;// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
;// FILE
;// diskmsg.mc
;// NAS Server resources - English
;// 20 Nov 2000 Original version
;// 15 Mar 2001 Modified version
; ;// please choose one of these severity names as part of your messages
; SeverityNames = ( Success = 0x0:SA_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational = 0x1:SA_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning = 0x2:SA_SEVERITY_WARNING Error = 0x3:SA_SEVERITY_ERROR ) ; ;// The Facility Name identifies the Alert ID range to be used by
;// the specific component. For each new message you add, choose the
;// facility name corresponding to your component. If none of these
;// correspond to your component, add a new facility name with a new
;// value and name.
FacilityNames = ( Facility_Main = 0x020:SA_FACILITY_MAIN Facility_USER = 0x030:SA_FACILITY_USERS Facility_TerminalServer = 0x042:SA_Facility_TerminalServer Facility_Quota = 0x03E:SA_FACILITY_QUOTA )
MessageId = 4 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISK_MANAGEMENT_TAB Language = English Disks . MessageId = 24 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISK_MANAGEMENT_TAB_DESCRIPTION Language = English Configure disks, volumes, disk quotas, and other storage-related features. . MessageId = 300 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_DISKS Language = English Disks and Volumes . MessageId = 301 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_DISKS_DESCRIPTION Language = English Configure the properties of individual disks and volumes residing on the server. . MessageId = 302 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_VOLUMES Language = English Volumes . MessageId = 303 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_VOLUMES_DESCRIPTION Language = English Configure the properties of volumes residing on the server. . MessageId = 304 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_QUOTA Language = English Disk Quota . MessageId = 305 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_QUOTA_DESCRIPTION Language = English Configure disk quotas for volumes on the server. . MessageId = 306 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_QUOTA_DESCRIPTION_LONG Language = English Configure disk quotas for volumes located on the server. Disk quotas track and control disk space usage for volumes. . MessageId = 307 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_SNAPSHOTS Language = English Snapshots . MessageId = 308 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_SNAPSHOTS_DESCRIPTION Language = English Configure snapshots of volumes residing on the server. . MessageId = 309 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MAIN_DISKS_SNAPSHOTS Language = English ActiveArchive .
MessageId = 0 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_TerminalServer SymbolicName = L_PAGETITLE_TEXT Language = English %1 - Terminal Services Client . MessageId = 1 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_TerminalServer SymbolicName = L_WINIECLIENT_ERROR Language = English This feature is only available on Microsoft Windows clients using Microsoft Internet Explorer. . MessageId = 5 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_TerminalServer SymbolicName = L_PAGEDESCRIPTION_TEXT Language = English Log on to use the Windows Disk Management MMC Snap-in. When you are finished, close the snap-in window. This will automatically close the Terminal Services Client session. . MessageId = 6 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_TerminalServer SymbolicName = L_HELP_TEXT Language = English To access the disk management application, log on, choose the Start menu, and then choose Run. Type mmc \windows\system32\diskmgmt.msc, and then click OK. . ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
MessageId = 64 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_USER SymbolicName = L_COULDNOTDELETEBUILTINACCOUNTS_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to delete builtin accounts. . MessageId = 65 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_USER SymbolicName = L_USERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The selected user does not exist. . MessageId = 66 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_USER SymbolicName = L_CANNOTDELETETHEUSERMESSAGE Language = English You cannot delete your own user account. . MessageId = 67 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_USER SymbolicName = L_UNABLETOGETSERVERVARIABLES Language = English Unable to retrieve the values of the server variables. . MessageId = 68 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_USER SymbolicName = L_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the computer name. . ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 1 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_QUOTASVOLUMES_PAGETITLE_TEXT Language = English Volumes and Quotas . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 2 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DESCRIPTION_HEADING_TEXT Language = English Select a volume, and then choose a task. To create a new quota entry for a user, select a volume and choose Quota Entries. . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 3 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_VOLUMENAME_TEXT Language = English Volume Name . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 4 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_TOTALSIZE_TEXT Language = English Total Space . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 5 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_FREESPACE_TEXT Language = English Free Space . ;// quota_volumes.asp, quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 6 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_TASK_TEXT Language = English Tasks . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 7 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_QUOTA_TEXT Language = English Quota... . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 8 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_QUOTA_ROLLOVER_TEXT Language = English Manage default quotas on the volume . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 9 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_QUOTAENTRIES_TEXT Language = English Quota Entries... . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 10 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_QUOTAENTRIES_ROLLOVER_TEXT Language = English Manage quota limits for each user who accesses the volume . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 11 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_NOLIMIT_TEXT Language = English No Limit . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 12 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_NOT_FORMATTED_TEXT Language = English Not formatted . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp, quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 13 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_OBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Object could not be created. . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 14 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_VALUES_NOT_RETRIEVED_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to retrieve the information. . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 15 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_BROWSERCAPTION_DISKQUOTA_TEXT Language = English Disk Quota . ;// quota_volumes.asp, inc_quotas.asp
MessageId = 16 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_LOCAL_DISK_TEXT Language = English Local Disk . ;// quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 17 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_HIDDEN_VOLUMELABEL_TEXT Language = English Volume Label .
;// 18-30 reserved for quota_volumes
;// QUOTA Entries
;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 31 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_APPLIANCE_QUOTAENTRIES_TITLE_TEXT Language = English Quota Entries on %1 (%2) . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 32 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DESCRIPTION_QUOTAENTRIES_HEADING_TEXT Language = English Select a quota entry, then choose a task. To create a new quota entry for a user, choose New. . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 33 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_STATUS_TEXT Language = English Status . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 34 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_LOGONNAME_TEXT Language = English Logon Name . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 35 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_AMOUNTUSED_TEXT Language = English Space Used . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 36 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_QUOTALIMIT_TEXT Language = English Quota Limit . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 37 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_COLUMN_WARNINGLEVEL_TEXT Language = English Warning Limit . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 38 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_NEW_TEXT Language = English New... . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 39 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_NEW_ROLLOVERTEXT Language = English Create a new quota entry . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 40 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_DELETE_TEXT Language = English Delete . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 41 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_DELETE_ROLLOVERTEXT Language = English Delete the selected quota entry . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 42 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_PROPERTIES_TEXT Language = English Properties... . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 43 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASK_PROPERTIES_ROLLOVERTEXT Language = English Change quota entry properties . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 44 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_STATUS_OK_TEXT Language = English OK . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 45 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_STATUS_ABOVE_LIMIT_TEXT Language = English Above Limit . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 46 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_INFORMATIONNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Information not available . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp, quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 48 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_ADDCOLUMN_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Failed to add column to the table. . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp, quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 49 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_ADDTASK_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Failed to add task to the table. . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp, quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 50 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SERVETABLE_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to render the table. . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp, quota_volumes.asp
MessageId = 51 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_ADDROW_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Failed to add the row to table. . ;// quota_quotaentries.asp
MessageId = 52 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_BROWSERCAPTION_QUOTAENTRIES_TEXT Language = English Quota Entries .
;// 53 to 70 reserved for quota_quotaentries.asp
;// QUOTA Quota
;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 71 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_PAGETITLE_QUOTA_QUOTA_TEXT Language = English Default Quota for %1 (%2) . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 72 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_ENABLE_QUOTA_MGMT_TEXT Language = English Enable quota management . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 73 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DENY_DISK_SPACE_TEXT Language = English Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 74 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SELECT_DEFAULT_QUOTA_TEXT Language = English Select the default quota limit for new users on this volume: . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 75 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DONOTLIMITDISKUSAGE_TEXT Language = English Do not limit disk usage . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 76 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SETLIMITDISKSPACE_TEXT Language = English Limit disk space to: . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 77 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SETWARNINGLEVEL_TEXT Language = English Set warning level to: . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 78 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SELECT_QUOTA_LOGGING_TEXT Language = English Log the quota limit event: . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 79 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_ENABLE_QUOTA_LOGGING_TEXT Language = English When user exceeds their quota limit . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 80 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_ENABLE_WARNING_LOGGING_TEXT Language = English When user exceeds their warning level . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 81 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_INVALIDDATATYPE_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Invalid data type error . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 82 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SIZEOUTOFBOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Size out of bound. . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 83 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_QUOTA_UPDATE_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to update the quota properties. . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 84 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_WARNING_MORETHAN_LIMIT_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The warning level exceeds the limit value. Please verify size and units. . ;// quota_quota.asp
MessageId = 85 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_BROWSERCAPTION_DEFAULTQUOTA_TEXT Language = English Default Quota . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 86 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_MAXLIMITNOTSET_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The maximum quota limit could not be set. . ;// quota_quota.asp, quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 87 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_WARNINGLIMITNOTSET_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The threshold quota limit could not be set. .
;// 88-100 reserved for quota_quota.asp
;// QUOTA New
;// quota_new.asp
MessageId = 101 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASKTITLE_NEW_TEXT Language = English New quota entry . ;// quota_new.asp
MessageId = 102 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DESCRIPTION_NEW_TEXT Language = English Select a local user from the list below, or type a domain account name in the text box: . ;// quota_new.asp
MessageId = 103 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_USERNOTSELECTED_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Local user and domain account not specified. . ;// quota_new.asp
MessageId = 104 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DUPLICATEUSER_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English User %1 already has a quota entry. . ;// quota_prop.asp, quota_new.asp
MessageId = 105 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_QUOTAUSERNOTFOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The user %1 does not exist. . ;// quota_new.asp
MessageId = 107 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_INVALIDFORMAT_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The domain user format is invalid. . ;// quota_new.asp
MessageId = 109 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_BROWSERCAPTION_QUOTANEW_TEXT Language = English Create a new quota entry .
;// 110 - 120 reserved for quota_new.asp
;// QUOTA Delete
;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 121 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_PAGETITLE_QUOTADELETE_TEXT Language = English Delete Quota Entry . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 122 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_BROWSERCAPTION_QUOTADELETE_TEXT Language = English Delete Quota Entry . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 123 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_USERS_NOT_RETRIEVED_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to get the list of users to be deleted. . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 124 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_DELETED_USERQUOTAS_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The following quota entries are successfully deleted: . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 125 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_FAILED_DELETE_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The following quota entries could not be deleted: . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 126 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_MULTIPLE_DELETECONFIRM_TEXT Language = English Are you sure you want to delete these quota entries? . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 127 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SINGLE_DELETECONFIRM_TEXT Language = English Are you sure you want to delete this quota entry? . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 128 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_MULTIPLE_DELETE_TEXT Language = English You have chosen to delete the following quota entries on the volume %1 (%2) . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 129 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_SINGLE_DELETE_TEXT Language = English You have chosen to delete the quota entry for the user %1 on the volume %2 (%3). . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 130 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_FAILED_DELETE_FREEDISK_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The following quota entries could not be deleted because users already consumed disk space. These entries cannot be deleted until the disk space is freed up. . ;// quota_delete.asp
MessageId = 131 Severity = Error Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Take ownership or delete all files owned by these users and try again. .
;// 132-150 reserved for quota_delete.asp
;// QUOTA Prop
;// quota_prop.asp
MessageId = 151 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_TASKTITLE_QUOTAPROPERTY_TEXT Language = English Quota Entry for %1 . ;// quota_prop.asp
MessageId = 152 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Quota SymbolicName = L_BROWSERCAPTION_QUOTAPROPERTY_TEXT Language = English Quota Entries . ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
MessageId = 400 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_ADDING_QUOTA_ENTRIES Language = English Adding Quota Entries . MessageId = 401 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_DISK_PROPERTIES Language = English Configure Disk and Volume Properties . MessageId = 402 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_DISK_QUOTAS Language = English Disk Quotas . MessageId = 403 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_DISKS_VOLUMES Language = English Disks and Volumes . MessageId = 404 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_QUOTA_PROPERTIES Language = English Modifying Quota Properties . MessageId = 405 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_QUOTA_MANAGEMENT Language = English Quota Management . MessageId = 406 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_QUOTA_ENTRIES Language = English Quota Entries . MessageId = 407 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_HELP_REMOVE_QUOTAS Language = English Removing Quota Entries . ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;// General Strings
MessageId = 1000 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_KB_TEXT Language = English KB . MessageId = 1001 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_MB_TEXT Language = English MB . MessageId = 1002 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_GB_TEXT Language = English GB . MessageId = 1003 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_TB_TEXT Language = English TB . MessageId = 1004 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_PB_TEXT Language = English PB . MessageId = 1005 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_EB_TEXT Language = English EB . MessageId = 1006 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_Main SymbolicName = L_BYTES_TEXT Language = English Bytes .