// File: ResCtrl.cpp
// Synopsis: This file holds the implementation of the
// of CResCtrl class
// History: 01/15/2001 serdarun Created
// Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Localuiresource.h"
#include "ResCtrl.h"
// CResCtrl
// currently supports at most 7 resources due LCD size
const WCHAR ELEMENT_RETRIEVER [] = L"Elementmgr.ElementRetriever"; const WCHAR RESOURCE_CONTAINER [] = L"LocalUIResource";
// localui resource definition properties
const WCHAR CAPTION_PROPERTY [] = L"CaptionRID"; const WCHAR SOURCE_PROPERTY [] = L"Source"; const WCHAR RESOURCENAME_PROPERTY []= L"ResourceName"; const WCHAR MERIT_PROPERTY [] = L"Merit"; const WCHAR STATE_PROPERTY [] = L"State"; const WCHAR TEXTRESOURCE_PROPERTY [] = L"IsTextResource"; const WCHAR UNIQUE_NAME [] = L"UniqueName"; const WCHAR DISPLAY_INFORMATION [] = L"DisplayInformationID";
// registry path where the resource information is stored
const WCHAR RESOURCE_REGISTRY_PATH [] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ServerAppliance\\LocalizationManager\\Resources";
// language ID value
// resource directory
const WCHAR RESOURCE_DIRECTORY [] = L"ResourceDirectory";
const WCHAR DEFAULT_DIRECTORY [] = L"%systemroot%\\system32\\ServerAppliance\\mui";
const WCHAR DEFAULT_EXPANDED_DIRECTORY [] = L"C:\\winnt\\system32\\ServerAppliance\\mui";
const WCHAR DELIMITER [] = L"\\";
const WCHAR DEFAULT_LANGID[] = L"0409";
// Function: AddIconResource
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl method to retrieve
// each resource information
// Arguments: IWebElement * pElement
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/01/2001
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::AddIconResource(IWebElement * pElement) {
CComVariant varUniqueName; wstring wsUniqueName; wstring wsSource; wstring wsIcon; wstring wsIconKey; DWORD dwMerit; ResourceStructPtr pResourceStruct = NULL;
if ( (bstrResourceName.m_str == NULL) || (bstrSourceProp.m_str == NULL) || (bstrMeritProp.m_str == NULL) || (bstrCaptionProp.m_str == NULL) ) { SATraceString("CResCtrl::AddIconResource failed on memory allocation "); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// get the unique name for the resource
hr = pElement->GetProperty (bstrResourceName, &varUniqueName); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CResCtrl::AddIconResource failed on getting uniquename"); return hr; }
// store the unique name for later use
wsUniqueName = V_BSTR (&varUniqueName);
// get the resource dll for the resource
CComVariant varSource; hr = pElement->GetProperty (bstrSourceProp, &varSource); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CResCtrl::AddIconResource failed on getting resource dll"); return hr; }
wsSource.assign(m_wstrResourceDir); wsSource.append(V_BSTR (&varSource));
// load the resource dll
hInstance = LoadLibrary(wsSource.c_str());
if (NULL == hInstance) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::AddIconResource failed on LoadLibrary:%x",dwError); return E_FAIL; }
// allocate a new struct for the resource
pResourceStruct = new ResourceStruct;
if (NULL == pResourceStruct) { FreeLibrary(hInstance); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// set default values
pResourceStruct->lState = 0;
// get the merit for resource
CComVariant varResMerit; hr = pElement->GetProperty (bstrMeritProp, &varResMerit); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CResCtrl::AddIconResource failed on getting merit"); FreeLibrary(hInstance); return hr; } dwMerit = V_I4 (&varResMerit);
// get the default icon resource id
CComVariant varResIcon; hr = pElement->GetProperty (bstrCaptionProp, &varResIcon); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString ("CResCtrl::AddIconResource failed on getting captionrid"); FreeLibrary(hInstance); return hr; }
int iCount = 0; //
// icon resource string
wsIcon = V_BSTR (&varResIcon);
// while there are state icons
while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HANDLE hIcon = NULL;
// load the icon from resource dll
hIcon = ::LoadImage ( hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(HexStringToULong(wsIcon)), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_MONOCHROME );
if (NULL == hIcon) { SATraceString ("Loading the icon failed, continue..."); }
// insert the icon to state-icon map
// create statekey, state0, state1...
iCount++; WCHAR wstrCount[10]; _itow(iCount,wstrCount,10);
wsIconKey = L"State"; wsIconKey.append(wstring(wstrCount));
CComBSTR bstrIconKey = CComBSTR(wsIconKey.c_str()); if (bstrIconKey.m_str == NULL) { SATraceString(" CTextResCtrl::AddTextResource failed on memory allocation "); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
varResIcon.Clear(); //
// get the resource id for state icon
hr = pElement->GetProperty (bstrIconKey, &varResIcon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wsIcon = V_BSTR (&varResIcon); } }
// increment the number of resources
// insert the info to the resource map
// insert merit and resource name to merit map
return S_OK; }// end of CResCtrl::AddIconResource
// Function: GetLocalUIResources
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl method to retrieve
// each resource from element manager
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/01/2001
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources() {
HRESULT hr; CLSID clsid; CComPtr<IWebElementRetriever> pWebElementRetriever = NULL; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch = NULL; CComPtr<IWebElementEnum> pWebElementEnum = NULL; CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknown = NULL; CComPtr<IEnumVARIANT> pEnumVariant = NULL; CComVariant varElement; DWORD dwElementsLeft = 0;
if ( (bstrTextResource.m_str == NULL) || (bstrResourceContainer.m_str == NULL) ) { SATraceString(" CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on memory allocation "); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// get the resource directory
hr = GetResourceDirectory(m_wstrResourceDir); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on GetResourceDirectory:%x",hr); return hr; }
// get the CLSID for Element manager
hr = ::CLSIDFromProgID (ELEMENT_RETRIEVER,&clsid);
if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on CLSIDFromProgID:%x",hr); return hr; }
// create the Element Retriever now
hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWebElementRetriever, (PVOID*) &pWebElementRetriever );
if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on CoCreateInstance:%x",hr); return hr; }
// get localui resource elements
hr = pWebElementRetriever->GetElements ( 1, bstrResourceContainer, &pDispatch ); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on GetElements:%x",hr); return hr; }
// get the enum variant
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface ( IID_IWebElementEnum, (LPVOID*) (&pWebElementEnum) );
if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on QueryInterface:%x",hr); return hr; }
m_lResourceCount = 0;
// get number of resource elements
hr = pWebElementEnum->get_Count (&m_lResourceCount); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on get_Count:%x",hr); return hr; }
SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on QueryInterface:%d",m_lResourceCount);
// no resources, just return
if (0 == m_lResourceCount) { return S_FALSE; }
hr = pWebElementEnum->get__NewEnum (&pUnknown); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on get__NewEnum:%x",hr); return hr; }
// get the enum variant
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface ( IID_IEnumVARIANT, (LPVOID*)(&pEnumVariant) );
if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on QueryInterface:%x",hr); return hr; }
// get elements out of the collection and initialize
hr = pEnumVariant->Next (1, &varElement, &dwElementsLeft); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on Next:%x",hr); }
m_lResourceCount = 0;
// for each resource
while ((dwElementsLeft> 0) && (SUCCEEDED (hr)) && (m_lResourceCount<MAX_RESOURCE_COUNT)) {
// get the IWebElement Interface
CComPtr <IWebElement> pElement; hr = varElement.pdispVal->QueryInterface ( __uuidof (IWebElement), (LPVOID*)(&pElement) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on QueryInterface:%x",hr); }
// check if it is a text resource
CComVariant varIsTextResource; hr = pElement->GetProperty (bstrTextResource, &varIsTextResource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (0 == V_I4(&varIsTextResource)) { AddIconResource(pElement); } }
// clear the perClient value from this variant
varElement.Clear (); varIsTextResource.Clear();
// get next client out of the collection
hr = pEnumVariant->Next (1, &varElement, &dwElementsLeft); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources failed on Next:%x",hr); }
} return S_OK;
} // end of CResCtrl::GetLocalUIResources
// Function: InitializeWbemSink
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl method to initialize the
// component
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/01/2001
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::InitializeWbemSink(void) {
CComPtr <IWbemLocator> pWbemLocator;
CComBSTR strNetworkRes = CComBSTR(_T("\\\\.\\ROOT\\CIMV2")); CComBSTR strQueryLang = CComBSTR(_T("WQL")); CComBSTR strQueryString = CComBSTR(_T("select * from Microsoft_SA_ResourceEvent"));
if ( (strNetworkRes.m_str == NULL) || (strQueryLang.m_str == NULL) || (strQueryString.m_str == NULL) ) { SATraceString(" CResCtrl::InitializeWbemSink failed on memory allocation "); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// create the WBEM locator object
HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( __uuidof (WbemLocator), 0, //aggregation pointer
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof (IWbemLocator), (PVOID*) &pWbemLocator );
if (SUCCEEDED (hr) && (pWbemLocator.p)) {
// connect to WMI
hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer ( strNetworkRes, NULL, //user-name
NULL, //password
NULL, //current-locale
0, //reserved
NULL, //authority
NULL, //context
&m_pWbemServices ); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { //
// set up the consumer object as the event sync
// for the object type we are interested in
hr = m_pWbemServices->ExecNotificationQueryAsync ( strQueryLang, strQueryString, 0, //no-status
NULL, //status
(IWbemObjectSink*)(this) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::InitializeWbemSink failed on ExecNotificationQueryAsync:%x",hr);
} } else { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::InitializeWbemSink failed on ConnectServer:%x",hr); } } else { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::InitializeWbemSink failed on CoCreateInstance:%x",hr); }
return (hr); } // end of CResCtrl::InitializeWbemSink method
// Function: FinalConstruct
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl method to initialize the
// component
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/01/2001
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::FinalConstruct() {
// initialize the variables
m_ResourceMap.clear(); m_MeritMap.clear(); m_lResourceCount = 0; m_pWbemServices = NULL;
// get the local resources
hr = GetLocalUIResources(); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::FinalConstruct failed on GetLocalUIResources:%x",hr); }
// register in the wbem sink, if we have any resources
if (m_lResourceCount > 0) { hr = InitializeWbemSink(); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::FinalConstruct failed on InitializeWbemSink:%x",hr); //
// returning failure cause component to be destroyed
return S_OK; } } return S_OK;
} // end of CResCtrl::FinalConstruct method
// Function: FinalRelease
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl method to release the
// resources
// Arguments: none
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/01/2001
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::FinalRelease() {
// cancel the call for wmi resource events
if (m_pWbemServices) { hr = m_pWbemServices->CancelAsyncCall ((IWbemObjectSink*)(this)); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::FinalRelease failed on-CancelAsyncCall failed with error:%x:",hr); } }
if (m_lResourceCount == 0) { return S_OK; }
// release all of the icons if we have any resources
ResourceStructPtr ptrResourceStruct = NULL;
ResourceIconMapIterator itrIconMap;
ResourceMapIterator itrResourceMap = m_ResourceMap.begin();
// for each resource element
while (itrResourceMap != m_ResourceMap.end()) { ptrResourceStruct = NULL;
// get resource information struct
ptrResourceStruct = (*itrResourceMap).second;
// get the icon map
itrIconMap = (ptrResourceStruct->mapResIcon).begin();
while (itrIconMap != (ptrResourceStruct->mapResIcon).end()) { DestroyIcon((*itrIconMap).second); itrIconMap++; }
//clear the icon map
itrResourceMap++; }
return S_OK;
} // end of CResCtrl::FinalRelease method
// Function: Indicate
// Synopsis: This is the IWbemObjectSink interface method
// through which WBEM calls back to provide the
// event objects
// Arguments:
// [in] LONG - number of events
// [in] IWbemClassObject** - array of events
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/10/2000
// Called By: WBEM
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::Indicate ( /*[in]*/ LONG lObjectCount, /*[in]*/ IWbemClassObject **ppObjArray ) {
wstring wsUniqueName = L""; BOOL bDirty = FALSE; ResourceMapIterator itrResourceMap = NULL;
if ( (bstrUniqueName.m_str == NULL) || (bstrDisplayInfo.m_str == NULL) ) { SATraceString(" CResCtrl::Indicate failed on memory allocation "); return WBEM_NO_ERROR; }
// Get the info from the object.
// =============================
try { for (long i = 0; i < lObjectCount; i++) {
itrResourceMap = NULL;
IWbemClassObject *pObj = ppObjArray[i]; //
// get the unique name
CComVariant vUniqueName; pObj->Get(bstrUniqueName, 0, &vUniqueName, 0, 0); wsUniqueName = V_BSTR(&vUniqueName); //
// If here, we know the object is one of the kind we asked for.
itrResourceMap = m_ResourceMap.find(wsUniqueName);
ResourceStructPtr ptrResourceStruct = NULL;
if ( (itrResourceMap != NULL) ) { ptrResourceStruct = (*itrResourceMap).second;
// get the new display state
CComVariant vDisplayInformationID; pObj->Get(bstrDisplayInfo, 0, &vDisplayInformationID, 0, 0);
if (ptrResourceStruct) { //
// if new state is different set dirty flag
if (ptrResourceStruct->lState != vDisplayInformationID.lVal) { ptrResourceStruct->lState = vDisplayInformationID.lVal; bDirty = TRUE; } } }
// force a repaint
if (bDirty) { FireViewChange(); } } catch(...) { SATraceString("CResCtrl::Indicate, unknown exception occured"); }
} // end of CResCtrl::Indicate method
// Function: SetStatus
// Synopsis: This is the IWbemObjectSink interface method
// through which WBEM calls in to indicate end of
// event sequence or provide other error codes
// Arguments:
// [in] LONG - progress
// [in] HRESULT - status information
// [in] BSTR - string info
// [in] IWbemClassObject* - status object
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/10/2000
// Called By: WBEM
STDMETHODIMP CResCtrl::SetStatus ( /*[in]*/ LONG lFlags, /*[in]*/ HRESULT hResult, /*[in]*/ BSTR strParam, /*[in]*/ IWbemClassObject *pObjParam ) {
SATracePrintf ("SAConsumer-IWbemObjectSink::SetStatus called:%x",hResult);
return (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR);
} // end of CResCtrl::SetStatus method
// Function: OnDraw
// Synopsis: Method used to draw the icons
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 12/10/2000
HRESULT CResCtrl::OnDraw(ATL_DRAWINFO& di) { //
// get the drawing rectangle
RECT& rc = *(RECT*)di.prcBounds;
// position of the icon from left
int iLeft = 0;
ResourceStructPtr ptrResourceStruct = NULL;
ResourceIconMapIterator itrIconMap = NULL;
// iterator for resource
ResourceMapIterator itrResourceMap = m_ResourceMap.end();
MeritMapIterator itrMeritMap = m_MeritMap.begin();
// for each resource in merit map
while (itrMeritMap != m_MeritMap.end()) { //
// find the resource in resource map
itrResourceMap = m_ResourceMap.find((*itrMeritMap).second);
// if it is not in the map, continue with the next item
if (itrResourceMap == m_ResourceMap.end()) { itrMeritMap++; continue; }
ptrResourceStruct = NULL;
// get resource information struct
ptrResourceStruct = (*itrResourceMap).second;
if (NULL != ptrResourceStruct) { //
// find the icon corresponding to the state
itrIconMap = (ptrResourceStruct->mapResIcon).find(ptrResourceStruct->lState);
if (itrIconMap != (ptrResourceStruct->mapResIcon).end()) { //
// calculate the position and draw
DrawIconEx( di.hdcDraw, // handle to device context
rc.left+iLeft, // x-coord of upper left corner
rc.top, // y-coord of upper left corner
(*itrIconMap).second, // handle to icon
0, // icon width
0, // icon height
0, // frame index, animated cursor
NULL, // handle to background brush
DI_NORMAL // icon-drawing flags
); } } itrMeritMap++; iLeft = iLeft + 16; }
return S_OK;
} // end of CResCtrl::OnDraw method
// Function: ExpandSz
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl class object method
// used to get the directory where the resource dlls are
// present
// Arguments: [out] wstring& - directory path
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/16/2001
HRESULT CResCtrl::ExpandSz(IN const TCHAR *lpszStr, OUT LPTSTR *ppszStr) { DWORD dwBufSize = 0;
_ASSERT(lpszStr); _ASSERT(ppszStr); _ASSERT(NULL==(*ppszStr));
if ((NULL==lpszStr) || (NULL==ppszStr) || (NULL != (*ppszStr))) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
dwBufSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpszStr, (*ppszStr), dwBufSize); _ASSERT(0 != dwBufSize); (*ppszStr) = (LPTSTR)SaAlloc(dwBufSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (NULL == (*ppszStr)) { SATraceString("MemAlloc failed in ExpandSz"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpszStr, (*ppszStr), dwBufSize); SATracePrintf("Expanded string is \'%ws\'", (*ppszStr)); return S_OK;
} // end of CResCtrl::ExpandSz method
// Function: SetLangID
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl class object method
// used to set the language id
// Arguments: [out] DOWRD* - language id
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/16/2001
void CResCtrl::SetLangID(DWORD * dwLangID) { DWORD dwErr, dwNewLangID, dwCurLangID; CRegKey crKey; int iConversion;
iConversion = swscanf(DEFAULT_LANGID, TEXT("%X"), dwLangID); if (iConversion != 1) { *dwLangID = 0; return; }
dwErr = crKey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESOURCE_REGISTRY_PATH); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATracePrintf("RegOpen(2) failed %ld in SetLangID", dwErr); return; }
dwCurLangID = 0; dwErr = crKey.QueryValue(dwCurLangID, LANGID_VALUE); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { SATracePrintf("QueryValue(CUR_LANGID_VALUE) failed %ld in SetLangID", dwErr); return; } else { *dwLangID = dwCurLangID;
} } // end of CResCtrl::SetLangID method
// Function: GetResourceDirectory
// Synopsis: This is the CResCtrl class object method
// used to get the directory where the resource dlls are
// present
// Arguments: [out] wstring& - directory path
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: serdarun Created 01/16/2001
HRESULT CResCtrl::GetResourceDirectory ( /*[out]*/ wstring& wstrResourceDir ) {
TCHAR szLangId[10]; LPTSTR lpszExStr=NULL; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwRead = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szResourceDirectory[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
do {
// get the language id from registry
CComVariant vtPath; //
// get the resource path from the registry
CRegKey crKey;
dwErr = crKey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESOURCE_REGISTRY_PATH); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATracePrintf("RegOpen failed %ld in GetResourceDirectory", dwErr); } else { dwErr = crKey.QueryValue(szResourceDirectory, RESOURCE_DIRECTORY,&dwRead); if ( (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) || (dwRead == 0) ) { SATracePrintf("QueryValue(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) failed %ld in GetResourceDirectory", dwErr); } else { bRetVal = TRUE; } }
if (!bRetVal) { SATraceString ("CResCtrl::GetResourceDirectory unable to obtain resource dir path"); wstrResourceDir.assign (DEFAULT_DIRECTORY); } else { wstrResourceDir.assign (szResourceDirectory); }
hr = ExpandSz(wstrResourceDir.data(), &lpszExStr);
if (FAILED(hr)) { wstrResourceDir.assign (DEFAULT_EXPANDED_DIRECTORY); } else { wstrResourceDir.assign(lpszExStr); SaFree(lpszExStr); lpszExStr = NULL; }
wstrResourceDir.append (DELIMITER);
wsprintf(szLangId, TEXT("%04X"), dwLangID);
wstrResourceDir.append (szLangId); wstrResourceDir.append (DELIMITER); SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetResourceDirectory has set LANGID to:%d", dwLangID);
// success
SATracePrintf ("CResCtrl::GetResourceDirectory determined resource directory:'%ws'",wstrResourceDir.data ()); } while (false);
return (hr);
} // end of CResCtrl::GetResourceDirectory method
// Function: HexCharToULong
// Synopsis: converts a hex digit to base 10 number
// Returns: ULONG
// History: serdarun Created 12/10/2000
ULONG CResCtrl::HexCharToULong(WCHAR wch) { if ((wch >= '0') && (wch <= '9') ) { return ULONG(wch - '0'); } if ((wch >= 'A') && (wch <= 'F') ) { return ULONG(wch - 'A' + 10); }
if ((wch >= 'a') && (wch <= 'f') ) { return ULONG(wch - 'a' + 10); }
return 0; }
// Function: HexStringToULong
// Synopsis: converts a hex string to unsigned long
// Returns: ULONG
// History: serdarun Created 12/10/2000
ULONG CResCtrl::HexStringToULong(wstring wsHexString) { int iLength; int iIndex = 0; ULONG ulResult = 0;
iLength = wsHexString.size();
while (iIndex < iLength) { ulResult *= 16; ulResult += HexCharToULong(wsHexString[iIndex]); iIndex++; }
return ulResult; }