Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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926 lines
17 KiB

  1. # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="bntsalpha" - Package Owner=<4>
  2. # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 5.00
  3. # ** DO NOT EDIT **
  4. # TARGTYPE "Win32 (ALPHA) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0602
  5. CFG=bntsalpha - Win32 Debug
  6. !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
  7. !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
  9. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "bntsalpha.mak".
  10. !MESSAGE
  11. !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
  12. !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
  13. !MESSAGE
  14. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "bntsalpha.mak" CFG="bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  15. !MESSAGE
  16. !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
  17. !MESSAGE
  18. !MESSAGE "bntsalpha - Win32 Release" (based on\
  19. "Win32 (ALPHA) Dynamic-Link Library")
  20. !MESSAGE "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug" (based on\
  21. "Win32 (ALPHA) Dynamic-Link Library")
  22. !MESSAGE
  23. # Begin Project
  24. # PROP Scc_ProjName ""
  25. # PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
  26. CPP=cl.exe
  27. MTL=midl.exe
  28. RSC=rc.exe
  29. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Release"
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  31. # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
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  43. # ADD CPP /nologo /MT /Gt0 /W3 /GX /O2 /I ".." /D "NDEBUG" /D "BNTS_EXPORT" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NOMINMAX" /YX /FD /GR"" /c
  44. # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  45. # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
  46. BSC32=bscmake.exe
  47. # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
  48. # ADD BSC32 /nologo
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  52. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  53. # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
  54. # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
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  56. # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "AlphaDbg"
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  62. # PROP Target_Dir ""
  63. # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
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  66. # ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /Gt0 /W3 /GX /Zi /Od /I ".." /D "_DEBUG" /D "NTALPHA" /D "NOMINMAX" /D "BNTS_EXPORT" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /GR"" /c
  67. # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
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  75. !ENDIF
  76. # Begin Target
  77. # Name "bntsalpha - Win32 Release"
  78. # Name "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  79. # Begin Source File
  80. SOURCE=..\bndist.cpp
  82. "..\algos.h"\
  83. "..\basics.h"\
  84. "..\bndist.h"\
  85. "..\dyncast.h"\
  86. "..\errordef.h"\
  87. "..\gelem.h"\
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  95. "..\symt.h"\
  96. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  97. "..\zstr.h"\
  98. "..\zstrt.h"\
  99. # End Source File
  100. # Begin Source File
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  104. "..\basics.h"\
  105. "..\bndist.h"\
  106. "..\bnparse.h"\
  107. "..\bnreg.h"\
  108. "..\domain.h"\
  109. "..\dyncast.h"\
  110. "..\enumstd.h"\
  111. "..\errordef.h"\
  112. "..\gelem.h"\
  113. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  114. "..\glnk.h"\
  115. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  116. "..\gmexcept.h"\
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  118. "..\gmprop.h"\
  119. "..\leakchk.h"\
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  122. "..\mdvect.h"\
  123. "..\model.h"\
  124. "..\mscver.h"\
  125. "..\parser.h"\
  126. "..\parsfile.h"\
  127. "..\refcnt.h"\
  128. "..\regkey.h"\
  129. "..\symt.h"\
  130. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  131. "..\zstr.h"\
  132. "..\zstrt.h"\
  133. # End Source File
  134. # Begin Source File
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  138. "..\basics.h"\
  139. "..\bndist.h"\
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  160. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  161. "..\zstr.h"\
  162. "..\zstrt.h"\
  163. # End Source File
  164. # Begin Source File
  165. SOURCE=.\bnts.cpp
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  173. "..\errordef.h"\
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  185. "..\mdvect.h"\
  186. "..\model.h"\
  187. "..\mscver.h"\
  188. "..\recomend.h"\
  189. "..\refcnt.h"\
  190. "..\symt.h"\
  191. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  192. "..\zstr.h"\
  193. "..\zstrt.h"\
  194. ".\bnts.h"\
  195. # End Source File
  196. # Begin Source File
  197. SOURCE=.\bnts.rc
  198. # End Source File
  199. # Begin Source File
  200. SOURCE=.\bntsdata.cpp
  201. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Release"
  202. DEP_CPP_BNTSD=\
  203. "..\enumstd.h"\
  204. ".\bnts.h"\
  205. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  206. DEP_CPP_BNTSD=\
  207. "..\enumstd.h"\
  208. ".\bnts.h"\
  209. !ENDIF
  210. # End Source File
  211. # Begin Source File
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  215. "..\basics.h"\
  216. "..\bndist.h"\
  217. "..\cliqset.h"\
  218. "..\clique.h"\
  219. "..\cliqwork.h"\
  220. "..\dyncast.h"\
  221. "..\enumstd.h"\
  222. "..\errordef.h"\
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  226. "..\glnkenum.h"\
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  230. "..\infer.h"\
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  232. "..\marginals.h"\
  233. "..\margiter.h"\
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  244. "..\zstr.h"\
  245. "..\zstrt.h"\
  246. # End Source File
  247. # Begin Source File
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  249. DEP_CPP_CLIQW=\
  250. "..\algos.h"\
  251. "..\basics.h"\
  252. "..\bndist.h"\
  253. "..\cliqset.h"\
  254. "..\clique.h"\
  255. "..\cliqwork.h"\
  256. "..\dyncast.h"\
  257. "..\enumstd.h"\
  258. "..\errordef.h"\
  259. "..\gelem.h"\
  260. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  261. "..\glnk.h"\
  262. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  263. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  264. "..\gmobj.h"\
  265. "..\gmprop.h"\
  266. "..\infer.h"\
  267. "..\leakchk.h"\
  268. "..\marginals.h"\
  269. "..\margiter.h"\
  270. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  271. "..\mddist.h"\
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  273. "..\model.h"\
  274. "..\mscver.h"\
  275. "..\refcnt.h"\
  276. "..\symt.h"\
  277. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  278. "..\zstr.h"\
  279. "..\zstrt.h"\
  280. # End Source File
  281. # Begin Source File
  282. SOURCE=..\domain.cpp
  283. DEP_CPP_DOMAI=\
  284. "..\algos.h"\
  285. "..\basics.h"\
  286. "..\bndist.h"\
  287. "..\domain.h"\
  288. "..\dyncast.h"\
  289. "..\errordef.h"\
  290. "..\gelem.h"\
  291. "..\glnk.h"\
  292. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  293. "..\leakchk.h"\
  294. "..\mddist.h"\
  295. "..\mdvect.h"\
  296. "..\mscver.h"\
  297. "..\refcnt.h"\
  298. "..\symt.h"\
  299. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  300. "..\zstr.h"\
  301. "..\zstrt.h"\
  302. # End Source File
  303. # Begin Source File
  304. SOURCE=..\expand.cpp
  305. DEP_CPP_EXPAN=\
  306. "..\algos.h"\
  307. "..\basics.h"\
  308. "..\bndist.h"\
  309. "..\dyncast.h"\
  310. "..\enumstd.h"\
  311. "..\errordef.h"\
  312. "..\expand.h"\
  313. "..\gelem.h"\
  314. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  315. "..\glnk.h"\
  316. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  317. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  318. "..\gmobj.h"\
  319. "..\gmprop.h"\
  320. "..\leakchk.h"\
  321. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  322. "..\mddist.h"\
  323. "..\mdvect.h"\
  324. "..\model.h"\
  325. "..\mscver.h"\
  326. "..\refcnt.h"\
  327. "..\symt.h"\
  328. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  329. "..\zstr.h"\
  330. "..\zstrt.h"\
  331. # End Source File
  332. # Begin Source File
  333. SOURCE=..\gndleak.cpp
  334. DEP_CPP_GNDLE=\
  335. "..\algos.h"\
  336. "..\basics.h"\
  337. "..\bndist.h"\
  338. "..\dyncast.h"\
  339. "..\enumstd.h"\
  340. "..\errordef.h"\
  341. "..\gelem.h"\
  342. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  343. "..\glnk.h"\
  344. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  345. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  346. "..\gmobj.h"\
  347. "..\gmprop.h"\
  348. "..\leakchk.h"\
  349. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  350. "..\mddist.h"\
  351. "..\mdvect.h"\
  352. "..\model.h"\
  353. "..\mscver.h"\
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  355. "..\symt.h"\
  356. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  357. "..\zstr.h"\
  358. "..\zstrt.h"\
  359. # End Source File
  360. # Begin Source File
  361. SOURCE=..\gnodembn.cpp
  362. DEP_CPP_GNODE=\
  363. "..\algos.h"\
  364. "..\basics.h"\
  365. "..\bndist.h"\
  366. "..\cliqset.h"\
  367. "..\clique.h"\
  368. "..\domain.h"\
  369. "..\dyncast.h"\
  370. "..\enumstd.h"\
  371. "..\errordef.h"\
  372. "..\gelem.h"\
  373. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  374. "..\glnk.h"\
  375. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  376. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  377. "..\gmobj.h"\
  378. "..\gmprop.h"\
  379. "..\infer.h"\
  380. "..\leakchk.h"\
  381. "..\marginals.h"\
  382. "..\margiter.h"\
  383. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  384. "..\mddist.h"\
  385. "..\mdvect.h"\
  386. "..\model.h"\
  387. "..\mscver.h"\
  388. "..\refcnt.h"\
  389. "..\symt.h"\
  390. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  391. "..\zstr.h"\
  392. "..\zstrt.h"\
  393. # End Source File
  394. # Begin Source File
  395. SOURCE=..\marginals.cpp
  396. DEP_CPP_MARGI=\
  397. "..\algos.h"\
  398. "..\basics.h"\
  399. "..\bndist.h"\
  400. "..\dyncast.h"\
  401. "..\enumstd.h"\
  402. "..\errordef.h"\
  403. "..\gelem.h"\
  404. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  405. "..\glnk.h"\
  406. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  407. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  408. "..\gmobj.h"\
  409. "..\gmprop.h"\
  410. "..\leakchk.h"\
  411. "..\marginals.h"\
  412. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  413. "..\mddist.h"\
  414. "..\mdvect.h"\
  415. "..\model.h"\
  416. "..\mscver.h"\
  417. "..\parmio.h"\
  418. "..\refcnt.h"\
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  420. "..\symt.h"\
  421. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  422. "..\zstr.h"\
  423. "..\zstrt.h"\
  424. # ADD BASE CPP /Gt0
  425. # ADD CPP /Gt0
  426. # End Source File
  427. # Begin Source File
  428. SOURCE=..\margiter.cpp
  430. "..\algos.h"\
  431. "..\basics.h"\
  432. "..\bndist.h"\
  433. "..\dyncast.h"\
  434. "..\enumstd.h"\
  435. "..\errordef.h"\
  436. "..\gelem.h"\
  437. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  438. "..\glnk.h"\
  439. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  440. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  441. "..\gmobj.h"\
  442. "..\gmprop.h"\
  443. "..\leakchk.h"\
  444. "..\marginals.h"\
  445. "..\margiter.h"\
  446. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  447. "..\mddist.h"\
  448. "..\mdvect.h"\
  449. "..\model.h"\
  450. "..\mscver.h"\
  451. "..\parmio.h"\
  452. "..\refcnt.h"\
  453. "..\stlstream.h"\
  454. "..\symt.h"\
  455. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  456. "..\zstr.h"\
  457. "..\zstrt.h"\
  458. # End Source File
  459. # Begin Source File
  460. SOURCE=..\mbnet.cpp
  461. DEP_CPP_MBNET=\
  462. "..\algos.h"\
  463. "..\basics.h"\
  464. "..\bndist.h"\
  465. "..\cliqset.h"\
  466. "..\clique.h"\
  467. "..\dyncast.h"\
  468. "..\enumstd.h"\
  469. "..\errordef.h"\
  470. "..\expand.h"\
  471. "..\gelem.h"\
  472. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  473. "..\glnk.h"\
  474. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  475. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  476. "..\gmobj.h"\
  477. "..\gmprop.h"\
  478. "..\infer.h"\
  479. "..\leakchk.h"\
  480. "..\marginals.h"\
  481. "..\margiter.h"\
  482. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  483. "..\mddist.h"\
  484. "..\mdvect.h"\
  485. "..\model.h"\
  486. "..\mscver.h"\
  487. "..\refcnt.h"\
  488. "..\symt.h"\
  489. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  490. "..\zstr.h"\
  491. "..\zstrt.h"\
  492. # End Source File
  493. # Begin Source File
  494. SOURCE=..\mbnetdsc.cpp
  496. "..\algos.h"\
  497. "..\basics.h"\
  498. "..\bndist.h"\
  499. "..\bnparse.h"\
  500. "..\domain.h"\
  501. "..\dyncast.h"\
  502. "..\enumstd.h"\
  503. "..\errordef.h"\
  504. "..\gelem.h"\
  505. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  506. "..\glnk.h"\
  507. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  508. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  509. "..\gmobj.h"\
  510. "..\gmprop.h"\
  511. "..\leakchk.h"\
  512. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  513. "..\mddist.h"\
  514. "..\mdvect.h"\
  515. "..\model.h"\
  516. "..\mscver.h"\
  517. "..\parser.h"\
  518. "..\parsfile.h"\
  519. "..\refcnt.h"\
  520. "..\symt.h"\
  521. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  522. "..\zstr.h"\
  523. "..\zstrt.h"\
  524. # End Source File
  525. # Begin Source File
  526. SOURCE=..\mbnmod.cpp
  527. DEP_CPP_MBNMO=\
  528. "..\algos.h"\
  529. "..\basics.h"\
  530. "..\bndist.h"\
  531. "..\cliqset.h"\
  532. "..\dyncast.h"\
  533. "..\enumstd.h"\
  534. "..\errordef.h"\
  535. "..\gelem.h"\
  536. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  537. "..\glnk.h"\
  538. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  539. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  540. "..\gmobj.h"\
  541. "..\gmprop.h"\
  542. "..\infer.h"\
  543. "..\leakchk.h"\
  544. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  545. "..\mddist.h"\
  546. "..\mdvect.h"\
  547. "..\model.h"\
  548. "..\mscver.h"\
  549. "..\refcnt.h"\
  550. "..\symt.h"\
  551. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  552. "..\zstr.h"\
  553. "..\zstrt.h"\
  554. # End Source File
  555. # Begin Source File
  556. SOURCE=..\model.cpp
  557. DEP_CPP_MODEL=\
  558. "..\algos.h"\
  559. "..\basics.h"\
  560. "..\bndist.h"\
  561. "..\dyncast.h"\
  562. "..\enumstd.h"\
  563. "..\errordef.h"\
  564. "..\gelem.h"\
  565. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  566. "..\glnk.h"\
  567. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  568. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  569. "..\gmobj.h"\
  570. "..\gmprop.h"\
  571. "..\leakchk.h"\
  572. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  573. "..\mddist.h"\
  574. "..\mdvect.h"\
  575. "..\model.h"\
  576. "..\mscver.h"\
  577. "..\refcnt.h"\
  578. "..\symt.h"\
  579. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  580. "..\zstr.h"\
  581. "..\zstrt.h"\
  582. # End Source File
  583. # Begin Source File
  584. SOURCE=..\ntree.cpp
  585. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Release"
  586. DEP_CPP_NTREE=\
  587. "..\basics.h"\
  588. "..\dyncast.h"\
  589. "..\errordef.h"\
  590. "..\gelem.h"\
  591. "..\glnk.h"\
  592. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  593. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  594. "..\leakchk.h"\
  595. "..\mscver.h"\
  596. "..\ntree.h"\
  597. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  598. DEP_CPP_NTREE=\
  599. "..\basics.h"\
  600. "..\dyncast.h"\
  601. "..\errordef.h"\
  602. "..\gelem.h"\
  603. "..\glnk.h"\
  604. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  605. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  606. "..\leakchk.h"\
  607. "..\mscver.h"\
  608. "..\ntree.h"\
  609. !ENDIF
  610. # End Source File
  611. # Begin Source File
  612. SOURCE=..\parmio.cpp
  613. DEP_CPP_PARMI=\
  614. "..\algos.h"\
  615. "..\basics.h"\
  616. "..\dyncast.h"\
  617. "..\errordef.h"\
  618. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  619. "..\mdvect.h"\
  620. "..\mscver.h"\
  621. "..\parmio.h"\
  622. "..\stlstream.h"\
  623. "..\zstr.h"\
  624. # End Source File
  625. # Begin Source File
  626. SOURCE=..\parser.cpp
  627. DEP_CPP_PARSE=\
  628. "..\algos.h"\
  629. "..\basics.h"\
  630. "..\bndist.h"\
  631. "..\bnparse.h"\
  632. "..\domain.h"\
  633. "..\dyncast.h"\
  634. "..\enumstd.h"\
  635. "..\errordef.h"\
  636. "..\gelem.h"\
  637. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  638. "..\glnk.h"\
  639. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  640. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  641. "..\gmobj.h"\
  642. "..\gmprop.h"\
  643. "..\leakchk.h"\
  644. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  645. "..\mddist.h"\
  646. "..\mdvect.h"\
  647. "..\model.h"\
  648. "..\mscver.h"\
  649. "..\parser.h"\
  650. "..\parsfile.h"\
  651. "..\refcnt.h"\
  652. "..\symt.h"\
  653. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  654. "..\zstr.h"\
  655. "..\zstrt.h"\
  656. # End Source File
  657. # Begin Source File
  658. SOURCE=..\parsfile.cpp
  659. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Release"
  660. DEP_CPP_PARSF=\
  661. "..\basics.h"\
  662. "..\dyncast.h"\
  663. "..\errordef.h"\
  664. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  665. "..\mscver.h"\
  666. "..\parsfile.h"\
  667. "..\zstr.h"\
  668. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  669. DEP_CPP_PARSF=\
  670. "..\basics.h"\
  671. "..\dyncast.h"\
  672. "..\errordef.h"\
  673. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  674. "..\mscver.h"\
  675. "..\parsfile.h"\
  676. "..\zstr.h"\
  677. !ENDIF
  678. # End Source File
  679. # Begin Source File
  680. SOURCE=..\propmbn.cpp
  681. DEP_CPP_PROPM=\
  682. "..\algos.h"\
  683. "..\basics.h"\
  684. "..\bndist.h"\
  685. "..\dyncast.h"\
  686. "..\enumstd.h"\
  687. "..\errordef.h"\
  688. "..\gelem.h"\
  689. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  690. "..\glnk.h"\
  691. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  692. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  693. "..\gmobj.h"\
  694. "..\gmprop.h"\
  695. "..\leakchk.h"\
  696. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  697. "..\mddist.h"\
  698. "..\mdvect.h"\
  699. "..\model.h"\
  700. "..\mscver.h"\
  701. "..\refcnt.h"\
  702. "..\symt.h"\
  703. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  704. "..\zstr.h"\
  705. "..\zstrt.h"\
  706. # End Source File
  707. # Begin Source File
  708. SOURCE=..\recomend.cpp
  709. DEP_CPP_RECOM=\
  710. "..\algos.h"\
  711. "..\basics.h"\
  712. "..\bndist.h"\
  713. "..\cliqset.h"\
  714. "..\dyncast.h"\
  715. "..\enumstd.h"\
  716. "..\errordef.h"\
  717. "..\gelem.h"\
  718. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  719. "..\glnk.h"\
  720. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  721. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  722. "..\gmobj.h"\
  723. "..\gmprop.h"\
  724. "..\infer.h"\
  725. "..\leakchk.h"\
  726. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  727. "..\mddist.h"\
  728. "..\mdvect.h"\
  729. "..\model.h"\
  730. "..\mscver.h"\
  731. "..\parmio.h"\
  732. "..\recomend.h"\
  733. "..\refcnt.h"\
  734. "..\stlstream.h"\
  735. "..\symt.h"\
  736. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  737. "..\zstr.h"\
  738. "..\zstrt.h"\
  739. # End Source File
  740. # Begin Source File
  741. SOURCE=..\regkey.cpp
  742. DEP_CPP_REGKE=\
  743. "..\regkey.h"\
  744. # End Source File
  745. # Begin Source File
  746. SOURCE=..\symt.cpp
  747. DEP_CPP_SYMT_=\
  748. "..\algos.h"\
  749. "..\basics.h"\
  750. "..\bndist.h"\
  751. "..\dyncast.h"\
  752. "..\errordef.h"\
  753. "..\gelem.h"\
  754. "..\glnk.h"\
  755. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  756. "..\leakchk.h"\
  757. "..\mddist.h"\
  758. "..\mdvect.h"\
  759. "..\mscver.h"\
  760. "..\refcnt.h"\
  761. "..\symt.h"\
  762. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  763. "..\zstr.h"\
  764. "..\zstrt.h"\
  765. # End Source File
  766. # Begin Source File
  767. SOURCE=..\utility.cpp
  768. DEP_CPP_UTILI=\
  769. "..\algos.h"\
  770. "..\basics.h"\
  771. "..\bndist.h"\
  772. "..\dyncast.h"\
  773. "..\enumstd.h"\
  774. "..\errordef.h"\
  775. "..\gelem.h"\
  776. "..\gelmwalk.h"\
  777. "..\glnk.h"\
  778. "..\glnkenum.h"\
  779. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  780. "..\gmobj.h"\
  781. "..\gmprop.h"\
  782. "..\infer.h"\
  783. "..\leakchk.h"\
  784. "..\mbnflags.h"\
  785. "..\mddist.h"\
  786. "..\mdvect.h"\
  787. "..\model.h"\
  788. "..\mscver.h"\
  789. "..\refcnt.h"\
  790. "..\symt.h"\
  791. "..\symtmbn.h"\
  792. "..\utility.h"\
  793. "..\zstr.h"\
  794. "..\zstrt.h"\
  795. # End Source File
  796. # Begin Source File
  797. SOURCE=..\zstr.cpp
  798. DEP_CPP_ZSTR_=\
  799. "..\basics.h"\
  800. "..\dyncast.h"\
  801. "..\errordef.h"\
  802. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  803. "..\mscver.h"\
  804. "..\zstr.h"\
  805. # End Source File
  806. # Begin Source File
  807. SOURCE=..\zstrt.cpp
  808. !IF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Release"
  809. DEP_CPP_ZSTRT=\
  810. "..\basics.h"\
  811. "..\dyncast.h"\
  812. "..\errordef.h"\
  813. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  814. "..\mscver.h"\
  815. "..\refcnt.h"\
  816. "..\zstr.h"\
  817. "..\zstrt.h"\
  818. !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "bntsalpha - Win32 Debug"
  819. DEP_CPP_ZSTRT=\
  820. "..\basics.h"\
  821. "..\dyncast.h"\
  822. "..\errordef.h"\
  823. "..\gmexcept.h"\
  824. "..\mscver.h"\
  825. "..\refcnt.h"\
  826. "..\zstr.h"\
  827. "..\zstrt.h"\
  828. !ENDIF
  829. # End Source File
  830. # End Target
  831. # End Project