#ifndef __TMAP_H
#define __TMAP_H
#include "srtarray.h"
// TPair
template<class TKey, class TValue> class TPair { public: TPair(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) : m_key(key), m_value(value) { }
TPair(const TKey& key) : m_key(key), m_value() { }
const TKey m_key; TValue m_value; };
// class TMap
template<class TKey, class TValue> class TMap { typedef int (__cdecl *PFNKEYYCOMPARE)(const TKey& first, const TKey& second); typedef void (__cdecl *PFNFREEPAIR)(TPair<TKey, TValue> *pair);
public: TMap(PFNKEYYCOMPARE pfnCompare = NULL); ~TMap(void);
long GetLength(void) const { return m_pArray ? m_pArray->GetLength() : 0; }
// find the entry in the map whose key matches item->m_key
TPair<TKey, TValue>* Find(TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair) const; TPair<TKey, TValue>* Find(const TKey& key) const; // find the entry in the map whose key matches key
HRESULT Add(const TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair); // add newItem to the map
HRESULT Add(const TKey& key, const TValue& value); // Create a pair and add it to the map
BOOL Remove(TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair); // Remove entry in the map whose key matches item->key
BOOL Remove(const TKey& key); // Remove entry in the map whose key matches key
public: // install a custom pair free function. it is the
// responsibility of this function to free any data
// associated with the pair, and to then call
// "delete" on the pair
void SetPairFreeFunction(PFNFREEPAIR pfnFreePair) { m_pfnFreePair = pfnFreePair; }
TPair<TKey, TValue>* GetItemAt(long lIndex) const; // Return the entry at ulIndex. This method should only be
// used as a low-level accessor (e.g., for iterating across
// all entries in the map). Note that adding a new entry
// invalidates any previous index:entry associations
private: HRESULT _HrCreateArray(void) { Assert(NULL == m_pArray); return CSortedArray::Create(_Compare, _FreeItem, &m_pArray); }
static int __cdecl _Compare(const void* pPair1, const void* pPair2) { const TKey& key1 = (*((TPair<TKey, TValue>**)pPair1))->m_key; const TKey& key2 = (*((TPair<TKey, TValue>**)pPair2))->m_key;
// if (m_pfnCompare)
// return (*m_pfnCompare)(key1, key2);
// else
// {
if (key1 < key2) return -1; else if (key2 < key1) return 1; else return 0; // }
static void __cdecl _FreeItem(void* pPair) { delete (static_cast<TPair<TKey, TValue>*>(pPair)); }
private: PFNFREEPAIR m_pfnFreePair; PFNKEYYCOMPARE m_pfnCompare; CSortedArray *m_pArray; };
template <class TKey, class TValue> inline TMap<TKey, TValue>::TMap(PFNKEYYCOMPARE pfnCompare) : m_pfnFreePair(NULL), m_pfnCompare(pfnCompare), m_pArray(NULL) { // nothing to do
template <class TKey, class TValue> TMap<TKey, TValue>::~TMap(void) { if (NULL != m_pfnFreePair) { long lLength = GetLength(); TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair; if (lLength > 0) { for (long i = lLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pPair = GetItemAt(i); m_pArray->Remove(i); if (pPair) (*m_pfnFreePair)(pPair); } } } delete m_pArray; }
template<class TKey, class TValue> TPair<TKey, TValue>* TMap<TKey, TValue>::Find(TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair) const { long lIndex; if (NULL != m_pArray && m_pArray->Find(pPair, &lIndex)) return static_cast<TPair<TKey, TValue>*>(m_pArray->GetItemAt(lIndex)); else return NULL; }
template<class TKey, class TValue> inline TPair<TKey, TValue>* TMap<TKey, TValue>::Find(const TKey& key) const { return Find(&TPair<TKey, TValue>(key)); }
template<class TKey, class TValue> HRESULT TMap<TKey, TValue>::Add(const TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair) { if (NULL == m_pArray) { HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = _HrCreateArray())) return hr; } return m_pArray->Add(const_cast<TPair<TKey, TValue>*>(pPair));
template<class TKey, class TValue> inline HRESULT TMap<TKey, TValue>::Add(const TKey& key, const TValue& value) { TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair = new TPair<TKey, TValue>(key, value); if (NULL == pPair) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return Add(pPair); }
template<class TKey, class TValue> BOOL TMap<TKey, TValue>::Remove(TPair<TKey, TValue> *pPair) { long lIndex; BOOL fFound = m_pArray->Find(pPair, &lIndex); if (fFound) { TPair<TKey, TValue> *pFoundPair = static_cast<TPair<TKey, TValue>*>(m_pArray->GetItemAt(lIndex)); m_pArray->Remove(lIndex); if (m_pfnFreePair) (*m_pfnFreePair)(pFoundPair); else delete pFoundPair; }
return fFound; }
template<class TKey, class TValue> inline BOOL TMap<TKey, TValue>::Remove(const TKey& key) { return Remove(&TPair<TKey, TValue>(key)); }
template<class TKey, class TValue> inline TPair<TKey, TValue>* TMap<TKey, TValue>::GetItemAt(long lIndex) const { return m_pArray ? static_cast<TPair<TKey, TValue>*>(m_pArray->GetItemAt(lIndex)) : NULL; }
#endif // __TMAP_H