<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <%Response.Expires = 0%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"><HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Frontpage 2.0">
<HEAD> <TITLE>Set HostName Page</TITLE> <%
Dim strStatus Dim strHostName Dim objSaHelper Dim objTaskContext Dim objAS Dim rc
Dim objLocMgr Dim varReplacementStrings Dim strUnknownErrorText Dim strRebootErrorText Dim strShuttingDownText Const UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT = "&H40020004" Const REBOOT_ERROR_TEXT = "&H4002000E" Const SHUTTINGDOWN_TEXT = "&H40020011" On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") If Err.number = 0 Then strUnknownErrorText = objLocMgr.GetString("salocaluimsg.dll",UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT,varReplacementStrings) strRebootErrorText = objLocMgr.GetString("salocaluimsg.dll",REBOOT_ERROR_TEXT,varReplacementStrings) strShuttingDownText = objLocMgr.GetString("salocaluimsg.dll",SHUTTINGDOWN_TEXT,varReplacementStrings) Set objLocMgr = Nothing End If If strUnknownErrorText = "" Then strUnknownErrorText = "Encountered problem in setting host name. The change has been canceled." End If If strRebootErrorText = "" Then strRebootErrorText = "Changing host name requires reboot. Do you want to continue?" End If Err.Clear Const strMethodName = "ShutdownAppliance"
strHostName = Session("Hostname_Hostname") Set objSaHelper = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.SAHelper") If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strUnknownErrorText Else objSaHelper.HostName = strHostName If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strUnknownErrorText Else Set objTaskContext = CreateObject("Taskctx.TaskContext") If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strRebootErrorText Else Set objAS = CreateObject("Appsrvcs.ApplianceServices") If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strRebootErrorText Set objTaskContext = Nothing Else objTaskContext.SetParameter "Method Name", strMethodName objTaskContext.SetParameter "SleepDuration", 1000 objTaskContext.SetParameter "PowerOff", "0" If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strRebootErrorText Set objAS = Nothing Set objTaskContext = Nothing Else objAS.Initialize() If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strRebootErrorText Set objAS = Nothing Set objTaskContext = Nothing Else rc = objAS.ExecuteTaskAsync("ApplianceShutdownTask", objTaskContext) If Err.Number <> 0 Then strStatus = strRebootErrorText Else strStatus = "Success" End If
Set objAS = Nothing Set objTaskContext = Nothing End If End If End If
End If End If
End If Set objSaHelper = Nothing
%> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> <!--
public iIdleTimeOut
Sub window_onload() Dim objKeypad Set objKeypad = CreateObject("Ldm.SAKeypadController")
objKeypad.Setkey 0,0,FALSE objKeypad.Setkey 1,0,FALSE objKeypad.Setkey 2,0,FALSE objKeypad.Setkey 3,0,FALSE objKeypad.Setkey 4,27,FALSE objKeypad.Setkey 5,13,FALSE Set objKeypad = Nothing
If "<%=strStatus%>" <> "Success" Then stateText.style.display = "none" logo.style.display = "none" state.style.display = "none" errorText.style.display =""
iIdleTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("IdleHandler()",300000) End If End Sub
Sub keydown()
If "<%=strStatus%>" <> "Success" Then If window.event.keycode = 13 or window.event.keycode = 27 Then window.navigate "localui_tasks.asp" End If
window.clearTimeOut(iIdleTimeOut) iIdleTimeOut = window.SetTimeOut("IdleHandler()",300000) End If
End Sub
Sub IdleHandler() window.navigate "localui_main.asp"
End Sub
--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD>
<body RIGHTMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 onkeydown="keydown">
<A id="errorText" STYLE="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; font-size:10; font-family=arial; display=none;" OnKeyDown="keydown()"> <%=strStatus%> </A>
<A id="stateText" STYLE="position:absolute; top:36; left:0; font-size:10; font-family=arial;"> <%=strShuttingDownText%> </A>
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