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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: bndist.cpp
#include <basetsd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "symtmbn.h"
static void dumpVimd ( const VIMD & vimd ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < vimd.size(); i++ ) { cout << vimd[i]; if ( i + 1 < vimd.size() ) cout << ","; } }
static void dumpVlr ( const VLREAL & vlr ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < vlr.size(); i++ ) { cout << vlr[i]; if ( i + 1 < vlr.size() ) cout << ","; } }
static void dumpSlice ( const MDVSLICE & mslice, bool bStrides = true) { VIMD vimdLengths = mslice.size(); VIMD vimdStrides = mslice.stride(); size_t iStart = mslice.start();
cout << "\nslice start=" << (UINT) iStart << "\tlengths="; dumpVimd( vimdLengths ); if ( bStrides ) { cout << "\tstrides=" ; dumpVimd( vimdStrides ); } cout << "\ttotlen=" << (UINT) mslice._Totlen(); }
static void dumpMdv ( MDVCPD & mdv, const MDVSLICE * pslice = NULL ) { if ( pslice == NULL ) pslice = & mdv.Slice(); dumpSlice( *pslice ); MDVCPD::Iterator itmd(mdv, *pslice ); while (itmd.BNext()) { size_t icurr = itmd.ICurr(); cout << "\n"; dumpVimd( itmd.Vitmd() ); REAL & r = itmd.Next(); cout << "\t[" << (UINT) icurr << "] = " << r ; } cout << "\n"; }
BNDIST :: BNDIST () :_edist(ED_NONE), _pmdvcpd(NULL), _mpcpdd(NULL) { LEAK_VAR_UPD(1) }
BNDIST :: ~ BNDIST () { Clear(); LEAK_VAR_UPD(-1) }
void BNDIST :: NoRef () { delete this; }
BNDIST & BNDIST :: operator = ( const BNDIST & bnd ) { Clear(); switch ( _edist = bnd._edist ) { default: case ED_NONE: break; case ED_DENSE: _pmdvcpd = new MDVCPD( bnd.Mdvcpd() ); assert( _pmdvcpd->first.size() == bnd.Mdvcpd().first.size() ); break; case ED_CI_MAX: case ED_CI_PLUS: case ED_SPARSE: _mpcpdd = new MPCPDD( bnd.Mpcpdd() ) ; assert( _mpcpdd->size() == bnd.Mpcpdd().size() ); break; } return self; }
BNDIST :: BNDIST ( const BNDIST & bnd ) :_edist(ED_NONE), _pmdvcpd(NULL), _mpcpdd(NULL) { (*this) = bnd;
bool BNDIST :: BChangeSubtype ( EDIST edist ) { if ( BDenseType(edist) ^ BDense() ) return false; _edist = edist; return true; }
void BNDIST :: Dump () { if ( _pmdvcpd ) { cout << "\n\tDense version:"; DumpDense(); } if ( _mpcpdd ) { cout << "\n\tSparse version:"; DumpSparse(); } cout << "\n\n"; }
void BNDIST :: DumpSparse () { assert( _mpcpdd ); MPCPDD & dmap = *_mpcpdd; int i = 0; for ( MPCPDD::iterator itdm = dmap.begin(); itdm != dmap.end(); ++itdm, ++i ) { const VIMD & vimd = (*itdm).first; const VLREAL & vlr = (*itdm).second; cout << "\n[" << i << "] ("; dumpVimd(vimd); cout << ")\t"; dumpVlr(vlr); } }
void BNDIST :: DumpDense () { assert( _pmdvcpd ); dumpMdv( *_pmdvcpd ); }
void BNDIST :: ConvertToDense ( const VIMD & vimd ) { assert( _edist == ED_NONE || _edist == ED_SPARSE );
if ( _edist == ED_NONE ) { assert( ! _mpcpdd ); return; } // See if there is a sparse distribution to convert
if ( ! _mpcpdd ) throw GMException( EC_DIST_MISUSE, "no prior sparse distribution to convert" );
int cParent = vimd.size() - 1; int cState = vimd[cParent]; MPCPDD & dmap = *_mpcpdd; VIMD vimdMt; // Empty subscript array
VLREAL vlrDefault(cState); // Default value array
// First, try to find the default entry; use -1 if not found
MPCPDD::iterator itdm = dmap.find(vimdMt); if ( itdm != dmap.end() ) vlrDefault = (*itdm).second; else vlrDefault = -1; // fill the array with -1.
assert( vlrDefault.size() == cState );
// Allocate the new dense m-d array
delete _pmdvcpd; _pmdvcpd = new MDVCPD( vimd ); MDVCPD & mdv = *_pmdvcpd; // Fill each DPI with the appropriate default value
MDVCPD::Iterator itmdv(mdv); for ( int iState = 0; itmdv.BNext() ; iState++ ) { itmdv.Next() = vlrDefault[ iState % cState ]; } //
// Now, iterate over the sparse array and store in the appropriate locations.
// Each entry in the sparse map is a complete state set for the target node.
// Since the child (target) node probabilities are the fastest varying subscript,
// each entry in sparse map is spread across "cState" entries in the dense map.
// Of course, this could be more efficient, but we're just testing for now.
VIMD vimdDense(vimd.size()); for ( itdm = dmap.begin(); itdm != dmap.end() ; ++itdm ) { const VIMD & vimdSub = (*itdm).first; VLREAL & vlrNext = (*itdm).second; for ( int ip = 0 ; ip < cParent; ip++ ) { vimdDense[ip] = vimdSub[ip]; } for ( int ist = 0 ; ist < cState; ++ist ) { vimdDense[cParent] = ist; mdv[vimdDense] = vlrNext[ist]; } } // Finally, nuke the old sparse distribution
delete _mpcpdd; _mpcpdd = NULL; // Set distribution type
_edist = ED_DENSE; }
// Set distribution to "dense"
void BNDIST :: SetDense ( const VIMD & vimd ) { Clear(); _vimdDim = vimd; _pmdvcpd = new MDVCPD( vimd ); _edist = ED_DENSE; }
// Set distribution to sparse
void BNDIST :: SetSparse ( const VIMD & vimd ) { Clear(); _vimdDim = vimd; _mpcpdd = new MPCPDD; _edist = ED_SPARSE; }
// Return the "leak" or "default" vector from a sparse distribution
const VLREAL * BNDIST :: PVlrLeak () const { assert( BSparse() ); const MPCPDD & dmap = Mpcpdd(); const VIMD & vimdDim = VimdDim(); VIMD vimdLeak;
// First try to find the dimensionless "default" vector.
const VLREAL * pvlrDefault = dmap.PVlrDefault();
// Now try to find a specific zeroth vector; note that valarray<T>::resize
// stores all zeroes into the valarray by default. Also, skip the
// loweest dimension, since that's the size of each vector in the
// sparse map.
vimdLeak.resize( vimdDim.size() - 1 ); VLREAL * pvlrLeak = NULL; //MPCPDD::iterator itdm = dmap.find( vimdLeak );
MPCPDD::const_iterator itdm = dmap.find( vimdLeak ); if ( itdm != dmap.end() ) //pvlrLeak = & (*itdm).second;
pvlrLeak = (VLREAL*)& (*itdm).second;
return pvlrLeak ? pvlrLeak : pvlrDefault; }
void BNDIST :: Clone ( const BNDIST & bndist ) { ASSERT_THROW( _edist == ED_NONE, EC_INVALID_CLONE, "cannot clone into non-empty structure" ); self = bndist; }