<!-- #include virtual="/admin/shares/inc_shares.asp" --> <% ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim G_strHost 'Host name Dim G_objHTTPService 'WMI server HTTP object Dim G_strAdminSiteID 'HTTP administration web site WMI name 'To hold source file name 'holds the web site name 'CONST CONST_ADMINISTRATOR ="Administration" G_strHost = GetSystemName() 'Get the system name Set G_objHTTPService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'get the WMI connection G_strAdminSiteID = GetWebSiteID(CONST_ADMINISTRATOR ) 'get the Web site ID
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Constants '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'holds the number of rows to be displayed in OTS Const CONST_SHARES_PER_PAGE = 10 'Registry path for APPLETALK Volumes CONST CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH ="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MacFile\Parameters\Volumes" 'Registry path for Netware Volumes CONST CONST_REGISTRY_NETWARE_PATH ="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FPNW\Volumes" 'Registry path for NFS Exports CONST CONST_NFS_REGISTRY_PATH ="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Server For NFS\CurrentVersion\exports" 'holds the web site name CONST CONST_ADMINISTRATOR ="Administration" ' Flag to toggle optional tracing output 'Const CONST_ENABLE_TRACING = TRUE
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub Routine name: GetCifsShares() ' Description: Gets Windows Shares from SA machine and Adds ' to Dictionary Object. ' Input Variables: objDict(dictionary object) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: in: L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE ' G_strHost '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetCifsShares(Byref objDict) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objShareObject 'hold Share object Dim strShare 'hold instance of share object Dim strQuery 'hold query string Dim strLanMan 'hold lanmanserver string Dim strDictValue 'hold string to pass it to Dictionary object
strLanMan = "/lanmanserver"
strQuery="SELECT name,path,description FROM Win32_SHARE"
set objShareObject=GetObject("WinNT://" & G_strHost & "/LanmanServer")
' If instance of the wmi class is failed If Err.number <>0 then call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE) end if
for each strShare in objShareObject strDictValue = Mid( strShare.adspath, instr( UCASE( strShare.adspath ), UCASE( strLanMan ) ) + _ len(strLanMan) + 1, len(strShare.adspath) - _ instr( UCASE( strShare.adspath ), UCASE( strLanMan ) ) + len(strLanMan ) ) ' Adding all windows shares to the Dictionary object one by one as "sharename &chr(1)& sharepath" as Key and "share description &chr(1)&share type" as a "Value" objDict.Add strDictValue & chr(1) & strShare.path , strShare.description & chr(1) &"W" next ' Destroying dynamically created objects set objShareObject = Nothing
End Sub '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub Routine name: GetNfsShares() ' Description: gets all Nfs Shares from SA machine and adds to Dictionary Object ' Input Variables: objDict(dictionary object) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: in: CONST_NFS_REGISTRY_PATH - Registry path to access Nfs Shares '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetNfsShares(ByRef objDict) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objRegistryHandle 'hold Registry connection Dim intenumkey 'hold enum key value as INTEGER Dim strenumvalue 'hold enum key value as STRING Dim strenumstringval 'hold enum key value as STRING Dim strenumstringpath 'hold value of the registry key Dim nidx 'hold count Dim ObjConnection 'hold WMI connection object Dim strDictValue 'hold item of dictionary object Dim strShareString 'hold the share as STRING
'get the WMI connection set ObjConnection = getWMIConnection("Default") ' Check whether the service is installed on the machine or not if not IsServiceInstalled(ObjConnection,"nfssvc") then Exit sub end if ' Get the registry connection Object. set objRegistryHandle = RegConnection() ' RegEnumKey function gets the Subkeys in the given Key and Returns ' an array containing sub keys from registry intenumkey = RegEnumKey(objRegistryHandle,CONST_NFS_REGISTRY_PATH) For nidx= 0 to (ubound(intenumkey))
' RegEnumKeyValues function Gets the values in the given SubKey ' and Returns an array containing sub keys strenumvalue = RegEnumKeyValues(objRegistryHandle,CONST_NFS_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" & intenumkey(nidx))
' getRegkeyvalue function gets the value in the registry for a given ' value and returns the value of the requested key strenumstringpath = getRegkeyvalue(objRegistryHandle,CONST_NFS_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" & intenumkey(nidx),strenumvalue(0),CONST_STRING) strenumstringval = getRegkeyvalue(objRegistryHandle,CONST_NFS_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" & intenumkey(nidx),strenumvalue(1),CONST_STRING) strShareString=strenumstringval &chr(1) & strenumstringpath ' Checking for same share with share path is existing in dictionary object.
if objDict.Exists(strShareString) then strDictValue= objDict.Item(strShareString) & " U" 'append 'U' to identify as NFS share objDict.Item(strShareString)= strDictValue else If strenumstringval <> "" then objDict.Add strShareString,chr(1) & "U" end if end if
Next ' Destroying dynamically created objects set ObjConnection = Nothing set objRegistryHandle = Nothing End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsServiceInstalled 'Description: checks whether the service is installed or not 'Input Variables: None 'Oupput Variables: returns true if service installed else false 'Returns: None 'GlobalVariables: in: L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsServiceInstalled(ObjWMI,strService) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objService 'hold Service object Dim instService 'hold instance of Service object
IsServiceInstalled = false 'get the instances of win32_service set objService = ObjWMI.Instancesof("win32_service") If Err.number <>0 then call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE) end if for each instService in objService if ucase(instService.name) = ucase(strService) then IsServiceInstalled = true exit function end if next
'Destroying dynamically created objects set objService = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub Routine name: GetFtpShares ' Description: Gets Ftp Shares from SA machine and adds to Dictionary Object. ' Input Variables: objDict(dictionary object) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: in: L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetFtpShares(ByRef objDict) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objConnection 'hold Connection name Dim objFtpnames 'hold Ftp VirtualDir object Dim instFtpname 'hold instances of Ftp VirtualDir object Dim strShareString 'hold the share as STRING Dim strTemp 'hold temporary array of FTP name Dim strDictvalue 'hold item of dictionary object 'get the WMI connection set ObjConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'get the ioncatnces of IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting class Set objFtpnames = objConnection.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting")) If Err.number <>0 then call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE) end if ' Adding all Ftp shares to Dictionary Object. For Each instFtpname in objFtpnames strTemp=split(instFtpname.name,"/") ' Displaying only Root level ftp Shares if ubound(strTemp)=3 then strShareString=strTemp(ubound(strTemp))&chr(1)&instFtpname.path ' Checking whether the sharename with same path is existing in the dictionary object if objDict.Exists(strShareString) then if instr(objDict.item(strShareString),"F")=0 then strDictValue=objDict.Item(strShareString) & " F" 'append 'F' to identify FTP share objDict.Item(strShareString)= strDictValue end if else objDict.Add strShareString,chr(1)&"F" end if end if Next ' Destroying dynamically created objects set objConnection = Nothing set objFtpnames = Nothing
End sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub Routine name: GetHttpShares ' Description: Gets Http Shares from localmachine and adds to ' Dictionary Object. ' Input Variables: objDict(dictionary object) ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: in: L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GetHttpShares(ByRef objDict) Err.Clear On Error resume next Dim objConnection 'hold Connection name Dim objHttpnames 'hold virtual dir setting object Dim strShareString 'hold the share as STRING Dim strDictvalue 'hold item of dictionary object Dim strSiteName 'hold site name Dim objWebRoot 'hold ADSI connection to site Dim instWeb 'hold site instance 'get WMI Connection set ObjConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'get the instances of IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting Set objHttpnames = objConnection.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDirSetting")) If Err.number <>0 then call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE) end if 'Get Metabase name of "Shares" site strSiteName=GetSharesWebSiteName()
'Connect to IIS provider Set objWebRoot = GetObject( "IIS://" & request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/" & strSiteName & "/root") index = -1
For Each instWeb in objWebRoot strShareString=instWeb.name & chr(1) & instWeb.path If objDict.Exists(strShareString) Then If instr(objDict.item(strShareString),"H")=0 Then strDictValue=objDict.Item(strShareString) & " H" 'append 'H' to identify HTTP/WebDAV share objDict.Item(strShareString)= strDictValue End If Else objDict.Add strShareString,chr(1)&"H" End If Next
'Destroying dynamically created objects set objConnection = Nothing set objHttpnames = Nothing Set objWebRoot = Nothing End sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetSystemName() ' Description: gets the system name ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Computer name ' Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetSystemName() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim WinNTSysInfo ' hold WinNT system object
Set WinNTSysInfo = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo") GetSystemName = WinNTSysInfo.ComputerName 'get the computer name ' Destroying dynamically created objects Set WinNTSysInfo =Nothing End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetWebSiteID ' Description: Get web site name ' Input Variables: strWebSiteNamee ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: website name ' Global Variables: IN:G_objHTTPService '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebSiteID( strWebSiteName ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strWMIpath 'hold query string for WMI Dim objSiteCollection 'hold Sites collection Dim objSite 'hold Site instance 'Build the query for WMI strWMIpath = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where servercomment =" & chr(34) & strWebSiteName & chr(34) set objSiteCollection = G_objHTTPService.ExecQuery(strWMIpath) for each objSite in objSiteCollection GetWebSiteID = objSite.Name Exit For Next 'Destroying dynamically created object set objSiteCollection = Nothing
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: FolderExists() ' Description: Validating the folder exists or not. ' Input Variables: strShareName ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: True/False ' Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function FolderExists( strShareName )
Dim objFso 'hold filesystem object FolderExists = False Set objFso = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFso.FolderExists( strShareName ) Then FolderExists = True End if ' Destroying dynamically created objects Set objFso = Nothing
End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub Routine name: GetNetWareShares ' Description: Gets All NetWare Shares from local machine and ' adds to Dictionary Object ' Input Variables: objDict(dictionary object) ' Output Variables: objDict ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: in: ' CONST_REGISTRY_NETWARE_PATH holds registry path for Netware '------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetNetWareShares(ByRef objDict) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objRegistryHandle 'hold Registry connection Dim intenumkey 'hold enum key value as INTEGER Dim strenumvalue 'hold enum key value as STRING Dim strenumstringpath 'hold value of the registry key Dim nidx 'hold count Dim ObjConnection 'hold Connection to WMI Dim strDictValue 'hold string value of dictionary object Dim strShareString 'hold the share as STRING set ObjConnection = getWMIConnection("Default") 'gets WMI connection ' Check whether the Netware service is installed on the machine or not if not IsServiceInstalled(ObjConnection,"FPNW") then Exit sub end if ' Get the registry connection Object set objRegistryHandle = RegConnection() ' RegEnumKey function gets the Subkeys in the given Key and Returns ' an array containing sub keys from registry intenumkey = RegEnumKeyValues(objRegistryHandle,CONST_REGISTRY_NETWARE_PATH) For nidx= 0 to (ubound(intenumkey)) strenumstringpath = getRegkeyvalue(objRegistryHandle,CONST_REGISTRY_NETWARE_PATH,intenumkey(nidx),CONST_MULTISTRING) If ubound(strenumstringpath)>= 2 then strShareString= trim(intenumkey(nidx)) & chr(1) & Mid(trim(strenumstringpath(1)),6) Else strShareString= trim(intenumkey(nidx)) &chr(1) & Mid(trim(strenumstringpath(0)),6) End if if objDict.Exists(strShareString) then strDictValue= objDict.Item(strShareString) & " N" 'append 'N' for Netware shares objDict.Item(strShareString)= strDictValue else If strShareString <> "" then objDict.Add strShareString,chr(1) & "N" end if end if Next ' Destroying dynamically created objects set ObjConnection = Nothing set objRegistryHandle = Nothing End Sub '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub Routine name: GetAppleTalkShares ' Description: Gets all AppleTalk Shares from SA machine and ' adds to Dictionary Object ' Input Variables: objDict(dictionary object) ' Output Variables: objDict ' Returns: None ' Global Variables: in: CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH - Registry path to access Appletalk Shares '------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetAppleTalkShares(ByRef objDict) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objRegistryHandle 'hold Registry connection Dim intenumkey 'hold enum key value as INTEGER Dim strenumvalue 'hold enum key value as STRING Dim strenumstringval 'hold enum key value as STRING Dim strenumstringpath 'hold value of the registry key Dim nidx 'hold count Dim ObjConnection 'hold WMI connection object Dim strDictValue 'hold string value of dictionary object Dim strShareString 'hold the share as STRING set ObjConnection = getWMIConnection("Default") 'gets the WMI connection ' Check whether the service is installed on the machine or not if not IsServiceInstalled(ObjConnection,"MacFile") then Exit sub end if ' Get the registry connection Object. set objRegistryHandle = RegConnection() ' RegEnumKey function gets the Subkeys in the given Key and Returns ' an array containing sub keys from registry intenumkey = RegEnumKeyValues(objRegistryHandle,CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH) For nidx= 0 to (ubound(intenumkey)) strenumstringpath = getRegkeyvalue(objRegistryHandle,CONST_REGISTRY_APPLETALK_PATH,intenumkey(nidx),CONST_MULTISTRING) strShareString= trim(intenumkey(nidx)) & chr(1) & Mid(trim(strenumstringpath(3)),6) if objDict.Exists(strShareString) then strDictValue= objDict.Item(strShareString) & " A" 'append 'A' to identify APPLETALK share objDict.Item(strShareString)= strDictValue else If strShareString <> "" then objDict.Add strShareString,chr(1) & "A" end if end if Next ' Destroying dynamically created objects set ObjConnection=Nothing set objRegistryHandle=Nothing End Sub %>