extern BOOL gbWin16Mode;
UINT CPDLParser::CountTags ( TokenDescriptor *tokdesc ) { UINT uCount; TagDescriptor *pTagDescriptor; for ( uCount = 0, pTagDescriptor = tokdesc -> Tags ; pTagDescriptor -> szTag != NULL; uCount++, pTagDescriptor++ ); return uCount; }
CPDLParser::CPDLParser() { fpHComPlusFile = NULL; fpCComPlusFile = NULL; fpHDLFile = NULL; fpHeaderFile = NULL; fpIDLFile = NULL; fpLOGFile = NULL; fpHTMFile = NULL; fpHTMIndexFile = NULL; fpDISPIDFile = NULL; fpMaxLenFile = NULL; pRuntimeList = new CTokenList; pDynamicTypeList = new CTokenList; pDynamicEventTypeList = new CTokenList; Init(); }
void CPDLParser::SplitTag ( char *pStr, int nLen, char **pTag, int *pnTagLen, char **pValue, int *pnValueLen ) { *pTag = pStr; for ( *pnTagLen = 0 ; *pnTagLen < nLen ; pStr++, (*pnTagLen)++ ) { if ( *pStr == ':' ) { *pValue = pStr + 1; *pnValueLen = nLen - *pnTagLen -1; return; } } *pnValueLen = 0; }
BOOL CPDLParser::LookupToken ( LPCSTR pTokenName, int nTokenLen, TokenDescriptor **ppTokenDescriptor, DESCRIPTOR_TYPE *pnTokenDes ) { INT i; for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_DESCRIPTOR_TYPES ; i++ ) { if (strlen(AllDescriptors[i]->szTokenName) == (UINT)nTokenLen && !_strnicmp(AllDescriptors[i]->szTokenName, pTokenName, nTokenLen)) { *ppTokenDescriptor = AllDescriptors [ i ]; *pnTokenDes = (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)i; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GetElem ( char **pStr, char **pElem, int *pnLen, BOOL fBreakOnOpenParenthesis, /* = FALSE */ BOOL fBreakOnCloseParenthesis, /* = FALSE */ BOOL fBreakOnCommas /* = FALSE */ ) { *pnLen = 0;
while ( isspace ( **pStr ) ) { (*pStr)++; } *pElem = *pStr; if (( fBreakOnOpenParenthesis && **pStr == ')' ) || ( fBreakOnCloseParenthesis && **pStr == '(' ) || (fBreakOnCommas && **pStr == ',' )) { (*pnLen)++; (*pStr)++; goto Cleanup; } while ( **pStr && !isspace ( **pStr )) { if (( fBreakOnOpenParenthesis && **pStr == ')' ) || ( fBreakOnCloseParenthesis && **pStr == '(' ) || (fBreakOnCommas && **pStr == ',' )) { // Break but leave the pStr pointing at the bracket - we'll pick it up in the
// next call
break; }
// Convert curly braces to parens
if (**pStr == '{') **pStr = '('; else if (**pStr == '}') **pStr = ')';
(*pnLen)++; (*pStr)++; } Cleanup: return *pnLen == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::ParseInputFile ( BOOL fDebugging ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; DESCRIPTOR_TYPE nThisDescriptor; char szLineBuffer [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; char *pStr = szLineBuffer; char *pElem; int nElemLen; TokenDescriptor *pThisDescriptor; Token *pNewToken; Token *pParentToken = NULL; BOOL fGotParentToken = FALSE; CString szType;
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Parsing input file\n" );
for(;;) { if ( !GetStdInLine ( szLineBuffer, sizeof ( szLineBuffer ) ) ) break;
pStr = szLineBuffer;
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Read Line:%s\n", szLineBuffer ); // Get the type e..g. enum, eval etc.
if ( !GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen ) ) { // Couldn't get the name
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Skipping\n" ); continue; }
if ( !LookupToken ( pElem, nElemLen, &pThisDescriptor, &nThisDescriptor ) ) { fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Unknown token\n" ); continue; }
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Processing a %s declaration\n", (LPCSTR)AllDescriptors [ nThisDescriptor ] -> szTokenName );
// If it's a child token and we haven't got a parent
if ( !pThisDescriptor->fIsParentToken && !fGotParentToken ) { ReportError ( "Child Token Without Parent\n" ); goto error; }
if ( pThisDescriptor->fIsParentToken ) { fGotParentToken = TRUE; }
INT nTag; char *pTag; char *pValue; int nTagLen; int nValueLen; BOOL fVarArg = FALSE;
if ( nThisDescriptor == TYPE_METHOD ) { // Look for optional vararg first
if ( !GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen ) ) { // Couldn't get the return type
continue; }
if ( ! ( pNewToken = pParentToken -> AddChildToken ( nThisDescriptor ) ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
if ( !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( METHOD_RETURNTYPE, pElem, nElemLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
// Name is next
if ( !GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen ) ) { // Couldn't get the name
continue; }
if ( !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( METHOD_NAME, pElem, nElemLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
// Methods need special handling due to the parameter list
// Put all tokens before the "(" in the TagValues
// Treat each arg in the param list as a unique token and add
// to the pArgList for this token
// Put all the tokens after the ")" in the TagValues
// We allow either a comma-seperated arg list, but if we
// don't get commas we break the arg intelligently
UINT bInParams = FALSE; BOOL bCreatedArgToken = FALSE;
Token *pCurrentToken;
TokenDescriptor *pDescriptor = pThisDescriptor; pCurrentToken = pNewToken; fVarArg = FALSE;
// Set the fBreakOnParenthesis Flag to make parenthis stop GetElem
while ( GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ) ) { if ( nElemLen == 1 && *pElem == '(' ) { if ( bInParams ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Syntax Error %s On %s\n", pStr, szLineBuffer ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; } bInParams = TRUE; // Switch to method arg descriptor
pDescriptor = &MethodArgDescriptor; } else if ( nElemLen == 1 && *pElem == ')' ) { if ( !bInParams ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Syntax Error %s On %s\n", pStr, szLineBuffer ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; } bInParams = FALSE; // Switch back to method descriptor
pDescriptor = pThisDescriptor; pCurrentToken = pNewToken; } else if ( nElemLen == 1 && *pElem == ',' ) { // Reset flag so new arg token gets created for next arg
bCreatedArgToken = FALSE; } else {
// Split out the prefix:value
SplitTag ( pElem, nElemLen, &pTag, &nTagLen, &pValue, &nValueLen );
// Match the tag
if ( !pDescriptor->LookupTagName ( pTag, nTagLen, &nTag ) ) { pTag [ nTagLen ] = '\0'; sprintf ( szErrorText, "Unknown tag: %s On %s\n", pTag, szLineBuffer ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; }
// If we've already got an entry for this tag, and we've seen
// at least the arg tag, start a new arg
if ( bInParams && pCurrentToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) && ( nTag == METHODARG_IN || nTag == METHODARG_OUT ) && ( pCurrentToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_IN ) || pCurrentToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_IN ) ) ) { // Start a new arg
bCreatedArgToken = FALSE; } if ( bInParams && bCreatedArgToken == FALSE ) { // Create the arg list if needed
pCurrentToken = pNewToken -> AddChildToken ( TYPE_METHOD_ARG ); if ( pCurrentToken == NULL ) { ReportError ( "Memory allocation error\n" ); goto error; } bCreatedArgToken = TRUE; }
// Add the tag either to the main method token array or to the current
// arg 's array
if ( !pCurrentToken->TagValues.AddTag ( nTag, pValue, nValueLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory allocation error\n" ); goto error; }
// Last argument a SAFEARRAY, if so then vararg
fVarArg = (strncmp(pValue, "SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)", 18) == 0); }
// method is a vararg because last parameter is a safearray.
if ( fVarArg && !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( METHOD_VARARG, "vararg", 6 ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory allocation error\n" ); goto error; } } } else if ( nThisDescriptor == TYPE_REFPROP || nThisDescriptor == TYPE_REFMETHOD ) { // Now get the Class::Name & split it out
if ( !GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen ) ) { // Couldn't get the name
continue; }
// Split out the prefix:value
SplitTag ( pElem, nElemLen, &pTag, &nTagLen, &pValue, &nValueLen );
pNewToken = pParentToken -> AddChildToken ( nThisDescriptor );
if ( pNewToken == NULL ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
if ( !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( (nThisDescriptor == TYPE_REFPROP) ? (INT)REFPROP_CLASSNAME : (INT)REFMETHOD_CLASSNAME, pTag, nTagLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; } if ( !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( nThisDescriptor == TYPE_REFPROP ? (INT)REFPROP_PROPERTYNAME : (INT)REFMETHOD_METHODNAME, pValue, nValueLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
} else { // Now get the name
if ( !GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen ) ) { // Couldn't get the name
continue; }
// If it's a child token, add it to the runtime list, else add it as a child
// of the current parent
if ( pThisDescriptor->fIsParentToken ) { pNewToken = pRuntimeList -> AddNewToken ( nThisDescriptor ); pParentToken = pNewToken; } else { pNewToken = pParentToken -> AddChildToken ( nThisDescriptor ); }
if ( pNewToken == NULL ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
// First tag is always the name
if ( !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( NAME_TAG, pElem, nElemLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; }
// Split out all the token:value pairs
while ( GetElem ( &pStr, &pElem, &nElemLen ) ) { // Split out the prefix:value
SplitTag ( pElem, nElemLen, &pTag, &nTagLen, &pValue, &nValueLen );
// Match the tag
if ( !pThisDescriptor->LookupTagName ( pTag, nTagLen, &nTag ) ) { pTag [ nTagLen ] = '\0'; sprintf ( szErrorText, "Unknown tag: %s On %s\n", pTag, szLineBuffer ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; }
if ( !pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( nTag, pValue, nValueLen ) ) { ReportError ( "Memory Allocation Error\n" ); goto error; } } } // Perform any cleanup
switch ( nThisDescriptor ) { case TYPE_EVAL: // For enums we calculate and store in the token the enum mask
// We also number the enum values sequentialy
pNewToken -> CalculateEnumMask ( pParentToken ); break;
case TYPE_ENUM: // Add data types to the dynamic type array
szType = pNewToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ); AddType ( szType, "Enum" ); AddEventType ( szType, "VTS_I4" ); szType += "*"; AddEventType ( szType, "VTS_PI4" ); break;
case TYPE_CLASS: case TYPE_INTERFACE: case TYPE_EVENT: szType = pNewToken -> GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ); szType += "*"; AddType ( szType, "object" ); AddEventType ( szType, "VTS_DISPATCH" ); szType += "*"; AddType ( szType, "object" ); AddEventType ( szType, "VTS_DISPATCH" ); break; } }
// Add an IUnknown to make implicit ref's match up
pNewToken = pRuntimeList -> AddNewToken ( TYPE_INTERFACE ); pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( INTERFACE_NAME, "IUnknown", -1 );
// Add an IDispatch to make implicit ref's match up
pNewToken = pRuntimeList -> AddNewToken ( TYPE_INTERFACE ); pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( INTERFACE_NAME, "IDispatch", -1 );
pNewToken = pRuntimeList -> AddNewToken ( TYPE_EVENT ); pNewToken->TagValues.AddTag ( EVENT_NAME, "IDispatch", -1 );
// Patch up the refprops & refmethods
if ( !PatchInterfaceRefTypes() ) { goto error; }
// Patch Properties that are of object type
if ( !PatchPropertyTypes() ) { goto error; }
if ( !PatchInterfaces() ) { goto error; }
goto cleanup;
error: fReturn = FALSE;
cleanup: return fReturn; }
BOOL CPDLParser::PatchInterfaceRefTypes ( void ) { CTokenListWalker WholeTree ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pChildToken; Token *pInterfaceToken; CString szClassName;
// For each RefProp or Refmethod, we replace the arg list with a copy of the referenced property/method
// and change the type of the ref'd item appropriatly
while ( pInterfaceToken = WholeTree.GetNext( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pInterfaceToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_REFPROP ) { szClassName = pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( REFPROP_CLASSNAME );
if ( !CloneToken ( pChildToken, TYPE_PROPERTY, REFPROP_CLASSNAME, REFPROP_PROPERTYNAME ) ) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf ( szErrorText, "Interface %s Invalid RefProp %s:%s\n" , pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( REFPROP_CLASSNAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( REFPROP_PROPERTYNAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
return FALSE; }
// Remember the class that was refprop'd.
pChildToken -> AddTag ( PROPERTY_REFDTOCLASS, (LPCSTR)szClassName ); } else if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_REFMETHOD ) { szClassName = pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( REFMETHOD_CLASSNAME );
if ( !CloneToken ( pChildToken, TYPE_METHOD, REFMETHOD_CLASSNAME, REFMETHOD_METHODNAME ) ) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf ( szErrorText, "Interface %s Invalid RefMethod %s:%s\n" , pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( REFMETHOD_CLASSNAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( REFMETHOD_METHODNAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
return FALSE; }
// Remember the class that was refprop'd.
pChildToken -> AddTag ( METHOD_REFDTOCLASS, (LPCSTR)szClassName ); } } } return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::CloneToken ( Token *pChildToken, DESCRIPTOR_TYPE Type, INT nClassName, INT nTagName ) { CTokenListWalker SubTree ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pRefdClassToken; Token *pRefdChild;
pRefdClassToken = SubTree.GetNext( TYPE_CLASS, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( nClassName ) ); if ( pRefdClassToken == NULL ) { // Couldn't find the refd class
return FALSE; } // Found the refd class, find the refd property
CTokenListWalker RefdChildList ( pRefdClassToken ); pRefdChild = RefdChildList.GetNext ( Type, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( nTagName ) ); if ( pRefdChild == NULL ) { // Couldn't find the refd property
return FALSE; } else { pChildToken -> Clone ( pRefdChild ); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GetTypeDetails ( char *szTypeName, CString& szHandler, CString &szFnPrefix, StorageType *pStorageType /* = NULL */ ) { if ( !LookupType ( szTypeName, szHandler, szFnPrefix, pStorageType ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::IsSpecialProperty(Token *pClassToken) { CString szInterf; Token *pInterf;
szInterf = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); pInterf = FindInterface(szInterf); if (pInterf) return (PrimaryTearoff(pInterf) || pInterf->IsSet(INTERFACE_ABSTRACT)); else return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GeneratePropMethodImplementation ( void ) { Token *pClassToken; Token *pChildToken; CString szFnPrefix; CString szHandler; CString szOffsetOf; CString szAType; CString szHandlerArgs; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName );
// Generate propdescs for every property token in every class ( in this file )
while ( pClassToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { if (!IsSpecialProperty(pClassToken)) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n// Property get/set method implementation for class %s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" );
CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken->nType == TYPE_METHOD || pChildToken->nType == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS || pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) || pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION ) ) { continue; }
// If propdesc for nameOnly then we wont need a handler for this property
// another property that matches this will do the handling.
if ( _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0 ) continue;
if ( !GetTypeDetails ( pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), szHandler, szFnPrefix ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText ,"Invalid Type:%s in Class:%s Property:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) ) { szOffsetOf = "(GetAttrArray())"; } else { szOffsetOf = "(this)"; } szAType = pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE ); // Generate set implementation
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) ) { szHandlerArgs = "HANDLEPROP_SET | HANDLEPROP_AUTOMATION | (PROPTYPE_VARIANT << 16)"; GenerateMethodImp ( pClassToken, pChildToken, TRUE, szHandler, szHandlerArgs, szOffsetOf, szAType ); } // Generate Get implementation
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) ) { szHandlerArgs = "HANDLEPROP_AUTOMATION | (PROPTYPE_VARIANT << 16)"; GenerateMethodImp ( pClassToken, pChildToken, FALSE, szHandler, szHandlerArgs, szOffsetOf, szAType ); } } }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" );
// Whip thru all tearoffs.
Token *pLastTearoff = NULL; BOOL fMostDerivedOnly; while ((pLastTearoff = NextTearoff((LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), pLastTearoff))) { LPSTR szInterface = (LPSTR)pLastTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE);
// If the tearoff is the primary interface of the coclass then we'll
// not stack the derived interfaces but generate separate
fMostDerivedOnly = (_stricmp(szInterface, (LPSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE)) == 0 && _stricmp(szInterface, "IHTMLDocument2"));
if ( !GenerateTearoffTable(pClassToken, pLastTearoff, szInterface, fMostDerivedOnly)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::FindTearoffMethod(Token *pTearoff, LPCSTR pszTearoffMethod, LPSTR pszUseTearoff) { Token *pChildToken;
CTokenListWalker ChildList(pTearoff); while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_TEAROFFMETHOD) { if (strcmp((LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(TEAROFFMETHOD_NAME), pszTearoffMethod) == 0) { // Check if there is a class name in the method, if it is then
// extract it explicity.
strcpy(pszUseTearoff, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(TEAROFFMETHOD_MAPTO));
return TRUE; } } }
// Call the super:: implementation except for the primary tearoff the base
// implementation of each method if not specified is the current class.
strcpy(pszUseTearoff, pTearoff->IsSet(TEAROFF_BASEIMPL) ? (LPCSTR)pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_BASEIMPL) : ""); strcat(pszUseTearoff, pszTearoffMethod);
return FALSE; }
// We exploit the Linker's Case insensitive feature to do Tearoffs in Win16.
// This function takes a Tearoff Method and generates a name that is different
// in case from the Real Tearoff Method. We have to follow certain rules so that
// the compiler doesn't complain about undefined symbols and the linker puts in
// the correct address anyhow.
void GenerateWin16TearoffName(LPSTR szWin16Name, LPSTR pszTearoffMethod, LPSTR szClassName = NULL) { strcpy(szWin16Name, pszTearoffMethod); // if the Tearoff has a put_ or get_ prefix then we capitalize the PUT_
// or GET_
if ( !strncmp(szWin16Name, "put_", 4) ) { strncpy(szWin16Name, "PUT_", 4); return; } if ( !strncmp(szWin16Name, "get_", 4) ) { strncpy(szWin16Name, "GET_", 4); return; }
// Check if there is a class name in the method, if it is super
// then let it be else extract that and copy it to szClassName.
char *p = strstr(szWin16Name, "::");
if ( p && strncmp(szWin16Name, "super::",7) ) { strcpy(pszTearoffMethod, p+2); if ( szClassName ) { *p = '\0'; strcpy(szClassName, szWin16Name); } strcpy(szWin16Name, pszTearoffMethod); }
// lower case the name.
_strlwr(szWin16Name); // make sure the generated name is different from the original one.
if ( !strcmp( pszTearoffMethod, szWin16Name) ) { char *p = strstr(szWin16Name, "::");
// Ok, the Method name is all lower case, so we upper case the
// name after the First char. We also need to skip past the Class Name
// if any. Upper casing the whole name gave some other problems.
if ( p != NULL ) _strupr(p+2); else _strupr(szWin16Name+1); }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateTearoffTable ( Token *pClassToken, Token *pTearoff, LPCSTR pszInterface, BOOL fMostDerived ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "// Tear-off table for class %s\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) );
if (IsSpecialTearoff(pTearoff)) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "BEGIN_TEAROFF_TABLE_PROPDESC(%s, %s)\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), pszInterface ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "BEGIN_TEAROFF_TABLE(%s, %s)\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), pszInterface ); }
// Walk the interface heirarchy, starting at this classes primary
// interface, generate a fn table for each interface encountered
// started with IDispatch methods above. Generate methods in interface order - deepest
// first
if ( !GenerateTearOffMethods ( pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), pTearoff, pszInterface, fMostDerived) ) return FALSE;
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "END_TEAROFF_TABLE()\n\n" );
return TRUE; }
Token *CPDLParser::GetSuperClassTokenPtr ( Token *pClassToken ) { Token *pSuperToken = NULL; if ( pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_SUPER ) ) { CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList ); pSuperToken = WholeList.GetNext ( TYPE_CLASS, pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_SUPER ) ); } return pSuperToken; }
BOOL CPDLParser::HasClassGotProperties ( Token *pClassToken ) { Token *pSuperClass; CTokenListWalker PropList ( pClassToken );
if ( PropList.GetNext ( TYPE_PROPERTY ) ) return TRUE; else { pSuperClass = GetSuperClassTokenPtr ( pClassToken ); if ( pSuperClass ) return HasClassGotProperties ( pSuperClass ); else return FALSE; } }
BOOL CPDLParser::PrimaryTearoff (Token *pInterface) { return !pInterface->IsSet(INTERFACE_NOPRIMARYTEAROFF); }
Token * CPDLParser::NextTearoff (LPCSTR szClassname, Token *pLastTearoff /*= NULL*/) { CTokenListWalker ThisFilesList(pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName); Token *pTearoffToken; BOOL fNextOne = FALSE;
while (pTearoffToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext(TYPE_TEAROFF)) { if (_stricmp(szClassname, (LPSTR)pTearoffToken->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_NAME)) == 0) { // The correct class.
if (pLastTearoff) { // Return this one.
if (!fNextOne) { fNextOne = pLastTearoff == pTearoffToken; continue; // Get the next and then stop.
} }
break; } }
return pTearoffToken; }
Token* CPDLParser::FindTearoff (LPCSTR szClassname, LPCSTR szInterface) { Token *pLastTearoff = NULL;
while (pLastTearoff = NextTearoff(szClassname, pLastTearoff)) { if (!_stricmp(szInterface, (LPSTR)pLastTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE))) { break; } }
return pLastTearoff; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateClassIncludes (void) { Token *pClassToken; CTokenListWalker ThisFilesList(pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName);
// Walk the class statments for this file only
fprintf(fpLOGFile, "*** Looking for \"%s\"\n",_pszPDLFileName);
while (pClassToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext(TYPE_CLASS)) { LPCSTR szClassname = (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME);
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "#ifdef _%s_\n\n", szClassname);
// Write out inline cached get helpers
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "\n// Cascaded Property get method prototypes for class %s\n\npublic:\n", szClassname);
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "\n// Property get/set method declarations for class %s\n", szClassname);
// Always add a propdesc declaration for non-abstract classes, remember
// abstract class haven't got a propertydesc array.
// TODO: TerryLu - Need to add code here to handle the shared keyword
if ((!pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_ABSTRACT)) || (_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") == 0)) { if(_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") != 0) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " static const HDLDESC %s::s_apHdlDescs;\n", szClassname); } fprintf(fpHDLFile, " static const CAssocVTable * const s_AssocVTablePtr[];\n"); fprintf(fpHDLFile, " static const CAssocArrayVTable s_StringTable;\n"); fprintf(fpHDLFile, " static const CPtrBagVTableAggregate s_StringTableAggregate;\n"); if(_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "COmWindowProxy") == 0) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "static const VTABLEDESC * const COmWindowProxy::s_COmWindowProxyDocument;\n"); }
CString szInterface; Token *pInterface; BOOL fOk;
Token *pTearoff = NULL; while ((pTearoff = NextTearoff(szClassname, pTearoff))) { szInterface = pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE); pInterface = FindInterface(szInterface);
if (pInterface) { CTokenListWalker ChildList(pInterface); Token *pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext(); if (pChildToken) { fOk = FALSE;
do { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT) && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION)) { fOk = TRUE; break; } } while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext());
if (fOk) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " static const PROPERTYDESC * const %s::s_ppropdescsInVtblOrder%s [];\n", szClassname, (LPSTR)pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE)); } } } }
// Generate a CPC if, we have an eventset && it is unique to us
if ( IsUniqueCPC ( pClassToken ) ) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " static const CONNECTION_POINT_INFO %s::s_acpi[];\n", szClassname); }
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_EVENTS)) { if (!GenerateEventFireDecl(pClassToken)) { return FALSE; } }
// Whip thru all tearoffs.
Token *pLastTearoff = NULL; while ((pLastTearoff = NextTearoff(szClassname, pLastTearoff))) { // Need static tearoff table decl
if (IsSpecialTearoff(pLastTearoff)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " DECLARE_TEAROFF_TABLE_PROPDESC(%s)\n", pLastTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE)); } else { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " DECLARE_TEAROFF_TABLE(%s)\n", pLastTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE)); } }
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "\n#endif // _%s_\n\n", szClassname); fprintf(fpHDLFile, "#undef _%s_\n\n", szClassname); }
return TRUE; }
// Work out if this class has a unique connection point info structure -
// or can we use its super ??
BOOL CPDLParser::IsUniqueCPC ( Token *pClassToken ) { BOOL fDoIt = FALSE; Token *pClass; CString szSuperClass, szThisEvents, szThatEvents;
if ( !pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NOCPC) && pClassToken->IsSet ( CLASS_EVENTS ) ) { szThisEvents = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS); fDoIt = TRUE; for ( pClass = pClassToken ; pClass ; ) { if ( pClass->IsSet ( CLASS_SUPER ) ) { szSuperClass = pClass -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_SUPER ); pClass = FindClass ( szSuperClass ); if ( pClass && pClass->IsSet ( CLASS_EVENTS ) && !pClass->IsSet(CLASS_NOCPC) ) { szThatEvents = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS); if ( szThatEvents == szThisEvents ) { // Do we have non-primary events #1 and is the super non-primary events
// the same as ours? If not, then we are unique.
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1)) { szThisEvents = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1); szThatEvents = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1); if (szThatEvents != szThisEvents) { // We're unique.
break; } // Do we have non-primary events #2 and is the super non-primary events
// the same as ours? If not, then we are unique.
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2)) { szThisEvents = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2); szThatEvents = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2); if (szThatEvents != szThisEvents) { // We're unique.
break; } // Do we have non-primary events #3 and is the super non-primary events
// the same as ours? If not, then we are unique.
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3)) { szThisEvents = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3); szThatEvents = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3); if (szThatEvents != szThisEvents) { // We're unique.
break; } // Do we have non-primary events #4 and is the super non-primary events
// the same as ours? If not, then we are unique.
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4)) { szThisEvents = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4); szThatEvents = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4); if (szThatEvents != szThisEvents) { // We're unique.
break; } } } } // else fall through to below which set's fDoIt to FALSE.
} fDoIt = FALSE; break; } break; } } else break; } } return fDoIt; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateEventFireDecl ( Token *pClassToken ) { Token *pEventToken;
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "// Event fire method declarations for events %s\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_EVENTS ) );
// Find the event declaration
CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList ) ; pEventToken = WholeList.GetNext ( TYPE_EVENT, pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_EVENTS ) ); if ( pEventToken == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
return GenerateEventDecl ( pClassToken, pEventToken ); }
BOOL CPDLParser::IsElementEvent(Token *pEventInterface) { CTokenListWalker WholeList(pRuntimeList); CString szEvent; CString szElementEvent;
if (!pEventInterface) return FALSE;
szEvent = pEventInterface->GetTagValue(EVENT_NAME); if (_stricmp((LPCSTR)szEvent, "HTMLObjectElementEvents") == 0) return TRUE;
szElementEvent = "HTMLElementEvents"; while (pEventInterface) { if (szElementEvent == szEvent) return TRUE;
szEvent = pEventInterface->GetTagValue(EVENT_SUPER); WholeList.Reset(); pEventInterface = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT, szEvent); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateEventDecl ( Token *pClassToken, Token *pEventToken ) { /* TLL: Don't spit out any arguments. Currently the only argument for event is eventObject which is computed
Token *pArgToken; */ Token *pChildToken; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pEventToken ); CString szNameUpper; CString szNameLower; BOOL fDocEvents = (_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS), "HTMLDocumentEvents") == 0) || (_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS), "HTMLProtectedElementEvents") == 0) || (_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS), "HTMLNamespaceEvents") == 0); BOOL fWindowEvents = _stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS), "HTMLWindowEvents") == 0; BOOL fElementEvents = !fDocEvents && !fWindowEvents && IsElementEvent(pEventToken);
while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if (!fElementEvents && !fDocEvents && !fWindowEvents && (_stricmp(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS), "DWebBridgeEvents") != 0)) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Need to modify GenerateEventDecl() in parser.cpp to pass in Doc ptr to FireEvent for class:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_ABSTRACT ) ) { szNameUpper = pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ); szNameLower = szNameUpper; szNameUpper.ToUpper();
if (!FindEventProp(pClassToken, (LPCSTR)szNameLower)) continue;
// Method
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " %s Fire_%s(", pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_CANCELABLE) ? "BOOL" : "void", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) );
CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken ); BOOL fFirst = TRUE;
/* TLL: Don't spit out any arguments. Currently the only argument for event is eventObject which is computed
while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { if ( !fFirst ) fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "," ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s %s", (LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), (LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME )); fFirst = FALSE; } */ if ( pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_BUBBLING) ) { if ( !fFirst ) fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "," ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "CTreeNode * pNodeContext = NULL"); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ", long lSubDivision = -1"); }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ")\n {\n " );
if ( pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_CANCELABLE) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "return !!" ); }
if (fElementEvents) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "FireEvent(&s_propdesc%s%s%s", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)szNameLower, pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_BUBBLING) ? ", TRUE, pNodeContext, lSubDivision" : ""); } else { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "FireEvent(%sDISPID_EVMETH_%s, DISPID_EVPROP_%s, _T(\"%s\")", fDocEvents ? "Doc(), " : (fWindowEvents ? "_pDoc, " : ""), (LPCSTR)szNameUpper, (LPCSTR)szNameUpper, (LPCSTR)szNameLower+2); }
/* TLL: Don't spit out any arguments. Currently the only argument for event is eventObject which is computed
ArgListWalker.Reset(); if ( ArgListWalker.GetTokenCount() > 0 ) { while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { // Locate the vts type for this type
CString szVTSType;
if ( !LookupEventType ( szVTSType, pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Unknown Type %s in %s::Fire%s event declaration\n", (LPCSTR) pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), pEventToken -> GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " %s", (LPCSTR)szVTSType ); fFirst = FALSE; } ArgListWalker.Reset(); while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ", %s", pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); } } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " VTS_NONE" ); } */ fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ");\n }\n" ); } else if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY ) { // Property in event set - should never happen if we
// check the child/parent relationships at parse time
sprintf ( szErrorText, "events %s - invalid to have a property in event set\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
LPCSTR CPDLParser::ConvertType(LPCSTR szType, BOOL fComPlus /* = FALSE*/, LPSTR pCPString /* = 0*/, BOOL *pfInterfaceFound /* = 0*/) { if (!fComPlus) { if (_stricmp(szType, "SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)") == 0) return("SAFEARRAY*"); else return(szType); } else { BOOL fInterfFound;
if (!pfInterfaceFound) { pfInterfaceFound = &fInterfFound; }
*pfInterfaceFound = FALSE;
if (_stricmp(szType, "BSTR") == 0) return("String"); else if (_stricmp(szType, "VARIANT_BOOL") == 0) return("Boolean"); else if (_stricmp(szType, "VARIANT") == 0) return("Variant"); else if (_stricmp(szType, "IDispatch") == 0 || _stricmp(szType, "IUnknown") == 0) return("Object"); else if (_stricmp(szType, "SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)") == 0) return("String"); // ***TLL*** COM+: Need to make it a safearray
else if (pCPString) { CString pInterf; pInterf = szType;
if (FindInterface(pInterf)) { strcpy(pCPString, szType); strcat(pCPString, "COMPLUS"); *pfInterfaceFound = TRUE; return 0; } else { return(szType); } } else return(szType); } }
void CPDLParser::GeneratePropMethodDecl ( Token *pClassToken ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
CString szProp; Token *pArgToken; Token *pChildToken; char szContextThunk[] = "ContextThunk_"; LPCSTR pCtxt;
while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { char szTemp[256]; LPSTR pMethodName; BOOL fNameOnly;
fNameOnly = _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !fNameOnly ) { // Method
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " " ); if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_VIRTUAL ) ) { //fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "virtual " );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "DECLARE_TEAROFF_METHOD_(" ); } else fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "NV_DECLARE_TEAROFF_METHOD_(" );
pMethodName = pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME);
GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, pMethodName);
pCtxt = pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKCONTEXT) || pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKNODECONTEXT) ? szContextThunk : "";
//fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s STDMETHODCALLTYPE %s(",
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s, %s%s, %s, (", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_RETURNTYPE ), pCtxt, pMethodName, szTemp );
CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken ); BOOL fFirst = TRUE; while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { if ( !fFirst ) fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "," ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s %s", ConvertType((LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE )), (LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); fFirst = FALSE; } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "));\n" ); } else { fNameOnly = _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
// Base has provided prototoype
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION ) || (!pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT) && IsSpecialProperty(pClassToken)) ) { continue; } // Property
szProp = ""; // Through the index/indextype & index1/indextype1 pdl tags
// you can provide up to two additional args for the property definition
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_INDEX ) ) { szProp += pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEXTYPE ); szProp += " "; szProp += pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEX ); } if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_INDEX1 ) ) { if ( szProp [ 0 ] != '\0' ) szProp += ","; szProp += pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEXTYPE1 ); szProp += " "; szProp += pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEX1 ); } if ( szProp [ 0 ] != '\0' ) szProp += ",";
pCtxt = pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKCONTEXT) || pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKNODECONTEXT) ? szContextThunk : "";
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) && !fNameOnly ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " " ); if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_VIRTUAL ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "DECLARE_TEAROFF_METHOD(%sput_%s, PUT_%s, (%s%s v));\n", pCtxt, pMethodName, pMethodName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE )); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "NV_DECLARE_TEAROFF_METHOD(%sput_%s, PUT_%s, (%s%s v));\n", pCtxt, pMethodName, pMethodName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE )); }
} if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) && !fNameOnly) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " " ); if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_VIRTUAL ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "DECLARE_TEAROFF_METHOD(%sget_%s, GET_%s, (%s%s*p));\n", pCtxt, pMethodName, pMethodName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE )); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "NV_DECLARE_TEAROFF_METHOD(%sget_%s, GET_%s, (%s%s*p));\n", pCtxt, pMethodName, pMethodName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE )); } } } }
BOOL CPDLParser::IsStoredAsString( Token *pChildToken ) { CString szJunk1, szJunk2; StorageType stHowStored;
GetTypeDetails ( pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), szJunk1, szJunk2, &stHowStored );
return stHowStored == STORAGETYPE_STRING ? TRUE : FALSE; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateGetAAXPrototypes ( Token *pClassToken ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
Token *pChildToken;
if ( pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_NOAAMETHODS ) ) return;
while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { // Generate a GetAA prototype even if the automation Get method is not generated
if ( pChildToken -> GetType() != TYPE_METHOD && pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) && _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly")) { BOOL fIsString = IsStoredAsString(pChildToken);
//setaahr method
if (pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SETAAHR ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " HRESULT SetAA%s(%s);\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"LPCTSTR": (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ) ); }
//get method. If the property refers to a cascaded format - don't generate a GetAA - this would just
// encourage mis-use. Always want to force use of GetCascadedXX variant
if ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CASCADED ) || pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETAA ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " %s GetAA%s() const;\n", (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"LPCTSTR":(LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE )), (LPCSTR)(pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME )) ); } } } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateGetAAXImplementations( Token *pClassToken ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
Token *pChildToken;
if ( pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_NOAAMETHODS ) ) return;
while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { // Generate a GetAA prototype even if the automation Get method is not generated
if ( pChildToken -> GetType() != TYPE_METHOD && pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) && _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly")) { BOOL fIsString = IsStoredAsString(pChildToken);
//setaahr method
if (pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SETAAHR ) ) { if (!strcmp((LPCSTR)pChildToken ->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_TYPE), "VARIANT_BOOL")) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "HRESULT %s::SetAA%s(VARIANT_BOOL pv)\n{\n DWORD dwTemp = pv;\n RRETURN( THR( CAttrArray::SetSimple(GetAttrArray(), &s_propdesc%s%s.a, dwTemp) ) );\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "HRESULT %s::SetAA%s(%s pv)\n{\n RRETURN( THR( CAttrArray::Set%s(GetAttrArray(), &s_propdesc%s%s.a, %spv) ) );\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)( fIsString?"LPCTSTR":(LPCSTR)pChildToken ->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_TYPE) ), (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"String":"Simple"), (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"":"*(DWORD*) &") ); } }
//get method. Don't generate a GetAA - they already have a GetCascadedX
if ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CASCADED ) || pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETAA ) ) { Token *pExposeToken = NULL; CString szClass;
if (pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC )) { pExposeToken = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClassToken, pChildToken); }
if (!pExposeToken) pExposeToken = pChildToken;
if (strlen( pExposeToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_REFDTOCLASS ))) szClass = pExposeToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_REFDTOCLASS ); else szClass = (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME );
#ifdef UNIX // IEUNIX: On Unix, converting DWORD* to short* would cause value changed. So we cast it from DWORD to short.
if (!fIsString) { LPCSTR pPropType = (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue( PROPERTY_TYPE); if ( !_stricmp(pPropType , "short") || !_stricmp(pPropType, "WORD") || !_stricmp(pPropType, "BYTE") ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s %s::GetAA%s() const \n{\n DWORD v;\n CAttrArray::FindSimple( *GetAttrArray(), &s_propdesc%s%s.a, &v);\n return (%s)v;\n}\n", pPropType, (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)(pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME )), (LPCSTR)szClass, (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), pPropType ); continue; } } #endif
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s %s::GetAA%s() const \n{\n %s v;\n CAttrArray::Find%s( *GetAttrArray(), &s_propdesc%s%s.a, &v);\n return *(%s*)&v;\n}\n", (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"LPCTSTR":(LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE )), (LPCSTR)pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)(pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME )) , (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"LPCTSTR":"DWORD" ), (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"String":"Simple"), (LPCSTR)szClass, (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)(fIsString?"LPCTSTR":(LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ) ); } } } }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateIDispatchTearoff ( LPCSTR szClassName, Token *pTearoff, LPCSTR pszInterface, BOOL fMostDerived) { char szTearoffMethod[128]; char szTemp[128];
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " // IDispatch methods\n");
FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, "GetTypeInfoCount", szTearoffMethod); GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s, %s, (unsigned int *))\n", szClassName, szTearoffMethod, szTemp);
FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, "GetTypeInfo", szTearoffMethod); GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s, %s, (unsigned int, unsigned long, ITypeInfo **))\n", szClassName, szTearoffMethod, szTemp);
FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, "GetIDsOfNames", szTearoffMethod); GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s, %s, (REFIID, LPOLESTR *, unsigned int, LCID, DISPID *))\n", szClassName, szTearoffMethod, szTemp);
{ CString szIHTMLElement, szInterface; szIHTMLElement = "IHTMLElement"; szInterface = pszInterface;
if(!FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, "Invoke", szTearoffMethod) && IsSuperInterface(szIHTMLElement, FindInterface(szInterface))) { strcpy(szTearoffMethod, pTearoff->IsSet(TEAROFF_BASEIMPL) ? (LPCSTR)pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_BASEIMPL) : ""); strcat(szTearoffMethod, "ContextThunk_Invoke"); } }
GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s, %s, (DISPID, REFIID, LCID, WORD, DISPPARAMS *, VARIANT *, EXCEPINFO *, unsigned int *))\n", szClassName, szTearoffMethod, szTemp);
return TRUE;
BOOL CPDLParser::IsSpecialTearoff(Token *pTearoff) { CString szInterface; Token *pInterface; Token *pChildToken;
szInterface = pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE); pInterface = FindInterface(szInterface); if (!pInterface || pInterface->IsSet(INTERFACE_ABSTRACT)) return FALSE;
CTokenListWalker ChildList(pInterface); pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext();
if (pChildToken) { do { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT) && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION)) { return TRUE; } } while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::FindTearoffProperty(Token *pPropertyToken, LPSTR szTearoffMethod, LPSTR szTearOffClassName, LPSTR szPropArgs, BOOL fPropGet) { if (pPropertyToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT) || pPropertyToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION)) return FALSE;
strcpy(szTearoffMethod, fPropGet ? "get_" : "put_"); strcpy(szPropArgs, fPropGet ? "void" : (LPCSTR)pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); strcpy(szTearOffClassName, "CBase");
if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "VARIANT")) { if (fPropGet) { strcat(szTearoffMethod, "Property"); } else if (pPropertyToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_DATAEVENT)) strcat(szTearoffMethod, "DataEvent"); else strcat(szTearoffMethod, "Variant"); } else if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "BSTR")) { if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_TYPE), "url")) { strcat(szTearoffMethod, "Url"); strcpy(szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); } else if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_TYPE), "CStyleComponent")) { strcat(szTearoffMethod, "StyleComponent"); strcpy(szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); } else strcat(szTearoffMethod, (fPropGet ? "Property" : "String")); } else if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "VARIANT_BOOL")) strcat(szTearoffMethod, (fPropGet ? "Property" : "Bool")); else if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "long")) strcat(szTearoffMethod, fPropGet ? "Property" : "Long"); else if (!strcmp(pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "short")) strcat(szTearoffMethod, fPropGet ? "Property" : "Short"); else { char szError[124]; sprintf(szError, "%s: This property of new type needs a function prototype (in cdbase.hxx) and a body defn. in (baseprop.cxx)", (LPCSTR)pPropertyToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); ReportError (szError); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GeneratePropDescsInVtblOrder(Token *pClassToken, int *pNumVtblPropDescs) { CString szPrimaryInterf; CString szInterface; LPCSTR szClassName = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME); BOOL fOk; BOOL fNameOnly; int i = 0, j;
szPrimaryInterf = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); Token *pPrimaryInterf = FindInterface(szPrimaryInterf); Token *pInterface; Token *pChildToken; Token *apInterface[5]; *pNumVtblPropDescs = 0; Token *pTearoff = NULL;
while ((pTearoff = NextTearoff(szClassName, pTearoff))) { szInterface = pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE); pInterface = FindInterface(szInterface); if (!pInterface || pInterface->IsSet(INTERFACE_ABSTRACT)) continue;
i = 0; apInterface[i++] = pInterface; while (i < 5 && apInterface[i-1]->IsSet(INTERFACE_SUPER) && _stricmp(apInterface[i-1]->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER), "IDispatch") && _stricmp(apInterface[i-1]->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER), "IUnknown")) { szInterface = apInterface[i-1]->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER); apInterface[i++] = FindInterface(szInterface); }
if (i >= 5) { ReportError("Super Chain More than 5, Need to increase limit in PdlParser"); return FALSE; }
fOk = FALSE;
CTokenListWalker ChildList(pInterface); pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext();
if (pChildToken) { do { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT) && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION)) { fOk = TRUE; break; } } while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext());
if (fOk) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "\nconst PROPERTYDESC * const %s::s_ppropdescsInVtblOrder%s[] = {\n", szClassName, (LPSTR)pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE));
for (j = i-1; j >= 0; j--) { pInterface = apInterface[j]; CTokenListWalker ChildLst(pInterface); pChildToken = ChildLst.GetNext();
do { char szErrorText[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1]; Token *pExposeToken = NULL;
if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { fNameOnly = _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
pExposeToken = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClassToken, pChildToken, fNameOnly); if (!pExposeToken) { sprintf(szErrorText, "Function member marked as nopropdesc can not find exact signature match in new interface:%s in Class:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), szClassName); ReportError(szErrorText); return FALSE; } } else pExposeToken = pChildToken;
fprintf(fpHDLFile, " (PROPERTYDESC *)&s_methdesc%s%s,\n", pExposeToken->GetTagValue((int)METHOD_REFDTOCLASS), pExposeToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)); if (pPrimaryInterf == pInterface) (*pNumVtblPropDescs)++; } else { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) || pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) { BOOL fDoAgain = TRUE;
DoAgain: if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) { fNameOnly = _stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
pExposeToken = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClassToken, pChildToken, fNameOnly); if (!pExposeToken) { sprintf(szErrorText, "Function member marked as nopropdesc can not find exact signature match in new interface:%s in Class:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), szClassName); ReportError(szErrorText); return FALSE; } } else pExposeToken = pChildToken;
pExposeToken = pExposeToken ? pExposeToken : pChildToken;
fprintf(fpHDLFile, " (const PROPERTYDESC *)&s_propdesc%s%s,\n", pExposeToken->GetTagValue((int)PROPERTY_REFDTOCLASS), pExposeToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); if (pPrimaryInterf == pInterface) (*pNumVtblPropDescs)++;
// If property is getter and setter both then generate another propdesc (but just once).
if (fDoAgain && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) { fDoAgain = FALSE; goto DoAgain; } } }
} while (pChildToken = ChildLst.GetNext()); }
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "};\n\n"); } } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateTearOffMethods (LPCSTR szClassName, Token *pTearoff, LPCSTR szInterfaceName, BOOL fMostDerived) { Token *pInterfaceToken; Token *pChildToken; char szText[MAX_LINE_LEN+1]; CTokenListWalker WholeList(pRuntimeList); #if 0
if (strcmp(_pszPDLFileName, "div.pdl") == 0 || strcmp(szInterfaceName, "IHTMLDivElement") == 0) __asm { int 3 }; #endif
// Find the interface decl
do { pInterfaceToken = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_INTERFACE, szInterfaceName);
if (pInterfaceToken == NULL) { // if the deepest is IDispatch output that tearoff
if (_stricmp(szInterfaceName, "IDispatch")) { // but IUnknowns are OK so return true
if (_stricmp(szInterfaceName, "IUnknown")) { // its something we don't recognise so output error msg
sprintf(szText, "interface:%s unknown\n", (LPCSTR)szInterfaceName); ReportError(szText); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } else { return GenerateIDispatchTearoff(szClassName, pTearoff, szInterfaceName, fMostDerived); } } } while (!pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_GUID));
// If we only want most derived then we're done otherwise continue recursing.
if (!fMostDerived) { // Generate the interfaces super tear off methods first
if (pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_SUPER)) { GenerateTearOffMethods(szClassName, pTearoff, pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER)); } } else { // fMostDerived is only set for the primary interface, which we don't want stacked ontop of its
// derivations. so all we want to do is dump in the dispatch and go on.
GenerateIDispatchTearoff(szClassName, pTearoff, szInterfaceName, fMostDerived); }
// generate the fn prototypes cast to generic fn pts in the
// tearoff table
CTokenListWalker ChildList(pInterfaceToken); CString szProp; Token *pArgToken;
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " // %s methods\n", szInterfaceName);
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { char szTemp[256]; char szTearOffClassName[256]; char szContextThunk[] = "ContextThunk_"; LPCSTR pCtxt;
if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD) { CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker(pChildToken); BOOL fFirstArg = TRUE; char szTearoffMethod[128]; LPCSTR pMethodName;
pMethodName = pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME);
FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, pMethodName, szTearoffMethod);
strcpy(szTearOffClassName, szClassName); GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod, szTearOffClassName);
pCtxt = pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKCONTEXT) || pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKNODECONTEXT) ? szContextThunk : "";
// Method
fprintf(fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s%s, %s, (", szTearOffClassName, pCtxt, szTearoffMethod, szTemp);
// All automated methods MUST have an HRESULT for the return type.
if (_stricmp("HRESULT", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_RETURNTYPE))) { ReportError("Automated method must have HRESULT for return value\n"); return FALSE; }
// Output each argument.
while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (!fFirstArg) fprintf(fpHDLFile, ",");
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%s", ConvertType((LPCSTR)pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE)));
fFirstArg = FALSE; }
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "))\n"); } else { char szPropName[128]; char szTearoffMethod[128]; char szPropArgs[64]; LPCSTR pMethodName;
// Property
szProp = "";
// Through the index/indextype & index1/indextype1 pdl tags
// you can provide up to two additional args for the property definition
pChildToken->AddParam(szProp, PROPERTY_INDEX, pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_INDEXTYPE)); pChildToken->AddParam(szProp, PROPERTY_INDEX1, pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_INDEXTYPE1)); if (szProp[0] != '\0') szProp += ",";
pCtxt = pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKCONTEXT) || pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKNODECONTEXT) ? szContextThunk : "";
if ( pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET)) { strcpy(szPropName, "put_"); strcat(szPropName, pMethodName);
if (FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, szPropName, szTearoffMethod)) { strcpy(szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); strcpy(szTearOffClassName, szClassName); } else if (!FindTearoffProperty(pChildToken, szTearoffMethod, szTearOffClassName, szPropArgs, FALSE)) { FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, szPropName, szTearoffMethod); strcpy(szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); strcpy(szTearOffClassName, szClassName); }
GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod, szTearOffClassName);
fprintf(fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s%s, %s, (%s%s)) // property set_%s\n", szTearOffClassName, pCtxt, szTearoffMethod, szTemp, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); } if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) { strcpy(szPropName, "get_"); strcat(szPropName, pMethodName); if (FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, szPropName, szTearoffMethod)) { strcpy(szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); strcpy(szTearOffClassName, szClassName); } else if (!FindTearoffProperty(pChildToken, szTearoffMethod, szTearOffClassName, szPropArgs, TRUE)) { FindTearoffMethod(pTearoff, szPropName, szTearoffMethod); strcpy(szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE)); strcpy(szTearOffClassName, szClassName); }
GenerateWin16TearoffName(szTemp, szTearoffMethod, szTearOffClassName); fprintf(fpHDLFile, " TEAROFF_METHOD(%s, %s%s, %s, (%s%s *)) // property get_%s\n", szTearOffClassName, pCtxt, szTearoffMethod, szTemp, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)szPropArgs, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); } } }
return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateMethodImp ( Token *pClassToken, Token *pChildToken, BOOL fIsSet, CString &szHandler, CString &szHandlerArgs, CString &szOffsetOf, CString &szAType ) { #if COLLECT_STATISTICS==1
// Collect statistics on total property code turds.
CollectStatistic(NUM_PROPTURDS, GetStatistic(NUM_PROPTURDS) + 1); #endif
char *szHandlerMethodPrefix; char *szAutomationMethodPrefix; if ( fIsSet ) { szHandlerMethodPrefix = "Set"; szAutomationMethodPrefix = "put_"; } else { szHandlerMethodPrefix = "Get"; szAutomationMethodPrefix = "get_"; }
// Allow enums with an ATYPE of BSTR to be automated with the string handler
if ( szHandler == "Enum" && szAType == "BSTR" ) { szHandler = "EnumString";
// Collect statistics on number of enum code turds.
CollectStatistic(NUM_EMUMTURDS, GetStatistic(NUM_EMUMTURDS) + 1); #endif
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "STDMETHODIMP %s::%s%s(%s%s)\n{\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szAutomationMethodPrefix, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szAType, fIsSet ? " v" : " * p" );
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_PRECALLFUNCTION ) ) { CString szfn; szfn = pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_PRECALLFUNCTION ) ; // Give the super a chance to reject the call
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " HRESULT hr;\n" ); if ( szfn == "super" ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " hr = super::%s%s(%s);\n", szAutomationMethodPrefix, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_PRECALLFUNCTION ), fIsSet ? "v" : "p" ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " hr = %s%s(%s);\n", szAutomationMethodPrefix, (LPCSTR)szfn, fIsSet ? "v" : "p" ); } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " if ( hr )\n return hr;\n" ); }
if ( fIsSet && pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SETDESIGNMODE ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " if ( !IsDesignMode() )\n return SetErrorInfo(CTL_E_SETNOTSUPPORTEDATRUNTIME);\n" ); }
if ( szAType == "VARIANT" ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " return SetErrorInfo(s_propdesc%s%s.a.Handle%sProperty(%s, %s, this, CVOID_CAST%s));\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szHandler, (LPCSTR)szHandlerArgs, fIsSet ? "&v" : "p", (LPCSTR)szOffsetOf ); } else if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SUBOBJECT ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " return %s::CreateSubObject ( GetElementPtr(), (PROPERTYDESC *)&s_propdesc%s%s,\n ", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_SUBOBJECT ), (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME )); if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_PARAM1 ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s, ", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_PARAM1 ) ); }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "p );\n}\n" ); } else { if ( szHandler == "Num" || szHandler == "Enum" ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile," return s_propdesc%s%s.b.%sNumberProperty(%s, this, CVOID_CAST%s);\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szHandlerMethodPrefix, fIsSet ? "v" : "p", (LPCSTR)szOffsetOf ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " return s_propdesc%s%s.b.%s%sProperty(%s, this, CVOID_CAST%s);\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szHandlerMethodPrefix, (LPCSTR)szHandler, fIsSet ? "v" : "p", (LPCSTR)szOffsetOf ); } } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateCPPEnumDefs ( void ) { Token *pToken; char *pEValText;
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n#ifndef _PROPDESCS_EXTERNAL\n\n" );
// Generate propdescs for every property token in every class ( in this file )
while ( pToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_ENUM ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "EXTERN_C const ENUMDESC s_enumdesc%s = \n{ %u, %u, {\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) , pToken->GetChildTokenCount(), pToken->uEnumMask );
CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pToken );
while ( pToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { // If a string is specified use it
if ( pToken->IsSet ( EVAL_STRING ) ) { pEValText = pToken->GetTagValue ( EVAL_STRING ); } else { pEValText = pToken->GetTagValue ( EVAL_NAME ); } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " { _T(\"%s\"),%s},\n", pEValText, pToken->GetTagValue ( EVAL_VALUE ) ); } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "} };\n\n" ); }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#endif // _PROPDESCS_EXTERNAL\n" ); }
void CPDLParser::GenerateInterfaceDISPIDs ( void ) { Token *pInterfaceToken; Token *pChildToken; CString szName;
// Generate DISPID's for all interface methods that are not
// ref'd to a class
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); while ( pInterfaceToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { szName = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if ( szName == "IDispatch" ) continue; fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "// DISPIDs for class%s\n\n", (LPCSTR)pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pInterfaceToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !strlen( pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_REFDTOCLASS ) ) && pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_DISPID ) ) { Token *pChildMatch = NULL; CString szClassName; Token *pClass;
szClassName = pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue( METHOD_REFDTOCLASS ); pClass = FindClass ( szClassName );
if (pClass) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { pChildMatch = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClass, pChildToken); } }
if (!pChildMatch) pChildMatch = pChildToken;
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#define DISPID_%s_%s %s\n", (LPCSTR)pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( METHOD_DISPID ) ); } } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateEventDISPIDs ( FILE *fp, BOOL fPutDIID ) { Token *pEventToken; Token *pChildToken; CString szName,szDISPName; int i,nLength; BOOL fPutComment;
// Generate DISPID's for all interface methods that are not
// ref'd to a class
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); while ( pEventToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_EVENT ) ) { szName = pEventToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ); if ( szName == "IDispatch" || szName == "IUnknown" ) continue; szName.ToUpper();
fPutComment = FALSE;
CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pEventToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !strlen( pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_REFDTOCLASS ) ) && pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_DISPID ) ) { if ( !fPutComment ) { fprintf ( fp, "// DISPIDs for event set %s\n\n", (LPCSTR)pEventToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ) ); fPutComment = TRUE; } szDISPName = pChildToken->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ); szDISPName.ToUpper(); fprintf ( fp, "#define DISPID_%s_%s ", (LPCSTR)szName, (LPCSTR)szDISPName );
for ( i = 0, nLength = max ( 0, 49-szDISPName.Length()-szName.Length() ); i < nLength ; i++ ) { fprintf ( fp, " " ); }
fprintf ( fp, "%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( METHOD_DISPID ) ); } } if ( fPutDIID ) { fprintf ( fp, "\nEXTERN_C const GUID DIID_%s;\n", pEventToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME )); } if ( fPutComment ) fprintf ( fp, "\n" ); } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateExternalInterfaceDISPIDs ( void ) { Token *pInterfaceToken; Token *pChildToken; CString szName,szDISPName; int i,nLength; BOOL fPutComment;
// Generate DISPID's for all interface methods that are not
// ref'd to a class
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); while ( pInterfaceToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { szName = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if ( szName == "IDispatch" || szName == "IUnknown" ) continue; szName.ToUpper();
fPutComment = FALSE;
CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pInterfaceToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { Token *pChildMatch = NULL; CString szClassName; Token *pClass;
if ( !fPutComment ) { fprintf ( fpDISPIDFile, "// DISPIDs for interface %s\n\n", (LPCSTR)pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); fPutComment = TRUE; } if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { szDISPName = pChildToken->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME );
szClassName = pChildToken -> GetTagValue( METHOD_REFDTOCLASS ); pClass = FindClass ( szClassName ); if (pClass) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) szDISPName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE);
pChildMatch = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClass, pChildToken); } }
if (!pChildMatch) pChildMatch = pChildToken; } else { // Property
szDISPName = pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME );
szClassName = pChildToken -> GetTagValue( PROPERTY_REFDTOCLASS ); pClass = FindClass ( szClassName ); if (pClass) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) szDISPName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE);
pChildMatch = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClass, pChildToken); } }
if (!pChildMatch) pChildMatch = pChildToken; } szDISPName.ToUpper(); fprintf ( fpDISPIDFile, "#define DISPID_%s_%s ", (LPCSTR)szName, (LPCSTR)szDISPName );
for ( i = 0, nLength = max ( 0, 49-szDISPName.Length()-szName.Length() ); i < nLength ; i++ ) { fprintf ( fpDISPIDFile, " " ); }
fprintf ( fpDISPIDFile, "%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_DISPID ) ); } if ( fPutComment ) fprintf ( fpDISPIDFile, "\n" ); } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateClassDISPIDs ( void ) { Token *pClassToken; Token *pChildToken; CString szCoClassName;
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName );
// Generate propdescs for every property token in every class ( in this file )
while ( pClassToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "// DISPIDs for class %s\n\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) );
if ( pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_GUID ) ) { pClassToken -> GetTagValueOrDefault ( szCoClassName, CLASS_COCLASSNAME, pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "EXTERN_C const GUID CLSID_%s;\n", (LPCSTR)szCoClassName ); } CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { Token *pChildMatch = pChildToken;
if ( pChildMatch->nType == TYPE_PROPERTY && pChildMatch->IsSet ( PROPERTY_DISPID ) ) { if (pChildMatch->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) { pChildMatch = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClassToken, pChildMatch); if (!pChildMatch) pChildMatch = pChildToken; }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#define DISPID_%s_%s %s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_DISPID ) );
} else if ( pChildMatch->nType == TYPE_METHOD && pChildMatch->IsSet ( METHOD_DISPID ) ) { if (pChildMatch->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { pChildMatch = FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(pClassToken, pChildMatch); if (!pChildMatch) pChildMatch = pChildToken; }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#define DISPID_%s_%s %s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChildMatch->GetTagValue ( METHOD_DISPID ) ); } } } }
void CPDLParser::GeneratePropdescExtern ( Token *pClassToken, BOOL fRecurse ) { Token *pChild; Token *pSuperClassToken; CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
// Add the supers definitions first. Recurse to the super of this super!!
// Notice that the fRecurse if used by abstract classes to only extern the
// PropertyDesc which are generated for the actual class.
pSuperClassToken = fRecurse ? GetSuperClassTokenPtr ( pClassToken ) : NULL; if ( pSuperClassToken ) GeneratePropdescExtern ( pSuperClassToken );
// Don't generate any EXTERN_C for abstract class reference. The EXTERN_C
// is only in the hdl that contains both the PROPERTYDESC the EXTERN_C for
// the abstract class (e.g., bodyroot.hdl).
if ( fRecurse && pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_ABSTRACT ) ) return;
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n#ifndef _%s_PROPDESCS_\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) ); // Walk the super class propdescs looking for properties
while ( pChild = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChild->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY ) { StorageType stHowStored; CString szHandler; CString szFnPrefix;
szHandler = ""; szFnPrefix = ""; // Check for missing handler later
GetTypeDetails ( pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), szHandler, szFnPrefix, &stHowStored );
if ( !ComputePROPDESC_STRUCT ( fpHeaderFile, pClassToken, pChild, szHandler, szFnPrefix ) ) return; // Bad error reported...leave
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, " s_propdesc%s%s;\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), pChild -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); } else if ( pChild->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "EXTERN_C const PROPERTYDESC_METHOD s_methdesc%s%s;\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), pChild -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); } }
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n#endif\n" ); }
BOOL CPDLParser::GeneratePropdescReference ( Token *pClassToken, BOOL fDerivedClass, PropdescInfo *pPI, int *pnPI, BOOL &bHookToCElement, int *pnSharedEntries ) { Token *pChild;
if (!pClassToken) return TRUE;
CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
// If the class superclass if CElement, we want to hook to CElement's hash table
// If this is not the case, we want to do what we used to do and repeat
// the super class properties in the subclasses.
if(GetSuperClassTokenPtr ( pClassToken ) && (strcmp(GetSuperClassTokenPtr ( pClassToken ) ->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), "CElement") == 0)) { bHookToCElement = TRUE; }
if ( !GeneratePropdescReference ( GetSuperClassTokenPtr ( pClassToken ), FALSE, pPI, pnPI, bHookToCElement, pnSharedEntries ) ) { return FALSE; } if (fDerivedClass) { ChildList.Reset(); }
// Walk the super class propdescs looking for properties
while ( pChild = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChild->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY ) { if ( !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_INTERNAL ) && !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) && !pChild->IsSet( PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC ) && (!pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOPERSIST ) || ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOPERSIST ) && pClassToken->IsSet( CLASS_KEEPNOPERSIST ) ) ) ) { if(bHookToCElement && (strcmp(pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), "CElement") == 0)) { *pnSharedEntries += 1; } else { pPI[*pnPI].Set(pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), pChild -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) , fDerivedClass, pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_SZATTRIBUTE ), PDLPARSE_BELONGSTOPARSE); *pnPI += 1; } } } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateCPC ( Token *pThisClassToken) { if ( IsUniqueCPC ( pThisClassToken ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\nconst CONNECTION_POINT_INFO %s::s_acpi[] = {\n", pThisClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(IID_IPropertyNotifySink, DISPID_A_PROPNOTIFYSINK)\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(DIID_%s, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue( CLASS_EVENTS ) ); if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(DIID_%s, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1)); } if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(DIID_%s, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2)); } if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(DIID_%s, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3)); } if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(DIID_%s, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4)); } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(IID_ITridentEventSink, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY(IID_IDispatch, DISPID_A_EVENTSINK)\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " CPI_ENTRY_NULL\n};\n" ); }
return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::GenComPlusInheritance (Token *pClass, CString & inheritanceCStr) { // Any other interface to expose in the coclass which is part of the primary
// interface?
CString primaryInterfCStr; CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClass); Token *pChildToken; BOOL fFirstInterf;
// Get the primary interface, if one exists.
if (pClass->IsSet(CLASS_INTERFACE)) { primaryInterfCStr = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); inheritanceCStr = "public ICOMCookie, public "; inheritanceCStr += primaryInterfCStr; inheritanceCStr += "COMPLUS"; fFirstInterf = FALSE; } else { inheritanceCStr = ""; fFirstInterf = TRUE; }
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { Token *pInterf; CString szInterface;
szInterface = pChildToken->GetTagValue(IMPLEMENTS_NAME); pInterf = FindInterface(szInterface); if (pInterf) { // Is the interface a local one if not then don't check, we
// only need to check where interfaces are actually used.
if (FindInterfaceLocally(szInterface)) { // If the super isn't specified and it's not a primary interface
// then error the super is required for non-primary interfaces.
if (_stricmp((LPSTR)pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE), (LPSTR)pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME)) && !pInterf->IsSet(INTERFACE_SUPER) && !IsPrimaryInterface(szInterface)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf(szErrorText, "Interface %s missing super key.\n", (LPSTR)pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText);
return; } }
// If an implements is a primary interface then don't inherit again we did that at the beginning.
if (primaryInterfCStr != szInterface) { if (fFirstInterf) { fFirstInterf = FALSE; } else { inheritanceCStr += ","; }
inheritanceCStr += " public "; inheritanceCStr += pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME); inheritanceCStr += "COMPLUS"; } } } } } #endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
void CPDLParser::GenerateVTableArray (Token *pThisClassToken, BOOL *pbHashTableExists ) { Token *pDerivedClass; PropdescInfo rgPI[400]; // Max. number of method/prop for interface.
int nPI = 0; UINT uVTblIndex = 0; CString szInterf; Token *pInterf; BOOL bHookToCElement = FALSE; int nSharedEntries = 0;
*pbHashTableExists = FALSE;
// Abstract classes don't need the vtable unless they name is CElement
// TODO: Terry, Implement the shared keywork here.
if ( (pThisClassToken->IsSet ( CLASS_ABSTRACT )) && (_stricmp(pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") != 0)) return;
pDerivedClass = pThisClassToken;
GetInterf: szInterf = pDerivedClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); // If no interface then use the super to find an interface.
if (!szInterf.Length()) { CString szClass;
szClass = pDerivedClass -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_SUPER ); pDerivedClass = FindClass(szClass); if (!pDerivedClass) ReportError ( "Unknown class\n" );
goto GetInterf; }
pInterf = FindInterface(szInterf); if (pInterf || strcmp((LPCSTR)szInterf, "IDispatch") == 0) { #ifdef COMPLUS_SHIM
// ***TLL*** COM+: Not spitting COM+ proxies for internal.pdl and mshtmext.pdl need to do, shouldn't special case.
BOOL fInternalPDL = (_stricmp(_pszPDLFileName, "internal.pdl") == 0) || (_stricmp(_pszPDLFileName, "mshtmext.pdl") == 0);
// Do we have a real coclass w/ a real GUID?
if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_GUID) && pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_INTERFACE) && !fInternalPDL) { // Then let's do some COM+ work...
CString inheritDecl; CString szClassName;
if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME)) szClassName = pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_COCLASSNAME); else szClassName = pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME);
// Window needs some special processing as this is how unmanaged code hooks to
// managed code.
if (szClassName == "HTMLWindow2") { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, com, uuid={FF6BF9BB-FF1B-348D-8C21-CE642A866E7F}] __interface ICOMPLUSHookWindow\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "{\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "public:\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tvoid Init(unsigned int myThis);\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "};\n\n"); }
// COM+ managed code:
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, coclass"); if (szClassName == "HTMLWindow2") { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, " , uuid={D66BF9BF-FF1B-348D-8C21-CE642A866E7F}"); } fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "] class %sCOMPLUS", (LPCSTR)szClassName);
GenComPlusInheritance(pThisClassToken, inheritDecl); if (inheritDecl.Length()) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, " : %s", (LPCSTR)inheritDecl); if (szClassName == "HTMLWindow2") { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, ", private ICOMPLUSHookWindow"); }
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\n{\n"); } else { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\n{\n"); }
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "private:\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int\t_myThis;\n\n");
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "public:\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%sCOMPLUS (unsigned int myThis)\n\t\t{ _myThis = myThis; }\n\n", (LPCSTR)szClassName); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int getCOMCookie()\n\t\t{ return _myThis; }\n\n");
if (szClassName == "HTMLWindow2") { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tHTMLWindow2COMPLUS ()\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t\t{ _myThis = 0; }\n\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tvoid Init(unsigned int myThis)\n\t\t{ _myThis = myThis; }\n\n"); } }
#endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
CVTableHash VTableHash; // Special hashtable that aids in spitting out the hash table
// Add the parser properties to the PropdescInfo array
if(!GeneratePropdescReference(pThisClassToken, TRUE, rgPI, &nPI, bHookToCElement, &nSharedEntries )) ReportError("Error Storing PropDescs in PROPDESC array in HashTable");
// Add the OM properties and methods to the PropdescInfo array
if (pInterf) { ComputeVTable( pThisClassToken, pInterf, FALSE, rgPI, &nPI, &uVTblIndex, &VTableHash, bHookToCElement);
if (pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_GUID) && pThisClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_INTERFACE) && !fInternalPDL) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "};\n\n\n"); } #endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
// Number of entries in vtable array.
*pbHashTableExists = bHookToCElement || (nPI > 0);
// Write out the "style" mini-propdesc array if we are dealing with
// the element class. The reason we do this is because a parser and OM
// propdesc (both of which are different) resolve to the same entry in
// the hash table. Hence, we have to make a hack and have the name resolve
// to an array of propdescs.
if(strcmp(pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") == 0) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "static const PROPERTYDESC *s_propdescCElementStyleArray [ ] = \n" "{\n" " (PROPERTYDESC *)&s_propdescCElementstyle,\n" " (PROPERTYDESC *)&s_propdescCElementstyle_Str\n" "};\n"); } else if(strcmp(pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CInput") == 0) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "static const PROPERTYDESC *s_propdescCInputCheckedArray [ ] = \n" "{\n" " (PROPERTYDESC *)&s_propdescCInputchecked,\n" " (PROPERTYDESC *)&s_propdescCInputdefaultChecked\n" "};\n"); }
// Write out the hash table
// Convert the class to a Unicode string so that it works correctly
// with the hash table, which is Unicode.
WCHAR strUnicode[256]; int retVal = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), 256, strUnicode, 256); if(retVal == 0) { ReportError("Error: Unable to convert classname to a Unicode string"); return; }
if(VTableHash.GetHashTableLength() > 1024) { ReportError("Error: Hash table size has grown beyond 10K. Find more bits!"); return; } if(VTableHash.ToFile(fpHDLFile, strUnicode, nSharedEntries) != S_OK) { ReportError("Error: Unable to write out hashtable"); return; }
// Write out the Hash Table Aggregate
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "const CPtrBagVTableAggregate %s::s_StringTableAggregate = {\n" " {\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME)); if(bHookToCElement) fprintf(fpHDLFile, " (CPtrBagVTable *)&CElement::s_StringTable,\n");
// Every class aggregates to itself.
fprintf(fpHDLFile, " (CPtrBagVTable *)&%s::s_StringTable,\n" " NULL\n" " }\n" "};\n", pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME));
// Store away a special cache for the document
if(_stricmp(pThisClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "COmWindowProxy") == 0) { DWORD index;
if(!VTableHash.GetIndex(_T("document"), &index)) { ReportError("The document must exist in the COmWindowProxy"); return; }
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "const VTABLEDESC * const COmWindowProxy::s_COmWindowProxyDocument = &s_AssocVTableCOmWindowProxy%d._VTableDesc;\n", index); } } else { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf( szErrorText, "Unknown interface %s\n", (LPCSTR) szInterf ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); } }
void CPDLParser::SortPropDescInfo (PropdescInfo *pPI, int cPDI) { int x, y, cc; PropdescInfo pd;
//sort em
for (x = 0; x < cPDI - 1; ++x) { for (y = x; y < cPDI; ++y) { cc = _stricmp( pPI[x]._szSortKey, pPI[y]._szSortKey ); // API caveat
if (cc > 0) { memcpy(&pd, pPI + x, sizeof(pd)); memcpy(pPI + x, pPI + y, sizeof(pd)); memcpy(pPI + y, &pd, sizeof(pd)); } } } } BOOL CPDLParser::ComputeVTable ( Token *pClass, Token *pInterface, BOOL fDerived, PropdescInfo *pPI, int *piPI, UINT *pUVTblIdx, CVTableHash *pVTableHash, BOOL &bHookToCElement, BOOL fNonPrimaryTearoff/*= FALSE*/ ) { CString szSuperInterf; Token *pChildToken; int cFuncs = 0; BOOL fProperty = FALSE; int idxIIDPrimaryTearoff = -1; int idxIID; CString szInterface; // Compute if this interface on the class is a primary interface tearoff.
if (!fNonPrimaryTearoff) { Token *pTearoff;
pTearoff = FindTearoff(pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), pInterface->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME));
if (pTearoff) { CString szInterface; Token *pInterfaceToken;
szInterface = pTearoff->GetTagValue(TEAROFF_INTERFACE); pInterfaceToken = FindInterface(szInterface);
// If primary interface is not derived from IDispatch then this
// interface and all derived interfaces (vtable layout) are separated
// not concatenated.
LPSTR szSuperPrimaryInterf = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER);
if (szSuperPrimaryInterf && *szSuperPrimaryInterf) fNonPrimaryTearoff = ((_stricmp(szSuperPrimaryInterf, "IDispatch") || (_stricmp(pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") == 0))); else { fNonPrimaryTearoff = FALSE; } } }
szInterface = pInterface->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME); // We want classes which have their primary interface IHTMLElement
// and are derived from CElement to hook to CElement
if((szInterface == "IHTMLElement") && (_stricmp(pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") != 0)) { bHookToCElement = TRUE; } else { idxIID = FindAndAddIIDs(szInterface); if (idxIID == -1) { ReportError("Problem with IID adding.\n"); return FALSE; }
if (fNonPrimaryTearoff) idxIIDPrimaryTearoff = idxIID;
szSuperInterf = pInterface->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER); if (szSuperInterf && *szSuperInterf && szSuperInterf != "IDispatch") { Token *pSuperInterf;
pSuperInterf = FindInterface(szSuperInterf); if (!pSuperInterf) return FALSE;
if (!ComputeVTable(pClass, pSuperInterf, TRUE, pPI, piPI, pUVTblIdx, pVTableHash, bHookToCElement, fNonPrimaryTearoff)) return FALSE; }
CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pInterface ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { UINT uIIDnVTbl;
cFuncs = 0;
if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY ) { fProperty = TRUE; cFuncs = pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) ? 1 : 0; cFuncs += (pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) ? 1 : 0); if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) goto AddInVTable; } else if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { fProperty = FALSE; cFuncs = 1;
if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) goto AddInVTable; } else { ReportError ( "Unknown token type in ComputeVTable.\n" ); return FALSE; }
// Compute vtable offset. If primary interface is a tearoff then set
// the offset and the idx into the IID table. Note, all indexes start
// at 1 (zero is reserved to imply classdesc primary interface).
uIIDnVTbl = fNonPrimaryTearoff ? (((idxIIDPrimaryTearoff + 1) << 8) | *pUVTblIdx) : *pUVTblIdx;
pPI[*piPI].SetVTable(pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( fProperty ? (int)PROPERTY_REFDTOCLASS : (int)METHOD_REFDTOCLASS ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( fProperty ? (int)PROPERTY_NAME : (int)METHOD_NAME ), FALSE, // Unused.
pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_SZATTRIBUTE ), uIIDnVTbl | PDLPARSE_BELONGSTOOM, // Computed IID/VTable where iidIdx might be zero for the primary interface.
fProperty, idxIID, // Index of interface
AddInVTable: (*pUVTblIdx) += cFuncs; } }
// Each derived interface of the primary tearoff is separated not a straight
// derivation.
if (fNonPrimaryTearoff && _stricmp(szInterface, "IHTMLDocument")) *pUVTblIdx = 0;
// Top most interface?
if ( !fDerived ) { // Now check for any other interfaces mentioned in the as implements in
// the class it is exposed in the coclass, that interface is a
// separately supported interface.
CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClass); Token *pChildToken; CString szInterface; Token *pInterfToken;
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { *pUVTblIdx = 0; // implements always starts at 0 vtable offset.
szInterface = pChildToken->GetTagValue(IMPLEMENTS_NAME); if(_stricmp(pInterface->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME), szInterface) == 0) continue; // TODO: TerryLu - Need to add code here to recongize and handle
// shares. Currently, we hardcode the following interfaces
// as once which are shared and implemented by CElement directly
if (szInterface == "IHTMLElement6") { ReportError ( "Need to Add IHTMLElement6 in parser.cxx(ComputeVTable())" ); return FALSE; }
if ( ((szInterface == "IHTMLElement") || (szInterface == "IHTMLElement2") || (szInterface == "IHTMLElement3") || (szInterface == "IHTMLElement4") || (szInterface == "IHTMLElement5") ) && ((_stricmp(pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") != 0)) ) { bHookToCElement = TRUE; continue; }
pInterfToken = FindInterface(szInterface); if (pInterfToken) { if (!ComputeVTable(pClass, pInterfToken, TRUE, pPI, piPI, pUVTblIdx, pVTableHash, bHookToCElement, TRUE)) return FALSE; } } }
// Output the vtable interface sorted by name.
for (int iVTbl = 0; iVTbl < *piPI; iVTbl++) { PropdescInfo *pPrevPropdescInfo; // Convert the sort key to unicode since the HashTable is in Unicode
WCHAR strUnicode[256]; int retVal = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pPI[iVTbl]._szSortKey, 256, strUnicode, 256); if(retVal == 0) { ReportError("Unable to convert class name to Unicode"); return FALSE; }
// Change the style property to point to a special array
// of PropertyDescs if we are dealing with the CElement class
if((_stricmp(pPI[iVTbl]._szSortKey, "style") == 0) && (_stricmp(pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CElement") == 0)) { pPI[iVTbl]._szPropName = "StyleArray"; pPI[iVTbl]._uVTblIndex |= PDLPARSE_PROPDESCARRAY; pPI[iVTbl]._uVTblIndex |= PDLPARSE_BELONGSTOBOTH; } else if((_stricmp(pPI[iVTbl]._szSortKey, "checked") == 0) && (_stricmp(pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), "CInput") == 0)) // Change the checked property to point to a special array
// of PropertyDescs if we are dealing with the CInput class
{ pPI[iVTbl]._szPropName = "CheckedArray"; pPI[iVTbl]._uVTblIndex |= PDLPARSE_PROPDESCARRAY; pPI[iVTbl]._uVTblIndex |= PDLPARSE_BELONGSTOBOTH; }
// If the hash table entry was already set by the parser,
// make it a shared entry by the parser and OM.
pPrevPropdescInfo = (PropdescInfo *)pVTableHash->GetCi(strUnicode); if(pPrevPropdescInfo) { // We cannot have two different properties map to the same name
// unless they are ones we already know about
if((_stricmp(pPrevPropdescInfo->_szPropName, pPI[iVTbl]._szPropName) != 0) && (_stricmp(pPI[iVTbl]._szSortKey, "checked") != 0) && (_stricmp(pPI[iVTbl]._szSortKey, "style") != 0)) { ReportError("We cannot have two different properties map to the same name"); return FALSE; } pPI[iVTbl]._uVTblIndex |= PDLPARSE_BELONGSTOBOTH; }
// Set the entry in the hash table
if(pVTableHash->SetCi(strUnicode, &pPI[iVTbl]) != S_OK) { ReportError("Error: Unable to add Hash entry to table"); return FALSE; }
// ***TLL*** COM+: Not spitting COM+ proxies for internal.pdl and mshtmext.pdl need to do, shouldn't special case.
BOOL fInternalPDL = (_stricmp(_pszPDLFileName, "internal.pdl") == 0) || (_stricmp(_pszPDLFileName, "mshtmext.pdl") == 0);
// Output COM+ code, only real classes are exposed.
if (pClass->IsSet(CLASS_GUID) && pClass->IsSet(CLASS_INTERFACE) && !fInternalPDL) { GenComPlusDeclarations(pClass, pPI + iVTbl); }
#endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
} }
return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::GenComPlusMethodsInInterfaces(Token *pInterfaceToken, Token *pClass /* =NULL */) { Token *pChildToken; CString szMethodName; CString szPropertyName; CString argCStr; CString resultCStr;
CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pInterfaceToken);
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD) { // ***TLL*** Need to handle vararg arguments. [METHOD_VARARG]
if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC) && pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szMethodName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szMethodName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME); }
if (GenComPlusArgumentSignature(pChildToken, resultCStr, argCStr)) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%s %s %s;\n", (LPCSTR)resultCStr, (LPCSTR)szMethodName, (LPCSTR)argCStr); } } else // Property
{ if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC) && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME); }
if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET)) { // ***TLL*** COM+: What happens to displaybind, bindable, hidden, restricted, nonbrowsable, source.
if (GenComPlusArgumentSignature(pChildToken, resultCStr, argCStr, SetProperty)) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%s %s %s;\n", (LPCSTR)resultCStr, (LPCSTR)szPropertyName, (LPCSTR)argCStr); } }
if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) { // ***TLL*** COM+: What happens to displaybind, bindable, hidden, restricted, nonbrowsable, source.
if (GenComPlusArgumentSignature(pChildToken, resultCStr, argCStr, GetProperty)) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%s %s %s;\n", (LPCSTR)resultCStr, (LPCSTR)szPropertyName, (LPCSTR)argCStr); } } } } }
void CPDLParser::GenComPlusInterfaces(Token *pInterfaceToken, char* pszSuper) { CString szInterf; Token *pSuperInterf;
#if 0
if (_stricmp("IHTMLStyle", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(NAME_TAG)) == 0) __asm { int 3 }; #endif
if (!PrimaryTearoff(pInterfaceToken) && (!pszSuper || !*pszSuper)) ReportError("COM+: Interfaces w/o tearoff need super:IDispatch\n");
// ***TLL*** COM+: For now don't expose any IUnknown derived classes.
if (_stricmp(pszSuper, "IUnknown") == 0) return;
// Is the super derived from IUnknown?
szInterf = pszSuper; pSuperInterf = FindInterface(szInterf); if (pSuperInterf) { if (_stricmp(pSuperInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER), "IUnknown") == 0) return; } // ***TLL*** End of comment section
if (pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_CUSTOM) && pszSuper && *pszSuper) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, com] interface %sCOMPLUS : public ICOMCookie, public %sCOMPLUS\n{\npublic:\n", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(NAME_TAG), pszSuper); } else { if (PrimaryTearoff(pInterfaceToken)) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, com] interface %sCOMPLUS : public ICOMCookie \n{\npublic:\n", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(NAME_TAG)); } else { if (strcmp("IDispatch", pszSuper) == 0) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, com] interface %sCOMPLUS : public ICOMCookie \n{\npublic:\n", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(NAME_TAG)); } else { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, com] interface %sCOMPLUS : public ICOMCookie, public %sCOMPLUS \n{\npublic:\n", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(NAME_TAG), pszSuper); } } }
// Fill in methods of interface:
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "};\n\n"); }
void CPDLParser::GenComPlusESI() { CTokenListWalker ThisFileList(pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName); Token * pInterfaceToken; Token * pEnumToken; Token * pStructToken;
// Generate all the event interfaces
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pInterfaceToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT)) { if (!pInterfaceToken->IsSet(EVENT_ABSTRACT) && pInterfaceToken->IsSet(EVENT_GUID)) { // TODO: ***TLL*** Need to spit out event interfaces.
} }
// Generate all the enumerators.
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pEnumToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_ENUM)) { // TODO: ***TLL*** Need to spit out enums.
} //
// Generate all the structs
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pStructToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_STRUCT)) { // TODO: ***TLL*** Need to spit out structs.
} //
// Generate all the non-abstract interfaces.
ThisFileList.Reset(); while ( pInterfaceToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_INTERFACE)) { if (!pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_ABSTRACT) && pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_GUID)) { GenComPlusInterfaces(pInterfaceToken, pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER)); } else if (!pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_ABSTRACT) && !pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_GUID)) { // Generate a forward declare
CString szInterfaceName; szInterfaceName = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME); if (szInterfaceName != "IDispatch" && szInterfaceName != "IUnknown") { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "interface %sCOMPLUS;\n", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(NAME_TAG)); } } } }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenComPlusArgumentSignature(Token *pMethod, CString & resultCStr, CString & argCStr, PropertyType propType /* = NotProperty */) { BOOL fNameOnly; LPCSTR pSimpleType; char pComPlusType[128]; BOOL fRet = FALSE; // Assume don't want to expose method/property
resultCStr = ""; argCStr = "";
fNameOnly = _stricmp(pMethod->GetTagValue(METHOD_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
if (pMethod->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !fNameOnly) { CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker(pMethod); BOOL fResultFound = FALSE; CString szAutomationType; Token *pArgToken; int cAType;
while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_RETURNVALUE)) { szAutomationType = pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_ATYPE) ? pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_ATYPE) : pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE);
cAType = szAutomationType.Length(); if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 2] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 2, '\0'); } else if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); }
#if 0
if (szAutomationType == "IHTMLControlElement") __asm {int 3}; #endif
pSimpleType = ConvertType(szAutomationType, TRUE, &pComPlusType[0]);
resultCStr = pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType;
fResultFound = TRUE; } }
if (!fResultFound) { resultCStr = "void"; }
BOOL fFirst = TRUE; int idx = 1; char buffer[40];
argCStr = "("; ArgListWalker.Reset();
while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (!pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_RETURNVALUE)) { if (!fFirst) { argCStr += ", "; }
szAutomationType = pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE);
cAType = szAutomationType.Length(); if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); }
pSimpleType = ConvertType(szAutomationType, TRUE, &pComPlusType[0]); argCStr += pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType; argCStr += " param"; _itoa(idx++, buffer, 10); argCStr += buffer; }
fFirst = FALSE; }
argCStr += ")";
fRet = TRUE; } else { // Property
CString szAutomationType; int cAType;
fNameOnly = _stricmp(pMethod->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
szAutomationType = pMethod->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE);
cAType = szAutomationType.Length(); if (szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); }
pSimpleType = ConvertType(szAutomationType, TRUE, &pComPlusType[0]);
if (propType == SetProperty && !fNameOnly ) { resultCStr = "void"; argCStr = "("; argCStr += pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType; argCStr += " param1)";
fRet = TRUE; }
if (propType == GetProperty && !fNameOnly) { resultCStr = pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType; argCStr = "()";
fRet = TRUE; } }
return fRet; }
void CPDLParser::GenComPlusDeclarations(Token *pClass, PropdescInfo *pPI) { BOOL fNameOnly; LPCSTR pSimpleType; char pComPlusType[128]; int uIIDIdx; int uVTblIdx; CString szClassName;
szClassName = pClass->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME) ? pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_COCLASSNAME) : pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME);
#if 0
//if (pPI->_pToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && _stricmp("fireEvent", (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)) == 0)
if (pPI->_pToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && _stricmp("bookmarks", (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)) == 0) __asm {int 3}; #endif
uIIDIdx = pPI->_uIIDIndex + 1; // zero is reserved for error.
uVTblIdx = (((pPI->_uVTblIndex & 0x00ff) + 7) * 4);
fNameOnly = _stricmp(pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
if (pPI->_pToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !fNameOnly) { CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker(pPI->_pToken); BOOL fResultFound = FALSE; CString szAutomationType; Token *pArgToken; int cAType; CString szTypesSig; CString szArgsType; int cArgs = 0; int cRequiredArgs = 0; char *pDefaultParams[MAX_ARGS] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; char *pDefaultStrParams[MAX_ARGS] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; BOOL fBSTRArg; BOOL fVARIANTArg; BOOL fObjectReturn = FALSE; ParamType objectParam[MAX_ARGS] = { CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None, CPDLParser::None };
while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_RETURNVALUE)) { szAutomationType = pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_ATYPE) ? pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_ATYPE) : pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE);
cAType = szAutomationType.Length(); if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 2] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 2, '\0'); fObjectReturn = szAutomationType != "Variant"; } else if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); fObjectReturn = szAutomationType != "Variant"; }
pSimpleType = ConvertType(szAutomationType, TRUE, &pComPlusType[0]); if (pSimpleType) { // IUknown or IDispatch return value is an unsigned int from CPThunks
if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "Object") != 0) { // VARIANT_BOOL, int's, etc. returned are not objects.
fObjectReturn = FALSE; } }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "%s\n", pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType); if (!pSimpleType) { if (_stricmp(pComPlusType, "Object") == 0) { strcpy(pComPlusType, "unsigned int"); } } fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%s ", pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType);
fResultFound = TRUE; } }
if (!fResultFound) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tvoid "); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "void\n"); }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "%sCOMPLUS::", (LPCSTR)szClassName);
// Method
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%s (", pPI->_pToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "%s (", pPI->_pToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME));
BOOL fFirst = TRUE; int idx = 1; BOOL fAnyDynamicCasts = FALSE;
ArgListWalker.Reset(); while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (!pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_RETURNVALUE)) { if (!fFirst) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, ", "); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, ", "); }
szAutomationType = pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE);
cAType = szAutomationType.Length(); if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); if (szAutomationType == "IUnknown" || szAutomationType == "IDispatch") { objectParam[idx - 1] = CPDLParser::AnyObject; } else if (szAutomationType != "Variant") { objectParam[idx - 1] = CPDLParser::Object; } }
pSimpleType = ConvertType(szAutomationType, TRUE, &pComPlusType[0]); if (pSimpleType) { // IUknown or IDispatch return value is an unsigned int from CPThunks
if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "Object") != 0) { // VARIANT_BOOL, int's, etc. returned are not objects.
objectParam[idx - 1] = CPDLParser::None; } }
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "%s param%i", pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType, idx); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "%s param%i", pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType, idx++); }
fFirst = FALSE; }
fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, ");\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, ")\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "{\n");
if (BuildMethodSignature(pPI->_pToken, szTypesSig, szArgsType, fBSTRArg, fVARIANTArg, cArgs, cRequiredArgs, pDefaultParams, pDefaultStrParams)) { CString szFullSignature; BOOL fAtLeastOne = FALSE; int i;
if (fObjectReturn) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int myPDispatch;\n\n"); }
for (i = 0; i < cArgs; i++) { if (objectParam[i] & CPDLParser::GenericObject) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tICOMCookie tempParam%i = dynamic_cast<ICOMCookie>(param%i);\n", i + 1, i + 1); fAtLeastOne = TRUE; } } if (fAtLeastOne) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\n"); }
// If no return value then set the retVal to void.
if (!szTypesSig[0]) { szTypesSig = "void"; }
// If no arguments then set the argList to void.
if (!szArgsType[0]) { szArgsType = "_void"; }
szTypesSig += szArgsType;
MakeSignature("Method", szTypesSig, szFullSignature);
if (fResultFound) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\t%s", fObjectReturn ? "myPDispatch = " : "return "); } else { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\t"); }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "CPThunks::COMPLUS_%s(_myThis, %i, %i", (LPCSTR)szFullSignature, uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx);
for (i = 0; i < cArgs; i++) { if (objectParam[i] & CPDLParser::GenericObject) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, ", tempParam%i.getCOMCookie()", i + 1); } else if (objectParam[i] & CPDLParser::Object) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, ", param%i.getCOMCookie()", i + 1); } else { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, ", param%i", i + 1); } }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, ");\n"); }
if (fObjectReturn) { // ***TLL*** COM+: Need to create class for return value. For now just return 0.
// Should be something like "return new HTMLDOMNodeCOMPLUS(myPDispatch)" where HTMLDOMNodeCOMPLUS
// is a COM+ class.
if (fObjectReturn) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\n"); }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn 0;\n"); }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "}\n\n"); } else { // Property
CString szAutomationType; int cAType; ParamType propertyParam = CPDLParser::None; BOOL fInterfaceFound;
fNameOnly = _stricmp(pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") == 0;
szAutomationType = pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE);
cAType = szAutomationType.Length(); if (szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); }
if (cAType && szAutomationType[cAType - 1] == '*') { szAutomationType.PutChar(cAType - 1, '\0'); if (szAutomationType == "IUnknown" || szAutomationType == "IDispatch") { propertyParam = CPDLParser::AnyObject; } else if (szAutomationType != "Variant") { propertyParam = CPDLParser::Object; } }
pSimpleType = ConvertType(szAutomationType, TRUE, &pComPlusType[0], &fInterfaceFound); if (pSimpleType) { // IUknown or IDispatch return value is an unsigned int from CPThunks
if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "Object") != 0) { // VARIANT_BOOL, int's, etc. returned are not objects.
propertyParam = CPDLParser::None; } }
if (pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) && !fNameOnly ) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tvoid\t%s (%s param1);\n", pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "void\n%sCOMPLUS::%s (%s param1)\n", (LPCSTR)szClassName, pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "{\n");
if (pSimpleType) { if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "String") == 0) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tCPThunks::COMPLUS_S_String(_myThis, %i, %i, param1);\n", uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx); } else if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "Object") == 0 ) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int tempParam1 = dynamic_cast<ICOMCookie>(param1).getCOMCookie();\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tCPThunks::COMPLUS_S_IDispatchp(_myThis, %i, %i, tempParam1);\n", pSimpleType, uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx); } else { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tCPThunks::COMPLUS_S_%s(_myThis, %i, %i, param1);\n", pSimpleType, uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx); } } else if (fInterfaceFound) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tCPThunks::COMPLUS_S_IDispatchp(_myThis, %i, %i, param1.getCOMCookie());\n", uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx); } else { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tCPThunks::COMPLUS_S_%s(_myThis, %i, %i, param1);\n", pComPlusType, uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx); }
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "}\n\n"); } if (pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET) && !fNameOnly) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\t%s\t%s ();\n", pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType, pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "%s\n%sCOMPLUS::%s ()\n", pSimpleType ? pSimpleType : pComPlusType, (LPCSTR)szClassName, pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "{\n"); if (pSimpleType) { if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "String") == 0) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn CPThunks::COMPLUS_G_String(_myThis, %i, %i);\n", uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx + 1); } else if (_stricmp(pSimpleType, "Object") == 0) { // return IUnknown or IDispatch (not a qualified interface like IHTMLnnnnn).
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int\tmyPDispatch;\n\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tmyPDispatch = CPThunks::COMPLUS_G_%s(_myThis, %i, %i);\n", pSimpleType, uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx + 1);
//TODO: ***TLL*** COM+: Hook up document property of Window. Need generic mechanism here.
if (_stricmp((LPCSTR)szClassName, "HTMLWindow2") == 0) { if (_stricmp(pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), "document") == 0) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "return new HTMLDocumentCOMPLUS(myPDispatch);\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "//"); // comment the next return spit out
} }
// TODO: ***TLL*** COM+: Need to return (coclass) object stuffed myPDispatch. Remove return 0; and used below commented out line.
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn 0;\n"); // fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn new %s(myPDispatch);\n", pComPlusType);
} else { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn CPThunks::COMPLUS_G_%s(_myThis, %i, %i);\n", pSimpleType, uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx + 1); } } else if (_stricmp(pComPlusType, "Variant") == 0) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int\tmyPVariant;\n\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tmyPVariant = CPThunks::COMPLUS_G_%s(_myThis, %i, %i);\n\n", "VARIANT", uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx + 1); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn new Variant(myPVariant);\n"); } else { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int\tmyPDispatch;\n\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\tmyPDispatch = CPThunks::COMPLUS_G_%s(_myThis, %i, %i);\n\n", "Object", uIIDIdx, uVTblIdx + 1);
//TODO: ***TLL*** COM+: Hook up document property of Window. Need generic mechanism here.
if (_stricmp((LPCSTR)szClassName, "HTMLWindow2") == 0) { if (_stricmp(pPI->_pToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pPI->_pToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), "document") == 0) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "return new HTMLDocumentCOMPLUS(myPDispatch);\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "//"); // comment the next return spit out
} }
// ***TLL*** COM+: Need to return (coclass) object stuffed myPDispatch. Remove return 0; and used below commented out line.
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn 0;\n"); // fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "\treturn new %s(myPDispatch);\n", pComPlusType);
fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "}\n\n"); } } }
#endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
BOOL CPDLParser::ComputePROPDESC_STRUCT ( FILE *fp, Token *pClassToken, Token *pChild, CString & szHandler, CString & szFnPrefix ) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
fprintf ( fp, "EXTERN_C const " );
if ( !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) && szHandler == "Num" || szHandler == "Enum" || szHandler == "UnitValue" ) { // Numeric Handlers
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ) ) { fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_NUMPROP_GETSET" ); } else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_NUMPROP_ABSTRACT" ); } else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ) { fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_NUMPROP_ENUMREF" ); } else { fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_NUMPROP" ); } } else { // BASIC PROP PARAM Structure
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ) ) { if ( szFnPrefix == "" ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Invalid Type:%s in Class:%s Property:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_%s_GETSET", (LPCSTR)szFnPrefix ); } else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_BASIC_ABSTRACT" ); } else { fprintf ( fp, "PROPERTYDESC_BASIC" ); } }
return TRUE; }
Token * CPDLParser::FindEnum ( Token *pChild ) { // Get the enum mask from the enum named by PROPERTY_TYPE
CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList );
return WholeList.GetNext ( TYPE_ENUM, pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ); }
char * CPDLParser::MapTypeToIDispatch ( CString & szType ) { CString szHandler; CString szFnPrefix; char szStrType[255];
strcpy(szStrType, (LPCSTR)szType); if (GetTypeDetails (szStrType, szHandler, szFnPrefix, NULL) && (szHandler == "object")) { int cSz = szType.Length();
if (szType[cSz - 1] == '*' && szType[cSz - 2] == '*') { // is it an IUnknown or an IDispatch?
if (_strnicmp(szType, "IUnknown", cSz-2)==0) return "IUnknownpp"; else return "IDispatchpp"; } else if (szType[cSz - 1] == '*') { // is it an IUnknown or an IDispatch?
if (_strnicmp(szType, "IUnknown",cSz-1)==0) return "IUnknownp"; else return "IDispatchp"; } }
return NULL; }
Token * CPDLParser::FindEventMethod(Token *pClassToken, LPCSTR szEvent) { Token *pChildToken; CTokenListWalker WholeList(pRuntimeList);
WholeList.Reset(); Token *pEventToken = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT, pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS)); if (pEventToken) { CTokenListWalker ChildList(pEventToken);
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (_stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), szEvent) == 0) return pChildToken; } }
WholeList.Reset(); pEventToken = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT, pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1)); if (!pEventToken) return NULL;
{ CTokenListWalker ChildList(pEventToken);
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (_stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), szEvent) == 0) return pChildToken; } }
WholeList.Reset(); pEventToken = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT, pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2)); if (!pEventToken) return NULL;
{ CTokenListWalker ChildList(pEventToken);
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (_stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), szEvent) == 0) return pChildToken; } } WholeList.Reset(); pEventToken = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT, pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3)); if (!pEventToken) return NULL;
{ CTokenListWalker ChildList(pEventToken);
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (_stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), szEvent) == 0) return pChildToken; } }
WholeList.Reset(); pEventToken = WholeList.GetNext(TYPE_EVENT, pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4)); if (!pEventToken) return NULL;
{ CTokenListWalker ChildList(pEventToken);
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (_stricmp(pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), szEvent) == 0) return pChildToken; } } return NULL; }
Token * CPDLParser::FindEventProp(Token *pClassToken, LPCSTR szEvent) { Token *pChild; CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
while ( pChild = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChild->nType == TYPE_PROPERTY && pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_SCRIPTLET) && _stricmp(pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), szEvent) == 0 ) return pChild; }
return NULL; }
BOOL CPDLParser::ComputeProperty ( Token *pClassToken, Token *pChild ) { CString szClass; CString szHandler; CString szFnPrefix; CString szHTMLName; char szExposedName [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; CString szdwFlags; CString szNotPresentDefault; CString szNotAssignedDefault; CString szUpperName; CString szDispid; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; StorageType stHowStored; const CCachedAttrArrayInfo *pCAAI = NULL; BOOL fNumericHandler; CString szVTDef; CString szPropSignature; CString szPropVT; Token *pEnumType; Token *pEventChild = NULL; char chCustomInvokeIdx[128]; char *pDispatchType; CString szPreText,szPostText; CString szMemberDesc; szPreText = "_T("; szPostText = ")";
pEnumType = FindEnum ( pChild ); if ( pEnumType ) { // Generic enumerator property handler, the propDesc has the enumerator
// type.
szPropVT = "PropEnum"; } else { char *pWS;
szPropVT = pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE );
// Remove any underscores in the type name.
while ((pWS = szPropVT.FindChar('_'))) { while (*pWS = *(pWS + 1)) pWS++; *pWS = '\0'; } }
// Should this type be mapped to IDispatch?
pDispatchType = MapTypeToIDispatch ( szPropVT ); if (pDispatchType) { szPropVT = pDispatchType; }
szClass = pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME );
szUpperName = pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ); szUpperName.ToUpper();
szHandler = ""; szFnPrefix = ""; // Check for missing handler later
GetTypeDetails ( pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), szHandler, szFnPrefix, &stHowStored );
CString szPropParamDesc;
szdwFlags = pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_DWFLAGS );
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ) ) { szPropParamDesc = "PROPPARAM_GETMFHandler | PROPPARAM_SETMFHandler"; szPropSignature = "GS"; } else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_MEMBER ) ) { szPropParamDesc = "PROPPARAM_MEMBER"; } else { szPropParamDesc = ""; }
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) ) { szPropSignature = "G"; if ( szPropParamDesc [ 0 ] ) szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += "PROPPARAM_INVOKEGet"; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) ) { szPropSignature += "S"; if ( szPropParamDesc [ 0 ] ) szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += "PROPPARAM_INVOKESet"; }
if (!szPropSignature[0]) { szPropSignature = "GS"; if ( szPropParamDesc [ 0 ] ) szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += "PROPPARAM_INVOKEGet | PROPPARAM_INVOKESet"; }
// Write out the function signature for this property.
if ( !FindAndAddSignature ( szPropSignature, szPropVT, &chCustomInvokeIdx[0] ) ) return FALSE;
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_PPFLAGS )) { szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_PPFLAGS ); } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOPERSIST ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_NOPERSIST"; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_INVALIDASNOASSIGN ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_INVALIDASNOASSIGN"; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_CUSTOMENUM ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_CUSTOMENUM "; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTASDEFAULT ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_NOTPRESENTASDEFAULT"; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_HIDDEN ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_HIDDEN"; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_RESTRICTED ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_RESTRICTED"; } if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) ) { szDispid = pChild->GetTagValue( PROPERTY_DISPID ); pCAAI = GetCachedAttrArrayInfo(szDispid);
szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_ATTRARRAY "; #if 0
if (pCAAI->szPPFlags) { szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += pCAAI->szPPFlags; } if (pCAAI->szLMinBitMask) { pChild->AddTag( PROPERTY_MIN , pCAAI->szLMinBitMask ); } #endif
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_MINOUT ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_MINOUT"; }
// If we're processing a property that applies to a CF/PF/SF/FF, mark it here
// this helps us optimize the apply process. Only properties with a DISPID that
// matches our apply table, can be applied
if ( pCAAI && pCAAI->szDispId != NULL ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_STYLISTIC_PROPERTY"; }
if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SCRIPTLET ) ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_SCRIPTLET";
pEventChild = FindEventMethod(pClassToken, pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME));
if (pEventChild) { if (pEventChild->IsSet(METHOD_CANCELABLE)) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_CANCELABLE"; } if (pEventChild->IsSet(METHOD_BUBBLING)) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_BUBBLING"; } } else if (!pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_BASEIMPLEMENTATION)) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Unexpected Error:Event prop:%s in Class:%s not found in any Events interface defn.\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } }
szMemberDesc = "";
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) ) { if ( pCAAI->dwFlags & CCSSF_CLEARCACHES ) { // Always add dwFlags:ELEMCHNG_CLEARCACHES for these properties
if ( szdwFlags [0] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } else { szdwFlags = ""; } szdwFlags+="ELEMCHNG_CLEARCACHES"; }
if ( pCAAI->dwFlags & CCSSF_CLEARFF ) { // Always add dwFlags:ELEMCHNG_CLEARFF for these properties
if ( szdwFlags [0] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } else { szdwFlags = ""; } szdwFlags+="ELEMCHNG_CLEARFF"; } if ( pCAAI->dwFlags & CCSSF_REMEASURECONTENTS ) { // Always add dwFlags:ELEMCHNG_REMEASURECONTENTS for these properties
if ( szdwFlags [0] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } else { szdwFlags = ""; } szdwFlags+="ELEMCHNG_REMEASURECONTENTS"; }
if ( pCAAI->dwFlags & CCSSF_REMEASUREALLCONTENTS ) { // Always add dwFlags:ELEMCHNG_REMEASURECONTENTS for these properties
if ( szdwFlags [0] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } else { szdwFlags = ""; } szdwFlags+="ELEMCHNG_REMEASUREALLCONTENTS"; }
if ( pCAAI->dwFlags & CCSSF_REMEASUREINPARENT ) { // Always add dwFlags:ELEMCHNG_REMEASUREINPARENT for these properties
if ( szdwFlags [0] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } else { szdwFlags = ""; } szdwFlags+="ELEMCHNG_REMEASUREINPARENT"; }
if ( pCAAI->dwFlags & CCSSF_SIZECHANGED ) { // Always add dwFlags:ELEMCHNG_SIZECHANGED for these properties
if ( szdwFlags [0] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } else { szdwFlags = ""; } szdwFlags+="ELEMCHNG_SIZECHANGED"; }
} else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_MEMBER ) ) { // On the object
szMemberDesc = szClass; szMemberDesc += ", "; szMemberDesc += pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_MEMBER ); } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ACCESSIBILITYSTATE) ) { // we should only allow this on properties that can be set,
if ( ! ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) ) ) { ReportError ( "Accessibility State can only be applied to r/w properties\n" ); return FALSE; } if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_ACCESSIBILITY"; }
if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_UPDATECOLLECTION ) ) { if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_UPDATECOLLECTION"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CLEARCACHES ) ) { if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_CLEARCACHES"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_STYLEPROP ) ) { if ( szPropParamDesc [ 0 ] ) szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += "PROPPARAM_STYLESHEET_PROPERTY"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_DONTUSENOTASSIGN ) ) { if ( szPropParamDesc [ 0 ] ) szPropParamDesc += " | "; szPropParamDesc += "PROPPARAM_DONTUSENOTASSIGNED"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_RESIZE ) ) { if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_SIZECHANGED"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_REMEASURE ) ) { if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_REMEASURECONTENTS"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_REMEASUREALL ) ) { if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_REMEASUREALLCONTENTS"; } if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SITEREDRAW ) ) { if ( szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) { szdwFlags += "|"; } szdwFlags += "ELEMCHNG_SITEREDRAW"; }
char szPropertyDesc [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ] ;
pChild -> GetTagValueOrDefault ( szNotPresentDefault, PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTDEFAULT, "0" ); if ( pChild->IsSet( PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTDEFAULT ) && szHandler == "String") { szNotPresentDefault = szPreText + szNotPresentDefault; szNotPresentDefault += szPostText; } else if ( szHandler == "Color" && szNotPresentDefault == "0" ) { // This is a nasty little hack to make for colors
szNotPresentDefault = "-1"; } // If there's a not assigned default, use it, else use the not present default
pChild -> GetTagValueOrDefault ( szNotAssignedDefault, PROPERTY_NOTSETDEFAULT, (LPCSTR)szNotPresentDefault ); if ( pChild->IsSet( PROPERTY_NOTSETDEFAULT ) && szHandler == "String") { szNotAssignedDefault = szPreText + szNotAssignedDefault; szNotAssignedDefault += szPostText; } else if ( szHandler == "Color" && szNotAssignedDefault == "0" ) { szNotAssignedDefault = "-1"; }
// szAttribute spevcifies the html name of the property, if not specified the
// property name itself is used.
if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SZATTRIBUTE ) ) { szHTMLName = pChild -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_SZATTRIBUTE ); sprintf ( (LPSTR) szExposedName, "_T(\"%s\")", pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); } else { szHTMLName = pChild -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ); strcpy(szExposedName, "NULL"); }
// If the propdesc has a member specified generate a full propdesc
// By setting abstract: AND member: the propdesc can be used for validation
// ( e.g. UnitMeasurement sub-object )
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) && !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_MEMBER ) ) { // Generate a minimal propdesc, this is how IDispatchEx traverses
// attributes and properties.
sprintf ( (LPSTR) szPropertyDesc, " s_propdesc%s%s = \n{\n NULL, _T(\"%s\"), %s, (ULONG_PTR)%s, (ULONG_PTR)%s,\n {", (LPCSTR)szClass, (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szHTMLName, (LPCSTR)szExposedName, (LPCSTR)szNotPresentDefault, (LPCSTR)szNotAssignedDefault); } else { // If you're gonna set up a handler, better be a valid one
if ( szHandler == "" ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Invalid Type:%s in Class:%s Property:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } char szTempBuf[MAX_LINE_LEN+1]; sprintf ( (LPSTR) szTempBuf, " s_propdesc%s%s =\n{\n#ifdef WIN16\n (PFN_HANDLEPROPERTY)&PROPERTYDESC::handle%sproperty, _T(\"%s\"), %s, (ULONG_PTR)%s, (ULONG_PTR)%s,\n#else\n", (LPCSTR)szClass, (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szHandler, (LPCSTR)szHTMLName, (LPCSTR)szExposedName, (LPCSTR)szNotPresentDefault, (LPCSTR)szNotAssignedDefault); sprintf ( (LPSTR) szPropertyDesc, "%s PROPERTYDESC::Handle%sProperty, _T(\"%s\"), %s, (ULONG_PTR)%s,(ULONG_PTR)%s,\n#endif\n {", szTempBuf, (LPCSTR)szHandler, (LPCSTR)szHTMLName, (LPCSTR)szExposedName, (LPCSTR)szNotPresentDefault, (LPCSTR)szNotAssignedDefault); }
if ( !ComputePROPDESC_STRUCT ( fpHDLFile, pClassToken, pChild, szHandler, szFnPrefix) ) return FALSE; // Bad error reported...leave
if ( !szdwFlags [ 0 ] ) szdwFlags = "0";
fNumericHandler = FALSE; if ( !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) && szHandler == "Num" || szHandler == "Enum" || szHandler == "UnitValue" ) { // Numeric Handlers
fNumericHandler = TRUE;
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s\n {", szPropertyDesc );
if ( szHandler == "Enum" ) { szPropParamDesc += " | PROPPARAM_ENUM"; } else if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ) { // A number with one or more enums
pChild -> GetTagValueOrDefault ( szDispid, PROPERTY_DISPID, "0" );
if ((strcmp(pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "BSTR") == 0 || strcmp(pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "VARIANT") == 0) && ((pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_CAA) || pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET)) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_INTERNAL)) || (!pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_CAA) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET))) { if (!pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
// Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "maxstrlen required for property: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } else if (pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
// Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "maxstrlen NOT required for property: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n %s, %s, %s, %s, %s \n },", (LPCSTR)szPropParamDesc, (LPCSTR)szDispid, (LPCSTR)szdwFlags, (LPCSTR)&chCustomInvokeIdx[0], pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN) ? (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN) : "0");
if (fpMaxLenFile && pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN)) { fprintf ( fpMaxLenFile, "%s::%s %s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN) ); }
if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n 0, 0" ); } else { if ( !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_VT ) ) { CString szAType; szAType = pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE ); if ( szAType == "short" || szAType == "VARIANT_BOOL" ) szVTDef = "VT_I2"; else szVTDef = "VT_I4"; } else { szVTDef = pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_VT ); }
if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n %s, 0", (LPCSTR)szVTDef ); } else if ( pChild -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n %s, sizeof(DWORD)", (LPCSTR)szVTDef ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n %s, SIZE_OF(%s)", (LPCSTR)szVTDef, (LPCSTR)szMemberDesc ); } }
// Fill in the min/max values
// If it's an enum, the min value is a ptr to the enum desc structure
if ( szHandler == "Enum" ) { if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ", 0, 0,\n" ); } else { // Get the enum mask from the enum named by PROPERTY_TYPE
CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pEnumToken = WholeList.GetNext ( TYPE_ENUM, pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ); CString szMin; pChild->GetTagValueOrDefault ( szMin, PROPERTY_MIN, "0" );
if ( pEnumToken == NULL ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "unknown enum type %s\n",pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ", %s, (LONG_PTR)&s_enumdesc%s,\n", (LPCSTR)szMin, pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ); } } else { CString szMax; CString szMin; pChild->GetTagValueOrDefault ( szMin, PROPERTY_MIN, "LONG_MIN" ); pChild->GetTagValueOrDefault ( szMax, PROPERTY_MAX, "LONG_MAX" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, ", %s, %s,\n", (LPCSTR)szMin, (LPCSTR)szMax ); } } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s\n ", szPropertyDesc ); pChild -> GetTagValueOrDefault ( szDispid, PROPERTY_DISPID, "0" );
if ((strcmp(pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "BSTR") == 0 || strcmp(pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), "VARIANT") == 0) && ((pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_CAA) || pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET)) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_INTERNAL)) || (!pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_CAA) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) && !pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET))) { if (!pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
// Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "maxstrlen required for property: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } else if (pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
// Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "maxstrlen NOT required for property: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " %s, %s, %s, %s, %s \n", (LPCSTR)szPropParamDesc, (LPCSTR)szDispid, (LPCSTR)szdwFlags, (LPCSTR)&chCustomInvokeIdx[0], pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN) ? (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN) : "0");
if (fpMaxLenFile && pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN)) { fprintf ( fpMaxLenFile, "%s::%s %s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_MAXSTRLEN) ); }
} fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " }," ); if (pEventChild && pChild->IsSet(PROPERTY_SCRIPTLET)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "\n (DWORD_PTR)%s", pEventChild->GetTagValue(METHOD_DISPID)); } else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n PROPERTY_METHOD(%s, GET, %s, Get%s, GET%s)," , (LPCSTR)szFnPrefix, (LPCSTR)szClass, (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS )); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n PROPERTY_METHOD(%s, SET, %s, Set%s, SET%s)" , (LPCSTR)szFnPrefix, (LPCSTR)szClass, (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS )); } else if ( pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { } else if ( szMemberDesc [ 0 ] ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n offsetof(%s)", (LPCSTR)szMemberDesc ); }
if ( fNumericHandler && pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) && !pChild->IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pEnumToken = WholeList.GetNext ( TYPE_ENUM, pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ); if ( pEnumToken == NULL ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "unknown enum type %s\n",pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } if ( !szMemberDesc [ 0 ] ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n 0, &s_enumdesc%s", pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n &s_enumdesc%s", pChild->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ); } }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n};\n\n" );
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::BuildMethodSignature(Token *pChild, CString &szTypesSig, CString &szArgsType, BOOL &fBSTRArg, BOOL &fVARIANTArg, int &cArgs, int &cRequiredArgs, char *pDefaultParams[MAX_ARGS], char *pDefaultStrParams[MAX_ARGS]) { Token *pArgToken; CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker(pChild); char *pDispatchType; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
cArgs = 0; cRequiredArgs = 0; fBSTRArg = FALSE; fVARIANTArg = FALSE;
// Loop thru all arguments.
while ( (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { fBSTRArg |= (strcmp(pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE), "BSTR") == 0); fVARIANTArg |= (!pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_OUT) && (strcmp(pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE), "VARIANT") == 0 || strcmp(pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE), "VARIANT*") == 0));
// Looking for a return value.
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { char *pWS;
szTypesSig = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE );
// Remove any underscores in the type name.
while ((pWS = szTypesSig.FindChar('_'))) { while (*pWS = *(pWS + 1)) pWS++; *pWS = '\0'; }
// Should this type be mapped to IDispatch?
pDispatchType = MapTypeToIDispatch ( szTypesSig ); if (pDispatchType) { szTypesSig = pDispatchType; } } else { CString szArg; char *pWS;
if ( pArgToken->IsSet ( METHODARG_OPTIONAL ) ) { // little o + zero + little o, prepended to the type signals
// the type is optional.
szArg = "o0o"; }
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE ) ) { // Signal default.
szArg = "oDo";
if (cArgs >= MAX_ARGS) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "PDL parser can only handle upto 8 parameters (increase MAX_ARGS) %s in file %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
// Currently I only handle 2 types of default values numbers and
// strings. If any other appear then I'll need to add those as
// well.
if ( strcmp (pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), "BSTR") == 0) { if (pDefaultStrParams) pDefaultStrParams[cArgs] = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE ); } else if (pDefaultParams) { pDefaultParams[cArgs] = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE ); } } else { // If not optional and not defaultValue then the argument is
// required and no defaults could have appeared in between.
if ( !pArgToken->IsSet ( METHODARG_OPTIONAL ) ) { // Insure that once a default argument is hit all arguments from
// that point to the last argument im the function are either
// defaultValue or optional.
if (cRequiredArgs != cArgs) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Default arguments must be contiguous to last argument %s in file %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
// Arguments without a defaultValue/optional are required args.
// Unless the argument is a safe array than any number of
// arguments can be specified 0 to n arguments
if (strcmp((LPCSTR)(pArgToken -> GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE)), "SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)") != 0) // Not a safearray so it's a required argument.
cRequiredArgs++; } }
szArg += pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ); if (szArg == "oDoVARIANT") { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Default arguments cannot be VARIANT %s in file %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
if ( pArgToken->IsSet ( METHODARG_OPTIONAL ) && !(szArg == "o0oVARIANT" || szArg == "o0oVARIANT*") ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Optional arguments can ONLY be VARIANT or VARIANT* %s in file %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
// Should this type be mapped to IDispatch?
pDispatchType = MapTypeToIDispatch ( szArg ); if (pDispatchType) { // Remap to IDispatch* or IDispatch**
szArg = pDispatchType; }
// Remove any underscores in the type name.
while ((pWS = szArg.FindChar('_'))) { while (*pWS = *(pWS + 1)) pWS++; *pWS = '\0'; }
szArgsType += "_"; szArgsType += (LPCSTR)szArg; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::ComputeMethod ( Token *pClassToken, Token *pChild ) { CString szTypesSig; CString szArgsType; CString szDispid; CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChild ); char chCustomInvokeIdx[128]; int cArgs = 0; int cRequiredArgs = 0; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; char *pDefaultParams[MAX_ARGS] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; char *pDefaultStrParams[MAX_ARGS] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; BOOL fBSTRArg; BOOL fVARIANTArg;
if (!BuildMethodSignature(pChild, szTypesSig, szArgsType, fBSTRArg, fVARIANTArg, cArgs, cRequiredArgs, pDefaultParams, pDefaultStrParams)) return FALSE;
// Any default values?
if (cArgs != cRequiredArgs) { int i;
// Spit out any default string constants.
for ( i = cRequiredArgs; i < cArgs; i++) { if ( pDefaultStrParams[i] ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "const TCHAR s_strDef%s%s%i[] = _T(%s);\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), i - cRequiredArgs, pDefaultStrParams[i] ); } }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "const DEFAULTARGDESC s_defArg%s%s =\n{\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) );
// Spit out the all of all default constants
for ( i = cRequiredArgs; i < cArgs; i++) { if ( pDefaultStrParams[i] ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " (DWORD_PTR)s_strDef%s%s%i,\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), i - cRequiredArgs ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " (DWORD_PTR)%s,\n", pDefaultParams[i] ? pDefaultParams[i] : "\"\"" ); } }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "};\n" ); }
// If no return value then set the retVal to void.
if (!szTypesSig[0]) { szTypesSig = "void"; }
// If no arguments then set the argList to void.
if (!szArgsType[0]) { szArgsType = "_void"; }
szTypesSig += szArgsType;
szDispid = pChild->GetTagValue(METHOD_DISPID); if (szDispid[0]) { // Write out the function signature for this method
// only do this if a dispid exists. Methods without dispid
// are not accessible through automation.
if ( !FindAndAddSignature ( "Method", szTypesSig, &chCustomInvokeIdx[0] ) ) return FALSE; } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "EXTERN_C const PROPERTYDESC_METHOD s_methdesc%s%s = \n{\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ));
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " NULL, NULL, _T(\"%s\"), (ULONG)0, (ULONG)0,\n {\n", (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ));
if (!szDispid[0]) { // Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "DISPID required for method: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
if (fBSTRArg || fVARIANTArg) { if (!pChild->IsSet(METHOD_MAXSTRLEN)) { // Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "maxstrlen required for method: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } else if (pChild->IsSet(METHOD_MAXSTRLEN)) { // Dispid not specified this is an error all methods should be accessible
// from automation.
sprintf ( szErrorText, "maxstrlen NOT required for method: %s::%s in %s.\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), _pszPDLFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " %s, %s, 0, %s, %s\n },\n ", pChild->IsSet(METHOD_RESTRICTED) ? "PROPPARAM_RESTRICTED" : "0", (LPCSTR)szDispid, (LPCSTR)&chCustomInvokeIdx[0], pChild->IsSet(METHOD_MAXSTRLEN) ? (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(METHOD_MAXSTRLEN) : "0"); if (fpMaxLenFile && pChild->IsSet(METHOD_MAXSTRLEN)) { fprintf ( fpMaxLenFile, "%s::%s %s\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue(METHOD_MAXSTRLEN) ); }
if ( cArgs != cRequiredArgs ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "&s_defArg%s%s, ", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pChild->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "NULL, " ); } fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%i, %i\n};\n\n", cArgs, cRequiredArgs );
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GeneratePROPDESCs ( void ) { Token *pClassToken; Token *pChild;
// Only generate def's for this file
CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName );
// Generate propdescs for every property token in every class ( in this file )
while ( pClassToken = TokenList.GetNext( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken );
// if ( pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_ABSTRACT ) )
// {
// fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n#ifndef _PROPDESCS_EXTERNAL\n" );
// }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n#define _%s_PROPDESCS_\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) );
// Walk the super class propdescs looking for properties
while ( pChild = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChild->nType == TYPE_PROPERTY && _stricmp(pChild->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC), "nameonly") != 0 ) { if ( !ComputeProperty ( pClassToken, pChild ) ) return FALSE; } else if ( pChild->nType == TYPE_METHOD && !pChild->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { if (!ComputeMethod(pClassToken, pChild) ) return FALSE; } else { continue; } }
if (fpMaxLenFile) fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "\n"); } return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateThunkContext ( Token *pClassToken ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList (pClassToken);
Token *pChildToken;
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if( (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKCONTEXT)) || (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKCONTEXT)) ) { GenerateSingleThunkContextPrototype(pClassToken, pChildToken, FALSE); } if( (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKNODECONTEXT)) || (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKNODECONTEXT)) ) { GenerateSingleThunkContextPrototype(pClassToken, pChildToken, TRUE); } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateSingleThunkContextPrototype ( Token *pClassToken, Token * pChildToken, BOOL fNodeContext ) { CString szProp; Token *pArgToken;
if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD) { CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker(pChildToken); BOOL fFirst = TRUE;
fprintf(fpHDLFile, " STDMETHODIMP %s(", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)); while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (!fFirst) fprintf(fpHDLFile, ","); fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%s %s", ConvertType((LPCSTR)pArgToken->GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE )), (LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); fFirst = FALSE; }
if(fNodeContext) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%sCTreeNode *pNode);\n", fFirst?"":","); } else { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%sTEAROFF_THUNK*ptt);\n", fFirst?"":","); } } else { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " STDMETHODIMP set_%s(%s v, %s);\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), fNodeContext?"CTreeNode *pNode":"TEAROFF_THUNK *ptt"); } if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, " STDMETHODIMP get_%s(%s *p, %s);\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), fNodeContext?"CTreeNode *pNode":"TEAROFF_THUNK *ptt"); } } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateThunkContextImplemenation ( Token *pClassToken ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList (pClassToken);
Token *pChildToken;
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if( (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKCONTEXT)) || (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKCONTEXT)) ) { GenerateSingleThunkContextImplementation(pClassToken, pChildToken, FALSE); } if( (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_THUNKNODECONTEXT)) || (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_THUNKNODECONTEXT)) ) { GenerateSingleThunkContextImplementation(pClassToken, pChildToken, TRUE); } } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateSingleThunkContextImplementation ( Token *pClassToken, Token * pChildToken, BOOL fNodeContext ) { CString szProp; Token *pArgToken;
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "#ifdef USE_STACK_SPEW\n#pragma check_stack(off)\n#endif\n");
if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD) { CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker(pChildToken); BOOL fFirst = TRUE;
fprintf(fpHDLFile, "STDMETHODIMP %s::ContextThunk_%s(", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME));
while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (!fFirst) fprintf(fpHDLFile, ","); fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%s %s", ConvertType((LPCSTR)pArgToken->GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE )), (LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); fFirst = FALSE; }
if(fNodeContext) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, ")\n" "{\n" " CTreeNode* pNode;\n" " CONTEXTTHUNK_SETTREENODE\n" " return %s(", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)); } else { fprintf(fpHDLFile, ")\n" "{\n" " TEAROFF_THUNK* ptt;\n" " CONTEXTTHUNK_SETTEAROFFTHUNK\n" " return %s(", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)); }
fFirst = TRUE; ArgListWalker.Reset(); while (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) { if (!fFirst) fprintf(fpHDLFile, ","); fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%s", (LPCSTR)pArgToken -> GetTagValue(METHODARG_ARGNAME)); fFirst = FALSE; } fprintf(fpHDLFile, "%s%s);\n}\n", fFirst?"":",", fNodeContext?"pNode":"ptt"); } else { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "STDMETHODIMP %s::ContextThunk_set_%s(%s v)\n" "{\n%s return set_%s(v,%s);\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), fNodeContext ? " CTreeNode* pNode;\n" " CONTEXTTHUNK_SETTREENODE\n" : " TEAROFF_THUNK* ptt;\n" " CONTEXTTHUNK_SETCONTEXTTHUNK\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), fNodeContext ? "pNode" : "ptt"); } if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) { fprintf(fpHDLFile, "STDMETHODIMP %s::ContextThunk_get_%s(%s *p)\n" "{\n%s return get_%s(p,%s);\n}\n", (LPCSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), fNodeContext ? " CTreeNode* pNode;\n" " CONTEXTTHUNK_SETTREENODE\n" : " TEAROFF_THUNK* ptt;\n" " CONTEXTTHUNK_SETCONTEXTTHUNK\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), fNodeContext ? "pNode" : "ptt"); } } fprintf(fpHDLFile, "#ifdef USE_STACK_SPEW\n#pragma check_stack(on)\n#endif\n"); }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateHDLFile ( void ) { Token *pClassToken; BOOL bHashTableExists; int numVTblPropDescs;
CTokenListWalker ThisFilesList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "// %s.hdl\n", _pszOutputFileRoot ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#ifdef _hxx_\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#include \"%s.h\"\n", _pszOutputFileRoot ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" );
// Generate the DISPID's, one for each member of each class
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating DISPID's...\n" ); GenerateClassDISPIDs(); GenerateInterfaceDISPIDs(); GenerateEventDISPIDs( fpHDLFile, TRUE );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#endif _hxx_\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#undef _hxx_\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#ifdef _cxx_\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" );
// Generate the enum definitions
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating CPP Enum Defs...\n" ); GenerateCPPEnumDefs();
// Generate the property descriptors
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating PROPDESC's...\n" ); if ( !GeneratePROPDESCs() ) goto Error;
// ***TLL*** COM+: Not spitting COM+ proxies for internal.pdl and mshtmext.pdl need to do, shouldn't special case.
if ((_stricmp(_pszPDLFileName, "internal.pdl") != 0) && (_stricmp(_pszPDLFileName, "mshtmext.pdl") != 0)) { GenComPlusESI(); // Output any local interfaces for COM+
#endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
// For each TYPE_CLASS in this file generate a propdesc array and vtable
// array for the class.
while ( pClassToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { // Generate propdescs for every property token in every class ( in this file )
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating PROPDESC Arrays...\n" );
if ( !GenerateCPC( pClassToken ) ) goto Error;
// Generate the vtable array for classes in this file
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating VTable Arrays...\n" );
GenerateVTableArray(pClassToken, &bHashTableExists);
// Generate the propdesc array in vtable order for classes in this file
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating propdesc Arrays in vtbl order...\n" );
GeneratePropDescsInVtblOrder(pClassToken, &numVTblPropDescs);
// Abstract classes don't have propdesc arrays or vtable arrays.
if ( !pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_ABSTRACT ) ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\nconst HDLDESC %s::s_apHdlDescs = { ", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) );
// Store the Mondo DISPID int he HDLDesc so we can find it for GetTypeInfo
if ( HasMondoDispInterface ( pClassToken ) ) { CString szDispName;
// Map to mondo dispinterface as default dispatch interface.
szDispName = (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME)) ? pClassToken->GetTagValue (CLASS_COCLASSNAME) : pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " &DIID_Disp%s,", (LPCSTR)szDispName ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, " NULL," ); }
if ( bHashTableExists ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "&%s::s_StringTableAggregate, ", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "NULL, "); }
if ( numVTblPropDescs ) { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "%s::s_ppropdescsInVtblOrder%s};\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "NULL};\n" ); } } }
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating Property Methods...\n" ); if ( !GeneratePropMethodImplementation() ) goto Error;
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating Cascaded Property Method Implementations...\n" );
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "// Cascaded Property get method implementations\n\n" );
ThisFilesList.Reset(); while ( pClassToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { GenerateGetAAXImplementations(pClassToken); GenerateThunkContextImplemenation(pClassToken); }
fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#endif _cxx_\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "#undef _cxx_\n" ); fprintf ( fpHDLFile, "\n" );
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "Generating Class Includes...\n" );
if ( !GenerateClassIncludes() ) goto Error;
return TRUE;
Error: return FALSE; }
FILE *OpenMaxlengthFile(LPCSTR pszPDLFileName, LPCSTR pszOutputPath) { char chMaxLenFileName[255]; FILE *fpMaxLenFile = NULL; BOOL fOpenNew = TRUE;
strcpy(chMaxLenFileName, pszOutputPath); strcat(chMaxLenFileName, FILENAME_SEPARATOR_STR "maxlen.txt");
fpMaxLenFile = fopen(chMaxLenFileName, "r"); if (fpMaxLenFile) { char chMarker[6]; if (fread(chMarker, sizeof(char), 5, fpMaxLenFile)) { if (!_stricmp(chMarker, "XXXXX")) { fOpenNew = FALSE; } }
fclose(fpMaxLenFile); }
if (fOpenNew) { fpMaxLenFile = fopen(chMaxLenFileName, "w"); if (fpMaxLenFile) { fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "XXXXX Key Value Glossary:\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "-------------------------------\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "pdlUrlLen = 4096 // url strings\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "pdlToken = 128 // strings that really are some form of a token\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "pdlLength = 128 // strings that really are numeric lengths\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "pdlColor = 128 // strings that really are color values\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "pdlNoLimit = 0xFFFF // strings that have no limit on their max lengths\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "pdlEvent = pdlNoLimit // strings that could be assigned to onfoo event properties\n\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "MAX LENGTH CONSTANTS FOR OM PROPERTIES AND METHODS\n"); fprintf(fpMaxLenFile, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); } } else { fpMaxLenFile = fopen(chMaxLenFileName, "a"); }
return fpMaxLenFile; }
int CPDLParser::Parse ( char *szInputFile, char *szOutputFileRoot, char *szPDLFileName, char *szOutputPath, BOOL fDebugging ) { #if 0
if (strcmp(szPDLFileName, "iframe.pdl") == 0) __asm {int 3}; #endif
int nReturnCode = 0; char szFileName [ MAX_PATH+1 ]; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; #ifdef COMPLUS_SHIM
BOOL fWriteHeader = FALSE; #endif
_pszPDLFileName = szPDLFileName; _pszOutputFileRoot = szOutputFileRoot; _pszInputFile = szInputFile; _pszOutputPath = szOutputPath;
fpMaxLenFile = OpenMaxlengthFile(szPDLFileName, szOutputPath);
// Read the input file a line at a time, for each line tokenise and
// parse
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputPath ); strcat ( szFileName, "LOG" );
fpLOGFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" ); if ( !fpLOGFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open log file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; }
fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "InputBuffer = %s\n", szInputFile ); fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "OuputFileRoot = %s\n", szOutputFileRoot ); fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "PDLFileName = %s\n", szPDLFileName ); fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "LogFileName =% s\n", szFileName );
// All files open and raring to go....
if ( !ParseInputFile ( fDebugging ) ) { goto error; }
// Create the HDL File
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputFileRoot ); strcat ( szFileName, ".hdl" );
fpHDLFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" ); if ( !fpHDLFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open HDL output file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; }
// Create the COM+ header file
strcpy ( szFileName, _pszOutputPath ); strcat ( szFileName, "\\" ); strcat ( szFileName, "MSProxy.h" );
fpHComPlusFile = fopen ( szFileName, "r" ); if (!fpHComPlusFile) { fWriteHeader = TRUE; } else { fclose(fpHComPlusFile); }
fpHComPlusFile = fopen ( szFileName, "a" ); if ( !fpHComPlusFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open COM+ output file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; }
// Only write the header first time through not when each PDL is parsed.
if (fWriteHeader) { fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "[managed, com] __interface ICOMCookie\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "{\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "public:\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "\tunsigned int getCOMCookie();\n"); fprintf(fpHComPlusFile, "};\n\n"); }
// Create the COM+ source file
strcpy ( szFileName, _pszOutputPath ); strcat ( szFileName, "\\" ); strcat ( szFileName, "MSProxy.cpp" );
fpCComPlusFile = fopen ( szFileName, "r" ); if (!fpCComPlusFile) { fWriteHeader = TRUE; } else { fclose(fpCComPlusFile); }
fpCComPlusFile = fopen ( szFileName, "a" ); if ( !fpCComPlusFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open COM+ output file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; }
// Only write the header first time through not when each PDL is parsed.
if (fWriteHeader) { fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "#import <MSCorLib.dll>\n\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "// Some types COM+ doesn't know remapped.\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "#define LONG long\n\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "#include \"MSProxy.h\"\n"); fprintf(fpCComPlusFile, "#include \"TComPlus.hxx\"\n\n\n"); }
#endif // COMPLUS_SHIM
// Create the IDL File
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputFileRoot ); strcat ( szFileName, ".idl" );
fpIDLFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" ); if ( !fpIDLFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open IDL output file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; }
// Create the external Header file for the SDK users
// Create the HDL File
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputFileRoot ); strcat ( szFileName, ".h" ); // For now
fpHeaderFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" ); if ( !fpHeaderFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open Header output file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; }
// Create the external DISPIDs file for the SDK users
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputFileRoot ); strcat ( szFileName, ".dsp" ); // For now
fpDISPIDFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" ); if ( !fpDISPIDFile ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't open DISPID output file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); goto error; }
// Create function signatures required for the custom OLEAutomation invoke.
if ( !LoadSignatures (szOutputPath) ) { ReportError ( "Signature file missing" ); goto error; }
LoadStatistics (szOutputPath); #endif
// Parsed Successfully - generate HDL file
if ( !GenerateHDLFile () ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't create HDL output file %s%s.hdl\n", szOutputFileRoot, szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; }
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputFileRoot ); strcat ( szFileName, ".idl" ); // For now hxx
if ( !GenerateIDLFile( szFileName ) ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't create IDL file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; }
// Generate the .H file with just enums & interface decls in
// Generate the external DISPID's file
GenerateExternalInterfaceDISPIDs(); GenerateEventDISPIDs ( fpDISPIDFile, FALSE );
// Create/Open the HTML index file
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputPath ); strcat ( szFileName, FILENAME_SEPARATOR_STR "AllIndex.htm" ); fpHTMIndexFile = fopen ( szFileName, "a+" );
/* rgardner - commented out for now - not very up-to-date or useful any more
// Create the HTM File
strcpy ( szFileName, szOutputFileRoot ); strcat ( szFileName, ".htm" );
fpHTMFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" );
if ( !GenerateHTMFile( ) ) { printf ( szErrorText, "Can't create HTM file %s\n", szFileName ); ReportError ( szErrorText );
goto error; } */
// Update the signature file is any changes.
if (!SaveSignatures( szOutputPath )) { ReportError ( "Signature file save problem." ); goto error; }
SaveStatistics (szOutputPath); #endif
goto cleanup;
error: if ( nReturnCode == 0 ) nReturnCode = 1;
cleanup: return nReturnCode;
void CPDLParser::LoadStatistics ( char *pszOutputPath ) { BOOL bRetVal; char *buffer = NULL; CString szFileName; FILE *fpStatFile = NULL;
szFileName = pszOutputPath; szFileName += FILENAME_SEPARATOR_STR "stats.dat";
fpStatFile = fopen ( szFileName, "r" ); if ( !fpStatFile ) { char chInitFuncSig[2] = { '\0', '\0' };
fpStatFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w+"); if ( !fpStatFile ) { ReportError ( "Can't create statistics file" ); goto error; }
fwrite ( chInitFuncSig, 1, sizeof(chInitFuncSig), fpStatFile ); }
if ( fseek( fpStatFile, 0, SEEK_END ) == 0 ) { fpos_t pos;
if ( fgetpos( fpStatFile, &pos ) == 0 ) { int i = 0; int cLines; buffer = new char[pos]; if (buffer == NULL) goto error;
fseek( fpStatFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
if ( fread ( buffer, 1, pos, fpStatFile ) != pos ) goto error;
// Intialize to 0.
for (i = 0; i < MAX_STATS; i++) rgcStats[i] = 0;
// Populate the statics array.
i = 0; cLines = 0; while ( buffer[i] || buffer[i + 1] ) { int cStr = strlen(buffer + i);
rgcStats[cLines] = atol(buffer + i);
cLines ++;
i += cStr + 1; } } }
bRetVal = TRUE;
cleanup: delete buffer;
fclose ( fpStatFile );
error: bRetVal = FALSE; goto cleanup; }
void CPDLParser::SaveStatistics ( char *pszOutputPath ) { //DebugBreak();
BOOL bRetVal = TRUE; if (rgcStats) { int i; CString szFileName; FILE *fpStatFile = NULL; char buffer[32];
szFileName = pszOutputPath; szFileName += FILENAME_SEPARATOR_STR "stats.dat";
fpStatFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w" );
// Write array to file.
if ( fseek( fpStatFile, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) return;
i = 0; while (i < MAX_STATS) { sprintf( buffer, "%i", rgcStats[i] ); fwrite ( buffer, 1, strlen(buffer) + 1, fpStatFile );
i++; }
// Double NULL at the end.
buffer[0] = '\0'; buffer[1] = '\0'; fwrite ( &buffer, 1, 2, fpStatFile );
fclose(fpStatFile); }
return; }
void CPDLParser::RemoveSignatures() { if (rgszSignatures) { int i = cSignatures;
while (i--) delete [] rgszSignatures[i];
delete [] rgszSignatures;
rgszSignatures = NULL; }
if (rgszIIDs) { int i = cIIDs;
while (i--) delete [] rgszIIDs[i];
delete [] rgszIIDs;
rgszIIDs = NULL; } }
BOOL CPDLParser::LoadSignatures ( char *pszOutputPath ) { BOOL bRetVal; char *buffer = NULL; CString szFileName; FILE *fpSigFile = NULL;
rgszSignatures = NULL; cOnFileSignatures = 0; cOnFileIIDs = 0; cSignatures = 0; cIIDs = 0;
szFileName = pszOutputPath; szFileName += FILENAME_SEPARATOR_STR "funcsig.dat";
if (strcmp(_pszPDLFileName, "select.pdl") == 0 || strcmp(_pszPDLFileName, "header.pdl") == 0) __asm { int 3 }; */
fpSigFile = fopen ( szFileName, "rb" ); if ( !fpSigFile ) { char chInitFuncSig[6] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' };
fpSigFile = fopen ( szFileName, "w+"); if ( !fpSigFile ) { ReportError ( "Can't create function signature file" ); goto error; }
fwrite ( chInitFuncSig, 1, sizeof(chInitFuncSig), fpSigFile ); }
if ( fseek( fpSigFile, 0, SEEK_END ) == 0 ) { fpos_t pos;
if ( fgetpos( fpSigFile, &pos ) == 0 ) { int i = 0; int cLines; buffer = new char[pos]; if (buffer == NULL) goto error;
fseek( fpSigFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread ( buffer, 1, pos, fpSigFile );
// Number of entries for each signatures and IIDs
cOnFileSignatures = buffer[0] & 0x000000ff; // First byte is # signature
cOnFileIIDs = buffer[1] & 0x000000ff; // 2nd byte is # IIDs
// Pre-allocate the signature array.
rgszSignatures = new char *[cOnFileSignatures + 1]; if ( !rgszSignatures ) goto error;
// Pre-allocate the IIDs array.
rgszIIDs = new char *[cOnFileIIDs + 1]; if ( !rgszIIDs ) goto error;
// Intialize to NULL for error handling.
for (i = 0; i <= cOnFileSignatures; i++) rgszSignatures[i] = NULL;
cSignatures = cOnFileSignatures;
for (i = 0; i <= cOnFileIIDs; i++) rgszIIDs[i] = NULL;
cIIDs = cOnFileIIDs;
// Populate the signature array.
i = 4; cLines = 0; while ( cLines != cSignatures ) { int cStr = strlen(buffer + i);
rgszSignatures[cLines] = new char[cStr + 1]; if (!rgszSignatures[cLines]) goto error;
strcpy(rgszSignatures[cLines], buffer + i);
cLines ++;
i += cStr + 1; }
// Populate the IIDs array.
cLines = 0; while ( cLines != cIIDs ) { int cStr = strlen(buffer + i);
rgszIIDs[cLines] = new char[cStr + 1]; if (!rgszIIDs[cLines]) goto error;
strcpy(rgszIIDs[cLines], buffer + i);
cLines ++;
i += cStr + 1; } } }
bRetVal = TRUE;
cleanup: fclose ( fpSigFile );
return bRetVal;
error: delete [] buffer;
bRetVal = FALSE; goto cleanup; }
BOOL CPDLParser::SaveSignatures ( char *pszOutputPath ) { if (rgszSignatures || rgszIIDs) { if (cOnFileSignatures != cSignatures || cOnFileIIDs != cIIDs) { int i; CString szFileName; FILE *fpSigFile = NULL; char cHeaderFuncSig[4] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' };
szFileName = pszOutputPath; szFileName += FILENAME_SEPARATOR_STR "funcsig.dat";
fpSigFile = fopen ( szFileName, "wb" );
// Write array to file.
if ( fseek( fpSigFile, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) return FALSE;
// Write out the header on count of each type.
cHeaderFuncSig[0] = (char)cSignatures; cHeaderFuncSig[1] = (char)cIIDs; fwrite ( cHeaderFuncSig, 1, sizeof(cHeaderFuncSig), fpSigFile );
i = 0; while (i < cSignatures) { if ( rgszSignatures[i] ) { fwrite ( rgszSignatures[i], 1, strlen(rgszSignatures[i]) + 1, fpSigFile ); }
i++; }
i = 0; while (i < cIIDs) { if ( rgszIIDs[i] ) { fwrite ( rgszIIDs[i], 1, strlen(rgszIIDs[i]) + 1, fpSigFile ); }
i++; }
// Write out extra zero to mark end of file.
cHeaderFuncSig[0] = '\0'; fwrite ( cHeaderFuncSig, 1, 1, fpSigFile );
fclose(fpSigFile); }
// Dispose of signature array (IIDs is disposed of too).
RemoveSignatures(); }
return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::MakeSignature (LPCSTR szType, LPCSTR szSignature, CString & szLookup) { char *szWork;
// Any empty string for type or signature is an error.
if (!szType[0] || !szSignature[0]) { return; }
// Replace all * with p (e.g., BSTR * is BSTRP and long * is longP).
while ((szWork = strchr(szSignature, '*')) != NULL) *szWork = 'p';
// Replace all ( with P.
while ((szWork = strchr(szSignature, '(')) != NULL) *szWork = 'P';
// Replace all ) with P.
while ((szWork = strchr(szSignature, ')')) != NULL) *szWork = 'P';
szLookup = szType; szLookup += "_"; szLookup += szSignature; }
BOOL CPDLParser::FindAndAddSignature ( LPCSTR szType, LPCSTR szSignature, LPSTR pszInvokeMethod ) { BOOL bRetVal = NULL; CString szLookup; char **rgNewArray = NULL;
if (pszInvokeMethod && rgszSignatures) { strcpy( pszInvokeMethod, "ERROR in PDLParse: No custom invoke method");
MakeSignature(szType, szSignature, szLookup);
// Look for the signature
for (int i = 0; i < cSignatures; i++) { if ( strcmp ( rgszSignatures[i], szLookup ) == 0 ) { goto success; } }
// If not found then add this signature.
rgNewArray = new char *[cSignatures + 1]; // Take into account the NULL at end.
if (!rgNewArray) goto cleanup;
memcpy(rgNewArray, rgszSignatures, sizeof(char *) * cSignatures);
rgNewArray[cSignatures - 1] = new char[szLookup.Length() + 1];
strcpy(rgNewArray[cSignatures - 1], szLookup);
rgNewArray[cSignatures] = NULL;
delete rgszSignatures;
rgszSignatures = rgNewArray;
success: strcpy(pszInvokeMethod, "IDX_"); strcat(pszInvokeMethod, (LPCSTR)szLookup); bRetVal = TRUE; }
cleanup: return bRetVal; }
int CPDLParser::FindAndAddIIDs ( CString szInterface ) { char **rgNewArray = NULL;
// Any empty string interface name is an error.
if (szInterface.Length() == 0) return -1; // Error.
// Look for the signature
for (int i = 0; i < cIIDs; i++) { if ( strcmp ( rgszIIDs[i], (LPCSTR)szInterface ) == 0 ) { goto success; } }
// If not found then add this IID.
rgNewArray = new char *[cIIDs + 1]; // Take into account the NULL at end.
if (!rgNewArray) return -1;
memcpy(rgNewArray, rgszIIDs, sizeof(char *) * cIIDs);
rgNewArray[cIIDs - 1] = new char[szInterface.Length() + 1];
strcpy(rgNewArray[cIIDs - 1], (LPCSTR)szInterface);
rgNewArray[cIIDs] = NULL;
delete rgszIIDs;
rgszIIDs = rgNewArray;
success: return i; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateIDLFile ( char *szFileName ) { CTokenListWalker ThisFileList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); Token * pInterfaceToken; Token * pClassToken; Token * pEnumToken; Token * pStructToken; ThisFileList.Reset(); while ( pInterfaceToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_EVENT ) ) { if ( !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( EVENT_ABSTRACT ) && pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( EVENT_GUID ) ) { GenerateIDLInterfaceDecl ( pInterfaceToken, pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( EVENT_GUID ), pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( EVENT_SUPER ) ); } }
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pEnumToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_ENUM)) { GenerateIncludeEnum(pEnumToken, FALSE, fpIDLFile); } //
// Generate all the structs
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pStructToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_STRUCT)) { GenerateStruct(pStructToken, fpIDLFile); } ThisFileList.Reset(); while ( pInterfaceToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { if ( !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_ABSTRACT ) && pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_GUID ) ) { GenerateIDLInterfaceDecl ( pInterfaceToken, pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_GUID ), pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER ) ); } else if ( !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_ABSTRACT ) && !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_GUID ) ) { // Generate a forward declare
CString szInterfaceName; szInterfaceName = pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if ( szInterfaceName != "IDispatch" && szInterfaceName != "IUnknown" ) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "interface %s;\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ) ); } } }
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pClassToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_CLASS)) { CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClassToken); Token *pChildToken; int cImplements = 0;
// Find out how many implements are in the class.
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { cImplements++; } }
// Any class with more than one implements needs a mondodispid to be specified.
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_GUID) && cImplements && !pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_MONDOGUID)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf(szErrorText, "class: %s needs a mondoguid when implements are specified for a coclass.\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText); return FALSE; }
// Generate non-dual dispinterface? This is determined by the mondoguid
// keyword being used int the class. If this guid is specified then
// we'll generate the mondodisp interface is use it as the default
// dispatch interface for the coclass.
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_MONDOGUID)) { LPSTR pMondoGUID; CString szInterface;
szInterface = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); pInterfaceToken = FindInterface(szInterface); pMondoGUID = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_MONDOGUID);
// If we have a GUID then the dispinterface GUID must be in the
// range 0x3050f500 to 0x3050f5a0
if (pMondoGUID[0] != '3' || pMondoGUID[1] != '0' || pMondoGUID[2] != '5' || pMondoGUID[3] != '0' || pMondoGUID[4] != 'f' || pMondoGUID[5] != '5' || !((pMondoGUID[6] >= '0' && pMondoGUID[6] <= '9') || pMondoGUID[6] == 'a') || !((pMondoGUID[7] >= '0' && pMondoGUID[7] <= '9') || (pMondoGUID[7] >= 'a' && pMondoGUID[7] <= 'f'))) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf(szErrorText, "The mondoguid must be in the range 0x3050f500 to 0x3050f5a0 for class: %s\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText); return FALSE; }
// Generate the default dispinterface
GenerateIDLInterfaceDecl(pInterfaceToken, pMondoGUID, pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER), TRUE, pClassToken); }
if ( pClassToken-> IsSet(CLASS_GUID) && pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_INTERFACE)) { GenerateCoClassDecl(pClassToken); }
return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateIDLInterfaceDecl (Token *pInterfaceToken, char *pszGUID, char *pszSuper, BOOL fDispInterface/*= FALSE*/, Token *pClassToken/*= NULL*/) { BOOL fImplements = FALSE;
if ( pInterfaceToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVENT ) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "[\n hidden,\n" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " uuid(%s)\n]\ndispinterface %s\n{", pszGUID, pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ) ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "\nproperties:\nmethods:\n" ); } else { if (fDispInterface) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "[\n hidden,\n" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " uuid(%s)\n]\ndispinterface Disp%s\n{\nproperties:\nmethods:\n", pszGUID, pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME) ? pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_COCLASSNAME) : pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME)); } else { if (!PrimaryTearoff(pInterfaceToken) && (!pszSuper || !*pszSuper)) ReportError ( "Interfaces w/o tearoff need super:IDispatch\n" );
if (pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_CUSTOM) && pszSuper && *pszSuper) { fprintf(fpIDLFile, "[\n object,\n pointer_default(unique),\n" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " uuid(%s)\n]\ninterface %s : %s\n{\n", pszGUID, pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), pszSuper); } else { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "[\n odl,\n oleautomation,\n dual,\n" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " uuid(%s)\n]\ninterface %s : %s\n{\n", pszGUID, pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (PrimaryTearoff(pInterfaceToken) && _stricmp(pszSuper, "IHTMLDocument")) ? "IDispatch" : pszSuper); } } }
// Any implements in the class if so then we want the order of the mongo dispinterface to be decided
// by the order of the implements and not the super chain.
if (fDispInterface) { CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClassToken); Token *pChildToken;
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { fImplements = pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS; if (fImplements) break; } }
// Use the super chain for mongo dispinterface?
if (!fImplements) // Yes.
GenerateMkTypelibDecl(pInterfaceToken, fDispInterface, pClassToken);
// Any other interfaces exposed in the coclass which are not part of the
// primary interface chain? Look for implements keyword.
if (fDispInterface) { CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClassToken); Token *pChildToken; CString szInterface; Token *pInterfToken;
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { szInterface = pChildToken->GetTagValue(IMPLEMENTS_NAME); pInterfToken = FindInterface(szInterface); if (pInterfToken) { GenerateMkTypelibDecl(pInterfToken, fDispInterface, pClassToken); } } } }
fprintf(fpIDLFile, "};\n"); }
void CPDLParser::ComputePropType ( Token *pPropertyToken, CString &szProp, BOOL fComment ) { char szText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
szProp = "";
// Through the index/indextype & index1/indextype1 pdl tags
// you can provide up to two additional args for the property definition
sprintf ( szText, fComment ? "/* [in] */ %s %s" : "[in] %s %s", pPropertyToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEXTYPE ), pPropertyToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEX ) ); pPropertyToken -> AddParam ( szProp, PROPERTY_INDEX, szText );
sprintf ( szText, fComment ? "/* [in] */ %s %s" : "[in] %s %s", pPropertyToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEXTYPE1 ), pPropertyToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_INDEX1 )); pPropertyToken -> AddParam ( szProp, PROPERTY_INDEX1, szText );
if ( szProp [ 0 ] != '\0' ) szProp += ","; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateMkTypelibDecl ( Token *pInterfaceToken, BOOL fDispInterface/* = FALSE*/, Token *pClass /* =NULL */) { Token *pChildToken; Token *pArgToken; CString szArg; CString szProp; CString szAutomationType; BOOL fFirst; CString szInterfaceName,szMethodName,szPropertyName;
CTokenListWalker ChildWalker ( pInterfaceToken );
if ( pInterfaceToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVENT && pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( EVENT_SUPER ) ) { CTokenListWalker WholeList(pRuntimeList);
Token *pSuperEvent = WholeList.GetNext ( TYPE_EVENT, pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( EVENT_SUPER ) ); if ( pSuperEvent ) GenerateMkTypelibDecl ( pSuperEvent ); }
// Special non-dual dispinterface for the default when the primary interface
// is a tearoff.
if (fDispInterface) { Token *pSuperIntf; CString szInterface;
szInterface = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER); pSuperIntf = FindInterface(szInterface); if (pSuperIntf) GenerateMkTypelibDecl(pSuperIntf, fDispInterface, pClass); }
szInterfaceName = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); szInterfaceName.ToUpper();
while ( pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { // if nopropdesc is set, then this method doesn't
// participate in the typelib/mondo interface. this happens
// when the method exists in a base class/interface as well.
if ( pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC) && fDispInterface) continue;
// Does the property name exist in another interface then the primary
// interface had better have the override. Otherwise, it's an error
// MIDL will not allow overloading names.
if (fDispInterface && pClass) { CString szPrimaryInterface; Token *pPriInterf; Token *pExclusiveMember;
szPrimaryInterface = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); pPriInterf = FindInterface(szPrimaryInterface);
// If working on non-primary interface make sure the method isn't overloaded on
// the primary, if so it better be marked exclusive.
if (_strcmpi(szInterfaceName, szPrimaryInterface)) { pExclusiveMember = FindMethodInInterfaceWOPropDesc(pPriInterf, pChildToken, TRUE); if (pExclusiveMember) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
if (pExclusiveMember->IsSet(METHOD_EXCLUSIVETOSCRIPT)) continue;
// Overloaded method -- illegal.
sprintf(szErrorText, "method %s:%s is overloaded - illegal.\n", (LPCSTR)pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pExclusiveMember->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText); return; } } }
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_VARARG) ) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " [vararg"); } else { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " ["); }
szMethodName = pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ); if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) szMethodName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } szMethodName.ToUpper();
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_DISPID ) ) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "%sid(DISPID_%s_%s)", pChildToken -> IsSet ( METHOD_VARARG ) ? "," : "", (LPCSTR)szInterfaceName, (LPCSTR)szMethodName ); }
CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken );
if (pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC) && pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szMethodName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szMethodName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME); }
if (fDispInterface) { szAutomationType = "void"; while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { if (pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_RETURNVALUE)) { szAutomationType = pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_ATYPE ) ? pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_ATYPE) : pArgToken->GetTagValue(METHODARG_TYPE); }
// If the last character is a pointer then the pointer
// should be removed because that is for dual C++ style
// interface. DispInterface doesn't need the retval
// specified as a parameter hence the need for
// HRESULT funcName(BOOL*) instead of BOOL funcName ().
int iSzLength = szAutomationType.Length(); if (iSzLength && szAutomationType[iSzLength - 1] == '*') { char szTypeNoPtr[MAX_LINE_LEN+1];
strncpy(szTypeNoPtr, szAutomationType, iSzLength - 1); szTypeNoPtr[iSzLength - 1] = '\0'; szAutomationType = szTypeNoPtr; } }
fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "] %s %s(", (LPCSTR)szAutomationType, (LPCSTR)szMethodName );
ArgListWalker.Reset(); } else { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "] %s %s(", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_RETURNTYPE ), (LPCSTR)szMethodName ); }
fFirst = TRUE; while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { if (!(fDispInterface && pArgToken->IsSet(METHODARG_RETURNVALUE))) { szArg = ""; if ( !fFirst ) fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "," );
#ifndef WIN16_PARSER
pArgToken -> AddParamStr ( szArg, METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE, "defaultvalue(%s)" ); #endif
pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_OPTIONAL, "optional" ); pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_RETURNVALUE, "retval" ); pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_IN, "in" ); pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_OUT, "out" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "[%s] %s %s", (LPCSTR)szArg, // Fixing a bug in the old code
// Should really get the atype - allow the type if atype not set
pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ATYPE ) ? pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ATYPE ) : pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); fFirst = FALSE; } } fprintf ( fpIDLFile, ");\n" ); } else // Property
{ ComputePropType ( pChildToken, szProp, FALSE ); szAutomationType = pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE );
// if nopropdesc is set, then this property doesn't
// participate in the typelib/mondo interface. this happens
// when the property exists in a base class/interface as well.
if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC) && fDispInterface) continue;
// Does the property name exist in another interface then the primary
// interface had better have the override. Otherwise, it's an error
// MIDL will not allow overloading names.
if (fDispInterface && pClass) { CString szPrimaryInterface; Token *pPriInterf; Token *pExclusiveMember;
szPrimaryInterface = pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); pPriInterf = FindInterface(szPrimaryInterface);
// If working on non-primary interface make sure the property isn't overloaded on
// the primary, if so it better be marked exclusive.
if (_strcmpi(szInterfaceName, szPrimaryInterface)) { pExclusiveMember = FindMethodInInterfaceWOPropDesc(pPriInterf, pChildToken, TRUE); if (pExclusiveMember) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
if (pExclusiveMember->IsSet(PROPERTY_EXCLUSIVETOSCRIPT)) continue;
// Overloaded method -- illegal.
sprintf(szErrorText, "property %s:%s is overloaded - illegal.\n", (LPCSTR)pClass->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)pExclusiveMember->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText); return; } } }
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) ) { #if COLLECT_STATISTICS==1
// Collect statistics on total number of property sets.
CollectStatistic(NUM_SETPROPERTY, GetStatistic(NUM_SETPROPERTY) + 1); if (FindEnum ( pChildToken )) CollectStatistic(NUM_SETENUMS, GetStatistic(NUM_SETENUMS) + 1); #endif
// If it's an object valued property, generate a propputref,
// otherwise generate a propput
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_OBJECT ) ) { szArg = " [propputref"; } else { szArg = " [propput"; } if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_DISPID ) ) { szArg += ", id(DISPID_";
szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME); if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } szPropertyName.ToUpper();
szArg += (LPCSTR)szInterfaceName; szArg += "_"; szArg += (LPCSTR)szPropertyName; szArg += ")"; }
pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_DISPLAYBIND, "displaybind" ); pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_BINDABLE, "bindable" ); pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_HIDDEN, "hidden" ); pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_RESTRICTED, "restricted" ); #ifndef WIN16_PARSER
pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_NONBROWSABLE, "nonbrowsable" ); #endif
pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_SOURCE, "source" );
if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC) && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME); }
if (fDispInterface) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "%s] void %s(%s%s v);\n", (LPCSTR)szArg, (LPCSTR)szPropertyName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)szAutomationType ); } else { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "%s] HRESULT %s(%s[in] %s v);\n", (LPCSTR)szArg, (LPCSTR)szPropertyName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)szAutomationType ); } }
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) ) { #if COLLECT_STATISTICS==1
// Collect statistics on total number of property sets.
CollectStatistic(NUM_GETPROPERTY, GetStatistic(NUM_GETPROPERTY) + 1); if (FindEnum ( pChildToken )) CollectStatistic(NUM_GETENUMS, GetStatistic(NUM_GETENUMS) + 1); #endif
szArg = " [propget"; szArg += ", id(DISPID_";
szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME); if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) { if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } szPropertyName.ToUpper();
szArg += (LPCSTR)szInterfaceName; szArg += "_"; szArg += (LPCSTR)szPropertyName; szArg += ")"; pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_DISPLAYBIND, "displaybind" ); pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_BINDABLE, "bindable" ); pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_HIDDEN, "hidden" ); pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_RESTRICTED, "restricted" ); #ifndef WIN16_PARSER
pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_NONBROWSABLE, "nonbrowsable" ); #endif
pChildToken -> AddParam ( szArg, PROPERTY_SOURCE, "source" );
if (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC) && pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szPropertyName = pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME); }
if (fDispInterface) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "%s] %s %s();\n", (LPCSTR)szArg, (LPCSTR)szAutomationType, (LPCSTR)szPropertyName); } else { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "%s] HRESULT %s(%s[retval, out] %s * p);\n", (LPCSTR)szArg, (LPCSTR)szPropertyName, (LPCSTR)szProp, (LPCSTR)szAutomationType ); } }
} } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateMidlInterfaceDecl ( Token *pInterfaceToken, char *pszGUID, char *pszSuper ) { Token *pChildToken; Token *pArgToken; CString szArg; CString szProp; BOOL fFirst;
if ( pInterfaceToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVENT ) return;
fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "[\n local,\n object,\n pointer_default(unique),\n" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " uuid(%s)\n]\ninterface %s : %s\n{\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_GUID ), pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER ) );
CTokenListWalker ChildWalker ( pInterfaceToken );
while ( pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " %s %s(", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_RETURNTYPE ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) );
fFirst = TRUE;
CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken ); while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { szArg = ""; if ( !fFirst ) fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "," ); pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_IN, "in" ); pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_OUT, "out" ); fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "[%s] %s %s", (LPCSTR)szArg, // Fixing a bug in the old code
// Should realy get the atype - allow the type if atype not set
pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ATYPE ) ? pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ATYPE ) : pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); fFirst = FALSE; } fprintf ( fpIDLFile, ");\n" ); } else { // Property
ComputePropType ( pChildToken, szProp, FALSE );
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET )) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " HRESULT put_%s(%s [in] %s v);\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szProp, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE) ); }
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET )) { fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " HRESULT get_%s(%s[out] %s * p);\n", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szProp, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE)); } } } fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "}\n" ); }
BOOL CPDLParser::HasMondoDispInterface ( Token *pClassToken ) { CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClassToken); Token *pChildToken; int cImplements = 0;
// Find out how many implements are in the class.
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { cImplements++; } }
// Any class with more than one implements a guid and a mondoguid will have
// a mondo dispinterface.
return (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_GUID) && cImplements && pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_MONDOGUID)); }
void CPDLParser::GenerateCoClassDecl ( Token *pClassToken ) { CString szName; CString szDispName; CString szInterfSuper; BOOL fHasMondoDispInterface; BOOL fElement = FALSE;
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME)) szName = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_COCLASSNAME); else szName = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME);
fprintf(fpIDLFile, "[\n %suuid(%s)\n]\n", pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_CONTROL) ? "control,\n " : "", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_GUID)); fprintf(fpIDLFile, "coclass %s\n{\n", (LPCSTR)szName );
fHasMondoDispInterface = HasMondoDispInterface(pClassToken);
if (fHasMondoDispInterface) { // Map to mondo dispinterface as default dispatch interface.
szDispName = (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME)) ? pClassToken->GetTagValue (CLASS_COCLASSNAME) : pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME); } else { // Map to the primary interface as default dispatch interface.
szDispName = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE); }
fprintf(fpIDLFile, " [default] %sinterface %s%s;\n", fHasMondoDispInterface ? "disp" : "", fHasMondoDispInterface ? "Disp" : "", (LPCSTR)szDispName);
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_EVENTS)) { fprintf(fpIDLFile, " [source, default] dispinterface %s;\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_EVENTS)); }
if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1)) { fprintf(fpIDLFile, " [source] dispinterface %s;\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS1)); } if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2)) { fprintf(fpIDLFile, " [source] dispinterface %s;\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS2)); } if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3)) { fprintf(fpIDLFile, " [source] dispinterface %s;\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS3)); } if (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4)) { fprintf(fpIDLFile, " [source] dispinterface %s;\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NONPRIMARYEVENTS4)); }
// Any other interface to expose in the coclass which is part of the primary
// interface?
CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClassToken); Token *pChildToken;
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { Token *pInterf; CString szInterface;
if (!fElement) fElement = !_stricmp((LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(IMPLEMENTS_NAME), "IHTMLElement");
szInterface = pChildToken->GetTagValue(IMPLEMENTS_NAME); pInterf = FindInterface(szInterface); if (pInterf) { // Is the interface a local one if not then don't check, we
// only need to check where interfaces are actually used.
if (FindInterfaceLocally(szInterface)) { // If the super isn't specified and it's not a primary interface
// then error the super is required for non-primary interfaces.
if (_stricmp((LPSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE), (LPSTR)pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME)) && !pInterf->IsSet(INTERFACE_SUPER) && !IsPrimaryInterface(szInterface)) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ];
sprintf(szErrorText, "Interface %s missing super key.\n", (LPSTR)pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText);
return; } }
fprintf(fpIDLFile, " interface %s;\n", (LPCSTR)pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME)); } } }
fprintf(fpIDLFile, "};\n");
fprintf(fpIDLFile, "cpp_quote(\"EXTERN_C const GUID CLSID_%s;\")\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME));
if (!pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_EVENTS) && fElement) { char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; sprintf(szErrorText, "Class %s missing events key.\n", pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME)); ReportError(szErrorText); return; } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateEnumDescIDL ( Token *pEnumToken ) { Token *pEvalToken; CString szName;
fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "\ntypedef [uuid(%s)] enum _%s {\n" , pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_GUID ), pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) );
CTokenListWalker EvalChildList ( pEnumToken );
while ( pEvalToken = EvalChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pEvalToken -> IsSet ( EVAL_ODLNAME ) ) { szName = pEvalToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_ODLNAME ); } else { szName = pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ); szName += pEvalToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_NAME ); } fprintf ( fpIDLFile, " [helpstring(\"%s\")] %s = %s,\n", pEvalToken -> IsSet ( EVAL_STRING ) ? pEvalToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_STRING ) : pEvalToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_NAME ), (LPCSTR)szName, pEvalToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_VALUE ) ); } fprintf ( fpIDLFile, "}%s;\n", pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) );
void CPDLParser::ReportError ( LPCSTR szErrorString ) { printf ( "%s(0) : error PDL0000: %s", _pszPDLFileName, szErrorString); fprintf ( fpLOGFile, "%s(0) : error PDL0000: %s", _pszPDLFileName, szErrorString ); }
void CPDLParser::GenerateHeaderFile ( void ) { CTokenListWalker ThisFileList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); Token *pImportToken; Token *pInterfaceToken; Token *pClassToken; Token *pEnumToken; Token *pStructToken; char *pStr; CString szCoClassName; char szName [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; CString szInterfaceName;
strcpy ( szName, _pszPDLFileName ); pStr = strstr ( szName, "." ); if ( pStr ) *pStr = '\0'; _strlwr ( szName );
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "#ifndef __%s_h__\n", szName ); fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "#define __%s_h__\n\n", szName );
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "/* Forward Declarations */\n" );
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\nstruct ENUMDESC;\n" ); // For each import, generate a .h include
while ( pImportToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_IMPORT ) ) { fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n/* header files for imported files */\n" ); GenerateIncludeStatement ( pImportToken ); }
// Forward define all the interfaces so we can have defined them in any order
while ( pInterfaceToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { szInterfaceName = pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if ( szInterfaceName != "IDispatch" && szInterfaceName != "IUnknown" ) { fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n#ifndef __%s_FWD_DEFINED__\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "#define __%s_FWD_DEFINED__\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "typedef interface %s %s;\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ) ; fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "#endif /* __%s_FWD_DEFINED__ */\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); } }
// Generate all the enums
ThisFileList.Reset(); while ( pEnumToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_ENUM ) ) { GenerateIncludeEnum(pEnumToken, TRUE); }
// Generate all the structs
ThisFileList.Reset(); while (pStructToken = ThisFileList.GetNext(TYPE_STRUCT)) { GenerateStruct(pStructToken, fpHeaderFile); }
// For each interface generate an extern for the GUID &
// an interface decl
while ( pInterfaceToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { szInterfaceName = pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if ( szInterfaceName != "IDispatch" && szInterfaceName != "IUnknown" && !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_ABSTRACT ) && pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_GUID ) ) { GenerateIncludeInterface ( pInterfaceToken ); } }
// For each class with a GUID, generate a GUID ref
while ( pClassToken = ThisFileList.GetNext ( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { if ( pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_GUID ) && !pClassToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_ABSTRACT ) ) { pClassToken -> GetTagValueOrDefault ( szCoClassName, CLASS_COCLASSNAME, pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n\nEXTERN_C const GUID GUID_%s;\n\n", pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_COCLASSNAME ) );
if ( HasMondoDispInterface ( pClassToken ) ) { CString szDispName;
// Map to mondo dispinterface as default dispatch interface.
szDispName = (pClassToken->IsSet(CLASS_COCLASSNAME)) ? pClassToken->GetTagValue (CLASS_COCLASSNAME) : pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME); fprintf(fpHeaderFile, "\n\nEXTERN_C const GUID DIID_Disp%s;\n\n", (LPCSTR)szDispName); } } // Also generate extern definitions for all propdescs in this file
GeneratePropdescExtern ( pClassToken, FALSE /* Don't recurse */ );
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n\n#endif /*__%s_h__*/\n\n", szName );
void CPDLParser::GenerateIncludeStatement ( Token *pImportToken ) { char szText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; char *pStr;
strcpy ( szText, pImportToken -> GetTagValue ( IMPORT_NAME ) );
if ( pStr = strstr ( szText, "." ) ) { strcpy ( pStr, ".h" ); } else { strcat ( szText, ".h" ); } fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "#include \"%s\"\n", szText ); }
void CPDLParser::GenerateIncludeInterface ( Token *pInterfaceToken ) { // Only generate the C++ Form
Token *pChildToken; Token *pArgToken; CString szArg; CString szProp; BOOL fFirst; CString szSuper; if ( pInterfaceToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVENT ) return;
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n#ifndef __%s_INTERFACE_DEFINED__\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\n#define __%s_INTERFACE_DEFINED__\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) );
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "\nEXTERN_C const IID IID_%s;\n\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) );
if (pInterfaceToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_CUSTOM) || !PrimaryTearoff(pInterfaceToken) || !_stricmp((LPCSTR)pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME), "IHTMLDocument2")) { szSuper = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER); } fprintf(fpHeaderFile, "\nMIDL_INTERFACE(\"%s\")\n%s : public %s\n{\npublic:\n", pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_GUID), pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME), ((LPCSTR)szSuper && *(LPCSTR)szSuper) ? (LPCSTR)szSuper : "IDispatch");
CTokenListWalker ChildWalker ( pInterfaceToken );
while ( pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, " virtual %s STDMETHODCALLTYPE %s(\n ", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_RETURNTYPE ), pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME));
fFirst = TRUE;
CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken ); while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { if ( !fFirst ) fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "," ); szArg = ""; pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_IN, "in" ); pArgToken -> AddParam ( szArg, METHODARG_OUT, "out" );
fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "/* [%s] */ %s %s", (LPCSTR)szArg, // Fixing a bug in the old code
// Should realy get the atype - allow the type if atype not set
ConvertType(pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ATYPE ) ? pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ATYPE ) : pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE )), pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); fFirst = FALSE; } fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, ") = 0;\n\n" ); } else { // Property
ComputePropType(pChildToken, szProp, TRUE);
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET )) { fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, " virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_%s(\n %s /* [in] */ %s v) = 0;\n\n", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), (LPCSTR)szProp, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE));
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET )) { fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, " virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_%s(\n %s /* [out] */ %s * p) = 0;\n\n", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) ? (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE) : (LPSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME), (LPCSTR)szProp, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE) ); } } } fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "};\n\n" ); fprintf ( fpHeaderFile, "#endif /* __%s_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */\n\n", pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); }
void CPDLParser::GenerateIncludeEnum( Token *pEnumToken, BOOL fSpitExtern, FILE *pFile) { Token *pEvalToken;
if (!pFile) { pFile = fpHeaderFile; } fprintf(pFile, "typedef enum _%s\n{\n" , pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) );
CTokenListWalker EvalChildList ( pEnumToken );
while ( pEvalToken = EvalChildList.GetNext() ) { fprintf(pFile, " %s%s = %s,\n", pEnumToken -> GetTagValue(ENUM_PREFIX), pEvalToken -> GetTagValue(EVAL_NAME), pEvalToken -> GetTagValue(EVAL_VALUE)); } // Add an _Max for the MAC build - apparently the mac needs
// this to indicate that it's an integer
fprintf(pFile, " %s_Max = 2147483647L\n", pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) ); fprintf(pFile, "} %s;\n\n", pEnumToken -> GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) );
if (fSpitExtern) { // Generate an EXTERN from the enum descriptor so other hdls only have to include
// the .h file.
fprintf(pFile, "\nEXTERN_C const ENUMDESC s_enumdesc%s;\n\n", pEnumToken->GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) ); } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateStruct(Token *pStructToken, FILE *pFile) { Token *pMemberToken;
fprintf(pFile, "typedef struct _%s\n{\n" , pStructToken->GetTagValue(STRUCT_NAME));
CTokenListWalker ChildList(pStructToken);
while (pMemberToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { fprintf(pFile, " %s %s;\n", pMemberToken->GetTagValue(STRUCTMEMBER_TYPE), pMemberToken->GetTagValue(STRUCTMEMBER_NAME)); } fprintf(pFile, "} %s;\n\n", pStructToken->GetTagValue(STRUCT_NAME)); }
BOOL CPDLParser::AddType ( LPCSTR szTypeName, LPCSTR szHandler ) { Token *pTypeToken = pDynamicTypeList->AddNewToken ( (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)TYPE_DATATYPE ); if ( pTypeToken == NULL ) return FALSE; if ( !pTypeToken->AddTag ( DATATYPE_NAME, szTypeName ) ) return FALSE; return pTypeToken->AddTag ( DATATYPE_HANDLER, szHandler ); }
BOOL CPDLParser::AddEventType ( LPCSTR szTypeName, LPCSTR szVTSType ) { Token *pTypeToken = pDynamicEventTypeList->AddNewToken ( (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)TYPE_DATATYPE ); if ( pTypeToken == NULL ) return FALSE; if ( !pTypeToken->AddTag ( DATATYPE_NAME, szTypeName ) ) return FALSE; return pTypeToken->AddTag ( DATATYPE_HANDLER, szVTSType ); }
BOOL CPDLParser::LookupType ( LPCSTR szTypeName, CString &szIntoString, CString &szFnPrefix, StorageType *pStorageType /* = NULL */ ) { Token *pTypeToken; UINT uIndex; // Look in the static array first
if ( ( uIndex = szIntoString.Lookup ( DataTypes, szTypeName ) ) != (UINT)-1 ) { if ( pStorageType ) { *pStorageType = DataTypes [ uIndex ].stStorageType; szFnPrefix = DataTypes [ uIndex ].szMethodFnPrefix; } return TRUE; }
// Look finaly in the dynamic array
CTokenListWalker TypeList ( pDynamicTypeList ); if ( pTypeToken = TypeList.GetNext ( (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)TYPE_DATATYPE, szTypeName ) ) { szIntoString = pTypeToken->GetTagValue ( DATATYPE_HANDLER ); if ( pStorageType ) { // In the dynamic array are either enums iface ptrs or class ptrs
// All can be stored in a DWORD, so ...
*pStorageType = STORAGETYPE_NUMBER; } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL CPDLParser::LookupEventType ( CString &szIntoString, LPCSTR szTypeName ) { Token *pTypeToken; // Look in the static array first
if ( szIntoString.Lookup ( vt, szTypeName ) != (UINT)-1 ) { return TRUE; } // Look finaly in the dynamic array
CTokenListWalker TypeList ( pDynamicEventTypeList ); if ( pTypeToken = TypeList.GetNext ( (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE)TYPE_DATATYPE, szTypeName ) ) { szIntoString = pTypeToken->GetTagValue ( DATATYPE_HANDLER ); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// Legal combinations of properties
void CPDLParser::Init ( void ) { UINT i,j; for ( i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( PropertyCheck ) ; i++ ) { PropertyCheck [ i ].uMask = 0; for ( j = 0 ; j < ARRAY_SIZE ( uProps ) ; j++ ) { if ( PropertyCheck [ i ].uID1 == uProps [ j ] ) { PropertyCheck [ i ].uMask |= 1<<j; } else if ( PropertyCheck [ i ].uID2 == uProps [ j ] ) { PropertyCheck [ i ].uMask |= 1<<j; } else if ( PropertyCheck [ i ].uID3 == uProps [ j ] ) { PropertyCheck [ i ].uMask |= 1<<j; } } } }
BOOL CPDLParser::PatchPropertyTypes ( void ) { // For each property declaration, set the object flag if the
// Handler for the type is object
CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pToken; Token *pChildToken; CString szHandler; CString szFnPrefix; CString szAType; CString szName; BOOL fMatched; char szErrorText [ MAX_LINE_LEN+1 ]; UINT i; UINT uMask;
while ( pToken = WholeList.GetNext() ) { if ( pToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVENT || pToken -> GetType() == TYPE_CLASS || pToken -> GetType() == TYPE_INTERFACE ) { if ( pToken -> GetType() == TYPE_CLASS ) { // Has it got a super, if so is it referenced
if ( pToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_SUPER ) ) { CTokenListWalker AllList ( pRuntimeList ); if ( !AllList.GetNext ( TYPE_CLASS, pToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_SUPER ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Class %s References unknown super:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_SUPER ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } if ( pToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_INTERFACE ) ) { CTokenListWalker AllList ( pRuntimeList ); if ( !AllList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE, pToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_INTERFACE ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Class %s References unknown interface:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_INTERFACE ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } if ( pToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_EVENTS ) ) { CTokenListWalker AllList ( pRuntimeList ); if ( !AllList.GetNext ( TYPE_EVENT, pToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_EVENTS ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Class %s References unknown events:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_EVENTS ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } // If you have an event set , you must have a coclass
if ( pToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_EVENTS ) && !pToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_ABSTRACT ) && !pToken -> IsSet ( CLASS_GUID ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Non abstract class %s has an event set but no GUID\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } else if ( pToken -> GetType() == TYPE_INTERFACE ) { if ( pToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_SUPER ) ) { CTokenListWalker AllList ( pRuntimeList ); if ( !AllList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE, pToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Interface %s References unknown super:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } } else if ( pToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVENT ) { if ( pToken -> IsSet ( EVENT_SUPER ) ) { CTokenListWalker AllList ( pRuntimeList ); if ( !AllList.GetNext ( TYPE_EVENT, pToken -> GetTagValue ( EVENT_SUPER ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Events %s References unknown super:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_SUPER ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } } CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pToken ); while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY ) { // If the Type field is not set, which it won't be for many
// abstract properties, set it to the ATYPE. We still
// need the type to determine if the property is an object value
// property
if ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_TYPE ) ) { pChildToken -> AddTag ( PROPERTY_TYPE, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE ) ); } if ( !LookupType ( pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), szHandler, szFnPrefix ) ) { // Seeing as we don't use the handler for abstract types, we
// allow the lookup to fail
if ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Invalid Type:%s in %s Property:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_TYPE ), (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } }
// Currently we insist that you automate enums as BSTR's
szAType = pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE );
if ( szHandler == "Enum" && szAType != "BSTR" ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "You must set atype:BSTR for an enum property %s : Property:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
if ( szHandler == "Color" && szAType != "VARIANT" ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "You must set atype:VARIANT for an type:CColorValue property %s : Property:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
if ( szHandler == "object" && !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_OBJECT ) ) { pChildToken -> Set ( PROPERTY_OBJECT ); } // Object valued properties must always be abstract because we don't have
// the notion of an "ObjectHandler"
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_OBJECT ) && !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Object Type Property %s:%s MUST be abstract\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
for ( i = 0, uMask = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( uProps ) ; i++ ) { if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( uProps [ i ] ) ) { uMask |= 1<<i; } }
for ( i = 0, fMatched = FALSE; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( PropertyCheck ); i++ ) { if ( PropertyCheck [ i ].uMask == uMask ) { fMatched = TRUE; } }
if ( !fMatched ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Invalid combination of member/method/abstract/caa on %s:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } // Subobject MUST have a GET and MUST NOT have a SET
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SUBOBJECT ) && ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) || pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Invalid combination of subobject/get/set on %s:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; }
// DISPLAYBIND Always implies BINDABLE - so always set it
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_DISPLAYBIND ) && !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_BINDABLE ) ) { pChildToken -> Set ( PROPERTY_BINDABLE ); }
// For now we limit the enum: type to atypre:VARIANT,
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ENUMREF ) ) { if ( szAType != "VARIANT" ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Invalid combination of atype/enum on %s:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } // Set an internal flag if the property cascades - saves looking this up later
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_CAA ) ) { const CCachedAttrArrayInfo *pCCAAI = GetCachedAttrArrayInfo( (LPCSTR)pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_DISPID ) ); if ( pCCAAI->szDispId != NULL ) { pChildToken -> Set ( PROPERTY_CASCADED ); } } if ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_DISPID ) ) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "Missing compulsory attribute 'dispid' on %s:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); } // SETATDESIGNTIME augments regular set
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SETDESIGNMODE ) ) { pChildToken -> Set ( PROPERTY_SET ); }
} else if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_METHOD ) { Token *pArgToken; // For each method arg check
// that type is VARIANT if a optional tag is specified
CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken ); while ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext() ) { szAType = pArgToken->GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ); if ( pArgToken->IsSet ( METHODARG_OPTIONAL ) && !(szAType == "VARIANT" || szAType == "VARIANT*") ) { // MIDL will let this through but you'd never be able to
// set the default
sprintf ( szErrorText, "Method arg type must be VARIANT with optional: tag on %s:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } if ( LookupType ( pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), szHandler, szFnPrefix ) ) { if (szHandler == "Enum" && !(pToken->GetType() == TYPE_INTERFACE && pToken->IsSet(INTERFACE_CUSTOM))) { sprintf ( szErrorText, "You must set type:BSTR for an enum %s Method:%s arg:%s\n", (LPCSTR)pToken->GetTagValue ( NAME_TAG ), (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ), (LPCSTR)pArgToken->GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ); ReportError ( szErrorText ); return FALSE; } } } } } } } return TRUE; }
// Patch up all interfaces which are not a primary default interfaces tearoff
// and mark as such (NOPRIMARY). Classes marked as NOPRIMARY will be derived
// from the inheritance chain instead of being derived from IDispatch.
BOOL CPDLParser::PatchInterfaces () { CTokenListWalker ThisFilesList(pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName); Token *pClassToken; Token *pInterf;
while (pClassToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext(TYPE_CLASS)) { CString szInterface;
szInterface = pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE);
if (!FindTearoff(pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_NAME), (LPCSTR)szInterface)) { CString szInterfSuper;
pInterf = FindInterface(szInterface); while (pInterf) { pInterf->Set(INTERFACE_NOPRIMARYTEAROFF);
szInterfSuper = pInterf->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER); pInterf = FindInterface(szInterfSuper); } } }
return TRUE; }
const CCachedAttrArrayInfo* CPDLParser::GetCachedAttrArrayInfo( LPCSTR szDispId ) { CCachedAttrArrayInfo *pCCAAI = rgCachedAttrArrayInfo;
while (pCCAAI->szDispId) { if (0==strcmp(szDispId, pCCAAI->szDispId)) return pCCAAI; ++pCCAAI; } //This is means it is not applied to a XF structure
return pCCAAI; }
BOOL CPDLParser::GenerateHTMFile () { Token *pToken; CTokenListWalker WholeList ( pRuntimeList ); CTokenListWalker ThisFilesList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<HTML>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<HEAD>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TITLE>Interface Documentation from %s</TITLE>\n", _pszPDLFileName ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</HEAD>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<BODY>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<P>\n" );
while ( pToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext ( TYPE_ENUM ) ) { if ( !pToken -> IsSet ( ENUM_HIDDEN )) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<B><U>Enumerations:</U></B> %s\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<P>\n" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TABLE WIDTH=70%%>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH WIDTH=50%% ALIGN=\"Left\">Name</TH>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH WIDTH=25%% ALIGN=\"Center\">String</TH>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" );
GenerateEnumHTM ( pToken, pToken -> IsSet ( ENUM_PREFIX ) ? pToken->GetTagValue ( ENUM_PREFIX ) : pToken->GetTagValue ( ENUM_NAME ) ); // sort enums
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TABLE>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<P>\n" ); } }
// Output interface documentation
ThisFilesList.Reset(); while ( (pToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE )) ) { if (_stricmp("IUnknown", pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME )) && _stricmp("IDispatch", pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME )) ) { char achFilePrefix[100]; strcpy (achFilePrefix, _pszPDLFileName); char *pDot = strchr(achFilePrefix, '.'); if (pDot) { *pDot = '\0'; } else { strcpy(achFilePrefix, "badpdl"); }
fprintf ( fpHTMIndexFile, "<A NAME=\"Index_Interface_%s\">Interface: <A HREF=\"%s.htm#Interface_%s\">%s</A><BR>\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), achFilePrefix, pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME )); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<P>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<A NAME=\"Interface_%s\">\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TABLE>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD><H1>Interface</H1></TD>" "<TR><TD><B>%s</B></TD><TD> GUID: </TD><TD>%s</TD></TR>" "<TR><TD>inherits from interface</TD></TR>" "<TR><TD><B><A HREF=\"AllIndex.htm#Index_Interface_%s\">%s</A></B></TD></TR>\n" "</TABLE>\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ), pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_GUID ), pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER ), pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER ) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<P>\n" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<HR>\n" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<H2>Properties</H2>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TABLE>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>AType</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>DISPID</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>G</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>S</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>DT</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Default</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Min</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Max</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); GenerateInterfacePropertiesHTM ( pToken ); // sort attributes
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TABLE>" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<H2>Methods</H2>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TABLE BORDER=1>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Ret. Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Param Dir</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Param Type</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Param Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Default Value</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Optional</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Ret. Type</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); GenerateInterfaceMethodHTM ( pToken ); // sort attributes
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TABLE>" ); } }
// Output eventset documentation
ThisFilesList.Reset(); while ( (pToken = ThisFilesList.GetNext ( TYPE_EVENT )) ) { if (_stricmp("IDispatch", pToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME )) ) { char achFilePrefix[100]; strcpy (achFilePrefix, _pszPDLFileName); char *pDot = strchr(achFilePrefix, '.'); if (pDot) { *pDot = '\0'; } else { strcpy(achFilePrefix, "badpdl"); }
fprintf ( fpHTMIndexFile, "<A NAME=\"Index_Eventset_%s\">Eventset: <A HREF=\"%s.htm#Eventset_%s\">%s</A><BR>\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ), achFilePrefix, pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ), pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME )); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<BR><BR>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<A NAME=\"Eventset_%s\">\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TABLE>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD><H1>Event Set</H1></TD>" "<TR><TD><B>%s</B></TD><TD> GUID: </TD><TD>%s</TD></TR>" "<TR><TD>inherits from event set</TD></TR>" "<TR><TD><B><A HREF=\"AllIndex.htm#Index_Eventset_%s\">%s</A></B></TD></TR>\n" "</TABLE>\n", pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_NAME ), pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_GUID ), pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_SUPER ), pToken->GetTagValue ( EVENT_SUPER ) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<HR>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<H2>Methods</H2>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TABLE BORDER=1>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Ret. Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>DISPID</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Cancelable</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Bubbling</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Param Dir</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Param Type</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Param Name</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Default Value</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Optional</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TH>Ret. Type</TH>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); GenerateEventMethodHTM ( pToken ); // sort attributes
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TABLE>" ); } }
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</BODY>\n"); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</HTML>\n");
return TRUE; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateArg ( Token *pArgToken ) { if ( ! pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, " [%s] %s %s", pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_OUT ) ? "out" : "in", pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) );
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "=%s", pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE ) ); }
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_OPTIONAL ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, " [optional]" ); } } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateInterfaceArg ( Token *pArgToken ) { if ( ! pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD>", pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_OUT ) ? "out" : "in", pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ), pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD>", pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE ) ? (pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_DEFAULTVALUE )) : "", pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_OPTIONAL) ? "Y" : "N" ); } }
void CPDLParser::GenerateMethodHTM ( Token *pIntfToken ) { CTokenListWalker *pChildList; Token *pChildToken; Token *pArgToken; int cArgs; CString szSuper; CTokenListWalker *ptlw = NULL;
pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken );
szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
do { while ( pChildToken = pChildList -> GetNext() ) { CString szRetValArg; CString szRetValType; CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken );
cArgs = 0;
// Loop thru all arguments.
while ( (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { // Looking for a return value.
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { // If a return value exist then get the argument name.
szRetValArg = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ? METHODARG_ARGNAME : METHODARG_RETURNVALUE );
szRetValType = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ); } else { cArgs++; } }
if ( strlen ( szRetValArg ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD>%s = <I>object.</I><B>%s</B>", (LPCSTR)szRetValArg, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD><I>object.</I><B>%s</B>", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); }
int cArgIndex = 0; ArgListWalker.Reset ( ); while ( ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext ( ) ) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { if ( ! pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { if (cArgIndex == 0) { switch (cArgs) { case 0: fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>( )</TD>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; case 1: fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>(" );
GenerateArg( pArgToken );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, " )</TD>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; default: fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>(" );
GenerateArg( pArgToken );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, ",</TD>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; } } else { if (cArgIndex > 1) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, ",</TD></TR>\n" ); } fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD></TD><TD> " ); GenerateArg( pArgToken ); }
cArgIndex++; } }
if ( cArgIndex == 0 ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>( )</TD>\n" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); } else if ( cArgIndex > 1 ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, ")</TD></TR>\n" ); }
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR> </TR>" ); }
// Get inherited interface.
if ( strlen ( szSuper ) ) { if (ptlw == NULL) { ptlw = new CTokenListWalker ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); } else { ptlw->Reset(); }
TryAgain: pIntfToken = ptlw->GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE, szSuper );
if (pIntfToken) { szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
delete pChildList; pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken ); } else { if ( !ptlw->IsGenericWalker ( ) ) { delete ptlw; ptlw = new CTokenListWalker ( pRuntimeList ); goto TryAgain; } } } else { break; } } while (pIntfToken);
delete pChildList; delete ptlw; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateInterfaceMethodHTM ( Token *pIntfToken ) { CTokenListWalker *pChildList; Token *pChildToken; Token *pArgToken; int cArgs; CString szSuper;
pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken );
szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
while ( pChildToken = pChildList -> GetNext() ) { CString szRetValArg; CString szRetValType; CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken );
cArgs = 0;
// Loop thru all arguments.
while ( (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { // Looking for a return value.
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { // If a return value exist then get the argument name.
szRetValArg = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ? METHODARG_ARGNAME : METHODARG_RETURNVALUE );
szRetValType = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ); } else { cArgs++; } }
if ( strlen ( szRetValArg ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD>%s</TD><TD><I>object.</I><B>%s</B></TD>", (LPCSTR)szRetValArg, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD></TD><TD><I>object.</I><B>%s</B></TD>", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); }
int cArgIndex = 0; ArgListWalker.Reset ( ); while ( ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext ( ) ) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { if ( ! pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { if (cArgIndex == 0) { switch (cArgs) { case 0: fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD> <!-- 1 -->" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; default: GenerateInterfaceArg( pArgToken ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; } } else { if (cArgIndex > 1) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR> <!-- Hello -->\n" ); } fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD>" ); GenerateInterfaceArg( pArgToken ); }
cArgIndex++; } }
if ( cArgIndex == 0 ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD> <!-- 2 -->" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); } else if ( cArgIndex > 1 ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR> <!-- 3 -->\n" ); }
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR></TR>" ); }
delete pChildList; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateEventMethodHTM ( Token *pIntfToken ) { CTokenListWalker *pChildList; Token *pChildToken; Token *pArgToken; int cArgs; CString szSuper;
pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken );
szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
while ( pChildToken = pChildList -> GetNext() ) { CString szRetValArg; CString szRetValType; CTokenListWalker ArgListWalker ( pChildToken );
cArgs = 0;
// Loop thru all arguments.
while ( (pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext()) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { // Looking for a return value.
if ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { // If a return value exist then get the argument name.
szRetValArg = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_ARGNAME ) ? METHODARG_ARGNAME : METHODARG_RETURNVALUE );
szRetValType = pArgToken -> GetTagValue ( METHODARG_TYPE ); } else { cArgs++; } }
if ( strlen ( szRetValArg ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD>%s</TD><TD><I>object.</I><B>%s</B></TD>", (LPCSTR)szRetValArg, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD></TD><TD><I>object.</I><B>%s</B></TD>", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( METHOD_NAME ) ); } fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_DISPID) ? pChildToken->GetTagValue ( METHOD_DISPID ) : "", pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_CANCELABLE) ? "Y" : "N", pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_BUBBLING) ? "Y" : "N" );
int cArgIndex = 0; ArgListWalker.Reset ( ); while ( ( pArgToken = ArgListWalker.GetNext ( ) ) != NULL && pArgToken -> GetType () == TYPE_METHOD_ARG ) { if ( ! pArgToken -> IsSet ( METHODARG_RETURNVALUE ) ) { if (cArgIndex == 0) { switch (cArgs) { case 0: fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD> <!-- 1 -->" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; default: GenerateInterfaceArg( pArgToken ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); break; } } else { if (cArgIndex > 1) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR> <!-- Hello -->\n" ); } fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD>" ); GenerateInterfaceArg( pArgToken ); }
cArgIndex++; } }
if ( cArgIndex == 0 ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD> <!-- 2 -->" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD ALIGN=\"Center\">%s</TD>\n", (LPCSTR)szRetValType ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); } else if ( cArgIndex > 1 ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR> <!-- 3 -->\n" ); }
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR></TR>" ); }
delete pChildList; }
void CPDLParser::GenerateEnumHTM ( Token *pClassToken, char *pEnumPrefix ) { CTokenListWalker ChildList ( pClassToken ); Token *pChildToken; CString szStringValue;
while ( pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType() == TYPE_EVAL ) {
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR>\n<TD>%s%s</TD><TD ALIGN=\"Center\">\"%s\"</TD>", pEnumPrefix, pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_NAME ), pChildToken -> IsSet ( EVAL_STRING ) ? pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_STRING ) : pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( EVAL_NAME ) );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n"); } } }
void CPDLParser::GeneratePropertiesHTM ( Token *pIntfToken, BOOL fAttributes ) { CTokenListWalker *pChildList; Token *pChildToken; CString szSuper; CTokenListWalker *ptlw = NULL;
pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken );
szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
do { while ( pChildToken = pChildList->GetNext() ) { // Attributes are only properties which are not abstract and the
// ppflags is not PROPPARAM_NOTHTML.
if ( pChildToken -> GetType () == TYPE_PROPERTY && fAttributes == ( !pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_ABSTRACT ) && pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOPERSIST ) ) ) {
if (fAttributes) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SZATTRIBUTE ) ? PROPERTY_SZATTRIBUTE : PROPERTY_NAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE ) ); } else { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR><TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NAME ), pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_ATYPE ) ); }
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTDEFAULT ) ? pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTDEFAULT ) : "" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_MIN ) ? pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_MIN ) : "" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_MAX ) ? pChildToken -> GetTagValue ( PROPERTY_MAX ) : "" );
if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SET ) && pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>R/W</TD>" ); } else if ( pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_GET ) ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>R/O</TD>" ); } else { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>W/O</TD>" ); }
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, pChildToken -> IsSet ( PROPERTY_SETDESIGNMODE ) ? "<TD>R/W</TD>" : "<TD>R/O</TD>" );
fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); } }
// Get inherited interface.
if ( strlen ( szSuper ) ) { if (ptlw == NULL) { ptlw = new CTokenListWalker ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); } else { ptlw->Reset(); }
TryAgain: pIntfToken = ptlw->GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE, szSuper );
if (pIntfToken) { szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
delete pChildList; pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken ); } else { if ( !ptlw->IsGenericWalker ( ) ) { delete ptlw; ptlw = new CTokenListWalker ( pRuntimeList ); goto TryAgain; } } } else { break; } } while (pIntfToken);
delete pChildList; delete ptlw; }
#define GET_TAG_VALUE(pToken, value) (pToken->IsSet(value) ? pToken->GetTagValue(value) : "")
void CPDLParser::GenerateInterfacePropertiesHTM ( Token *pIntfToken ) { CTokenListWalker *pChildList; Token *pChildToken; CString szSuper;
pChildList = new CTokenListWalker ( pIntfToken );
szSuper = pIntfToken->GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_SUPER );
while ( pChildToken = pChildList->GetNext() ) { if ( pChildToken -> GetType () == TYPE_PROPERTY ) { fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TR>" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", GET_TAG_VALUE(pChildToken, PROPERTY_NAME) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", GET_TAG_VALUE(pChildToken, PROPERTY_ATYPE) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", GET_TAG_VALUE(pChildToken, PROPERTY_DISPID) ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET) ? "Y" : "N" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) ? "Y" : "N" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SETDESIGNMODE) ? "Y" : "N" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTDEFAULT) ? pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NOTPRESENTDEFAULT) : "" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_MIN) ? pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_MIN) : "" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "<TD>%s</TD>", pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_MAX) ? pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_MAX) : "" ); fprintf ( fpHTMFile, "</TR>\n" ); } } delete pChildList; }
Token* CPDLParser::FindInterface (CString szInterfaceMatch) { CTokenListWalker WholeTree ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pInterfaceToken;
WholeTree.Reset(); while ( pInterfaceToken = WholeTree.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { CString szInterface;
if ( !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_ABSTRACT ) && pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_GUID ) ) { szInterface = pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if (szInterface == szInterfaceMatch) { return pInterfaceToken; } } }
return NULL; }
// Only interfaces defined in this file.
Token* CPDLParser::FindInterfaceLocally (CString szInterfaceMatch) { CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); Token *pInterfaceToken;
TokenList.Reset(); while ( pInterfaceToken = TokenList.GetNext ( TYPE_INTERFACE ) ) { CString szInterface;
if ( !pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_ABSTRACT ) && pInterfaceToken -> IsSet ( INTERFACE_GUID ) ) { szInterface = pInterfaceToken -> GetTagValue ( INTERFACE_NAME ); if (szInterface == szInterfaceMatch) { return pInterfaceToken; } } }
return NULL; }
BOOL CPDLParser::IsPrimaryInterface(CString szInterface) { CTokenListWalker TokenList ( pRuntimeList, _pszPDLFileName ); Token *pClassToken;
TokenList.Reset(); while ( pClassToken = TokenList.GetNext ( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { if (!_stricmp((LPSTR)pClassToken->GetTagValue(CLASS_INTERFACE), szInterface)) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
Token* CPDLParser::FindClass (CString szClassMatch) { CTokenListWalker WholeTree ( pRuntimeList ); Token *pClassToken;
WholeTree.Reset(); while ( pClassToken = WholeTree.GetNext ( TYPE_CLASS ) ) { CString szClass;
szClass = pClassToken -> GetTagValue ( CLASS_NAME ); if (szClass == szClassMatch) { return pClassToken; } }
return NULL; }
Token * CPDLParser::IsSuperInterface( CString szSuper, Token * pInterface ) { Token *pInterfaceToken; CString szInterface;
if(!pInterface) return NULL;
szInterface = pInterface->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_NAME); pInterfaceToken = pInterface;
while ( pInterfaceToken ) { if (szSuper == szInterface) return pInterfaceToken;
szInterface = pInterfaceToken->GetTagValue(INTERFACE_SUPER); pInterfaceToken = FindInterface(szInterface); }
return NULL;
Token * CPDLParser::FindMatchingEntryWOPropDesc(Token *pClass, Token *pToFindToken, BOOL fNameMatchOnly) { CTokenListWalker ChildWalker(pClass); Token *pChildToken; CString szInterface; Token *pInterfToken; Token *pFuncToken = NULL;
while (pChildToken = ChildWalker.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_IMPLEMENTS) { szInterface = pChildToken->GetTagValue(IMPLEMENTS_NAME); pInterfToken = FindInterface(szInterface); if (pInterfToken) { pFuncToken = FindMethodInInterfaceWOPropDesc(pInterfToken, pToFindToken, fNameMatchOnly); if (pFuncToken) break; // Found a match...
} } }
return pFuncToken; }
Token* CPDLParser::FindMethodInInterfaceWOPropDesc(Token *pInterface, Token *pToFindToken, BOOL fNameMatchOnly) { CTokenListWalker ChildList(pInterface); Token *pChildToken = NULL;
while (pChildToken = ChildList.GetNext()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == pToFindToken->GetType()) { if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_METHOD && !pChildToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC)) { CString szMethodName;
if (pToFindToken->IsSet(METHOD_NOPROPDESC) && pToFindToken->IsSet(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szMethodName = pToFindToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szMethodName = pToFindToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME); }
if (!strcmp((LPCSTR)szMethodName, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(METHOD_NAME))) { CString szTypesSig; CString szArgsType; CString szFindTypesSig; CString szFindArgsType; BOOL fIgnore; int cIgnore;
// If we only need a name match then we're done.
if (fNameMatchOnly) break;
if (!BuildMethodSignature(pChildToken, szTypesSig, szArgsType, fIgnore, fIgnore, cIgnore, cIgnore)) return NULL;
if (!BuildMethodSignature(pToFindToken, szFindTypesSig, szFindArgsType, fIgnore, fIgnore, cIgnore, cIgnore)) return NULL;
// Exact signature match then use it.
if (!strcmp(szTypesSig, szFindTypesSig) && !strcmp(szArgsType, szFindArgsType)) break; } } else if (pChildToken->GetType() == TYPE_PROPERTY && !pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC)) { CString szPropertyName;
if (pToFindToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_NOPROPDESC) && pToFindToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE)) { szPropertyName = pToFindToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_SZINTERFACEEXPOSE); } else { szPropertyName = pToFindToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME); }
if (!strcmp((LPCSTR)szPropertyName, (LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_NAME))) { // If we only need a name match then we're done.
if (fNameMatchOnly) break;
// If both are properties and the types are similar or an
// enum then the signature is the same we found a match.
if ((pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS) == pToFindToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GETSETMETHODS)) && (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_MEMBER) == pToFindToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_MEMBER)) && (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET) == pToFindToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_GET)) && (pChildToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET) == pToFindToken->IsSet(PROPERTY_SET))) { if (!strcmp((LPCSTR)pChildToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE), (LPCSTR)pToFindToken->GetTagValue(PROPERTY_ATYPE))) break;
if (FindEnum(pChildToken) && FindEnum(pToFindToken)) break; } } } } }
return pChildToken; }