<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %>
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<% '================================== ' Tab bar page - Chameleon Server Appliance ' ' ' Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '================================== Dim mintTab Dim mstrActiveTextColor Dim mstrInactiveTextColor Dim mstrActiveTabColor Dim mstrInactiveTabColor Dim mstrCaptionText Dim marrTextColor() Dim marrTabColor() Dim marrTabText() Dim marrTabURL() Dim marrTabStyle() Dim i Dim intTabCount Dim objItem Dim objElements Dim intCaptionIDNav On Error Resume Next Response.Buffer = True Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") strSourceName = "sakitmsg.dll" if Err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "Error in localizing the web content " Response.End end if
'----------------------------------------------------- 'START of localization content Dim L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT Dim L_HELP_TEXT Dim L_HELPLABEL_TEXT Dim L_HELPWINNAME Dim L_ABOUTMENU_WINDOWS_TEXT L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010019",varReplacementStrings) L_HELP_TEXT= objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H4001001A",varReplacementStrings) L_HELPLABEL_TEXT= objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H4001001B",varReplacementStrings) L_HELPWINNAME = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H4001001C",varReplacementStrings) L_ABOUTMENU_WINDOWS_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H4001001D",varReplacementStrings) 'End of localization content '----------------------------------------------------- ' Constant color values mstrActiveTabColor = "#CCCCFF" mstrInactiveTabColor = "#7B7B7B" mstrActiveTextColor = "#000000" mstrInactiveTextColor = "#CCCC99" Set objElements = GetElements("TABS") intTabCount = objElements.Count If Err <> 0 Then intTabCount = 0 End If
Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") ReDim marrTextColor(intTabCount) ReDim marrTabColor(intTabCount) ReDim marrTabText(intTabCount) ReDim marrTabURL(intTabCount) ReDim marrTabStyle(intTabCount) i = 0 For Each objItem in objElements ' Tab caption and URL values: intCaptionIDNav = "&H" & objItem.GetProperty("CaptionRID") strSourceName = "" strSourceName = objItem.GetProperty ("Source") If strSourceName = "" Then strSourceName = "svrapp" End If marrTabText(i) = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, intCaptionIDNav, varReplacementStrings) marrTabURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") marrTextColor(i) = mstrInactiveTextColor marrTabColor(i) = mstrInactiveTabColor marrTabStyle(i) = "INACTIVETAB" i = i + 1 Next Set objElements = Nothing Set objItem = Nothing 'QUERY parms: mintTab = Request("Tab") ' mintTab Values: integer 0 to n If mintTab <> "" Then mintTab = CInt(mintTab) marrTextColor(mintTab) = mstrActiveTextColor marrTabColor(mintTab) = mstrActiveTabColor marrTabStyle(mintTab) = "ACTIVETAB" End If %> <html> <!-- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved--> <head> <base target="middle"> <title>Tab bar</title> <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="sh_page.css"> <script language=JavaScript src="sh_page.js"></script> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var intCurrentTab; intCurrentTab = "<% =mintTab %>";
function GetTabURL(newTab) { var arrTabURL = new Array(); <% For i = 0 to intTabCount-1 If Left(Trim(marrTabURL(i)),1) <> "/" Then marrTabURL(i) = "/" & Trim(marrTabURL(i)) End If Response.Write "arrTabURL[" & i & "]='" & marrTabURL(i) & "'; " Next %> return arrTabURL[newTab] + "?R=" + Math.random(); }
function ClickTab(newTab) { var arrTabURL = new Array(); <% For i = 0 to intTabCount-1 If Left(Trim(marrTabURL(i)),1) <> "/" Then marrTabURL(i) = "/" & Trim(marrTabURL(i)) End If Response.Write "arrTabURL[" & i & "]='" & marrTabURL(i) & "'; " Next %> parent.middle.window.location = arrTabURL[newTab] + "?R=" + Math.random(); } function ClickAbout() { if (top.main.middle.location.pathname != '/about.asp') { top.main.middle.location='about.asp?ReturnURL='+top.main.middle.location.pathname + "&R=" + Math.random(); } } function Init() { if (window == window.parent) { window.location = "http://<% =Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") %>"; } } function OpenHelpMenu() { var winHelp; var strOptions; var strIEModalOptions; var HELPWINNAME = "<%=L_HELPWINNAME%>"; var L_ABOUTMENU_TEXT = "<%=L_ABOUTMENU_WINDOWS_TEXT%>"; var winMenuTarget = parent.middle; var strMenuWidth = 247; var strMenuLeft; //strMenuWidth = "247px"; strOptions = "height=250,width=175,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0"; strOptions += ",left=200,top=50"; strIEModalOptions = "center:1;maximize:0;minimize:0;help:0;status:0;dialogWidth:200px;dialogHeight:290px;resizable:0;"; if (IsIE()) { if (winMenuTarget.document.readyState!='complete') return; var strMenuHTML; strMenuLeft = document.body.clientWidth - strMenuWidth - 5; var divMenu = winMenuTarget.document.all("divMenu"); if (divMenu == null) { strMenuHTML = '<div ID="divMenu" class="MENU" nowrap style="position:absolute; left:' + strMenuLeft + '; width:' + strMenuWidth + '; top:2px; visibility:hidden;Filter:revealTrans(duration=0.25,transition=5);"'; strMenuHTML += ' onMouseOut="'; strMenuHTML += "if (window.event.clientX < this.offsetLeft || window.event.clientX >= this.offsetLeft+this.offsetWidth || window.event.clientY > this.offsetHeight) this.style.display='none';" + '"'; strMenuHTML += ' onkeydown="'; strMenuHTML += "if (window.event.keyCode == 27) { this.style.display='none';} " + '"' ; strMenuHTML += '>'; // Help link uses LaunchHelp() in the sh_page.js library strMenuHTML += '<a href="#" ' + 'onClick="LaunchHelp();" ' + 'onfocus="spanHelp1.className=' + "'" + "MENUhover" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onblur="spanHelp1.className=' + "'" + "MENU" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onkeydown = "if (window.event.keyCode == 13) {LaunchHelp();}" ' + '>' + '<div ' + 'class="MENU" ' + 'ID="spanHelp1" ' + 'onMouseOver="this.className=' + "'" + "MENUhover" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onMouseOut="this.className=' + "'" + "MENU" + "'" + ';" ' + '>' + ' <% =L_HELPLABEL_TEXT %></div></a>'; <% Set objElements = GetElements("MS_Help") For Each objItem in objElements intCaptionIDNav = "&H" & objItem.GetProperty("CaptionRID") strSourceName = "" strSourceName = objItem.GetProperty ("Source") If strSourceName = "" Then strSourceName = "svrapp" End If mstrCaptionText = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, intCaptionIDNav, varReplacementStrings) If mstrCaptionText <> "" Then %> strMenuHTML += '<a href="#"' + 'onfocus="x.className=' + "'" + "MENUhover" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onblur="x.className=' + "'" + "MENU" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onkeydown = "if (window.event.keyCode == 13) {window.open(' + "'" + '<% =objItem.GetProperty("URL") %>' + "'" + ');}"' + '>'; strMenuHTML += '<div ID="x" class="MENU" onMouseOver="this.className=' + "'" + "MENUhover" + "'" + ';" onMouseOut="this.className=' + "'" + "MENU" + "'" + ';" onClick="window.open(' + "'" + '<% =objItem.GetProperty("URL") %>' + "'" + ');">'; strMenuHTML += ' <% =mstrCaptionText %></div></A>'; <% End If Next Set objElements = Nothing Set objItem = Nothing %> strMenuHTML += '<div style="font-size:1px;line-height:1;background-color:#FFFFFF;width:100%"> </div>'; strMenuHTML += '<a href="#" ' + 'onfocus="spanHelp2.className=' + "'" + "MENUhover" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onblur="spanHelp2.className=' + "'" + "MENU" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onkeydown = "if (window.event.keyCode == 13) {window.open(' + "'/about.asp'" + '); }" ' + '>'+ '<div ' + 'class="MENU" ' + 'ID="spanHelp2" ' + 'onMouseOver="this.className=' + "'" + "MENUhover" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onMouseOut="this.className=' + "'" + "MENU" + "'" + ';" ' + 'onClick="window.open('; strMenuHTML += "'http://<% =GetServerName() %>/about.asp','about_asp','height=400,width=530,left=30,top=15,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0'"; strMenuHTML += ');"> ' + L_ABOUTMENU_TEXT + '</div></A>'; strMenuHTML += '</div>'; strMenuHTML += '<IFRAME ID=launchWin WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=10 style="display:none;" SRC=""></IFRAME>'; winMenuTarget.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd',strMenuHTML); // beforeEnd divMenu = winMenuTarget.document.all("divMenu"); } else { divMenu.style.left=strMenuLeft; divMenu.style.display=""; } divMenu.style.left = document.body.clientWidth - divMenu.clientWidth - 5; divMenu.style.visibility = "visible"; divMenu.focus(); } else { // Navigator code parent.middle.document.menu.moveTo(parent.middle.innerWidth - 247, 0); parent.middle.document.menu.visibility = "show"; } } </Script> </head>
<body onload="Init();" onDragDrop="return false;" oncontextmenu="return false;" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" class="TABBAR"> <base target="_self"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%" ID=TABTABLE> <% If IsIE Then %> <tr> <td width="100%" height="5" colspan=<% =intTabCount*3 + 5 %>></td> </tr> <% End If %> <tr> <td width="15" nowrap> </td> <% 'TAB LOOP If intTabCount = 0 Then %> <TD colspan=3 nowrap bgcolor="#000000" class="TABLINK"> ---------- </TD> <% Else For i = 0 to intTabCount-1 %> <td height="25" align=right valign=middle nowrap class="<% =marrTabStyle(i) %>"> <a href="#" class="<% =marrTabStyle(i) %>" onclick="ClickTab(<% =i %>);" onMouseOver="window.status='';return true;"> <% =marrTabText(i) %> </a> </td> <TD class="<% =marrTabStyle(i) %>"> <% If marrTabColor(i) = mstrActiveTabColor Then %> <IMG src="images/light_spacer.gif" border=0> <% Else %> <IMG src="images/dark_spacer.gif" border=0> <% End If %> </TD><td width="5" nowrap> </td> <% Next End If%>
<td nowrap valign="middle" align="center" width="100%"> </td> <td width="25" nowrap valign=middle align="center"></td> <td nowrap valign=middle align=right class="tablink"> <a href="#" style="color:silver;font-size:15pt;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;" class="TABLINK" title="<% =L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT %>" onClick="OpenHelpMenu();return false;" onMouseOver="window.status='<% =L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT %>';return true;"> <img src="images/help_about.gif" border=0 height=22 width=22> </A> <A href="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/ServerAppliance" target="_blank"> <img src="images/winnte_logo.gif" border=0 height=22></A> </td> <td width="10" nowrap valign="middle" align="right"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="8" colspan=<% =intTabCount*3 + 5 %> class="ACTIVETAB"><% If Not IsIE Then Response.Write " " %></td> </tr> </table>
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