#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "IComp.Hxx"
extern bool fgMethodAttribute; extern bool fgMethodParameter;
bool CompareBuffer( char* pBuff1, char* pBuff2, unsigned long nLen); bool CompareBufferNoCase( char* pBuff1, char* pBuff2, unsigned long nLen); void WriteLine(HANDLE file, char* pBuff, int nLen); void TokenizeAttributes( char* pBuf, unsigned long nCnt, CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>* pList );
extern unsigned long g_ulAppRetVal; extern bool fgParamNames; extern bool fgParamTypes; extern bool fgParamNameCase; extern bool fgParamTypeCase;
CCompareInterface::CCompareInterface( char* pCurBuf, char* pRefBuf, HANDLE fileDiff, char* pszIntName, BLOCK_TYPE blockType, char* pszMethodAttr) { _pCurBuf = pCurBuf; _pRefBuf = pRefBuf; _fileDiff = fileDiff; _pszIntName = pszIntName; _blockType = blockType; _pszMethodAttr = pszMethodAttr;
_pCurList = new CAutoArray<LINEINFO>; _pRefList = new CAutoArray<LINEINFO>;
CreateLineIndex(_pCurList, _pCurBuf); CreateLineIndex(_pRefList, _pRefBuf);
_bFirstTime = true; }
CCompareInterface::~CCompareInterface() { delete _pCurList; delete _pRefList; }
void CCompareInterface::FindAdditionsAndChanges( ) { long lIdx; long lTmp; LINEINFO lineCur; LINEINFO lineRef;
bool bRetVal = false; //check for additions and alterations
for ( lIdx = 0; lIdx< (int)_pCurList->Size(); lIdx++) { _pCurList->GetAt( lIdx, &lineCur );
//get the real name of the method or property
char* pszMethodName = new char[lineCur.ulParamStart-lineCur.ulMethodNameStart+1];
for (lTmp=lineCur.ulMethodNameStart; lTmp<(long)lineCur.ulParamStart; lTmp++) { pszMethodName[lTmp-lineCur.ulMethodNameStart] = _pCurBuf[lTmp]; } pszMethodName[lTmp-lineCur.ulMethodNameStart] = 0;
lstrcpy( _szLogBuff, _pszIntName); lstrcat( _szLogBuff, "::" ); lstrcat( _szLogBuff, pszMethodName );
for ( lTmp=0; lTmp<_pRefList->Size(); lTmp++ ) { _pRefList->GetAt( lTmp, &lineRef ); //compare the names of two methods to find if they are comparable
//in respect to other aspects of their declarations.
if ((!lineRef.fUsed)&& ( CompareBuffer( pszMethodName, &_pRefBuf[lineRef.ulMethodNameStart], max( lineCur.ulParamStart-lineCur.ulMethodNameStart, lineRef.ulParamStart-lineRef.ulMethodNameStart) ))) { // if the names are the same, now compare the return values. If they are not the same, then the method is
// modified from its original version.
if ( !CompareBuffer( &_pCurBuf[lineCur.ulNameStart], &_pRefBuf[lineRef.ulNameStart], max( lineCur.ulMethodNameStart-lineCur.ulNameStart, lineRef.ulMethodNameStart-lineRef.ulNameStart) )) { bRetVal = true; }
//compare attribute block
if (( fgMethodAttribute ) && ((lineCur.ulAttrEnd-lineCur.ulAttrStart != lineRef.ulAttrEnd-lineRef.ulAttrStart) || ( !CompareBuffer( &_pCurBuf[lineCur.ulAttrStart], &_pRefBuf[lineRef.ulAttrStart], max(lineCur.ulAttrEnd-lineCur.ulAttrStart, lineRef.ulAttrEnd-lineRef.ulAttrStart)))) ) { // since we know the attributes have changed, analyze the type of change
CompareMethodAttributes( &lineRef, &lineCur ); }
//compare parameter block
if (( fgMethodParameter ) && ((lineCur.ulParamEnd-lineCur.ulParamStart != lineRef.ulParamEnd-lineRef.ulParamStart) || ( !CompareBuffer( &_pCurBuf[lineCur.ulParamStart], &_pRefBuf[lineRef.ulParamStart], max(lineCur.ulParamEnd-lineCur.ulParamStart, lineRef.ulParamEnd-lineRef.ulParamStart)))) ) { CompareMethodParameters( &lineRef, &lineCur ); }
//we have found the method that matches, move on to the next
//method name on the current block.
lineRef.fUsed = true; _pRefList->Set( lTmp, lineRef ); break; } }
//write the results that were found from this comparison,
//if this was a different line
if ( bRetVal || (lTmp == _pRefList->Size()) ) { char* pszBuff = new char[128];
EnsureTitle( TRUE );
if ( bRetVal ) { lstrcpy( pszBuff, _szLogBuff ); lstrcat( pszBuff, " - Return value or call type has changed " ); WriteLine( _fileDiff, pszBuff, -1); bRetVal = false; g_ulAppRetVal |= CHANGE_RETVALCHANGE; } if (lTmp == _pRefList->Size()) //this is a new nethod
{ lstrcpy( pszBuff, _szLogBuff ); lstrcat( pszBuff, " - Is a new method " ); WriteLine(_fileDiff, pszBuff,-1);
if ( _blockType== BLK_DISPINT ) g_ulAppRetVal |= CHANGE_METHODONDISPINT; else g_ulAppRetVal |= CHANGE_METHODONINT; } delete [] pszBuff; } delete [] pszMethodName; } }
// bMode == TRUE --> Addition / Change
void CCompareInterface::EnsureTitle( BOOL bAddition ) { char szBuff[256];
if ( _bFirstTime ) { //write the header.
if ( _blockType== BLK_DISPINT ) lstrcpy( szBuff, "\nDispinterface " ); else lstrcpy( szBuff, "\nInterface " ); lstrcat( szBuff, _pszIntName ); lstrcat( szBuff, "\n------------------------------------\n"); if ( bAddition ) { lstrcat( szBuff, "Additions / Changes:" ); } WriteLine( _fileDiff, szBuff, -1); _bFirstTime = false; } } //
// Walk through the unmarked elements of the reference block index. These are the
// entries that do not exist in the current block.
void CCompareInterface::FindRemovals( ) { long lIdx; long lTmp; LINEINFO lineRef; char* szBuff = new char[128]; bool bFirstRemoval = true;
for ( lIdx=0; lIdx< (int)_pRefList->Size(); lIdx++ ) { //get the record
_pRefList->GetAt( lIdx, &lineRef);
//is the record marked ?
if (!lineRef.fUsed) { //get the real name of the interface
char* pszMethodName = new char[lineRef.ulParamStart-lineRef.ulMethodNameStart+1]; int nIdx; for (lTmp=lineRef.ulMethodNameStart, nIdx=0; lTmp<(long)lineRef.ulParamStart; lTmp++, nIdx++) { pszMethodName[nIdx] = _pRefBuf[lTmp]; }
pszMethodName[nIdx] = 0; //terminate the string
// if this is the first removal, then add the word Removals
EnsureTitle( FALSE );
//write the header.
if ( _blockType== BLK_DISPINT ) g_ulAppRetVal |= CHANGE_REMOVEFROMDISPINT; else g_ulAppRetVal |= CHANGE_REMOVEFROMINT;
if ( bFirstRemoval) { WriteLine( _fileDiff, "Removals : ", -1); bFirstRemoval = false; }
lstrcpy( szBuff, _pszIntName); lstrcat( szBuff, "::"); lstrcat( szBuff, pszMethodName); lstrcat( szBuff, " has been removed."); WriteLine( _fileDiff, szBuff, -1);
delete [] pszMethodName; } }
delete [] szBuff; }
void CCompareInterface::CreateLineIndex( CAutoArray<LINEINFO>* pList, char* pBuf ) { LINEINFO lineinfo = {0};
unsigned long ulIdx=0; unsigned long ulLastSpace = 0; char chSearch = '['; //initially look for the opening attribute char.
unsigned int uBrCnt = 0; unsigned int uParCnt = 0;
//go until the end of the buffer, it is null terminated.
while ( pBuf[ulIdx] != 0) { if ( pBuf[ulIdx] == chSearch ) { //depending on what we were looking for,
//we can decide what to look for next.
switch (chSearch) { case '[': uBrCnt++; if ( uBrCnt == 1 ) { lineinfo.ulAttrStart = ulIdx; chSearch = ']'; } break;
case ']': uBrCnt --; if ( uBrCnt == 0 ) { lineinfo.ulAttrEnd = ulIdx; lineinfo.ulNameStart = ulIdx+2; chSearch = '('; } break;
case '(': uParCnt++; if (uParCnt==1) { lineinfo.ulNameEnd = ulIdx-1; lineinfo.ulParamStart = ulIdx; lineinfo.ulMethodNameStart = ulLastSpace+1; chSearch = ')'; } break;
case ')': uParCnt--; if ( uParCnt == 0 ) { lineinfo.ulParamEnd = ulIdx; chSearch = '['; //completed the cycle, add this record to the list
pList->Append(lineinfo); } break; } } else { switch ( pBuf[ulIdx] ) { case '(': uParCnt++; break;
case ')': uParCnt--; break;
case '[': uBrCnt++; break;
case ']': uBrCnt--; break; case ' ': ulLastSpace = ulIdx; break; } }
ulIdx++; } }
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCompareInterface::CompareMethodAttributes( LINEINFO* pRef, LINEINFO* pCur ) { long l, k; long curBase = (pCur->ulAttrStart)+1; long refBase = (pRef->ulAttrStart)+1; ATTRINFO attrRef; ATTRINFO attrCur;
CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>* pCurList = new CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>; CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>* pRefList = new CAutoArray<ATTRINFO>;
TokenizeAttributes( &_pRefBuf[refBase], pRef->ulAttrEnd-refBase, pRefList ); TokenizeAttributes( &_pCurBuf[curBase], pCur->ulAttrEnd-curBase, pCurList );
//let's find the ones that are new
for ( l=0; l < pCurList->Size(); l++ ) { pCurList->GetAt( l, &attrCur);
for ( k=0; k < pRefList->Size(); k++ ) { pRefList->GetAt( k, &attrRef );
if ( (!attrRef.fUsed ) && CompareBuffer( &_pCurBuf[curBase + attrCur.ulAttrStart], &_pRefBuf[refBase + attrRef.ulAttrStart], max( attrCur.ulAttrLength, attrRef.ulAttrLength)) ) { // found the same attribute in the reference attributes, it is not a new
// attribute
attrRef.fUsed = true; pRefList->Set( k, attrRef );
attrCur.fUsed = true; pCurList->Set( l, attrCur ); break; } } if ( k == pRefList->Size() ) { // this is a new attribute.
// if we find this attribute name in the list, then we are breaking the compat
if ( IsAttributeBreaker( _pszMethodAttr, _pCurBuf+curBase+attrCur.ulAttrStart, attrCur.ulAttrLength ) ) { EnsureTitle(TRUE); WriteAttrChangeString( _pCurBuf, curBase+attrCur.ulAttrStart, attrCur.ulAttrLength, "' attribute was added"); } } }
// Whatever is left in the reference array as not used are removals.
for ( l=0; l < pRefList->Size(); l++ ) { pRefList->GetAt( l, &attrRef);
if ( !attrRef.fUsed ) { // if we find this attribute name in the list, then we are breaking the compat
if ( IsAttributeBreaker( _pszMethodAttr, _pRefBuf+refBase+attrRef.ulAttrStart, attrRef.ulAttrLength ) ) { // breaker attribute
EnsureTitle(TRUE); WriteAttrChangeString( _pRefBuf, refBase+attrRef.ulAttrStart, attrRef.ulAttrLength, "' attribute was removed"); } } }
delete pCurList; delete pRefList; }
// The attribute list contains the buffer that is read from the INI file.
// Each attribute name is a string that is terminated by a NULL character. At
// the very end, after the last attribute, there is an additional NULL.
BOOL CCompareInterface::IsAttributeBreaker( char * pszAttrList, char * pszAttr, unsigned long ulAttrLen ) { unsigned long ulStrLen; unsigned long ulIdx = 0; // index to the big buffer.
// until we reach the very end.
// if we can not get into the loop below, it means that there are no
// attributes that are considered breaking
while (pszAttrList[ulIdx] != NULL) { ulStrLen = lstrlen(&pszAttrList[ulIdx]);
// if the lengths and the contents are the same, then this attribute
// is a breaker attribute
if ((ulStrLen == ulAttrLen) && (CompareBuffer(&pszAttrList[ulIdx], pszAttr, ulStrLen))) { return TRUE; }
// increment the index, to point to the next string in the buffer
ulIdx += ulStrLen + 1; }
// if we reach here, it means that we could not find the attribute in the list
// this is NOT a breaker attribute
return FALSE; }
void CCompareInterface::WriteAttrChangeString(char* pBuf, unsigned long ulAttrStart, unsigned long ulAttrLength, char* szChangeType) { unsigned long k; char szBuff[256]; char * pszAttrName = new char[ulAttrLength+1];
//copy the attribute name into the buffer
for (k = 0; k < ulAttrLength; k++) pszAttrName[k] = *(pBuf + ulAttrStart + k);
pszAttrName[k] = 0; //terminate
lstrcpy(szBuff, _szLogBuff); lstrcat(szBuff, " - '"); lstrcat(szBuff, pszAttrName); lstrcat(szBuff, szChangeType);
WriteLine(_fileDiff, szBuff, -1); g_ulAppRetVal |= CHANGE_ATTRCHANGE; }
void CCompareInterface::CompareMethodParameters( LINEINFO* pRef, LINEINFO* pCur) { long l; long k; long curBase = (pCur->ulParamStart)+1; long refBase = (pRef->ulParamStart)+1;
CAutoArray<PARAMINFO>* pCurList = NULL; CAutoArray<PARAMINFO>* pRefList = NULL;
bool bNameChange, bTypeChange, bReplaced; char szBuff[512] = {0}; char szType[64] = {0}; char szName[64] = {0};
pCurList = new CAutoArray<PARAMINFO>; pRefList = new CAutoArray<PARAMINFO>;
assert( pCurList ); assert( pRefList );
// start by tokenizing the parameters
TokenizeParameters( &_pRefBuf[refBase], pRef->ulParamEnd-refBase, pRefList); TokenizeParameters( &_pCurBuf[curBase], pCur->ulParamEnd-curBase, pCurList);
// parameters have to match one to one.
for ( l=0; l<pRefList->Size(); l++ ) { bTypeChange = bNameChange = bReplaced = false;
pCurList->GetAt( l, ¶mCur); pRefList->GetAt( l, ¶mRef);
// is this parameter touched before, because of a replacement catch?
// if that is the case we should only check if the reference parameter was replaced
if ( paramCur.fUsed ) { bTypeChange = bNameChange = true; goto ReplaceCheck; }
// compare the types
if ( fgParamTypes ) { //
// Only go through comparison if the type does not contain a _MIDL_ word in it.
char szTypeRef[64] = {0}; lstrcpyn( szTypeRef, _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulTypeStart, max(63, paramRef.ulTypeLength)); if ( !strstr(szTypeRef, "_MIDL_") ) { // if the lengths are different bail out immediately, without text comparison.
if ( paramRef.ulTypeLength == paramCur.ulTypeLength ) { //compare the contents, check if we want case sensitive or not.
if ( fgParamTypeCase ) bTypeChange = !CompareBuffer( _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulTypeStart, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulTypeStart, max( paramRef.ulTypeLength, paramCur.ulTypeLength) ); else bTypeChange = !CompareBufferNoCase( _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulTypeStart, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulTypeStart, max( paramRef.ulTypeLength, paramCur.ulTypeLength) ); } else bTypeChange = true; } else { // if one of the types contains a _MIDL_, then the other MUST too.
char szTypeCur[64] = {0}; lstrcpyn( szTypeCur, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulTypeStart, max(63, paramCur.ulTypeLength));
// if the string does NOT contain _MIDL_ than there was a change.
if ( !strstr(szTypeCur, "_MIDL_") ) { bTypeChange = true; } } }
if ( fgParamNames ) { char szNameRef[64] = {0}; //
// If the name of one parameter contains a _MIDL_ keyword, then only make sure the
// other name contains the _MIDL_ too. No need to match strings.
lstrcpyn( szNameRef, _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulNameStart, max(63, paramRef.ulNameLength));
if (!strstr(szNameRef, "_MIDL_")) { // if the lengths are different bail out immediately, without text comparison.
if ( paramRef.ulNameLength == paramCur.ulNameLength ) { //compare the contents, check if we want case sensitive or not.
if ( fgParamNameCase ) bNameChange = !CompareBuffer( _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulNameStart, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulNameStart, max( paramRef.ulNameLength, paramCur.ulNameLength) ); else bNameChange = !CompareBuffer( _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulNameStart, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulNameStart, max( paramRef.ulNameLength, paramCur.ulNameLength) ); } else bNameChange = true; } else { char szNameCur[64] = {0};
// only make sure the current name also has the _MIDL_ keyword.
lstrcpyn( szNameCur, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulNameStart, max(63, paramCur.ulNameLength));
if (!strstr( szNameCur, "_MIDL_")) { bNameChange = true; } } }
ReplaceCheck: // if there was a change in the parameter, find out if this parameter is moved to another location
// in the parameter list. We look for an exact match in this case, since this is only additional
// information
if ( bNameChange || bTypeChange ) { PARAMINFO paramTmp;
for ( k=0; k< pCurList->Size(); k++ ) { pCurList->GetAt( k, ¶mTmp );
if ( ( !paramTmp.fUsed ) && ( paramTmp.ulParamLength == paramCur.ulParamLength ) && ( CompareBuffer( _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulTypeStart, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramTmp.ulTypeStart, paramTmp.ulParamLength) ) ) { // we have found the parameter at another location.
bReplaced = true;
// we will only report the replacement, to simplify
bTypeChange = false; bNameChange = false;
// mark the parameter in the current list as touched, so that
// whatever parameter we check in the reference list does not get
// processed against this. ( perf. )
paramTmp.fUsed = true; pCurList->Set( k, paramTmp ); } } } // if we found the parameter at the same location
if ( bReplaced || bNameChange || bTypeChange ) { EnsureTitle(TRUE);
// we copy the type and the name. The lengths are +1 since the function requires
// us to calculate the NULL character too.
lstrcpyn( szType, _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulTypeStart, paramRef.ulTypeLength+1 );
if ( paramRef.ulNameStart ) lstrcpyn( szName, _pRefBuf+refBase+paramRef.ulNameStart, paramRef.ulNameLength+1 );
// fill the string with ' - Parameter xx', so that we can add the change type
lstrcpy( szBuff, _szLogBuff); lstrcat( szBuff, " - Parameter " ); lstrcat( szBuff, szType ); lstrcat( szBuff, " "); lstrcat( szBuff, szName );
// if replaced, then name and type change flags are false.
if ( bReplaced ) { // output replacement information
lstrcat( szBuff, " has been replaced" ); } else { // was this parameter removed
if ( bNameChange && bTypeChange ) { // output information that shows the name change
lstrcat( szBuff, " has been removed"); } else { if ( bNameChange ) { // output information that shows the name change
lstrcat( szBuff, " name has been modified");
// for name only changes, mark the parameter as used.
paramCur.fUsed = true; pCurList->Set( l, paramCur ); } if ( bTypeChange ) { // output information that shows the type change.
lstrcat( szBuff, " type has been modified"); } } }
WriteLine(_fileDiff, szBuff, -1); } else { // mark the parameter, everything is OK, move on.
paramCur.fUsed = true; pCurList->Set( l, paramCur ); } }
// find the parameters that were added.
for ( l=0; l<pCurList->Size(); l++ ) { pCurList->GetAt( l, ¶mCur);
// if this parameter was not used, then it means that it was added.
if ( !paramCur.fUsed ) { EnsureTitle(TRUE);
// copy the parameter name as a whole
lstrcpyn( szName, _pCurBuf+curBase+paramCur.ulTypeStart, paramCur.ulParamLength+1 );
// fill the string with ' - Parameter xx', so that we can add the change type
lstrcpy( szBuff, _szLogBuff); lstrcat( szBuff, " - Parameter " ); lstrcat( szBuff, szName ); lstrcat( szBuff, " was added"); WriteLine( _fileDiff, szBuff, -1);
} }
delete pCurList; delete pRefList; }
void CCompareInterface::TokenizeParameters( char* pBuf, unsigned long nCnt, CAutoArray<PARAMINFO>* pList ) { unsigned long i,j; PARAMINFO paramInfo; bool bInBracket = false;
paramInfo.ulTypeStart = 0;
for( i=0; i<=nCnt ; i++ ) { // since we are coming from left, and going right, we will first see the
// opening and then the closing bracket
if ( pBuf[i] == '[' ) bInBracket = true; if ( pBuf[i] == ']' ) bInBracket = false;
// if we reached a comma that was not inside a bracket, or reached the end
// and the end is an opening parenthesis
if ( ((pBuf[i] == ',') && !bInBracket ) || ( i == nCnt ) ) { paramInfo.ulParamLength = i - paramInfo.ulTypeStart; paramInfo.fUsed = false;
// digest the type and name here ! ! !
for ( j = paramInfo.ulTypeStart+paramInfo.ulParamLength-1; j > 0 ; j-- ) { // go from the end of the parameter, towards the beginning,
// searching for a space character, or the beginning of the parameter block
if ( *(pBuf + j) == ' ') { paramInfo.ulNameStart = j + 1; paramInfo.ulTypeLength = j - paramInfo.ulTypeStart; paramInfo.ulNameLength = paramInfo.ulTypeStart + paramInfo.ulParamLength - paramInfo.ulNameStart; break; } }
// we could not find a parameter when we parsed through, it means a void..
// double check for void
if (( j==0 ) && ( *pBuf == 'v' ) && (*(pBuf+1) == 'o')) { paramInfo.ulTypeStart = 0; paramInfo.ulTypeLength = 4; paramInfo.ulParamLength = 4; paramInfo.ulNameStart = 0; paramInfo.ulNameLength = 0;
pList->Append( paramInfo ); } else { // we should never ever reach zero.
if ( j==0 ) assert( false );
pList->Append( paramInfo ); // skip over the comma
// the name starts next to the space
paramInfo.ulTypeStart = i+1; } } } }