// Document.cpp : Implementation of CTriEditDocument
// Copyright (c)1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "triedit.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "util.h"
#ifdef IE5_SPACING
#include "dispatch.h"
#include <mshtmdid.h>
#include <mshtmcid.h>
#endif //IE5_SPACING
// CTriEditDocument
CTriEditDocument::CTriEditDocument() { m_pUnkTrident = NULL; m_pOleObjTrident = NULL; m_pCmdTgtTrident = NULL; m_pDropTgtTrident = NULL; #ifdef IE5_SPACING
m_pTridentPersistStreamInit = NULL; m_pMapArray = NULL; m_hgMap = NULL; m_pspNonDSP = NULL; m_hgSpacingNonDSP = NULL; m_ichspNonDSPMax = 0; m_ichspNonDSP = 0; #endif //IE5_SPACING
m_pClientSiteHost = NULL; m_pUIHandlerHost = NULL; m_pDragDropHandlerHost = NULL;
m_pUIHandler = NULL;
m_pTokenizer = NULL; m_hwndTrident = NULL;
m_fUIHandlerSet = FALSE; m_fInContextMenu = FALSE;
m_fDragRectVisible = FALSE; m_fConstrain = FALSE; m_f2dDropMode = FALSE; m_eDirection = CONSTRAIN_NONE; m_ptAlign.x = 1; m_ptAlign.y = 1; m_pihtmlElement = NULL; m_pihtmlStyle = NULL; m_hbrDragRect = NULL; m_fLocked = FALSE; m_hgDocRestore = NULL; }
HRESULT CTriEditDocument::FinalConstruct() { HRESULT hr; IUnknown *pUnk = GetControllingUnknown();
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_HTMLDocument, pUnk, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (void**)&m_pUnkTrident);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _ASSERTE(NULL != m_pUnkTrident);
// When we cache Trident pointers, we do a GetControllingUnknown()->Release()
// since the addref will increment our outer unknown pointer and not Trident
// We compensate for this by doing a corresponding GetControllingUnknown()->AddRef()
// in our FinalRelease. Though these cancel out, it is necessary to do this in order
// to ensure that our FinalRelease will get called.
// Cache Trident's IOleObject pointer
hr = m_pUnkTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void **)&m_pOleObjTrident); _ASSERTE(S_OK == hr && NULL != m_pOleObjTrident); pUnk->Release();
// Cache Trident's IOleCommandTarget pointer
hr = m_pUnkTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IOleCommandTarget, (void **)&m_pCmdTgtTrident); _ASSERTE(S_OK == hr && NULL != m_pCmdTgtTrident); pUnk->Release();
// Allocate UI handler sub-object
m_pUIHandler = new CTriEditUIHandler(this); if (NULL == m_pUIHandler) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
#ifdef IE5_SPACING
// Get IPersistStreamInit
hr = m_pUnkTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStreamInit, (void **) &m_pTridentPersistStreamInit); _ASSERTE(S_OK == hr && NULL != m_pTridentPersistStreamInit); pUnk->Release(); // PuruK - REVIEW Why do we need to do this?
SetFilterInDone(FALSE); #endif //IE5_SPACING
// Allocate buffer for saving document's contents before <BODY> tag
// Trident replaces all content before <BODY> tag by its own header
m_hgDocRestore = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT, cbHeader); if (NULL == m_hgDocRestore) { delete m_pUIHandler; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
void CTriEditDocument::FinalRelease() { IUnknown *pUnk = GetControllingUnknown();
// Release host interface pointers
SAFERELEASE(m_pClientSiteHost); SAFERELEASE(m_pUIHandlerHost); SAFERELEASE(m_pDragDropHandlerHost);
// Release internal interface pointers
// Release 2d drop related pointers
ReleaseElement(); // Release Trident interface pointers
pUnk->AddRef(); SAFERELEASE(m_pOleObjTrident); pUnk->AddRef(); SAFERELEASE(m_pCmdTgtTrident); #ifdef IE5_SPACING
pUnk->AddRef(); // REVIEW - PuruK - Why do we need to do this?
SAFERELEASE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit); #endif //IE5_SPACING
// Delete UI handler sub-object
if (m_pUIHandler != NULL) { // Assert that the ref count on the sub-object is 1
// If this isn't 1, then Trident is holding on to this pointer
_ASSERTE(m_pUIHandler->m_cRef == 1); delete m_pUIHandler; }
if (m_hgDocRestore != NULL) { GlobalUnlock(m_hgDocRestore); GlobalFree(m_hgDocRestore); }
#ifdef IE5_SPACING
if (m_hgMap != NULL) { GlobalUnlock(m_hgMap); GlobalFree(m_hgMap); m_hgMap = NULL; } if (m_hgSpacingNonDSP != NULL) { GlobalUnlock(m_hgSpacingNonDSP); GlobalFree(m_hgSpacingNonDSP); m_hgSpacingNonDSP = NULL; } #endif
#ifdef IE5_SPACING
void CTriEditDocument::FillUniqueID(BSTR bstrUniqueID, BSTR bstrDspVal, int ichNonDSP, MAPSTRUCT *pMap, int iMapCur, BOOL fLowerCase, int iType) { memcpy((BYTE *)pMap[iMapCur].szUniqueID, (BYTE *)bstrUniqueID, min(wcslen(bstrUniqueID), cchID)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (iType == INDEX_DSP) { memcpy((BYTE *)pMap[iMapCur].szDspID, (BYTE *)bstrDspVal, min(wcslen(bstrDspVal), cchID)*sizeof(WCHAR)); _ASSERTE(ichNonDSP == -1); pMap[iMapCur].ichNonDSP = ichNonDSP; } else if (iType == INDEX_COMMENT) { pMap[iMapCur].ichNonDSP = ichNonDSP; } else if (iType == INDEX_AIMGLINK) { memcpy((BYTE *)pMap[iMapCur].szDspID, (BYTE *)bstrDspVal, min(wcslen(bstrDspVal), cchID)*sizeof(WCHAR)); pMap[iMapCur].ichNonDSP = ichNonDSP; } else if (iType == INDEX_OBJ_COMMENT) { pMap[iMapCur].ichNonDSP = ichNonDSP; } else _ASSERTE(FALSE); pMap[iMapCur].fLowerCase = fLowerCase; _ASSERTE(iType >= INDEX_NIL && iType < INDEX_MAX); pMap[iMapCur].iType = iType; }
BOOL CTriEditDocument::FGetSavedDSP(BSTR bstrUniqueID, BSTR *pbstrDspVal, int *pichNonDSP, MAPSTRUCT *pMap, BOOL *pfLowerCase, int *pIndex) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; int i;
// TODO - find a faster way than this linear search...
for (i = 0; i < m_iMapCur; i++) { if (0 == _wcsnicmp(pMap[i].szUniqueID, bstrUniqueID, wcslen(bstrUniqueID))) { fRet = TRUE; if (pMap[i].iType == INDEX_DSP) { *pbstrDspVal = SysAllocString(pMap[i].szDspID); *pichNonDSP = -1; } else if (pMap[i].iType == INDEX_COMMENT) { *pbstrDspVal = (BSTR)NULL; *pichNonDSP = pMap[i].ichNonDSP; } else if (pMap[i].iType == INDEX_AIMGLINK) { *pbstrDspVal = SysAllocString(pMap[i].szDspID); *pichNonDSP = pMap[i].ichNonDSP; _ASSERTE(*pichNonDSP != -1); } else if (pMap[i].iType == INDEX_OBJ_COMMENT) { *pbstrDspVal = (BSTR)NULL; *pichNonDSP = pMap[i].ichNonDSP; _ASSERTE(*pichNonDSP != -1); } *pfLowerCase = pMap[i].fLowerCase; *pIndex = pMap[i].iType;
goto LRet; } }
LRet: return(fRet); }
void CTriEditDocument::FillNonDSPData(BSTR pOuterTag) { int len = 0;
_ASSERTE(m_ichspNonDSPMax != -1); _ASSERTE(m_ichspNonDSP != -1); _ASSERTE(m_hgSpacingNonDSP != NULL); _ASSERTE(m_pspNonDSP != NULL);
// even if pOuterTag is NULL, we still need to store the fact that we have
// zero bytes of data.
if (pOuterTag != NULL) len = wcslen(pOuterTag);
if ((int)(m_ichspNonDSP + len + sizeof(int)) > m_ichspNonDSPMax) { HGLOBAL hgSpacingNonDSP;
//reallocate & set m_ichspNonDSPMax
GlobalUnlock(m_hgSpacingNonDSP); hgSpacingNonDSP = m_hgSpacingNonDSP; #pragma prefast(suppress: 308, "noise")
m_hgSpacingNonDSP = GlobalReAlloc(m_hgSpacingNonDSP, (m_ichspNonDSP + len + sizeof(int)+MIN_SP_NONDSP)*sizeof(WCHAR), GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT); // if this alloc failed, we may still want to continue
if (m_hgSpacingNonDSP == NULL) { GlobalFree(hgSpacingNonDSP); goto LRet; } else { m_pspNonDSP = (WCHAR *)GlobalLock(m_hgSpacingNonDSP); _ASSERTE(m_pspNonDSP != NULL); m_ichspNonDSPMax = (m_ichspNonDSP + len + sizeof(int)+MIN_SP_NONDSP); } _ASSERTE(m_ichspNonDSP < m_ichspNonDSPMax); }
memcpy((BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+m_ichspNonDSP), (BYTE *)&len, sizeof(int)); m_ichspNonDSP += sizeof(int)/sizeof(WCHAR); memcpy((BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+m_ichspNonDSP), (BYTE *)pOuterTag, len*sizeof(WCHAR)); m_ichspNonDSP += len;
LRet: return;
void CTriEditDocument::ReSetinnerHTMLComment(IHTMLCommentElement *pCommentElement, IHTMLElement* /*pElement*/, int ichspNonDSP) { WCHAR *pStrComment = NULL; //#ifdef DEBUG
// CComBSTR bstrOuter, bstrOuterBefore;
//#endif //DEBUG
int cchComment = 0;
// get the ich, get the saved comment, set it
memcpy((BYTE *)&cchComment, (BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+ichspNonDSP), sizeof(int)); _ASSERTE(cchComment > 0); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&bstrOuterBefore);
//#endif //DEBUG
pStrComment = new WCHAR[cchComment + 1]; if (pStrComment == NULL) return;
memcpy((BYTE *)pStrComment, (BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+ichspNonDSP+sizeof(int)/sizeof(WCHAR)), cchComment*sizeof(WCHAR)); pStrComment[cchComment] = '\0'; pCommentElement->put_text((BSTR)pStrComment); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&bstrOuter);
//#endif //DEBUG
if (pStrComment) delete pStrComment; //#ifdef DEBUG
// bstrOuter.Empty();
// bstrOuterBefore.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
void CTriEditDocument::SetinnerHTMLComment(IHTMLCommentElement *pCommentElement, IHTMLElement* /*pElement*/, BSTR pOuterTag) { WCHAR *pStr = NULL; WCHAR *pStrComment = NULL; LPCWSTR rgComment[] = { L"TRIEDITPRECOMMENT-", L"-->", L"<!--", }; //#ifdef DEBUG
// CComBSTR bstrOuter, bstrInnerBefore, bstrInnerAfter, bstrOuterBefore;
//#endif //DEBUG
// special case -
// send pOuterTag as NULL, if we want to get rid of the comment completely
if (pOuterTag == NULL) { pCommentElement->put_text((BSTR)pOuterTag); goto LRet; }
//remove the TRIEDITCOMMENT stuff from pOuterTag and set the outerHTML properly
pStr = wcsstr(pOuterTag, rgComment[0]); if (pStr != NULL) { pStrComment = new WCHAR[wcslen(pOuterTag)-(SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT(pStr-pOuterTag)+wcslen(rgComment[0]))+wcslen(rgComment[1])+wcslen(rgComment[2])+1]; if (pStrComment != NULL) { memcpy( (BYTE *)pStrComment, (BYTE *)(rgComment[2]), (wcslen(rgComment[2]))*sizeof(WCHAR) ); memcpy( (BYTE *)(pStrComment+wcslen(rgComment[2])), (BYTE *)(pStr+wcslen(rgComment[0])), (wcslen(pOuterTag)-(SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT(pStr-pOuterTag)+wcslen(rgComment[0]))-wcslen(rgComment[1]))*sizeof(WCHAR) ); memcpy( (BYTE *)(pStrComment+wcslen(rgComment[2])+wcslen(pOuterTag)-(pStr-pOuterTag+wcslen(rgComment[0]))-wcslen(rgComment[1])), (BYTE *)(rgComment[1]), (wcslen(rgComment[1]))*sizeof(WCHAR) ); pStrComment[wcslen(pOuterTag)-(pStr-pOuterTag+wcslen(rgComment[0]))-wcslen(rgComment[1])+wcslen(rgComment[1])+wcslen(rgComment[2])] = '\0'; //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_innerHTML(&bstrInnerBefore);
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&bstrOuterBefore);
//#endif //DEBUG
pCommentElement->put_text((BSTR)pStrComment); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&bstrOuter);
// pElement->get_innerHTML(&bstrInnerAfter);
//#endif //DEBUG
delete pStrComment; } } LRet: //#ifdef DEBUG
// bstrOuter.Empty();
// bstrInnerBefore.Empty();
// bstrInnerAfter.Empty();
// bstrOuterBefore.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
return; }
void CTriEditDocument::RemoveEPComment(IHTMLObjectElement *pObjectElement, BSTR bstrAlt, int cch, BSTR *pbstrAltComment, BSTR *pbstrAltNew) { int ich = 0; WCHAR *pAltNew = NULL; WCHAR *pStrAlt = bstrAlt; WCHAR *pStr = NULL; WCHAR *pStrEnd = NULL; WCHAR *pStrComment = NULL; LPCWSTR rgComment[] = { L"<!--ERRORPARAM", L"ERRORPARAM-->", };
if (bstrAlt == (BSTR)NULL || pObjectElement == NULL) return;
// look for ERRORPARAM
pStr = wcsstr(bstrAlt, rgComment[0]); pStrEnd = wcsstr(bstrAlt, rgComment[1]); if (pStr != NULL && pStrEnd != NULL) { pStrEnd += wcslen(rgComment[1]); pStrComment = new WCHAR[SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT(pStrEnd-pStr)+1]; if (pStrComment == NULL) goto LRetNull; memcpy((BYTE *)pStrComment, (BYTE *)pStr, SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT(pStrEnd-pStr)*sizeof(WCHAR)); pStrComment[pStrEnd-pStr] = '\0'; *pbstrAltComment = SysAllocString(pStrComment); delete pStrComment;
pAltNew = new WCHAR[cch+1]; // max size
if (pAltNew == NULL) goto LRetNull; // remove stuff from pStr till pStrEnd & copy into *pbstrAltNew
if (pStr > pStrAlt) { memcpy((BYTE *)pAltNew, (BYTE *)pStrAlt, SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT(pStr-pStrAlt)*sizeof(WCHAR)); ich += SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT(pStr-pStrAlt); } if ((pStrAlt+cch)-pStrEnd > 0) { memcpy((BYTE *)(pAltNew+ich), (BYTE *)pStrEnd, SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT((pStrAlt+cch)-pStrEnd)*sizeof(WCHAR)); ich += SAFE_PTR_DIFF_TO_INT((pStrAlt+cch)-pStrEnd); } pAltNew[ich] = '\0'; *pbstrAltNew = SysAllocString(pAltNew); delete pAltNew; } else { LRetNull: *pbstrAltNew = (bstrAlt) ? SysAllocString(bstrAlt) : (BSTR)NULL; *pbstrAltComment = (BSTR)NULL; }
} /* CTriEditDocument::RemoveEPComment() */
HRESULT CTriEditDocument::SetObjectComment(IHTMLObjectElement *pObjectElement, BSTR bstrAltNew) { HRESULT hr;
_ASSERTE(pObjectElement != NULL); hr = pObjectElement->put_altHtml(bstrAltNew); return(hr);
} /* CTriEditDocument::SetObjectComment() */
void CTriEditDocument::AppendEPComment(IHTMLObjectElement *pObjectElement, int ichspNonDSP) { CComBSTR bstrAltNew; int cch; WCHAR *pStrSaved = NULL; HRESULT hr; // get current altHtml from the tree
hr = pObjectElement->get_altHtml(&bstrAltNew); if (hr != S_OK || bstrAltNew == (BSTR)NULL) goto LRet; // get saved altHtml in m_pspNonDSP
memcpy((BYTE *)&cch, (BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+ichspNonDSP), sizeof(int)); if (cch <= 0) goto LRet; pStrSaved = new WCHAR[cch + 1]; if (pStrSaved == NULL) goto LRet; memcpy((BYTE *)pStrSaved, (BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+ichspNonDSP+sizeof(int)/sizeof(WCHAR)), cch*sizeof(WCHAR)); pStrSaved[cch] = '\0'; // append saved altHtml
bstrAltNew += pStrSaved;
// save it back in the tree
hr = pObjectElement->put_altHtml(bstrAltNew); if (pStrSaved) delete pStrSaved;
LRet: return; } /* CTriEditDocument::AppendEPComment() */
void CTriEditDocument::MapUniqueID(BOOL fGet) { CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> pHTMLDoc; CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> pHTMLCollection; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispControl; CComPtr<IHTMLElement> pElement; CComPtr<IHTMLUniqueName> pUniqueName; CComPtr<IHTMLCommentElement> pCommentElement; CComPtr<IHTMLObjectElement> pObjectElement;
HRESULT hr; //CComBSTR bstrUniqueID;
WCHAR *pAttr = NULL; WCHAR *pAttrL = NULL; WCHAR *pAttrDSU = NULL; long len; int i; LPCWSTR szDSP[] = { L"DESIGNTIMESP", L"designtimesp", L"DESIGNTIMEURL", }; LPCWSTR szComment[] = { L"<!--TRIEDITCOMMENT", L"<!--ERRORPARAM", L"<!--ERROROBJECT", }; VARIANT var, vaName, vaIndex;
if (!IsIE5OrBetterInstalled()) goto LRet;
pHTMLDoc = NULL; hr = m_pUnkTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void **) &pHTMLDoc); if (hr != S_OK) goto LRet;
pHTMLDoc->get_all(&pHTMLCollection); if (hr != S_OK) goto LRet;
pAttr = new WCHAR[wcslen(szDSP[0])+1]; memcpy((BYTE *)pAttr, (BYTE *)szDSP[0], wcslen(szDSP[0])*sizeof(WCHAR)); pAttr[wcslen(szDSP[0])] = '\0'; pAttrL = new WCHAR[wcslen(szDSP[1])+1]; memcpy((BYTE *)pAttrL, (BYTE *)szDSP[1], wcslen(szDSP[1])*sizeof(WCHAR)); pAttrL[wcslen(szDSP[1])] = '\0'; pAttrDSU = new WCHAR[wcslen(szDSP[2])+1]; memcpy((BYTE *)pAttrDSU, (BYTE *)szDSP[2], wcslen(szDSP[2])*sizeof(WCHAR)); pAttrDSU[wcslen(szDSP[2])] = '\0';
if (len == 0) goto LRet;
if (!fGet) { // now we know that we atleast have one element, lets allocate space for saving
// UniqueID's & designtimesp's
if (m_pMapArray == NULL) // this is the first time we are here
{ _ASSERTE(m_hgMap == NULL); m_hgMap = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT, MIN_MAP*sizeof(MAPSTRUCT)); if (m_hgMap == NULL) goto LRet; m_cMapMax = MIN_MAP; } _ASSERTE(m_hgMap != NULL); m_pMapArray = (MAPSTRUCT *) GlobalLock(m_hgMap); _ASSERTE(m_pMapArray != NULL); // even if we allocate the space for m_hgMap here or not, we should start from 0
m_iMapCur = 0; // zeroise the array
memset((BYTE *)m_pMapArray, 0, m_cMapMax*sizeof(MAPSTRUCT)); if (m_pspNonDSP == NULL) // this is the first time we are here
{ _ASSERTE(m_hgSpacingNonDSP == NULL); m_hgSpacingNonDSP = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT, MIN_SP_NONDSP*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (m_hgSpacingNonDSP == NULL) goto LRet; m_ichspNonDSPMax = MIN_SP_NONDSP; } _ASSERTE(m_hgSpacingNonDSP != NULL); m_pspNonDSP = (WCHAR *) GlobalLock(m_hgSpacingNonDSP); _ASSERTE(m_pspNonDSP != NULL); // even if we allocate the space for m_hgSpacingNonDSP here or not, we should start from 0
m_ichspNonDSP = 0; // zeroise the array
memset((BYTE *)m_pspNonDSP, 0, m_ichspNonDSPMax*sizeof(WCHAR)); } else // if (fGet)
{ if (m_iMapCur < 1) // we don't have any mappings saved
goto LRet; m_pMapArray = (MAPSTRUCT *)GlobalLock(m_hgMap); _ASSERTE(m_pMapArray != NULL);
m_pspNonDSP = (WCHAR *)GlobalLock(m_hgSpacingNonDSP); _ASSERTE(m_pspNonDSP != NULL); }
// loop through all the elemets and fill m_pMapArray
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { VARIANT_BOOL fSuccess;
if (!fGet) { // reallocate m_hgMap if needed
if (m_iMapCur == m_cMapMax - 1) { HGLOBAL hgMap; GlobalUnlock(m_hgMap); hgMap = m_hgMap; #pragma prefast(suppress:308, "noise")
m_hgMap = GlobalReAlloc(m_hgMap, (m_cMapMax+MIN_MAP)*sizeof(MAPSTRUCT), GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT); // if this alloc failed, we may still want to continue
if (m_hgMap == NULL) { GlobalFree(hgMap); goto LRet; } else { m_pMapArray = (MAPSTRUCT *)GlobalLock(m_hgMap); _ASSERTE(m_pMapArray != NULL); m_cMapMax += MIN_MAP; } } _ASSERTE(m_iMapCur < m_cMapMax); }
VariantInit(&vaName); VariantInit(&vaIndex);
V_VT(&vaIndex) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vaIndex) = i;
pDispControl = NULL; hr = pHTMLCollection->item(vaIndex, vaName, &pDispControl); VariantClear(&vaName); VariantClear(&vaIndex); // Trident has a bug that if the object was nested inside <scripts> tags,
// it returns S_OK with pDispControl as NULL. (See VID BUG 11303)
if (hr == S_OK && pDispControl != NULL) { pElement = NULL; hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement, (void **) &pElement); if (hr == S_OK && pElement != NULL) { //#ifdef DEBUG
// CComBSTR bstrTagName, bstrClsName;
// hr = pElement->get_className(&bstrClsName);
// hr = pElement->get_tagName(&bstrTagName);
//#endif //DEBUG
if (!fGet) // saving the data
{ BOOL fLowerCase = FALSE;
VariantInit(&var); // KNOWN (and postponed) TRIDENT BUG - ideally, we should be able to look for hr's value here,
// but trident returns S_OK even if it can't get the attribute!!!
hr = pElement->getAttribute(pAttr, 0, &var); // look for DESIGNTIMESP (upper or lower case'd)
if (var.vt == VT_BSTR) { CComVariant varT;
hr = pElement->getAttribute(pAttrL, 1, &varT); // look for lowercase designtimesp
if (varT.vt == VT_BSTR) fLowerCase = TRUE; } if (var.vt == VT_BSTR && var.bstrVal != NULL) { CComBSTR bstrUniqueID; CComVariant varDSU; int iType = INDEX_DSP; // initial value
int ich = -1; // initial value;
//#ifdef DEBUG
// CComBSTR pOuterTag;
//#endif //DEBUG
pUniqueName = NULL; hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLUniqueName, (void **) &pUniqueName); if (hr == S_OK && pUniqueName != NULL) hr = pUniqueName->get_uniqueID(&bstrUniqueID); if (pUniqueName) pUniqueName.Release(); //pHTMLDoc3->get_uniqueID(&bstrUniqueID);
//#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
// at this point, we know that this tag had designtimesp.
// It may also have additional triedit attributes like designtimeurl
// lets check for those as well
hr = pElement->getAttribute(pAttrDSU, 0, &varDSU); // look for DESIGNTIMEURL (upper or lower case'd)
if ( hr == S_OK && varDSU.vt == VT_BSTR && varDSU.bstrVal != NULL ) { // we found 'designtimeurl'
iType = INDEX_AIMGLINK; ich = m_ichspNonDSP;
FillNonDSPData(varDSU.bstrVal); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
// now remove designtimeurl & its value
hr = pElement->removeAttribute(pAttrDSU, 0, &fSuccess); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
// fill ID mapping structure
FillUniqueID(bstrUniqueID, var.bstrVal, ich, m_pMapArray, m_iMapCur, fLowerCase, iType); bstrUniqueID.Empty(); m_iMapCur++; //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
// Now, remove designtimesp and its value
hr = pElement->removeAttribute(pAttr, 0, &fSuccess); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
bstrUniqueID.Empty(); } else if (var.vt == VT_NULL) { CComBSTR bstrUniqueID; CComBSTR pOuterTag; //#ifdef DEBUG
// CComBSTR pOuter;
//#endif // DEBUG
// see if this is a comment and save it
pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag); if ( pOuterTag != NULL && 0 == _wcsnicmp(pOuterTag, szComment[0], wcslen(szComment[0])) ) { pUniqueName = NULL; hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLUniqueName, (void **) &pUniqueName); if (hr == S_OK && pUniqueName != NULL) hr = pUniqueName->get_uniqueID(&bstrUniqueID); if (pUniqueName) pUniqueName.Release();
// fill ID mapping structure
FillUniqueID(bstrUniqueID, NULL, m_ichspNonDSP, m_pMapArray, m_iMapCur, fLowerCase, INDEX_COMMENT); bstrUniqueID.Empty(); m_iMapCur++;
FillNonDSPData(pOuterTag); // now, remove the comment spacing stuff and set_outerHTML
hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLCommentElement, (void **) &pCommentElement); if (hr == S_OK && pCommentElement != NULL) SetinnerHTMLComment(pCommentElement, pElement, pOuterTag); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuter);
// pOuter.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
if (pCommentElement) pCommentElement.Release(); } else if ( S_OK == pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLObjectElement, (void **) &pObjectElement) && pObjectElement != NULL ) { BSTR bstrAlt, bstrAltNew, bstrAltComment;
bstrAlt = bstrAltNew = bstrAltComment = NULL; pUniqueName = NULL; hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLUniqueName, (void **) &pUniqueName); if (hr == S_OK && pUniqueName != NULL) hr = pUniqueName->get_uniqueID(&bstrUniqueID); if (pUniqueName) pUniqueName.Release();
// fill ID mapping structure
FillUniqueID(bstrUniqueID, NULL, m_ichspNonDSP, m_pMapArray, m_iMapCur, FALSE, INDEX_OBJ_COMMENT); bstrUniqueID.Empty(); m_iMapCur++;
pObjectElement->get_altHtml(&bstrAlt); // remove <!--ERRORPARAM ...ERRORPARAM-->
// ASSUME (FOR NOW) that we won't see TRIEDITCOMMENT or others here
RemoveEPComment(pObjectElement, bstrAlt, SysStringLen(bstrAlt), &bstrAltComment, &bstrAltNew);
FillNonDSPData(bstrAltComment); SysFreeString(bstrAltComment);
hr = SetObjectComment(pObjectElement, bstrAltNew); SysFreeString(bstrAltNew);
SysFreeString(bstrAlt); //#ifdef DEBUG
// pObjectElement->get_altHtml(&bstrAlt);
// bstrAlt.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
} if (pObjectElement) pObjectElement.Release();
bstrUniqueID.Empty(); pOuterTag.Empty(); } VariantClear(&var); } else // if (fGet)
{ BOOL fLowerCase = FALSE; int index, ichNonDSP; CComBSTR bstrUniqueID;
pUniqueName = NULL; hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLUniqueName, (void **) &pUniqueName); if (hr == S_OK && pUniqueName != NULL) hr = pUniqueName->get_uniqueID(&bstrUniqueID); if (pUniqueName) pUniqueName.Release();
// get the uniqueID
// see if we have it in m_hgMap, if we do, get corresponding designtimesp ID
// if we don't have a DSP for this uniqueID, this is newly inserted element
VariantInit(&var); if (FGetSavedDSP(bstrUniqueID, &(var.bstrVal), &ichNonDSP, m_pMapArray, &fLowerCase, &index)) { //#ifdef DEBUG
// CComBSTR pOuterTag;
//#endif //DEBUG
// insert (correct case) "designtimesp = xxxx" in the tag by setting attribute/value
var.vt = VT_BSTR; #ifdef DEBUG
if (index == INDEX_DSP) _ASSERTE(var.bstrVal != NULL && ichNonDSP == -1); else if (index == INDEX_COMMENT) _ASSERTE(var.bstrVal == (BSTR)NULL && ichNonDSP != -1); else if (index == INDEX_AIMGLINK) _ASSERTE(var.bstrVal != NULL && ichNonDSP != -1); // pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
#endif //DEBUG
if (index == INDEX_DSP) { if (fLowerCase) hr = pElement->setAttribute(pAttrL, var, 1); else hr = pElement->setAttribute(pAttr, var, 1); } else if (index == INDEX_COMMENT) { hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLCommentElement, (void **) &pCommentElement); if (hr == S_OK && pCommentElement != NULL) ReSetinnerHTMLComment(pCommentElement, pElement, ichNonDSP); if (pCommentElement) pCommentElement.Release(); } else if (index == INDEX_AIMGLINK) { CComVariant varDSU; WCHAR *pchDSU; int cchDSU = 0;
if (fLowerCase) hr = pElement->setAttribute(pAttrL, var, 1); else hr = pElement->setAttribute(pAttr, var, 1);
// put designtimeurl as well
// get the data from ichNonDSP and setAttribute
_ASSERTE(ichNonDSP != -1); memcpy((BYTE *)&cchDSU, (BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+ichNonDSP), sizeof(INT)); _ASSERTE(cchDSU > 0); pchDSU = new WCHAR[cchDSU+1]; memcpy((BYTE *)pchDSU, (BYTE *)(m_pspNonDSP+ichNonDSP+sizeof(int)/sizeof(WCHAR)), cchDSU*sizeof(WCHAR)); pchDSU[cchDSU] = '\0'; varDSU.bstrVal = SysAllocString(pchDSU); varDSU.vt = VT_BSTR; hr = pElement->setAttribute(pAttrDSU, varDSU, 1); delete pchDSU; } //else if (index == INDEX_AIMGLINK)
else if (index == INDEX_OBJ_COMMENT) { hr = pDispControl->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLObjectElement, (void **) &pObjectElement); if (pObjectElement != NULL) { AppendEPComment(pObjectElement, ichNonDSP); } else // something is not right, just ignore
{ _ASSERTE(FALSE); } if (pObjectElement) pObjectElement.Release(); } //#ifdef DEBUG
// pElement->get_outerHTML(&pOuterTag);
// pOuterTag.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
} // if (FGetSavedDSP())
VariantClear(&var); bstrUniqueID.Empty(); } // end of else case of 'if (!fGet)'
//#ifdef DEBUG
// bstrTagName.Empty();
// bstrClsName.Empty();
//#endif //DEBUG
} // if (hr == S_OK && pElement != NULL)
if (pElement) pElement.Release(); } // if (hr == S_OK && pDispControl != NULL)
if (pDispControl) pDispControl.Release(); } // for (i ...)
LRet: if (pAttr != NULL) delete pAttr; if (pAttrL != NULL) delete pAttrL; if (pAttrDSU != NULL) delete pAttrDSU; if (pHTMLCollection) pHTMLCollection.Release(); if (pHTMLDoc) pHTMLDoc.Release(); if (m_hgMap != NULL) GlobalUnlock(m_hgMap); if (m_hgSpacingNonDSP != NULL) GlobalUnlock(m_hgSpacingNonDSP);
return; }
hr = m_pHTMLDocument2->get_readyState(&p); if ( hr == S_OK && (p != NULL) && 0 == _wcsnicmp(p, szComplete[0], wcslen(szComplete[0])) && m_pTriEditDocument->FIsFilterInDone() ) { CComVariant varDirty;
// we know that the document is loaded.
// get pointer to DOM and access all tags
// create a table that holds mapping from designtimespID to uniqueID
// save the mapping and remove designtimesp attribute
// at the time of save, fill in the designtimesp's for each uniqueID
m_pTriEditDocument->MapUniqueID(/*fGet*/FALSE); m_pTriEditDocument->SetFilterInDone(FALSE); // set the document to be CLEAN (non-DIRTY), we don't care about hr
varDirty.bVal = FALSE; varDirty.vt = VT_BOOL; hr = m_pTriEditDocument->Exec(&CGID_MSHTML, IDM_SETDIRTY, MSOCMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, &varDirty, NULL); } p.Empty(); } break; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CBaseTridentEventSink::Advise(IUnknown* pUnkSource, REFIID riidEventInterface) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if(NULL == pUnkSource) { _ASSERTE(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if(m_dwCookie > 0) { _ASSERTE(FALSE); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
hr = AtlAdvise(pUnkSource, static_cast<IUnknown*>(this), riidEventInterface, &m_dwCookie); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_dwCookie > 0) { m_iidEventInterface = riidEventInterface;
m_pUnkSource = pUnkSource; // no addref. Advise already addref'ed it
return S_OK; }
return hr; }
void CBaseTridentEventSink::Unadvise(void) { if(0 == m_dwCookie) return;
AtlUnadvise(m_pUnkSource, m_iidEventInterface, m_dwCookie); m_dwCookie = 0; m_pUnkSource = NULL; }
// IPersistStreamInit
STDMETHODIMP CTriEditDocument::Load(LPSTREAM pStm) { ATLTRACE(_T("CTriEditDocument::IPersistStreamInit::Load")); _ASSERTE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit != NULL); return m_pTridentPersistStreamInit->Load(pStm); }
STDMETHODIMP CTriEditDocument::Save(LPSTREAM pStm, BOOL fClearDirty) { ATLTRACE(_T("CTriEditDocument::IPersistStreamInit::Save")); _ASSERTE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit != NULL);
// before we deligate Save to Trident, do the preFiltering stuff
if (m_hgMap != NULL) { MapUniqueID(/*fGet*/TRUE); }
return m_pTridentPersistStreamInit->Save(pStm, fClearDirty); }
STDMETHODIMP CTriEditDocument::GetSizeMax(ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbSize) { ATLTRACE(_T("CTriEditDocument::IPersistStreamInit::GetSizeMax")); _ASSERTE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit != NULL); return m_pTridentPersistStreamInit->GetSizeMax(pcbSize); }
STDMETHODIMP CTriEditDocument::IsDirty() { //ATLTRACE(_T("CTriEditDocument::IPersistStreamInit::IsDirty\n"));
_ASSERTE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit != NULL); return m_pTridentPersistStreamInit->IsDirty(); }
STDMETHODIMP CTriEditDocument::InitNew() { ATLTRACE(_T("CTriEditDocument::IPersistStreamInit::InitNew\n")); _ASSERTE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit != NULL); return(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit->InitNew()); }
STDMETHODIMP CTriEditDocument::GetClassID(CLSID *pClassID) { ATLTRACE(_T("CTriEditDocument::IPersistStreamInit::GetClassID\n")); _ASSERTE(m_pTridentPersistStreamInit != NULL); *pClassID = GetObjectCLSID(); return S_OK; } #endif //IE5_SPACING