySaveDlg = hwnd;
// Remember the flags we passed
::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, lParam);
// Should the cancel button be disabled?
if (HIWORD(lParam)) ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDCANCEL), FALSE);
// Bring us to the front
fHandled = TRUE; break;
case WM_CLOSE: // Even if the cancel button is disabled, kill the dialog
::PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); fHandled = TRUE; break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDCANCEL: //
// If a dialog doesn't have a cancel button or it's
// disabled and the user pressed the close btn, we can
// get here.
if (!LOWORD(::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA))) wParam = MAKELONG(IDNO, HIWORD(wParam)); // FALL THRU
case IDYES: case IDNO: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == BN_CLICKED) { g_pMain->m_hwndQuerySaveDlg = NULL;
::EndDialog(hwnd, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)); break; } break; } fHandled = TRUE; break; }
return(fHandled); }
// Function: OnNew
// Purpose: Clear the workspace and associated filenames
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnNew(void) { int iDoNew;
if( UsersMightLoseData( NULL, NULL ) ) // bug NM4db:418
return S_OK;
// check state before proceeding - if we're already doing a new, then abort
if (m_uiSubState == SUBSTATE_NEW_IN_PROGRESS) { // post an error message indicating the whiteboard is busy
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WB, WB_RC_BUSY); return S_OK; } // if we're currently loading, then cancel the load and proceed (don't
// prompt to save).
else if (m_uiSubState == SUBSTATE_LOADING) { // cancel load, not releasing the page order lock, because
// we need it immediately afterwards
CancelLoad(FALSE); iDoNew = IDNO; } // otherwise prompt to save if necessary
else { // Get confirmation for the new
iDoNew = QuerySaveRequired(TRUE); }
if (iDoNew == IDYES) { // Save the changes
iDoNew = (int)OnSave(FALSE); }
// If the user did not cancel the operation, clear the drawing area
if (iDoNew != IDCANCEL) { //
// Remember if we had a remote pointer.
// In OldWB, the remote pointer is a global thing that clearing
// doesn't get rid of.
// In T.126WB, it's just an object on a page, so we need to add
// it back because we're deleting the old pages and creating
// new ones.
BOOL bRemote = FALSE; if (m_pLocalRemotePointer) { // Remove remote pointer from pages
bRemote = TRUE; OnRemotePointer(); }
::InvalidateRect(g_pDraw->m_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); DeleteAllWorkspaces(TRUE);
WorkspaceObj * pObj; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pObj = new WorkspaceObj(); pObj->AddToWorkspace();
if (bRemote) { // Put it back
OnRemotePointer(); }
// Clear the associated file name
ZeroMemory(m_strFileName, sizeof(m_strFileName));
// Update the window title with no file name
UpdateWindowTitle(); }
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnNextPage
// Purpose: Move to the next worksheet in the pages list
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnNextPage(void) { // Go to the next page
if(g_pCurrentWorkspace) { WBPOSITION pos = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetMyPosition(); g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); if(pos) { WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj*)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); GotoPage(pWorkspace); } } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnPrevPage
// Purpose: Move to the previous worksheet in the pages list
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnPrevPage(void) { if(g_pCurrentWorkspace) { WBPOSITION pos = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetMyPosition(); g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetPrevious(pos); if(pos) { WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj*)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetPrevious(pos); GotoPage(pWorkspace); } } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnFirstPage
// Purpose: Move to the first worksheet in the pages list
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnFirstPage(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnFirstPage");
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj *)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHead(); GotoPage(pWorkspace); return S_OK; }
// Function: OnLastPage
// Purpose: Move to the last worksheet in the pages list
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnLastPage(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnLastPage");
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj *)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetTail(); GotoPage(pWorkspace); return S_OK; }
// Function: OnGotoPage
// Purpose: Move to the specified page (if it exists)
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnGotoPage(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnGotoPage");
// Get the requested page number from the pages group
UINT uiPageNumber = m_AG.GetCurrentPageNumber() - 1;
WBPOSITION pos; WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace = NULL;
pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos && uiPageNumber != 0) { g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); uiPageNumber--; }
if(pos) { pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj *)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); GotoPage(pWorkspace); }
return S_OK; }
// Check if remote pointer was on before we go to page
void WbMainWindow::GotoPage(WorkspaceObj * pNewWorkspace, BOOL bSend) {
// If we were editing text
if (g_pDraw->TextEditActive()) { g_pDraw->EndTextEntry(TRUE); }
// If we had a remote pointer
BOOL bRemote = FALSE; if(m_pLocalRemotePointer) { bRemote = TRUE; OnRemotePointer(); } //
// Undraw remote pointers
T126Obj * pPointer = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetTail(); WBPOSITION pos = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetTailPosition(); while(pos && pPointer->GraphicTool() == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) { pPointer->UnDraw(); pPointer = (T126Obj*) g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetPreviousObject(pos); }
GoPage(pNewWorkspace, bSend);
// Draw remote pointers back
pPointer = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetTail(); pos = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetTailPosition(); while(pos && pPointer->GraphicTool() == TOOLTYPE_REMOTEPOINTER) { pPointer->Draw(); pPointer = (T126Obj*) g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetPreviousObject(pos); }
// If we had a remote pointer
if(bRemote) { OnRemotePointer(); } }
// Function: GoPage
// Purpose: Move to the specified page
void WbMainWindow::GoPage(WorkspaceObj * pNewWorkspace, BOOL bSend) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::GotoPage");
// If we are changing pages
if (pNewWorkspace != g_pCurrentWorkspace) {
// Attach the new page to the drawing area
// set the focus back to the drawing area
if (!(m_AG.IsChildEditField(::GetFocus()))) { ::SetFocus(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd); }
::InvalidateRect(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, NULL, TRUE ); ::UpdateWindow(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd);
// Tell the other nodes we moved to a different page.
if(bSend) { //
// Set the view state
pNewWorkspace->SetViewState(focus_chosen); pNewWorkspace->SetViewActionChoice(editView_chosen); pNewWorkspace->OnObjectEdit();
} }
UpdatePageButtons(); }
// Function: GotoPosition
// Purpose: Move to the specified position within the page
void WbMainWindow::GotoPosition(int x, int y) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::GotoPosition");
// Move the drawing area to the new position
m_drawingArea.GotoPosition(x, y);
// The user's view has changed
PositionUpdated(); }
// Function: LoadFile
// Purpose: Load a metafile into the application. Errors are reported
// to the caller by the return code.
void WbMainWindow::LoadFile ( LPCSTR szLoadFileName ) { UINT uRes;
// Check we're in idle state
if (!IsIdle()) { // post an error message indicating the whiteboard is busy
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WB, WB_RC_BUSY); goto UserPointerCleanup; }
if (*szLoadFileName) { // Change the cursor to "wait"
::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// Set the state to say that we are loading a file
// Load the file
uRes = ContentsLoad(szLoadFileName); if (uRes != 0) { DefaultExceptionHandler(WBFE_RC_WB, uRes); goto UserPointerCleanup; }
// Set the window title to the new file name
lstrcpy(m_strFileName, szLoadFileName);
// Update the window title with the new file name
g_bContentsChanged = FALSE; }
UserPointerCleanup: // Set the state to say that we are loading a file
// Restore the cursor
::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); }
// Function: OnDropFiles
// Purpose: Files have been dropped onto the Whiteboard window
void WbMainWindow::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnDropFiles");
UINT uiFilesDropped = 0; UINT eachfile; PT126WB_FILE_HEADER_AND_OBJECTS pHeader = NULL;
// Get the total number of files dropped
uiFilesDropped = ::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, (UINT) -1, NULL, (UINT) 0);
// release mouse capture in case we report any errors (message boxes
// won't repsond to mouse clicks if we don't)
for (eachfile = 0; eachfile < uiFilesDropped; eachfile++) { // Retrieve each file name
char szDropFileName[256];
::DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, eachfile, szDropFileName, 256);
TRACE_MSG(("Loading file: %s", szDropFileName));
OnOpen(szDropFileName); }
::DragFinish(hDropInfo); }
// Function: OnOpen
// Purpose: Load a metafile into the application.
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnOpen(LPCSTR szLoadFileName) { int iOnSave;
if(g_pDraw->IsLocked() || !g_pDraw->IsSynced()) { DefaultExceptionHandler(WBFE_RC_WB, WB_RC_BAD_STATE); return S_FALSE; }
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnOpen");
if( UsersMightLoseData( NULL, NULL ) ) // bug NM4db:418
return S_OK;
// Check we're in idle state
if ((m_uiSubState == SUBSTATE_NEW_IN_PROGRESS)) { // post an error message indicating the whiteboard is busy
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WB, WB_RC_BUSY); return S_OK; }
// Don't prompt to save file if we're already loading
if (m_uiSubState != SUBSTATE_LOADING) { // Check whether there are changes to be saved
iOnSave = QuerySaveRequired(TRUE); } else { iOnSave = IDNO; }
if (iOnSave == IDYES) { // User wants to save the drawing area contents
int iResult = (int)OnSave(TRUE);
if (iResult == IDOK) { } else { // cancelled out of Save As, so cancel the open operation
iOnSave = IDCANCEL; } }
// Only continue if the user has not cancelled the operation
if (iOnSave != IDCANCEL) { //
// If the filename was passed
if(szLoadFileName) { LoadFile(szLoadFileName); } else {
OPENFILENAME ofn; TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileTitle[64]; TCHAR strLoadFilter[2*_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strDefaultExt[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strDefaultPath[2*_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR * pStr; UINT strSize = 0; UINT totalSize;
// Build the filter for loadable files
pStr = strLoadFilter; totalSize = 2*_MAX_PATH;
// These must be NULL separated, with a double NULL at the end
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_WHT, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_WHT_SPEC, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_ALL, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_ALL_SPEC, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
*pStr = 0;
// Setup the OPENFILENAME struct
ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hwnd;
// No file name supplied to begin with
szFileName[0] = 0; ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH;
// Default Extension: .NMW
::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_EXT_WHT, strDefaultExt, sizeof(strDefaultExt)); ofn.lpstrDefExt = strDefaultExt;
// Default file title is empty
szFileTitle[0] = 0; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileTitle; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 64;
// Open flags
ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER; ofn.hInstance = g_hInstance;
// Filter
ofn.lpstrFilter = strLoadFilter;
// Default path
if (GetDefaultPath(strDefaultPath, sizeof(strDefaultPath))) ofn.lpstrInitialDir = strDefaultPath;
// Get user input, continue only if the user selects the OK button
if (::GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { // Change the cursor to "wait"
::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// if we're currently loading a file, cancel it, not releasing
// the page order lock, because we need it immediately afterwards
if (m_uiSubState == SUBSTATE_LOADING) { CancelLoad(FALSE); }
// Load the file
LoadFile(ofn.lpstrFile); } } }
// Update the window title with no file name
return S_OK; }
// Function: GetFileName
// Purpose: Get a file name for saving the contents
int WbMainWindow::GetFileName(void) { OPENFILENAME ofn; int iResult; TCHAR szFileTitle[64]; TCHAR strSaveFilter[2*_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strDefaultExt[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strDefaultPath[2 * _MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileName[2*_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR * pStr; UINT strSize = 0; UINT totalSize;
// If we are already displaying a "Save As" dialog, dismiss it and create
// a new one. This can happen if Win95 shuts down whilst WB is
// displaying the "Save As" dialog and the use selects "Yes" when asked
// whether they want to save the contents - a second "Save As dialog
// appears on top of the first.
if (m_bInSaveDialog) { CancelSaveDialog(); }
// Build the filter for save files
pStr = strSaveFilter; totalSize = 2*_MAX_PATH;
// These must be NULL separated, with a double NULL at the end
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_WHT, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_WHT_SPEC, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_ALL, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
strSize = ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_FILTER_ALL_SPEC, pStr, totalSize) + 1; pStr += strSize; ASSERT(totalSize > strSize); totalSize -= strSize;
*pStr = 0;
// Setup the OPENFILENAME struct
ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hwnd;
lstrcpy(szFileName, m_strFileName); ofn.lpstrFile = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH;
// Build the default extension string
::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_EXT_WHT, strDefaultExt, sizeof(strDefaultExt)); ofn.lpstrDefExt = strDefaultExt;
szFileTitle[0] = 0; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileTitle; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 64;
// Save flags
// Filter
ofn.lpstrFilter = strSaveFilter;
// Default path
if (GetDefaultPath(strDefaultPath, sizeof(strDefaultPath))) ofn.lpstrInitialDir = strDefaultPath;
m_bInSaveDialog = TRUE;
if (::GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { // The user selected OK
iResult = IDOK; lstrcpy(m_strFileName, szFileName); } else { iResult = IDCANCEL; }
m_bInSaveDialog = FALSE;
return iResult; }
// Function: OnSave
// Purpose: Save the contents of the Whiteboard using the current file
// name (or prompting for a new name if there is no current).
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnSave(BOOL bPrompt) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnSave");
// save the old file name in case there's an error
TCHAR strOldName[2*MAX_PATH]; UINT fileNameSize = lstrlen(m_strFileName); lstrcpy(strOldName, m_strFileName);
BOOL bNewName = FALSE;
if (!IsIdle()) { // post an error message indicating the whiteboard is busy
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WB, WB_RC_BUSY); return(iResult); }
// Check whether there is a filename available for use
if (!fileNameSize || (bPrompt)) { // Get user input, continue only if the user selects the OK button
iResult = GetFileName();
if (iResult == IDOK) { // entering a blank file name is treated as cancelling the save
if (!lstrlen(m_strFileName)) { lstrcpy(m_strFileName, strOldName); iResult = IDCANCEL; } else { // flag that we've changed the contents file name
bNewName = TRUE; } } }
// Now save the file
if ((iResult == IDOK) && lstrlen(m_strFileName)) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData; HANDLE hFind;
// Get attributes
hFind = ::FindFirstFile(m_strFileName, &findFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ::FindClose(hFind);
// This is a read-only file; we can't change its contents
if (findFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { WARNING_OUT(("Dest file %s is read only", m_strFileName)); ::Message(NULL, IDS_SAVE, IDS_SAVE_READ_ONLY);
// If the file name was changed for this save then undo
// the change
if (bNewName) { lstrcpy(m_strFileName, strOldName); bNewName = FALSE; }
// Change the return code to indicate no save was made
iResult = IDCANCEL; return(iResult); } }
// Change the cursor to "wait"
// Write the file
if (ContentsSave(m_strFileName) != 0) { // Show that an error occurred saving the file.
WARNING_OUT(("Error saving file")); ::Message(NULL, IDS_SAVE, IDS_SAVE_ERROR);
// If the file name was changed for this save then undo
// the change
if (bNewName) { lstrcpy(m_strFileName, strOldName); bNewName = FALSE; }
// Change the return code to indicate no save was made
iResult = IDCANCEL; } else { g_bContentsChanged = FALSE; }
// Restore the cursor
::SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW)); }
// if the contents file name has changed as a result of the save then
// update the window title
if (bNewName) { UpdateWindowTitle(); }
return(iResult); }
// CancelSaveDialog()
// This cancels the save as dialog if up and we need to kill it to continue.
// We walk back up the owner chain in case the save dialog puts up help or
// other owned windows.
void WbMainWindow::CancelSaveDialog(void) { WBFINDDIALOG wbf;
wbf.hwndOwner = m_hwnd; wbf.hwndDialog = NULL; EnumThreadWindows(::GetCurrentThreadId(), WbFindCurrentDialog, (LPARAM)&wbf);
if (wbf.hwndDialog) { // Found it!
::SendMessage(wbf.hwndDialog, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); }
m_bInSaveDialog = FALSE; }
BOOL CALLBACK WbFindCurrentDialog(HWND hwndNext, LPARAM lParam) { WBFINDDIALOG * pwbf = (WBFINDDIALOG *)lParam;
// Is this a dialog, owned by the main window?
if ((::GetClassLong(hwndNext, GCW_ATOM) == 0x8002) && (::GetWindow(hwndNext, GW_OWNER) == pwbf->hwndOwner)) { pwbf->hwndDialog = hwndNext; return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
// Function: OnClose
// Purpose: Close the Whiteboard
void WbMainWindow::OnClose() { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnClose");
int iOnSave = IDOK;
// If we got here, by way of OnDestroy from the DCL cores or
// by system shutdown, then assume that user responded already to the
// save-changes dialog that would have poped up during conf's global shutdown
// message. We don't need to ask 'em again. What tangled webs......
if ((!m_bQuerySysShutdown) && (IsIdle())) { // Check whether there are changes to be saved
iOnSave = QuerySaveRequired(TRUE); if (iOnSave == IDYES) { // User wants to save the drawing area contents
iOnSave = (int)OnSave(TRUE); } }
// If the exit was not cancelled, close the application
if (iOnSave != IDCANCEL) { // Close the application
// Function: OnClearPage
// Purpose: Clear the Whiteboard drawing area. The user is prompted to
// choose clearing of foreground, background or both.
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnClearPage(BOOL bClearAll) { LRESULT iResult; BOOL bWasPosted;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnClearPage");
if( UsersMightLoseData( &bWasPosted, NULL ) ) // bug NM4db:418
return S_OK;
if ((iResult == IDYES) && bClearAll) { OnSelectAll(); OnDelete(); TRACE_MSG(("User requested clear of page")); } return iResult; }
// Function: OnDelete
// Purpose: Delete the current selection
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnDelete() { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnDelete");
// cleanup select logic in case object context menu called us (bug 426)
m_drawingArea.SetLClickIgnore( FALSE );
// Delete the currently selected graphics and add to m_LastDeletedGraphic
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnUndelete
// Purpose: Undo the last delete operation
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnUndelete() { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnUndelete");
// If there is a deleted graphic to restore
T126Obj * pObj; pObj = (T126Obj *)g_pTrash->RemoveHead(); while (pObj != NULL) { if(!AddT126ObjectToWorkspace(pObj)) { return S_FALSE; } if(pObj->GetMyWorkspace() == g_pCurrentWorkspace) { pObj->Draw(FALSE); }
// Make sure it gets added back as unselected. It was selected
// when deleted.
pObj->ClearDeletionFlags(); pObj->SetAllAttribs(); pObj->SetViewState(unselected_chosen); pObj->SendNewObjectToT126Apps();
pObj = (T126Obj *) g_pTrash->RemoveHead(); } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnSelectAll
// Purpose: Select all the objects in the current page
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnSelectAll( void ) {
// Unselect every oject first.
// turn off any selections
// cleanup select logic in case object context menu called us (bug 426)
m_drawingArea.SetLClickIgnore( FALSE );
// inhibit normal select-tool action
m_bSelectAllInProgress = TRUE;
//put us in select-tool mode first
// back to normal
m_bSelectAllInProgress = FALSE;
// now, select everything
m_drawingArea.SelectMarkerFromRect( NULL );
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnCut
// Purpose: Cut the current selection
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnCut() { // Copy all the selected graphics to the clipboard
BOOL bResult = CLP_Copy(); // If an error occurred during the copy, report it now
if (!bResult) { ::Message(NULL, IDM_CUT, IDS_COPY_ERROR); return S_FALSE; }
// Erase the selected objects
return S_OK; }
// OnCopy()
// Purpose: Copy the current selection to the clipboard
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnCopy(void) { // Copy all the selected graphics to the clipboard
BOOL bResult = CLP_Copy();
// If an error occurred during the copy, report it now
if (!bResult) { ::Message(NULL, IDS_COPY, IDS_COPY_ERROR); return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnPaste
// Purpose: Paste the contents of the clipboard into the drawing pane
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnPaste() { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnPaste");
BOOL bResult = CLP_Paste(); // If an error occurred during the copy, report it now
if (!bResult) { ::Message(NULL, IDS_PASTE, IDS_PASTE_ERROR); return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnScrollAccelerator
// Purpose: Called when a scroll accelerator is used
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnScrollAccelerator(UINT uiMenuId) { int iScroll;
// Locate the scroll messages to be sent in the conversion table
for (iScroll = 0; iScroll < ARRAYSIZE(s_MenuToScroll); iScroll++) { if (s_MenuToScroll[iScroll].uiMenuId == uiMenuId) { // Found it;
break; } }
// Send the messages
if (iScroll < ARRAYSIZE(s_MenuToScroll)) { while ((s_MenuToScroll[iScroll].uiMenuId == uiMenuId) && (iScroll < ARRAYSIZE(s_MenuToScroll))) { // Tell the drawing pane to scroll
::PostMessage(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, s_MenuToScroll[iScroll].uiMessage, s_MenuToScroll[iScroll].uiScrollCode, 0);
iScroll++; }
// Indicate that scrolling has completed (in both directions)
::PostMessage(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, WM_HSCROLL, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0L); ::PostMessage(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0L); } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnZoom
// Purpose: Zoom or unzoom the drawing area
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnZoom() { // If the drawing area is currently zoomed
if (m_drawingArea.Zoomed()) { // Tell the tool bar of the new selection
m_TB.PopUp(IDM_ZOOM); UncheckMenuItem(IDM_ZOOM);
} else { // Tell the tool bar of the new selection
m_TB.PushDown(IDM_ZOOM); CheckMenuItem(IDM_ZOOM);
// Zoom/unzoom the drawing area
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
return S_OK; }
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnLock() { // If the drawing area is currently Locked
if (m_drawingArea.IsLocked()) { m_TB.PopUp(IDM_LOCK); UncheckMenuItem(IDM_LOCK); } else { m_TB.PushDown(IDM_LOCK); CheckMenuItem(IDM_LOCK); g_pNMWBOBJ->m_LockerID = g_MyMemberID; } m_drawingArea.SetLock(!m_drawingArea.IsLocked()); TogleLockInAllWorkspaces(m_drawingArea.IsLocked(), TRUE); EnableToolbar( TRUE );
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnSelectTool
// Purpose: Select the current tool
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnSelectTool(UINT uiMenuId) {
UncheckMenuItem(m_currentMenuTool); CheckMenuItem( uiMenuId);
UINT uiIndex;
// Save the new menu Id
m_currentMenuTool = uiMenuId;
// Tell the tool bar of the new selection
// Get the new tool
m_pCurrentTool = m_ToolArray[TOOL_INDEX(m_currentMenuTool)];
// Set the current attributes
if( !m_bSelectAllInProgress ) { m_AG.SetChoiceColor(m_pCurrentTool->GetColor() );
::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_COLOR, 0L); }
// Report the change of tool to the attributes group
// Select the new tool into the drawing area
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
::SetFocus(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd); return S_OK; }
// Function: OnSelectColor
// Purpose: Set the current color
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnSelectColor(void) { // Tell the attributes group of the new selection and get the
// new color value selected ino the current tool.
// Select the changed tool into the drawing area
// If there is an object marked for changing
if (m_drawingArea.GraphicSelected() || m_drawingArea.TextEditActive()) { // Update the object
m_drawingArea.SetSelectionColor(m_pCurrentTool->GetColor()); }
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnSelectWidth
// Purpose: Set the current nib width
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnSelectWidth(UINT uiMenuId) { // cleanup select logic in case object context menu called us (bug 426)
m_drawingArea.SetLClickIgnore( FALSE );
// Save the new pen width
m_currentMenuWidth = uiMenuId;
// Tell the attributes display of the new selection
m_WG.PushDown(uiMenuId - IDM_WIDTHS_START);
if (m_pCurrentTool != NULL) { m_pCurrentTool->SetWidthIndex(uiMenuId - IDM_WIDTHS_START); }
// Tell the drawing pane of the new selection
// If there is an object marked for changing
if (m_drawingArea.GraphicSelected()) { // Update the object
m_drawingArea.SetSelectionWidth(uiMenuId - IDM_WIDTHS_START); }
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
return S_OK; }
// Function: OnChooseFont
// Purpose: Let the user select a font
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnChooseFont(void) { HDC hdc; LOGFONT lfont;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnChooseFont");
// cleanup select logic in case object context menu called us (bug 426)
m_drawingArea.SetLClickIgnore( FALSE );
// It is only really sensible to be here when a text tool is selected.
// This is achieved by graying the Font selection menu entry when
// anything other than a text tool is in use.
// Get the font details from the current tool
::GetObject(m_pCurrentTool->GetFont(), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lfont); lfont.lfClipPrecision |= CLIP_DFA_OVERRIDE;
// The Font dialog is passed a LOGFONT structure which it uses to
// initialize all of its fields (face name, weight etc).
// The face name passed in the LOGFONT structure is checked by the dialog
// against the facenames of all available fonts. If the name does not
// match one of the available fonts, no name is displayed.
// WB stores the LOGFONT structure specifying the font used for a text
// object in the object. This LOGFONT is selected into a DC where the
// GDIs font mapper decides which physical font most closely matches the
// required logical font. On boxes where the original font is not
// supported the font is substituted for the closest matching font
// available.
// So, if we pass the LOGFONT structure for a font which is not supported
// into the Font dialog, no facename is displayed. To bypass this we
// - select the logical font into a DC
// - determine the textmetrics and get the face name of the physical font
// chosen by the Font Mapper
// - use these textmetrics to create a LOGFONT structure which matches
// the substituted font!
// The resulting LOGFONT will have the correct weight, dimensions and
// facename for the substituted font.
hdc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hdc != NULL) { TEXTMETRIC tm; HFONT hFont; HFONT hOldFont;
hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lfont);
// Get the face name and text metrics of the selected font.
hOldFont = SelectFont(hdc, hFont); if (hOldFont == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to select font into DC")); } else { ::GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); ::GetTextFace(hdc, LF_FACESIZE, lfont.lfFaceName);
// Restore the old font back into the DC.
SelectFont(hdc, hOldFont);
// Create a LOGFONT structure which matches the Text metrics
// of the font used by the DC so that the font dialog manages
// to initialise all of its fields properly, even for
// substituted fonts...
lfont.lfHeight = tm.tmHeight; lfont.lfWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth; lfont.lfWeight = tm.tmWeight; lfont.lfItalic = tm.tmItalic; lfont.lfUnderline = tm.tmUnderlined; lfont.lfStrikeOut = tm.tmStruckOut; lfont.lfCharSet = tm.tmCharSet;
//ADDED BY RAND - to make lfHeight be a char height. This makes
// the font dlg show the same pt size that is
// displayed in the sample font toolbar
if( lfont.lfHeight > 0 ) { lfont.lfHeight = -(lfont.lfHeight - tm.tmInternalLeading); } }
if (hFont != NULL) { ::DeleteFont(hFont); } } else { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to get DC to select font into")); }
CHOOSEFONT cf; TCHAR szStyleName[64];
ZeroMemory(&cf, sizeof(cf)); ZeroMemory(szStyleName, sizeof(szStyleName));
cf.lStructSize = sizeof(cf); cf.lpszStyle = szStyleName; cf.rgbColors = m_pCurrentTool->GetColor() & 0x00ffffff; // blow off palette bits (NM4db:2304)
cf.Flags = CF_EFFECTS | CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT | CF_SCREENFONTS | CF_NOVERTFONTS; cf.lpLogFont = &lfont; cf.hwndOwner = m_hwnd;
// Call up the ChooseFont dialog from COM DLG
if (::ChooseFont(&cf)) { lfont.lfClipPrecision |= CLIP_DFA_OVERRIDE;
//ADDED BY RAND - set color selected in dialog.
m_pCurrentTool->SetColor(cf.rgbColors); m_AG.DisplayTool( m_pCurrentTool );
// Inform the drawing pane of the new selection
HFONT hNewFont;
hNewFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lfont); if (!hNewFont) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create font")); DefaultExceptionHandler(WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); return S_FALSE; }
// We need to set the text editor font after inserting it in the DC
// and querying the metrics, otherwise we may get a font with different
// metrics in zoomed mode
HFONT hNewFont2; HDC hDC = m_drawingArea.GetCachedDC(); TEXTMETRIC textMetrics;
m_drawingArea.PrimeFont(hDC, hNewFont, &textMetrics); lfont.lfHeight = textMetrics.tmHeight; lfont.lfWidth = textMetrics.tmAveCharWidth; lfont.lfPitchAndFamily = textMetrics.tmPitchAndFamily; ::GetTextFace(hDC, sizeof(lfont.lfFaceName), lfont.lfFaceName); TRACE_MSG(("Font face name %s", lfont.lfFaceName));
// Inform the drawing pane of the new selection
hNewFont2 = ::CreateFontIndirect(&lfont); if (!hNewFont2) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create font")); DefaultExceptionHandler(WBFE_RC_WINDOWS, 0); return S_FALSE; }
if (m_pCurrentTool != NULL) { m_pCurrentTool->SetFont(hNewFont2); } m_drawingArea.SelectTool(m_pCurrentTool);
// discard the new font
m_drawingArea.UnPrimeFont( hDC );
// Delete the fonts we created--everybody above makes copies
::DeleteFont(hNewFont2); ::DeleteFont(hNewFont); }
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
::SetFocus(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd); return S_OK; }
// Function: OnToolBarToggle
// Purpose: Let the user toggle the tool bar on/off
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnToolBarToggle(void) { RECT rectWnd;
// Toggle the flag
m_bToolBarOn = !m_bToolBarOn;
// Make the necessary updates
if (m_bToolBarOn) { // The tool bar was hidden, so show it
::ShowWindow(m_TB.m_hwnd, SW_SHOW);
// The tool window is fixed so we must resize the other panes in
// the window to make room for it
// Check the associated menu item
CheckMenuItem(IDM_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE); } else { // The tool bar was visible, so hide it
::ShowWindow(m_TB.m_hwnd, SW_HIDE);
// Uncheck the associated menu item
// Make sure things reflect current tool
// Write the new option value to the options file
OPT_SetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_TOOLBARVISIBLE, m_bToolBarOn);
::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rectWnd); ::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rectWnd.left, rectWnd.top, rectWnd.right - rectWnd.left, rectWnd.bottom - rectWnd.top, TRUE); return S_OK; }
// Function: OnStatusBarToggle
// Purpose: Let the user toggle the help bar on/off
void WbMainWindow::OnStatusBarToggle(void) { RECT rectWnd;
// Toggle the flag
m_bStatusBarOn = !m_bStatusBarOn;
// Make the necessary updates
if (m_bStatusBarOn) { // Resize the panes to give room for the help bar
// The help bar was hidden, so show it
::ShowWindow(m_hwndSB, SW_SHOW);
// Check the associated menu item
CheckMenuItem(IDM_STATUS_BAR_TOGGLE); } else { // The help bar was visible, so hide it
::ShowWindow(m_hwndSB, SW_HIDE);
// Uncheck the associated menu item
// Resize the panes to take up the help bar space
ResizePanes(); }
// Write the new option value to the options file
OPT_SetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_STATUSBARVISIBLE, m_bStatusBarOn);
::GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rectWnd); ::MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rectWnd.left, rectWnd.top, rectWnd.right - rectWnd.left, rectWnd.bottom - rectWnd.top, TRUE); }
// Function: OnAbout
// Purpose: Show the about box for the Whiteboard application. This
// method is called whenever a WM_COMMAND with IDM_ABOUT
// is issued by Windows.
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnAbout() { ::DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ABOUTBOX), m_hwnd, AboutDlgProc, 0); return S_OK; }
INT_PTR AboutDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fHandled = FALSE;
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TCHAR szFormat[256]; TCHAR szVersion[512];
::GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_ABOUTVERSION, szFormat, 256); wsprintf(szVersion, szFormat, VER_PRODUCTRELEASE_STR, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR); ::SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_ABOUTVERSION, szVersion);
fHandled = TRUE; break; }
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: ::EndDialog(hwnd, IDCANCEL); break; } break; }
fHandled = TRUE; break; }
return(fHandled); }
void WbMainWindow::UpdateWindowTitle(void) { TCHAR szCaption[MAX_PATH * 2]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH * 2]; UINT captionID; if (! g_pNMWBOBJ->IsInConference()) { captionID = IDS_WB_NOT_IN_CALL_WINDOW_CAPTION; } else { captionID = IDS_WB_IN_CALL_WINDOW_CAPTION; }
::LoadString(g_hInstance, captionID, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName) ); wsprintf(szCaption, szFileName, GetFileNameStr(), g_pNMWBOBJ->m_cOtherMembers); SetWindowText(m_hwnd, szCaption);
// Function: SelectWindow
// Purpose: Let the user select a window for grabbing
HWND WbMainWindow::SelectWindow(void) { POINT mousePos; // Mouse position
HWND hwndSelected = NULL; // Window clicked on
MSG msg; // Current message
// Load the grabbing cursors
HCURSOR hGrabCursor = ::LoadCursor(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( GRABCURSOR ) );
// Capture the mouse
// Ensure we receive all keyboard messages.
// Reset the CancelMode state
// Change to the grab cursor
HCURSOR hOldCursor = ::SetCursor(hGrabCursor);
// Trap all mouse messages until a WM_LBUTTONUP is received
for ( ; ; ) { // Wait for the next message
// Cancel if we have been sent a WM_CANCELMODE message
if (CancelModeSent()) { break; }
// If it is a mouse message, process it
if (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_MOUSEFIRST, WM_MOUSELAST, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_LBUTTONUP) { // Get mouse position
mousePos.x = (short)LOWORD(msg.lParam); mousePos.y = (short)HIWORD(msg.lParam);
// Convert to screen coordinates
::ClientToScreen(m_hwnd, &mousePos);
// Get the window under the mouse
hwndSelected = ::WindowFromPoint(mousePos);
// Leave the loop
break; } }
// Cancel if ESCAPE is pressed.
// or if another window receives the focus
else if (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE) { break; } } }
// Release the mouse
// Restore the cursor
return(hwndSelected); }
// Function: OnGrabWindow
// Purpose: Allows the user to grab a bitmap of a window
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnGrabWindow(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnGrabWindow");
if (::DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(WARNSELECTWINDOW), m_hwnd, WarnSelectWindowDlgProc, 0) != IDOK) { // User cancelled; bail out
return S_OK;; }
// Hide the application windows
::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_HIDE);
HWND mainUIhWnd = FindWindow("MPWClass\0" , NULL); if(IsWindowVisible(mainUIhWnd)) { ::UpdateWindow(mainUIhWnd); }
// Get window selection from the user
HWND hwndSelected = SelectWindow();
if (hwndSelected != NULL) { // Walk back to the find the 'real' window ancestor
HWND hwndParent;
// The following piece of code attempts to find the frame window
// enclosing the selected window. This allows us to bring the
// enclosing window to the top, bringing the child window with it.
DWORD dwStyle;
while ((hwndParent = ::GetParent(hwndSelected)) != NULL) { // If we have reached a stand-alone window, stop the search
dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(hwndSelected, GWL_STYLE);
if ( ((dwStyle & WS_POPUP) == WS_POPUP) || ((dwStyle & WS_THICKFRAME) == WS_THICKFRAME) || ((dwStyle & WS_DLGFRAME) == WS_DLGFRAME)) { break; }
// Move up to the parent window
hwndSelected = hwndParent; }
// Bring the selected window to the top
::BringWindowToTop(hwndSelected); ::UpdateWindow(hwndSelected);
// Get an image copy of the window
RECT areaRect;
::GetWindowRect(hwndSelected, &areaRect);
BitmapObj* dib; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE dib = new BitmapObj(TOOLTYPE_FILLEDBOX); dib->FromScreenArea(&areaRect);
if(dib->m_lpbiImage == NULL) { delete dib; return S_FALSE; }
// Add the new grabbed bitmap
// Force the selection tool to be selected
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_TOOLS_START, 0L); }
// Show the windows again
::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOW);
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
return S_OK; }
// WarnSelectWindowDlgProc()
// This puts up the warning/explanation dialog. We use the default settings
// or whatever the user chose last time this dialog was up.
INT_PTR CALLBACK WarnSelectWindowDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fHandled = FALSE;
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { if (OPT_GetBooleanOption( OPT_MAIN_SELECTWINDOW_NOTAGAIN, DFLT_MAIN_SELECTWINDOW_NOTAGAIN)) { // End this right away, the user doesn't want a warning
::EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK); }
fHandled = TRUE; break; }
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: //
// Update settings -- note that we don't have to write out
// FALSE--we wouldn't be in the dialog in the first place
// if the current setting weren't already FALSE.
if (::IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SWWARN_NOTAGAIN)) { OPT_SetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_SELECTWINDOW_NOTAGAIN, TRUE); }
::EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK); break; } break;
case IDCANCEL: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: ::EndDialog(hwnd, IDCANCEL); break; } break; }
fHandled = TRUE; break; }
return(fHandled); }
// Function: ShowAllWindows
// Purpose: Show or hide the main window and associated windows
void WbMainWindow::ShowAllWindows(int iShow) { // Show/hide the main window
::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, iShow);
// Show/hide the tool window
if (m_bToolBarOn) { ::ShowWindow(m_TB.m_hwnd, iShow); } }
// Function: OnGrabArea
// Purpose: Allows the user to grab a bitmap of an area of the screen
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnGrabArea(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnGrabArea");
if (::DialogBoxParam(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(WARNSELECTAREA), m_hwnd, WarnSelectAreaDlgProc, 0) != IDOK) { // User cancelled, so bail out
return S_OK;; }
// Hide the application windows
::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_HIDE);
HWND mainUIhWnd = FindWindow("MPWClass\0" , NULL); if(IsWindowVisible(mainUIhWnd)) { ::UpdateWindow(mainUIhWnd); }
// Load the grabbing cursors
HCURSOR hGrabCursor = ::LoadCursor(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( PENCURSOR ) );
// Capture the mouse
// Ensure we receive all keyboard messages.
// Reset the CancelMode status
// Change to the grab cursor
HCURSOR hOldCursor = ::SetCursor(hGrabCursor);
// Let the user select the area to be grabbed
RECT rect; int tmp;
// Normalize coords
if (rect.right < rect.left) { tmp = rect.left; rect.left = rect.right; rect.right = tmp; }
if (rect.bottom < rect.top) { tmp = rect.top; rect.top = rect.bottom; rect.bottom = tmp; }
BitmapObj* dib; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE dib = new BitmapObj(TOOLTYPE_FILLEDBOX); if (!::IsRectEmpty(&rect)) { // Get a bitmap copy of the screen area
dib->FromScreenArea(&rect); }
// Show the windows again now - if we do it later we get the bitmap to
// be added re-drawn twice (once on the window show and once when the
// graphic added indication arrives).
::ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOW); ::UpdateWindow(m_hwnd);
if (!::IsRectEmpty(&rect) && dib->m_lpbiImage) { // Add the bitmap
// Force the selection tool to be selected
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_TOOLS_START, 0L); } else { delete dib; dib = NULL; }
// Release the mouse
// Restore the cursor
// Restore the focus to the drawing area
if(dib) { dib->Draw(); }
return S_OK; }
// WarnSelectArea dialog handler
INT_PTR CALLBACK WarnSelectAreaDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fHandled = FALSE;
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: if (OPT_GetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_SELECTAREA_NOTAGAIN, DFLT_MAIN_SELECTAREA_NOTAGAIN)) { // End this right away, the user doesn't want a warning
::EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK); }
fHandled = TRUE; break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: //
// Update settings -- note that we don't have to write out
// FALSE--we wouldn't be in the dialog in the first place
// if the current setting weren't already FALSE.
if (::IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SAWARN_NOTAGAIN)) { OPT_SetBooleanOption(OPT_MAIN_SELECTAREA_NOTAGAIN, TRUE); }
::EndDialog(hwnd, IDOK); break; } break;
case IDCANCEL: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: ::EndDialog(hwnd, IDCANCEL); break; } }
fHandled = TRUE; break; }
return(fHandled); }
// Function: GetGrabArea
// Purpose: Allows the user to grab a bitmap of an area of the screen
void WbMainWindow::GetGrabArea(LPRECT lprect) { POINT mousePos; // Mouse position
MSG msg; // Current message
BOOL tracking = FALSE; // Flag indicating mouse button is down
HDC hDC = NULL; POINT grabStartPoint; // Start point (when mouse button is pressed)
POINT grabEndPoint; // End point (when mouse button is released)
POINT grabCurrPoint; // Current mouse position
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::GetGrabArea");
// Set the result to an empty rectangle
// Create the rectangle to be used for tracking
DrawObj* pRectangle = NULL;
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pRectangle = new DrawObj(rectangle_chosen, TOOLTYPE_SELECT); if(NULL == pRectangle) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to allocate DrawObj")); goto GrabAreaCleanup; } pRectangle->SetPenColor(RGB(0,0,0), TRUE); pRectangle->SetFillColor(RGB(255,255,255), FALSE); pRectangle->SetLineStyle(PS_DOT); pRectangle->SetPenThickness(1);
// Get the DC for tracking
HWND hDesktopWnd = ::GetDesktopWindow(); hDC = ::GetWindowDC(hDesktopWnd); if (hDC == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("NULL desktop DC")); goto GrabAreaCleanup; }
RECT rect;
// Trap all mouse messages until a WM_LBUTTONUP is received
for ( ; ; ) { // Wait for the next message
// Cancel if we have been sent a WM_CANCELMODE message
if (CancelModeSent()) { TRACE_MSG(("canceling grab"));
// Erase the last tracking rectangle
if (!EqualPoint(grabStartPoint, grabEndPoint)) { rect.top = grabStartPoint.y; rect.left = grabStartPoint.x; rect.bottom = grabEndPoint.y; rect.right = grabEndPoint.x; pRectangle->SetRect(&rect); pRectangle->SetBoundsRect(&rect); pRectangle->Draw(hDC); }
break; }
// If it is a mouse message, process it
if (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_MOUSEFIRST, WM_MOUSELAST, PM_REMOVE)) { // Get mouse position
TRACE_MSG( ("msg = %x, lParam = %0x", msg.message, msg.lParam) ); mousePos.x = (short)LOWORD(msg.lParam); mousePos.y = (short)HIWORD(msg.lParam);
TRACE_MSG( ("mousePos = %d,%d", mousePos.x, mousePos.y) );
// Convert to screen coordinates
::ClientToScreen(m_hwnd, &mousePos); grabCurrPoint = mousePos;
switch (msg.message) { // Starting the grab
case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: // Save the starting position
TRACE_MSG(("grabbing start position")); grabStartPoint = mousePos; grabEndPoint = mousePos; tracking = TRUE; break;
// Completing the rectangle
case WM_LBUTTONUP: { tracking = FALSE; // Check that there is an area to capture
TRACE_MSG(("grabbing end position")); if (EqualPoint(grabStartPoint, grabCurrPoint)) { TRACE_MSG(("start == end, skipping grab")); goto GrabAreaCleanup; }
// Erase the last tracking rectangle
if (!EqualPoint(grabStartPoint, grabEndPoint)) { rect.top = grabStartPoint.y; rect.left = grabStartPoint.x; rect.bottom = grabEndPoint.y; rect.right = grabEndPoint.x; pRectangle->SetRect(&rect); pRectangle->SetBoundsRect(&rect); pRectangle->Draw(hDC); }
// Update the rectangle object
rect.top = grabStartPoint.y; rect.left = grabStartPoint.x; rect.bottom = grabCurrPoint.y; rect.right = grabCurrPoint.x; pRectangle->SetRect(&rect); pRectangle->SetBoundsRect(&rect); pRectangle->GetBoundsRect(lprect);
// We are done
goto GrabAreaCleanup; } break;
// Continuing the rectangle
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (tracking) { TRACE_MSG(("tracking grab"));
// Erase the last tracking rectangle
if (!EqualPoint(grabStartPoint, grabEndPoint)) { rect.top = grabStartPoint.y; rect.left = grabStartPoint.x; rect.bottom = grabEndPoint.y; rect.right = grabEndPoint.x; pRectangle->SetRect(&rect); pRectangle->SetBoundsRect(&rect); pRectangle->Draw(hDC); }
// Draw the new rectangle
if (!EqualPoint(grabStartPoint, grabCurrPoint)) { // Save the new box end point
grabEndPoint = grabCurrPoint;
// Draw the rectangle
TRACE_MSG( ("grabStartPoint = %d,%d", grabStartPoint.x, grabStartPoint.y) ); TRACE_MSG( ("grabEndPoint = %d,%d", grabEndPoint.x, grabEndPoint.y) );
rect.top = grabStartPoint.y; rect.left = grabStartPoint.x; rect.bottom = grabEndPoint.y; rect.right = grabEndPoint.x; pRectangle->SetRect(&rect); pRectangle->SetBoundsRect(&rect); pRectangle->Draw(hDC); } } break; } } // Cancel if ESCAPE is pressed.
else if (::PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE)) { if( ((msg.message == WM_KEYUP)||(msg.message == WM_SYSKEYUP))&& (msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE) ) { TRACE_MSG(("grab cancelled by ESC"));
// Erase the last tracking rectangle
if (!EqualPoint(grabStartPoint, grabEndPoint)) { rect.top = grabStartPoint.y; rect.left = grabStartPoint.x; rect.bottom = grabEndPoint.y; rect.right = grabEndPoint.x; pRectangle->SetRect(&rect); pRectangle->Draw(hDC); } break; } } }
// Release the device context (if we have it)
if (hDC != NULL) { ::ReleaseDC(hDesktopWnd, hDC); }
delete pRectangle; }
// Function: AddCapturedImage
// Purpose: Add a bitmap to the contents (adding a new page for it
// if necessary).
void WbMainWindow::AddCapturedImage(BitmapObj* dib) { // Position the grabbed object at the top left of the currently visible
// area.
RECT rcVis; m_drawingArea.GetVisibleRect(&rcVis); dib->MoveTo(rcVis.left, rcVis.top);
// Add the new grabbed bitmap
dib->AddToWorkspace(); }
// Function: OnPrint
// Purpose: Print the contents of the drawing pane
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnPrint() { BOOL bPrintError = FALSE; PRINTDLG pd;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnPrint");
if (!IsIdle()) { // post an error message indicating the whiteboard is busy
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_WB, WB_RC_BUSY); return S_FALSE; }
// Initialize the PRINTDLG structure
ZeroMemory(&pd, sizeof(pd)); pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd); pd.hInstance = g_hInstance; pd.hwndOwner = m_hwnd; pd.Flags = PD_ALLPAGES | PD_RETURNDC | PD_PAGENUMS | PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE | PD_NOSELECTION;
pd.nMinPage = 1; pd.nMaxPage = (WORD)g_numberOfWorkspaces; pd.nFromPage = pd.nMinPage; pd.nToPage = pd.nMaxPage;
// Put up the COMMDLG print dialog
if (::PrintDlg(&pd)) { int nStartPage, nEndPage;
// Get the start and end page numbers to be printed
if (pd.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) { nStartPage = pd.nFromPage; nEndPage = pd.nToPage; } else { nStartPage = pd.nMinPage; nEndPage = pd.nMaxPage; }
// Check whether any pages are to be printed
if (nStartPage <= pd.nMaxPage) { // Ensure that the start and end pages lie within range.
nStartPage = max(nStartPage, pd.nMinPage); nEndPage = min(nEndPage, pd.nMaxPage);
// Get the printer and output port names.
// These are written to the dialog for the user to see
// in the OnInitDialog member.
TCHAR szDeviceName[2*_MAX_PATH]; LPDEVNAMES lpDev;
// Device name
if (pd.hDevNames == NULL) { szDeviceName[0] = 0; } else { lpDev = (LPDEVNAMES)::GlobalLock(pd.hDevNames);
wsprintf(szDeviceName, "%s %s", (LPCTSTR)lpDev + lpDev->wDeviceOffset, (LPCTSTR)lpDev + lpDev->wOutputOffset);
::GlobalUnlock(pd.hDevNames); }
// Tell the printer we are starting the print.
// Note that the printer object handles the cancellation dialog.
WbPrinter printer(szDeviceName);
TCHAR szJobName[_MAX_PATH]; ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRINT_NAME, szJobName, _MAX_PATH);
int nPrintResult = printer.StartDoc(pd.hDC, szJobName, nStartPage); if (nPrintResult < 0) { WARNING_OUT(("Print result %d", nPrintResult)); bPrintError = TRUE; } else { // Find out how many copies to print
int copyNum;
copyNum = 0; while ((copyNum < pd.nCopies) && !bPrintError) { // Loop through all pages
int nPrintPage = 0;
WBPOSITION pos; WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace = NULL; pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj*) g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); nPrintPage++;
if (nPrintPage >= nStartPage && nPrintPage <= nEndPage // We are in the range
&& pWorkspace && pWorkspace->GetHead() != NULL) // is there anything in the workspace
{ // Tell the printer we are starting a new page
printer.StartPage(pd.hDC, nPrintPage); if (!printer.Error()) { RECT rectArea;
rectArea.left = 0; rectArea.top = 0; rectArea.right = DRAW_WIDTH; rectArea.bottom = DRAW_HEIGHT;
// Print the page
PG_Print(pWorkspace, pd.hDC, &rectArea);
// Inform the printer that the page is complete
printer.EndPage(pd.hDC); } else { bPrintError = TRUE; break; } } }
copyNum++; }
// The print has completed
nPrintResult = printer.EndDoc(pd.hDC); if (nPrintResult < 0) { WARNING_OUT(("Print result %d", nPrintResult)); bPrintError = TRUE; }
// reset the error if the user cancelled the print
if (printer.Aborted()) { WARNING_OUT(("User cancelled print")); bPrintError = FALSE; } } } }
// Inform the user if an error occurred
if (bPrintError) { // display a message informing the user the job terminated
::PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER_DISPLAY_ERROR, WBFE_RC_PRINTER, 0); }
// Cleanup the hDevMode, hDevNames, and hdc blocks if allocated
if (pd.hDevMode != NULL) { ::GlobalFree(pd.hDevMode); pd.hDevMode = NULL; }
if (pd.hDevNames != NULL) { ::GlobalFree(pd.hDevNames); pd.hDevNames = NULL; }
if (pd.hDC != NULL) { ::DeleteDC(pd.hDC); pd.hDC = NULL; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: InsertPageAfter
// Purpose: Insert a new page after the specified page.
void WbMainWindow::InsertPageAfter(WorkspaceObj * pCurrentWorkspace) { //
// Create a standard workspace
if(g_numberOfWorkspaces < WB_MAX_WORKSPACES) { //
// If we were editing text
if (g_pDraw->TextEditActive()) { g_pDraw->EndTextEntry(TRUE); } BOOL bRemote = FALSE; if(m_pLocalRemotePointer) { bRemote = TRUE; OnRemotePointer(); }
WorkspaceObj * pObj; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pObj = new WorkspaceObj(); pObj->AddToWorkspace();
if(bRemote) { OnRemotePointer(); } } }
// Function: OnInsertPageAfter
// Purpose: Insert a new page after the current page
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnInsertPageAfter() { // Insert the new page
InsertPageAfter(g_pCurrentWorkspace); return S_OK; }
// Function: OnDeletePage
// Purpose: Delete the current page
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnDeletePage() {
// Clear the page
if(g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition() == g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetTailPosition()) { OnClearPage(TRUE); } else { LRESULT result = OnClearPage(FALSE); //
// If we had more pages move to the previous page
if(result == IDYES) { //
// Deleted locally
// If the text editor is active
if(m_drawingArea.TextEditActive()) { m_drawingArea.DeactivateTextEditor(); }
BOOL remotePointerIsOn = FALSE; if(g_pMain->m_pLocalRemotePointer) { g_pMain->OnRemotePointer(); remotePointerIsOn = TRUE; }
// Remove the workspace and point current to the correct one.
WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace = RemoveWorkspace(g_pCurrentWorkspace); g_pMain->GoPage(pWorkspace);
if(remotePointerIsOn) { g_pMain->OnRemotePointer(); }
} } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnRemotePointer
// Purpose: Create a remote pointer
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnRemotePointer(void) {
if(m_pLocalRemotePointer == NULL) { BitmapObj* remotePtr;
if(g_pMain->m_localRemotePointerPosition.x < 0 && g_pMain->m_localRemotePointerPosition.y < 0 ) { // Position the remote pointer in center of the drawing area
RECT rcVis; m_drawingArea.GetVisibleRect(&rcVis); m_localRemotePointerPosition.x = rcVis.left + (rcVis.right - rcVis.left)/2; m_localRemotePointerPosition.y = rcVis.top + (rcVis.bottom - rcVis.top)/2; } m_pLocalRemotePointer->MoveTo(m_localRemotePointerPosition.x ,m_localRemotePointerPosition.y);
COLORREF color; color = g_crDefaultColors[g_MyIndex + 1]; m_pLocalRemotePointer->CreateColoredIcon(color); //
// If we couldn't create an image for teh remote pointer bitmap
if(m_pLocalRemotePointer->m_lpbiImage == NULL) { delete m_pLocalRemotePointer; m_pLocalRemotePointer = NULL; return S_FALSE; } m_pLocalRemotePointer->Draw(FALSE);
// Add the new grabbed bitmap
m_TB.PushDown(IDM_REMOTE); CheckMenuItem(IDM_REMOTE);
// Start the timer for updating the graphic (this is only for updating
// the graphic when the user stops moving the pointer but keeps the
// mouse button down).
} else { ::KillTimer(g_pDraw->m_hwnd, TIMER_REMOTE_POINTER_UPDATE); m_pLocalRemotePointer->DeletedLocally(); g_pCurrentWorkspace->RemoveT126Object(m_pLocalRemotePointer); m_pLocalRemotePointer = NULL; m_TB.PopUp(IDM_REMOTE); UncheckMenuItem(IDM_REMOTE); } return S_OK; }
// Function: OnSync
// Purpose: Sync or unsync the Whiteboard with other users
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnSync(void) { // Determine whether we are currently synced
if (m_drawingArea.IsSynced()) { // currently synced, so unsync
Unsync(); } else { // currently unsynced, so sync
Sync(); } m_drawingArea.SetSync(!m_drawingArea.IsSynced()); EnableToolbar( TRUE ); m_AG.EnablePageCtrls(TRUE);
return S_OK; }
// Function: Sync
// Purpose: Sync the Whiteboard with other users
void WbMainWindow::Sync(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::Sync"); m_TB.PushDown(IDM_SYNC); CheckMenuItem(IDM_SYNC); GotoPage(g_pConferenceWorkspace); } // Sync
// Function: Unsync
// Purpose: Unsync the Whiteboard with other users
void WbMainWindow::Unsync(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::Unsync"); m_TB.PopUp(IDM_SYNC); UncheckMenuItem(IDM_SYNC); } // Unsync
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnConfShutdown( WPARAM, LPARAM ) { if (OnQueryEndSession()) { ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); // do close immediately
// :
// DON'T DO ANYTHING else at this point except for exit.
return( 0 );// tell conf ok to shutdown
} else return( (LRESULT)g_cuEndSessionAbort ); // don't shutdown
// Function: OnQueryEndSession
// Purpose: Ensure user is prompted to save changes when windows is
// ended.
LRESULT WbMainWindow::OnQueryEndSession(void) { HWND hwndPopup;
if ((hwndPopup = ::GetLastActivePopup(m_hwnd)) != m_hwnd) { ::Message(NULL, IDS_DEFAULT, IDS_CANTCLOSE ); ::BringWindowToTop(hwndPopup); return( FALSE ); }
// If changes are required then prompt the user to save
int iDoNew = IDYES;
if (IsIdle()) { iDoNew = QuerySaveRequired(TRUE); if (iDoNew == IDYES) { // Save the changes
iDoNew = (int)OnSave(FALSE); } }
// remember what we did so OnClose can act appropriately
m_bQuerySysShutdown = (iDoNew != IDCANCEL);
// If the user did not cancel, let windows exit
return( m_bQuerySysShutdown ); }
// Function: UnlockDrawingArea
// Purpose: Unlock the drawing area and enable the appropriate buttons
void WbMainWindow::UnlockDrawingArea() { m_drawingArea.Unlock();
{ EnableToolbar( TRUE ); m_AG.EnablePageCtrls(TRUE);
// Show the tool attributes group.
m_AG.DisplayTool(m_pCurrentTool); }
// Function: LockDrawingArea
// Purpose: Lock the drawing area and enable the appropriate buttons
void WbMainWindow::LockDrawingArea() { m_drawingArea.Lock();
if(g_pNMWBOBJ->m_LockerID != g_MyMemberID) {
// Disable tool-bar buttons that cannot be used while locked
EnableToolbar( FALSE );
// Hide the tool attributes
if (m_WG.m_hwnd != NULL) { ::ShowWindow(m_WG.m_hwnd, SW_HIDE); } m_AG.Hide(); } }
void WbMainWindow::EnableToolbar( BOOL bEnable ) { if (bEnable) { m_TB.Enable(IDM_SELECT);
// don't allow text editing in zoom mode
if( m_drawingArea.Zoomed() ) m_TB.Disable(IDM_TEXT); else m_TB.Enable(IDM_TEXT);
m_TB.Enable(IDM_PEN); m_TB.Enable(IDM_HIGHLIGHT);
m_TB.Enable(IDM_LINE); m_TB.Enable(IDM_ZOOM); m_TB.Enable(IDM_BOX); m_TB.Enable(IDM_FILLED_BOX); m_TB.Enable(IDM_ELLIPSE); m_TB.Enable(IDM_FILLED_ELLIPSE); m_TB.Enable(IDM_ERASER);
// If we are not synced we can't lock the other nodes
if(g_pDraw->IsSynced()) { m_TB.PushDown(IDM_SYNC); m_TB.Enable(IDM_LOCK); } else { m_TB.PopUp(IDM_SYNC); m_TB.Disable(IDM_LOCK); }
if(m_drawingArea.IsLocked()) { m_TB.Disable(IDM_SYNC); } else { m_TB.Enable(IDM_SYNC); }
} else { m_TB.Disable(IDM_SELECT); m_TB.Disable(IDM_PEN); m_TB.Disable(IDM_HIGHLIGHT); m_TB.Disable(IDM_TEXT); m_TB.Disable(IDM_LINE); m_TB.Disable(IDM_ZOOM); m_TB.Disable(IDM_BOX); m_TB.Disable(IDM_FILLED_BOX); m_TB.Disable(IDM_ELLIPSE); m_TB.Disable(IDM_FILLED_ELLIPSE); m_TB.Disable(IDM_ERASER); m_TB.Disable(IDM_REMOTE);
m_TB.Disable(IDM_GRAB_AREA); m_TB.Disable(IDM_GRAB_WINDOW); m_TB.Disable(IDM_LOCK); m_TB.Disable(IDM_SYNC); } }
// Function: UpdatePageButtons
// Purpose: Enable or disable the page buttons, according to the current
// state.
void WbMainWindow::UpdatePageButtons() { BOOL bEnable = TRUE; if(!g_pCurrentWorkspace) { g_numberOfWorkspaces = 0; bEnable = FALSE; } else { //
// Can we update this workspace
bEnable = g_pCurrentWorkspace->GetUpdatesEnabled();
// If it is locked, is it locked by us
if(!bEnable) { bEnable |= g_pNMWBOBJ->m_LockerID == g_MyMemberID; } }
WBPOSITION pos; WorkspaceObj * pWorkspace; UINT pageNumber = 0;
pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { pageNumber++; pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj*)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); if(g_pCurrentWorkspace == pWorkspace) { break; } }
m_AG.SetCurrentPageNumber(pageNumber); m_AG.SetLastPageNumber(g_numberOfWorkspaces);
EnableToolbar( bEnable ); }
// Function: CancelLoad
// Purpose: Cancel any load in progress
void WbMainWindow::CancelLoad(BOOL bReleaseLock) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::CancelLoad");
// reset file name to untitled
ZeroMemory(m_strFileName, sizeof(m_strFileName));
// reset the whiteboard substate
SetSubstate(SUBSTATE_IDLE); }
// Function: IsIdle
// Purpose: Returns true if the main window is idle (in a call and not
// loading a file/performing a new)
BOOL WbMainWindow::IsIdle() {
return(m_uiSubState == SUBSTATE_IDLE); }
// Function: SetSubstate
// Purpose: Sets the substate, informing the page sorter dialog of the
// change, if necessary.
void WbMainWindow::SetSubstate(UINT newSubState) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::SetSubstate");
// substate only valid if in a call
if (newSubState != m_uiSubState) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_uiSubState = newSubState;
// Trace the substate change
switch (m_uiSubState) { case SUBSTATE_IDLE: TRACE_DEBUG(("set substate to IDLE")); break;
case SUBSTATE_LOADING: TRACE_DEBUG(("set substate to LOADING")); break;
case SUBSTATE_SAVING: TRACE_DEBUG(("set substate to SAVING")); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Unknown substate %hd",m_uiSubState)); break; }
// update the page buttons (may have become enabled/disabled)
UpdatePageButtons(); }
// Function: PositionUpdated
// Purpose: Called when the drawing area position has changed.
// change, if necessary.
void WbMainWindow::PositionUpdated() { RECT rectDraw; m_drawingArea.GetVisibleRect(&rectDraw); g_pDraw->InvalidateSurfaceRect(&rectDraw,FALSE); }
// Function : OnEndSession
// Purpose : Called when Windows is exiting
void WbMainWindow::OnEndSession(BOOL bEnding) { if (bEnding) { ::PostQuitMessage(0); } else { m_bQuerySysShutdown = FALSE; // never mind, cancel OnClose special handling
} }
// Function: OnCancelMode()
// Purpose: Called whenever a WM_CANCELMODE message is sent to the frame
// window.
// WM_CANCELMODE is sent when another app or dialog receives the
// input focus. The frame simply records that a WM_CANCELMODE
// message has been sent. This fact is used by the SelectWindow
// code to determine if it should cancel the selecting of a
// window
void WbMainWindow::OnCancelMode() { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::OnCancelMode");
m_cancelModeSent = TRUE;
// Note: Not passed to the default handler as the default action on
// WM_CANCELMODE is to release mouse capture - we shall do this
// explicitly.
// blow off any dragging that might be in progress (bug 573)
POINT pt; ::GetCursorPos( &pt ); ::ScreenToClient(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, &pt); ::SendMessage(m_drawingArea.m_hwnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, MAKELONG( pt.x, pt.y ) );
void WbMainWindow::LoadCmdLine(LPCSTR szFilename) { int iOnSave;
if (szFilename && *szFilename) { if( UsersMightLoseData( NULL, NULL ) ) // bug NM4db:418
// Don't prompt to save file if we're already loading
if (m_uiSubState != SUBSTATE_LOADING ) { // Check whether there are changes to be saved
iOnSave = QuerySaveRequired(TRUE); } else { return; }
if (iOnSave == IDYES) { // User wants to save the drawing area contents
int iResult = (int)OnSave(TRUE);
if( iResult == IDOK ) { } else { // cancelled out of save, so cancel the open operation
return; } }
// load filename
if( iOnSave != IDCANCEL ) LoadFile(szFilename); } }
// OnNotify()
void WbMainWindow::OnNotify(UINT id, NMHDR * pNM) { UINT nID; HWND hwnd = NULL; POINT ptCurPos; UINT nTipStringID;
if (!pNM) return;
// get id and hwnd
if( pTA->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND ) { // idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
hwnd = (HWND)pNM->idFrom; nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd); } else { nID = (UINT)pNM->idFrom; }
// get tip string id
nTipStringID = GetTipId(hwnd, nID); if (nTipStringID == 0) return;
// give it to em
pTA->lpszText = MAKEINTRESOURCE( nTipStringID ); pTA->hinst = g_hInstance; } else if (pNM->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTW) { TOOLTIPTEXTW *pTW = (TOOLTIPTEXTW *)pNM;
// get id and hwnd
if( pTW->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND ) { // idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
hwnd = (HWND)pNM->idFrom; nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd); } else { nID = (UINT)pNM->idFrom; }
// get tip string id
nTipStringID = GetTipId(hwnd, nID ); if (nTipStringID == 0) return;
// give it to em
pTW->lpszText = (LPWSTR) MAKEINTRESOURCE( nTipStringID ); pTW->hinst = g_hInstance; } }
// GetTipId()
// Finds the tooltip for a control in Whiteboard
UINT WbMainWindow::GetTipId(HWND hwndTip, UINT nID) { WbTool * pTool; BOOL bCheckedState; int nTipID; int nTipStringID; int i;
// find tip stuff relevant for nID
nTipID = -1; for( i=0; i<((sizeof g_tipIDsArray)/(sizeof (TIPIDS) )); i++ ) { if( g_tipIDsArray[i].nID == nID ) { nTipID = i; break; } }
// valid?
if( nTipID < 0 ) return( 0 );
// get checked state
switch( g_tipIDsArray[ nTipID ].nCheck ) { case TB: bCheckedState = (::SendMessage(m_TB.m_hwnd, TB_ISBUTTONCHECKED, nID, 0) != 0); break;
case BT: if (hwndTip != NULL) { bCheckedState = (::SendMessage(hwndTip, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0) & 0x0003) == 1; } else bCheckedState = FALSE;
case NA: default: bCheckedState = FALSE; break; }
// get tip string id
if( bCheckedState ) nTipStringID = g_tipIDsArray[ nTipID ].nDownTipID; else nTipStringID = g_tipIDsArray[ nTipID ].nUpTipID;
// done
return( nTipStringID ); }
// gets default path if no saves or opens have been done yet
// Returns FALSE if last default should be reused
BOOL WbMainWindow::GetDefaultPath(LPTSTR csDefaultPath , UINT size) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwBufLen = size; HKEY hDefaultKey = NULL; BOOL bRet =FALSE;
if( !lstrlen(m_strFileName) ) { // a name has not been picked yet in this session, use path
// to "My Documents"
if( (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", 0, KEY_READ, &hDefaultKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegQueryValueEx( hDefaultKey, "Personal", NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)csDefaultPath, &dwBufLen ) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // reg failed, use desktop
LPITEMIDLIST pidl; if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(GetDesktopWindow(),CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY,&pidl))) { bRet= SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl,csDefaultPath); }
if( hDefaultKey != NULL ) RegCloseKey( hDefaultKey ); } else { bRet = TRUE; } } return bRet; }
void WbMainWindow::OnSysColorChange( void ) { if (g_pCurrentWorkspace != NULL) { PG_ReinitPalettes();
::InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, NULL, TRUE ); ::UpdateWindow(m_hwnd); }
m_TB.RecolorButtonImages(); m_AG.RecolorButtonImages(); }
// posts a do-you-wana-do-that message if other users are in the conference
BOOL WbMainWindow::UsersMightLoseData( BOOL *pbWasPosted, HWND hwnd ) { if (g_pNMWBOBJ->GetNumberOfMembers() > 0) { if( pbWasPosted != NULL ) *pbWasPosted = TRUE; return( ::Message(hwnd, IDS_DEFAULT, IDS_MSG_USERSMIGHTLOSE, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) != IDYES ); }
if( pbWasPosted != NULL ) *pbWasPosted = FALSE;
return( FALSE ); }
// Name: ContentsSave
// Purpose: Save the contents of the WB.
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbMainWindow::ContentsSave(LPCSTR pFileName) { UINT result = 0; UINT index; HANDLE hFile; ULONG cbSizeWritten; T126WB_FILE_HEADER t126Header; WB_OBJ endOfFile;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "WbMainWindow::ContentsSave");
// Open the file
m_hFile = CreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = WB_RC_CREATE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error creating file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); goto CleanUp; }
// Create the file header.
memcpy(t126Header.functionProfile, T126WB_FP_NAME,sizeof(T126WB_FP_NAME)); t126Header.length = sizeof(T126WB_FILE_HEADER) + g_numberOfWorkspaces*sizeof(UINT); t126Header.version = T126WB_VERSION; t126Header.numberOfWorkspaces = g_numberOfWorkspaces;
// Save the header
if (!WriteFile(m_hFile, (void *) &t126Header, sizeof(T126WB_FILE_HEADER), &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing length to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); goto CleanUp; }
WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace; WBPOSITION pos; index = 0;
pos = g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { pWorkspace = (WorkspaceObj*)g_pListOfWorkspaces->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pWorkspace);
UINT numberOfObjects = pWorkspace->EnumerateObjectsInWorkspace();
// Save the number of objects in each page
if (!WriteFile(m_hFile, (void *) &numberOfObjects, sizeof(numberOfObjects), &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing length to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); goto CleanUp; }
index++; }
ASSERT(index == g_numberOfWorkspaces);
// Loop through the pages, saving each as we go
g_bSavingFile = TRUE; ResendAllObjects();
// The Last Object to be saved is the current workspace
// If we have successfully written the contents, we write an end-of-page
// marker to the file.
ZeroMemory(&endOfFile, sizeof(endOfFile)); endOfFile.length = sizeof(endOfFile); endOfFile.type = TYPE_T126_END_OF_FILE;
// Write the end-of-file object
if (!WriteFile(m_hFile, (void *) &endOfFile, sizeof(endOfFile), &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing length to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); goto CleanUp; }
// Close the file
if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hFile); }
// If an error occurred in saving the contents to file, and the file was
// opened, then delete it.
if (result != 0) { //
// If the file was opened successfully, delete it
if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DeleteFile(pFileName); } }
g_bSavingFile = FALSE; return(result); }
// Name: ObjectSave
// Purpose: Save a structure to file
// Returns: Error code
UINT WbMainWindow::ObjectSave(UINT type, LPBYTE pData, UINT length) { ASSERT(m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
UINT result = 0; ULONG cbSizeWritten; WB_OBJ objectHeader;
objectHeader.length = sizeof(WB_OBJ) + length; objectHeader.type = type;
// Save the Header
if (! WriteFile(m_hFile, (void *) &objectHeader, sizeof(WB_OBJ), &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing length to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); goto bail; } ASSERT(cbSizeWritten == sizeof(WB_OBJ));
// Save the object data
if (! WriteFile(m_hFile, pData, length, &cbSizeWritten, NULL)) { result = WB_RC_WRITE_FAILED; ERROR_OUT(("Error writing data to file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); goto bail; } ASSERT(cbSizeWritten == length);
bail: return result; }
// Function: ContentsLoad
// Purpose: Load a file and delete the current workspaces
UINT WbMainWindow::ContentsLoad(LPCSTR pFileName) { BOOL bRemote; UINT result = 0; PT126WB_FILE_HEADER_AND_OBJECTS pHeader = NULL;
// Validate the file, and get a handle to it.
// If there is an error, then no file handle is returned.
pHeader = ValidateFile(pFileName); if (pHeader == NULL) { result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; } delete pHeader;
// Remember if remote pointer is on
bRemote = FALSE; if (m_pLocalRemotePointer) { // Remove remote pointer from pages
bRemote = TRUE; OnRemotePointer(); }
// Just before loading anything delete all the workspaces
::InvalidateRect(g_pDraw->m_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); DeleteAllWorkspaces(TRUE);
result = ObjectLoad();
// Put remote pointer back if it was on
if (bRemote) { OnRemotePointer(); }
// The workspaces may have being saved as locked
// Unlock all workspaces, and make sure the drawing area is unlocked
TogleLockInAllWorkspaces(FALSE, FALSE); // Not locked, don't send updates
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hFile) { CloseHandle(m_hFile); } return(result);
// Function: ObjectLoad
// Purpose: Load t126 ASN1 objects from the file
UINT WbMainWindow::ObjectLoad(void) { UINT result = 0; LPSTR pData = NULL; UINT length;
DWORD cbSizeRead; BOOL readFileOk = TRUE; WB_OBJ objectHeader;
while(readFileOk) {
// Read objects header info
readFileOk = ReadFile(m_hFile, (void *) &objectHeader, sizeof(WB_OBJ), &cbSizeRead, NULL); if ( !readFileOk ) { //
// Make sure we return a sensible error.
ERROR_OUT(("reading object length, win32 err=%d, length=%d", GetLastError(), sizeof(WB_OBJ))); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; } ASSERT(cbSizeRead == sizeof(WB_OBJ));
// Read the object's raw data
length = objectHeader.length - sizeof(WB_OBJ); DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pData = (LPSTR)new BYTE[length]; readFileOk = ReadFile(m_hFile, (LPBYTE) pData, length, &cbSizeRead, NULL); if(! readFileOk) { //
// Make sure we return a sensible error.
ERROR_OUT(("Reading object from file: win32 err=%d, asked for %d got %d bytes", GetLastError(), length, cbSizeRead)); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; } ASSERT(cbSizeRead == length);
// It is an ASN1 t126 object
if(objectHeader.type == TYPE_T126_ASN_OBJECT) { //
// Try decoding and adding it to the workspace
if(!T126_MCSSendDataIndication(length, (LPBYTE)pData, g_MyMemberID, TRUE)) { result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; } } //
// If it is an end of file do a last check
else if(objectHeader.type == TYPE_T126_END_OF_FILE) { if(objectHeader.length != sizeof(WB_OBJ)) { result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; } goto bail; } else { ERROR_OUT(("Don't know object type =%d , size=%d ; skipping to next object", objectHeader.type, length)); }
delete [] pData; pData = NULL; }
if(pData) { delete [] pData; } return(result); }
// Function: ValidateFile
// Purpose: Open a T126 file and check if it is valid, if it is the it will
// return a pointer to the header structure
PT126WB_FILE_HEADER_AND_OBJECTS WbMainWindow::ValidateFile(LPCSTR pFileName) { UINT result = 0; PT126WB_FILE_HEADER pFileHeader = NULL; PT126WB_FILE_HEADER_AND_OBJECTS pCompleteFileHeader = NULL; UINT length; ULONG cbSizeRead; BOOL fileOpen = FALSE;
if(pFileHeader == NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("Could not allocate memory to read the file header opening file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); result = WB_RC_CREATE_FAILED; goto bail; }
// Open the file
m_hFile = CreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARNING_OUT(("Error opening file, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); result = WB_RC_CREATE_FAILED; goto bail; }
// Show that we have opened the file successfully
fileOpen = TRUE;
// Read the file header
if (! ReadFile(m_hFile, (void *) pFileHeader, sizeof(T126WB_FILE_HEADER), &cbSizeRead, NULL)) { WARNING_OUT(("Error reading file header, win32 err=%d", GetLastError())); result = WB_RC_READ_FAILED; goto bail; }
if (cbSizeRead != sizeof(T126WB_FILE_HEADER)) { WARNING_OUT(("Could not read file header")); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; }
// Validate the file header
if (memcmp(pFileHeader->functionProfile, T126WB_FP_NAME, sizeof(T126WB_FP_NAME))) { WARNING_OUT(("Bad function profile in file header")); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; }
// Check for version
if( pFileHeader->version < T126WB_VERSION) { WARNING_OUT(("Bad version number")); result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; } DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pCompleteFileHeader = (PT126WB_FILE_HEADER_AND_OBJECTS) new BYTE[sizeof(T126WB_FILE_HEADER) + pFileHeader->numberOfWorkspaces*sizeof(UINT)]; memcpy(pCompleteFileHeader, pFileHeader, sizeof(T126WB_FILE_HEADER));
// Read the rest of the file header
if(! ReadFile(m_hFile, (void *) &pCompleteFileHeader->numberOfObjects[0], pFileHeader->numberOfWorkspaces*sizeof(UINT), &cbSizeRead, NULL)) { if(cbSizeRead != pFileHeader->numberOfWorkspaces) result = WB_RC_BAD_FILE_FORMAT; goto bail; }
TRACE_DEBUG(("Opening file with %d workspaces", pFileHeader->numberOfWorkspaces)); #ifdef _DEBUG
INT i; for(i = 0; i < (INT)pFileHeader->numberOfWorkspaces; i++) { TRACE_DEBUG(("Workspace %d contains %d objects", i+1, pCompleteFileHeader->numberOfObjects[i] )); } #endif
// Close the file if there has been an error
if ( (fileOpen) && (result != 0)) { CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Delete allocated file header
if(pFileHeader) { delete [] pFileHeader; }
// if there was an error delete the return header
if(result != 0) { if(pCompleteFileHeader) { delete [] pCompleteFileHeader; pCompleteFileHeader = NULL; } }
return pCompleteFileHeader; }
// Function: GetFileNameStr
// Purpose: Return a plain file name string
LPSTR WbMainWindow::GetFileNameStr(void) { UINT size = 2*_MAX_FNAME;
if(m_pTitleFileName) { delete m_pTitleFileName; m_pTitleFileName = NULL; } DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE m_pTitleFileName = new TCHAR[size]; if (!m_pTitleFileName) { ERROR_OUT(("GetWindowTitle: failed to allocate TitleFileName")); return(NULL); }
// Set title to either the "Untitled" string, or the loaded file name
if( (!lstrlen(m_strFileName))|| (GetFileTitle( m_strFileName, m_pTitleFileName, (WORD)size ) != 0) ) { ::LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_UNTITLED , m_pTitleFileName, 2*_MAX_FNAME); }
return (LPSTR)m_pTitleFileName; }