<% '================================================== ' Microsoft Server Appliance ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '================================================== %>
<% ' ' The tab container ' Public Const TAB_CONTAINER = "TABS"
Dim strSourceNameLoc Dim g_iNextTabId g_iNextTabId = 0 strSourceNameLoc = "sakitmsg.dll"
Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager") if Err.number <> 0 then Response.Write "Error in localizing the web content " Response.End end if
'----------------------------------------------------- 'START of localization content dim L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT dim L_ABOUTLABEL_TEXT L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceNameLoc,"&H40010023", varReplacementStrings) L_ABOUTLABEL_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceNameLoc,"&H40010025", varReplacementStrings)
'End of localization content '----------------------------------------------------- Set ObjLocMgr = nothing
' ' Outputs the tab bar ' Public Function ServeTabBar() SA_ServeTabBar(TAB_CONTAINER) End Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function: SA_ServeEmptyTabBar ' ' Synopsis: Serve an empty tab bar ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns: Nothing ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function SA_ServeEmptyTabBar() SA_ClearError()
Call EmitTabPageHeader() ' ' First level tabs ' rw "<table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" rw "<tr>" ' This sets the height of the table rw "<td height=20 width=""100%"" class=""InActiveTab"" valign=middle align=right>" rw "</tr></table>"
' ' Second level tabs rw "<table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" rw "<tr>" ' this sets the height of the second-level tabs rw "<td height=20 width=""100%"" class=""InActiveTab2"" valign=middle align=right> " ' close table rw "</tr></table>"
Call SA_SetLastError(gc_ERR_SUCCESS, "TABS.SA_ServeEmptyTabBar") SA_ServeEmptyTabBar = gc_ERR_SUCCESS End Function
Public Function SA_ServeTabBar(ByVal strTabContainer) Dim colTabs
Call EmitTabPageHeader() Set colTabs = GetElements(strTabContainer) Call Assert(colTabs.Count > 0, "No tabs found in container " + strTabContainer) ' the selected tab of interest Dim sSelectedID sSelectedID = GetTab1() ' the element we're currently at Dim sElementID ' the IWebElement object Dim objElement ' the secondLevelContainer Dim sSecondLevelContainer sSecondLevelContainer = ""
' ' First level tabs ' rw "<table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" rw "<tr>" For Each objElement In colTabs sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") rw GetTabLink(objElement, sElementID, IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID)) If IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID) Then sSecondLevelContainer = GetLinksContainer(objElement) End If Next ' objElement Set colTabs = Nothing ' This sets the height of the table rw "<td height=20 width=""100%"" class=""InActiveTab"" valign=middle align=right>" ' this is the help link (or menu) Call ServeContextHelp() rw "</td>" rw "</tr></table>"
If sSecondLevelContainer = "" Then ' nothing was selected and we can't display the next menu ' set up the table rw "<table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" rw "<tr>" ' this sets the height of the second-level tabs rw "<td height=20 width=""100%"" class=""InActiveTab2"" valign=middle align=right> " ' close table rw "</tr></table>" Exit Function End If
' now look in this collection Set colTabs = GetElements(sSecondLevelContainer) ' get the selected tab sSelectedID = GetTab2() ' set up the table rw "<table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" rw "<tr>" ' go through the collection, output as a TaskLink For Each objElement In colTabs sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") rw GetTaskLink(objElement, sElementID, IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID)) ' don't check to see if it's selected because we don't care (only 2 levels deep)
Next 'objElement Set colTabs = Nothing ' this sets the height of the second-level tabs rw "<td height=20 width=""100%"" class=""InActiveTab2"" valign=middle align=right> </td>" ' close table rw "</tr></table>"
Call EmitTabPageFooter()
End Function
Private Function ServeContextHelp() Dim objContextHelp Dim objElement Set objContextHelp = GetElements("ContextHelpLink") For each objElement in objContextHelp Dim strCaption Dim strDescription Dim strLongDescription Dim strURL Dim strResourceDLL
strResourceDLL = objElement.GetProperty("Source") strCaption = GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID")) If ( Len( objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID") ) > 0 ) Then strDescription = GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID")) Else strDescription = "" End If If ( Len( objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID") ) > 0 ) Then 'strLongDescription = SA_EncodeQuotes(GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID"))) strLongDescription = GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID")) Else strLongDescription = "" End If strURL = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
strURL = strURL & "?" & SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY & "=" & SAI_GetPageKey() & _ "&URL=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("URL") & _ "?" & Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"))
Response.Write(" <a id='ContextHelp' ")
Response.Write(" onclick=""javascript: var objWnd ; objWnd = window.open('" + m_VirtualRoot + strURL +"' , '_spawnHelp', 'toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, height=350,width=500, top=65, left=125 location=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'); objWnd.focus() ;"" return false; ") 'Response.Write(" onclick=""javascript: var objWnd ; objWnd = window.open('" + m_VirtualRoot + strURL +"' , '_spawnHelp', 'toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, height=350,width=500, top=65, left=125 location=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes'); objWnd.focus(); objWnd.setActive() ; return false; "" ") Response.Write("class=""InActiveTabNoBorder"" onmouseover=""window.status=''; this.className='InActiveTabNoBorderHover'; return true;"" onmouseout=""window.status=''; this.className='InActiveTabNoBorder'; return true;"" ") Response.Write(" title="""+Server.HTMLEncode(strLongDescription)+""" ") Response.Write(" >") Response.Write("<b>?</b>") Response.Write("</a> ")
Exit For Next End Function
Function GetElements(container) 'Return collection of IWebElement objects based on the Container parm. Dim objRetriever Dim objElements Set objRetriever = Server.CreateObject("Elementmgr.ElementRetriever") Set objElements = objRetriever.GetElements(1, container) Set GetElements = objElements Set objElements = Nothing Set objRetriever = Nothing End Function
Function IsRawURLPage(ByVal pageType) On Error Resume Next IsRawURLPage = FALSE If ( UCase(pageType) = "RAW" ) Then IsRawURLPage = TRUE End If Err.Clear End Function
' '' Wrapper for Response.Write ' Function rw(v) Response.Write v Response.Write vbCrLf End Function
' '' Gets the first level tab, always a string ' Function GetTab1() Dim strTab
strTab = Request.QueryString("tab1") if strTab = "" then strTab = Request.Form("tab1") end if GetTab1 = strTab End Function
' '' Gets the second level tab, always a string ' Function GetTab2() Dim strTab
strTab = Request.QueryString("tab2") if strTab = "" then strTab = Request.Form("tab2") end if GetTab2 = strTab End Function
' ''Get the URL for the current Primary Tab ' Private Function SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(ByVal bIncludeVirtualRoot) Dim strLink
Dim colTabs Set colTabs = GetElements(TAB_CONTAINER) ' the selected tab of interest Dim sSelectedID sSelectedID = GetTab1() ' the element we're currently at Dim sElementID ' the IWebElement object Dim objElement
' go through each element and find the current one For Each objElement In colTabs sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") If IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID) Then
strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL") If InStr(strLink, "?") = 0 Then strLink = strLink & "?tab1=" & sElementID else strLink = strLink & "&tab1=" & sElementID end if
Exit For End If Next ' objElement Set colTabs = Nothing
If ( TRUE = bIncludeVirtualRoot ) Then strLink = GetVirtualDirectory() & strLink End If
If (0 = InStr(1, strLink, ":")) Then Call SA_MungeURL(strLink, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) End If
SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL = strLink End Function
Public Function GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL() GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(TRUE) End Function
' '' Asserts that bCondition is true ' Function Assert(ByVal bCondition, ByVal sText) If Not bCondition Then Err.Raise 1, sText Response.End End If End Function
' '' Returns the Container that should be used to find children elements '' (was the Source and CaptionRID, now it's the ElementID) ' Function GetLinksContainer(objElement) Dim s ' s = objElement.GetProperty("Source") ' s = s & objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID") s = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") GetLinksContainer = s End Function
' '' Returns the title and onmouseover encoding for inside any html element. ' Function GetHoverText(ByVal sText, ByVal sClassName) on error goto 0 Dim s Dim sStatusText sStatusText = sText
sStatusText = SA_EncodeQuotes(sStatusText) s = " title=""" + Server.HTMLEncode(sText) + """ " s = s & " onmouseout=""window.status=''; this.className='" & sClassName & "NoBorder';return true;"" " s = s & " onmouseover=""window.status='" + sStatusText + "'; this.className='" + sClassName + "NoBorderHover" + "'; return true;"" " GetHoverText = s
End Function
' '' Returns the localized string (should use LocMan) ' Function GetLocalized(sSourceDLL, sHex) dim varReplacementStrings ' GetLocalized = sSourceDLL & sHex GetLocalized = getLocString(sSourceDLL, sHex, varReplacementStrings) If GetLocalized = "" then GetLocalized = sSourceDLL & sHex End If End Function
Function GetLink(objElement, sHref, sClassName, sClassName2, bAddReturnURL) on error resume next Dim s Dim strURL Dim strTitle Dim strTaskTitle Dim strPageType Dim strWindowFeatures Dim sReturnURL Dim sOpenPageURL strTitle = GetLocalized(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID")) strTaskTitle = strTitle
strPageType = objElement.GetProperty("PageType") strWindowFeatures = objElement.GetProperty("WindowFeatures") 'make the href s = "<td nowrap class=""" & sClassName & """> " if objElement.GetProperty("IsEmbedded") = 1 then s = s & "<a onclick=""" + "OpenPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sHref & "', '"+GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL()+"', '" & SA_EncodeQuotes(strTaskTitle) & "'); "" " Elseif (Len(Trim(strPageType)) > 0) Then Select Case UCase(Trim(strPageType)) Case "NORMAL" sOpenPageURL = sHref If ( TRUE = bAddReturnURL ) Then sReturnURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(FALSE) Call SA_MungeURL(sOpenPageURL, "ReturnURL", sReturnURL) End If strURL = "javascript:OpenNormalPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sOpenPageURL & "');" Case "FRAMESET" strURL = "javascript:OpenPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sHref & "', '"+GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL()+"', '" & SA_EncodeQuotes(strTaskTitle) & "');" Case "NEW" strURL = "javascript:OpenNewPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sHref & "', '" & strWindowFeatures & "');" Case "RAW" strURL = "javascript:OpenRawPageEx('" & sHref & "', '" & strWindowFeatures & "');" Case Else SA_TraceOut "TABS", "Invalid Task PageType: " + strPageType sOpenPageURL = sHref If ( TRUE = bAddReturnURL ) Then sReturnURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(FALSE) Call SA_MungeURL(sOpenPageURL, "ReturnURL", sReturnURL) End If strURL = "javascript:OpenNormalPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sOpenPageURL & "');" End Select s = s + "<a onclick=""" + strURL + """ " else sOpenPageURL = sHref If ( TRUE = bAddReturnURL ) Then sReturnURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(FALSE) Call SA_MungeURL(sOpenPageURL, "ReturnURL", sReturnURL) End If s = s + "<a onclick=""" + "OpenNormalPage('" + m_VirtualRoot + "', '" + sOpenPageURL + "');"" " end if
'get the id attribute, needed by TEST folks s = s & " id='MenuItem_" & CStr(GetNextTabId()) + "' "
'get the class s = s & "class=""" & sClassName & "NoBorder"" "
'add the event handler for the IsOkayToChangeTabs(); function 's = s & "onclick=""return IsOkayToChangeTabs();"" " 'make hovertext from the DescriptionRID If ( Len( objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID") ) > 0 ) Then s = s & GetHoverText(GetLocString(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID"), ""), sClassName) Else s = s & GetHoverText("", sClassName) End If 'build link content from the CaptionRID s = s & ">" & strTitle 'close link s = s & "</a> </td>" s = s & "<td width=2 class=""" & sClassName2 & """>" s = s & "<IMG SRC='" + m_VirtualRoot + "images/TabSeparator.gif' WIDTH='2' HEIGHT='15' ALIGN='ABSMIDDLE' BORDER='0'>" s = s & "</td>" GetLink = s End Function
' '' Adds i s to both sides of v ' Function GetPadded(v, i) Dim s s = Replace(String(i, " "), " ", " ") GetPadded = s & v & s End Function
' '' This is an equivalent of VB's IIf function. Both vIfTrue and vIfFalse are evaluated, '' unlike the ternary ? : operator (watch for side effects [div 0, etc.]). ' Function IIf(bCondition, vIfTrue, vIfFalse) If bCondition Then IIf = vIfTrue Else IIf = vIfFalse End If End Function
' '' Formats the tab link, differently if bIsSelected ' Function GetTabLink(objElement, sElementID, bIsSelected) on error resume next Dim strLink Dim pageType pageType = objElement.GetProperty("PageType") ' ' We do not alter RAW URL's If ( IsRawURLPage(pageType) ) Then strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL") ' ' All other PageTypes have the current tab selections appended to the URL Else strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL") If InStr(strLink, "?") = 0 Then strLink = strLink & "?tab1=" & objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") 'Server.URLEncode(GetTab1()) else strLink = strLink & "&tab1=" & objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") 'Server.URLEncode(GetTab1()) end if End If If (0 = InStr(1, strLink, ":")) Then Call SA_MungeURL(strLink, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) End If
'response.write "URL is " & strLink & "<P>" GetTabLink = GetLink(objElement, strLink, IIf(bIsSelected, "ActiveTab", "InActiveTab"), "InActiveTab", FALSE) End Function
' '' Formats the task link, differently if bIsSelected ' Function GetTaskLink(objElement, sElementID, bIsSelected) on error resume next Dim strLink Dim pageType pageType = objElement.GetProperty("PageType")
' ' We do not alter RAW URL's If ( IsRawURLPage(pageType) ) Then strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL") ' ' All other PageTypes have the current tab selections appended to the URL Else strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL") If InStr(strLink, "?") = 0 Then strLink = strLink & "?tab1=" & Server.URLEncode(GetTab1()) else strLink = strLink & "&tab1=" & Server.URLEncode(GetTab1()) end if strLink = strLink & "&tab2=" & Server.URLEncode(sElementID) End If If (0 = InStr(1, strLink, ":")) Then Call SA_MungeURL(strLink, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) End If GetTaskLink = GetLink(objElement, strLink, IIf(bIsSelected, "ActiveTab2", "InActiveTab2"), "InActiveTab2", TRUE) End Function
' '' Returns true if these are the same element ID. Mainly for capitalization '' and or/charset issues. Uses case-insensitive, space-trimmed comparison. '' Has issues with unicode registry keys. ' Function IsSameElementID(ByVal sElementID1, ByVal sElementID2) Dim s1, s2 s1 = LCase(Trim(sElementID1)) s2 = LCase(Trim(sElementID2)) IsSameElementID = CBool(s1 = s2) End Function
Private Function GetNextTabId() GetNextTabId = g_iNextTabId g_iNextTabId = g_iNextTabId + 1 End Function Private Function EmitTabPageHeader() %> <html> <head> <!-- Microsoft(R) Server Appliance Platform - Web Framework Tabs Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%=GetCharSet()%>"> <% Call SA_EmitAdditionalStyleSheetReferences("") %> <script LANGUAGE=javascript> function IsOkayToChangeTabs() { return true; }
function GetVirtualRoot() { return "<%=m_VirtualRoot%>"; }
function GetUnsavedChangesMessage() { return '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(GetLocString("sacoremsg.dll", "402003E8", ""))%>'; }
function GetIsDebugEnabled() { //return false; return <%=SA_IsDebugEnabled%> } function SA_GetVersion() { return <%=SA_GetVersion()%>; } </script> </head> <BODY> <% End Function
Private Function EmitTabPageFooter() %> </BODY> </html> <% End Function %>