// File: mainwindow.cpp
// Synopsis: This file holds the implementation of the
// CMainWindow class
// History: 11/10/2000 serdarun Created
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
// PROGID of the Localization Manager
const WCHAR LOCALIZATION_MANAGER [] = L"ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager";
const WCHAR szMainPage[] = L"\\localui_main.htm";
const WCHAR szLocalUIDir[] = L"\\ServerAppliance\\localui";
// startup registrypages
const WCHAR szLocalUI_StartPage[] = L"\\localui_startup_start.htm";
const WCHAR szLocalUI_ShutdownPage[] = L"\\localui_startup_shutdown.htm";
const WCHAR szLocalUI_UpdatePage[] = L"\\localui_startup_update.htm";
const WCHAR szLocalUI_ReadyPage[] = L"\\localui_startup_ready.htm";
// WBEM namespace to connection to
// Query Language to use for WBEM
// WBEM query which specifies the type of events we are interested
// in
const WCHAR QUERY_STRING [] = L"select * from Microsoft_SA_AlertEvent";
// Function: startworkerroutine
// Synopsis: This is thread method for starting keypad reading
// Arguments: PVOID - pointer to main window class object
// Returns: DWORD - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
// Called By: Init method of CMainWindow
DWORD WINAPI startworkerroutine ( /*[in]*/ PVOID pArg ) { ((CMainWindow*)pArg)->KeypadReader();
return 0; } // end of startworkerroutine method
// Function: Invoke
// Synopsis: This is the Invoke method of famous IDispatch interface
// Arguments: See MSDN for detailed description
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
// Called By: WebBrowser control created by main window to notify events
STDMETHODIMP CWebBrowserEventSink::Invoke(DISPID dispid, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, VARIANT* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo, UINT* puArgErr) { //
//return immediately if we don't have a valid window pointer
if (NULL == m_pMainWindow) return S_OK;
switch (dispid) { //
//Occurs when a document has reached the READYSTATE_COMPLETE state
case DISPID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE: if ( (pdispparams->cArgs == 2) && (pdispparams->rgvarg[0].vt == (VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF)) && (pdispparams->rgvarg[1].vt == VT_DISPATCH) && m_bMainControl ) m_pMainWindow->PageLoaded(pdispparams->rgvarg[1].pdispVal, pdispparams->rgvarg[0].pvarVal); else m_pMainWindow->RegistryPageLoaded(pdispparams->rgvarg[1].pdispVal, pdispparams->rgvarg[0].pvarVal); break; //
//Occurs before a navigation in the given WebBrowser
case DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE2: if (m_bMainControl) m_pMainWindow->LoadingNewPage(); break; //
//Not interested in rest of the events
default: break; }
return S_OK; } // end of CWebBrowserEventSink::Invoke method
// constructor
CMainWindow::CMainWindow() : m_hWorkerThread(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_lDispWidth(0), m_lDispHeight(0), m_dwMainCookie(0), m_dwSecondCookie(0), m_bPageReady(FALSE), m_pSAKeypadController(NULL), m_pMainWebBrowser(NULL), m_pMainWebBrowserUnk(NULL), m_pMainInPlaceAO(NULL), m_pMainOleObject(NULL), m_pMainViewObject(NULL), m_pMainWebBrowserEventSink(NULL), m_pSecondWebBrowser(NULL), m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk(NULL), m_pSecondWebBrowserEventSink(NULL), m_pLocInfo(NULL), m_pLangChange(NULL), m_RegBitmapState(BITMAP_STARTING), m_pSAWbemSink(NULL), m_pWbemServices(NULL), m_pSAConsumer(NULL), m_dwLEDMessageCode(1), m_bInTaskorMainPage(FALSE), m_pSaDisplay(NULL), m_unintptrMainTimer(0), m_unintptrSecondTimer(0), m_bSecondIECreated(FALSE) { } // end of constructor
// Function: OnSaKeyMessage
// Synopsis: Message handler for wm_SaKeyMessage generated by
// keypad reader. It converts these messages to real
// WM_KEYDOWN messages and sends to IE control
// Arguments: windows message arguments
// WPARAM contains the key id
// Returns: LRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnSaKeyMessage(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { LONG lMessage; BOOL fShiftKey; HRESULT hr; BYTE aKeyboardState[300]; int iKey = wParam;
if (m_pSAKeypadController) { hr = m_pSAKeypadController->GetKey(iKey,&lMessage,&fShiftKey); } else { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::OnSaKeyMessage, don't have a valid keypad pointer..."); return 0; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::OnSaKeyMessage failed on m_pSAKeypadController->GetKey"); return 0; }
//if key is disabled
if (lMessage == 0) return 0;
if (lMessage == -1) { m_pMainWebBrowser->GoBack(); return 0; }
// get the current keyboard state
if (GetKeyboardState(aKeyboardState) == 0) { SATraceFailure("CMainWindow::OnSaKeyMessage failed on GetKeyboardState",GetLastError()); return 0; }
if (fShiftKey) aKeyboardState[VK_SHIFT] = 0xFF; else aKeyboardState[VK_SHIFT] = 0x00;
// set the new state with the shift key
if (SetKeyboardState(aKeyboardState) == 0) { SATraceFailure("CMainWindow::OnSaKeyMessage failed on SetKeyboardState",GetLastError()); return 0; }
HWND hwnd = ::GetFocus(); HWND hwndTmp = m_hwndWebBrowser;
while (hwnd && hwndTmp) { if (hwnd == hwndTmp) break; hwndTmp = ::GetWindow(hwndTmp,GW_CHILD); } ::PostMessage(hwndTmp,WM_KEYDOWN,lMessage,1);
return 0;
} // end of CMainWindow::OnSaKeyMessage
// Function: OnSaLocMessage
// Synopsis: Message handler for wm_SaLocMessage generated by
// keypad reader. It means Loc Id for the box has been
// changed
// Arguments: windows message arguments
// Returns: LRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/28/2000
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnSaLocMessage(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { //
// Initialize the state to the first page
m_RegBitmapState = BITMAP_STARTING; CComBSTR bstrBootingPage = m_szLocalUIDir.c_str(); bstrBootingPage.Append(szLocalUI_StartPage); //
// Second browser start the sequence
if (m_pSecondWebBrowser) { m_pSecondWebBrowser->Navigate(bstrBootingPage.Detach(),0,0,0,0); }
// Main browser might refresh, talk to mkarki and kevinz
return 0; } // end of CMainWindow::OnSaLocMessage
// Function: OnSaLEDMessage
// Synopsis: Message handler for wm_SaLEDMessage generated by
// sa cinsumer component.
// Arguments: windows message arguments
// WPARAM contains the LED code
// Returns: LRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnSaLEDMessage(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) {
m_dwLEDMessageCode = wParam; return 0;
} // end of CMainWindow::OnSaLEDMessage
// Function: OnSaAlertMessage
// Synopsis: Message handler for OnSaAlertMessage generated by
// sa consumer component.
// Arguments: windows message arguments
// Returns: LRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnSaAlertMessage(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) {
// if we are not in tasks or main page, ignore alerts
if (!m_bInTaskorMainPage) { return 0; }
SATraceString ("CMainWindow::OnSaAlertMessage, notifying the html page"); //
// send the special key press to the client
HWND hwnd = ::GetFocus(); HWND hwndTmp = m_hwndWebBrowser;
while (hwnd && hwndTmp) { if (hwnd == hwndTmp) break; hwndTmp = ::GetWindow(hwndTmp,GW_CHILD); }
// Send a F24 key press to the html page, used for alerts
::PostMessage(hwndTmp,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_F24,1); return 0;
} // end of CMainWindow::OnSaAlertMessage
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnTimer(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) {
// if it is a timer for registry page, print the page and go to the next page
if (wParam == m_unintptrSecondTimer) { KillTimer(m_unintptrSecondTimer); PrintRegistryPage(); return 0; }
if (m_bPageReady) GetBitmap();
return 0; }
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnFocus(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { if (m_pMainOleObject) m_pMainOleObject->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE,0,0,0,0,0); return 0; }
// Function: CreateMainIEControl
// Synopsis: Creates the main IE control and registers
// in the event sink
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::OnCreate method
HRESULT CMainWindow::CreateMainIEControl() { SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::CreateMainIEControl ..."); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Create the main IE control
m_hwndWebBrowser = ::CreateWindow(_T("AtlAxWin"), m_szMainPage.c_str(), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight, m_hWnd, NULL, ::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
if (NULL == m_hwndWebBrowser) { SATraceString ("CreateWindow for main IE control failed"); return hr; }
// Get a pointer to the control
AtlAxGetControl(m_hwndWebBrowser, &m_pMainWebBrowserUnk);
if (m_pMainWebBrowserUnk == NULL) { SATraceString ("Getting a pointer to the main control failed"); return hr; }
// QI for the IWebBrowser2 interface
hr = m_pMainWebBrowserUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&m_pMainWebBrowser);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("QI for IWebBrowser2 interface failed"); return hr; }
// QI for the IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface
hr = m_pMainWebBrowserUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject, (void**)&m_pMainInPlaceAO);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("QI for IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface failed"); return hr; }
// QI for the IOleObject interface
hr = m_pMainWebBrowserUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void**)&m_pMainOleObject);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("QI for IOleObject interface failed"); return hr; }
// QI for the IViewObject2 interface
hr = m_pMainWebBrowser->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2, (void**)&m_pMainViewObject);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("QI for IViewObject2 interface failed"); return hr; }
// Create the sink object for the events
hr = CComObject<CWebBrowserEventSink>::CreateInstance(&m_pMainWebBrowserEventSink);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CreateInstance for sink object failed"); return hr; }
// Store the main window pointer for callbacks
m_pMainWebBrowserEventSink->m_pMainWindow = this;
// Register in the event sink of the main IE control
hr = AtlAdvise(m_pMainWebBrowserUnk, m_pMainWebBrowserEventSink->GetUnknown(), DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, &m_dwMainCookie);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("AtlAdvise for main IE control failed"); return hr; }
return S_OK; } // end of CMainWindow::CreateMainIEControl
// Function: CreateSecondIEControl
// Synopsis: Creates the second IE control and registers
// in the event sink
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::OnCreate method
HRESULT CMainWindow::CreateSecondIEControl() { SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::CreateSecondIEControl ...");
wstring szStartUpPage;
szStartUpPage.assign(m_szLocalUIDir); szStartUpPage.append(szLocalUI_StartPage); //
// Create the main IE control
HWND m_hwndSecondWebBrowser = ::CreateWindow(_T("AtlAxWin"), szStartUpPage.c_str(), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, 0, m_lDispHeight, m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight, m_hWnd, NULL, ::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
if (NULL == m_hwndSecondWebBrowser) { SATraceString ("CreateWindow for second IE control failed"); return hr; }
// Get a pointer to the control
AtlAxGetControl(m_hwndSecondWebBrowser, &m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk);
if (m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk == NULL) { SATraceString ("Getting a pointer to the main control failed"); return hr; }
// QI for the IWebBrowser2 interface
hr = m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IWebBrowser2, (void**)&m_pSecondWebBrowser);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("QI for IWebBrowser2 interface failed"); return hr; }
// Create the sink object for the events
hr = CComObject<CWebBrowserEventSink>::CreateInstance(&m_pSecondWebBrowserEventSink);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CreateInstance for sink object failed"); return hr; }
// Store the main window pointer for callbacks
m_pSecondWebBrowserEventSink->m_pMainWindow = this;
m_pSecondWebBrowserEventSink->m_bMainControl = FALSE;
// Register in the event sink of the main IE control
hr = AtlAdvise(m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk, m_pSecondWebBrowserEventSink->GetUnknown(), DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, &m_dwSecondCookie);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("AtlAdvise for second IE control failed"); return hr; }
return S_OK;
} // end of CMainWindow::CreateSecondIEControl
// Function: OnCreate
// Synopsis: Creates the IE controls
// Arguments: windows message arguments
// Returns: LRESULT - success(0)/failure(-1)
// History: serdarun Created 11/10/2000
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnCreate(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { HRESULT hr;
SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::OnCreate...");
// Create main IE control
hr = CreateMainIEControl();
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CreateMainIEControl failed"); return -1; } //
// Create the memory DC used for rendering
m_HdcMem = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
if (NULL == m_HdcMem) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::OnCreate failed on CreateCompatibleDC(NULL):", GetLastError ()); return -1; }
// Create the monochrome bitmap
m_hBitmap = CreateBitmap(m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight,1,1,0);
if (NULL == m_HdcMem) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::OnCreate failed on CreateBitmap:", GetLastError ()); return -1; }
// Select bitmap into DC
SelectObject(m_HdcMem, m_hBitmap);
// Set the timer
m_unintptrMainTimer = ::SetTimer(m_hWnd,1,250,0);
return 0;
// Function: ShutDown
// Synopsis: Clean up all the resources
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/20/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::OnDestroy method
void CMainWindow::ShutDown() {
SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::ShutDown method ...");
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_hWorkerThread) { //
// cleanup thread handle
::CloseHandle (m_hWorkerThread); m_hWorkerThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// delete Memory DC
if (m_HdcMem) { ::DeleteDC (m_HdcMem); m_HdcMem = NULL; }
// release the localization manager
if (m_pLocInfo) { m_pLocInfo->Release (); m_pLocInfo = NULL; }
// do the reverse sequence of initialization
if (m_pLangChange) { m_pLangChange->ClearCallback (); m_pLangChange->Release(); m_pLangChange= NULL; }
// Unadvise event sinks for IE controls
if (m_dwMainCookie != 0) AtlUnadvise(m_pMainWebBrowserUnk, DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, m_dwMainCookie);
if (m_dwSecondCookie != 0) AtlUnadvise(m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk, DIID_DWebBrowserEvents2, m_dwSecondCookie);
if ((m_pWbemServices) && (m_pSAWbemSink)) { //
// cancel reception of events
hr = m_pWbemServices->CancelAsyncCall (m_pSAWbemSink); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CMainWindow::Shutdown failed on-CancelAsyncCall failed with error:%x:",hr); } }
// release all of the smart pointers
m_pMainWebBrowser = NULL;
m_pMainWebBrowserUnk = NULL;
m_pMainWebBrowserEventSink = NULL;
m_pMainInPlaceAO = NULL;
m_pMainOleObject = NULL;
m_pMainViewObject = NULL;
m_pSAKeypadController = NULL;
m_pSecondWebBrowser = NULL;
m_pSecondWebBrowserUnk = NULL;
m_pSecondWebBrowserEventSink = NULL;
m_pWbemServices = NULL;
m_pSAWbemSink = NULL;
m_pSaDisplay = NULL;
if (m_pSAConsumer) { m_pSAConsumer->Release(); m_pSAConsumer= NULL; } return;
} // end of CMainWindow::ShutDown method
LRESULT CMainWindow::OnDestroy(UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { HRESULT hr;
PostThreadMessage(id, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
return 0; }
// Function: LoadingNewPage
// Synopsis: It is called before a new page is loaded by web control
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/20/2000
// Called By: CWebBrowserEventSink::Invoke method
void CMainWindow::LoadingNewPage() {
SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::LoadingNewPage method");
// Set ready flad to FALSE, we won't print any bitmaps until page is ready
m_bPageReady = FALSE; m_bInTaskorMainPage = FALSE;
// Load the default key messages for the new page
if (m_pSAKeypadController) { hr = m_pSAKeypadController->LoadDefaults();
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("Setting default key messages failed"); } } return; } // end of CMainWindow::LoadingNewPage method
// Function: PageLoaded
// Synopsis: It is called after a new page is loaded by web control
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/20/2000
// Called By: CWebBrowserEventSink::Invoke method
void CMainWindow::PageLoaded(IDispatch* pdisp, VARIANT* purl) { SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::PageLoaded method");
BSTR bstrLocation; HRESULT hr;
if (m_bSecondIECreated == FALSE) { hr = CreateSecondIEControl();
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CreateSecondIEControl failed"); } m_bSecondIECreated = TRUE; }
if (m_pMainWebBrowser) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_pMainWebBrowser->get_LocationName(&bstrLocation))) { if ( ( 0 == _wcsicmp (L"localui_main", bstrLocation ) ) || ( 0 == _wcsicmp (L"localui_tasks", bstrLocation ) ) ) { m_bInTaskorMainPage = TRUE; } else { m_bInTaskorMainPage = FALSE; }
SysFreeString(bstrLocation); }
// Inplace activate the web control
if (m_pMainOleObject) { m_pMainOleObject->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE,0,0,0,0,0); }
// begin printing new bitmaps
m_bPageReady = TRUE;
return; } // end of CMainWindow::PageLoaded method
// Function: RegistryPageLoaded
// Synopsis: It is called after a new page is loaded by secondary
// web control
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/25/2000
// Called By: CWebBrowserEventSink::Invoke method
void CMainWindow::RegistryPageLoaded(IDispatch* pdisp, VARIANT* purl) {
m_unintptrSecondTimer = ::SetTimer(m_hWnd,2,3000,0);
}// end of CMainWindow::RegistryPageLoaded method
// Function: PrintRegistryPage
// Synopsis: It is called after a new page is loaded by secondary
// web control
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/25/2000
// Called By: OnTimer method
void CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage() { CComPtr<IViewObject2> pViewObject; HRESULT hr; BYTE DispBitmap [SA_DISPLAY_MAX_BITMAP_IN_BYTES]; RECTL rcBounds = { 0, 0, m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight }; BYTE BitMapInfoBuffer[sizeof(BITMAPINFO)+sizeof(RGBQUAD)]; BITMAPINFO * pBitMapInfo = (BITMAPINFO*)BitMapInfoBuffer; BOOL bStatus; HKEY hOpenKey = NULL; LONG lMessageId;
SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage method");
// Make sure we have a valid pointer to draw
if (!m_pSecondWebBrowser) { SATraceString ("m_pSecondWebBrowser is NULL in CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage method"); return; }
// Get the drawing interface pointer
hr = m_pSecondWebBrowser->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2,(void**)&pViewObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage method failed on QI for IViewObject"); return; }
// Draw on the memory DC
hr = pViewObject->Draw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, m_HdcMem, &rcBounds, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SATraceString ("CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage failed on Draw method"); return; }
// Initialize the bitmap info structure
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof (BitMapInfoBuffer); pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0;
// call to fill up the BITMAPINFO structure
bStatus = ::GetDIBits ( m_HdcMem, (HBITMAP)m_hBitmap, 0, 0, NULL, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
if (FALSE == bStatus) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage failed on GetDIBits:", GetLastError() ); return; }
::memset (DispBitmap, 0, SA_DISPLAY_MAX_BITMAP_IN_BYTES);
// get the bitmap into a buffer now
bStatus = ::GetDIBits ( m_HdcMem, (HBITMAP)m_hBitmap, 0, m_lDispHeight, (PVOID)DispBitmap, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
if (FALSE == bStatus) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage failed on GetDIBits:", GetLastError() ); return; }
for (int i = 0; i < SA_DISPLAY_MAX_BITMAP_IN_BYTES; i++) { DispBitmap[i] = ~DispBitmap[i]; }
if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_STARTING) { lMessageId = SA_DISPLAY_STARTING; m_RegBitmapState = BITMAP_CHECKDISK; } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_CHECKDISK) { lMessageId = SA_DISPLAY_CHECK_DISK; m_RegBitmapState = BITMAP_READY; } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_READY) { lMessageId = SA_DISPLAY_READY; m_RegBitmapState = BITMAP_SHUTDOWN; } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_SHUTDOWN) { lMessageId = SA_DISPLAY_SHUTTING_DOWN; m_RegBitmapState = BITMAP_UPDATE; } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_UPDATE) { lMessageId = SA_DISPLAY_ADD_START_TASKS; m_RegBitmapState = BITMAP_STARTING; }
// call display helper to store the bitmap in the registry
hr = m_pSaDisplay->StoreBitmap( lMessageId, m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight, DispBitmap ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ( "CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage failed on StoreBitmap %x", hr ); } CComBSTR bstrStatePage; bstrStatePage = m_szLocalUIDir.c_str();
// append "ShutDown" to URL
if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_SHUTDOWN) { bstrStatePage.Append(szLocalUI_ShutdownPage); } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_CHECKDISK) { bstrStatePage.Append(szLocalUI_UpdatePage); } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_UPDATE) { bstrStatePage.Append(szLocalUI_UpdatePage); } else if (m_RegBitmapState == BITMAP_READY) { bstrStatePage.Append(szLocalUI_ReadyPage); }
// go to the next page if sequence is not completed
if (m_RegBitmapState != BITMAP_STARTING) { m_pSecondWebBrowser->Navigate(bstrStatePage.Detach(),0,0,0,0); } else { //
// tell the driver to pick up the new bitmaps
hr = m_pSaDisplay->ReloadRegistryBitmaps(); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ( "CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage failed on ReloadRegistryBitmaps %x", hr ); } }
return; } // end of CMainWindow::PrintRegistryPage method
// Function: ConstructUrlStrings
// Synopsis: creates full path for main page
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 02/06/2001
// Called By: CMainWindow::Initialize method
HRESULT CMainWindow::ConstructUrlStrings() {
WCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH]; //
// Get system32 directory
if (GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir,MAX_PATH) == 0) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::ConstructUrlStrings, failed on GetSystemDirectory", GetLastError() ); return hr; }
// localui dir = system directory + "ServerAppliance\localui"
m_szLocalUIDir.assign(szSystemDir); m_szLocalUIDir.append(szLocalUIDir);
// construct local ui main page
m_szMainPage.assign(m_szLocalUIDir); m_szMainPage.append(szMainPage);
SATracePrintf ("ConstructUrlStrings Main Page:%ws",m_szMainPage.c_str()); SATracePrintf ("ConstructUrlStrings LocalUI directory:%ws",m_szLocalUIDir.c_str());
return hr; } // end of CMainWindow::ConstructUrlStrings method
// Function: CorrectTheFocus
// Synopsis: Sets focus to the first active element in the page
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/20/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus method
void CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus() {
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDisp; CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> pHTMLDocument; CComPtr<IHTMLElement> pHTMLElement; CComBSTR bstrTagName; HRESULT hr;
// If browser pointer is not valid, return
if (m_pMainWebBrowser == NULL) return;
// Get the current document from browser
hr = m_pMainWebBrowser->get_Document(&pDisp);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus failed on get_Document"); return; }
// Get the document interface
hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,(void**)&pHTMLDocument);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus failed on QueryInterface for IHTMLDocument"); return; }
// Get the active element
if ( FAILED( pHTMLDocument->get_activeElement(&pHTMLElement) ) ) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus failed on get_activeElement"); return; } //
// There is no active element, send a tab message
else if (pHTMLElement == NULL) { PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(),WM_KEYDOWN,(WPARAM)VK_TAB,(LPARAM)1); } //
// If body is the active element, also send a tab message
// We want something else to have the focus
else { hr = pHTMLElement->get_tagName(&bstrTagName); m_bActiveXFocus = FALSE; if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus failed on get_tagName"); return; } //
// Check if the tag is body
//else if (_wcsicmp(W2T(bstrTagName),_T("body")) == 0)
// PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(),WM_KEYDOWN,(WPARAM)VK_TAB,(LPARAM)1);
else if (_wcsicmp(W2T(bstrTagName),_T("object")) == 0) m_bActiveXFocus = TRUE; }
} // end of CMainWindow::CorrectTheFocus
// Function: GetBitmap
// Synopsis: Gets the bitmap from IE control and writes to LCD
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none(just logs the problem)
// History: serdarun Created 11/20/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::OnTimer method
void CMainWindow::GetBitmap() {
HRESULT hr; RECTL rcBounds = { 0, 0, m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight }; BOOL bStatus; BYTE DisplayBitmap[SA_DISPLAY_MAX_BITMAP_IN_BYTES]; BYTE BitMapInfoBuffer[sizeof(BITMAPINFO)+sizeof(RGBQUAD)];
::memset ((PVOID)BitMapInfoBuffer, 0, sizeof(BitMapInfoBuffer));
BITMAPINFO * pBitMapInfo = (BITMAPINFO*)BitMapInfoBuffer;
//SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::GetBitmap method");
// Make sure there is an active element
// If IViewObject2 interface is NULL, we cannot get the bitmap
if (m_pMainViewObject == NULL) return; //
// Draw on the memory DC
hr = m_pMainViewObject->Draw(DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, m_HdcMem, &rcBounds, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
SATraceString ("CMainWindow::GetBitmap failed on Draw method"); return; }
// Initialize the bitmap info structure
pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BitMapInfoBuffer); pBitMapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0;
// Initialize the display buffer
::memset ((PVOID)DisplayBitmap, 0, SA_DISPLAY_MAX_BITMAP_IN_BYTES);
// call to fill up the BITMAPINFO structure
bStatus = ::GetDIBits ( m_HdcMem, (HBITMAP)m_hBitmap, 0, 0, NULL, pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
if (FALSE == bStatus) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::GetBitmap failed on GetDIBits:", GetLastError() ); return; }
// get the bitmap into a buffer now
bStatus = ::GetDIBits ( m_HdcMem, (HBITMAP)m_hBitmap, 0, m_lDispHeight, (PVOID)(DisplayBitmap), pBitMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
if (FALSE == bStatus) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::GetBitmap failed on GetDIBits:", GetLastError() ); return; }
for (int i = 0; i < SA_DISPLAY_MAX_BITMAP_IN_BYTES; i++) { DisplayBitmap[i] = ~DisplayBitmap[i]; }
hr = m_pSaDisplay->ShowMessage( m_dwLEDMessageCode, m_lDispWidth, m_lDispHeight, (DisplayBitmap) );
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ( "CMainWindow::GetBitmap failed on ShowMessage: %x", hr ); } return; } // end of CMainWindow::GetBitmap
// Function: Initialize
// Synopsis: This is method for initializing the drivers and
// creating the main window for the service
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/20/2000
// Called By; Run method of the service
HRESULT CMainWindow::Initialize() {
SATraceString ("Entering CMainWindow::Initialize method");
if (!AtlAxWinInit()) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::Initialize, AtlAxWinInit failed..."); return E_FAIL; }
// Construct the URL strings
//Create the keypad component
CComPtr<IClassFactory> pCF;
hr = CoGetClassObject(CLSID_SAKeypadController,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,0,IID_IClassFactory,(void**)&pCF);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ("Initialize couldn't get class object for keypad controller:%x",hr); return hr; }
hr = pCF->CreateInstance(NULL,IID_ISAKeypadController,(void**)&m_pSAKeypadController);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ("Initialize couldn't create keypad controller:%x",hr); return hr; } else { m_pSAKeypadController->LoadDefaults(); }
// initialize connection to display helper component
hr = InitDisplayComponent(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// initialize consumer component
hr = InitWMIConsumer(); if (FAILED(hr)) {
SATraceString ("CMainWindow::Initialize method failed on initializing WMI consumer"); //we can continue without consumer
//return hr;
RECT rcMain = { 0, 0, m_lDispWidth+8, 2*m_lDispHeight+27 };
HWND hwnd = Create( NULL, //parent window
rcMain, //coordinates
if (NULL == hwnd) { SATraceString ("CMainWindow::Initialize method failed creating the main window"); ShutDown(); return E_FAIL;
// set the service window
// following operations all depend on keypad driver
if (TRUE) { //
// initialize connection to localization manager
hr = InitLanguageCallback(); if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// we can continue without loc manager
SATraceString ("CMainWindow::Initialize failed on InitLanguageCallback method..");
//return hr;
// spawn the worker thread now
DWORD dwThreadID = 0;
m_hWorkerThread = ::CreateThread ( NULL, //security
0, //stack size
startworkerroutine, (PVOID)this, 0, //init flag
&dwThreadID );
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hWorkerThread) { SATraceFailure ( "CMainWindow::Initialize failed on CreateThread:", GetLastError () ); // we can continue without the reader thread
} } SATraceString ("CMainWindow::Initialize completed successfully...");
hr = S_OK;
return hr;
} // end of CMainWindow::Initialize method
// Function: InitLanguageCallback
// Synopsis: This is CMainWindow private method for
// initializing the localization manager the
// callback function from CLangChange class
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/21/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::InitLanguageCallback method
HRESULT CMainWindow::InitLanguageCallback( VOID ) {
SATraceString("Entering CMainWindow::InitLanguageCallback....");
CLSID clsidLocMgr; HRESULT hr; IUnknown *pLangChangeUnk = NULL;
// initialize the localization manager
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ("Display Adapter unable to get CLSID for Loc Mgr:%x",hr); return hr; } //
// create the Localization Manager COM object
hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( clsidLocMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof (ISALocInfo), (PVOID*) &m_pLocInfo ); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("Display Adapter unable to create Loc Mgr:%x",hr); m_pLocInfo = NULL; return hr; }
// create object that supports ILangChange interface
m_pLangChange = new CLangChange;
if (m_pLangChange) { //
// Get the IUnkown pointer from m_pLangChange
hr = m_pLangChange->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pLangChangeUnk);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("Query(IUnknown) failed %X",hr);
delete m_pLangChange;
m_pLangChange = NULL;
return hr; } } else { SATraceString("new CLangChange failed");
return E_FAIL; }
// Set Language change call back interface
hr = m_pLocInfo->SetLangChangeCallBack(pLangChangeUnk);
if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// for now, ignore if can't set lang change
// call back
SATracePrintf("SetLangChangeCallBack failed %X",hr);
pLangChangeUnk = NULL;
return hr;
} else {
m_pLangChange->OnLangChangeCallback (m_hWnd);
pLangChangeUnk = NULL; }
return S_OK;
} // end of CMainWindow::InitLanguageCallback method
// Function: KeypadReader
// Synopsis: This is CMainWindow private method in which
// the worker thread executes
// Arguments: none
// Returns: VOID
// History: serdarun Created 11/22/2000
void CMainWindow::KeypadReader() {
SAKEY sakey;
CComPtr<ISaKeypad> pSaKeypad;
// create the display helper component
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SaKeypad, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISaKeypad, (void**)&pSaKeypad ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("CMainWindow::KeypadReader failed on CoCreateInstance, %d",hr); return; }
hr = pSaKeypad->get_Key(&sakey); while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("KeypadReader received a key press, %d",sakey);
if ( (sakey >= SAKEY_UP) && (sakey <= SAKEY_RETURN)) { PostMessage(wm_SaKeyMessage,(WPARAM)(sakey-1),(LPARAM)0); } else { SATracePrintf("CMainWindow::KeypadReader received unknown key, %d",sakey); }
hr = pSaKeypad->get_Key(&sakey);
if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("CMainWindow::KeypadReader failed on get_Key, %d",hr); } return;
SATraceFunction("Leaving CMainWindow::KeypadReader...."); return; } // end of CMainWindow::KeypadReader
// Function: InitDisplayComponent
// Synopsis: This is CMainWindow private method for
// initializing the local display adapter
// connection to the display driver
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 11/21/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::Initialize method
HRESULT CMainWindow::InitDisplayComponent( VOID ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
SATraceString("CMainWindow::InitDisplayComponent...."); do {
// create the display helper component
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SaDisplay, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISaDisplay, (void**)&m_pSaDisplay ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("CMainWindow::InitDisplayComponent failed on CoCreateInstance, %d",hr); break; }
// get the dimensions for the lcd
hr = m_pSaDisplay->get_DisplayWidth(&m_lDispWidth); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("CMainWindow::InitDisplayComponent failed on get_DisplayWidth, %d",hr); break; }
hr = m_pSaDisplay->get_DisplayHeight(&m_lDispHeight); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf("CMainWindow::InitDisplayComponent failed on get_DisplayHeight, %d",hr); break; }
} while (false);
return (S_OK);
} // end of CMainWindow::InitDisplayComponent method
// Function: InitWMIConsumer
// Synopsis: This is CMainWindow private method for
// registering the alert consumer
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/10/2000
// Called By: CMainWindow::Initialize method
HRESULT CMainWindow::InitWMIConsumer() {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr <IWbemLocator> pWbemLocator;
m_pSAConsumer = new CSAConsumer();
if (!m_pSAConsumer) { SATraceString("CMainWindow::InitWMIConsumer failed on memory allocation"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_pSAConsumer->AddRef();
// get IWbemObjectSink interface
hr = m_pSAConsumer->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemObjectSink,(LPVOID*)&m_pSAWbemSink); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ("InitWMIConsumer couldn't get IWbemObjectSink interface:%x",hr); return hr; }
// create the WBEM locator object
hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( __uuidof (WbemLocator), 0, //aggregation pointer
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof (IWbemLocator), (PVOID*) &pWbemLocator );
if (SUCCEEDED (hr) && (pWbemLocator.p)) {
// connect to WMI
hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer ( strNetworkRes, NULL, //user-name
NULL, //password
NULL, //current-locale
0, //reserved
NULL, //authority
NULL, //context
&m_pWbemServices ); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { CComBSTR strQueryLang (QUERY_LANGUAGE); CComBSTR strQueryString (QUERY_STRING);
// set up the consumer object as the event sync
// for the object type we are interested in
hr = m_pWbemServices->ExecNotificationQueryAsync ( strQueryLang, strQueryString, 0, //no-status
NULL, //status
(IWbemObjectSink*)(m_pSAWbemSink) ); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { SATraceString ("Consumer component successfully registered..."); return hr; }
SATracePrintf ("Consumer component didn't register sink with WMI:%x",hr);
} else { SATracePrintf ("Consumer component failed in connect to WMI:%x",hr); } } else { SATracePrintf ("Consumer component failed on Creating the WBEM Locator:%x",hr); }
return (hr);
} // end of CMainWindow::InitWMIConsumer method