// ==============================================================
// Microsoft Server Appliance
// Task-level JavaScript functions
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==============================================================
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.-->
// Global Variables
var id = 0; var sid =0; var retrys = 0; var maxRetrys = 5; var bFooterIsLoaded; var bPageInitialized = false;
// Function : Task
// Synopsis : Initialize the Task class
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function TaskObject() { // static JScript properties
NavClick = false; KeyPress = false; PageType = false; BackDisabled = false; NextDisabled = false; FinishDisabled = false; CancelDisabled = false; }
var Task = new TaskObject();
Task.NavClick = false; Task.KeyPress = false; Task.PageType = false; Task.BackDisabled = false; Task.NextDisabled = false; Task.FinishDisabled = false; Task.CancelDisabled = false;
// Function: SA_SignalFooterIsLoaded
// Synopsis: Signal that the Footer frameset page is loaded. This function is
// called by the footer page after it has been loaded. Calling this
// function signals to the main page that the navigation bar has
// loaded and completed initialization.
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_SignalFooterIsLoaded() { bFooterIsLoaded=true; //SA_TraceOut("SH_TASK", "Footer signaled it was loaded")
// Function: SA_WaitForFooter
// Synopsis: Wait for the Footer frameset page to load and initialize.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
function SA_WaitForFooter() { //SA_TraceOut("SH_TASK::SA_WaitForFooter()", "Entering")
// If the footer has not loaded then sleep for 1/2 second and check again.
if ( !bFooterIsLoaded ) { window.setTimeout("SA_WaitForFooter()",500); //SA_TraceOut("SH_TASK::SA_WaitForFooter()", "Exiting, not ready")
return; }
// Footer has loaded, complete initialization of this page
CompletePageInit(); //SA_TraceOut("SH_TASK::SA_WaitForFooter()", "Exiting, Ready")
// Function: PageInit
// Synopsis: Initialize a web page in the client browser.
// 1) Load the Footer frameset with the correct navigation
// bar. Property and Tabbed property pages require
// a nav bar with an OK and Cancel button. Wizard
// pages require Back, Next | Finish, and Cancel.
// 2) Call WaitForFooter which then waits for the Footer frameset
// page to load.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
function PageInit() { //SA_TraceOut("SH_Task::PageInit", "Entering")
// Clear the Footer Frameset is loaded flag. This flag is set by the Footer
// Frameset (SA_SignalFooterIsLoaded) inside the footer frameset page after
// it has completed it's initialization.
bFooterIsLoaded = false;
// Need to know what type of page we are serving.
var taskType = document.frmTask.TaskType.value; var wizardPageType = document.frmTask.PageType.value;
//SA_TraceOut("SH_Task::PageInit", "TaskType : " + document.frmTask.TaskType.value);
//SA_TraceOut("SH_Task::PageInit", "WizardPageType: " + wizardPageType);
//SA_TraceOut("SH_Task::PageInit", "Forms count: " + document.forms.length );
var oFooter = eval("top.footer"); if ( oFooter == null ) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { var msg = "Error: The current page will not work correctly because it's being opened without frameset.\n\n";
msg += "The current page is either a Property, Tabbed Property, or a Wizard page. "; msg += "These pages only work within frameset's. Normally this error indicates that the call to "; msg += "OTS_CreateTask was made using the incorrect PageType parameter. The correct PageType "; msg += "value this page is either OTS_PT_PROPERTY, OTS_PT_TABBED, or OTS_PT_WIZARD depending upon "; msg += "which page type this page is. "; alert(msg); } return; } //
// Property page
if ( taskType == "prop" ) { top.footer.location = GetVirtualRoot()+"sh_propfooter.asp"; } //
// Tabbed Property page
else if ( taskType == "TabPropSheet" ) { top.footer.location = GetVirtualRoot()+"sh_propfooter.asp"; } //
// Wizard page
else if ( taskType == "wizard" ) { if ( wizardPageType == "intro" ) { top.footer.location = GetVirtualRoot()+"sh_wizardfooter.asp?PT=Intro" + "&" + SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY + "=" + g_strSAIPageKey; } else if ( wizardPageType == "finish" ) { top.footer.location = GetVirtualRoot()+"sh_wizardfooter.asp?PT=Finish" + "&" + SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY + "=" + g_strSAIPageKey; } else { top.footer.location = GetVirtualRoot()+"sh_wizardfooter.asp?PT=Standard" + "&" + SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY + "=" + g_strSAIPageKey; } } //
// Unknown page
else { SA_TraceOut("SH_Task::PageInit()", "Unrecognized TaskType: " + taskType); top.footer.location = GetVirtualRoot()+"sh_propfooter.asp"; }
// Wait for the Footer Frameset to load
//SA_TraceOut("SH_Task::PageInit", "Leaving")
// Function: CompletePageInit
// Synopsis: Finish initialization of the web page running in the client browser.
// This function is executed after the Footer Frameset page has
// completed initialization.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
function CompletePageInit() { //SA_TraceOut("SH_TASK", "CompletePageInit")
document.onkeypress = HandleKeyPress;
Task.NavClick = false; Task.KeyPress = false;
Task.PageType = document.frmTask.PageType.value;
// Set initial state of Footer Frameset buttons
SetTaskButtons(); //
// Call the Init function for this Web Page. This function must be implemented
// for any task (Property, Tabbed Property, or Wizard) page.
var oException; try { Init(); } catch(oException) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("Unexpected exception while attempting to execute Init() function.\n\n" + "Error: " + oException.number + "\n" + "Description: " + oException.description + "\n"); } }
// Store the initial state of all form fields on this page. The initial state is
// later checked when the user attempts to tab away from this page. The framework
// checks to see if any of the form fields have changed and if changes are detected
// a confirm dialog is presented to warn the user.
SA_SetPageInitialized(); }
function SA_IsPageInitialized() { return bPageInitialized; } function SA_SetPageInitialized() { bPageInitialized = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function : SetTaskButtons
// Synopsis : Sets task wizard button state
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SetTaskButtons() { var oFooter = top.footer.document.getElementById("frmFooter");
if(oFooter != null) { switch (document.frmTask.TaskType.value) { case "wizard" : switch (document.frmTask.PageType.value) { case "intro": if (!Task.NextDisabled) { DisableBack(); EnableNext(); oFooter.butNext.focus(); } break; case "finish": if (!Task.FinishDisabled) { EnableFinish(); oFooter.butFinish.focus(); } break; default: if((document.frmTask.PageType.value).indexOf("finish") !=-1) { if (!Task.FinishDisabled) { EnableFinish(); oFooter.butFinish.focus(); } } else { if (!Task.NextDisabled) { EnableNext(); oFooter.butNext.focus(); } } break; } break; default: break; } } }
// Function : SetupEmbedValues
// Synopsis : Extracts form values for the current embedded page.
// Uses values to set current form elements,
// e.g., sets a radio button to its state when the page
// was last posted.
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
//function SetupEmbedValues() {
// var arrName = new Array;
// var arrValue = new Array;
// var i;
// var intIndex = document.frmTask.EmbedPageIndex.value;
// var strInput = document.frmTask.elements['EmbedValues'+intIndex].value;
// var strNameD = ";;"; // name delimiter
// var strValueD = ";"; // value delimiter
// if (strInput != "") {
// if (strInput.substring(0, 2) == strNameD)
// strInput = strInput.substring(2, strInput.length + 1);
// intIndex = 0;
// intPos1 = strInput.indexOf(strValueD);
// intPos2 = -2;
// do {
// arrName[intIndex] = Trim(strInput.substring(intPos2+2, intPos1));
// intPos2 = strInput.indexOf(strNameD, intPos1);
// if (intPos2 == -1)
// intPos2 = strInput.length + 1; // assumes no end delimiter
// arrValue[intIndex] = Trim(strInput.substring(intPos1+1, intPos2));
// if (intPos2+1 < strInput.length)
// intPos1 = strInput.indexOf(strValueD, intPos2 + 2);
// else
// break;
// intIndex = intIndex+1;
// }
// while (intPos1 != 0);
// for (i=0;i<arrName.length;i++) {
// if (document.frmTask.elements[arrName[i]] != null)
// document.frmTask.elements[arrName[i]].value = arrValue[i];
// }
// }
// Function : HandleKeyPress
// Synopsis : Event handler for key presses
// Arguments: evnt(IN) - event describing the key pressed
// Returns : None
function HandleKeyPress(evnt) {
var intKeyCode; var Task1 = top.main.Task
if (Task1 == null) { return; }
if (Task1.KeyPress==true || Task1.NavClick==true) { return; } if (IsIE()) intKeyCode = window.event.keyCode; else intKeyCode = evnt.which;
if (intKeyCode == 13) { //alert("HandleKeyPress ENTER key logic");
Task1.KeyPress = true; if (Task1.PageType != "finish") { if(document.all && (top.footer.frmFooter.butOK !=null ||top.footer.frmFooter.butNext !=null)) top.main.Next(); if (document.layers && (parent.frames[1].window.document.layers[0].document.forms[0].elements[1] != null || parent.frames[1].window.document.layers[2].document.forms[0].elements[1] != null)) top.main.Next(); } else { if(document.all && (top.footer.frmFooter.butFinish!=null)) top.main.FinishShell(); if (document.layers && parent.frames[1].window.document.layers[1].document.forms[0].elements[1] != null) top.main.FinishShell(); } } if (intKeyCode == 27) { Task1.KeyPress = true; top.main.Cancel(); }
// JK - 2-6-01 Removed
//if ( (intKeyCode==98 ||intKeyCode==66) && Task1.PageType == "standard")//key code for "B"
// Task1.KeyPress = true;
// top.main.Back();
//if ( (intKeyCode==110 ||intKeyCode==78) && (Task1.PageType == "intro" ||Task1.PageType == "standard"))//key code for "N"
// Task1.KeyPress = true;
// top.main.Next();
//if ((intKeyCode==102 ||intKeyCode==70) && Task1.PageType == "finish")//key code for "F"
// Task1.KeyPress = true;
// top.main.FinishShell();
// Function : DisplayErr
// Synopsis : Display error msg
// Arguments: ErrMsg(IN) - error msg to display
// Returns : None
function SA_DisplayErr(ErrMsg) { DisplayErr(ErrMsg); } function DisplayErr(ErrMsg) { var strErrMsg = '<table class="ErrMsg"><tr><td><img src="' + VirtualRoot + 'images/critical_error.gif" border=0></td><td>' + ErrMsg + '</td></tr></table>' if (IsIE()) { document.all("divErrMsg").innerHTML = strErrMsg; } else { alert(ErrMsg); } }
function SA_OnClickTab(tabNumber) { var oException; var bValid = false; try { bValid = ValidatePage(); } catch(oException) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("Unexpected exception while attempting to execute ValidatePage()\n\nError:"+oException.number+"\nDescription: " + oException.description); } } if (bValid) { try { SetData(); } catch(oException) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("Unexpected exception while attempting to execute SetData()\n\nError:"+oException.number+"\nDescription: " + oException.description); } } top.main.document.forms['frmTask'].TabSelected.value=tabNumber; top.main.document.forms['frmTask'].submit(); } }
// Function : Next
// Synopsis : Handle next button being clicked
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function Next() { if (Task.NavClick != true && !Task.NextDisabled) { var bValid;
try { bValid = ValidatePage(); if (bValid) { DisableNext(); DisableBack(); DisableCancel(); DisableFinish(); DisableOK(); Task.NavClick = true; SetData(); document.frmTask.Method.value = "NEXT"; document.frmTask.submit(); return true; } else { Task.NavClick = false; Task.KeyPress = false; return false; } } catch(oException) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("Unexpected exception while attempting to execute ValidatePage()\n\nError:"+oException.number+"\nDescription: " + oException.description); } } } else { return false; } }
// Function : Back
// Synopsis : Handle back button being clicked
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function Back() { if (Task.NavClick == false && Task.PageType != "intro" && !Task.BackDisabled) { DisableNext(); DisableBack(); DisableCancel(); DisableFinish(); DisableOK(); Task.NavClick = true; document.frmTask.Method.value = "BACK"; document.frmTask.submit(); } }
// Function : Cancel
// Synopsis : Handle cancel button being clicked
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function Cancel() { if (Task.NavClick != true && !Task.CancelDisabled) { Task.NavClick = true; DisableCancel(); DisableNext(); DisableBack(); DisableFinish(); DisableOK(); document.frmTask.target= "_top"; document.frmTask.Method.value = "CANCEL"; document.frmTask.submit(); } }
// Function : FinishShell
// Synopsis : Handle finish button being clicked
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function FinishShell() { if (Task.NavClick == false && !Task.FinishDisabled) { Task.NavClick = true; DisableCancel(); DisableNext(); DisableBack(); DisableFinish(); DisableOK(); SetData(); document.frmTask.Method.value = "FINISH"; document.frmTask.submit(); } }
// Function : DisableNext
// Synopsis : Disables the next button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_DisableNext() { DisableNext(); }
function DisableNext() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('DisableNext();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return;
if (oFooter.butNext != null) { oFooter.butNext.disabled = true; oFooter.butNext.value = oFooter.butNext.value;
var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnNextImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrowDisabled.gif'; } } Task.NextDisabled = true; }
// Function : EnableNext
// Synopsis : Enables the next button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_EnableNext() { EnableNext(); } function EnableNext() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('EnableNext();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butNext != null) { oFooter.butNext.disabled = false; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnNextImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrow.gif'; } } Task.NextDisabled = false; }
// Function : DisableBack
// Synopsis : Disables the back button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_DisableBack() { DisableBack(); } function DisableBack() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('DisableBack();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butBack != null) { oFooter.butBack.disabled = true; oFooter.butBack.value = oFooter.butBack.value; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnBackImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrowLeftDisabled.gif'; } } Task.BackDisabled = true; }
// Function : EnableBack
// Synopsis : Enables the back button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_EnableBack() { EnableBack(); } function EnableBack() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('EnableBack();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butBack != null) { oFooter.butBack.disabled = false; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnBackImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrowLeft.gif'; } } Task.BackDisabled = false; }
// Function : DisableFinish
// Synopsis : Disables the finish button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_DisableFinish() { DisableFinish(); } function DisableFinish() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('DisableFinish();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butFinish != null) { oFooter.butFinish.disabled = true; oFooter.butFinish.value = oFooter.butFinish.value; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnFinishImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrowDisabled.gif'; } } Task.FinishDisabled = true; }
// Function : EnableFinish
// Synopsis : Enables the finish button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_EnableFinish() { EnableFinish(); } function EnableFinish() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('EnableFinish();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butFinish != null) { oFooter.butFinish.disabled = false; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnFinishImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrow.gif'; } } Task.FinishDisabled = false; }
// Function : DisableCancel
// Synopsis : Disables the cancel button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_DisableCancel() { DisableCancel(); } function DisableCancel() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('DisableCancel();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butCancel != null) { oFooter.butCancel.disabled = true; oFooter.butCancel.value = oFooter.butCancel.value; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnCancelImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butRedXDisabled.gif'; } } Task.CancelDisabled = true; }
// Function : EnableCancel
// Synopsis : Enables the cancel button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_EnableCancel() { EnableCancel(); } function EnableCancel() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('EnableCancel();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butCancel != null) { oFooter.butCancel.disabled = false; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnCancelImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butRedX.gif'; } } Task.CancelDisabled = false; }
// Function : DisableOK
// Synopsis : Disables the OK button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_DisableOK() { DisableOK(); } function DisableOK() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('DisableOK();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return;
if (oFooter.butOK != null) { oFooter.butOK.disabled = true; oFooter.butOK.value = oFooter.butOK.value; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnOKImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrowDisabled.gif'; } } Task.FinishDisabled = true; }
// Function : EnableOK
// Synopsis : Enables the OK button
// Arguments: None
// Returns : None
function SA_EnableOK() { EnableOK(); } function EnableOK() { var oFooter = SAI_GetFooterForm('EnableOK();'); if ( oFooter == null ) return; if (oFooter.butOK != null) { oFooter.butOK.disabled = false; var oImage = top.footer.document.getElementById("btnOKImage"); if ( oImage != null ) { oImage.src = GetVirtualRoot()+'images/butGreenArrow.gif'; } } Task.NextDisabled = false; }
// Function : isValidFileName
// Synopsis : validates that file name has correct syntax
// Arguments: filePath(IN) - file name with path to validate
// Returns : true/false
function isValidFileName(filePath) { reInvalid = /[\/\*\?"<>\|]/; if (reInvalid.test(filePath)) return false; reColomn2 = /:{2,}/; reColomn1 = /:{1,}/; if ( reColomn2.test(filePath) || ( filePath.charAt(1) != ':' && reColomn1.test(filePath) )) return false; reEndSlash = /\\ *$/; if (reEndSlash.test(filePath)) return false; reEndColomn = /: *$/; if (reEndColomn.test(filePath)) return false; reAllSpaces = /[^ ]/; if (!reAllSpaces.test(filePath)) return false;
return true; }
// Function : HandleKeyPressIFrame
// Synopsis : key press event handler for IFRAME
// Arguments: evnt(IN) - event describing the key pressed
// Returns : None
function HandleKeyPressIFrame(evnt) { var intKeyCode; var frameMain = window.top.main; if (Task.KeyPress==true || Task.NavClick==true) { return; } Task.KeyPress = true; if (IsIE()) intKeyCode = window.event.keyCode; else intKeyCode = evnt.which; if (intKeyCode == 13) { frameMain.Next(); } if (intKeyCode == 27) { frameMain.Cancel(); } }
function IsOkayToChangeTabs() { return confirm('Click OK to discard any changes.'); }
function SAI_GetFooterForm(CallingFunction) { var oFooter = top.footer.document.getElementById("frmFooter"); if (oFooter == null) { retrys++; if ( retrys < maxRetrys ) { //SA_TraceOut("SH_TASK::DisableNext()", "Footer not ready, waiting for footer")
window.setTimeout(CallingFunction,500); } else { if (SA_IsDebugEnabled()) { SA_TraceOut("Unable to locate footer.frmFooter for function: ", CallingFunction); } retrys = 0; } } else { retrys = 0; } return oFooter; }