// tapiloc.cpp : Implementation of CTapiLocationInfo
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "icwhelp.h"
#include "tapiloc.h"
// CTapiLocationInfo
HRESULT CTapiLocationInfo::OnDraw(ATL_DRAWINFO& di) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_wNumberOfLocations(short * psVal, long *pCurrLoc) { if ((psVal == NULL) || (pCurrLoc == NULL)) return E_POINTER; *psVal = m_wNumTapiLocations; *pCurrLoc = m_pTC ? (long) m_dwCurrLoc : 0; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_bstrAreaCode(BSTR * pbstrAreaCode) { USES_CONVERSION; if (pbstrAreaCode == NULL) return E_POINTER; *pbstrAreaCode = m_bstrAreaCode.Copy(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::put_bstrAreaCode(BSTR bstrAreaCode) { USES_CONVERSION; m_bstrAreaCode = bstrAreaCode; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_lCountryCode(long * plVal) { *plVal = m_dwCountry; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_NumCountries(long *pNumOfCountry) { LPLINECOUNTRYLIST pLineCountryTemp = NULL; LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY pLCETemp; DWORD idx; DWORD dwCurLID = 0; //LPIDLOOKUPELEMENT m_rgIDLookUp;
// Get TAPI country list
if (m_pLineCountryList) GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList);
m_pLineCountryList = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST)); if (!m_pLineCountryList) return S_FALSE; m_pLineCountryList->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST); idx = lineGetCountry(0,0x10003,m_pLineCountryList); if (idx && idx != LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL) return S_FALSE; Assert(m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize);
pLineCountryTemp = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t)m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize); if (!pLineCountryTemp) return S_FALSE; pLineCountryTemp->dwTotalSize = m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize; GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList); m_pLineCountryList = pLineCountryTemp; pLineCountryTemp = NULL;
if (lineGetCountry(0,0x10003,m_pLineCountryList))
return S_FALSE;
// look up array
pLCETemp = (LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY)((DWORD_PTR)m_pLineCountryList + m_pLineCountryList->dwCountryListOffset);
if(m_rgNameLookUp) GlobalFree(m_rgNameLookUp);
m_rgNameLookUp = (LPCNTRYNAMELOOKUPELEMENT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (int)(sizeof(CNTRYNAMELOOKUPELEMENT) * m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries));
if (!m_rgNameLookUp) return S_FALSE;
DWORD dwCID = atol((const char *)m_szCountryCode);
for (idx=0;idx<m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries;idx++) { m_rgNameLookUp[idx].psCountryName = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pLineCountryList + (DWORD)pLCETemp[idx].dwCountryNameOffset); m_rgNameLookUp[idx].pLCE = &pLCETemp[idx]; if (m_rgNameLookUp[idx].pLCE->dwCountryCode == dwCID) { if (m_rgNameLookUp[idx].psCountryName) m_bstrDefaultCountry = A2BSTR(m_rgNameLookUp[idx].psCountryName); } }
*pNumOfCountry = m_pLineCountryList->dwNumCountries;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_CountryName(long lCountryIndex, BSTR* pszCountryName, long* pCountryCode) { *pszCountryName = A2BSTR(m_rgNameLookUp[lCountryIndex].psCountryName);
if (m_rgNameLookUp[lCountryIndex].pLCE) { *pCountryCode = m_rgNameLookUp[lCountryIndex].pLCE->dwCountryCode; }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_DefaultCountry(BSTR * pszCountryName) { USES_CONVERSION; if (pszCountryName == NULL) return E_POINTER; *pszCountryName = m_bstrDefaultCountry.Copy(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::GetTapiLocationInfo(BOOL * pbRetVal) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szAreaCode[MAX_AREACODE+1]; DWORD cDevices=0; DWORD dwCurDev = 0; DWORD dwAPI = 0; LONG lrc = 0; LINEEXTENSIONID leid; LPVOID pv = NULL; DWORD dwCurLoc = 0; USES_CONVERSION; m_hLineApp=NULL; // Assume Failure
*pbRetVal = FALSE; if (m_pTC) { m_dwCountry = 0; // Reset country ID, re-read TAPI info
GlobalFree(m_pTC); m_pTC = NULL; }
// Get area code from TAPI
if (!m_bstrAreaCode) { hr = tapiGetLocationInfo(m_szCountryCode,szAreaCode); if (hr) { TraceMsg(TF_TAPIINFO, TEXT("ICWHELP:tapiGetLocationInfo failed. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!\n")); #ifdef UNICODE
// There is no lineInitializeW verion in TAPI. So use A version lineInitialize.
hr = lineInitialize(&m_hLineApp,_Module.GetModuleInstance(),LineCallback,GetSzA(IDS_TITLE),&cDevices); #else
hr = lineInitialize(&m_hLineApp,_Module.GetModuleInstance(),LineCallback,GetSz(IDS_TITLE),&cDevices); #endif
if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lineTranslateDialog(m_hLineApp,0,0x10004,GetActiveWindow(),NULL); lineShutdown(m_hLineApp); }
hr = tapiGetLocationInfo(m_szCountryCode,szAreaCode); }
if (hr) { goto GetTapiInfoExit; } m_bstrAreaCode = A2BSTR(szAreaCode); }
// Get the numeric Country code from TAPI for the current location
if (m_dwCountry == 0) { // Get CountryID from TAPI
m_hLineApp = NULL;
// Get the handle to the line app
#ifdef UNICODE
// There is no lineInitializeW verion in TAPI. So use A version lineInitialize.
lineInitialize(&m_hLineApp,_Module.GetModuleInstance(),LineCallback,GetSzA(IDS_TITLE),&cDevices); #else
lineInitialize(&m_hLineApp,_Module.GetModuleInstance(),LineCallback,GetSz(IDS_TITLE),&cDevices); #endif
if (!m_hLineApp) { // if we can't figure it out because TAPI is messed up
// just default to the US and bail out of here.
// The user will still have the chance to pick the right answer.
m_dwCountry = 1; goto GetTapiInfoExit; } if (cDevices) {
// Get the TAPI API version
dwCurDev = 0; dwAPI = 0; lrc = -1; while (lrc && dwCurDev < cDevices) { // NOTE: device ID's are 0 based
ZeroMemory(&leid,sizeof(leid)); lrc = lineNegotiateAPIVersion(m_hLineApp,dwCurDev,0x00010004,0x00010004,&dwAPI,&leid); dwCurDev++; } if (lrc) { // TAPI and us can't agree on anything so nevermind...
goto GetTapiInfoExit; }
// Find the CountryID in the translate cap structure
m_pTC = (LINETRANSLATECAPS *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS)); if (!m_pTC) { // we are in real trouble here, get out!
hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetTapiInfoExit; }
// Get the needed size
m_pTC->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS); lrc = lineGetTranslateCaps(m_hLineApp,dwAPI,m_pTC); if(lrc) { goto GetTapiInfoExit; }
pv = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ((size_t)m_pTC->dwNeededSize)); if (!pv) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetTapiInfoExit; } ((LINETRANSLATECAPS*)pv)->dwTotalSize = m_pTC->dwNeededSize; m_pTC = (LINETRANSLATECAPS*)pv; pv = NULL; lrc = lineGetTranslateCaps(m_hLineApp,dwAPI,m_pTC); if(lrc) { goto GetTapiInfoExit; } // sanity check
// We have the Number of TAPI locations, so save it now
m_wNumTapiLocations = (WORD)m_pTC->dwNumLocations;
// Loop through the locations to find the correct country code
m_plle = LPLINELOCATIONENTRY (LPSTR(m_pTC) + m_pTC->dwLocationListOffset); for (dwCurLoc = 0; dwCurLoc < m_pTC->dwNumLocations; dwCurLoc++) { if (m_pTC->dwCurrentLocationID == m_plle->dwPermanentLocationID) { m_dwCountry = m_plle->dwCountryID; m_dwCurrLoc = dwCurLoc; break; // for loop
} m_plle++; }
// If we could not find it in the above loop, default to US
if (!m_dwCountry) { m_dwCountry = 1; goto GetTapiInfoExit; } } }
*pbRetVal = TRUE; // Getting here means everything worked
// Give the user an Error Message, and the wizard will bail.
if (!*pbRetVal) { if( m_hLineApp ) { lineShutdown(m_hLineApp); m_hLineApp = NULL; } MsgBox(IDS_CONFIGAPIFAILED,MB_MYERROR); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_LocationName(long lLocationIndex, BSTR* pszLocationName) { if (m_pTC == NULL) return E_POINTER;
m_plle = LPLINELOCATIONENTRY (LPSTR(m_pTC) + m_pTC->dwLocationListOffset); m_plle += lLocationIndex; *pszLocationName = A2BSTR( ((LPSTR) m_pTC) + m_plle->dwLocationNameOffset ); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::get_LocationInfo(long lLocationIndex, long *pLocationID, BSTR* pszCountryName, long *pCountryCode, BSTR* pszAreaCode) { DWORD idx; LPLINECOUNTRYLIST pLineCountryTemp = NULL; DWORD dwCurLID = 0;
// Loop through the locations to find the correct country code
m_plle = LPLINELOCATIONENTRY (LPSTR(m_pTC) + m_pTC->dwLocationListOffset); m_plle += lLocationIndex;
// Assign country code and area code
*pCountryCode = m_plle->dwCountryID; *pszAreaCode = A2BSTR( ((LPSTR) m_pTC) + m_plle->dwCityCodeOffset );
// Assign location ID
*pLocationID = m_plle->dwPermanentLocationID; if (m_pLineCountryList) { GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList); m_pLineCountryList = NULL; }
// Get TAPI country name from country ID
m_pLineCountryList = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST)); if (!m_pLineCountryList) return E_POINTER; m_pLineCountryList->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINECOUNTRYLIST); idx = lineGetCountry(m_plle->dwCountryID,0x10003,m_pLineCountryList); if (idx && idx != LINEERR_STRUCTURETOOSMALL) return E_POINTER; Assert(m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize);
pLineCountryTemp = (LPLINECOUNTRYLIST)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t)m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize); if (!pLineCountryTemp) return E_POINTER; pLineCountryTemp->dwTotalSize = m_pLineCountryList->dwNeededSize; GlobalFree(m_pLineCountryList); m_pLineCountryList = pLineCountryTemp;
if (lineGetCountry(m_plle->dwCountryID,0x10003,m_pLineCountryList))
return E_POINTER;
LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY pLCETemp = (LPLINECOUNTRYENTRY)((DWORD_PTR)m_pLineCountryList + m_pLineCountryList->dwCountryListOffset);
LPTSTR psCountryName = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pLineCountryList + (DWORD)pLCETemp[0].dwCountryNameOffset); *pszCountryName = A2BSTR(psCountryName);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CTapiLocationInfo::put_LocationId(long lLocationID) { ASSERT(m_hLineApp); // Must call GetTapiLocationInfo to get the Tapi handle first
if (m_hLineApp) { lineSetCurrentLocation(m_hLineApp, lLocationID); return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } }