<% '================================================== ' Microsoft Server Appliance ' ' Page-level functions ' ' Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '================================================== %> <% ' ' This file (i.e., sh_page.asp) should be the first include file ' in all asp files, since autoconfiglang.asp sets the default ' language settings for the web UI. ' %> <!-- #include file="autoconfiglang.asp" -->
<% Response.Buffer = True
Dim objLocMgr Dim intCaptionID Dim intDescriptionID Dim varReplacementStrings Dim m_intSpanIndex Dim m_VirtualRoot
Dim strSourceName strSourceName = "" m_intSpanIndex=0 m_VirtualRoot = getVirtualDirectory()
On Error Resume Next Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") strSourceName = "sakitmsg.dll" if Err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "Error in localizing the web content " Response.End End If
'----------------------------------------------------- 'START of localization content
L_FOKBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010012",varReplacementStrings) L_FCANCELBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010013",varReplacementStrings) L_FBACKBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010014",varReplacementStrings) L_FNEXTBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010015",varReplacementStrings) L_FFINISHBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010016",varReplacementStrings) L_FCLOSEBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010017",varReplacementStrings) L_AREABACKBUTTON_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, "&H40010018",varReplacementStrings)
'End of localization content '-----------------------------------------------------
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetCharSet ' ' Synopsis : Gets character set to use for current language ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : charset string ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetCharSet() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear
Dim strCharSet
' call Localization Manager Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager")
strCharSet = objLocMgr.CurrentCharSet
if strCharSet ="" then strCharSet = "iso-8859-1" end if
set objLocMgr = nothing
GetCharSet = strCharSet
End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeStandardLabelBar ' ' Synopsis : Serves label text followed by a line ' ' Arguments: Caption(IN) - label text ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ServeStandardLabelBar(Caption) On Error Resume Next %> <table border="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="15"></td> <td class="titlebar" align=right> <% =Caption %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15" height=1></td> <td height=1><img src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>images/line.gif"></td> </tr> </table> <% End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeAreaLabelBar ' ' Synopsis : Serves label text for area pages followed by line ' ' Arguments: Caption(IN) - label text ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ServeAreaLabelBar(Caption) On Error Resume Next %> <table border="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="15"> </td> <td align=right valign=middle class="areatitlebar"> <% =Caption %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15" height=1></td> <td height=1><img src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>images/line.gif"></td> </tr> </table> <% End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeBackButton ' ' Synopsis : Serves back button (mostly used in area pages) ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ServeBackButton() On Error Resume Next %> <BR><BR> <div id=backButton onMouseOver="window.status='';return true;" title=""> <A name=backLink href="" class="PAGENAVBUTTON" onkeydown = "if (window.event.keyCode == 13) {this.href=GetCurrentTabURL();}" onClick = "this.href=GetCurrentTabURL();" onFocus="window.status='';return true;" style="cursor:default;" > <img src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>images/back_button.gif" border="0"> <div class="PAGENAVBUTTON" style="position:relative; left:2px; top:-26px; width:65px; margin-top:3px; text-align:center; z-index:1;"> <% =L_AREABACKBUTTON_TEXT %> </div> </A> </div> <% End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeAreaButton ' ' Synopsis : Serves button used mostly in area pages ' ' Arguments: Caption(IN) - label text ' URL(IN) - URL to link the button to ' ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ServeAreaButton(Caption, URL) On Error Resume Next
If m_intSpanIndex < 1 Then %> <!-- Dummy span to guarantee that the spanAreaButton ID is always an array --> <span ID="spanAreaButton"> </span> <% End If
m_intSpanIndex = m_intSpanIndex + 1 dim tmpHeader,tmpFooter 'Temp variable used for table display if not IsIE then tmpHeader = "<table bgcolor='#999966' height='23' width='130' ><tr><td >" tmpFooter = "</td></tr></table>" end if Response.Write tmpHeader %> <a href="<% =URL %>" onfocus ="window.status=''; spanAreaButton(<%= m_intSpanIndex%>).className='AREABUTTONhover';" onblur="spanAreaButton(<%= m_intSpanIndex%>).className='AREABUTTON';" onClick="if (spanAreaButton(<%= m_intSpanIndex%>).disabled) { return false; }" > <span class="AreaButton" style="overflow:visible;" ID="spanAreaButton" onMouseOver="if (!this.disabled) { window.status=''; this.className='AREABUTTONhover';} return true;" onMouseOut="this.className='AREABUTTON';" > <% =Caption %> </span> </a> <% Response.Write tmpFooter End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeElementBlock ' ' Synopsis : Serves elements belonging to the same container ' ' Arguments: Container(IN) - container whose elements need to be served ' EmptyMsg(IN) - Msg to display if no elements are found ' Icons(IN) - Should icons be displayed with text ' Links(IN) - Should text be displayed as hyperlink ' NewWindow(IN) - Should this be displayed in a separate browser ' window or not ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ServeElementBlock(Container, EmptyMsg, Icons, Links, NewWindow)
Dim objElements Dim objItem Dim arrTitle() Dim arrURL() Dim arrHelpText() Dim arrIconPath() Dim blnWroteElement Dim blnEnabled Dim i
On Error Resume Next
Set objElements = GetElements(Container) ReDim arrTitle(objElements.Count) ReDim arrURL(objElements.Count) ReDim arrHelpText(objElements.Count) ReDim arrIconPath(objElements.Count)
blnWroteElement = False i = 0 Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") Response.Write "<table border=0 width=386 cellspacing=0>" Response.Flush For Each objItem in objElements If objItem.GetProperty("IsEnabled") Then blnEnabled = True Else blnEnabled = False End If Err.Clear
If blnEnabled Then arrIconPath(i) = objItem.GetProperty("ElementGraphic") arrIconPath(i) = "//" & GetServerName() & m_VirtualRoot & arrIconPath(i)
%> <tr> <td width="20" height="28" valign="middle"> </td> <td width="25" height="28" valign="middle" align=left> <% If Icons = True And arrIconPath(i) <> "" Then Response.Write "<IMG src=" & Chr(34) & arrIconPath(i) & Chr(34) & " border=0>" End If If objItem.GetProperty("IsEmbedded") Then Response.Write "</td><td height=28 valign=middle align=left>" Response.Write "<span class=RESOURCE>" If Not GetEmbedHTML(objItem, 0) Then Response.Clear Else blnWroteElement = True Response.Write "</span>" Response.Flush End If Else blnWroteElement = True Response.Write " " Response.Write "</td><td height=28 valign=middle align=left>" intCaptionID = "&H" & objItem.GetProperty("CaptionRID") strSourceName = "" strSourceName = objItem.GetProperty ("Source") If strSourceName = "" Then strSourceName = "svrapp" End If arrTitle(i) = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, intCaptionID, varReplacementStrings) intDescriptionID = "&H" & objItem.GetProperty("DescriptionRID") arrHelpText(i) = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceName, intDescriptionID, varReplacementStrings) arrURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") arrURL(i) = m_VirtualRoot & arrURL(i) If Links = True Then %> <a class="NAVLINK" href="JavaScript:OpenPage('<%=m_VirtualRoot%>','<%=arrURL(i) %>',location.href,'<%=EscapeQuotes(arrTitle(i))%>');" <% If NewWindow Then ' open URL in a new browser window named after the Element URL property Response.Write "target=" & Chr(34) & arrURL(i) & Chr(34) End If %> title="<% =Server.HTMLEncode(arrHelpText(i)) %>" onMouseOver="window.status='<% =EscapeQuotes(arrHelpText(i)) %>';return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';return true;" onFocus="window.status='<% =EscapeQuotes(arrHelpText(i)) %>';return true;"> <% Response.Write arrTitle(i) Response.Write "</a>" Else Response.Write arrTitle(i) End If End If Response.Write "</td></tr>" i = i + 1 End If Next Set objElements = Nothing Set objItem = Nothing If Not blnWroteElement Then %> <tr> <td width=30 height=28 colspan=2 valign=middle> </td> <td width=25 height=28 valign=middle> </td> <td width=314 height=28 valign=middle class="Resource"> <% =EmptyMsg %> </td> </tr> <% End If Response.Write "</table>" Response.Flush End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : IsIE ' ' Synopsis : Is client browser IE ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : true/false ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsIE() On Error Resume Next If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "MSIE") Then IsIE = True Else IsIE = False End If End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetFirstTabURL ' ' Synopsis : Get URL of the first tab ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : URL string of the first tab ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetFirstTabURL() Dim objTabs Dim objTab Dim strHomeURL On Error Resume Next strHomeURL = "" Set objTabs = GetElements("TABS") For Each objTab in objTabs strHomeURL = objTab.GetProperty("URL") Exit For Next Set objTab = Nothing Set objTabs = Nothing GetFirstTabURL = strHomeURL End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetServerName ' ' Synopsis : Return server name as referred to in remote client ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : server name string ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetServerName() On Error Resume Next GetServerName = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetScriptFileName ' ' Synopsis : file name of current file being request by client ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : file name string ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetScriptFileName() Dim strPath Dim intPos On Error Resume Next strPath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") intPos = InStr(strPath, "/") Do While intPos > 0 strPath = Right(strPath, Len(strPath) - intPos) intPos = InStr(strPath, "/") Loop GetScriptFileName = strPath End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetScriptPath ' ' Synopsis : path of file name being request by client ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : path string ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetScriptPath() ' Returns the path w/o leading slashes (/) ' Dim strPath On Error Resume Next strPath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") If Left(strPath, 1) = "/" Then strPath = Right(strPath, Len(strPath)-1) End If GetScriptPath = strPath End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetLocString ' ' Synopsis : Gets localized string from resource dll ' ' Arguments: SourceFile(IN) - resource dll name ' ResourceID(IN) - resource id in hex ' ReplacementStrings(IN) - parameters to replace in string ' ' Returns : localized string ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetLocString(SourceFile, ResourceID, ReplacementStrings) ' returns localized string ' Dim objLocMgr Dim varReplacementStrings
On Error Resume Next ' prep inputs If Left(ResourceID, 2) <> "&H" Then ResourceID = "&H" & ResourceID End If If Trim(SourceFile) = "" Then SourceFile = "svrapp" End If If (Not IsArray(ReplacementStrings)) Then ReplacementStrings = varReplacementStrings End If ' call Localization Manager Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") Err.Clear GetLocString = objLocMgr.GetString(SourceFile, ResourceID, ReplacementStrings) If Err <> 0 Then GetLocString = Err.description Err.Clear End If Set objLocMgr = Nothing
End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : EscapeQuotes ' ' Synopsis : Insert escape character before quote ' ' Arguments: InString(IN) - string to fix ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function EscapeQuotes(InString) On Error Resume Next Dim i Dim strOut strOut = InString i = 1 Do While i <> 0 i = InStr(i, strOut, "'") If i <> 0 Then If (i > 1) And (Mid(strOut, i-1, 2) = "\'") Then ' input string was escaped already - do nothing Else strOut = Left(strOut, i-1) & "\'" & Right(strOut, Len(strOut)-i) End If End If If (i < Len(strOut)) And (i <> 0) Then i = i + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop EscapeQuotes = Server.HTMLEncode(strOut) End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : GetElements ' ' Synopsis : Return collection of IWebElement objects based on the ' Container parm ' ' Arguments: Container(IN) - container name ' ' Returns : collection of elements ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetElements(Container) 'Return collection of IWebElement objects based on the Container parm. Dim objRetriever Dim objElements On Error Resume Next Set objRetriever = Server.CreateObject("Elementmgr.ElementRetriever") Set objElements = objRetriever.GetElements(1, Container) If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear End If Set GetElements = objElements
Set objElements = Nothing Set objRetriever = Nothing End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeRestartingPage ' ' Synopsis : Redirect user to the restarting page ' ' Arguments: strRsrcDLL(IN) - resource DLL name which contains the msg to ' be displayed in the restaring page. ' strMsgID(IN) - msg ID in strRsrcDLL to be displayed. This ID ' should be a string. For e.g., if the msg id is ' 80010004, then set strMsgID="80010004". ' strInitWaitTime(IN) - initial wait time in milliseconds. ' strWaitTime(IN) - subsequent wait time in milliseconds. ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ServeRestartingPage(strRsrcDLL, strMsgID, strInitWaitTime, strWaitTime) On Error Resume Next %>
<html> <!-- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved--> <head> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> function LoadPage() { top.location='<%=m_VirtualRoot%>sh_restarting.asp?Resrc=' + '<%=strRsrcDLL%>' + '&ID=' + '<%=strMsgID%>' + '&T1=' + '<%=strInitWaitTime%>' + '&T2=' + '<%=strWaitTime%>' + '&R=' + Math.random(); } </SCRIPT> </head> <body onLoad="LoadPage();" bgcolor="#666699"> </body> </html> <% Response.End End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : Redirect ' ' Synopsis : Redirect to given URL ' ' Arguments: URL(IN) - URL to redirect to ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Redirect(URL) On Error Resume Next %> <html> <!-- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved--> <head> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> function LoadPage() { <% If Trim(URL) <> "" Then %> top.hidden.SetupPage("<% =URL %>?R=" + Math.random()); <% Else %> top.hidden.SetupPage("../<% =GetFirstTabURL() %>?R=" + Math.random()); <% End If %> } </SCRIPT> </head> <body onLoad="LoadPage();" bgcolor="#000000"> </body> </html> <% End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ClearAlert ' ' Synopsis : Clears an alert ' ' Arguments: Cookie(IN) - cookie of alert to clear ' ' Returns : true/false ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ClearAlert(Cookie) Dim objAM Dim rc
On Error Resume Next Set objAM = GetObject("WINMGMTS:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & GetServerName & "\root\cimv2:Microsoft_SA_Manager=@" ) rc = objAM.ClearAlert(CInt(Cookie)) If rc = 0 And Err = 0 Then ClearAlert = True Else ClearAlert = False End If Set objAM = Nothing
End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : SwapRows ' ' Synopsis : Swap routine used by QuickSort ' ' Arguments: arr(IN) - array whose row needs to be swapped ' row1(IN) - row to swap ' row2(IN) - row to swap ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SwapRows(ary,row1,row2) '== This proc swaps two rows of an array Dim x,tempvar For x = 0 to Ubound(ary,2) tempvar = ary(row1,x) ary(row1,x) = ary(row2,x) ary(row2,x) = tempvar Next End Sub 'SwapRows
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : QuickSort ' ' Synopsis : the quick sort algorithm ' ' Arguments: vec(IN) - array whose row needs to be swapped ' loBound(IN) - lower bound of array vec ' hiBound(IN) - upped bound of array vec ' SortField(IN) - the field to sort on ' ' Returns : None ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub QuickSort(vec, loBound, hiBound, SortField)
Dim pivot(),loSwap,hiSwap,temp,counter Redim pivot (Ubound(vec,2))
'== Two items to sort if hiBound - loBound = 1 then if vec(loBound,SortField) > vec(hiBound,SortField) then Call SwapRows(vec,hiBound,loBound) End If
'== Three or more items to sort
For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2) pivot(counter) = vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter) vec(int((loBound + hiBound) / 2),counter) = vec(loBound,counter) vec(loBound,counter) = pivot(counter) Next
loSwap = loBound + 1 hiSwap = hiBound
do '== Find the right loSwap while loSwap < hiSwap and vec(loSwap,SortField) <= pivot(SortField) loSwap = loSwap + 1 wend '== Find the right hiSwap while vec(hiSwap,SortField) > pivot(SortField) hiSwap = hiSwap - 1 wend '== Swap values if loSwap is less then hiSwap if loSwap < hiSwap then Call SwapRows(vec,loSwap,hiSwap)
loop while loSwap < hiSwap
For counter = 0 to Ubound(vec,2) vec(loBound,counter) = vec(hiSwap,counter) vec(hiSwap,counter) = pivot(counter) Next
'== Recursively call function .. the beauty of Quicksort '== 2 or more items in first section if loBound < (hiSwap - 1) then Call QuickSort(vec,loBound,hiSwap-1,SortField) '== 2 or more items in second section if hiSwap + 1 < hibound then Call QuickSort(vec,hiSwap+1,hiBound,SortField)
End Sub 'QuickSort
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServePageWaterMarkNavIE ' ' Synopsis : sets up the table structure so that the water mark and OEM image ' can be displayed on the lower right corner. ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : None ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServePageWaterMarkNavIE if isIE then %>
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100% height=100% > <% else %> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100% height=103% > <% end if %> <tr valign="top"><td> <% End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServePageWaterMarkEndNavIE ' ' Synopsis : Displays the watermark & the OEM image in the correct position. ' Also, conditionally serves the back button. ' ' Arguments: WaterMarkImagePath(IN) - image path for the water mark ' OEMImagePath(IN) - image path for the OEM image ' fServeBack(IN) - serves back button if true ' ' Returns : None ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServePageWaterMarkEndNavIE(WaterMarkImagePath, OEMImagePath, fServeBack) %> </td></tr> <%if fServeBack=false then%> <TR ALIGN="right"><td><img src="<%=WaterMarkImagePath%>"></td></tr> <%else%> <TR> <TD> <TABLE WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD><%ServeBackButton%></TD> <TD ALIGN="right"><IMG SRC="<%=WaterMarkImagePath%>"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <%end if%> <TR ALIGN="left" height="30" bgcolor="black"><td><img src="<%=OEMImagePath%>"></td></tr> </table> <% End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : getVirtualDirectory ' ' Synopsis : Gets the virtual directory where the serverappliance is installed. ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : The virtual directory where serverappliance is installed. ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function getVirtualDirectory Dim strVDir,strFinal Dim idx strVDir = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_MD_PATH") idx = instr(2,strVDir,"ROOT",1) strFinal=mid(strVDir,idx+4) If strFinal<>"" Then strFinal=strFinal& "/" else strFinal ="/" End IF getVirtualDirectory=strFinal End Function %>