<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' inc_shares.asp: common file for shares pages ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 14 Nov 2001 Creation Date ' 17 March 2001 Modified Date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Global Variables '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Const CONST_NFSSHARE = "NFS SHARE" 'Constant for NFS Share Const CONST_APPLETALKSHARE = "APPLETALK SHARE" 'Constant for AppleTalk 'share Const CONST_OTHERERROR = -100 Const CONST_DUPLICATEERROR = -1 Const CONST_NOERROR = 0 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CifsNewShare 'Description: Creating a new CIFS share 'Input Variables: In:objWmiService - WMI Object ' In:strShareName - Name of the share to be created ' In:strSharePath - Path of the share to be created ' In:strComment - Description of the share to be ' created 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True - Incase share created successfully ' False - Incase Flase If Not Implemented) ' Function used is IsValidWMIInstance '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CifsNewShare(objWmiService, strShareName,strSharePath,strComment) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objCifsShare 'Object to get the Instance of Win32_Share Dim objInParam 'Object to give input parameters for the 'create method of Win32_Share Dim objOutParams 'Object to capture results of the create 'method of Win32_Share Dim StrUniqueCifsShareName 'Creation of an appropriate string to check 'if valid instance CifsNewShare = CONST_OTHERERROR StrUniqueCifsShareName = "name=" & chr(34) & Cstr(strShareName) & chr(34) If IsValidWMIInstance(objWmiService,"Win32_Share",StrUniqueCifsShareName)Then 'Implies Share already Exists CifsNewShare = CONST_DUPLICATEERROR Exit Function End If Set objCifsShare=objWmiService.get("Win32_Share") If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_SHAREWMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function end if Set objInParam = objCifsShare.Methods_("Create").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() If Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End if objInParam.Properties_.Item("Description") = cstr(strComment) objInParam.Properties_.Item("Name") = cstr(strSharename) objInParam.Properties_.Item("Path") = cstr(strSharePath) objInParam.Properties_.Item("MaximumAllowed")=4294967295 objInParam.Properties_.Item("Type") = 0 Set objOutParams = objCifsShare.ExecMethod_("Create", objInParam) If objOutParams.ReturnValue <> 0 Then Exit Function end if CifsNewShare = CONST_NOERROR 'Clean objects Set objCifsShare =nothing Set objInParam =nothing Set objOutParams =nothing End function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: FtpNewShare 'Description: Creating a New ftp Share 'Input Variables: In:objWmiService ' In:strShareName ' In:strSharePath ' In:strComment 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True If share successfully created ' Flase If share not created ' Function used is IsValidWMIInstance '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function FtpNewShare(objWmiService, strShareName, strSharePath) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFtpCon Dim objFtpInstance Dim objFtpConNew Dim strTempSharename Dim strUniqueFtpshareName
'Error other than the same share name FtpNewShare = CONST_OTHERERROR strUniqueFtpshareName = "name=" & chr(34) & "MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/" & cstr(strShareName) & chr(34) if IsValidWMIInstance(objWmiService, GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDir"),strUniqueFtpshareName) then FtpNewShare = CONST_DUPLICATEERROR Exit Function end if
Set objFtpCon = objWmiService.get(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDir")) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_SHAREWMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If
Set objFtpInstance = objFtpCon.SpawnInstance_() If Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End If
objFtpInstance.Name = "MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/" & cstr(strShareName) If Err.number <> 0 then Exit Function End If
objFtpInstance.Put_() If Err.number <> 0 then Exit Function End If
strTempSharename = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting") & ".name=" & chr(34) & "MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/" & cstr(strShareName) & chr(34) Set objFtpConNew = objWmiService.get(strTempSharename) If Err.number <> 0 then Exit Function End If objFtpConNew.path = cstr(strSharePath) If Err.number <> 0 then Exit Function End If
objFtpConNew.Put_() If Err.number <> 0 then Exit Function End If FtpNewShare = CONST_NOERROR 'Clean Objects set objFtpConNew = nothing Set objFtpInstance=nothing set objFtpCon = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: HttpNewShare 'Description: Creating a new http Share 'Input Variables: In:strShareName ' In:strSharePath 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: CONST_NOERROR - If share successfully created ' CONST_DUPLICATEERROR,CONST_OTHERERROR - If share creation failed Flase ' Function used is IsValidWMIInstance, '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function httpnewshare(objWmiService, strShareName,strSharePath) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
' objWmiService is not used as ADSI is being used Dim objHttpCon ' to get the Shares Site Dim objHtpInstance ' to create the new Virtual Directory Dim strHttpShareName ' to form the Query for getting the required object Dim strSiteName ' to get the Site Name for the shares (example:w3svc/10) Const ERR_DUPLICATE_HTTPSHARE = &H800700B7 ' to check for duplicate share name 'Error other than the same share name httpnewshare = CONST_OTHERERROR ' get the site number belonging to the "Shares" Site ' Example: W3SVC/10 strSiteName=GetSharesWebSiteName()
' form the query to get the Shares Site object ' Example: IIS://CompName/W3SVC/10/Root strHttpShareName = "IIS://" & GetComputerName() & "/" & strSiteName & "/Root"
' Get the Object where the share needs to be created Set objHttpCon = GetObject(strHttpShareName) If Err.number <> 0 Then Err.Clear Exit Function End If ' Create the new Virtual Directory share Set objHtpInstance = objHttpCon.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", strShareName)
If Err.number <> 0 then If Err.number = ERR_DUPLICATE_HTTPSHARE Then httpnewshare = CONST_DUPLICATEERROR ' duplicate share name End If Err.Clear Exit Function End If objHtpInstance.EnableDirBrowsing=True objHtpInstance.AccessNoRemoteScript=True objHtpInstance.EnableDefaultDoc=False
' Set the share path objHtpInstance.Put "path", cstr(strSharePath)
If Err.number <> 0 then Err.Clear Exit Function End If ' bring the changes to effect objHtpInstance.SetInfo If Err.number <> 0 then Err.Clear Exit Function End If
' return 0 to indicate no errors httpnewshare = CONST_NOERROR 'clean Objects Set objHttpCon = nothing Set objhtpInstance = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: IsValidWMIInstance 'Description: Checks the instance for validness. 'Input Variables: objService - object to WMI ' strClassName - WMI class name ' strPropertyName - Property name of the class ' 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Returns true on Valid Instance , ' False on invalid and also on Error ' Checks whether the given instance is valid in WMI.Returns true on valid ' false on invalid or Error. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsValidWMIInstance(objService,strClassName,strPropertyName) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
Dim strInstancePath Dim objInstance
strInstancePath = strClassName & "." & strPropertyName Set objInstance = objservice.Get(strInstancePath)
if NOT isObject(objInstance) or Err.number <> 0 Then IsValidWMIInstance = FALSE Err.Clear Else IsValidWMIInstance = TRUE End If 'clean objects Set objInstance=nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: deleteShareCIFS 'Description: Serves in Deleting the cifs share 'Input Variables: objWmiService ' In:strShareName 'sharename 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: ( True/False) ' 'Function's used are IsValidWMIInstance '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function deleteShareCIFS(objWmiService, strShareName) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFileServer Dim strServerName Dim StrUniqueCifsShareName
deleteShareCIFS = FALSE StrUniqueCifsShareName = "name=" & chr(34) & cstr(strShareName) & chr(34) if not IsValidWMIInstance(objWmiService,"Win32_Share",StrUniqueCifsShareName) then Exit Function End if strServerName = GetComputerName() Set objFileServer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strServerName & "/lanmanserver") If Err.Number <> 0 then Err.clear Exit Function end if
objFileServer.Delete "Fileshare", strShareName If Err.Number <> 0 then Err.clear Exit Function end if deleteShareCIFS = TRUE 'Clean objects Set objFileServer= Nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: deleteShareNFS 'Description: Serves in Deleting the NFS share 'Input Variables: In:objRegConn ' In:strShareName 'sharename 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: ( True/False) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function deleteShareNFS(strShareName) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strCommand deleteShareNFS = False strCommand=strShareName & " /DELETE" If SharesAtCmdLine(strCommand,CONST_NFSSHARE) = "True" Then deleteShareNFS=True Exit Function End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: deleteShareHTTP 'Description: Serves in Deleting the http share 'Input Variables: In:objWmiService ' In:strShareName 'sharename 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: ( True/False) ' ' Function's used are IsValidWMIInstance '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function deleteShareHTTP(objWmiService, strShareName) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim strQuery Dim objHttp Dim strSiteName deleteShareHTTP = FALSE strSiteName=GetSharesWebSiteName() strQuery = "name=" & chr(34) & strSiteName & "/ROOT/" & cstr(strShareName) & chr(34) if not IsValidWMIInstance(objWmiService,GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDir"),strQuery) then Exit Function End if strQuery = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebVirtualDir") & "." & strQuery Set objHttp = objWmiService.Get(strQuery) If Err.Number <> 0 then Err.clear Exit Function end if
objHttp.Delete_() If Err.Number <> 0 then Err.clear Exit Function end if deleteShareHTTP = TRUE
'clean objects Set objHttp = nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: deleteShareFTP 'Description: Serves in Deleting the FTP share 'Input Variables: 'In:objWmiService 'In:strShareName 'sharename 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: ( True/False) ' Function's used are IsValidWMIInstance '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function deleteShareFTP(objWmiService, strShareName) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim strQuery Dim objFtp deleteShareFTP = FALSE
strQuery = "Name=" & Chr(34) & "MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/"& strShareName & Chr(34) if not IsValidWMIInstance(objWmiService,GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDir"),strQuery) then Exit Function End if strQuery = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_FtpVirtualDir") & "." & strQuery Set objFtp = objWmiService.Get(strQuery) If Err.Number <> 0 then Err.clear Exit Function end if objFtp.Delete_() If Err.Number <> 0 then Err.clear Exit Function End If deleteShareFTP = TRUE 'clean Objects Set objFtp =nothing End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: deleteShareAppleTalk 'Description: Serves in Deleting the APPLETALK share 'Input Variables: In:strShareName 'sharename 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: ( True/False) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function deleteShareAppleTalk(strShareName) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strCommand deleteShareAppleTalk = False strCommand = "VOLUME /REMOVE /NAME:" & """" & strShareName & """" If SharesAtCmdLine(strCommand,CONST_APPLETALKSHARE) = "False" Then Exit Function End If deleteShareAppleTalk = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CreateNFSShare 'Description: Creating the NewNFSShare 'Input Variables: strShareName , strSharePath , strPerm 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: CONST_NOERROR ' CONST_DUPLICATEERROR -same share name ' CONST_OTHERERROR -other error 'Made use of registry related functions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateNFSShare(ByVal strShareName ,ByVal strSharePath , ByVal strPerm) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strCommand if instrrev(strSharePath,"\") = len(strSharePath) then strSharePath = left(strSharePath,len(strSharePath)-1) end if 'Forming the command line to execute at command prompt If strPerm = "" then strCommand=strShareName & "=" & Chr(34) & strSharePath & Chr(34) else strCommand=strShareName & "=" & Chr(34) & strSharePath & Chr(34) & " -o " & strPerm end if
' Comment out the following line after 2.01 ' SA_TraceOut "inc_shares.asp", "CreateNFSShare: " & strCommand If SharesAtCmdLine(strCommand,CONST_NFSSHARE) = "False" Then CreateNFSShare = False Exit Function End If CreateNFSShare = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CreateAppleTalkShare 'Description: Creating a new AppleTalk Share 'Input Variables: strShareName , strSharePath , strPerm 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/ False ' 'Made use of registry related functions '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreateAppleTalkShare(byval strShareName ,byval strSharePath , byval strCommand) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next If SharesAtCmdLine(strCommand,CONST_APPLETALKSHARE) = "False" Then CreateAppleTalkShare = False End If
CreateAppleTalkShare=True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: UpdateAppleTalkShare 'Description: Setting the properties of AppleTalk share 'Input Variables: strCommand 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'To update the properties of AppleTalk share '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function UpdateAppleTalkShare(byval strCommand) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next If SharesAtCmdLine(strCommand,CONST_APPLETALKSHARE) = "False" Then UpdateAppleTalkShare = False End If UpdateAppleTalkShare=True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: updateCIFSShareInfo 'Description: updating the changes of CIFSShare 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: In:objWmiService ' In:strNewSharename 'share name ' In:strNewSharePath 'share path ' In:F_strNewDescription 'share description '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function updateCIFSshareInfo(objWmiService, strShareName,strShareNewname,strNewSharePath,strNewDescription) Err.Clear on error resume next if not deleteShareCIFS(objWmiService, strShareName) then updateCIFSshareInfo = false end if if CifsNewShare(objWmiService,strShareNewname,strNewSharePath,"") then updateCIFSshareInfo = true else CifsNewShare objWmiService, strSharename,F_strSharePath,"" end if end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isServiceInstalled 'Description:helper Function to chek whether the Service is installed 'Input Variables: objService - object to WMI ' strServiceName - Service name 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True/Flase) 'GlobalVariables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isServiceInstalled(ObjWMI,strServiceName) Err.clear on error resume next Dim strService Dim strInstancePath Dim objInstance Dim instance Const CONST_SERVICERUNNING = "Running" Const CONST_SERVICESTOPPED = "Stopped" strService = "name=""" & strServiceName & """" strInstancePath = "Win32_Service" & "." & strService Set objInstance = ObjWMI.Get(strInstancePath)
If NOT isObject(objInstance) or Err.number <> 0 Then isServiceInstalled = FALSE Exit Function Else If UCase(objInstance.State) = UCase(CONST_SERVICERUNNING) Then isServiceInstalled = TRUE Exit Function Else If UCase(objInstance.State) = UCase(CONST_SERVICESTOPPED) Then isServiceInstalled = FALSE Exit Function End If End If End If End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetSharesWebSiteName() ' Description: Serves in gettting the name of the "Shares" web site ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: Name of the "Shares" web site ' Global Variables: in: G_strUrl - Return URL to folders and shares tab ' in: L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetSharesWebSiteName Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objConnection Dim strQuery Dim objHttpname,objHttpnames Const WEBSITE_FOR_SHARES="Shares" 'XPE only has one website If CONST_OSNAME_XPE = GetServerOSName() Then 'WMI query strQuery = "Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where Name =" & chr(34) & GetCurrentWebsiteName() & chr(34) Else strQuery = "Select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where ServerComment=" & chr(34) & WEBSITE_FOR_SHARES & chr(34) End If set ObjConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) Set objHttpnames = objConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery) If Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) end if For each objHttpname in objHttpnames GetSharesWebSiteName = objHttpname.Name Exit For Next Set objHttpnames = Nothing set ObjConnection = Nothing
End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: SetDontLogProp ' Description: Serves in setting the DontLog property of the created share ' Input Variables: In:strShareName -name of the Ftp share to be created ' In:nDontLog -Integer value which will set True/False ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: TRUE/FALSE on success/Failure ' Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetDontLogProp(strShareName, nDontLog) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objVirtualDirectory Set objVirtualDirectory=GetObject("IIS://" & getComputerName() & "/MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/" & strShareName) If CBool(CInt(nDontLog)) Then objVirtualDirectory.DontLog=FALSE Else objVirtualDirectory.DontLog=TRUE End If objVirtualDirectory.SetInfo 'Set to nothing Set objVirtualDirectory=Nothing If Err.number <> 0 Then SetDontLogProp=TRUE Exit Function End IF SetDontLogProp=FALSE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: LaunchProcess ' Description: Setting the launch process ' Input Variables: strCommand,strCurDir ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: TRUE/FALSE on Success/Failure ' Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function LaunchProcess(strCommand, strCurDir) Err.Clear On error Resume Next Dim objService,objClass,objProc,objProcStartup Dim nPID Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) Set objClass = objService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup") Set objProcStartup = objClass.SpawnInstance_() objProcStartup.ShowWindow = 2 Set objProc = objService.Get("Win32_Process")
' ' Start the process Call SA_TraceOut("INC_SHARES", "Invoking objProc.Create(" & strCommand & ", " & strCurDir & ", ...)") Call objProc.Create(strCommand, strCurDir, objProcStartup,nPID) ' ' Check for startup error If Err.number <> 0 Then LaunchProcess = Err.Number Exit function End If
' ' Wait for process to complete. ' Call SA_TraceOut("INC_SHARES", "Waiting for process " & nPID & " to complete") Const TIME_TO_SLEEP = 200 ' Sleep 2/10 second Dim bProcessIsBusy ' Process is busy boolean flag Dim iTimeOutCounter ' Timeout counter
iTimeOutCounter = 50 ' Upper limit on our patience is 10 seconds, we are a hasty bunch. bProcessIsBusy = TRUE
' ' While our process is still busy OR the Timeout counter has NOT expired ' while ( bProcessIsBusy AND iTimeOutCounter > 0 )
bProcessIsBusy = FALSE ' Assume process is done
iTimeOutCounter = iTimeOutCounter - 1 ' Decrement time-out
' ' Query the active processes to see if the process we ' spawned is still active. Dim oProcesses Dim oProcess Set oProcesses = objService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process where processId=" & nPID) For each oProcess in oProcesses ' ' Found our process, it's still busy bProcessIsBusy = TRUE Next Set oProcesses = Nothing
' ' Check for any errors, this should never happen. If it does we trace an error and continue. The ' time-out will break us out of this loop. If ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then Call SA_TraceOut("INC_SHARES", "Unexpected error querying Win32_Process, error: " & Hex(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description) End If
If ( bProcessIsBusy ) Then Call SA_TraceOut("INC_SHARES", "Count down for process " & nPID & " is " & iTimeOutCounter) Call SA_Sleep(TIME_TO_SLEEP) End If WEnd LaunchProcess = 0 ' We have no way of knowing the process exit code with the Win32_Process interface
'clean up Set objProc = Nothing Set objProcStartup = Nothing Set objClass = Nothing Set objService = Nothing
End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: SharesAtCmdLine ' Description: Creation/Deletion of Shares thru Cmd line ' Input Variables: strCommand, strShareType ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: TRUE/FALSE on success/Failure ' Global Variables: None ' Forming the Command Line command and launching the command line utility ' for NFS, APPLETALK '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SharesAtCmdLine(strCommand,strShareType) Err.clear On Error Resume Next Dim strCurDir Dim returnValue Dim blnReturnFlag 'initialize blnReturnFlag = "True" strCurDir=GetSystemPath() If UCase(strShareType) = UCASE(CONST_NFSSHARE) Then strCurDir = Left(strCurDir,3) strCommand = "cmd.exe /c " & "nfsshare.exe " & strCommand End If If UCase(strShareType) = UCASE(CONST_APPLETALKSHARE) Then strCommand= "cmd.exe /c " & "macfile.exe " & strCommand End If ' Comment out the following line after 2.01 ' SA_TraceOut "inc_shares.asp", "SharesAtCommandLine: " & strCommand
returnValue = LaunchProcess(strCommand, strCurDir) If returnValue <> 0 Then blnReturnFlag = "False" SharesAtCmdLine=blnReturnFlag Exit Function End If SharesAtCmdLine=blnReturnFlag End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ServetoListBox 'Description: Serve the <OPTION> HTML code 'Input Variables: String containing values to be displayed as <Option> values 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServetoListBox(strInput) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
Dim arrInput Dim nIndex Dim arrTemp arrInput = split(strInput,chr(1))
for nIndex = 1 to ubound(arrInput) if instr(arrInput(nIndex),chr(2)) = 0 then Response.write "<OPTION VALUE='" & arrInput(nIndex) &"'> " _ & arrInput(nIndex) &"</OPTION>" else arrTemp = split(arrInput(nIndex),chr(2)) Response.write "<OPTION VALUE='" & arrTemp(0) &"'> " _ & arrTemp(1) &"</OPTION>" end if next End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: buildSpaces 'Description: Helper function to return String with nbsps which ' act as spaces in the list box 'Input Variables: nSpacesCount - Number of spaces ' 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: spacesstring -Returns the nbsp string '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function buildSpaces(nSpacesCount) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim i , strSpace
strSpace=" " 'Forming a string with the count send as parameter For i=1 To nSpacesCount strSpace=strSpace & " " Next buildSpaces=strSpace End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isValidInstance 'Description: Checks the instance for valid ness. 'Input Variables: objService - object to WMI ' strClassName - WMI class name ' strPropertyName - Property name of the class ' 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Returns true on Valid Instance , ' False on invalid and also on Error ' Checks whether the given instance is valid in WMI.Returns true on valid ' false on invalid or Error. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isValidInstance(objService,strClassName,strPropertyName) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
Dim strInstancePath Dim objInstance
On Error Resume Next strInstancePath = strClassName & "." & strPropertyName
Set objInstance = objservice.Get(strInstancePath)
if NOT isObject(objInstance) or Err.number <> 0 Then isValidInstance = FALSE Err.Clear Else isValidInstance = TRUE End If End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetSystemPath() 'Description: To get the Operating System path 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Operating system path 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetSystemPath() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objOS 'Create instance of Win32_OperatingSystem Dim objOSInstance Dim strSystemPath 'OS path Dim objConnection 'Connection to WMI Dim strQuery 'Query string strQuery = "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem" 'Connection to WMI set objConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'Error message incase faield to connect to WMI If Err.number<>0 then Call SA_ServeFailurePageEx(L_FAILEDTOGETWMICONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) GetSystemPath="" Exit Function End if 'Execute Query Set objOS = objConnection.ExecQuery(strQuery) 'Get OS installed path For Each objOSInstance in objOS strSystemPath = objOSInstance.SystemDirectory Next Set objOS = Nothing Set objOSInstance = Nothing Set objConnection = Nothing GetSystemPath = strSystemPath End Function '---------------------CIFS Common Functuion ----------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: checkradio ' Description: gets the CIFS properties from system ' Input Variables: intMaxValue - Userlimit value ' intCheck - radio button value(y/n) ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: True on sucess, False on error (and error msg ' will be set by SA_SetErrMsg) ' Global Variables: ' Out: F_nUserLimit - Allow user Limit value( + ve integer) ' Out: F_strUserlimitcheck_n - Allow users radio status value ' Out: F_strUserlimitcheck_y - Allow users radio status value ' Out: F_strUservaluedisable - Allow user textbox status value ' Out: F_strAllowUsersData -,seperated string of allowuser flag and value ' Sets the CIFS Allow maximum option radio buttons values .and updates F_strAllowUsersData ' used while setting the property '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function checkradio(intMaxValue,intCheck) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear F_nUserLimit=intMaxValue if intCheck="n" then F_strUserlimitcheck_n="CHECKED" F_strUservaluedisable = "" F_strAllowUsersData ="n" & "," & intMaxValue else F_strUserlimitcheck_y="CHECKED" F_strUservaluedisable ="DISABLED" F_strAllowUsersData ="y" & "," end if End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: SetTrustee ' Description: returns Trustee object with user,domain and SID object ' Input Variables: strDomain - Domain name ' strName - User name ' objSID - SID object ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Return Trustee object ' Global Variables: In: L_DACLOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE ' Creates Trustee object on error of creation it displays error using SA_SetErrMsg() '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetTrustee(strDomain, strName, objSID) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objTrustee Set objTrustee = GetObject("Winmgmts:" & SA_GetWMIConnectionAttributes() & "!root/cimv2:Win32_Trustee").SpawnInstance_ If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_DACLOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" Exit Function End If objTrustee.Domain = strDomain objTrustee.Name = strName objTrustee.Properties_.Item("SID") = objSID Set SetTrustee = objTrustee End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: SetACE ' Description: returns ACE object with AccessMask, AceFlags, ' AceType, Trustee object set. ' Input Variables: nAccessMask - accessmask value ' nAceFlags - ace flag value ' nAceType - ace type( allow-0 or deny-1) ' objTrustee - trustee object ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Return ACE object ' Global Variables: In: L_ACEOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE ' Creates ACE object on error of creation it displays error using SA_SetErrMsg() '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SetACE(nAccessMask, nAceFlags, nAceType, objTrustee) On Error Resume Next Err.clear Dim objACE Set objACE = GetObject("Winmgmts:" & SA_GetWMIConnectionAttributes() & "!root/cimv2:Win32_Ace").SpawnInstance_ If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_ACEOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" Exit Function End If objACE.Properties_.Item("AccessMask") = nAccessMask objACE.Properties_.Item("AceFlags") = nAceFlags objACE.Properties_.Item("AceType") = nAceType objACE.Properties_.Item("Trustee") = objTrustee Set SetACE = objACE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getsidvalue ' Description: returns SID value in string format ' Input Variables: strDomain - Domain name ' strUsername - User name ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: SID value in string format ' Global Variables: In: L_SIDOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE ' In: G_objService - object of WMI service ' returns SID value in string format on error of creation it displays error using SA_SetErrMsg() '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getsidvalue(strUsername,strDomain) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objSID Dim objInstance Dim strSID Dim strComputerName strComputerName = chr(34) & GetComputerName() & chr(34) strUsername = chr(34) & strUsername & chr(34) strDomain = chr(34) & strDomain & chr(34) Set objInstance = G_objService.Get("Win32_Account.Domain="& strDomain & ",Name="&strUsername) ' ' In GetSystemAccount() (inc_accountsgroups.asp), NT Authority is used as the domain name. ' However, in XPE, NT Authority is not queryable thru WMI (not a valid domain name). ' To minimize the change, we still keep the NT Authority as the domain name, but when query ' for a Win32_Account object fails, we check whether the domain name is NT Authority, ' if it is, we try to use the computername as the domain name and do a WMI query again. ' The same is true for the domain name "Builtin". ' ' Also in XPE, the "Everyone" domain is not "" anymore, but the computername. ' if (Not IsObject(objInstance)) Then if (strDomain = chr(34) & getNTAuthorityDomainName(G_objService) & chr(34)) or _ (strDomain = chr(34) & getBuiltinDomainName(G_objService) & chr(34)) or _ (strDomain = chr(34) & "" & chr(34)) Then ' Clean the error caused by invalid domain name of NT Authority or Builtin if Err.number <> 0 Then Err.Clear End If Set objInstance = G_objService.Get("Win32_Account.Domain="& strComputerName & ",Name="&strUsername) End If End If strSID = objInstance.SID strSID = chr(34) & strSID & chr(34) Set objSID = G_objService.Get("Win32_SID.SID="&strSID) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_SIDOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" Exit Function End If getsidvalue= objSID.BinaryRepresentation End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getBinarySIDforstirngSID ' Description: returns SID value in Binary Representation ' Input Variables: strSID - SID value in string format ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: SID value in Binary format ' Global Variables: In: L_SIDOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE ' In: G_objService - object of WMI service ' returns SID value in Binary format on error of creation it displays error using SA_SetErrMsg() '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getBinarySIDforstirngSID(strSID) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objSID strSID = chr(34) & strSID & chr(34) Set objSID = G_objService.Get("Win32_SID.SID=" & strSID) If Err.number <> 0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_SIDOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" Exit Function End If getBinarySIDforstirngSID= objSID.BinaryRepresentation End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getShareCacheProp ' Description: gets the CIFS share cache properties from registry. ' Input Variables: strShareName - CIFS sharename ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Folder cache option value ' returns Folder cache option value. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getShareCacheProp(strShareName) Err.Clear On Error Resume next Dim G_objCIFSRegistry Dim strPath Dim arrControllist Dim strCSCFlag set G_objCIFSRegistry = RegConnection() strPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares" arrControllist = getRegkeyvalue(G_objCIFSRegistry,strPath,strShareName,CONST_MULTISTRING) if instr(arrControllist(0),"CSCFlags") > 0 then strCSCFlag = split(arrControllist(0),"=") getShareCacheProp = strCSCFlag(1) else getShareCacheProp = "0" End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: setShareCacheProp ' Description: sets the CIFS cache properties into registry. ' Input Variables: strShareName - CIFS share name ' nCacheOption - Folder cache option value ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: True on success false on failure ' Global Variables: in: L_FAILEDTOSETCACHEOPTION_ERRORMESSAGE ' sets the CIFS cache properties into registry. on Error sets error message ' using SA_SetErrMsg() '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function setShareCacheProp(strShareName,nCacheOption) on Error Resume next Err.Clear Dim objCache
Set objCache = CreateObject("ShareSetInfo.ShareInfo")
Select Case nCacheOption case 16 call objCache.SetShareInfo(strShareName, CONST_CIFS_CACHE_AUTO_DOCS)
case 32 call objCache.SetShareInfo(strShareName, CONST_CIFS_CACHE_AUTO_PROGRAMS)
case 48 call objCache.SetShareInfo(strShareName, CONST_CIFS_CACHE_DISABLE)
Case Else call objCache.SetShareInfo(strShareName, CONST_CIFS_CACHE_MANUAL_DOCS)
End Select
if Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOSETCACHEOPTION_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" setShareCacheProp = false Exit Function End If
setShareCacheProp = true
End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: restartServerService ' Description: stops and starts the 'Server' service ' Input Variables: None. ' Output Variables: None. ' Return Values: True on success false on failure ' Global Variables: in: G_objService - object to WMI Service ' In: L_FAILEDSTART_ERRORMESSAGE ' In: L_FAILEDTOGETOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE ' In: L_FAILEDTOSETCACHEOPTION_ERRORMESSAGE ' stops 3 services(Distributed filesystem service,Computer Browser service ' Server service and Starts Server service. on Error sets error message ' using SA_SetErrMsg() '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function restartServerService() Err.Clear On Error Resume next Dim objRPCServer Dim objDFSServer Dim objBROWSERServer Set objRPCServer = G_objService.get("Win32_Service.Name=" & chr(34) & "lanmanserver" & chr(34)) if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOGETOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If set objDFSServer = G_objService.get("Win32_Service.Name=" & chr(34) & "Dfs" & chr(34)) if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOGETOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If set objBROWSERServer = G_objService.get("Win32_Service.Name=" & chr(34) & "Browser" & chr(34)) if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOGETOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If 'stopping the server service objDFSServer.ExecMethod_ "StopService",null,0,null if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOSTOP_DFSSERVICE_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If objBROWSERServer.ExecMethod_ "StopService",null,0,null if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOSTOP_BROWSERSERVICE_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If objRPCServer.ExecMethod_ "StopService",null,0,null if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOSTOP_SERVERSERVICE_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If
'starting the service objDFSServer.ExecMethod_ "StartService",null,0,null if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDSTART_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If objBROWSERServer.ExecMethod_ "StartService",null,0,null if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDSTART_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If objRPCServer.ExecMethod_ "StartService",null,0,null if Err.number <>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_FAILEDSTART_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.Number & ")" restartServerService = false Exit function End If Set objRPCServer =Nothing restartServerService = True End Function '---------------------End CIFS Common Functuions ------------------------------- '---------------------FTP Common Functuions ----------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetFTPShareObject ' Description: Serves in getting the share object ' If any error, calls Call SA_ServeFailurePageExand never returns ' This is a support function for SetFTPshareProp and ' FTPOnInitPage ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: the FTP Share Object from WMI ' (for getting or setting the properties for the share) ' Global Variables: ' In: L_* - Localization content(form label text) ' In: F_strShareName - the name of the share ' (comes from the previous page) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetFTPShareObject() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFTPShare ' the share object for which properties are read/changed Dim objService ' the service object to get wmi connection Dim strQuery ' the path of the object to be obtained
' build the query to get the object ' example for share object: "MSFTPSVC/1/ROOT/myVirtualDir") strQuery = GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_FtpVirtualDirSetting") & ".Name=" & Chr(34) & CONST_FTPWMIPATH & F_strShareName & Chr(34)
' get the wmi connection first Set objService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) If Err.Number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurePageEx (L_SHAREWMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE ,mstrReturnURL) Set objService = Nothing Exit Function End If ' get the required shared object Set objFTPShare = objService.Get(strQuery) If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' the share is removed/renamed Call SA_ServeFailurePageEx (L_SHARE_NOT_FOUND_ERRORMESSAGE, mstrReturnURL)
Set objFTPShare = Nothing Set objService = Nothing Exit Function End If ' set the return value Set getFTPShareObject = objFTPShare ' clean up Set objFTPShare = Nothing Set objService = Nothing End Function '---------------------End of FTP Common Functuions ----------------------------------- '--------------------- HTTP Common Functuions ----------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: getHTTPShareObject ' Description: Serves in getting the share object ' If any error, calls Call SA_ServeFailurePageExand never returns ' This is a support function for SetHTTPshareProp and ' HTTPOnInitPage ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: the HTTP Share Object from ADSI(for getting or setting the properties for the share) ' Global Variables: In: L_* - Localization content(form label text) ' In: F_strShareName - the name of the share ' (comes from the previous page) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getHTTPShareObject() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
Dim objHTTPShare ' the share object for which properties are read/changed Dim strQuery ' the path of the object to be obtained Dim strSiteName ' the "Shares" Site name (example: w3svc/10) strSiteName=GetSharesWebSiteName() ' build the query to get the object ' example for share object: "IIS://CompName/w3svc/10/Root") strQuery = CONST_IIS & GetComputerName() & "/" & strSiteName & CONST_ROOT & F_strShareName ' get the required shared object Set objHTTPShare = GetObject(strQuery) If Err.Number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_SHARE_NOT_FOUND_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) Exit Function End If ' set the return value Set getHTTPShareObject = objHTTPShare ' clean up Set objHTTPShare = Nothing End Function '--------------------- END OF HTTP Common Functuions ----------------------------------- '--------------------- General Common Functuions ----------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ShowErrorMessage 'Description: to display error messages accordingly(either ' duplicate share name/share name not valid) 'Input Variables: arrStr 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Error message 'Global Variables: None ' in:L_(*) '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ShowErrorMessage(arrStr) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim strErrMsg 'var to store the Error message strErrMsg = L_SHARESTATUS_ERRORMESSAGE & "<I>" &arrStr(0)&"</I>" & "<BR>" ShowErrorMessage = strErrMsg End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ShowError 'Description: to display error withred color 'Input Variables: strMsg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ShowErrorinRed(strMsg) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next 'displays error withred color Response.write "<font color='red'>" & strMsg & "*</font>" End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SelectCheckBox 'Description: to display the check box 'Input Variables: strCheckBoxName,blnCheck,blnDisabled 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SelectCheckBox(strCheckBoxName,blnCheck,blnDisabled) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strCheckBox 'to hold HTML contents strCheckBox = "<input type='checkbox' class='FormCheckBox' value='" & strCheckBoxName &"' name='clients'" 'to display the checkbox as checked If blnCheck Then strCheckBox = strCheckBox & "checked" End If 'to display the checkbox as disabled If blnDisabled Then strCheckBox = strCheckBox & " disabled" End If 'displaying the checkbox and it's calling disabledescription function 'on click event strCheckBox = strCheckBox &" >" response.write strCheckBox End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: FrameErrorMessage 'Description: to frame error messages to display error messages ' accordingly(either duplicate share name/share name not valid) 'Input Variables: arrStr,nRetVal,strShareType 'Output Variables: arrStr 'Returns: Error messages 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function FrameErrorMessage( arrStr,nRetVal,strShareType) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Select Case nRetVal Case -100 'case other than duplicate share arrStr(0) = arrStr(0) & strShareType Case -1 'case for duplicate share name arrStr(1) = arrStr(1)& strShareType End select End Function '--------------------- General Common Functions -----------------------------------
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetSystemDrive() 'Description: To get the Operating System Drive 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Operating system Drive 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetSystemDrive Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
Dim objFso
GetSystemDrive = "C:"
Set objFso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Err.Number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "GetSystemDrive", "failed to call CreateObject" Exit Function End If
GetSystemDrive = objFso.GetSpecialFolder(0).Drive If Err.Number <> 0 Then SA_TraceOut "GetSystemDrive", "failed to call GetSpecialFolder" Exit Function End If
End Function
Function Ping(ByVal sIP) on error resume next err.Clear()
Dim oHelper Ping = FALSE
Set oHelper = CreateObject("ComHelper.NetworkTools") if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then Call SA_TraceOut("INC_SHARES", "Error creating ComHelper.NetworkTools object, error: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number))) Exit Function End If
Ping = oHelper.Ping(sIP) if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then Ping = FALSE Call SA_TraceOut("INC_SHARES", "oHelper.Ping(), error: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) + " " + Err.Description) Exit Function End If
if ( Ping > 0 ) Then Ping = TRUE End If Set oHelper = Nothing
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isPathExisting 'Description: checks for the directory existing 'Input Variables: strDirectoryPath 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None ' True ->If Implemented properly ' False->If Not Implemented '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isPathExisting(strDirectoryPath) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFSO 'to create filesystemobject instance isPathExisting = true 'get the filesystemobject instance Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Checks for existence of the given path If NOT objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectoryPath) Then 'Checks if the given path is drive only If NOT objFSO.DriveExists(strDirectoryPath) Then isPathExisting = False Exit Function End if End If 'clean the object Set objFSO = nothing End Function %>