This file implements the Could Not Connect dialog
Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
Authors: ChrisK Chris Kauffman
Histroy: 7/22/96 ChrisK Cleaned and formatted 8/19/96 ValdonB Added ability to edit phone number Fixed some memory leaks -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "pch.hpp"
#include "globals.h"
#if defined(WIN16)
#include <string.h>
#include <ietapi.h>
TCHAR szBuf256[256]; TCHAR szValidPhoneCharacters[] = {TEXT("0123456789AaBbCcDdPpTtWw!@$ -.()+*#,&\0")};
#ifdef WIN16
#define g_iMyMaxPhone 36
int g_iMyMaxPhone = 0; #define MAXPHONE_NT 80
#define MAXPHONE_95 36
PDIALERR g_pcDialErr = NULL;
// Keyboard hook
static HHOOK hKeyHook = NULL; // our key hook
static HOOKPROC hpKey = NULL; // hook proc
// Function: ProcessDBCS
// Synopsis: Converts control to use DBCS compatible font
// Use this at the beginning of the dialog procedure
// Note that this is required due to a bug in Win95-J that prevents
// it from properly mapping MS Shell Dlg. This hack is not needed
// under winNT.
// Arguments: hwnd - Window handle of the dialog
// cltID - ID of the control you want changed.
// History: 4/31/97 a-frankh Created
// 5/13/97 jmazner Stole from CM to use here
void ProcessDBCS(HWND hDlg, int ctlID) { #if defined(WIN16)
return; #else
if( IsNT() ) { return; }
hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if (hFont == NULL) hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); if (hFont != NULL) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg,ctlID), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); #endif
HRESULT ShowDialErrDialog(PGATHEREDINFO pGI, HRESULT hrErr, LPTSTR pszConnectoid, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwnd) { int iRC; // CDialErrDlg *pcDED = NULL;
g_pcDialErr = (PDIALERR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(DIALERR)); if (!g_pcDialErr) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONERROR); iRC = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto ShowDialErrDialogExit; } g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,RAS_MaxEntryName+1); if (!g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid) { iRC = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto ShowDialErrDialogExit; } lstrcpy(g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid,pszConnectoid); g_pcDialErr->m_pGI = pGI; g_pcDialErr->m_hrError = hrErr; g_pcDialErr->m_hInst = hInst;
#if defined(WIN16)
#define DLGPROC16 DLGPROC // Identify as only cast for Win16
DLGPROC dlgprc; dlgprc = (DLGPROC16) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)DialErrDlgProc, g_pcDialErr->m_hInst); iRC = DialogBoxParam(g_pcDialErr->m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALERR), hwnd, dlgprc, (LPARAM)g_pcDialErr); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) dlgprc); #else
iRC = (HRESULT)DialogBoxParam(g_pcDialErr->m_hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALERR), hwnd, DialErrDlgProc, (LPARAM)g_pcDialErr); #endif
ShowDialErrDialogExit: if (g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid); if (g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable); if (g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo); g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo = NULL; if (g_pcDialErr) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr); g_pcDialErr = NULL; return iRC; }
// Function LclSetEntryScriptPatch
// Synopsis Softlink to RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch
// Arguments see RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch
// Returns see RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch
// Histroy 10/3/96 ChrisK Created
hinst = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ICWDIAL.DLL")); if (hinst) { fp = (LCLSETENTRYSCRIPTPATCH)GetProcAddress(hinst,"RasSetEntryPropertiesScriptPatch"); if (fp) bRC = (fp)(lpszScript,lpszEntry); FreeLibrary(hinst); hinst = NULL; fp = NULL; } return bRC; }
// ############################################################################
// HelpKybdHookProc
// Keyboard hook proc - check for F1, and if detected, fake a Help button
// hit to the main dialog.
// Paramters:
// iCode Windows message code
// wParam Windows wParam (contains virtual key code)
// lParam Windows lParam
// History:
// 8/26/96 ValdonB Adapted from IEDIAL.C
// ############################################################################
#if defined(WIN16)
LRESULT CALLBACK _export HelpKybdHookProc #else
LRESULT WINAPI HelpKybdHookProc #endif
( int iCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lRet = 0;
Assert(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd); if ((iCode != HC_NOREMOVE && iCode >= 0) && (GetActiveWindow() == g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd)) { // HC_NOREMOVE indicates that message is being
// retrieved using PM_NOREMOVE from peek message,
// if iCode < 0, then we should not process... dont
// know why, but sdk says so.
if (wParam == VK_F1 && !(lParam & 0x80000000L)) { // bit 32 == 1 if key is being release, else 0 if
// key is being pressed
PostMessage(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)IDC_CMDHELP, 0); } } if (hKeyHook) { lRet = CallNextHookEx(hKeyHook, iCode, wParam, lParam); } return(lRet); }
// ############################################################################
// HelpInit
// Install a windows hook proc to launch help on F1
// History:
// 8/26/96 ValdonB Adapted from IEDIAL.C
// ############################################################################
static void HelpInit() { // now install the hook for the keyboard filter
hpKey = (HOOKPROC)MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)HelpKybdHookProc, g_pcDialErr->m_hInst); if (hpKey) { hKeyHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, hpKey, g_pcDialErr->m_hInst, #if defined(WIN16)
GetCurrentTask()); #else
GetCurrentThreadId()); #endif
} }
// ############################################################################
// HelpShutdown
// Shutdown the keyboard hook
// History:
// 8/26/96 ValdonB Adapted from IEDIAL.C
// ############################################################################
static void HelpShutdown() { // remove the hook
if (hKeyHook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyHook); }
// dump the thunk
if (hpKey) { FreeProcInstance((FARPROC)hpKey); } }
extern "C" INT_PTR CALLBACK FAR PASCAL DialErrDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { BOOL bRes = TRUE; HRESULT hr; //LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID;
#if !defined(WIN16)
DWORD dwNumDev; #endif
WORD wIDS; LRESULT idx; LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry = NULL; LPRASDEVINFO lpRasDevInfo = NULL; DWORD dwRasEntrySize; DWORD dwRasDevInfoSize; HINSTANCE hRasDll = NULL; FARPROC fp = NULL; LPTSTR lpszDialNumber = NULL; static BOOL bCheckDisplayable = FALSE; static BOOL bInitComplete = FALSE; // if we initialize the dialog - MKarki
static BOOL bDlgPropEnabled = TRUE; //this flags holds state of Dialing Properties PushButton MKarki - (5/3/97/) Fix for Bug#3393
#if defined(WIN16)
RECT MyRect; RECT DTRect; #endif
RNAAPI *pRnaapi = NULL;
static BOOL fUserEditedNumber = FALSE;
switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd = hwnd;
#if defined(WIN16)
// Move the window to the center of the screen
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &MyRect); GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &DTRect); MoveWindow(hwnd, (DTRect.right - MyRect.right) / 2, (DTRect.bottom - MyRect.bottom) /2, MyRect.right, MyRect.bottom, FALSE);
SetNonBoldDlg(hwnd); #endif
// Set limit on phone number length
// Note: this should really be RAS_MaxPhoneNumber (128), but RAS is choking on
// anything longer than 100 bytes, so we'll have to limit it to that.
// 6/3/97 jmazner Olympus #4851
// RAS has different limits on w95 and NT
#ifndef WIN16
if( IsNT() ) { g_iMyMaxPhone = MAXPHONE_NT; } else { g_iMyMaxPhone = MAXPHONE_95; } #endif
AssertSz( (sizeof(g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber) >= g_iMyMaxPhone), "Maximum phone number is greater than m_szPhoneNumber" );
// Show the phone number
hr = DialErrGetDisplayableNumber(); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bCheckDisplayable = FALSE; SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_TEXTNUMBER,g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber); } else { bCheckDisplayable = TRUE; SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_TEXTNUMBER,g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable); }
// Fill in error message
wIDS = (WORD)RasErrorToIDS(g_pcDialErr->m_hrError); AssertSz(wIDS != -1,"RasErrorToIDS got an error message it did not understand");
if (wIDS != -1 && wIDS !=0) SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_LBLERRMSG,GetSz(wIDS));
FillModems(); // Set the focus to the Modems selection list
// hook the keyboard for F1 help
bRes = FALSE;
// we should disable the Dialing Properites PushButton
// if we have changed the phone number once
// MKarki (5/3/97) - Fix for Bug#3393
if (FALSE == bDlgPropEnabled) { EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_CMDDIALPROP), FALSE ); }
// This shows the INIT for the error dialog is complete
// and we can start processing changes to Ph No. TEXTBOX
// MKarki (4/24/97) - Fix for Bug#3511
bInitComplete = TRUE;
#if defined(WIN16)
case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: Ctl3dColorChange(); break; #endif
case WM_DESTROY: ReleaseBold(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_LBLTITLE)); #ifdef WIN16
DeleteDlgFont(hwnd); #endif
// Shutdown the keyboard hook
bRes = FALSE; break;
case WM_CLOSE: //if (MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_WANTTOEXIT),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),
// EndDialog(hwnd,ERROR_USERCANCEL);
EndDialog(hwnd,ERROR_USERCANCEL); break; #if !defined(WIN16)
case WM_HELP: //
// Chrisk Olympus 5130 5/27/97
// Added support for F1 Help Key
WinHelp(hwnd,TEXT("connect.hlp>proc4"),HELP_CONTEXT,(DWORD)ICW_TRB); #endif
case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wparam)) { //
// We now processes changes to ph no. EDIT BOX
// If there is anychange in the phone number we
// disable to Dialing Properties Push Button
// MKarki (3/22/97) - Fix for Bug #3511
case IDC_TEXTNUMBER: TCHAR lpszTempNumber[RAS_MaxPhoneNumber +1];
if ((HIWORD (wparam) == EN_CHANGE) && (bInitComplete == TRUE)) { if ((GetDlgItemText ( hwnd, IDC_TEXTNUMBER, lpszTempNumber, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber )) && (0 != lstrcmp( lpszTempNumber, bCheckDisplayable ? g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable :g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber))) { //
// number has been modified by the user
// hide the Dialing Properties Push Button
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_CMDDIALPROP), FALSE ); //
// save the state of the Dialing Properties PushButton
// MKarki (5/3/97) - Fix for Bug#3393
bDlgPropEnabled = FALSE; //
// 7/17/97 jmazner Olympus #8234
fUserEditedNumber = TRUE; } } break;
idx = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,IDC_CMBMODEMS,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); //
// ChrisK Olympus 245 5/25/97
// Get index of modem
idx = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd,IDC_CMBMODEMS,CB_GETITEMDATA,idx,0); if (idx == CB_ERR) break;
// Get the connectoid
/***** this code is made obsolete by the call to MyRasGetEntryProperties below
#if defined(WIN16)
// Allocate extra 256 bytes to workaround memory overrun bug in RAS
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)+256); #else
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)); #endif
if (!lpRasEntry) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONERROR); break; }
lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASDEVINFO)); if (!lpRasDevInfo) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONERROR); break; } dwRasEntrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRasDevInfoSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);
lpRasEntry->dwSize = dwRasEntrySize; lpRasDevInfo->dwSize = dwRasDevInfoSize; *******/ /* hRasDll = LoadLibrary(RASAPI_LIBRARY);
if (!hRasDll) { hr = GetLastError(); break; } fp =GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasGetEntryPropertiesA"); if (!fp) { FreeLibrary(hRasDll); hRasDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("RNAPH.DLL")); if (!hRasDll) { hr = GetLastError(); break; } fp = GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasGetEntryPropertiesA"); if (!fp) { hr = GetLastError(); break; } } */
/****** this call has been replaced with MyRasGetEntryProperties
hr = RasGetEntryProperties(NULL,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, #if defined(WIN16)
(LPBYTE) #endif
lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, (LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize); ****/
// these two pointers should not have memory allocated to them
// See MyRasGetEntryProperties function comment for details.
if( lpRasEntry ) { GlobalFree( lpRasEntry ); lpRasEntry = NULL; } if( lpRasDevInfo ) { GlobalFree( lpRasDevInfo ); lpRasDevInfo = NULL; } hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties( NULL, g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, &lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, &lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Replace the device with a new one
lstrcpyn(lpRasEntry->szDeviceType,g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx].szDeviceType,RAS_MaxDeviceType+1); lstrcpyn(lpRasEntry->szDeviceName,g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx].szDeviceName,RAS_MaxDeviceName+1); if (lpRasDevInfo) GlobalFree(lpRasDevInfo); lpRasDevInfo = NULL; // DANGER!! Don't call GlobalFree on lpRasDevInfo after we set it below!!!!!!! --jmazner
lpRasDevInfo = &g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx]; dwRasDevInfoSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);
//hr = pcRNA->RasSetEntryProperties(NULL,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid,(LPBYTE)lpRasEntry,dwRasEntrySize,(LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo,dwRasDevInfoSize);
/*fp = GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasSetEntryPropertiesA");
if (!fp) { hr = GetLastError(); break; }*/
// softlink to RasSetEntryProperties for simultaneous Win95/NT compatability
if( !pRnaapi ) { pRnaapi = new RNAAPI; if( !pRnaapi ) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } } hr = pRnaapi->RasSetEntryProperties(NULL,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, (LPBYTE)lpRasEntry, dwRasEntrySize, (LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo, dwRasDevInfoSize); #if !defined(WIN16)
LclSetEntryScriptPatch(lpRasEntry->szScript,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid); #endif // !win16
// Now that we're done with lpRasDevInfo, set it to NULL, but DON'T free it,
// because it points to memory owned by g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo
lpRasDevInfo = NULL;
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_CANTSAVEKEY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_MYERROR); break; }
hRasDll = NULL; fp = NULL;*/
} break; case IDC_CMDHELP: #if defined(WIN16)
WinHelp(hwnd,"connect.hlp",HELP_CONTEXT,(DWORD)1001); #else
WinHelp(hwnd,TEXT("connect.hlp>proc4"),HELP_CONTEXT,(DWORD)1001); #endif
case IDC_CMDNEXT: // NOTE: This button is actually labeled "Redial"
lpszDialNumber = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == lpszDialNumber) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_MYERROR); break; } // If the user has altered the phone number, make sure it can be used
if (fUserEditedNumber && (GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_TEXTNUMBER, lpszDialNumber, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber)) && (0 != lstrcmp(lpszDialNumber, bCheckDisplayable ? g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable : g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber))) { // Check that the phone number only contains valid characters
LPTSTR lpNum, lpValid;
for (lpNum = lpszDialNumber;*lpNum;lpNum++) { for(lpValid = szValidPhoneCharacters;*lpValid;lpValid++) { if (*lpNum == *lpValid) break; // p2 for loop
} if (!*lpValid) break; // p for loop
if (*lpNum) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_INVALIDPHONE),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_MYERROR); //
// Set the focus back to the phone number field
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_TEXTNUMBER)); break; // switch statement
/**** replaced by call to MyRasGetEntryProperties below
#if defined(WIN16)
// Allocate extra 256 bytes to workaround memory overrun bug in RAS
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)+256); #else
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)); #endif
if (!lpRasEntry) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_MYERROR); break; }
lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASDEVINFO)); if (!lpRasDevInfo) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_MYERROR); break; }
dwRasEntrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRasDevInfoSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);
lpRasEntry->dwSize = dwRasEntrySize; lpRasDevInfo->dwSize = dwRasDevInfoSize;
hr = RasGetEntryProperties(NULL,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, #if defined(WIN16)
(LPBYTE) #endif
lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, (LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize); ****/
// these two pointers should not have memory allocated to them
// See MyRasGetEntryProperties function comment for details.
if( lpRasEntry ) { GlobalFree( lpRasEntry ); lpRasEntry = NULL; } if( lpRasDevInfo ) { GlobalFree( lpRasDevInfo ); lpRasDevInfo = NULL; }
dwRasEntrySize = dwRasDevInfoSize = 0;
hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties( NULL, g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, &lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, &lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Replace the phone number with the new one
lstrcpy(lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, lpszDialNumber); lpRasEntry->dwCountryID = 0; lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode = 0; lpRasEntry->szAreaCode[0] = '\0';
// Set to dial as is
lpRasEntry->dwfOptions &= ~RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes;
// softlink to RasSetEntryProperties for simultaneous Win95/NT compatability
if( !pRnaapi ) { pRnaapi = new RNAAPI; if( !pRnaapi ) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } } hr = pRnaapi->RasSetEntryProperties(NULL,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, (LPBYTE)lpRasEntry, dwRasEntrySize, (LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo, dwRasDevInfoSize); #if !defined(WIN16)
LclSetEntryScriptPatch(lpRasEntry->szScript,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid); #endif // !win16
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_CANTSAVEKEY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_MYERROR); break; } }
EndDialog(hwnd,ERROR_USERNEXT); break;
case IDC_CMDCANCEL: //if (MessageBox(hwnd,GetSz(IDS_WANTTOEXIT),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),
// EndDialog(hwnd,ERROR_USERCANCEL);
EndDialog(hwnd,ERROR_USERCANCEL); break;
case IDC_CMDDIALPROP: // 12/4/96 jmazner Normandy #10294
EnableWindow(hwnd, FALSE); #if defined(WIN16)
hr = IETapiTranslateDialog(hwnd, g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber, NULL); #else
// 10/24/96 jmazner Normandy #10185/7019
if (g_pdevice->dwTapiDev == 0xFFFFFFFF) g_pdevice->dwTapiDev = 0;
hr = lineInitialize(&g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp,g_pcDialErr->m_hInst, LineCallback,NULL,&dwNumDev); if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = lineTranslateDialog(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp, g_pdevice->dwTapiDev, g_pcDialErr->m_dwAPIVersion, hwnd,g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber); #endif
hr = DialErrGetDisplayableNumber(); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bCheckDisplayable = FALSE; SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_TEXTNUMBER,g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber); } else { bCheckDisplayable = TRUE; SetDlgItemText(hwnd,IDC_TEXTNUMBER,g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable); } #if !defined(WIN16)
lineShutdown(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp); g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp = NULL; } #endif
// 12/4/96 jmazner Normandy #10294
EnableWindow(hwnd, TRUE);
// 6/6/97 jmazner Olympus #4759
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_CMDNEXT)); break; } break;
default: bRes = FALSE; break; }
if (lpRasEntry) GlobalFree(lpRasEntry); if (lpRasDevInfo) GlobalFree(lpRasDevInfo); if (lpszDialNumber) GlobalFree(lpszDialNumber); if (pRnaapi) delete pRnaapi;
return bRes; }
HRESULT FillModems() { //RNAAPI *pcRNA = NULL;
DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwNumDev; DWORD idx; DWORD dwTempNumEntries; //HINSTANCE hRasDll=NULL;
LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry=NULL; LPRASDEVINFO lpRasDevInfo=NULL; DWORD dwRasEntrySize = 0; DWORD dwRasDevInfoSize = 0; LRESULT lLast = 0;
RNAAPI *pRnaapi = NULL;
// Get the connectoid
/******* This code has been obsoleted by the call to MyRasGetEntryProperties below
#if defined(WIN16)
// Allocate extra 256 bytes to workaround memory overrun bug in RAS
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)+256); #else
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)); #endif
if (!lpRasEntry) { MessageBox(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONERROR); goto FillModemExit; }
lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASDEVINFO)); if (!lpRasDevInfo) { MessageBox(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd,GetSz(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY),GetSz(IDS_TITLE),MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONERROR); goto FillModemExit; } dwRasEntrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRasDevInfoSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);
lpRasEntry->dwSize = dwRasEntrySize; lpRasDevInfo->dwSize = dwRasDevInfoSize; *********/
/* fp = NULL;
hRasDll = LoadLibrary(RASAPI_LIBRARY); if (hRasDll) { fp = GetProcAddress(hRasDll,RASAPI_RASGETENTRY); if (!fp) { FreeLibrary(hRasDll); hRasDll = LoadLibrary(RNAPH_LIBRARY); if (hRasDll) { fp = GetProcAddress(hRasDll,RASAPI_RASGETENTRY); } } }
if (!fp) { hr = GetLastError(); goto FillModemExit; } */
/****** This call has been replaced by MyRasGetEntryProperties below
hr = RasGetEntryProperties(NULL,g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, #if defined(WIN16)
(LPBYTE) #endif
lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize,(LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize); ********/
// these two pointers should not have memory allocated to them
// See MyRasGetEntryProperties function comment for details.
if( lpRasEntry ) { GlobalFree( lpRasEntry ); lpRasEntry = NULL; } if( lpRasDevInfo ) { GlobalFree( lpRasDevInfo ); lpRasDevInfo = NULL; } hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties( NULL, g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, &lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, &lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != hr ) { goto FillModemExit; }
hRasDll = NULL; fp = NULL; */
// Get devices from RAS/RNA
if (!g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo) g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASDEVINFO)); if (!g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto FillModemExit; }
g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); dwNumDev = 0;
/*hRasDll = LoadLibrary(RASAPI_LIBRARY);
if (!hRasDll) { hr = GetLastError(); goto FillModemExit; } fp =GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasEnumDevicesA"); if (!fp) { FreeLibrary(hRasDll); hRasDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("RNAPH.DLL")); if (!hRasDll) { hr = GetLastError(); goto FillModemExit; } fp = GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasEnumDevicesA"); if (!fp) { hr = GetLastError(); goto FillModemExit; } }*/
// soft link to RasEnumDevices to allow for simultaneous Win95/NT compatability
pRnaapi = new RNAAPI; if( !pRnaapi ) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto FillModemExit; }
hr = pRnaapi->RasEnumDevices(g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo,&dwSize,&dwNumDev); if (hr == ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo); g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t)dwSize); if (!g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto FillModemExit; } g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); hr = pRnaapi->RasEnumDevices(g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo,&dwSize,&dwNumDev); }
hRasDll = NULL; fp = NULL;*/
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto FillModemExit;
// Fill in combo box
dwTempNumEntries = dwNumDev;
if (dwNumDev != 0) { for (idx=0;idx<dwTempNumEntries;idx++) { //
// ChrisK Olympus 4560 do not add VPN's to list of modems
// Vyung only add isdn and modem type devices
if ((0 == lstrcmpi(TEXT("MODEM"),g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx].szDeviceType)) && (0 == lstrcmpi(TEXT("ISDN"),g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx].szDeviceType))) { lLast = SendDlgItemMessage(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd,IDC_CMBMODEMS,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)&g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx].szDeviceName[0]); //
// ChrisK Olympus 245 5/25/97
// Save index of modem
SendDlgItemMessage(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd,IDC_CMBMODEMS,CB_SETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)lLast,(LPARAM)idx); if (lstrcmp(g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo[idx].szDeviceName,lpRasEntry->szDeviceName) == 0) SendDlgItemMessage(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd,IDC_CMBMODEMS,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)lLast,0); } else { dwNumDev--; } } }
if (dwNumDev == 1) SendDlgItemMessage(g_pcDialErr->m_hwnd,IDC_CMBMODEMS,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0);
// UNDONE: select default device
FillModemExit: //if (g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_lprasdevinfo);
//if (pcRNA) delete pcRNA;
if (lpRasEntry) GlobalFree(lpRasEntry); if (lpRasDevInfo) GlobalFree(lpRasDevInfo); if( pRnaapi ) delete pRnaapi;
return hr; }
HRESULT DialErrGetDisplayableNumber() { #if !defined(WIN16)
#if !defined(WIN16)
// Normandy 13024 - ChrisK 12/31/96
// In all cases we have to get the TAPI version number, because the dialing properies
// button will not work on NT if the version is 0.
// Initialize TAPIness
dwNumDev = 0; hr = lineInitialize(&g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp,g_pcDialErr->m_hInst,LineCallback,NULL,&dwNumDev);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto GetDisplayableNumberExit;
if (g_pdevice->dwTapiDev == 0xFFFFFFFF) g_pdevice->dwTapiDev = 0;
// Get TAPI version number
lpExtensionID = (LPLINEEXTENSIONID )GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINEEXTENSIONID)); if (!lpExtensionID) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
do { hr = lineNegotiateAPIVersion(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp, g_pdevice->dwTapiDev, 0x00010004, 0x00010004, &g_pcDialErr->m_dwAPIVersion, lpExtensionID); } while (hr && g_pdevice->dwTapiDev++ < dwNumDev-1);
// delete ExtenstionID since we don't use it
if (lpExtensionID) GlobalFree(lpExtensionID); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; #endif // !WIN16
// Get phone number from connectoid
/* ---replaced by call to MyRasGetEntryProperties below
#if defined(WIN16)
// Allocate extra 256 bytes to workaround memory overrun bug in RAS
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)+256); #else
lpRasEntry = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASENTRY)); #endif
if (!lpRasEntry) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(RASDEVINFO)); if (!lpRasDevInfo) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } dwRasEntrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRasDevInfoSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); */
/* hRasDll = LoadLibrary(RASAPI_LIBRARY);
if (!hRasDll) { hr = GetLastError(); goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } fp =GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasGetEntryPropertiesA"); if (!fp) { FreeLibrary(hRasDll); hRasDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("RNAPH.DLL")); if (!hRasDll) { hr = GetLastError(); goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } fp = GetProcAddress(hRasDll,"RasGetEntryPropertiesA"); if (!fp) { hr = GetLastError(); goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } } */
// lpRasEntry and lpRasDevInfo should not have memory allocated to them, and should be NULL
// See MyRasGetEntryProperties function comment for details.
hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties( NULL, g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid, &lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, &lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
// If this is a dial as is number, just get it from the structure
if (!(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes)) { if (g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable); g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, lstrlen(lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber)+1); if (!g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } lstrcpy(g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber); lstrcpy(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber); } else { //
// If there is no area code, don't use parentheses
if (lpRasEntry->szAreaCode[0]) wsprintf(g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber,TEXT("+%lu (%s) %s\0"),lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->szAreaCode,lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber); else wsprintf(g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber,TEXT("+%lu %s\0"),lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber);
#if defined(WIN16)
char szBuffer[1024]; LONG lRetCode; memset(&szBuffer[0], 0, sizeof(szBuffer)); lpOutput1 = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT) & szBuffer[0]; lpOutput1->dwTotalSize = sizeof(szBuffer);
lRetCode = IETapiTranslateAddress(NULL, g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber, 0L, 0L, lpOutput1); if (0 != lRetCode) { //
// TODO: Set the correct error code
hr = GetLastError(); goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } if (g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable); g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ((size_t)lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringSize+1)); if (!g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
lstrcpy(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable, &szBuffer[lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringOffset]);
#else //WIN16
/* Normandy 13024 this code was moved up
// Initialize TAPIness
dwNumDev = 0; hr = lineInitialize(&g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp,g_pcDialErr->m_hInst,LineCallback,NULL,&dwNumDev);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto GetDisplayableNumberExit;
//Normandy #7019 jmazner
//all devices should share the same dialing properties
//(at least, this is what icwdial\dialerr.cpp appears to assume, and it works right ;)
// if (g_pdevice->dwTapiDev == 0xFFFFFFFF)
// {
// if (dwNumDev == 1)
// g_pdevice->dwTapiDev = 0;
// //else
// // UNDONE: Tell the user to select a modem
// }
if (g_pdevice->dwTapiDev == 0xFFFFFFFF) g_pdevice->dwTapiDev = 0;
lpExtensionID = (LPLINEEXTENSIONID )GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINEEXTENSIONID)); if (!lpExtensionID) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
hr = lineNegotiateAPIVersion(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp, g_pdevice->dwTapiDev, 0x00010004, 0x00010004, &g_pcDialErr->m_dwAPIVersion, lpExtensionID);
// ditch it since we don't use it
if (lpExtensionID) GlobalFree(lpExtensionID); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; Normandy 13024 (see comments above) */
// Format the phone number
lpOutput1 = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT)); if (!lpOutput1) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } lpOutput1->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT);
// Turn the canonical form into the "displayable" form
hr = lineTranslateAddress(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp,g_pdevice->dwTapiDev, g_pcDialErr->m_dwAPIVersion, g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber,0, LINETRANSLATEOPTION_CANCELCALLWAITING, lpOutput1);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS || (lpOutput1->dwNeededSize != lpOutput1->dwTotalSize)) { lpOutput2 = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t) lpOutput1->dwNeededSize); if (!lpOutput2) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } lpOutput2->dwTotalSize = lpOutput1->dwNeededSize; GlobalFree(lpOutput1); lpOutput1 = lpOutput2; lpOutput2 = NULL; hr = lineTranslateAddress(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp,g_pdevice->dwTapiDev, g_pcDialErr->m_dwAPIVersion, g_pcDialErr->m_szPhoneNumber,0, LINETRANSLATEOPTION_CANCELCALLWAITING, lpOutput1); }
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
if (g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) GlobalFree(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable); g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t) lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringSize+1); if (!g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
lstrcpyn(g_pcDialErr->m_pszDisplayable, (LPTSTR)&((LPBYTE)lpOutput1)[lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringOffset], (size_t)lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringSize); #endif // WIN16
GetDisplayableNumberExit: if (lpRasEntry) GlobalFree(lpRasEntry); if (lpRasDevInfo) GlobalFree(lpRasDevInfo);
#if !defined(WIN16)
if (lpOutput1) GlobalFree(lpOutput1); if (g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp) lineShutdown(g_pcDialErr->m_hLineApp); #endif
return hr;
// Function: MyRasGetEntryProperties()
// Synopsis: Performs some buffer size checks and then calls RasGetEntryProperties()
// See the RasGetEntryProperties() docs to understand why this is needed.
// Arguments: Same as RasGetEntryProperties with the following exceptions:
// lplpRasEntryBuff -- pointer to a pointer to a RASENTRY struct. On successfull
// return, *lplpRasEntryBuff will point to the RASENTRY struct
// and buffer returned by RasGetEntryProperties.
// NOTE: should not have memory allocated to it at call time!
// To emphasize this point, *lplpRasEntryBuff must be NULL
// lplpRasDevInfoBuff -- pointer to a pointer to a RASDEVINFO struct. On successfull
// return, *lplpRasDevInfoBuff will point to the RASDEVINFO struct
// and buffer returned by RasGetEntryProperties.
// NOTE: should not have memory allocated to it at call time!
// To emphasize this point, *lplpRasDevInfoBuff must be NULL
// NOTE: Even on a successfull call to RasGetEntryProperties,
// *lplpRasDevInfoBuff may return with a value of NULL
// (occurs when there is no extra device info)
// Returns: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if unable to allocate either RASENTRY or RASDEVINFO buffer
// Otherwise, it retuns the error code from the call to RasGetEntryProperties.
// NOTE: if return is anything other than ERROR_SUCCESS, *lplpRasDevInfoBuff and
// *lplpRasEntryBuff will be NULL,
// and *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize and *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize will be 0
// Example:
// LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry = NULL;
// DWORD dwRasEntrySize, dwRasDevInfoSize;
// hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties( NULL,
// g_pcDialErr->m_pszConnectoid,
// &lpRasEntry,
// &dwRasEntrySize,
// &lpRasDevInfo,
// &dwRasDevInfoSize);
// if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// {
// //handle errors here
// } else
// {
// //continue processing
// }
// History: 9/10/96 JMazner Created
HRESULT MyRasGetEntryProperties(LPTSTR lpszPhonebookFile, LPTSTR lpszPhonebookEntry, LPRASENTRY *lplpRasEntryBuff, LPDWORD lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, LPRASDEVINFO *lplpRasDevInfoBuff, LPDWORD lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize) { HRESULT hr; RNAAPI *pRnaapi = NULL;
DWORD dwOldDevInfoBuffSize;
Assert( NULL != lplpRasEntryBuff ); Assert( NULL != lpdwRasEntryBuffSize ); Assert( NULL != lplpRasDevInfoBuff ); Assert( NULL != lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize );
*lpdwRasEntryBuffSize = 0; *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize = 0;
// Use reference variables internaly to make notation easier
LPRASENTRY &reflpRasEntryBuff = *lplpRasEntryBuff; LPRASDEVINFO &reflpRasDevInfoBuff = *lplpRasDevInfoBuff;
Assert( NULL == reflpRasEntryBuff ); Assert( NULL == reflpRasDevInfoBuff );
// need to softlink for simultaneous compatability with win95 and winnt
pRnaapi = new RNAAPI; if( !pRnaapi ) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; }
// use RasGetEntryProperties with a NULL lpRasEntry pointer to find out size buffer we need
// As per the docs' recommendation, do the same with a NULL lpRasDevInfo pointer.
hr = pRnaapi->RasGetEntryProperties(lpszPhonebookFile, lpszPhonebookEntry, (LPBYTE)NULL, lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, (LPBYTE)NULL,lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize);
// we expect the above call to fail because the buffer size is 0
// If it doesn't fail, that means our RasEntry is messed, so we're in trouble
if( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != hr ) { goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; }
// dwRasEntryBuffSize and dwRasDevInfoBuffSize now contain the size needed for their
// respective buffers, so allocate the memory for them
// dwRasEntryBuffSize should never be less than the size of the RASENTRY struct.
// If it is, we'll run into problems sticking values into the struct's fields
Assert( *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize >= sizeof(RASENTRY) );
#if defined(WIN16)
// Allocate extra 256 bytes to workaround memory overrun bug in RAS
reflpRasEntryBuff = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,*lpdwRasEntryBuffSize + 256); #else
reflpRasEntryBuff = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,*lpdwRasEntryBuffSize); #endif
if (!reflpRasEntryBuff) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; }
// Allocate the DeviceInfo size that RasGetEntryProperties told us we needed.
// If size is 0, don't alloc anything
if( *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize > 0 ) { Assert( *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize >= sizeof(RASDEVINFO) ); reflpRasDevInfoBuff = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,*lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize); if (!reflpRasDevInfoBuff) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; } } else { reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; }
// This is a bit convoluted: lpRasEntrySize->dwSize needs to contain the size of _only_ the
// RASENTRY structure, and _not_ the actual size of the buffer that lpRasEntrySize points to.
// This is because the dwSize field is used by RAS for compatability purposes to determine which
// version of the RASENTRY struct we're using.
// Same holds for lpRasDevInfo->dwSize
reflpRasEntryBuff->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); if( reflpRasDevInfoBuff ) { reflpRasDevInfoBuff->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); }
// now we're ready to make the actual call...
// jmazner see below for why this is needed
dwOldDevInfoBuffSize = *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize;
hr = pRnaapi->RasGetEntryProperties(lpszPhonebookFile, lpszPhonebookEntry, (LPBYTE)reflpRasEntryBuff, lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, (LPBYTE)reflpRasDevInfoBuff,lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize);
// jmazner 10/7/96 Normandy #8763
// For unknown reasons, in some cases on win95, devInfoBuffSize increases after the above call,
// but the return code indicates success, not BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. If this happens, set the
// size back to what it was before the call, so the DevInfoBuffSize and the actuall space allocated
// for the DevInfoBuff match on exit.
if( (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) && (dwOldDevInfoBuffSize != *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize) ) { *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize = dwOldDevInfoBuffSize; }
delete pRnaapi; pRnaapi = NULL;
return( hr );
if(reflpRasEntryBuff) { GlobalFree(reflpRasEntryBuff); reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; } if(reflpRasDevInfoBuff) { GlobalFree(reflpRasDevInfoBuff); reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; } if (pRnaapi) { delete pRnaapi; pRnaapi = NULL; }
*lpdwRasEntryBuffSize = 0; *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize = 0; return( hr );