// MODULE: Launch.cpp
// PURPOSE: Starts the container that will query the LaunchServ for
// troubleshooter network and nodes.
// PROJECT: Local Troubleshooter Launcher for the Device Manager
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-633-4743 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Richard Meadows
// ORIGINAL DATE: 2-26-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "StateInfo.h"
#include "RSSTACK.H"
#include "TSMapAbstract.h"
#include "TSMap.h"
#include "TSMapClient.h"
#include "Launch.h"
#include "ComGlobals.h"
#include "TSLError.h"
#include "Registry.h"
#include <rpc.h>
#define LAUNCH_WAIT_TIMEOUT 60 * 1000 // One minute wait.
#define SZ_WEB_PAGE _T("asklibrary.htm") // name of hardcoded .htm file that contains troubleshooter OCX
// uncomment the following line to turn on Joe's hard-core debugging
//#define JDEBUG 1
#ifdef JDEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
// Convert TCHAR *szt to char *sz. *sz should point to a big enough buffer
// to contain an SNCS version of *szt. count indicates the size of buffer *sz.
// returns sz (convenient for use in string functions).
static char* ToSBCS (char * const sz, const TCHAR * szt, size_t count) { if (sz) { if (count != 0 && !szt) sz[0] = '\0'; else { #ifdef _UNICODE
wcstombs( sz, szt, count ); #else
strcpy(sz, szt); #endif
} } return sz; } #endif
CLaunch::CLaunch() { InitFiles(); InitRequest(); m_lLaunchWaitTimeOut = LAUNCH_WAIT_TIMEOUT; m_bPreferOnline = false; }
CLaunch::~CLaunch() { if (m_pMap) delete(m_pMap); }
// This initialization happens exactly once for the object.
// Once we've looked in the registry and found a file, it isn't going anywhere.
void CLaunch::InitFiles() { DWORD dwBufSize; CRegKey reg; DWORD dwBytesUsed;
m_bHaveMapPath = false; m_bHaveDefMapFile = false; m_bHaveDszPath = false; m_szLauncherResources[0] = NULL; m_szDefMapFile[0] = NULL; m_szLaunchMapFile[0] = NULL; m_szDszResPath[0] = NULL; m_szMapFile[0] = NULL; m_pMap = NULL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_LAUNCHER_ROOT)) { dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; TCHAR szLauncherResources[MAX_PATH]; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.QueryValue( szLauncherResources, SZ_GLOBAL_LAUNCHER_RES, &dwBufSize)) { if ('\\' != szLauncherResources[_tcslen(szLauncherResources) - 1]) _tcscat(szLauncherResources, _T("\\"));
dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; dwBytesUsed = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szLauncherResources, m_szLauncherResources, dwBufSize); // The value returned by ExpandEnviromentStrings is larger than the required size.
} dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; TCHAR szDefMapFile[MAX_PATH]; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.QueryValue( szDefMapFile, SZ_GLOBAL_MAP_FILE, &dwBufSize)) { WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE hFind;
dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; dwBytesUsed = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szDefMapFile, m_szDefMapFile, dwBufSize); // The value returned by ExpandEnviromentStrings is larger than the required size.
if (0 != dwBytesUsed) { m_bHaveMapPath = true; _tcscpy(m_szLaunchMapFile, m_szLauncherResources); _tcscat(m_szLaunchMapFile, m_szDefMapFile); hFind = FindFirstFile(m_szLaunchMapFile, &data); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) { m_bHaveDefMapFile = true; FindClose(hFind); } else { m_bHaveDefMapFile = false; } } } reg.Close(); } // Need the TShoot.ocx resource path to verify that the networks exist.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_TSHOOT_ROOT)) { dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; TCHAR szDszResPath[MAX_PATH]; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.QueryValue(szDszResPath, SZ_TSHOOT_RES, &dwBufSize)) { if ('\\' != szDszResPath[_tcslen(szDszResPath) - 1]) _tcscat(szDszResPath, _T("\\")); dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; dwBytesUsed = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szDszResPath, m_szDszResPath, dwBufSize); // The value returned by ExpandEnviromentStrings is larger than the required size.
if (0 == dwBytesUsed) m_bHaveDszPath = false; else m_bHaveDszPath = true; } reg.Close(); }
return; }
// This initialization can happen more than once for the object.
// If we are going to use the same object to make a second request, there are things we
// want to clean up.
void CLaunch::InitRequest() { m_szAppName[0] = NULL; m_szAppVersion[0] = NULL; m_szAppProblem[0] = NULL; m_stkStatus.RemoveAll(); m_Item.ReInit(); }
// >>> Why does this exist distinct from InitRequest()?
void CLaunch::ReInit() { InitRequest(); return; }
// >>> What exactly is the use of this? What is the distinction from InitRequest()?
void CLaunch::Clear() { m_szAppName[0] = NULL; m_szAppVersion[0] = NULL; m_szAppProblem[0] = NULL; m_stkStatus.RemoveAll(); m_Item.Clear(); return; }
// Verify that a given troubleshooting belief network exists.
bool CLaunch::VerifyNetworkExists(LPCTSTR szNetwork) { bool bResult = true; if (NULL == szNetwork || NULL == szNetwork[0]) { // Null name, don't even bother with a lookup.
m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_E_NETWORK_NF); bResult = false; } else { if (m_bHaveDszPath) { WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE hFind; TCHAR szDszFile[MAX_PATH];
_tcscpy(szDszFile, m_szDszResPath); _tcscat(szDszFile, szNetwork); _tcscat(szDszFile, _T(".ds?")); hFind = FindFirstFile(szDszFile, &data); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_E_NETWORK_NF); bResult = false; } FindClose(hFind); } else { // we don't know what directory to look in.
m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_E_NETWORK_REG); bResult = false; } } return bResult; }
// Allows explicit specification of the troubleshooting network (and, optionally,
// problem node) to launch to.
// This is an alternative to determining network/node via a mapping.
// INPUT szNetwork
// INPUT szProblem: null pointer of null string ==> no problem node
// any other value is symbolic name of problem node
bool CLaunch::SpecifyProblem(LPCTSTR szNetwork, LPCTSTR szProblem) { bool bResult = true; if (!VerifyNetworkExists(szNetwork)) // Sets the network not found error.
{ bResult = false; } else { m_Item.SetNetwork(szNetwork);
// Set problem node, if any. OK if there is none.
if (NULL != szProblem && NULL != szProblem[0]) m_Item.SetProblem(szProblem); } return bResult; }
// Allows explicit setting of a non-problem node.
// Obviously, node names only acquire meaning in the context of a belief network.
// INPUT szNode: symbolic node name
// INPUT szState: >>> not sure what is intended. The corresponding value in TSLaunch API is
// an integer state value. Is this the decimal representation of that value or what? JM
bool CLaunch::SetNode(LPCTSTR szNode, LPCTSTR szState) { bool bResult = true; if (NULL != szNode && NULL != szState) { m_Item.SetNode(szNode, szState); } else { m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_E_NODE_EMP); bResult = false; } return bResult; }
// Sets machine ID so that WBEM can sniff on a remote machine.
HRESULT CLaunch::MachineID(BSTR &bstrMachineID, DWORD *pdwResult) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_Item.m_szMachineID, bstrMachineID, CItem::GUID_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; } return hRes; }
// Sets Device Instance ID so that WBEM can sniff correct device
HRESULT CLaunch::DeviceInstanceID(BSTR &bstrDeviceInstanceID, DWORD *pdwResult) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_Item.m_szDeviceInstanceID, bstrDeviceInstanceID, CItem::GUID_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; } return hRes; }
void CLaunch::SetPreferOnline(short bPreferOnline) { // The next line's ugly, but correct. bPreferOnline is not necessarily a valid
// Boolean; we want to make sure we get a valid Boolean in m_bPreferOnline.
m_bPreferOnline = (0 != bPreferOnline); return; }
// CheckMapFile: Uses szAppName member to set szMapFile.
// First, check the registry for an application-specific map file. If we can't find one,
// check for a default map file. If that doesn't exist either, fail.
// INPUT szAppName
// OUTPUT szMapFile
bool CLaunch::CheckMapFile(TCHAR * szAppName, TCHAR szMapFile[MAX_PATH], DWORD *pdwResult) { bool bHaveMapFile = false;
if (NULL == szAppName || NULL == szAppName[0]) { // Application name may not be null.
m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_APP); *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; return false; } else { DWORD dwBufSize; CRegKey reg; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_LAUNCHER_APP_ROOT)) { dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.Open(reg.m_hKey, szAppName)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == reg.QueryValue(szMapFile, SZ_APPS_MAP_FILE, &dwBufSize)) return true; } } }
// Does a default map file exist?
if (m_bHaveDefMapFile) { _tcscpy(szMapFile, m_szLaunchMapFile); } else { // Either the registry setting is missing or the file is not
// where the registry says it is.
if (m_bHaveMapPath) // Have the registry entry.
m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_E_MAPPING_DB_NF); else m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_E_MAPPING_DB_REG); *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; } return m_bHaveDefMapFile; }
// Uses the mapping classes to map Caller() and DeviceID() information, then copies the
// CItem to global memory.
// >> Why is this called TestPut()?
// Returns false when the mapping fails.
bool CLaunch::TestPut() { extern CSMStateInfo g_StateInfo; DWORD dwResult; Map(&dwResult); if (TSL_OK != dwResult) return false; g_StateInfo.TestPut(m_Item); // Copies m_Item to global memory.
return true; }
// Perform any necessary mapping, then launch the Local Troubleshooter.
bool CLaunch::Go(DWORD dwTimeOut, DWORD *pdwResult) { DWORD dwRes; bool bResult = true; extern CSMStateInfo g_StateInfo; TCHAR szContainerPathName[MAX_PATH]; szContainerPathName[0] = 0; TCHAR szSniffScriptFile[MAX_PATH]; szSniffScriptFile[0] = 0; TCHAR szSniffStandardFile[MAX_PATH]; szSniffStandardFile[0] = 0; TCHAR szWebPage[MAX_PATH]; szWebPage[0] = 0; TCHAR szDefaultNetwork[SYM_LEN]; szDefaultNetwork[0] = 0; TCHAR *szCmd = NULL, *szNetwork = NULL;
if (TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetContainerPathName(szContainerPathName))) { m_Item.SetContainerPathName(szContainerPathName); m_Item.SetSniffScriptFile(szSniffScriptFile); } else { m_stkStatus.Push(dwRes); // if container is not found - no reason to continue
*pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; return false; }
if (!m_Item.NetworkSet()) { if (Map(&dwRes) && TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetWebPage(szWebPage)) // get web page
) { m_Item.SetWebPage(szWebPage); // network and problem are set by Map function
m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchMap); } else { m_stkStatus.Push(dwRes); if (TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetDefaultURL(szWebPage))) // get "DEFAULT PAGE",
// actually a URL which might (for example)
// refernce a page compiled into a .CHM file
{ m_Item.SetWebPage(szWebPage); m_Item.SetNetwork(NULL); // network are set to NULL in this case
m_Item.SetProblem(NULL); // problem are set to NULL in this case
m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchDefaultWebPage); } else { if (TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetDefaultNetwork(szDefaultNetwork)) && // get default network
TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetWebPage(szWebPage)) // get web page
) { m_Item.SetWebPage(szWebPage); m_Item.SetNetwork(szDefaultNetwork); m_Item.SetProblem(NULL); // problem is set to NULL in this case
m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchDefaultNetwork); } else { // complete failure
m_stkStatus.Push(dwRes); *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchIndefinite); return false; } } } } else { if (TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetWebPage(szWebPage))) { m_Item.SetWebPage(szWebPage); // network is known, problem can be either known(set) or unknown(not set)
m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchKnownNetwork); } else { // complete failure
m_stkStatus.Push(dwRes); *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchIndefinite); return false; } } // set sniff script and standard file
m_Item.GetNetwork(&szCmd, &szNetwork); if (TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetSniffScriptFile(szSniffScriptFile, szNetwork[0] ? szNetwork : NULL)) && TSL_OK == (dwRes = GetSniffStandardFile(szSniffStandardFile)) ) { m_Item.SetSniffScriptFile(szSniffScriptFile); m_Item.SetSniffStandardFile(szSniffStandardFile); } else { // can not find script file path - failure
m_stkStatus.Push(dwRes); *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; m_Item.SetLaunchRegime(launchIndefinite); return false; } // parse warnings according to the launch regime
if (launchMap == m_Item.GetLaunchRegime() || launchKnownNetwork == m_Item.GetLaunchRegime() ) { if (!m_Item.ProblemSet()) { m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_WARNING_NO_PROBLEM_NODE); *pdwResult = TSL_WARNING_GENERAL; } }
// parse launches according to the launch regime
if (launchMap == m_Item.GetLaunchRegime() || launchDefaultNetwork == m_Item.GetLaunchRegime() ) { if (m_Item.NetworkSet()) {
#ifdef JDEBUG
HANDLE hDebugFile; char* szStart = "START\n"; char* szEnd = "END\n"; DWORD dwBytesWritten;
hDebugFile = CreateFile( _T("jdebug.txt"), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); WriteFile( hDebugFile, szStart, strlen(szStart), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); TCHAR *sztCmd, *sztVal; char sz[200], szCmd[100], szVal[100];
m_Item.GetNetwork(&sztCmd, &sztVal);
ToSBCS (szCmd, sztCmd, 100); ToSBCS (szVal, sztVal, 100);
sprintf(sz, "%s %s\n", szCmd, szVal);
WriteFile( hDebugFile, sz, strlen(sz), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); if (m_Item.ProblemSet()) { m_Item.GetProblem(&sztCmd, &sztVal);
ToSBCS (szCmd, sztCmd, 100); ToSBCS (szVal, sztVal, 100);
sprintf(sz, "%s %s\n", szCmd, szVal);
WriteFile( hDebugFile, sz, strlen(sz), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); }
WriteFile( hDebugFile, szEnd, strlen(szEnd), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); CloseHandle(hDebugFile); #endif
bResult = g_StateInfo.GoGo(dwTimeOut, m_Item, pdwResult); } else { *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_ERROR_NO_NETWORK); bResult = false; } }
if (launchKnownNetwork == m_Item.GetLaunchRegime() ) { bResult = g_StateInfo.GoGo(dwTimeOut, m_Item, pdwResult); }
if (launchDefaultWebPage == m_Item.GetLaunchRegime()) { bResult = g_StateInfo.GoURL(m_Item, pdwResult);
return bResult; }
HRESULT CLaunch::LaunchKnown(DWORD * pdwResult) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; // Launch the shooter.
if (!Go(m_lLaunchWaitTimeOut, pdwResult)) hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; return hRes; }
HRESULT CLaunch::Launch(BSTR bstrCallerName, BSTR bstrCallerVersion, BSTR bstrAppProblem, short bLaunch, DWORD * pdwResult) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; Clear(); if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_szAppName, bstrCallerName, SYM_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_szAppVersion, bstrCallerVersion, SYM_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_szAppProblem, bstrAppProblem, SYM_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (bLaunch) { if (!Go(m_lLaunchWaitTimeOut, pdwResult)) hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; } else { if (!Map(pdwResult)) hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; } return hRes; }
HRESULT CLaunch::LaunchDevice(BSTR bstrCallerName, BSTR bstrCallerVersion, BSTR bstrPNPDeviceID, BSTR bstrDeviceClassGUID, BSTR bstrAppProblem, short bLaunch, DWORD * pdwResult) { HRESULT hRes; Clear();
if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_szAppName, bstrCallerName, SYM_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_szAppVersion, bstrCallerVersion, SYM_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_szAppProblem, bstrAppProblem, SYM_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_Item.m_szPNPDeviceID, bstrPNPDeviceID, CItem::GUID_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (!BSTRToTCHAR(m_Item.m_szGuidClass, bstrDeviceClassGUID, CItem::GUID_LEN)) { *pdwResult = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; return TSL_E_FAIL; } if (m_Item.m_szGuidClass[0]) { // Device Class GUID is non-null. Make sure it's a valid GUID.
GUID guidClass; #ifdef _UNICODE
RPC_STATUS rpcstatus = UuidFromString( m_Item.m_szGuidClass, &guidClass ); #else
RPC_STATUS rpcstatus = UuidFromString( (unsigned char *) m_Item.m_szGuidClass, &guidClass ); #endif
if ( rpcstatus == RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID) { m_stkStatus.Push(TSL_WARNING_ILLFORMED_CLASS_GUID); } }
if (bLaunch) { if (!Go(m_lLaunchWaitTimeOut, pdwResult)) hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; } else { if (!Map(pdwResult)) hRes = TSL_E_FAIL; } return hRes; }
DWORD CLaunch::GetStatus() { DWORD dwStatus = TSL_OK; if (!m_stkStatus.Empty()) dwStatus = m_stkStatus.Pop(); return dwStatus; }
// OUTPUT *szPathName = Name of application to launch to (either IE or HTML Help System)
// Returns:
// TSL_OK - success
// TSL_E_CONTAINER_REG - failure to find IE (Internet Explorer) in registry
// TSL_E_CONTAINER_NF - IE isn't where registry says to find it.
int CLaunch::GetContainerPathName(TCHAR szPathName[MAX_PATH]) { DWORD dwPathNameLen = MAX_PATH; int tslaHaveContainer = TSL_OK; #ifndef _HH_CHM
// use IE instead of HTML Help System
if (!ReadRegSZ(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_CONTAINER_APP_KEY, SZ_CONTAINER_APP_VALUE, szPathName, &dwPathNameLen)) { tslaHaveContainer = TSL_E_CONTAINER_REG; } else { // Need to verify that the container exists.
WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE hContainer = FindFirstFile(szPathName, &data); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hContainer) tslaHaveContainer = TSL_E_CONTAINER_NF; else FindClose(hContainer); } #else
_tcscpy(szPathName, _T("hh.exe")); #endif
return tslaHaveContainer; }
// OUTPUT *szWebPage = Name of web page to launch to
// We always launch to the same web page. The information passed in m_Item ditinguishes
// what will actually show on the screen.
// Path is from registry. We concatenate on a backslash and SZ_WEB_PAGE (== "asklibrary.htm")
// Returns:
// TSL_OK - success
// TSL_E_WEB_PAGE_REG - failure to find web page for this purpose in registry
// TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE - Web page name longer than we can handle
// TSL_E_WEB_PAGE_NF - Web page isn't where registry says to find it.
int CLaunch::GetWebPage(TCHAR szWebPage[MAX_PATH]) { int tslaHavePage = TSL_OK; DWORD dwWebPageLen = MAX_PATH; if (!ReadRegSZ(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_LAUNCHER_ROOT, SZ_GLOBAL_LAUNCHER_RES, szWebPage, &dwWebPageLen)) { tslaHavePage = TSL_E_WEB_PAGE_REG; } else { int Len = _tcslen(szWebPage); dwWebPageLen = Len + 1 + _tcslen(SZ_WEB_PAGE); if (dwWebPageLen > MAX_PATH) { tslaHavePage = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; } else { if (szWebPage[Len - 1] != '\\') _tcscat(szWebPage, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szWebPage, SZ_WEB_PAGE);
WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE hWebPage = FindFirstFile(szWebPage, &data); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hWebPage) tslaHavePage = TSL_E_WEB_PAGE_NF; else FindClose(hWebPage); } } return tslaHavePage; }
// OUTPUT *szSniffScriptFile = full path and file name either to "network"_sniff.htm file or null len string if file is not found
// TSL_OK - success
// TSL_E_SNIFF_SCRIPT_REG - failure to find file for this purpose in registry
int CLaunch::GetSniffScriptFile(TCHAR szSniffScriptFile[MAX_PATH], TCHAR* szNetwork) { int tslaHavePage = TSL_OK; DWORD dwSniffScriptLen = MAX_PATH; TCHAR szSniffScriptPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (ReadRegSZ(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_TSHOOT_ROOT, SZ_TSHOOT_RES, szSniffScriptPath, &dwSniffScriptLen)) { int Len = _tcslen(szSniffScriptPath);
dwSniffScriptLen = Len + 1 + (szNetwork ? _tcslen(szNetwork) + _tcslen(SZ_SNIFF_SCRIPT_APPENDIX) : 0);
if (dwSniffScriptLen > MAX_PATH) { tslaHavePage = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; } else { if (szSniffScriptPath[Len - 1] != '\\') _tcscat(szSniffScriptPath, _T("\\"));
if (szNetwork) { TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH] = {0}; _tcscpy(tmp, szSniffScriptPath); _tcscat(tmp, szNetwork); _tcscat(tmp, SZ_SNIFF_SCRIPT_APPENDIX);
WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE hSniffScript = FindFirstFile(tmp, &data);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hSniffScript) { szSniffScriptFile[0] = 0; } else { _tcscpy(szSniffScriptFile, tmp); FindClose(hSniffScript); } } else { szSniffScriptFile[0] = 0; } } } else { tslaHavePage = TSL_E_SNIFF_SCRIPT_REG; }
return tslaHavePage; }
// OUTPUT *szSniffScriptFile = full path and file name of tssniffAsk.htm file no matter if it exists
// TSL_OK - success
// TSL_E_SNIFF_SCRIPT_REG - failure to find file for this purpose in registry
int CLaunch::GetSniffStandardFile(TCHAR szSniffStandardFile[MAX_PATH]) { int tslaHavePage = TSL_OK; DWORD dwSniffStandardLen = MAX_PATH; TCHAR szSniffStandardPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (ReadRegSZ(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_LAUNCHER_ROOT, SZ_GLOBAL_LAUNCHER_RES, szSniffStandardPath, &dwSniffStandardLen)) { int Len = _tcslen(szSniffStandardPath);
dwSniffStandardLen = Len + 1 + _tcslen(SZ_SNIFF_SCRIPT_NAME);
if (dwSniffStandardLen > MAX_PATH) { tslaHavePage = TSL_E_MEM_EXCESSIVE; } else { if (szSniffStandardPath[Len - 1] != '\\') _tcscat(szSniffStandardPath, _T("\\"));
_tcscpy(szSniffStandardFile, szSniffStandardPath); _tcscat(szSniffStandardFile, SZ_SNIFF_SCRIPT_NAME); } } else { tslaHavePage = TSL_E_SNIFF_SCRIPT_REG; }
return tslaHavePage; }
// OUTPUT *szURL = URL to go to when mapping fails. We get this from registry.
// TSL_OK - success
// TSL_E_WEB_PAGE_REG - failure to find web page for this purpose in registry
int CLaunch::GetDefaultURL(TCHAR szURL[MAX_PATH]) { int tslaHaveURL = TSL_OK; DWORD dwURLLen = MAX_PATH; if (!ReadRegSZ(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_LAUNCHER_ROOT, SZ_DEFAULT_PAGE, szURL, &dwURLLen)) { tslaHaveURL = TSL_E_WEB_PAGE_REG; } return tslaHaveURL; }
// Returns TSL_OK and default network name in szDefaultNetwork
// if successful
int CLaunch::GetDefaultNetwork(TCHAR szDefaultNetwork[SYM_LEN]) { DWORD dwLen = SYM_LEN;
if (ReadRegSZ(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_LAUNCHER_ROOT, SZ_DEFAULT_NETWORK, szDefaultNetwork, &dwLen)) if (VerifyNetworkExists(szDefaultNetwork))
return TSL_OK;
bool CLaunch::Map(DWORD *pdwResult) { bool bOK = true; TCHAR szMapFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szNetwork[SYM_LEN]; szNetwork[0] = NULL; TCHAR szTShootProblem[SYM_LEN]; szTShootProblem[0] = NULL;
bOK = CheckMapFile(m_szAppName, szMapFile, pdwResult);
// bOK false at this point means either the registry setting is missing or the file
// is not where the registry says it is. PdwResult has already been set in CheckMapFile.
if (bOK && _tcscmp(m_szMapFile, szMapFile)) { // The mapping file we desire is _not_ already loaded
if (m_pMap) { // we were using a different mapping file. We have to get rid of it.
delete m_pMap; } // else we weren't using a mapping file yet.
m_pMap = new TSMapClient(szMapFile); if (TSL_OK != m_pMap->GetStatus()) { *pdwResult = m_pMap->GetStatus(); bOK = false; } else { // We've successfully init'd m_pMap on the basis of the new map file.
// Indicate that it's loaded.
_tcscpy(m_szMapFile, szMapFile); } }
if (bOK) { DWORD dwRes; // Now perform mapping itself
dwRes = m_pMap->FromAppVerDevAndClassToTS(m_szAppName, m_szAppVersion, m_Item.m_szPNPDeviceID, m_Item.m_szGuidClass, m_szAppProblem, szNetwork, szTShootProblem);
// As documented for TSMapRuntimeAbstract::FromAppVerDevAndClassToTS(), there are two
// return values here which require that we check for further status details: TSL_OK
// (which means we found a mapping, but doesn't rule out warnings) and
// TSL_ERROR_NO_NETWORK (which means we didn't find a mapping, and is typically
// accompanied by further clarifications).
if (TSL_OK == dwRes || TSL_ERROR_NO_NETWORK == dwRes) { DWORD dwStatus; while (0 != (dwStatus = m_pMap->MoreStatus())) m_stkStatus.Push(dwStatus); }
if (TSL_OK != dwRes) m_stkStatus.Push(dwRes); // save the precise error status
if (TSLIsError(dwRes) ) bOK = false;
if (bOK) { // We have a network name.
bOK = VerifyNetworkExists(szNetwork); }
if (bOK) { // We have a network name and we've verified that the network exists.
// Set the item's network and tshoot problem.
m_Item.SetNetwork(szNetwork); m_Item.SetProblem(szTShootProblem); } else *pdwResult = TSL_ERROR_GENERAL; } return bOK; }