// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _WIN64
#include "AssertWithStack.h"
//--- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------------
#define COUNT_OF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
// Types and Constants --------------------------------------------------------
struct __SYMBOL_INFO { DWORD dwOffset; char achModule[cchMaxAssertModuleLen]; char achSymbol[cchMaxAssertSymbolLen]; };
//--- Function Pointers to APIs in IMAGEHLP.DLL. Loaded dynamically. ---------
typedef LPAPI_VERSION (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_ImagehlpApiVersionEx)( LPAPI_VERSION AppVersion );
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_StackWalk)( DWORD MachineType, HANDLE hProcess, HANDLE hThread, LPSTACKFRAME StackFrame, LPVOID ContextRecord, PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE ReadMemoryRoutine, PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE FunctionTableAccessRoutine, PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE GetModuleBaseRoutine, PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE TranslateAddress );
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_SymGetModuleInfo)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwAddr, OUT PIMAGEHLP_MODULE ModuleInfo );
typedef LPVOID (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_SymFunctionTableAccess)( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD AddrBase );
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_SymGetSymFromAddr)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN DWORD dwAddr, OUT PDWORD pdwDisplacement, OUT PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL Symbol );
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_SymInitialize)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN LPSTR UserSearchPath, IN BOOL fInvadeProcess );
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_SymUnDName)( IN PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL sym, // Symbol to undecorate
OUT LPSTR UnDecName, // Buffer to store undecorated name in
IN DWORD UnDecNameLength // Size of the buffer
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *pfnImgHlp_SymLoadModule)( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN HANDLE hFile, IN PSTR ImageName, IN PSTR ModuleName, IN DWORD BaseOfDll, IN DWORD SizeOfDll );
struct IMGHLPFN_LOAD { LPSTR pszFnName; LPVOID * ppvfn; };
// Globals --------------------------------------------------------------------
static BOOL g_fLoadedImageHlp = FALSE; // set to true on success
static BOOL g_fLoadedImageHlpFailed = FALSE; // set to true on failure
static HINSTANCE g_hinstImageHlp = NULL; static HANDLE g_hProcess = NULL;
pfnImgHlp_ImagehlpApiVersionEx _ImagehlpApiVersionEx; pfnImgHlp_StackWalk _StackWalk; pfnImgHlp_SymGetModuleInfo _SymGetModuleInfo; pfnImgHlp_SymFunctionTableAccess _SymFunctionTableAccess; pfnImgHlp_SymGetSymFromAddr _SymGetSymFromAddr; pfnImgHlp_SymInitialize _SymInitialize; pfnImgHlp_SymUnDName _SymUnDName; pfnImgHlp_SymLoadModule _SymLoadModule;
IMGHLPFN_LOAD ailFuncList[] = { { "ImagehlpApiVersionEx", (LPVOID*)&_ImagehlpApiVersionEx }, { "StackWalk", (LPVOID*)&_StackWalk }, { "SymGetModuleInfo", (LPVOID*)&_SymGetModuleInfo }, { "SymFunctionTableAccess", (LPVOID*)&_SymFunctionTableAccess }, { "SymGetSymFromAddr", (LPVOID*)&_SymGetSymFromAddr }, { "SymInitialize", (LPVOID*)&_SymInitialize }, { "SymUnDName", (LPVOID*)&_SymUnDName }, { "SymLoadModule", (LPVOID*)&_SymLoadModule }, };
//--- Forward declarations ----------------------------------------------------
static int Dummy1(); static int Dummy2();
* Dummy1 * *--------* * Description: * A placeholder function used to determine if addresses being retrieved * are for functions in this compilation unit or not. * * WARNING!! This function must be the first function in this * compilation unit ****************************************************************************/ static int Dummy1() { return 1; }
* IsWin95 * *---------* * Description: * Are we running on Win95 or not. Some of the logic contained here * differs on Windows 9x. * * Return: * TRUE - If we're running on a Win 9x platform * FALSE - If we're running on a non-Win 9x platform ****************************************************************************/ static BOOL IsWin95() { return GetVersion() & 0x80000000; }
* MagicInit * *-----------* * Description: * Initializes the symbol loading code. Currently called (if necessary) * at the beginning of each method that might need ImageHelp to be * loaded. ****************************************************************************/ void MagicInit() { if (g_fLoadedImageHlp || g_fLoadedImageHlpFailed) { return; }
g_hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); //
// Try to load imagehlp.dll
g_hinstImageHlp = LoadLibraryA("imagehlp.dll"); _ASSERT(g_hinstImageHlp);
if (NULL == g_hinstImageHlp) { g_fLoadedImageHlpFailed = TRUE; return; }
// Try to get the API entrypoints in imagehlp.dll
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(ailFuncList); i++) { *(ailFuncList[i].ppvfn) = GetProcAddress( g_hinstImageHlp, ailFuncList[i].pszFnName); _ASSERT(*(ailFuncList[i].ppvfn)); if (!*(ailFuncList[i].ppvfn)) { g_fLoadedImageHlpFailed = TRUE; return; } }
API_VERSION AppVersion = { 4, 0, API_VERSION_NUMBER, 0 }; LPAPI_VERSION papiver = _ImagehlpApiVersionEx(&AppVersion);
// We assume any version 4 or greater is OK.
_ASSERT(papiver->Revision >= 4); if (papiver->Revision < 4) { g_fLoadedImageHlpFailed = TRUE; return; }
g_fLoadedImageHlp = TRUE; //
// Initialize imagehlp.dll
_SymInitialize(g_hProcess, NULL, FALSE);
return; }
* FillSymbolInfo * *----------------* * Description: * Fills in a __SYMBOL_INFO structure ****************************************************************************/ void FillSymbolInfo ( __SYMBOL_INFO *psi, DWORD dwAddr ) { if (!g_fLoadedImageHlp) { return; }
_ASSERT(psi); memset(psi, 0, sizeof(__SYMBOL_INFO));
IMAGEHLP_MODULE mi; mi.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(mi); if (!_SymGetModuleInfo(g_hProcess, dwAddr, &mi)) { strncpy(psi->achModule, "<no module>", sizeof(psi->achModule)-1); } else { strncpy(psi->achModule, mi.ModuleName, sizeof(psi->achModule)-1); strupr(psi->achModule); }
CHAR rgchUndec[256]; CHAR * pszSymbol = NULL;
// Name field of IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL is dynamically sized.
// Pad with space for 255 characters.
union { CHAR rgchSymbol[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL) + 255]; IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL sym; };
__try { sym.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL); sym.Address = dwAddr; sym.MaxNameLength = 255;
if (_SymGetSymFromAddr(g_hProcess, dwAddr, &psi->dwOffset, &sym)) { pszSymbol = sym.Name;
if (_SymUnDName(&sym, rgchUndec, COUNT_OF(rgchUndec)-1)) { pszSymbol = rgchUndec; } } else { pszSymbol = "<no symbol>"; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { pszSymbol = "<EX: no symbol>"; psi->dwOffset = dwAddr - mi.BaseOfImage; }
strncpy(psi->achSymbol, pszSymbol, COUNT_OF(psi->achSymbol)-1); }
* FunctionTableAccess * *---------------------* * Description: * Helper for imagehlp's StackWalk API. ****************************************************************************/ LPVOID __stdcall FunctionTableAccess ( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwPCAddr ) { return _SymFunctionTableAccess( hProcess, dwPCAddr ); }
* GetModuleBase * *---------------* * Description: * Helper for imagehlp's StackWalk API. Retrieves the base address of * the module containing the giving virtual address. * * NOTE: If the module information for the given module hasnot yet been * loaded, then it is loaded on this call. * * Return: * Base virtual address where the module containing ReturnAddress is * loaded, or 0 if the address cannot be determined. ****************************************************************************/ DWORD __stdcall GetModuleBase ( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwAddr ) { IMAGEHLP_MODULE ModuleInfo; ModuleInfo.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(ModuleInfo); if (_SymGetModuleInfo(hProcess, dwAddr, &ModuleInfo)) { return ModuleInfo.BaseOfImage; } else { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; if (VirtualQueryEx(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi))) { if (IsWin95() || (mbi.Type & MEM_IMAGE)) { char achFile[MAX_PATH] = {0}; DWORD cch; cch = GetModuleFileNameA( (HINSTANCE)mbi.AllocationBase, achFile, MAX_PATH);
// Ignore the return code since we can't do anything with it.
_SymLoadModule( hProcess, NULL, ((cch) ? achFile : NULL), NULL, (DWORD)mbi.AllocationBase, 0);
return (DWORD)mbi.AllocationBase; } } }
return 0; }
* GetStackBacktrace * *-------------------* * Description: * Gets a stacktrace of the current stack, including symbols. * * Return: * The number of elements actually retrieved. ****************************************************************************/ UINT GetStackBacktrace ( UINT ifrStart, // How many stack elements to skip before starting.
UINT cfrTotal, // How many elements to trace after starting.
DWORD *pdwEip, // Array to be filled with stack addresses.
__SYMBOL_INFO *psiSymbols // This array is filled with symbol information.
// It should be big enough to hold cfrTotal elts.
// If NULL, no symbol information is stored.
) { DWORD * pdw = pdwEip; __SYMBOL_INFO * psi = psiSymbols;
memset(pdwEip, 0, cfrTotal * sizeof(DWORD));
if (psiSymbols) { memset(psiSymbols, 0, cfrTotal * sizeof(__SYMBOL_INFO)); }
if (!g_fLoadedImageHlp) { return 0; }
HANDLE hThread; hThread = GetCurrentThread();
CONTEXT context; context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
if (GetThreadContext(hThread, &context)) { STACKFRAME stkfrm; memset(&stkfrm, 0, sizeof(STACKFRAME));
stkfrm.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
DWORD dwMachType;
#if defined(_M_IX86)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; // Program Counter
stkfrm.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; // Stack Pointer
stkfrm.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stkfrm.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; // Frame Pointer
stkfrm.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; #elif defined(_M_MRX000)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = context.Fir; // Program Counter
#elif defined(_M_ALPHA)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = (unsigned long) context.Fir; // Program Counter
#elif defined(_M_PPC)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = context.Iar; // Program Counter
#error("Unknown Target Machine");
// Ignore this function (GetStackBackTrace)
ifrStart += 1;
for (UINT i = 0; i < ifrStart + cfrTotal; i++) { if (!_StackWalk(dwMachType, g_hProcess, hThread, &stkfrm, &context, NULL, FunctionTableAccess, GetModuleBase, NULL)) { break; } if (i >= ifrStart && ((void*)stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset < (void*)Dummy1 || (void*)stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset > (void*)Dummy2)) { *pdw++ = stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset;
if (psi) { FillSymbolInfo(psi++, stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset); } } } }
return pdw - pdwEip; }
* GetStringFromSymbolInfo * *-------------------------* * Description: * Actually prints the info into the string for the symbol. ****************************************************************************/ void GetStringFromSymbolInfo ( DWORD dwAddr, __SYMBOL_INFO *psi, // @parm Pointer to __SYMBOL_INFO. Can be NULL.
CHAR *pszString // @parm Place to put string.
) { _ASSERT(pszString);
// <module>! <symbol> + 0x<offset> 0x<addr>\n
if (psi) { wsprintfA(pszString, "%s! %s + 0x%X (0x%08X)", (psi->achModule[0]) ? psi->achModule : "<no module>", (psi->achSymbol[0]) ? psi->achSymbol : "<no symbol>", psi->dwOffset, dwAddr); } else { wsprintfA(pszString, "<symbols not available> (0x%08X)", dwAddr); }
_ASSERT(strlen(pszString) < cchMaxAssertStackLevelStringLen); }
* GetStringFromStackLevels * *--------------------------* * Description: * Retrieves a string from the stack frame. If more than one frame, they * are separated by newlines ****************************************************************************/ void GetStringFromStackLevels ( UINT ifrStart, // @parm How many stack elements to skip before starting.
UINT cfrTotal, // @parm How many elements to trace after starting.
// Can't be more than cfrMaxAssertStackLevels.
CHAR *pszString // @parm Place to put string.
// Max size will be cchMaxAssertStackLevelStringLen * cfrTotal.
) { _ASSERT(pszString); _ASSERT(cfrTotal < cfrMaxAssertStackLevels);
*pszString = '\0';
if (cfrTotal == 0) { return; }
DWORD rgdwStackAddrs[cfrMaxAssertStackLevels]; __SYMBOL_INFO rgsi[cfrMaxAssertStackLevels];
// Ignore this function (GetStringFromStackLevels)
ifrStart += 1;
UINT uiRetrieved = GetStackBacktrace(ifrStart, cfrTotal, rgdwStackAddrs, rgsi);
// First level
CHAR aszLevel[cchMaxAssertStackLevelStringLen]; GetStringFromSymbolInfo(rgdwStackAddrs[0], &rgsi[0], aszLevel); strcpy(pszString, aszLevel);
// Additional levels
for (UINT i = 1; i < uiRetrieved; ++i) { strcat(pszString, "\n"); GetStringFromSymbolInfo(rgdwStackAddrs[i], &rgsi[i], aszLevel); strcat(pszString, aszLevel); }
_ASSERT(strlen(pszString) <= cchMaxAssertStackLevelStringLen * cfrTotal); }
* GetAddrFromStackLevel * *-----------------------* * Description: * Retrieves the address of the next instruction to be executed on a * particular stack frame. * * Return: * The address of the next instruction, * 0 if there's an error. ****************************************************************************/ DWORD GetAddrFromStackLevel ( UINT ifrStart // How many stack elements to skip before starting.
) { MagicInit();
if (!g_fLoadedImageHlp) { return 0; }
HANDLE hThread; hThread = GetCurrentThread();
CONTEXT context; context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
if (GetThreadContext(hThread, &context)) { STACKFRAME stkfrm; memset(&stkfrm, 0, sizeof(STACKFRAME));
stkfrm.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat;
DWORD dwMachType; #if defined(_M_IX86)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = context.Eip; // Program Counter
stkfrm.AddrStack.Offset = context.Esp; // Stack Pointer
stkfrm.AddrStack.Mode = AddrModeFlat; stkfrm.AddrFrame.Offset = context.Ebp; // Frame Pointer
stkfrm.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; #elif defined(_M_MRX000)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = context.Fir; // Program Counter
#elif defined(_M_ALPHA)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = (unsigned long) context.Fir; // Program Counter
#elif defined(_M_PPC)
dwMachType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC; stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset = context.Iar; // Program Counter
#error("Unknown Target Machine");
// Ignore this function (GetStackBackTrace) and the one below
ifrStart += 2;
for (UINT i = 0; i < ifrStart; i++) { if (!_StackWalk(dwMachType, g_hProcess, hThread, &stkfrm, &context, NULL, FunctionTableAccess, GetModuleBase, NULL)) { break; } }
return stkfrm.AddrPC.Offset; }
return 0; }
* GetStringFromAddr * *-------------------* * Description: * Returns a string from an address. ****************************************************************************/ void GetStringFromAddr ( DWORD dwAddr, CHAR *szString // Place to put string.
// Buffer must hold at least cchMaxAssertStackLevelStringLen.
) { _ASSERT(szString);
__SYMBOL_INFO si; FillSymbolInfo(&si, dwAddr);
wsprintfA(szString, "%s! %s + 0x%X (0x%08X)", (si.achModule[0]) ? si.achModule : "<no module>", (si.achSymbol[0]) ? si.achSymbol : "<no symbol>", si.dwOffset, dwAddr); }
* MagicDeinit * *-------------* * Description: * Cleans up for the symbol loading code. Should be called before exit * to free the dynamically loaded imagehlp.dll. ****************************************************************************/ void MagicDeinit(void) { if (g_hinstImageHlp) { FreeLibrary(g_hinstImageHlp);
g_hinstImageHlp = NULL; g_fLoadedImageHlp = FALSE; } }
static int Dummy2() { return 2; }
#endif // _WIN64