Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%=GetCharSet()%>"> <script language=javascript>
// inc_wsa.js: Resuable JavaScript functions
// used accross all the pages
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Date Description
// 18/09/2000 Created date
// Local variables
var flag="false"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function to clear the error messages (if any on screen) whenever required
function ClearErr() { // checking for the browser type
if (IsIE()) { document.all("divErrMsg").innerHTML = ""; // removing the event handling
document.frmTask.onkeypress = null ; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: To check if given input is INTEGER or not
// input: Text value, text length
// returns: True if the field is integer else false
function isInteger(strText) { var blnResult = true; var strChar; // checking for null string
if (strText.length==0) { blnResult=false; } for(var i=0;i < strText.length;i++) { strChar=strText.substring(i,i+1); if(strChar < "0" || strChar > "9") { blnResult = false; } } return blnResult; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: To count the number of occurences of given character in the text
// input: strText-sourceString
// : charToCount-character to be checked
// returns: The count of no of character
function countChars(strText,charToCount) { var intStartingPosition = 0; var intFoundPosition =0; var intCount = 0; // checking for the null character
if (charToCount=="") { return intCount; } while((intFoundPosition=strText.indexOf(charToCount,intStartingPosition)) >= 0) { intCount++; intStartingPosition = intFoundPosition + 1; } return intCount ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: Check to see if all characters in string are spaces
// input: strText-sourceString
// returns:
// 0 - not all spaces
// 1 - all spaces
function IsAllSpaces(strText) { var bIsAllSpaces;
if (countChars(strText," ") == strText.length) { bIsAllSpaces = 1; } else { bIsAllSpaces = 0; } return bIsAllSpaces ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: isValidIP
// Description: to validate the IP address
// input: IP address text object
// returns:0 if it is valid
// 1 Empty
// 2 Invalid Format, number of dots is not 3
// 3 non-integers present in the value
// 4 start ip > 223
// 5 Should not start with 127
// 6 out of bound
// 7 All zeros
// 8 Should not be 0
// support functions:
// IsAllSpaces
// countChars
// isInteger
function isValidIP(objIP) { var strIPtext = objIP.value; if ((strIPtext.length == 0) || IsAllSpaces(strIPtext)) { // IP Empty
return 1; } if ( countChars(strIPtext,".") != 3) { // Invalid Format, number of dots is not 3
return 2; } var arrIP = strIPtext.split("."); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ( (arrIP[i].length < 1 ) || (arrIP[i].length > 3 ) ) { // Invalid Format, continuous dots or more than 3 digits given between dots
return 2; } if ( !isInteger(arrIP[i]) ) { // non-integers present in the value
return 3; } arrIP[i] = parseInt(arrIP[i]); if(i == 0) { // start IP value
if(arrIP[i] == 0) { // start IP value must not be 0
return 8; }
if(arrIP[i] > 223) { // start IP must not be > 223
return 4; } if(arrIP[i] == 127) { // start IP must not be 127 - Loopback ip
return 5; } } else { // the 2nd, 3rd and 4th IP values between the dots
// these must not be more than 255
if (arrIP[i] > 255) { // IP out of bound
return 6; } } } objIP.value = arrIP.join("."); if(objIP.value == "") { // IP all zeros
return 7; } return 0; } // end of isValidIP
// Function :checkkeyforIPAddress
// Description :function to allow only dots and numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforIPAddress(obj) { // Clear any previous error messages
ClearErr(); if (!(window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57 || window.event.keyCode == 46)) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :checkkeyforNumbers
// Description :function to allow only numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforNumbers(obj) { // Clear any previous error messages
ClearErr(); if(window.event.keyCode == 13 || window.event.keyCode == 27) return; if (!(window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57 )) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :checkKeyforNumbersDecimal
// Description :function to allow only numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforNumbersDecimal(obj) { // Clear any previous error messages
ClearErr(); if(window.event.keyCode == 13 || window.event.keyCode == 27) return; if (!((window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57))) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :checkKeyforCharacters
// Description :function to allow only numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforCharacters(obj) { // Clear any previous error messages
ClearErr(); if (!((window.event.keyCode >=65 && window.event.keyCode <=92)|| (window.event.keyCode >=97 && window.event.keyCode <=123)|| (window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57)|| (window.event.keyCode == 45)|| (window.event.keyCode == 95))) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :headerscheckKeyforCharacters
// Description :function to allow only numbers
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function headerscheckKeyforCharacters(obj) { ClearErr(); if(window.event.keyCode == 59 || window.event.keyCode ==47 || window.event.keyCode == 63 || window.event.keyCode == 58 || window.event.keyCode==64 || window.event.keyCode == 38 || window.event.keyCode == 61 || window.event.keyCode == 36 || window.event.keyCode == 43 ||window.event.keyCode == 44) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :isvalidchar
// Description :Function to check whether the input is valid or not
// input :Invalid char list
// The input string
// returns :true if it doesnt contain the invalid chars; else false
// Checks For Invalid Key Entry
function isvalidchar(strInvalidChars,strInput) { var reInvalid = eval(strInvalidChars); if(reInvalid.test(strInput)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
// Function :checkkeyforNumbers
// Description :Function to check only numbers
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function checkkeyforNumbers(obj) { ClearErr(); if(window.event.keyCode == 13 || window.event.keyCode == 27) return; if (!(window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57)) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } }
// Function :checkfordefPortValue
// Description :Function to set the default port value
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function checkfordefPortValue(obj) { var portValue = obj.value; if (portValue == "") obj.value = 80; }
// Function :checkUserLimit
// Description :Function to check the limit entered
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function checkUserLimit(obj,str) { var intNoofUsers=obj.value; if(str=="siteid") { if (intNoofUsers > 999) { obj.value=""; obj.focus(); } } // Check whether port value greater than 65535
else if(str=="port") { if (intNoofUsers > 65535) { obj.value=80; obj.focus(); } } // Check whether no of connections greater than 2000000000
if(str=="con") { if (intNoofUsers > 2000000000) { obj.value=""; obj.focus(); } } // Check whether filesize greater than 4000 in Weblog and FTPlog settings
if(str=="filesize") { if (intNoofUsers > 4000) { obj.value=""; obj.focus(); } } // Check for script timeout
if(str=="scripttimeout") { if (intNoofUsers > 2147483647) { obj.value="1"; obj.focus(); } } // Check for maximum ftp connections
if(str=="conftp") { if (intNoofUsers > 4294967295) { obj.value=""; obj.focus(); } } // Check for connection timeout
if(str=="contimeout") { if (intNoofUsers > 2000000) { obj.value=""; obj.focus(); } } } // End of the function
// Function :GenerateAdmin
// Description :Function to generate directory path concatenated with site identifier
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function GenerateAdmin() { var strID = document.frmTask.txtSiteID.value; strID = LTrimtext(strID); // Removes all leading spaces.
strID = RTrimtext(strID); // Removes all trailing spaces.
document.frmTask.txtSiteID.value = strID; if(strID.length > 0) { document.frmTask.txtSiteAdmin.value = strID + "_Admin"; document.frmTask.txtDir.value = document.frmTask.hdnWebRootDir.value + "\\" + strID; } else { document.frmTask.txtSiteAdmin.value = ""; document.frmTask.txtDir.value = ""; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :checkKeyforSpecialCharacters
// Description :function to allow Characters
// input :Object -TextBox Object
// returns :none
function checkKeyforSpecialCharacters(obj) { // Clear any previous error messages
ClearErr(); if (window.event.keyCode == 47 || window.event.keyCode == 42 || window.event.keyCode == 63 || window.event.keyCode == 34 || window.event.keyCode == 60 || window.event.keyCode == 62 || window.event.keyCode == 124) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :IsAllDots
// Description :function to check for dots
// input :String
// returns :Boolean
function IsAllDots(strText) { var bIsAllSpaces;
if (countChars(strText,".") == strText.length) { bIsAllSpaces = 1; } else { bIsAllSpaces = 0; } return bIsAllSpaces ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :LTrimtext
// Description :function to remove left trailing spaces
// input :String
// returns :String
function LTrimtext(str) { var res="", i, ch, index; x = str.length; index = "false"; for (i=0; i < str.length; i++) { ch = str.charAt(i); if (index == "false") { if (ch != ' ') { index = "true"; res = ch; } } else { res = res + ch; } } return res; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :RTrimtext
// Description :function to remove right trailing spaces
// input :String
// returns :String
function RTrimtext(str) { var res="", i, ch, index, j, k; x = str.length; index = "false"; if(x==0 || x==1) return str; for(i=x; i >= 0; i--) { ch = str.charAt(i); if (index == "false") { if( (ch == ' ') || (ch == '') ) { continue; } else { index = "true"; j = i; } } if (index == "true") { for(k=0; k<=j; k++) { res = res + str.charAt(k); } return res; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function :charCount
// Description :Function returns length of string
// input :String
// returns :Integer
function charCount(strID) { var Len = strID.length; Len--; while (Len > 0) { var x = strID.charCodeAt(Len); if(x!= 32) { return Len; } Len--; } } //Check whether enterKey is pressed
function GenerateDir() { var strID = document.frmTask.txtSiteID.value; var Keyc = window.event.keyCode; if (Keyc == 13) { if(document.frmTask.txtSiteID.value=="") { DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(L_ID_NOTEMPTY_ERROR_MESSAGE)%>"); document.frmTask.txtSiteID.focus(); return false; } else { GenerateAdmin(); return true; } } } function checkKeyforValidCharacters(strID,identifier) { var i; var colonvalue; var charAtPos; var len = strID.length; if(len > 0) { colonvalue = 0; for(i=0; i < len;i++) { charAtPos = strID.charCodeAt(i); if (identifier == "id") { if(charAtPos ==47 || charAtPos == 92 || charAtPos ==58 || charAtPos == 42 || charAtPos == 63 || charAtPos == 34 || charAtPos == 60 || charAtPos == 62 || charAtPos == 124 || charAtPos == 91 || charAtPos == 93 || charAtPos == 59 || charAtPos == 43 || charAtPos == 61 || charAtPos == 44) { DisplayErr("<%= Server.HTMLEncode(L_SITE_IDENTIFIER_EMPTY_TEXT) %>"); //document.frmTask.txtSiteID.value = "";
document.frmTask.txtSiteID.focus(); return false; } } if(identifier == "dir") { if(charAtPos ==58) { colonvalue = colonvalue + 1; if (colonvalue > 1) { DisplayErr("<%= Server.HTMLEncode(L_INVALID_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE) %>"); document.frmTask.txtDir.value = strID; document.frmTask.txtDir.focus(); return false; } } if(charAtPos ==47 || charAtPos == 42 || charAtPos == 63 || charAtPos == 34 || charAtPos == 60 || charAtPos == 62 || charAtPos == 124 || charAtPos == 91 || charAtPos == 93 || charAtPos == 59 || charAtPos == 43 || charAtPos == 61 || charAtPos == 44) { DisplayErr("<%= Server.HTMLEncode(L_INVALID_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE)%>"); document.frmTask.txtDir.value = strID; document.frmTask.txtDir.focus(); return false; } } } return true; } } </script>