// File: SADataEntryCtrl.cpp
// Synopsis: This file holds the implmentation of the
// CSADataEntryCtrl class
// History: 12/15/2000 serdarun Created
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "LocalUIControls.h"
#include "HostName.h"
#include "satrace.h"
// registry path for LCID value
const WCHAR LOCALIZATION_MANAGER_REGISTRY_PATH [] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ServerAppliance\\LocalizationManager\\resources";
// CSADataEntryCtrl
// Function: get_TextValue
// Synopsis: This is the ISADataEntryCtrl interface method
// through which data entry is retrieved
// Arguments: BSTR *pVal
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/15/2000
STDMETHODIMP CSADataEntryCtrl::get_TextValue(BSTR *pVal) {
WCHAR strTextValue[SADataEntryCtrlMaxSize+1];
int iFirstIndex = 0; int iSecondIndex = 0; BOOL bCopiedFirstChar = FALSE;
if (pVal == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
// trim the beginning spaces and copy until next space
while ( iFirstIndex < m_lMaxSize+1 ) { if ( m_strTextValue[iFirstIndex] == ' ' ) { //
// this is one of the trailing spaces, stop copying
if ( bCopiedFirstChar ) { break; } } else { bCopiedFirstChar = TRUE; strTextValue[iSecondIndex] = m_strTextValue[iFirstIndex]; iSecondIndex++; }
iFirstIndex++; }
strTextValue[iSecondIndex] = 0; *pVal = SysAllocString(strTextValue);
if (*pVal) { return S_OK; }
} // end of CSADataEntryCtrl::get_TextValue method
// Function: put_TextValue
// Synopsis: This is the ISADataEntryCtrl interface method
// through which data entry is set
// Arguments: BSTR newVal
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/15/2000
STDMETHODIMP CSADataEntryCtrl::put_TextValue(BSTR newVal) {
if (newVal == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
// reset the focus position
m_iPositionFocus = 0;
// must have at least one character
int iLength = wcslen(newVal); if (iLength == 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
int iIndex = 0; while ( (iIndex < m_lMaxSize ) ) { if ( iIndex < iLength ) { m_strTextValue[iIndex] = newVal[iIndex]; } else { m_strTextValue[iIndex] = ' '; } iIndex++; }
m_strTextValue[iIndex] = 0;
// draw the control again
FireViewChange(); return S_OK;
} // end of CSADataEntryCtrl::put_TextValue method
// Function: put_MaxSize
// Synopsis: This is the ISADataEntryCtrl interface method
// through which size of the data entry is set
// Arguments: LONG lMaxSize
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/15/2000
STDMETHODIMP CSADataEntryCtrl::put_MaxSize(LONG lMaxSize) {
if (lMaxSize <= 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (lMaxSize > SADataEntryCtrlMaxSize) { m_lMaxSize = SADataEntryCtrlMaxSize; }
// reset the focus position
m_iPositionFocus = 0;
m_lMaxSize = lMaxSize;
// add and remove characters from current value based on max size
int iIndex = wcslen(m_strTextValue); if (iIndex < m_lMaxSize+1) { while (iIndex < m_lMaxSize) { m_strTextValue[iIndex] = ' '; iIndex++; } m_strTextValue[iIndex] = 0;
} else if (iIndex > m_lMaxSize) { while (iIndex > m_lMaxSize) { m_strTextValue[iIndex] = 0; iIndex--; } }
// draw the control again
return S_OK;
} // end of CSADataEntryCtrl::put_MaxSize method
// Function: put_TextCharSet
// Synopsis: This is the ISADataEntryCtrl interface method
// through which character set is set
// Arguments: BSTR newVal
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/15/2000
STDMETHODIMP CSADataEntryCtrl::put_TextCharSet(BSTR newVal) {
if (newVal == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
m_szTextCharSet = newVal;
return S_OK;
} // end of CSADataEntryCtrl::put_TextCharSet method
// Function: FinalConstruct
// Synopsis: Called just after the constructor,
// creates the font
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 04/18/2001
STDMETHODIMP CSADataEntryCtrl::FinalConstruct(void) {
// set the font now
LOGFONT logfnt;
::memset (&logfnt, 0, sizeof (logfnt)); logfnt.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_PRECIS; logfnt.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logfnt.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY; logfnt.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_SWISS | VARIABLE_PITCH; logfnt.lfHeight = 12;
logfnt.lfCharSet = GetCharacterSet ();
// we chose the fontface for Japanese and let GDI
// decide for the rest
if (SHIFTJIS_CHARSET == logfnt.lfCharSet) { lstrcpy(logfnt.lfFaceName, TEXT("MS UI Gothic")); } else { lstrcpy(logfnt.lfFaceName, TEXT("Arial")); }
m_hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&logfnt);
return S_OK; }
// Function: FinalRelease
// Synopsis: Called just after the destructor,
// deletes the font
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 04/18/2001
STDMETHODIMP CSADataEntryCtrl::FinalRelease(void) { if (m_hFont) { DeleteObject(m_hFont); }
return S_OK;
// Function: GetCharacterSet
// Synopsis: This is method used to get the character set to use
// for the FONTS
// Arguments:
// Returns: BYTE - CharacterSet
// History: serdarun Created 04/18/2001
// Called By: FinalConstruct method
BYTE CSADataEntryCtrl::GetCharacterSet () { HKEY hOpenKey = NULL; BYTE byCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
do { DWORD dwLangId = 0;
// open the local machine registry
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hOpenKey ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRetVal) { DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof (dwLangId); //
// get the LANGID now
lRetVal = ::RegQueryValueEx ( hOpenKey, LANGID_VALUE, NULL, //reserved
NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwLangId, &dwBufferSize ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRetVal) { SATracePrintf ( "CSADataEntryCtrl got the language ID:%d", dwLangId ); } else { SATraceFailure ( "CSADataEntryCtrl unable to get language ID", GetLastError() ); } } else { SATraceFailure ( "CSADataEntryCtrl failed to open registry to get language id", GetLastError()); }
switch (dwLangId) { case 0x401: // Arabic
byCharSet = ARABIC_CHARSET; break; case 0x404: //Chinese (Taiwan)
byCharSet = CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET; break; case 0x804: //Chinese (PRC)
byCharSet = GB2312_CHARSET; break; case 0x408: //Greek
byCharSet = GREEK_CHARSET; break; case 0x40D: //Hebrew
byCharSet = HEBREW_CHARSET; break; case 0x411: //Japanese
byCharSet = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET; break; case 0x419: //Russian
byCharSet = RUSSIAN_CHARSET; break; case 0x41E: //Thai
byCharSet = THAI_CHARSET; break; case 0x41F: //Turkish
byCharSet = TURKISH_CHARSET; break; default: byCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; break; } } while (false); if (hOpenKey) {::RegCloseKey (hOpenKey);}
SATracePrintf ("CSADataEntryCtrl using Character Set:%d", byCharSet);
return (byCharSet);
} // end of CSADataEntryCtrl::GetCharacterSet method
// Function: OnDraw
// Synopsis: This is the public method of CSADataEntryCtrl
// which handles paint messages
// Arguments: ATL_DRAWINFO& di
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/15/2000
HRESULT CSADataEntryCtrl::OnDraw(ATL_DRAWINFO& di) {
HFONT hOldFont;
// select this font
if (m_hFont) { hOldFont = (HFONT) ::SelectObject(di.hdcDraw, m_hFont); }
// get the drawing rectangle
RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds;
WCHAR strTextValue[SADataEntryCtrlMaxSize+2];
int iIndex = 0; int iDestIndex = 0;
int iLength = wcslen(m_strTextValue);
while (iIndex < m_lMaxSize) { if (iIndex == m_iPositionFocus) { strTextValue[iDestIndex] = '&'; iDestIndex++; } strTextValue[iDestIndex] = m_strTextValue[iIndex]; iDestIndex++; iIndex++; } strTextValue[iDestIndex] = 0;
DrawText( di.hdcDraw, strTextValue, wcslen(strTextValue), &rc, DT_VCENTER|DT_LEFT );
if (m_hFont) { SelectObject(di.hdcDraw, hOldFont); }
return S_OK;
}// end of CSADataEntryCtrl::OnDraw method
// Function: OnKeyDown
// Synopsis: This is the public method of CSADataEntryCtrl
// to handle keydown messages
// Arguments: windows message arguments
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/15/2000
LRESULT CSADataEntryCtrl::OnKeyDown(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) {
// notify the container about any key press
// Enter key received, notify the container
if (wParam == VK_RETURN) { Fire_DataEntered(); return 0; }
// Escape key received, notify the container
if (wParam == VK_ESCAPE) { Fire_OperationCanceled(); return 0; }
if (wParam == VK_RIGHT) { m_iPositionFocus++; if (m_iPositionFocus >= m_lMaxSize) { m_iPositionFocus--; } } else if (wParam == VK_LEFT) { m_iPositionFocus--; if (m_iPositionFocus < 0) { m_iPositionFocus = 0;
} } else if (wParam == VK_UP) { WCHAR * pwStrCurrentValue = NULL; pwStrCurrentValue = wcschr(m_szTextCharSet, m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus]); if (NULL == pwStrCurrentValue) { m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus] = m_szTextCharSet[0]; } else { pwStrCurrentValue++;
if (*pwStrCurrentValue != NULL) { m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus] = m_szTextCharSet[pwStrCurrentValue-m_szTextCharSet]; } else { m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus] = m_szTextCharSet[0]; } } } else if (wParam == VK_DOWN) {
WCHAR * pwStrCurrentValue = NULL; pwStrCurrentValue = wcschr(m_szTextCharSet, m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus]); if (NULL == pwStrCurrentValue) { m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus] = m_szTextCharSet[0]; } else {
if (pwStrCurrentValue == m_szTextCharSet) { m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus] = m_szTextCharSet[wcslen(m_szTextCharSet)-1]; } else { m_strTextValue[m_iPositionFocus] = m_szTextCharSet[pwStrCurrentValue-m_szTextCharSet-1]; } }
FireViewChange(); return 0;
}// end of CSADataEntryCtrl::OnKeyDown method