<% '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' inc_quotas.asp: Common functions used in Quota related Pages ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 15-Mar-01 Creation date '---------------------------------------------------------------------
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Constants '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Do not limit the disk usage. (For "No Limit" the value = -1) Const CONST_NO_LIMIT = -1 ' the first radio selected in the gui ("Do no limit disk usage") Const CONST_RADIO_DONOT_LIMIT_DISKUSAGE = 1 DIM L_KB_TEXT DIM L_MB_TEXT DIM L_GB_TEXT DIM L_TB_TEXT DIM L_PB_TEXT DIM L_EB_TEXT DIM L_BYTES_TEXT L_KB_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003E8", "") L_MB_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003E9", "") L_GB_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003EA", "") L_TB_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003EB", "") L_PB_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003EC", "") L_EB_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003ED", "") L_BYTES_TEXT = GetLocString("diskmsg.dll", "402003EE", "") '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: setUnits ' Description: to display the units as DropdownListBox values ' Input Variables: strGivenUnits - units to select in the DropdownListBox ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: None ' Side Effects: Outputs OPTION HTML code to client ' ' The list of units are displayed as DropdownListBox values with the ' given units as the selected value '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function setUnits(strGivenUnits)
Dim arrUnits ' the array of units to be displayed Dim i ' to loop Dim strSelectedText ' to assign if the Units is Selected ' Only KB,MB,GB,TB,PB,EB Units needs to be displayed arrUnits = Array(L_KB_TEXT, L_MB_TEXT, L_GB_TEXT, L_TB_TEXT, L_PB_TEXT, L_EB_TEXT)
Dim iUnitValue
iUnitValue = 1024 For i = 0 to UBound(arrUnits) If UCase(strGivenUnits) = UCase(arrUnits(i)) Then ' if the given units match, select it strSelectedText = "SELECTED" ' localization not required Else strSelectedText = "" End If
' output the OPTION HTML Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & (CStr(arrUnits(i))) & " " & strSelectedText & ">" & arrUnits(i) &"</OPTION>" iUnitValue = iUnitValue * 1024 Next End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ChangeToText ' Description: to convert value of limit in Bytes to String ' Input Variables: Bytes - the size in Bytes ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: String equivalent, of the limit value in bytes ' Global Variables: None '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ChangeToText(Bytes) 'Example: Input = 1024 ' Output = 1 KB
Dim Units ' the array of units Dim i ' to loop ' initialize the array with possible values of units Units = Array(L_BYTES_TEXT, L_KB_TEXT, L_MB_TEXT, L_GB_TEXT, L_TB_TEXT, L_PB_TEXT, L_EB_TEXT)
For i = 0 To UBound(Units) If Bytes < (2 ^ ( (i+1) * 10 )) Then ChangeToText = Int((Bytes /( 2^(i*10))) * 100) / 100 & " " & Units(i) ' The Int(X * 100) /100 above is to take the two decimal ' places only (if any) without rounding any value Exit For End If Next End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ChangeToFloat ' Description: to convert size in string to Bytes ' Input Variables: Bytes - value of limit ' userUnits - units in which limit is specified ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: limit value in bytes ' Global Variables: None '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ChangeToFloat(Bytes,userUnits) 'Example: Input = 1, KB ' Output = 1024 Dim Units ' the array of units Dim i ' to loop ' initialize the array with possible values of Units Units = Array(L_KB_TEXT, L_MB_TEXT, L_GB_TEXT, L_TB_TEXT, L_PB_TEXT, L_EB_TEXT)
For i = 0 to UBound(Units) If UCase(Units(i)) = UCase(userUnits) Then ' if units match, convert to byte equivalent ChangeToFloat = CDbl((Bytes *( 2^((i+1)*10)))) Exit For End If Next End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getThresholdSizeForDefault ' Description: to get default Warning Limit for the quota object ' Input Variables: objQuotas - the quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default thresholdSize for the quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getLimitFromText ' ' The quota object is initialized for the required volume before being ' passed here.This returns the default WarningLimit for the volume. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getThresholdSizeForDefault(objQuotas) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nThresholdSize ' the thresholdSize to return Dim strTemp If objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThreshold = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No Warning Limit is set. The text contains "No Limit" nThresholdSize = L_NOLIMIT_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the size part from this(say, 1) ' Following did not localize 'nThresholdSize = getLimitFromText(objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThresholdText) ' first convert bytes to text. strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThreshold) ' get the size (number) portion nThresholdSize = getLimitFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the Warning Limit getThresholdSizeForDefault = nThresholdSize End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getThresholdSizeUnitsForDefault ' Description: to get default WarningLimit Units for the quota object ' Input Variables: objQuotas - the quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default thresholdSize Units for the quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getUnitsFromText ' ' The quota object is initialized for the required volume before being ' passed here.This returns the default WarningLimit Units for the volume. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getThresholdSizeUnitsForDefault(objQuotas) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strThresholdUnits ' the thresholdSize Units to return Dim strTemp If objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThreshold = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No warning limit is set. Return KB for default display strThresholdUnits = L_KB_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the units part from this(say, KB)
' Following did not localize 'strThresholdUnits = getUnitsFromText(objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThresholdText) ' first convert bytes to text. strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThreshold) ' get the units portion strThresholdUnits = getUnitsFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the WarningLimit units getThresholdSizeUnitsForDefault = strThresholdUnits End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getLimitSizeForDefault ' Description: to get default Disk Limit for the quota object ' Input Variables: objQuotas - the quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default Disk Limit for the quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getLimitFromText, ChangeToText ' ' The quota object is initialized for the required volume before being ' passed here.This returns the default QuotaLimit for the volume. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getLimitSizeForDefault(objQuotas) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strLimitSize ' the disk limit to return Dim strTemp ' for temporary storage
If objQuotas.DefaultQuotaLimit = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No Disk Limit is set. The text contains "No Limit" strLimitSize = L_NOLIMIT_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the size part from this(say, 1) ' first convert bytes to text. strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotas.DefaultQuotaLimit) ' get the numeric value of the size strLimitSize = getLimitFromText(strTemp) End If
' return the limit size getLimitSizeForDefault = strLimitSize End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getLimitUnitsForDefault ' Description: to get default QuotaLimit Units for the quota object ' Input Variables: objQuotas - the quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Default QuotaLimit Units for the quota ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: getUnitsFromText, ChangeToText ' ' The quota object is initialized for the required volume before being ' passed here.This returns the default QuotaLimit Units for the volume. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getLimitUnitsForDefault(objQuotas) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear
Dim strLimitUnits ' the QuotaLimit Units to return Dim strTemp If objQuotas.DefaultQuotaLimit = CONST_NO_LIMIT Then ' No Disk Limit is set. Return KB for default display strLimitUnits = L_KB_TEXT Else ' some limit is set(say, 1 KB). Get the units part from this(say, KB) strTemp = ChangeToText(objQuotas.DefaultQuotaLimit) strLimitUnits = getUnitsFromText(strTemp) End If ' return the units getLimitUnitsForDefault = strLimitUnits End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getQuotaLimitRadioForDefault ' Description: to get default QuotaLimit settings ' Input Variables: objQuotas - the quota object ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: 1 - if disk limit is NOT set ' 2 - if some limit is set for disk usage ' Global Variables: None ' ' The quota object is initialized for the required volume before being ' passed here. The return value corresponds to radio button in the gui '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getQuotaLimitRadioForDefault(objQuotas) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nRadioToCheck ' the radio button to be CHECKED If ((objQuotas.DefaultQuotaThreshold = CONST_NO_LIMIT) AND (objQuotas.DefaultQuotaLimit = CONST_NO_LIMIT)) Then ' DiskLimit and WarningLimit is NOT set. Select the first radio nRadioToCheck = 1 Else ' some limit is set. Select the second radio nRadioToCheck = 2 End If ' return the selected radio value getQuotaLimitRadioForDefault = nRadioToCheck End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: setUserQuotaLimit ' Description: to set the QuotaLimit settings for the user ' Input Variables: objQuotaUser - the quota object ' nDiskLimit - the limit value to be set ' strUnits - the units value for the limit ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True if set , else False ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: ChangeToFloat '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function setUserQuotaLimit(ByRef objQuotaUser, nDiskLimit, strUnits) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear
Dim nDiskLimitToSet ' the limit to be set ( calculated in bytes) If CDbl(nDiskLimit) <> CDbl(CONST_NO_LIMIT) Then 'Added 0.001 round the value of disk Limit nDiskLimitToSet = ChangeToFloat(nDiskLimit + 0.001, strUnits) If nDiskLimitToSet < 1024 Then nDiskLimitToSet = 1024 ' must be minimum of 1 KB End if Else nDiskLimitToSet = nDiskLimit End If ' set the quota limit for the user quota (value is set in Bytes) objQuotaUser.QuotaLimit = nDiskLimitToSet If Err.number <> 0 Then setUserQuotaLimit = FALSE Else setUserQuotaLimit = TRUE End If
End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: setUserThreshold ' Description: to set the WarningLimit settings for the userQuota ' Input Variables: objQuotaUser - the quota object ' nThresholdLimit - the WarningLimit value to be set ' strUnits - the units value for the WarningLimit ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True if set , else False ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: ChangeToFloat '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function setUserThreshold(ByRef objQuotaUser, nThresholdLimit, strUnits) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nThresholdLimitToSet ' the warning limit to set If CDbl(nThresholdLimit) <> CDbl(CONST_NO_LIMIT) Then 'Added 0.001 round the value of Warning Limit nThresholdLimitToSet = ChangeToFloat( nThresholdLimit + 0.001, strUnits ) If nThresholdLimitToSet < 1024 Then nThresholdLimitToSet = 1024 ' must be minimum of 1 KB End if Else nThresholdLimitToSet = nThresholdLimit End If
' set the warning limit to the user Quota (value is set in Bytes) objQuotaUser.QuotaThreshold = nThresholdLimitToSet
If Err.number <> 0 Then setUserThreshold = FALSE Else setUserThreshold = TRUE End If
End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getLimitFromText ' Description: to get limit size from Text String ' Input Variables: strValue - the size in string (say, 1 KB) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: The limit size ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: isValidUnit '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getLimitFromText(strValue) ' Example: Input: 1 KB ' Output: 1
Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Entering getLimitFromText("+strValue+")")
Dim arrLimit ' to store split values of the input string Dim nLimit ' the limit value ( to be returned ) Dim strUnits ' the limit units
' split the input string into two with Space as delimiter arrLimit = Split(Trim(strValue)," ",2) nLimit = CDbl(arrLimit(0)) ' the first element is Limit Size strUnits = CStr(arrLimit(1)) ' the second element is Limit Units
' verify if the Units are valid (must not be Bytes) If isValidUnit(strUnits) Then If Trim(UCase(strUnits)) = L_KB_TEXT AND nLimit < 1 Then ' limit value is in Bytes. Minimum display units is KB. ' Hence, return 1 nLimit = 1 End If Else ' Units is in Bytes, Return 1 nLimit = 1 End If ' return the limit value getLimitFromText = nLimit End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getUnitsFromText ' Description: to get limit size Units from Text String ' Input Variables: strValue - the size in string (say, 1 KB) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: The limit size Units ' Global Variables: None ' Functions Called: isValidUnit '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getUnitsFromText(strValue) ' Example: Input: 1 KB ' Output: KB
Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Entering getUnitsFromText("+strValue+")") Dim arrLimit ' to store split values of the input string Dim strUnits ' the limit units ( to be returned )
' split the input string into two with Space as delimiter arrLimit = Split(Trim(strValue)," ",2)
strUnits = CStr(arrLimit(1)) ' the second element contains the units
' verify if the Units are valid (must not be Bytes) If NOT (isValidUnit(strUnits)) Then ' Units is NOT valid.(is in Bytes).Return KB strUnits = L_KB_TEXT End If
getUnitsFromText = strUnits End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: isValidUnit ' Description: to verify if the given units are valid (allowed units) ' Input Variables: strUnits - the units to validate (say, KB) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True - if the given units is permitted ' False - if the given units are NOT permitted ' Global Variables: None '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isValidUnit(strUnits) Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Entering isValidUnit("+strUnits+")")
Dim Units ' the array of permitted units Dim i ' to loop ' initialize the array with set of permitted units Units = Array(L_KB_TEXT, L_MB_TEXT, L_GB_TEXT, L_TB_TEXT, L_PB_TEXT, L_EB_TEXT) ' initialize the return value to False isValidUnit = False ' loop to validate the given units For i = 0 to UBound(Units) If UCase(strUnits) = UCase(Units(i)) Then ' the given value is permitted, return True isValidUnit = True End If Next End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getVolumeLabelForDrive ' Description: to get the volume label for the given drive ' Input Variables: strDriveLetter - the drive letter ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: The volume label for the given drive. ' Returns "Local Disk", if label is empty ' Global Variables: L_(*) - localization variables '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getVolumeLabelForDrive(strDriveLetter) On Error Resume Next
Dim objWMIService ' the wmi service object Dim strWMIQuery ' the query to be executed Dim objDrive ' the drive object obtained as a result of the query Dim strVolumeLabel ' the value to be returned
' initialization strVolumeLabel = ""
' get the WMI connection Set objWMIService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
' prepare the query. strWMIQuery = "Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID=" & Chr(34) & strDriveLetter & Chr(34) ' execute the query Set objDrive = objWMIService.Get(strWMIQuery) If Err.number <> 0 Then Set objDrive = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing Call SA_ServeFailurePage(L_VALUES_NOT_RETRIEVED_ERRORMESSAGE) End If ' get the volume label strVolumeLabel = objDrive.VolumeName If Len(Trim(strVolumeLabel)) = 0 Then ' if volume label is empty, assign "Local Disk" strVolumeLabel = L_LOCAL_DISK_TEXT End If
getVolumeLabelForDrive = strVolumeLabel ' free objects Set objDrive = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing
End Function
Public Function ConvertQuotaValueToUnits(ByVal lValue) Dim strTemp
If ( NOT IsNumeric(lValue)) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "ConvertQuotaValueToUnits recieved invalid numeric parameter: " + CStr(lValue)) End If 'strTemp = ChangeToText(lValue) 'ConvertQuotaValueToUnits = getUnitsFromText(strTemp) ConvertQuotaValueToUnits = ChangeToText(lValue) End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: getAdministratorsGroupName 'Description: get Administrators Group Name 'Input Variables: 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: string of Admin Group Name '------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getAdministratorsGroupName() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objService Dim strWelKnownSid Dim objSid Set objService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) strWelKnownSid = "S-1-5-32-544" set objSid = objService.Get("Win32_SID.SID=""" & strWelKnownSid & """") getAdministratorsGroupName = objSid.ReferencedDomainName & "\" & objSid.AccountName set objSid = nothing If Err.number <> 0 Then getAdministratorsGroupName = "" SA_TraceOut "quota_prop.asp", "Failed to get the administrators group name" End If End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsUserInAdministratorsGroup 'Description: check if user is in local admin group 'Input Variables: username 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: true if user is in local admin group; false otherwise '------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IsUserInAdministratorsGroup(UserName) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear ' check if the user is in admin group if UCASE(UserName) = UCASE(getAdministratorsGroupName()) Then IsUserInAdministratorsGroup = true Else IsUserInAdministratorsGroup = false End If If Err.number <> 0 Then IsUserInAdministratorsGroup = false SA_TraceOut "quota_prop.asp", "Failed in IsUserInAdministratorsGroup" End If End function %>