Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /*
  2. * imaputil.h
  3. *
  4. * Purpose:
  5. * IMAP utility functions
  6. *
  7. * Owner:
  8. * Raych
  9. *
  10. * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1996
  11. */
  12. #ifndef __IMAPUTIL_H
  13. #define __IMAPUTIL_H
  14. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. // Function Prototypes
  16. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. HRESULT ImapUtil_MsgFlagsToString(IMAP_MSGFLAGS imfSource, LPSTR *ppszDestination,
  18. DWORD *pdwLengthOfDestination);
  19. void ImapUtil_LoadRootFldrPrefix(LPCTSTR pszAccountID, LPSTR pszRootFolderPrefix,
  20. DWORD dwSizeofPrefixBuffer);
  21. HRESULT ImapUtil_FolderIDToPath(FOLDERID idServer, FOLDERID idFolder, char **ppszPath,
  22. LPDWORD pdwPathLen, char *pcHierarchyChar,
  23. IMessageStore *pFldrCache, LPCSTR pszAppendStr,
  24. LPCSTR pszRootFldrPrefix);
  25. HRESULT ImapUtil_SpecialFldrTypeToPath(LPCSTR pszAccount, SPECIALFOLDER sfType,
  26. LPSTR pszRootFldrPrefix, char cHierarchyChar,
  27. LPSTR pszPath, DWORD dwSizeOfPath);
  28. LPSTR ImapUtil_GetSpecialFolderType(LPSTR pszAccountName, LPSTR pszFullPath,
  29. char cHierarchyChar, LPSTR pszRootFldrPrefix,
  30. SPECIALFOLDER *psfType);
  31. HRESULT ImapUtil_UIDToMsgSeqNum(IIMAPTransport *pIMAPTransport, DWORD_PTR dwUID, LPDWORD pdwMsgSeqNum);
  32. LPSTR ImapUtil_ExtractLeafName(LPSTR pszFolderPath, char cHierarchyChar);
  33. void ImapUtil_B2SetDirtyFlag(void);
  34. #endif // __IMAPUTIL_H