//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994-1995 **
// CLSUTIL.C - some small, useful C++ classes to wrap memory allocation,
// registry access, etc.
// 12/07/94 jeremys Borrowed from WNET common library
// 96/05/22 markdu Borrowed (from inetcfg.dll)
#include "pch.hpp"
BOOL BUFFER::Alloc( UINT cbBuffer ) { _lpBuffer = (LPSTR)::GlobalAlloc(GPTR,cbBuffer); if (_lpBuffer != NULL) { _cb = cbBuffer; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL BUFFER::Realloc( UINT cbNew ) { LPVOID lpNew = ::GlobalReAlloc((HGLOBAL)_lpBuffer, cbNew, GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT); if (lpNew == NULL) return FALSE;
_lpBuffer = (LPSTR)lpNew; _cb = cbNew; return TRUE; }
BUFFER::BUFFER( UINT cbInitial /* =0 */ ) : BUFFER_BASE(), _lpBuffer( NULL ) { if (cbInitial) Alloc( cbInitial ); }
BUFFER::~BUFFER() { if (_lpBuffer != NULL) { GlobalFree((HGLOBAL) _lpBuffer); _lpBuffer = NULL; } }
BOOL BUFFER::Resize( UINT cbNew ) { BOOL fSuccess;
if (QuerySize() == 0) fSuccess = Alloc( cbNew ); else { fSuccess = Realloc( cbNew ); } if (fSuccess) _cb = cbNew; return fSuccess; }
RegEntry::RegEntry(const char *pszSubKey, HKEY hkey) { _error = RegCreateKey(hkey, pszSubKey, &_hkey); if (_error) { bhkeyValid = FALSE; } else { bhkeyValid = TRUE; } }
RegEntry::~RegEntry() { if (bhkeyValid) { RegCloseKey(_hkey); } }
long RegEntry::SetValue(const char *pszValue, const char *string) { if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegSetValueEx(_hkey, pszValue, 0, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)string, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(string)+1)); } return _error; }
long RegEntry::SetValue(const char *pszValue, unsigned long dwNumber) { if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegSetValueEx(_hkey, pszValue, 0, REG_BINARY, (unsigned char *)&dwNumber, sizeof(dwNumber)); } return _error; }
long RegEntry::DeleteValue(const char *pszValue) { if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegDeleteValue(_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValue); } return _error; }
char *RegEntry::GetString(const char *pszValue, char *string, unsigned long length) { DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegQueryValueEx(_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)string, &length); } if (_error) { *string = '\0'; return NULL; }
return string; }
long RegEntry::GetNumber(const char *pszValue, long dwDefault) { DWORD dwType = REG_BINARY; long dwNumber = 0L; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwNumber);
if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegQueryValueEx(_hkey, (LPTSTR) pszValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwNumber, &dwSize); } if (_error) dwNumber = dwDefault; return dwNumber; }
long RegEntry::MoveToSubKey(const char *pszSubKeyName) { HKEY _hNewKey;
if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegOpenKey ( _hkey, pszSubKeyName, &_hNewKey ); if (_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(_hkey); _hkey = _hNewKey; } }
return _error; }
long RegEntry::FlushKey() { if (bhkeyValid) { _error = RegFlushKey(_hkey); } return _error; }
RegEnumValues::RegEnumValues(RegEntry *pReqRegEntry) : pRegEntry(pReqRegEntry), iEnum(0), pchName(NULL), pbValue(NULL) { _error = pRegEntry->GetError(); if (_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _error = RegQueryInfoKey ( pRegEntry->GetKey(), // Key
NULL, // Buffer for class string
NULL, // Size of class string buffer
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // Number of subkeys
NULL, // Longest subkey name
NULL, // Longest class string
&cEntries, // Number of value entries
&cMaxValueName, // Longest value name
&cMaxData, // Longest value data
NULL, // Security descriptor
NULL ); // Last write time
} if (_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (cEntries != 0) { cMaxValueName = cMaxValueName + 1; // REG_SZ needs one more for null
cMaxData = cMaxData + 1; // REG_SZ needs one more for null
pchName = new CHAR[cMaxValueName]; if (!pchName) { _error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { if (cMaxData) { pbValue = new BYTE[cMaxData]; if (!pbValue) { _error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } } } } }
RegEnumValues::~RegEnumValues() { delete pchName; delete pbValue; }
long RegEnumValues::Next() { if (_error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return _error; } if (cEntries == iEnum) { return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
DWORD cchName = cMaxValueName;
dwDataLength = cMaxData; _error = RegEnumValue ( pRegEntry->GetKey(), // Key
iEnum, // Index of value
pchName, // Address of buffer for value name
&cchName, // Address for size of buffer
NULL, // Reserved
&dwType, // Data type
pbValue, // Address of buffer for value data
&dwDataLength ); // Address for size of data
iEnum++; return _error; }
int __cdecl _purecall(void) { return(0); }
void * _cdecl operator new(unsigned int size) { return (void *)::GlobalAlloc(GPTR,size); }
void _cdecl operator delete(void *ptr) { GlobalFree(ptr); }