//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **
// TCPCFG.C - Functions to read and set TCP/IP configuration
// 11/27/94 jeremys Created.
// 96/02/29 markdu Replaced call to RNAGetIPInfo with call to
// GetIPInfo in rnacall.c
// 96/03/23 markdu Removed Get/ApplyInstanceTcpInfo functions.
// 96/03/24 markdu Replaced memset with ZeroMemory for consistency.
// 96/03/25 markdu Removed connectoid name parameter from
// Get/ApplyGlobalTcpInfo functions since they should not
// be setting per-connectoid stuff anymore.
// Renamed ApplyGlobalTcpInfo to ClearGlobalTcpInfo, and
// changed function to just clear the settings.
// Renamed GetGlobalTcpInfo to IsThereGlobalTcpInfo, and
// changed function to just get the settings.
// 96/04/04 markdu Added pfNeedsRestart to WarnIfServerBound, and
// added function RemoveIfServerBound.
// 96/04/23 markdu NASH BUG 18748 Initialize reboot variable before
// returning.
// 96/05/26 markdu Use lpTurnOffFileSharing and lpIsFileSharingTurnedOn.
#include "wizard.h"
extern ICFGTURNOFFFILESHARING lpIcfgTurnOffFileSharing; extern ICFGISFILESHARINGTURNEDON lpIcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn;
NAME: WarnIfServerBound
SYNOPSIS: Checks to see if file server (VSERVER) is bound to TCP/IP instance used for Internet. If so, warns the user and recommends that she let us remove the binding. Removes the binding if user gives go-ahead.
ENTRY: hDlg - parent window dwCardFlags - an INSTANCE_xxx flag to specify what card type to check server-TCP/IP bindings for pfNeedsRestart - set to TRUE if we need a restart
NOTES: This is important because if we don't unbind server from instances of TCP/IP we install, user could be inadvertently sharing files over the Internet.
Calls worker function DetectModifyTCPIPBindings to do work.
********************************************************************/ HRESULT WarnIfServerBound(HWND hDlg,DWORD dwCardFlags,BOOL* pfNeedsRestart) { HRESULT err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// 96/04/23 markdu NASH BUG 18748 Initialize reboot variable before
// returning.
// Default to no restart.
ASSERT(pfNeedsRestart); *pfNeedsRestart = FALSE;
// this function may get called more than once (to guarantee we
// call it regardless of how pages are navigated), set a flag
// so we don't warn user more than once
static BOOL fWarned = FALSE; if (fWarned) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // check to see if file server is bound to TCP/IP instance used
// to connect to the internet
BOOL fSharingOn; HRESULT hr = lpIcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn(INSTANCE_PPPDRIVER, &fSharingOn);
// 5/12/97 jmazner Olympus #3442 IE #30886
// TEMP TODO at the moment, icfgnt doesn't implement FileSharingTurnedOn
// Until it does, assume that on NT file sharing is always off.
if( IsNT() ) { DEBUGMSG("Ignoring return code from IcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn"); fSharingOn = FALSE; }
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) && (TRUE == fSharingOn)) { // if so, warn the user and ask if we should remove it
BUFFER Msg(MAX_RES_LEN+1); // allocate buffer for part of message
ASSERT(Msg); if (!Msg) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // out of memory
// message is long and takes 2 strings, so load the 2nd resource and
// use it as an insertable parameter into the first string
LoadSz(IDS_WARN_SERVER_BOUND1,Msg.QueryPtr(),Msg.QuerySize()); if (MsgBoxParam(hDlg,IDS_WARN_SERVER_BOUND,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_YESNO, Msg.QueryPtr()) == IDYES) { // remove the binding
err = lpIcfgTurnOffFileSharing(dwCardFlags, hDlg); ASSERT(err == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { // We need to restart.
*pfNeedsRestart = TRUE; } } }
fWarned = TRUE; return err; }
NAME: RemoveIfServerBound
SYNOPSIS: Checks to see if file server (VSERVER) is bound to TCP/IP instance used for Internet. If so, informs the user that we cannot continue unless we remove the binding. Removes the binding if user gives go-ahead.
ENTRY: hDlg - parent window dwCardFlags - an INSTANCE_xxx flag to specify what card type to check server-TCP/IP bindings for pfNeedsRestart - set to TRUE if we need a restart
NOTES: This is important because if we don't unbind server from instances of TCP/IP we install, user could be inadvertently sharing files over the Internet.
Calls worker function DetectModifyTCPIPBindings to do work.
********************************************************************/ HRESULT RemoveIfServerBound(HWND hDlg,DWORD dwCardFlags,BOOL* pfNeedsRestart) { HRESULT err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Default to no restart.
ASSERT(pfNeedsRestart); *pfNeedsRestart = FALSE;
// check to see if file server is bound to TCP/IP instance used
// to connect to the internet
BOOL fSharingOn; HRESULT hr = lpIcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn(INSTANCE_PPPDRIVER, &fSharingOn);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) && (TRUE == fSharingOn)) { // if so, warn the user and ask if we should remove it
BUFFER Msg(MAX_RES_LEN+1); // allocate buffer for part of message
ASSERT(Msg); if (!Msg) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // out of memory
// message is long and takes 2 strings, so load the 2nd resource and
// use it as an insertable parameter into the first string
LoadSz(IDS_REMOVE_SERVER_BOUND1,Msg.QueryPtr(),Msg.QuerySize()); if (MsgBoxParam(hDlg,IDS_REMOVE_SERVER_BOUND,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_OKCANCEL, Msg.QueryPtr()) == IDOK) { // remove the binding
err = lpIcfgTurnOffFileSharing(dwCardFlags, hDlg); ASSERT(err == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == err) { // We need to restart.
*pfNeedsRestart = TRUE; } } else { // user cancelled.
return err; }
#define FIELD_LEN 3
#define NUM_FIELDS 4
SYNOPSIS: Translates a text string to a numeric IPADDRESS
ENTRY: pszAddress - text string with ip address pipAddress - IPADDRESS to translate into
EXIT: TRUE if successful, FALSE if the string is invalid
NOTES: borrowed from net setup TCP/IP UI
********************************************************************/ BOOL IPStrToLong(LPCTSTR pszAddress,IPADDRESS * pipAddress) { LPTSTR pch = (LPTSTR) pszAddress; TCHAR szField[FIELD_LEN+1]; int nFields = 0; int nFieldLen = 0; BYTE nFieldVal[NUM_FIELDS]; BOOL fContinue = TRUE;
ASSERT(pszAddress); ASSERT(pipAddress);
*pipAddress = (IPADDRESS) 0;
// retrieve the numeric value for each of the four fields
while (fContinue) {
if (!(*pch)) fContinue = FALSE;
if (*pch == '.' || !*pch) { if (nFields >= NUM_FIELDS) return FALSE; // invalid pszAddress
*(szField+nFieldLen) = '\0'; // null-terminate
UINT uFieldVal = (UINT) myatoi(szField); // convert string to int
if (uFieldVal > 255) return FALSE; // field is > 255, invalid
nFieldVal[nFields] = (BYTE) uFieldVal; nFields++; nFieldLen = 0; pch++; } else { if (! ((*pch >= '0') && (*pch <= '9')) ) return FALSE; // non-numeric character, invalid pszAddress
*(szField + nFieldLen) = *pch; nFieldLen++; pch++; if (nFieldLen > FIELD_LEN) return FALSE; // invalid pszAddress
} }
if (nFields < NUM_FIELDS) return FALSE; // invalid szAddress
// build an address from the fields
*pipAddress = (IPADDRESS)MAKEIPADDRESS(nFieldVal[0],nFieldVal[1],nFieldVal[2], nFieldVal[3]);
return TRUE; }
SYNOPSIS: Translates a single numeric IP address to a text string
ENTRY: ipAddress - numeric IP address to translate from pszAddress - buffer for translated string cbAddress - size of pszAddress buffer
EXIT: TRUE if successful, FALSE if the buffer is too short
NOTES: borrowed from net setup TCP/IP UI
********************************************************************/ BOOL IPLongToStr(IPADDRESS ipAddress,LPTSTR pszAddress,UINT cbAddress) { ASSERT(pszAddress);
if (cbAddress < IP_ADDRESS_LEN + 1) return FALSE;
wsprintf(pszAddress,TEXT("%u.%u.%u.%u"), (BYTE) (ipAddress>>24),(BYTE) (ipAddress>>16), (BYTE) (ipAddress>>8), (BYTE) ipAddress);
return TRUE; }