// Copyright (C) 1999--2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CAlertEmailConsumer.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of CAlertEmailConsumer class methods
// [Header File:]
// CAlertEmailConsumer.h
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cdosys_i.c>
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <wbemprov.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <appsrvcs.h>
#include <appmgrobjs.h>
#include <iads.h>
#include <Adshlp.h>
#include "alertemailmsg.h"
#include "CAlertEmailConsumer.h"
// Name of WBEM class
// Key name of alert email's settings.
const WCHAR SA_ALERTEMAIL_KEYPATH [] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ServerAppliance\\AlertEmail"; //
// Delimiter
const WCHAR DELIMITER[] = L"\\";
const WCHAR ENTER[] = L"\n";
const WCHAR COLON = L':';
const WCHAR ENDCODE = L'\0';
// HTTP header
const WCHAR HTTPHEADER[] = L"http://";
// SMTP Meta path
// Value name of alert email's settings.
const WCHAR ENABLEALERTEAMIL[] = L"EnableAlertEmail";
const WCHAR SENDEMAILTYPE[] = L"SendEmailType";
const WCHAR RECEIVEREMAILADDRESS[] = L"ReceiverEmailAddress";
// The setting value of alert->email disabled.
// Name of caption ID in alertdefinitions.
// Name of description ID in alertdefinitions.
// Name of resource file in alertdefintions.
// Name of alert email resource
const WCHAR ALERTEMAILRESOURCE[] = L"AlertEmailMsg.dll";
// Max value of Appliance Name
// WBEM namespace to connection to
const WCHAR DEFAULT_NAMESPACE[] = L"root\\MicrosoftIISv1";
// Query Language to use for WBEM
// WBEM query which specifies the IIS server settings we're interest in.
const WCHAR QUERY_STRING [] = L"select * from IIS_WebServerSetting where servercomment=\"Administration\"";
const WCHAR SERVERBINDINGSPROP[] = L"ServerBindings";
// PROGID of the Element Manager
const WCHAR ELEMENT_RETRIEVER [] = L"Elementmgr.ElementRetriever";
// PROGID of the Localization Manager
const WCHAR LOCALIZATION_MANAGER [] = L"ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager";
// Type name of alert resource information.
const WCHAR ALERTDEFINITIONS [] = L"AlertDefinitions";
// CAlertEmailConsumer::CAlertEmailConsumer
// Description:
// Class constructor.
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
CAlertEmailConsumer::CAlertEmailConsumer() { m_cRef = 0L; m_lCurAlertType = 0; m_lAlertEmailDisabled = ALERTEMAILDISABLED;
m_pLocInfo = NULL; m_pcdoIMessage = NULL; m_pElementEnum = NULL;
m_hAlertKey = NULL; m_hThread = NULL; m_hCloseThreadEvent = NULL; m_pstrFullyQualifiedDomainName = NULL;
m_pstrNetBIOSName = NULL;
// CAlertEmailConsumer::~CAlertEmailConsumer
// Description:
// Class deconstructor.
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
CAlertEmailConsumer::~CAlertEmailConsumer() { if( m_hAlertKey != NULL ) { ::RegCloseKey( m_hAlertKey ); }
if( m_pLocInfo != NULL ) { m_pLocInfo->Release(); }
if( m_pElementEnum != NULL ) { m_pElementEnum->Release(); }
if( m_pcdoIMessage != NULL ) { m_pcdoIMessage->Release(); }
if( m_pstrFullyQualifiedDomainName != NULL ) { ::free( m_pstrFullyQualifiedDomainName ); }
if( m_pstrNetBIOSName != NULL ) { ::free( m_pstrNetBIOSName ); }
if( m_hThread != NULL ) { ::CloseHandle( m_hThread ); }
if( m_hCloseThreadEvent != NULL ) { ::CloseHandle( m_hCloseThreadEvent ); } }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::QueryInterface
// Description:
// An method implement of IUnkown interface.
// Arguments:
// [in] riid Identifier of the requested interface
// [out] ppv Address of output variable that receives the
// interface pointer requested in iid
// Returns:
// NOERROR if the interface is supported
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
STDMETHODIMP CAlertEmailConsumer::QueryInterface( IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID FAR *ppv ) { *ppv=NULL;
if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IWbemUnboundObjectSink) { *ppv = (IWbemUnboundObjectSink *) this; AddRef(); return NOERROR; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::AddRef
// Description:
// increments the reference count for an interface on an object
// Returns:
// The new reference count.
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAlertEmailConsumer::AddRef(void) { InterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef ); return m_cRef; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::Release
// Description:
// decrements the reference count for an interface on an object.
// Returns:
// The new reference count.
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CAlertEmailConsumer::Release(void) { InterlockedDecrement( &m_cRef ); if (0 != m_cRef) { return m_cRef; }
// delete this;
BOOL bReturn; bReturn = ::SetEvent( m_hCloseThreadEvent ); if( !bReturn ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Release setevent error!!!" ); } return 0; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::IndicateToConsumer
// Description:
// An method implement of IWbemUnboundObjectSink interface.
// Arguments:
// [in] pLogicalConsumer Pointer to the logical consumer object for
// which this set of objects is delivered.
// [in] lObjectCount Number of objects delivered in the array that
// follows.
// [in] ppObjArray Pointer to an array of IWbemClassObject
// instances which represent the events delivered.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
STDMETHODIMP CAlertEmailConsumer::IndicateToConsumer( IN IWbemClassObject *pLogicalConsumer, IN long lObjectCount, IN IWbemClassObject **ppObjArray ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; if( m_lAlertEmailDisabled == ALERTEMAILDISABLED ) { return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
try { for (LONG lCount = 0; lCount < lObjectCount; lCount++) {
// get the event type
CComVariant vtName; hr = ppObjArray[lCount]->Get ( PROPERTY_CLASS_NAME, 0, //reserved
&vtName, NULL, // type
NULL // flavor
if (FAILED (hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail: IndicateToConsumer Get Class name failed" ); break; } //
// check if we support the event received
if (0 == _wcsicmp (CLASS_WBEM_RAISE_ALERT, V_BSTR (&vtName))) { //
// handle a raise alert event
hr = RaiseAlert ( ppObjArray[lCount] ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail: IndicateToConsumer RaiseAlert failed" ); break; } } else if (0 == _wcsicmp (CLASS_WBEM_CLEAR_ALERT, V_BSTR (&vtName))) { //
// handle a clear alert
hr = ClearAlert ( ppObjArray[lCount] ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail: IndicateToConsumer ClearAlert failed" ); break; } } } // for loop
} catch (...) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; }
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::ClearAlert
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method
// which is NOT used now.
// Arguments:
// [in] pObject Pointer to an IWbemClassObject instances which
// represent ClearAlert events delivered.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::ClearAlert( IN IWbemClassObject *pObject ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::RaiseAlert
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method
// which is used to send email with the alert information
// by local SMTP server.
// Arguments:
// [in] pObject Pointer to an IWbemClassObject instances which
// represent RaiseAlert events delivered.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::RaiseAlert( IN IWbemClassObject *pObject ) { LONG lAlertType; CComVariant vtProperty; HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; //
// Get alert type.
hr = pObject->Get ( PROPERTY_ALERT_TYPE, 0, //reserved
&vtProperty, NULL, // type
NULL // flavor
); if( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RaiseAlert get alert type failed" ); return hr; }
// Map to bitmap type definition
lAlertType = 1 << V_I4( &vtProperty );
if( lAlertType & m_lCurAlertType ) { //
// It's the type user set to send mail.
do { //
// Get name of alert resource dll.
CComVariant vtAlertLog; hr = pObject->Get ( PROPERTY_ALERT_LOG, 0, //reserved
&vtAlertLog, NULL, // type
NULL // flavor
if( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RaiseAlert get alert source failed" ); break; }
// Get alert ID.
CComVariant vtAlertID; hr = pObject->Get ( PROPERTY_ALERT_ID, 0, //reserved
&vtAlertID, NULL, // type
NULL // flavor
); if( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RaiseAlert get alert ID failed" ); break; } //
// Get replace strings.
CComVariant vtReplaceStr; hr = pObject->Get ( PROPERTY_ALERT_STRINGS, 0, //reserved
&vtReplaceStr, NULL, // type
NULL // flavor
if( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RaiseAlert get alert replace string failed" ); break; } //
// We got all neccessary info,it's time to send email.
hr = SendMailFromResource( V_BSTR( &vtAlertLog ), V_I4( &vtAlertID ), &vtReplaceStr );
if( FAILED (hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RaiseAlert call SendMailFromResource failed" ); break; } } //do
while ( FALSE );
} // if( lAlertType & m_lCurAlertType )
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::SendMailFromResource
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to get useful message about the alert from Local Manager and send
// mail with the messages.
// Arguments:
// [in] lpszSource Point to the name of alert resource.
// [in] lSourceID Alert ID.
// [in] pvtReplaceStr Point to array of replace strings.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::SendMailFromResource( LPWSTR lpszSource, LONG lSourceID, VARIANT* pvtReplaceStr ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; WCHAR wstrAlertItem[MAX_PATH]; IWebElement* pWebElement; IDispatch* pDispatch; //
// Format the alert item name:
// Name = AlertDefinitions<AlertLog><AlertID>
::wsprintf( wstrAlertItem, L"AlertDefinitions%s%lX", lpszSource,lSourceID ); //int cchWritten = _snwprintf( wstrAlertItem, MAX_PATH, L"AlertDefinitions%s%lX",
// lpszSource, lSourceID );
//if ( cchWritten >= MAX_PATH || cchWritten < 0 )
// return E_INVALIDARG;
do { //
// Get the element of alert definition from element manager.
hr = m_pElementEnum->Item( &CComVariant( wstrAlertItem ), &pDispatch ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource find alert item failed" ); break; }
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface( __uuidof (IWebElement), reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&pWebElement) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource queryinterface failed" ); break; }
// allocate BSTR for alertdefintion source
CComBSTR bstrAlertDefinitionSourceName (ALERTDEFINITIONSOURCE); if (NULL == bstrAlertDefinitionSourceName.m_str) { SATraceString ("AlertEmail::SendMailFromResouce failed on SysAllocString (ALERTDEFINTIONSOURCE)"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } //
//Get name of alert's resource dll.
// AlertLog != AlertSource now! -- 2001/02/07 i-xingj
CComVariant vtAlertSource; hr = pWebElement->GetProperty ( bstrAlertDefinitionSourceName, &vtAlertSource ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get Alert source failed" ); break; }
// allocate BSTR for DesinitionCaptionID string
CComBSTR bstrAlertDefinitionCaptionIDName (ALERTDEFINITIONCAPTIONID); if (NULL == bstrAlertDefinitionCaptionIDName.m_str) { SATraceString ("AlertEmail::SendMailFromResouce failed on SysAllocString (ALERTDEFINTIONCAPTIONID)"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
// Get caption ID string
CComVariant vtCaptionID; hr = pWebElement->GetProperty ( bstrAlertDefinitionCaptionIDName, &vtCaptionID ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource find alert captionID failed" ); break; }
// allocate BSTR for AlertDescription RID
CComBSTR bstrAlertDefinitionDescriptionRIDName (ALERTDEFINITIONDESCRIPTIONRID); if (NULL == bstrAlertDefinitionDescriptionRIDName.m_str) { SATraceString ("AlertEmail::SendMailFromResouce failed on SysAllocString (ALERTDEFINITIONDESCRIPTIONRID)"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
// Get description ID string
CComVariant vtDescriptionID; hr = pWebElement->GetProperty ( bstrAlertDefinitionDescriptionRIDName, &vtDescriptionID ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get alert descriptionID failed" ); break; }
LONG lAlertCaptionID; LONG lAlertDescriptionID;
// Change type from string to long.
if ( EOF == ::swscanf( V_BSTR( &vtCaptionID ), L"%X", &lAlertCaptionID )) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get caption invalid" ); break; } if ( EOF == ::swscanf( V_BSTR( &vtDescriptionID ), L"%X", &lAlertDescriptionID )) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get description invalid" ); break; }
// Get caption string from resource as email's subject.
CComBSTR pszSubject; hr = m_pLocInfo->GetString( V_BSTR( &vtAlertSource ), lAlertCaptionID, pvtReplaceStr, &pszSubject ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get subjuct failed" ); break; }
// Get description string from resource as email's message.
CComBSTR pszMessage; hr = m_pLocInfo->GetString( V_BSTR( &vtAlertSource ), lAlertDescriptionID, pvtReplaceStr, &pszMessage ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get message failed" ); break; }
// allocate BSTR for email source
CComBSTR bstrAlertEmailResourceName (ALERTEMAILRESOURCE); if (NULL == bstrAlertEmailResourceName.m_str) { SATraceString ("AlertEmail::SendMailFromResouce failed on SysAllocString (ALERTEMAILRESOURCE)"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } //
// Get alert email defined message.
CComBSTR pszConstantMessage; hr = m_pLocInfo->GetString( bstrAlertEmailResourceName, SA_ALERTEMAIL_SETTINGS_EMAIL_CONTENT, NULL, &pszConstantMessage ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMailFromResource get constantMsg failed" ); break; } pszMessage += CComBSTR( ENTER ); pszMessage += CComBSTR( ENTER ); pszMessage += pszConstantMessage;
// Send mail use local SMTP server.
hr = SendMail( pszSubject, pszMessage );
} //do
while( FALSE );
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::Initialize
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class public method call by
// CAlertEmailConsumerProvider to initialize useful parameters.
// Returns:
// S_OK if successful
// E_FAIL if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::Initialize() { ULONG ulReturn; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwThreadID;
// Initialize Element Manager.
hr = InitializeElementManager(); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmailProvider:Initialize InitializeElementManager failed" ); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Initialize Local Manager
hr = InitializeLocalManager(); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmailProvider:Initialize InitializeLocalManager failed" ); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Initialize a CDO IMessage interface.
hr = InitializeCDOMessage(); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmailProvider:Initialize InitializeCDOMessage failed" ); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Open registry key of alertemail settings.
ulReturn = ::RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SA_ALERTEMAIL_KEYPATH, &m_hAlertKey ); if( ulReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize OpenKey failed" ); return E_FAIL; } //
// Get alert email settings from registry.
if( FALSE == RetrieveRegInfo() ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize RetrieveRegInfo failed" ); return E_FAIL; }
// Get server name fully qualified domain anem.
if( FALSE == GetComputerName( &m_pstrFullyQualifiedDomainName, ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified ) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize GetComputerName ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified failed" ); return E_FAIL; }
// Get server name.
if( FALSE == GetComputerName( &m_pstrNetBIOSName, ComputerNameNetBIOS ) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize GetComputerName ComputerNameNetBIOS failed" ); return E_FAIL; }
// Event for notify thread exit.
m_hCloseThreadEvent = ::CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if( m_hCloseThreadEvent == NULL ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize CreateEvent failed" ); return E_FAIL; } //
// Thread used to monitor registy change.
m_hThread = ::CreateThread( 0, 0, CAlertEmailConsumer::RegThreadProc, this, 0, &dwThreadID ); if( m_hThread == NULL ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:Initialize CreateThread failed" ); return E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::GetSMTPFromDomainName
// Description:
// Get the value of "Full Qualified Domain Name" entry in SMTP Delivery tab in MMC.
// Arguments:
// [out] bstrDomainName returns domain name that is found in Metabase.
// Returns:
// hr
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::GetSMTPFromDomainName( BSTR* bstrDomainName ) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IADs> pADs;
// Initialize for return
*bstrDomainName = NULL;
CComBSTR bstrADSPath( SMTP_META_PATH ); if (NULL == bstrADSPath.m_str) { SATraceString ("CAlertEmailConsumer::GetSMTPFromDomainName failed to allocate memory for bstrADsPath"); return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
hr = ADsGetObject( bstrADSPath, IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { CComVariant varValue; CComBSTR bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName (L"FullyQualifiedDomainName" ); if (NULL == bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName.m_str) { SATraceString ("CAlertEmailConsumer::GetSMTPFromDomainName failed to allocate memory for bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { // Getting the FullyQualifiedDomainName property
hr = pADs->Get(bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName, &varValue ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { *bstrDomainName = SysAllocString( V_BSTR( &varValue ) ); } } } return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::SendMail
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to send mail through local SMTP server.
// Arguments:
// [in] bstrSubject Subject string.
// [in] bstrMessage Message string.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::SendMail( BSTR bstrSubject, BSTR bstrMessage ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; WCHAR* pstrPort = NULL; do {
// The algorithm is
// Look at the value of "Full Qualified Domain Name" entry in SMTP Delivery tab in MMC.
// 1) If the value is empty then the e-mail From Address is same as fully qualified domain name
// 2) IF there is value and that value is different from Full Qualified Computer Name then use
// 3) the following as From address.
// 4) Use the From Address as appliance_name@"Full Qualified Domain Name"
// allocate memory for BSTR
CComBSTR bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName( m_pstrFullyQualifiedDomainName ); if (NULL == bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName.m_str) { SATraceString("AlertEmail:SendMail failed to allocate memory for bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
CComBSTR bstrFromAddress( m_pstrNetBIOSName ); if (NULL == bstrFromAddress.m_str) { SATraceString("AlertEmail:SendMail failed to allocate memory for bstrFromAddress" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
BSTR bstrDomainName = NULL;
// Read SMTP "Full Qualified Domain Name" from Metabase
hr = GetSMTPFromDomainName( &bstrDomainName );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail GetSMTPFromDomainName failed" );
return E_FAIL; }
if ( bstrDomainName ) { if ( _wcsicmp( bstrFullyQualifiedDomainName, bstrDomainName ) != 0 ) { bstrFromAddress += CComBSTR( L"@" ); bstrFromAddress += bstrDomainName ;
} }
// Set bstrFromAddress that is formed using the above algorithm
// as mail sender.
hr = m_pcdoIMessage->put_From( bstrFromAddress );
// Free BSTR
if ( bstrDomainName ) { SysFreeString( bstrDomainName ); }
CComBSTR bstrMailAddress (m_pstrMailAddress ); if (NULL == bstrMailAddress.m_str) { SATraceString("AlertEmail:SendMail failed to allocate memory for bstrMailAddress" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
// Set mail address.
hr = m_pcdoIMessage->put_To( bstrMailAddress); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail put_To failed" ); break; }
// Set mail subject.
hr = m_pcdoIMessage->put_Subject( bstrSubject ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail put_Subject failed" ); break; }
// Get text bodypart from the message object.
CComPtr<IBodyPart> pMsgBodyPart; hr = m_pcdoIMessage->get_BodyPart( &pMsgBodyPart ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail get_TextBodyPart failed" ); break; }
// Get current char set from localize manager.
CComBSTR bstrCharSet; hr = m_pLocInfo->get_CurrentCharSet( &bstrCharSet ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail get_CurrentCharSet failed" ); break; }
// Set char set to text bodypart with current char set.
// TMARSH: Hardcode charset to UTF-8.
hr = pMsgBodyPart->put_Charset( CComBSTR(L"utf-8") ); // hr = pMsgBodyPart->put_Charset( bstrCharSet );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail put_CharSet failed" ); break; }
CComBSTR bstrExtendMessage; bstrExtendMessage.AppendBSTR( bstrMessage ); /* bstrExtendMessage += CComBSTR( ENTER );
bstrExtendMessage += CComBSTR( HTTPHEADER ); bstrExtendMessage += CComBSTR( m_pstrApplianceName );
hr = GetAppliancePort( &pstrPort ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { bstrExtendMessage += CComBSTR( pstrPort ); } else { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail GetAppliancePort failed" ); } */ //
// Set mail message.
hr = m_pcdoIMessage->put_TextBody( bstrExtendMessage ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:SendMail put_TextBody failed" ); break; } //
// Send it.
hr = m_pcdoIMessage->Send();
}while( FALSE );
if( pstrPort!= NULL ) { ::free( pstrPort ); }
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::GetFullyQualifiedDomainName
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to get local appliance name in DNS format.
// Arguments:
// [in,out] pstrComputerName Pointer of computer name string.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful
// FALSE if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
BOOL CAlertEmailConsumer::GetComputerName( LPWSTR* pstrComputerName, COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT nametype ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwCount = 1;
do { if( *pstrComputerName != NULL ) { ::free( *pstrComputerName ); } dwSize = MAXAPPLIANCEDNSNAME * dwCount;
*pstrComputerName = ( LPWSTR ) ::malloc( sizeof(WCHAR) * dwSize ); if( *pstrComputerName == NULL ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetApplianceName malloc failed" ); break; }
// Get local computer name.
bReturn = ::GetComputerNameEx( nametype, *pstrComputerName, &dwSize );
dwCount <<= 1; } while( !bReturn && ERROR_MORE_DATA == ::GetLastError() && dwCount < 32 );
return bReturn; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::GetAppliancePort
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to get local appliance port.
// Arguments:
// [in,out] pstrPort Pointer of server port string.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful
// FALSE if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::GetAppliancePort( LPWSTR* pstrPort ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { do {
CComPtr <IWbemLocator> pWbemLocator; CComPtr <IWbemServices> pWbemServices; CComPtr <IEnumWbemClassObject> pEnumServices;
// create the WBEM locator object
hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, //aggregation pointer
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (PVOID*) &pWbemLocator );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort CoCreateInstance failed" ); break; }
// allocate memory for BSTR
CComBSTR bstrDefaultNameSpace (DEFAULT_NAMESPACE); if (NULL == bstrDefaultNameSpace.m_str) { SATraceString("AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort failed to allocate memory for DEFAULT_NAMESPACE" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } //
// connect to WMI
hr = pWbemLocator->ConnectServer ( bstrDefaultNameSpace, NULL, //user-name
NULL, //password
0, //current-locale
0, //reserved
NULL, //authority
NULL, //context
&pWbemServices ); if( hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort ConnectServer failed" ); break; }
// Query Web server instance.
hr = pWbemServices->ExecQuery( CComBSTR( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), CComBSTR( QUERY_STRING ), 0, NULL, &pEnumServices ); if( hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort ExecQuery failed" ); break; }
CComPtr <IWbemClassObject> pService; ULONG uReturned;
// Now,we only care for the first match.
hr = pEnumServices->Next( WBEM_NO_WAIT, 1, &pService, &uReturned ); if( hr != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort nothing found" ); break; }
CComVariant vtServerBindings;
// Get the "ServerBindings" property.
hr = pService->Get( CComBSTR( SERVERBINDINGSPROP ), 0, &vtServerBindings, 0, 0 ); if ( FAILED(hr) || !V_ISARRAY( &vtServerBindings ) ) { hr = E_FAIL; SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort get serverbindings failed" ); break; }
// The property type is VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR.
psa = V_ARRAY( &vtServerBindings ); if( psa->cDims <= 0 ) { hr = E_FAIL; SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort array dim error" ); break; }
// Access array data directly,it's a faster way.
hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData( psa, ( void HUGEP** )&pbstr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort SafeArrayAccessData failed" ); break; } //
// Now we can alloc the port string.
*pstrPort = ( LPWSTR )malloc( sizeof(WCHAR) * MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH ); if( *pstrPort == NULL ) { hr = E_FAIL; SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort malloc failed" ); break; } WCHAR* pszTemp1; WCHAR* pszTemp2;
pszTemp1 = ::wcschr( pbstr[0], COLON ); pszTemp2 = ::wcsrchr( pbstr[0], COLON );
if( pszTemp2 != NULL && pszTemp1 != NULL ) { pszTemp2[0] = ENDCODE; ::wcscpy( *pstrPort, pszTemp1 ); } else { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort string formate error" ); hr = E_FAIL; }
::SafeArrayUnaccessData( psa ); } while( false ); } catch (...) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:GetAppliancePort unkown exception" ); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::RetrieveRegInfo
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to retrieve alert email settings from registry.
// Returns:
// TRUE if successful
// FALSE if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
BOOL CAlertEmailConsumer::RetrieveRegInfo() { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; LONG lReturn; DWORD dwDataSize;
// Get the email address will be send to.
dwDataSize = sizeof(m_pstrMailAddress); lReturn = ::RegQueryValueEx( m_hAlertKey, RECEIVEREMAILADDRESS, NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>(m_pstrMailAddress), &dwDataSize ); if( lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_pstrMailAddress[0] = L'\0'; // RegQueryValueEx doesn't guarantee
// a desirable value, so clear the string.
SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RetrieveRegInfo query address failed" ); bReturn = FALSE; } else { _ASSERT(dwDataSize <= sizeof(m_pstrMailAddress));
// Validate the e-mail address length.
LONG lLastCharacter; if( sizeof( m_pstrMailAddress[0] ) > dwDataSize ) { lLastCharacter = 0; } else { lLastCharacter = dwDataSize / sizeof( m_pstrMailAddress[0] ) - 1; }
if( sizeof(m_pstrMailAddress) == dwDataSize && L'\0' != m_pstrMailAddress[lLastCharacter] ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RetrieveRegInfo address too long" ); bReturn = FALSE; } m_pstrMailAddress[lLastCharacter] = L'\0'; }
// Get alert enable setting.
dwDataSize = sizeof( LONG ); lReturn = ::RegQueryValueEx( m_hAlertKey, ENABLEALERTEAMIL, NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>(&m_lAlertEmailDisabled), &dwDataSize ); if( lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RetrieveRegInfo query enablealertemail failed" ); bReturn = FALSE; }
// Get alert type setting.
dwDataSize = sizeof( LONG ); lReturn = ::RegQueryValueEx( m_hAlertKey, SENDEMAILTYPE, NULL, NULL, reinterpret_cast<PBYTE>(&m_lCurAlertType), &dwDataSize ); if( lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RetrieveRegInfo query enablealertemail failed" ); bReturn = FALSE; } return bReturn; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::RegThreadProc
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class static method which is used
// as worker thread entry.
// Arguments:
// [in] pIn Point to an instance of CAlertEmailConsumer class.
// Returns:
// 0 if successful
// -1 if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
DWORD WINAPI CAlertEmailConsumer::RegThreadProc( PVOID pIn ) { //
// Make transition to the per-instance method.
( (CAlertEmailConsumer *) pIn )->RegThread(); return 0; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::RegThread
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class public method which is real
// worker thread process.
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
void CAlertEmailConsumer::RegThread() { HANDLE hHandleArray[2]; DWORD dwEventCount; DWORD dwReturn;
SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RegThread enter" );
// Handle list used by WaitForMultipleObjects
hHandleArray[0] = m_hCloseThreadEvent;
// Event for RegNotifyChangeKeyValue.
hHandleArray[1] = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if( hHandleArray[1] != NULL ) { dwEventCount = 2;
// Monitor key change action.
::RegNotifyChangeKeyValue( m_hAlertKey, //AlertEmail key
FALSE, //No subkey
hHandleArray[1], //Event handle
} else { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RegThread CreateEvent failed" ); dwEventCount = 1; }
while( TRUE ) { //
// Wait for both close and regchange event.
dwReturn = ::WaitForMultipleObjects( dwEventCount, hHandleArray, FALSE, INFINITE ); switch( dwReturn ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { //
// Close thread event set in release method.
SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RegThread get close event" );
if( hHandleArray[1] != NULL ) { ::CloseHandle( hHandleArray[1] ); } //
// Clean up.
delete this; return; } //case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: { //
// Registry changed event.
SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RegThread get reg event" );
BOOL bReturn;
// Refresh alert email settings.
bReturn = RetrieveRegInfo(); if( bReturn == FALSE ) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RegThread RetrieveRegInfo failed" ); } break; } //case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
default: { //
// Wait error ocupied.
SATraceString( "AlertEmail:RegThread waitevent error" ); break; } //default:
} //switch(dwReturn)
} // While( TRUE )
return; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::InitializeLocalManager
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to get object of Local Manager.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::InitializeLocalManager() { CLSID clsidLocMgr; HRESULT hr;
hr = ::CLSIDFromProgID ( LOCALIZATION_MANAGER, &clsidLocMgr ); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { //
// create the Localization Manager COM object
hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( clsidLocMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof (ISALocInfo), (PVOID*) &m_pLocInfo ); } return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::InitializeElementManager
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to get object of elements enum interface from Element manager.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::InitializeElementManager() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; IDispatch *pDispatch = NULL;
IWebElementRetriever *pWebElementRetriever = NULL;
do { //
// Get Element Manager's CLSID.
CLSID clsid; hr = ::CLSIDFromProgID ( ELEMENT_RETRIEVER, &clsid ); if (FAILED (hr)) { break; }
// create the WebElementRetriever now
hr = ::CoCreateInstance ( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWebElementRetriever, (PVOID*) &pWebElementRetriever ); if (FAILED (hr)) { break; }
// allocate memory for BSTR(alert definitions)
CComBSTR bstrAlertDefinitions (ALERTDEFINITIONS); if (NULL == bstrAlertDefinitions.m_str) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } //
// Initial now
hr = pWebElementRetriever->GetElements ( WEB_ELEMENT_TYPE_DEFINITION, bstrAlertDefinitions, &pDispatch ); if (FAILED (hr)) { break; }
// get the enum variant
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface ( IID_IWebElementEnum, reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&m_pElementEnum) );
}while( FALSE ); if( pDispatch != NULL ) { pDispatch->Release(); }
if( pWebElementRetriever != NULL ) { pWebElementRetriever->Release(); }
return hr; }
// CAlertEmailConsumer::InitializeCDOMessage
// Description:
// This is the CAlertEmailConsumer class private method which is used
// to get object of CDO::IMessage and set the configuration as using
// local SMTP server.
// Returns:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
// WBEM_E_FAILED if not
// History:
// Xing Jin (i-xingj) 23-Dec-2000
HRESULT CAlertEmailConsumer::InitializeCDOMessage() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr <IConfiguration> pConfig;
do { //
// Get an object of IMessage
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Message, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMessage, (PVOID*) &m_pcdoIMessage );
if (FAILED (hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail: InitializeCDOMessage CoCreateInstance failed" );
break; }
// Get the configuration in this message object.
hr = m_pcdoIMessage->get_Configuration(&pConfig); if (FAILED (hr)) { SATraceString( "AlertEmail: InitializeCDOMessage get_Configuration failed" ); break; } //
// Set the configuration as default setting of local
// SMTP server.
hr = pConfig->Load( cdoIIS, NULL ); } while( FALSE );
return hr; }