<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FTP_MasterSettings.asp: Set FTP Master Settings Values ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 08-11-2000 Created date ' 15-01-2001 Modified for new Framework '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %>
<!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp"---> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/wsa/inc_wsa.asp" -->
<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Form Variables '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim F_FTPEnabled 'Whether FTP service is enabled (started) or not Dim F_selectDirListStyle 'Directory Listing Style Dim F_FTPMaxCon 'Maximum Connections Dim F_FTPCon_Timeout 'Conection Time out Dim FTPInstalled 'Holds a boolean value to check whether FTP 'service is installed
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim G_objService Dim G_objSites
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Start of localization content '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim L_FTPTASKTITLETEXT Dim L_WEBROOTDIR Dim L_ENABLEFTP Dim L_DIRLISTINGSTYLE Dim L_MAX_CONNECTIONSTEXT Dim L_CON_TIMEOUT Dim L_SECONDSTEXT Dim L_NOT_NTFS_DRIVE_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_FAILED_CREATE_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_INVALID_DRIVE_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_UNABLE_TO_SETREGISTRY Dim L_UNABLE_TO_SETMASTERSETTINGS Dim L_CONLIMIT_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_CONTIMEOUT_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_UNABLETOCREATE_KEY_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_SET_WEBROOT_VAL_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_FAIL_TO_GET_FTPSITEROOT_DIR Dim L_INVALID_DIR_FORMAT_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_INVALID_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_DIRPATHEMPTY_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_FTPNOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE Dim L_ENABLE_FTP_SERVICE Dim L_ID_NOTEMPTY_ERROR_MESSAGE Dim L_SITE_IDENTIFIER_EMPTY_TEXT Dim L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE L_FTPTASKTITLETEXT = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "4042001A", "") L_WEBROOTDIR = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "4042001B", "") L_ENABLEFTP = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "4042001D", "") L_DIRLISTINGSTYLE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "4042001F", "") L_MAX_CONNECTIONSTEXT = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "40420008", "") L_CON_TIMEOUT = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "40420021", "") L_SECONDSTEXT = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "40420006", "") L_NOT_NTFS_DRIVE_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C042000D", "") L_FAILED_CREATE_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C042000E", "") L_INVALID_DRIVE_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420022", "") L_UNABLE_TO_SETREGISTRY = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420055", "") L_UNABLE_TO_SETMASTERSETTINGS = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420054", "") L_CONLIMIT_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C042000B", "") L_CONTIMEOUT_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420053", "") L_UNABLETOCREATE_KEY_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420018", "") L_SET_WEBROOT_VAL_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420019", "") L_FAIL_TO_GET_FTPSITEROOT_DIR = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420023", "") L_INVALID_DIR_FORMAT_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "40420004", "") L_INVALID_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C042004B", "") L_DIRPATHEMPTY_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C042004C", "") L_FTPNOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "C0420058", "") L_ENABLE_FTP_SERVICE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "4042005B", "") L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE = GetLocString("GeneralSettings.dll", "4042005D", "") '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'END of localization content '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Create property page Dim rc Dim page
rc=SA_CreatePage(L_FTPTASKTITLETEXT,"",PT_PROPERTY,page) 'Serve the page If(rc=0) then SA_ShowPage(page) End if '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnInitPage() 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. ' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) InitObjects() if FTPInstalled = false then ServeFailurePage L_FTPNOTINSTALLED_ERRORMESSAGE ,sReturnURL end if SetVariablesFromSystem() OnInitPage = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnServePropertyPage() 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this ' method to serve content 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServePropertyPage(ByRef PageIn,Byref EventArg) Call ServeCommonJavaScript() Call ServePage() OnServePropertyPage = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnPostBackPage() 'Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn ,ByRef EventArg) OnPostBackPage = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnSubmitPage() 'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing. ' Use this method to process the submit request. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn ,ByRef EventArg)
OnSubmitPage = ServeVariablesFromForm() End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnClosePage() 'Description: Called when the page is about closed.Use this method ' to perform clean-up processing 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn ,ByRef EventArg) OnClosePage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript 'Description: Serves in initialiging the values,setting the form ' data and validating the form values 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeCommonJavaScript() %> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/wsa/inc_wsa.js" --> <script language="JavaScript">
//init function function Init() { var FTPinst = "<%=Server.HTMLEncode(FTPInstalled)%>"; if (FTPinst == "False") { document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.disabled = true; document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.disabled = true; document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.disabled = true; document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.disabled = true; document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.value = ""; document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.value = ""; document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.style.backgroundColor = "c0c0c0"; document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.style.backgroundColor = "c0c0c0"; document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.style.backgroundColor = "c0c0c0"; } } //Validates user input
function ValidatePage() {
var FTPinst = "<%=Server.HTMLEncode(FTPInstalled)%>"; if (FTPinst == "True") { var ConTime = document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.value; var MaxCon = document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.value; if( MaxCon =="" ) { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_CONLIMIT_ERRORMESSAGE)) %>"); return false; } } var ConTime = document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.value; var MaxCon = document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.value; if(ConTime=="" || ConTime==0) { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_CONTIMEOUT_ERRORMESSAGE))%>"); return false; } if(MaxCon=="" || MaxCon == 0) { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_CONLIMIT_ERRORMESSAGE)) %>"); return false; } UpdateHiddenVariables(); return true; } function checkKeyforValidCharacters(strID) { var len = strID.length; var charAtPos; if(len > 0) { for(var i=0; i<len;i++) { charAtPos = strID.charCodeAt(i); if(charAtPos ==47 || charAtPos == 42 || charAtPos == 63 || charAtPos == 34 || charAtPos == 60 || charAtPos == 62 || charAtPos == 124 || charAtPos == 91 || charAtPos == 93 || charAtPos == 59 || charAtPos == 43 || charAtPos == 61 || charAtPos == 44) { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_INVALID_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE))%>"); return false; } } return true; } else { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_DIRPATHEMPTY_ERRORMESSAGE))%>"); return false; } } function checkforEmptyMaxCon() { var strMaxCon = document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.value; if (strMaxCon == "" ) { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_CONTIMEOUT_ERRORMESSAGE)) %>"); document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.focus(); return false; } if (strMaxCon == 0 ) { document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.value =1; } } function checkforEmptyConTimeOut() { var strConTimeOut = document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.value; if (strConTimeOut == "") { SA_DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_CONTIMEOUT_ERRORMESSAGE)) %>"); document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.focus(); return false; } if (strConTimeOut == 0) { document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.value = 1; } } function SetData() { UpdateHiddenVariables(); } function UpdateHiddenVariables() { document.frmTask.hdnFTPEnabled.value = document.frmTask.chkEnableFTP.checked; document.frmTask.hdnFTPMaxCon.value = document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.value; document.frmTask.hdnFTPConTimeout.value = document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.value; document.frmTask.hdnFTPListStyle.value = document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.options[document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.selectedIndex].value; } // Enable FTP clicked function EnableFtp() { EnableOK(); if ( document.frmTask.chkEnableFTP.checked == false ) { document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.disabled = true; document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.disabled = true; document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.disabled = true; } else { document.frmTask.selectDirListStyle.disabled = false; document.frmTask.txtMaxCon.disabled = false; document.frmTask.txtConTimeOut.disabled = false; } } </script> <% End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServePage() 'Description: For displaying outputs HTML to the user 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: L_DELETE_CONFIRM_TEXT '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServePage %> </h5><br><BR> <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 style="LEFT: 12px; TOP: 15px" class="TasksBody"> <% Dim bIsFTPEnabled bIsFTPEnabled = false if IsFTPEnabled() Then ' Check if FTP service is running if IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning() Then ' Check if admin FTP server bIsFTPEnabled = true ' exists and is running End If End If %> <TR> <TD width="50%"> <% if bIsFTPEnabled then%> <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=chkEnableFTP class="formField" value="true" checked tabIndex=1"> <% else %> <INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=chkEnableFTP class="formField" value="false" tabIndex=1"> <% end if %> <%=L_ENABLE_FTP_SERVICE%> </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%=L_DIRLISTINGSTYLE%> </TD> <TD> <SELECT name=selectDirListStyle style="HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 85px" tabIndex=3 class="formField" value="<%=F_selectDirListStyle%>"> <% if F_selectDirListStyle = "UNIX" then %> <OPTION selected value="UNIX">UNIX</OPTION> <OPTION value="MS-DOS">MS-DOS</OPTION> <%else%> <OPTION value="UNIX">UNIX</OPTION> <OPTION selected value="MS-DOS">MS-DOS</OPTION> <%end if%> </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%=L_MAX_CONNECTIONSTEXT%> </TD> <TD> <INPUT name=txtMaxCon size=10 class="formField" tabIndex=4 value="<%=F_FTPMaxCon%>" OnKeyUP="javaScript:checkUserLimit(this,'conftp');" OnKeypress="javaScript:checkKeyforNumbers(this);" onblur = "checkforEmptyMaxCon();"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%=L_CON_TIMEOUT%> </TD> <TD> <INPUT name=txtConTimeOut size=10 class="formField" tabIndex=5 value="<%=F_FTPCon_Timeout%>" OnKeyUP="javaScript:checkUserLimit(this,'contimeout');" OnKeypress="javaScript:checkKeyforNumbers(this);" onblur = "checkforEmptyConTimeOut()"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<input type=hidden name=hdnFTPMaxCon value = "<%=F_FTPMaxCon%>" > <input type=hidden name=hdnFTPConTimeout value = "<%=F_FTPCon_Timeout%>" > <input type=hidden name=hdnFTPListStyle value = "<%=F_selectDirListStyle%>" > <input type=hidden name=hdnFTPEnabled> <% End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ServeVariablesFromForm() 'Description: Serves in getting the data from Client 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeVariablesFromForm 'setting the form variables F_selectDirListStyle = Request.Form("hdnFTPListStyle") F_FTPMaxCon = Request.Form("hdnFTPMaxCon") F_FTPCon_Timeout = Request.Form("hdnFTPConTimeout") F_FTPEnabled = Request.Form("hdnFTPEnabled") 'set the FTP master settings If ConfigWebServer()then ServeVariablesFromForm = true else ServeVariablesFromForm = false end if
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: InitObjects 'Description: Initialization of global variables is done 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: true/false 'Global Variables: G_objService ' G_objSites '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function InitObjects() Err.Clear on error resume next ' Get instances of IIS_FTPServiceSetting that are visible throughout Set G_objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) set G_objSites = G_objService.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_FTPServiceSetting"))
if Err.number <> 0 or G_objSites.count = 0 then FTPInstalled = false Err.Clear else FTPInstalled = true end if end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ConfigWebServer 'Description: Sets Master Settings 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: true/false 'Global Variables: G_objService ' G_objSites '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ConfigWebServer() Err.Clear on error resume next ConfigWebServer = false 'init global var FTPInstalled InitObjects() ' ' First, set the proper state for FTP service ' ' If user select to enable FTP service if F_FTPEnabled = "true" Then 'If FTP Service is not started, we need to start it 'and set it state to automatic If Not IsFTPEnabled Then Call EnableFTP() End If if Not IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning() Then
If IsAdminFTPServerExist() Then 'Stop the running FTP server If Not StopDefaultFTPServer() Then SetErrMsg L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If If Not StartAdminFTPServer() Then SetErrMsg L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If
'If admin FTP server does not exist, create and start it 'when create it, it will start be default. If Not CreateAdminFTPServer() Then SetErrMsg L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If 'Stop the running FTP server If Not StopDefaultFTPServer() Then SetErrMsg L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If If Not StartAdminFTPServer() Then SetErrMsg L_CREATEADMINFTPSERVER_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If End If End If elseif F_FTPEnabled = "false" Then 'If admin FTP server is running, stop it. Otherwise, do nothing. if IsAdminFTPServerExistAndRunning() Then if StopAdminFTPServer() Then ConfigWebServer = true Else SA_TraceOut "Ftp_MasterSettings", "Failed to stop admin FTP Server" End If End If else Call SA_TraceOut("Ftp_MasterSettings.asp", "ConfigWebServer(): Unexpected Error") End If 'Set the FTP mastersettings if FTPInstalled = true then if NOT SetMasterSiteSettings() then ServeFailurePage L_UNABLE_TO_SETMASTERSETTINGS ,sReturnURL exit function end if end if 'Release the objects set G_objSites = nothing set G_objService = nothing ConfigWebServer = true end function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ValidateInputs 'Description: Validates the inputs 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: true/false 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ValidateInputs() Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objFso,nRetVal
ValidateInputs = false ' Check whether directory exists ' If directory does not exist, create the web site if the drive letter is valid ' else give error message Set objFso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if Err.number <> 0 then SetErrMsg L_FILEINFORMATION_ERRORMESSAGE exit function end if 'nRetVal = CreateSitePath( objFso, F_FTPRootDir ) if nRetVal <> CONST_SUCCESS then
exit Function
end if
'release the object set objFso = nothing ValidateInputs = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetMasterSiteSettings 'Description: sets the FTP master settings 'Input Variables: None 'Returns: true/false 'Global Variables: None '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function SetMasterSiteSettings() Err.Clear on error resume next Dim instSite Dim objService Dim objSites SetMasterSiteSettings = false Set objService = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) set objSites = objService.InstancesOf(GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIS_FTPServiceSetting"))
if Err.number <> 0 or objSites.count = 0 then exit function end if for each instSite in objSites if instSite.Name = "MSFTPSVC" then 'instSite.AllowAnonymous = F_FTPAllowAnonymous if F_selectDirListStyle = "UNIX" then instSite.MSDosDirOutput = false else instSite.MSDosDirOutput = true end if 'set max connections if trim(F_FTPMaxCon) = "" then instSite.MaxConnections = 100000 else instSite.MaxConnections = clng(F_FTPMaxCon) end if 'set connection timeout if trim(F_FTPCon_Timeout) = "" then instSite.ConnectionTimeout = 900 else instSite.ConnectionTimeout = clng(F_FTPCon_Timeout) end if instSite.Put_(WBEMFLAG) if err.number <> 0 then SA_TraceOut "FTP_Master Settings", "Unable to set the FTP Master Settings" exit function end if SetMasterSiteSettings = true exit for end if next 'Release the objects set objSites = nothing set objService = nothing SetMasterSiteSettings = true
End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetWebSiteRootVal 'Description: sets the FTP site root dir to the registry key 'Input Variables: strWebRootDir 'Returns: true/false 'Global Variables: None '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function SetWebSiteRootVal(strWebRootDir) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim IRC, objGetHandle, rtnCreateKey SetWebSiteRootVal = FALSE set objGetHandle = RegConnection() rtnCreateKey = RegCreateKey(objGetHandle,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY) If Err.number <> 0 then SetErrMsg L_UNABLETOCREATE_KEY_ERRORMESSAGE exit function end if IRC = objGetHandle.SetStringValue(G_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,CONST_WEBBLADES_REGKEY,CONST_FTPSITEROOT_REGVAL,strWebRootDir)
If Err.number <> 0 then SetErrMsg L_SET_WEBROOT_VAL_FAILED_ERRORMESSAGE exit function end if 'release the object set objGetHandle = nothing SetWebSiteRootVal = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: SetVariablesFromSystem 'Description: Serves in Getting the data from Client 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: G_objSites '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function SetVariablesFromSystem Err.Clear on Error resume next
Dim nRetval Dim instSite for each instSite in G_objSites if instSite.Name = "MSFTPSVC" then if instSite.MSDosDirOutput = false then 'get Directory listing style F_selectDirListStyle = "UNIX" else F_selectDirListStyle = "MS-DOS" end if F_FTPMaxCon = instSite.MaxConnections 'get max connection value F_FTPCon_Timeout = instSite.ConnectionTimeout 'get connection timeout value exit for end if next End Function %>