// Debug squirty functions
#include "proj.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PRODUCT_PROF)
// (c_szCcshellIniFile and c_szCcshellIniSecDebug are declared in debug.h)
extern CHAR const FAR c_szCcshellIniFile[]; extern CHAR const FAR c_szCcshellIniSecDebug[];
Purpose: Special verion of atoi. Supports hexadecimal too.
If this function returns FALSE, *piRet is set to 0.
Returns: TRUE if the string is a number, or contains a partial number FALSE if the string is not a number
Cond: -- */ static BOOL MyStrToIntExA( LPCSTR pszString, DWORD dwFlags, // STIF_ bitfield
int FAR * piRet) { #define IS_DIGIT(ch) InRange(ch, '0', '9')
BOOL bRet; int n; BOOL bNeg = FALSE; LPCSTR psz; LPCSTR pszAdj;
// Skip leading whitespace
for (psz = pszString; *psz == ' ' || *psz == '\n' || *psz == '\t'; psz = CharNextA(psz)) ;
// Determine possible explicit signage
if (*psz == '+' || *psz == '-') { bNeg = (*psz == '+') ? FALSE : TRUE; psz++; }
// Or is this hexadecimal?
pszAdj = CharNextA(psz); if ((STIF_SUPPORT_HEX & dwFlags) && *psz == '0' && (*pszAdj == 'x' || *pszAdj == 'X')) { // Yes
// (Never allow negative sign with hexadecimal numbers)
bNeg = FALSE; psz = CharNextA(pszAdj);
pszAdj = psz;
// Do the conversion
for (n = 0; ; psz = CharNextA(psz)) { if (IS_DIGIT(*psz)) n = 0x10 * n + *psz - '0'; else { CHAR ch = *psz; int n2;
if (ch >= 'a') ch -= 'a' - 'A';
n2 = ch - 'A' + 0xA; if (n2 >= 0xA && n2 <= 0xF) n = 0x10 * n + n2; else break; } }
// Return TRUE if there was at least one digit
bRet = (psz != pszAdj); } else { // No
pszAdj = psz;
// Do the conversion
for (n = 0; IS_DIGIT(*psz); psz = CharNextA(psz)) n = 10 * n + *psz - '0';
// Return TRUE if there was at least one digit
bRet = (psz != pszAdj); }
*piRet = bNeg ? -n : n;
return bRet; }
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD g_dwDumpFlags = 0; // DF_*
DWORD g_dwBreakFlags = BF_ONVALIDATE; // BF_*
DWORD g_dwBreakFlags = 0; // BF_*
DWORD g_dwTraceFlags = 0; // TF_*
DWORD g_dwPrototype = 0; DWORD g_dwFuncTraceFlags = 0; // FTF_*
// TLS slot used to store depth for CcshellFuncMsg indentation
static DWORD g_tlsStackDepth = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
// Hack stack depth counter used when g_tlsStackDepth is not available
static DWORD g_dwHackStackDepth = 0;
static char g_szIndentLeader[] = " ";
static WCHAR g_wszIndentLeader[] = L" ";
#pragma data_seg(DATASEG_READONLY)
static CHAR const FAR c_szNewline[] = "\r\n"; // (Deliberately CHAR)
static WCHAR const FAR c_wszNewline[] = TEXTW("\r\n");
#pragma data_seg()
extern CHAR const FAR c_szTrace[]; // (Deliberately CHAR)
extern CHAR const FAR c_szErrorDbg[]; // (Deliberately CHAR)
extern CHAR const FAR c_szWarningDbg[]; // (Deliberately CHAR)
extern WCHAR const FAR c_wszTrace[]; extern WCHAR const FAR c_wszErrorDbg[]; extern WCHAR const FAR c_wszWarningDbg[];
extern const CHAR FAR c_szAssertMsg[]; extern CHAR const FAR c_szAssertFailed[]; extern const WCHAR FAR c_wszAssertMsg[]; extern WCHAR const FAR c_wszAssertFailed[];
void SetPrefixStringA( OUT LPSTR pszBuf, IN DWORD dwFlags) { if (TF_ALWAYS == dwFlags) lstrcpyA(pszBuf, c_szTrace); else if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, TF_WARNING)) lstrcpyA(pszBuf, c_szWarningDbg); else if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, TF_ERROR)) lstrcpyA(pszBuf, c_szErrorDbg); else lstrcpyA(pszBuf, c_szTrace); }
void SetPrefixStringW( OUT LPWSTR pszBuf, IN DWORD dwFlags) { if (TF_ALWAYS == dwFlags) lstrcpyW(pszBuf, c_wszTrace); else if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, TF_WARNING)) lstrcpyW(pszBuf, c_wszWarningDbg); else if (IsFlagSet(dwFlags, TF_ERROR)) lstrcpyW(pszBuf, c_wszErrorDbg); else lstrcpyW(pszBuf, c_wszTrace); }
// Hack! The MSDEV debugger has some smarts where if it sees
// an ASSERT (all caps) in the source, and there is a debug break,
// then it sticks up a sorta friendly assert message box.
// For the debug function below where the break occurs inside,
// we add a nop ASSERT line in here to fake MSDEV to give us
// a friendly message box.
#undef ASSERT
// BUGBUG (scotth): Use the Ccshell functions. _AssertMsg and
// _DebugMsg are obsolete. They will be removed once all the
// components don't have TEXT() wrapping their debug strings anymore.
void WINCAPI _AssertMsgA( BOOL f, LPCSTR pszMsg, ...) { CHAR ach[1024+40]; va_list vArgs;
if (!f) { int cch;
lstrcpyA(ach, c_szAssertMsg); cch = lstrlenA(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
wvsprintfA(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs);
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringA(ach);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONVALIDATE)) ASSERT(0); } }
void WINCAPI _AssertMsgW( BOOL f, LPCWSTR pszMsg, ...) { WCHAR ach[1024+40]; va_list vArgs;
if (!f) { int cch;
lstrcpyW(ach, c_wszAssertMsg); cch = lstrlenW(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs);
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringW(ach);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONVALIDATE)) ASSERT(0); } }
void _AssertStrLenW( LPCWSTR pszStr, int iLen) { if (pszStr && iLen < lstrlenW(pszStr)) { ASSERT(0); } }
void _AssertStrLenA( LPCSTR pszStr, int iLen) { if (pszStr && iLen < lstrlenA(pszStr)) { ASSERT(0); } }
void WINCAPI _DebugMsgA( DWORD flag, LPCSTR pszMsg, ...) { CHAR ach[5*MAX_PATH+40]; // Handles 5*largest path + slop for message
va_list vArgs;
if (TF_ALWAYS == flag || (IsFlagSet(g_dwTraceFlags, flag) && flag)) { int cch;
SetPrefixStringA(ach, flag); cch = lstrlenA(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
try { wvsprintfA(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("CCSHELL: DebugMsg exception: ")); OutputDebugStringA(pszMsg); }
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringA(ach); OutputDebugStringA(c_szNewline);
if (TF_ALWAYS != flag && ((flag & TF_ERROR) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONERRORMSG) || (flag & TF_WARNING) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONWARNMSG))) { DEBUG_BREAK; } } }
void WINCAPI _DebugMsgW( DWORD flag, LPCWSTR pszMsg, ...) { WCHAR ach[5*MAX_PATH+40]; // Handles 5*largest path + slop for message
va_list vArgs;
if (TF_ALWAYS == flag || (IsFlagSet(g_dwTraceFlags, flag) && flag)) { int cch;
SetPrefixStringW(ach, flag); cch = lstrlenW(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
try { wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("CCSHELL: DebugMsg exception: ")); OutputDebugStringW(pszMsg); }
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringW(ach); OutputDebugStringW(c_wszNewline);
if (TF_ALWAYS != flag && ((flag & TF_ERROR) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONERRORMSG) || (flag & TF_WARNING) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONWARNMSG))) { DEBUG_BREAK; } } }
// Smart debug functions
Purpose: Displays assertion string.
Returns: TRUE to debugbreak Cond: -- */ BOOL CDECL CcshellAssertFailedA( LPCSTR pszFile, int line, LPCSTR pszEval, BOOL bBreakInside) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPCSTR psz; CHAR ach[256];
// Strip off path info from filename string, if present.
for (psz = pszFile + lstrlenA(pszFile); psz != pszFile; psz=CharPrevA(pszFile, psz)) { if ((CharPrevA(pszFile, psz)!= (psz-2)) && *(psz - 1) == '\\') break; } wsprintfA(ach, c_szAssertFailed, psz, line, pszEval); OutputDebugStringA(ach);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONVALIDATE)) { if (bBreakInside) { // See the hack we have above about redefining ASSERT
ASSERT(0); } else bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
Purpose: Displays assertion string.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ BOOL CDECL CcshellAssertFailedW( LPCWSTR pszFile, int line, LPCWSTR pszEval, BOOL bBreakInside) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPCWSTR psz; WCHAR ach[256];
// Strip off path info from filename string, if present.
for (psz = pszFile + lstrlenW(pszFile); psz && (psz != pszFile); psz=CharPrevW(pszFile, psz)) { if ((CharPrevW(pszFile, psz)!= (psz-2)) && *(psz - 1) == TEXT('\\')) break; }
// If psz == NULL, CharPrevW failed which implies we are running on Win95. We can get this
// if we get an assert in some of the W functions in shlwapi... Call the A version of assert...
if (!psz) { char szFile[MAX_PATH]; char szEval[256]; // since the total output is thhis size should be enough...
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszFile, -1, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL, NULL); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszEval, -1, szEval, ARRAYSIZE(szEval), NULL, NULL); return CcshellAssertFailedA(szFile, line, szEval, bBreakInside); }
wsprintfW(ach, c_wszAssertFailed, psz, line, pszEval); OutputDebugStringW(ach);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONVALIDATE)) { if (bBreakInside) { // See the hack we have above about redefining ASSERT
ASSERT(0); } else bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
Purpose: Keep track of the stack depth for function call trace messages.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CcshellStackEnter(void) { if (TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES != g_tlsStackDepth) { DWORD dwDepth;
dwDepth = (DWORD)((DWORD_PTR)TlsGetValue(g_tlsStackDepth));
TlsSetValue(g_tlsStackDepth, (LPVOID)((DWORD_PTR)dwDepth + 1)); } else { g_dwHackStackDepth++; } }
Purpose: Keep track of the stack depth for functionc all trace messages.
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CcshellStackLeave(void) { if (TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES != g_tlsStackDepth) { DWORD dwDepth;
dwDepth = (DWORD)((DWORD_PTR)TlsGetValue(g_tlsStackDepth));
if (EVAL(0 < dwDepth)) { EVAL(TlsSetValue(g_tlsStackDepth, (LPVOID)((DWORD_PTR)dwDepth - 1))); } } else { if (EVAL(0 < g_dwHackStackDepth)) { g_dwHackStackDepth--; } } }
Purpose: Return the stack depth.
Returns: see above Cond: -- */ static DWORD CcshellGetStackDepth(void) { DWORD dwDepth;
if (TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES != g_tlsStackDepth) { dwDepth = (DWORD)((DWORD_PTR)TlsGetValue(g_tlsStackDepth)); } else { dwDepth = g_dwHackStackDepth; }
return dwDepth; }
Purpose: This function converts a multi-byte string to a wide-char string.
If pszBuf is non-NULL and the converted string can fit in pszBuf, then *ppszWide will point to the given buffer. Otherwise, this function will allocate a buffer that can hold the converted string.
If pszAnsi is NULL, then *ppszWide will be freed. Note that pszBuf must be the same pointer between the call that converted the string and the call that frees the string.
Returns: TRUE FALSE (if out of memory)
Cond: -- */ BOOL UnicodeFromAnsi( LPWSTR * ppwszWide, LPCSTR pszAnsi, // NULL to clean up
LPWSTR pwszBuf, int cchBuf) { BOOL bRet;
// Convert the string?
if (pszAnsi) { // Yes; determine the converted string length
int cch; LPWSTR pwsz; int cchAnsi = lstrlenA(pszAnsi)+1;
cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszAnsi, cchAnsi, NULL, 0);
// String too big, or is there no buffer?
if (cch > cchBuf || NULL == pwszBuf) { // Yes; allocate space
cchBuf = cch + 1; pwsz = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, CbFromCchW(cchBuf)); } else { // No; use the provided buffer
pwsz = pwszBuf; }
if (pwsz) { // Convert the string
cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszAnsi, cchAnsi, pwsz, cchBuf); bRet = (0 < cch); } else { bRet = FALSE; }
*ppwszWide = pwsz; } else { // No; was this buffer allocated?
if (*ppwszWide && pwszBuf != *ppwszWide) { // Yes; clean up
LocalFree((HLOCAL)*ppwszWide); *ppwszWide = NULL; } bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
Purpose: Wide-char version of CcshellAssertMsgA Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CDECL CcshellAssertMsgW( BOOL f, LPCWSTR pszMsg, ...) { WCHAR ach[1024+40]; // Largest path plus extra
va_list vArgs;
if (!f) { int cch; #if 0
WCHAR wszBuf[1024]; LPWSTR pwsz; #endif
lstrcpyW(ach, c_wszAssertMsg); cch = lstrlenW(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
// (We convert the string, rather than simply input an
// LPCWSTR parameter, so the caller doesn't have to wrap
// all the string constants with the TEXT() macro.)
#if 0
if (UnicodeFromAnsi(&pwsz, pszMsg, wszBuf, SIZECHARS(wszBuf))) { wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pwsz, vArgs); UnicodeFromAnsi(&pwsz, NULL, wszBuf, 0); } #endif
// This is a W version of CcshellDebugMsg.
// Don't need to call UnicodeFromAnsi
wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs);
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringW(ach); OutputDebugStringW(c_wszNewline);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONVALIDATE)) ASSERT(0); } }
Purpose: Wide-char version of CcshellDebugMsgA. Note this function deliberately takes an ANSI format string so our trace messages don't all need to be wrapped in TEXT().
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CDECL CcshellDebugMsgW( DWORD flag, LPCWSTR pszMsg, ...) // (this is deliberately CHAR)
{ WCHAR ach[1024+40]; // Largest path plus extra
va_list vArgs;
if (TF_ALWAYS == flag || (IsFlagSet(g_dwTraceFlags, flag) && flag)) { int cch; #if 0
WCHAR wszBuf[1024]; LPWSTR pwsz; #endif
SetPrefixStringW(ach, flag); cch = lstrlenW(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
// (We convert the string, rather than simply input an
// LPCWSTR parameter, so the caller doesn't have to wrap
// all the string constants with the TEXT() macro.)
#if 0
if (UnicodeFromAnsi(&pwsz, pszMsg, wszBuf, SIZECHARS(wszBuf))) { wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pwsz, vArgs); UnicodeFromAnsi(&pwsz, NULL, wszBuf, 0); } #endif
// This is a W version of CcshellDebugMsg.
// Don't need to call UnicodeFromAnsi
wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs);
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringW(ach); OutputDebugStringW(c_wszNewline);
if (TF_ALWAYS != flag && ((flag & TF_ERROR) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONERRORMSG) || (flag & TF_WARNING) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONWARNMSG))) { DEBUG_BREAK; } } }
Purpose: Wide-char version of CcshellFuncMsgA. Note this function deliberately takes an ANSI format string so our trace messages don't all need to be wrapped in TEXT().
Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CDECL CcshellFuncMsgW( DWORD flag, LPCWSTR pszMsg, ...) // (this is deliberately CHAR)
{ WCHAR ach[1024+40]; // Largest path plus extra
va_list vArgs;
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwTraceFlags, TF_FUNC) && IsFlagSet(g_dwFuncTraceFlags, flag)) { int cch; #if 0
WCHAR wszBuf[1024]; LPWSTR pwsz; #endif
DWORD dwStackDepth; LPWSTR pszLeaderEnd; WCHAR chSave;
// Determine the indentation for trace message based on
// stack depth.
dwStackDepth = CcshellGetStackDepth();
if (dwStackDepth < SIZECHARS(g_szIndentLeader)) { pszLeaderEnd = &g_wszIndentLeader[dwStackDepth]; } else { pszLeaderEnd = &g_wszIndentLeader[SIZECHARS(g_wszIndentLeader)-1]; }
chSave = *pszLeaderEnd; *pszLeaderEnd = '\0';
wsprintfW(ach, L"%s %s", c_wszTrace, g_wszIndentLeader); *pszLeaderEnd = chSave;
// Compose remaining string
cch = lstrlenW(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg);
// (We convert the string, rather than simply input an
// LPCWSTR parameter, so the caller doesn't have to wrap
// all the string constants with the TEXT() macro.)
#if 0
if (UnicodeFromAnsi(&pwsz, pszMsg, wszBuf, SIZECHARS(wszBuf))) { wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pwsz, vArgs); UnicodeFromAnsi(&pwsz, NULL, wszBuf, 0); } #endif
// This is a W version of CcshellDebugMsg.
// Don't need to call UnicodeFromAnsi
wvsprintfW(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs);
va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringW(ach); OutputDebugStringW(c_wszNewline); } }
Purpose: Assert failed message only Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CDECL CcshellAssertMsgA( BOOL f, LPCSTR pszMsg, ...) { CHAR ach[1024+40]; // Largest path plus extra
va_list vArgs;
if (!f) { int cch;
lstrcpyA(ach, c_szAssertMsg); cch = lstrlenA(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg); wvsprintfA(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs); va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringA(ach); OutputDebugStringA(c_szNewline);
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONVALIDATE)) ASSERT(0); } }
Purpose: Debug spew Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CDECL CcshellDebugMsgA( DWORD flag, LPCSTR pszMsg, ...) { CHAR ach[1024+40]; // Largest path plus extra
va_list vArgs;
if (TF_ALWAYS == flag || (IsFlagSet(g_dwTraceFlags, flag) && flag)) { int cch;
SetPrefixStringA(ach, flag); cch = lstrlenA(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg); wvsprintfA(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs); va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringA(ach); OutputDebugStringA(c_szNewline);
if (TF_ALWAYS != flag && ((flag & TF_ERROR) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONERRORMSG) || (flag & TF_WARNING) && IsFlagSet(g_dwBreakFlags, BF_ONWARNMSG))) { DEBUG_BREAK; } } }
Purpose: Debug spew for function trace calls Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void CDECL CcshellFuncMsgA( DWORD flag, LPCSTR pszMsg, ...) { CHAR ach[1024+40]; // Largest path plus extra
va_list vArgs;
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwTraceFlags, TF_FUNC) && IsFlagSet(g_dwFuncTraceFlags, flag)) { int cch; DWORD dwStackDepth; LPSTR pszLeaderEnd; CHAR chSave;
// Determine the indentation for trace message based on
// stack depth.
dwStackDepth = CcshellGetStackDepth();
if (dwStackDepth < sizeof(g_szIndentLeader)) { pszLeaderEnd = &g_szIndentLeader[dwStackDepth]; } else { pszLeaderEnd = &g_szIndentLeader[sizeof(g_szIndentLeader)-1]; }
chSave = *pszLeaderEnd; *pszLeaderEnd = '\0';
wsprintfA(ach, "%s %s", c_szTrace, g_szIndentLeader); *pszLeaderEnd = chSave;
// Compose remaining string
cch = lstrlenA(ach); va_start(vArgs, pszMsg); wvsprintfA(&ach[cch], pszMsg, vArgs); va_end(vArgs); OutputDebugStringA(ach); OutputDebugStringA(c_szNewline); } }
// Debug .ini functions
#pragma data_seg(DATASEG_READONLY)
// (These are deliberately CHAR)
CHAR const FAR c_szNull[] = ""; CHAR const FAR c_szZero[] = "0"; CHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyBreakFlags[] = "BreakFlags"; CHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyTraceFlags[] = "TraceFlags"; CHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyFuncTraceFlags[] = "FuncTraceFlags"; CHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyDumpFlags[] = "DumpFlags"; CHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyProtoFlags[] = "Prototype";
#pragma data_seg()
// Some of the .ini processing code was pimped from the sync engine.
typedef struct _INIKEYHEADER { LPCTSTR pszSectionName; LPCTSTR pszKeyName; LPCTSTR pszDefaultRHS; } INIKEYHEADER;
typedef struct _BOOLINIKEY { INIKEYHEADER ikh; LPDWORD puStorage; DWORD dwFlag; } BOOLINIKEY;
typedef struct _INTINIKEY { INIKEYHEADER ikh; LPDWORD puStorage; } INTINIKEY;
#define PutIniIntCmp(idsSection, idsKey, nNewValue, nSave) \
if ((nNewValue) != (nSave)) PutIniInt(idsSection, idsKey, nNewValue)
#define WritePrivateProfileInt(szApp, szKey, i, lpFileName) \
{CHAR sz[7]; \ WritePrivateProfileString(szApp, szKey, SzFromInt(sz, i), lpFileName);}
/* Boolean TRUE strings used by IsIniYes() (comparison is case-insensitive) */
static LPCTSTR s_rgpszTrue[] = { TEXT("1"), TEXT("On"), TEXT("True"), TEXT("Y"), TEXT("Yes") };
/* Boolean FALSE strings used by IsIniYes() (comparison is case-insensitive) */
static LPCTSTR s_rgpszFalse[] = { TEXT("0"), TEXT("Off"), TEXT("False"), TEXT("N"), TEXT("No") }; #endif
Purpose: Determines whether a string corresponds to a boolean TRUE value. Returns: The boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) Cond: -- */ BOOL PRIVATE IsIniYes( LPCTSTR psz) { int i; BOOL bNotFound = TRUE; BOOL bResult;
/* Is the value TRUE? */
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgpszTrue); i++) { if (IsSzEqual(psz, s_rgpszTrue[i])) { bResult = TRUE; bNotFound = FALSE; break; } }
/* Is the value FALSE? */
if (bNotFound) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgpszFalse); i++) { if (IsSzEqual(psz, s_rgpszFalse[i])) { bResult = FALSE; bNotFound = FALSE; break; } }
/* Is the value a known string? */
if (bNotFound) { /* No. Whine about it. */
TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "IsIniYes() called on unknown Boolean RHS '%s'.", psz); bResult = FALSE; } }
return bResult; }
Purpose: Process keys with boolean RHSs. Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE ProcessBooleans(void) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgbik); i++) { DWORD dwcbKeyLen; TCHAR szRHS[MAX_BUF]; BOOLINIKEY * pbik = &(s_rgbik[i]); LPCTSTR lpcszRHS;
/* Look for key. */
dwcbKeyLen = GetPrivateProfileString(pbik->ikh.pszSectionName, pbik->ikh.pszKeyName, TEXT(""), szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (dwcbKeyLen) lpcszRHS = szRHS; else lpcszRHS = pbik->ikh.pszDefaultRHS;
if (IsIniYes(lpcszRHS)) { if (IsFlagClear(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag)) TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "ProcessIniFile(): %s set in %s![%s].", pbik->ikh.pszKeyName, c_szCcshellIniFile, pbik->ikh.pszSectionName);
SetFlag(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag); } else { if (IsFlagSet(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag)) TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "ProcessIniFile(): %s cleared in %s![%s].", pbik->ikh.pszKeyName, c_szCcshellIniFile, pbik->ikh.pszSectionName);
ClearFlag(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag); } } } #endif
#ifdef UNICODE
Purpose: This function converts a wide-char string to a multi-byte string.
If pszBuf is non-NULL and the converted string can fit in pszBuf, then *ppszAnsi will point to the given buffer. Otherwise, this function will allocate a buffer that can hold the converted string.
If pszWide is NULL, then *ppszAnsi will be freed. Note that pszBuf must be the same pointer between the call that converted the string and the call that frees the string.
Returns: TRUE FALSE (if out of memory)
Cond: -- */ static BOOL MyAnsiFromUnicode( LPSTR * ppszAnsi, LPCWSTR pwszWide, // NULL to clean up
LPSTR pszBuf, int cchBuf) { BOOL bRet;
// Convert the string?
if (pwszWide) { // Yes; determine the converted string length
int cch; LPSTR psz;
cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszWide, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
// String too big, or is there no buffer?
if (cch > cchBuf || NULL == pszBuf) { // Yes; allocate space
cchBuf = cch + 1; psz = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, CbFromCchA(cchBuf)); } else { // No; use the provided buffer
Assert(pszBuf); psz = pszBuf; }
if (psz) { // Convert the string
cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszWide, -1, psz, cchBuf, NULL, NULL); bRet = (0 < cch); } else { bRet = FALSE; }
*ppszAnsi = psz; } else { // No; was this buffer allocated?
if (*ppszAnsi && pszBuf != *ppszAnsi) { // Yes; clean up
LocalFree((HLOCAL)*ppszAnsi); *ppszAnsi = NULL; } bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
Purpose: Wide-char wrapper for StrToIntExA.
Returns: see StrToIntExA Cond: -- */ static BOOL MyStrToIntExW( LPCWSTR pwszString, DWORD dwFlags, // STIF_ bitfield
int FAR * piRet) { // Most strings will simply use this temporary buffer, but AnsiFromUnicode
// will allocate a buffer if the supplied string is bigger.
LPSTR pszString; BOOL bRet = MyAnsiFromUnicode(&pszString, pwszString, szBuf, SIZECHARS(szBuf));
if (bRet) { bRet = MyStrToIntExA(pszString, dwFlags, piRet); MyAnsiFromUnicode(&pszString, NULL, szBuf, 0); } return bRet; } #endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
#define MyStrToIntEx MyStrToIntExW
#define MyStrToIntEx MyStrToIntExA
Purpose: This function reads a .ini file to determine the debug flags to set. The .ini file and section are specified by the following manifest constants:
The debug variables that are set by this function are g_dwDumpFlags, g_dwTraceFlags, g_dwBreakFlags, and g_dwFuncTraceFlags, g_dwPrototype.
Returns: TRUE if initialization is successful Cond: -- */ BOOL PUBLIC CcshellGetDebugFlags(void) { CHAR szRHS[MAX_PATH]; int val;
// BUGBUG (scotth): Yes, COMCTL32 exports StrToIntEx, but I
// don't want to cause a dependency delta and force everyone
// to get a new comctl32 just because they built debug.
// So use a local version of StrToIntEx.
// Trace Flags
GetPrivateProfileStringA(c_szCcshellIniSecDebug, c_szIniKeyTraceFlags, c_szNull, szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (MyStrToIntExA(szRHS, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &val)) g_dwTraceFlags = (DWORD)val;
TraceMsgA(TF_GENERAL, "CcshellGetDebugFlags(): %s set to %#08x.", c_szIniKeyTraceFlags, g_dwTraceFlags);
// Function trace Flags
GetPrivateProfileStringA(c_szCcshellIniSecDebug, c_szIniKeyFuncTraceFlags, c_szNull, szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (MyStrToIntExA(szRHS, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &val)) g_dwFuncTraceFlags = (DWORD)val;
TraceMsgA(TF_GENERAL, "CcshellGetDebugFlags(): %s set to %#08x.", c_szIniKeyFuncTraceFlags, g_dwFuncTraceFlags);
// Dump Flags
GetPrivateProfileStringA(c_szCcshellIniSecDebug, c_szIniKeyDumpFlags, c_szNull, szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (MyStrToIntExA(szRHS, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &val)) g_dwDumpFlags = (DWORD)val;
TraceMsgA(TF_GENERAL, "CcshellGetDebugFlags(): %s set to %#08x.", c_szIniKeyDumpFlags, g_dwDumpFlags);
// Break Flags
GetPrivateProfileStringA(c_szCcshellIniSecDebug, c_szIniKeyBreakFlags, c_szNull, szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (MyStrToIntExA(szRHS, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &val)) g_dwBreakFlags = (DWORD)val;
TraceMsgA(TF_GENERAL, "CcshellGetDebugFlags(): %s set to %#08x.", c_szIniKeyBreakFlags, g_dwBreakFlags);
// Prototype Flags
GetPrivateProfileStringA(c_szCcshellIniSecDebug, c_szIniKeyProtoFlags, c_szNull, szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (MyStrToIntExA(szRHS, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &val)) g_dwPrototype = (DWORD)val;
TraceMsgA(TF_GENERAL, "CcshellGetDebugFlags(): %s set to %#08x.", c_szIniKeyProtoFlags, g_dwPrototype);
return TRUE; }
#endif // DEBUG
DWORD g_dwProfileCAP = 0;
BOOL PUBLIC CcshellGetDebugFlags(void) { CHAR szRHS[MAX_PATH]; int val;
GetPrivateProfileStringA(c_szCcshellIniSecDebug, "Profile", "", szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szCcshellIniFile);
if (MyStrToIntExA(szRHS, STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, &val)) g_dwProfileCAP = (DWORD)val;
return TRUE; } #endif // PRODUCT_PROF