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;// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
;// FILE
;// nicglobal.mc
;// NAS Server resources - English
;// 05 Aug 2000 Original version
; ;// please choose one of these severity names as part of your messages
; SeverityNames = ( Success = 0x0:SA_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational = 0x1:SA_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning = 0x2:SA_SEVERITY_WARNING Error = 0x3:SA_SEVERITY_ERROR ) ; ;// The Facility Name identifies the Alert ID range to be used by
;// the specific component. For each new message you add, choose the
;// facility name corresponding to your component. If none of these
;// correspond to your component, add a new facility name with a new
;// value and name.
FacilityNames = ( Facility_NICGLOBAL = 0x032:SA_FACILITY_NICGLOBAL )
;// NIC Global Strings
MessageId = 100 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_PAGETITLE Language = English Global Network Settings . MessageId = 101 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_DNSSUFFIXESTOUSE Language = English DNS suffixes to use: . MessageId = 102 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_APPEND_PRIMARYDNSSUFFIX Language = English Append primary DNS suffix . MessageId = 103 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_APPEND_PRIMARYDNSSUFFIX_AND_PARENTSUFFIXES Language = English Append parent suffixes of the primary DNS suffix . MessageId = 104 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_APPEND_SPECIFIC_DNSSUFFIXES Language = English Append specific DNS suffixes . MessageId = 105 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_DNSSUFFIXES Language = English DNS suffixes: . MessageId = 106 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ADD Language = English Add . MessageId = 107 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_REMOVE Language = English Remove . MessageId = 108 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_LMHOSTS Language = English LMHOSTS: . MessageId = 109 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ENABLED_LMHOSTS_LOOKUP Language = English Enable LMHOSTS lookup . MessageId = 110 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_NO_IPENABLED_NICCARDS_FOUND_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English No IP enabled NIC cards have been found. . MessageId = 111 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_UNABLETOFINDLMHOSTSPATH_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to find the LMHOSTS path. . MessageId = 112 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_FILE_OPEN_ERROR_MESSAGE Language = English Unable to open the LMHOSTS file. . MessageId = 113 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERROR_IN_UPDATINGDNSSUFFIXES_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English An error occurred while attempting to update the DNS suffixes. . MessageId = 114 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERROR_OCCURED_WHILE_UPDATING_HOSTSFILE Language = English An error occurred while attempting to update the Hosts file. . MessageId = 115 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_INVALID_SEARCH_METHOD_TEXT Language = English The current Search Method setting requires at least one DNS suffix. Enter a DNS suffix or change the setting. . MessageId = 116 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_INVALID_DNSNAME_TEXT Language = English Domain suffix is not a valid suffix. . MessageId = 117 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_COULDNOTGET_WIN32NETADAPTERCONFIG_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to retrieve the network adapter configuration. . MessageId = 118 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERROR_IN_CREATING_SCRIPTING_FILESYSTEMOBJECT_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English An error occurred while attempting to create the File System object. . MessageId = 119 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERROR_IN_CREATINGTEXTFILE_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English An error occurred while attempting to create the Text file. . MessageId = 120 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERROR_IN_OPENINGTEXTFILE_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English An error occurred while attempting to open the Text file. . MessageId = 121 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERROR_OCCURED_WHILE_READING_HOSTSFILE Language = English An error occurred while attemptng to read the Text file. . MessageId = 122 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_FAILEDTOGETWMICONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The connection to WMI failed. . MessageId = 123 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_SERVERCONNECTIONFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English The connection has failed. . MessageId = 124 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_CANNOTREADFROMREGISTRY_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to read from the registry. . MessageId = 125 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_CANNOTUPDATEREGISTRY_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to update the registry. . MessageId = 126 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_CANNOTCREATEKEY_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to create the registry key. . MessageId = 127 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_CANNOTDELETEKEY_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English Unable to delete the registry key. . MessageId = 128 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_DOMAIN_SUFFIX_TEXT Language = English Domain suffix: . MessageId = 129 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_DNS_RESOLUTION_TEXT Language = English DNS Resolution . MessageId = 130 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_TCP_HOSTS_TEXT Language = English TCP/IP Hosts . MessageId = 131 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_NETBIOS_LMHOSTS_TEXT Language = English NetBIOS LMHOSTS . MessageId = 132 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_IPX_SETTINGS_TEXT Language = English IPX Settings . MessageId = 133 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_IPX_SETTINGS_ERRORMESSAGE Language = English IPX is not available on this server. . MessageId = 134 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_IPX_NETWORKNUMBER_TEXT Language = English Internal network number: . MessageId = 135 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_IPX_NETWORKSETTINGS_TEXT Language = English The IPX internal network number is an eight-digit hexadecimal number. . MessageId = 136 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_LMHOSTS_MESSAGE_TEXT Language = English The LMHOSTS file is used to map NetBIOS names to IP addresses. . MessageId = 147 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_UP Language = English Up . MessageId = 148 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_DOWN Language = English Down . MessageId = 149 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_RESOLUTIONOFUNQUALIFIEDNAMES Language = English To resolve unqualified names: . MessageId = 150 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_APPEND_DNSSUFFIXES Language = English Append the following DNS suffixes, in order of use: . MessageId = 151 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_TCPHOST Language = English Hosts file: . MessageId = 152 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_TCPHOSTTEXT Language = English The hosts file is used to map TCP/IP host names to IP addresses. . MessageId = 153 Severity = Informational Facility = Facility_NICGLOBAL SymbolicName = L_ERR_DNSSUFFIXALREADYEXISTS Language = English The DNS suffix already exists. .