// File: localuicontrols.cpp
// Synopsis: This file holds the declaration and implmentation of the
// of control events class
// History: 12/15/2000 serdarun Created
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
template <class T> class CProxy_ISADataEntryCtrlEvents : public IConnectionPointImpl<T, &DIID__ISADataEntryCtrlEvents, CComDynamicUnkArray> { //Warning this class may be recreated by the wizard.
public: HRESULT Fire_DataEntered() { CComVariant varResult; T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); int nConnectionIndex; int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize(); for (nConnectionIndex = nConnections-1; nConnectionIndex >= 0; nConnectionIndex--) { pT->Lock(); CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex); pT->Unlock(); IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p); if (pDispatch != NULL) { VariantClear(&varResult); DISPPARAMS disp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x1, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); break; } } return varResult.scode; }
HRESULT Fire_OperationCanceled() { CComVariant varResult; T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); int nConnectionIndex; int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize(); for (nConnectionIndex = nConnections-1; nConnectionIndex >= 0; nConnectionIndex--) { pT->Lock(); CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex); pT->Unlock(); IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p); if (pDispatch != NULL) { VariantClear(&varResult); DISPPARAMS disp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x2, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); break; } } return varResult.scode; }
HRESULT Fire_KeyPressed() { CComVariant varResult; T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); int nConnectionIndex; int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize(); for (nConnectionIndex = nConnections-1; nConnectionIndex >= 0; nConnectionIndex--) { pT->Lock(); CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex); pT->Unlock(); IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p); if (pDispatch != NULL) { VariantClear(&varResult); DISPPARAMS disp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x3, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); break; } } return varResult.scode; } };
template <class T> class CProxy_IStaticIpEvents : public IConnectionPointImpl<T, &DIID__IStaticIpEvents, CComDynamicUnkArray> { //Warning this class may be recreated by the wizard.
public: HRESULT Fire_StaticIpEntered() { CComVariant varResult; T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); int nConnectionIndex; int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize(); for (nConnectionIndex = nConnections-1; nConnectionIndex >= 0; nConnectionIndex--) { pT->Lock(); CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex); pT->Unlock(); IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p); if (pDispatch != NULL) { VariantClear(&varResult); DISPPARAMS disp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x1, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); break; } } return varResult.scode; }
HRESULT Fire_OperationCanceled() { CComVariant varResult; T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); int nConnectionIndex; int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize(); for (nConnectionIndex = nConnections-1; nConnectionIndex >= 0; nConnectionIndex--) { pT->Lock(); CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex); pT->Unlock(); IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p); if (pDispatch != NULL) { VariantClear(&varResult); DISPPARAMS disp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x2, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); break; } } return varResult.scode; }
HRESULT Fire_KeyPressed() { CComVariant varResult; T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); int nConnectionIndex; int nConnections = m_vec.GetSize(); for (nConnectionIndex = nConnections-1; nConnectionIndex >= 0; nConnectionIndex--) { pT->Lock(); CComPtr<IUnknown> sp = m_vec.GetAt(nConnectionIndex); pT->Unlock(); IDispatch* pDispatch = reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(sp.p); if (pDispatch != NULL) { VariantClear(&varResult); DISPPARAMS disp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; pDispatch->Invoke(0x3, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, &varResult, NULL, NULL); break; } } return varResult.scode; } }; #endif