#include "inspch.h"
#include "diskspac.h"
#include "util2.h"
void AddTempSpace(DWORD dwDownloadSize, DWORD dwExtractSize, DriveInfo drvinfo[]) { DWORD uTempDrive = 0xffffffff; char szRoot[5] = { "A:\\" }; BOOL bEnoughSpaceFound = FALSE; DWORD dwNeededSize;
while ( szRoot[0] <= 'Z' && !bEnoughSpaceFound) { UINT uType;
uType = GetDriveType(szRoot);
// even the drive type is OK, verify the drive has valid connection
if ( ( ( uType != DRIVE_RAMDISK) && (uType != DRIVE_FIXED) ) || ( GetFileAttributes( szRoot ) == -1) ) { szRoot[0]++; continue; } // see if this drive is one of our "special drives" and use our own disk space
BOOL bFoundDrive = FALSE; for(UINT i = 0; i < 3 && !bFoundDrive ; i++) { if(szRoot[0] == drvinfo[i].Drive()) { bFoundDrive = TRUE; dwNeededSize = dwDownloadSize * drvinfo[i].CompressFactor() / 10 + dwExtractSize; if(dwNeededSize < drvinfo[i].Free()) { uTempDrive = i; bEnoughSpaceFound = TRUE; } } } // if !bFoundDrive, this is not a special drive, do old check
if(!bFoundDrive) { DWORD dwVolFlags, dwCompressFactor; if(!GetVolumeInformation(szRoot, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwVolFlags, NULL, 0)) { szRoot[0]++; continue; } if(dwVolFlags & FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED) dwCompressFactor = 19; else dwCompressFactor = 10; // Decide how much we need if we extract to this drive
dwNeededSize = dwDownloadSize * dwCompressFactor / 10 + dwExtractSize;; // if this drive has enough bump Req if appropiate
if(IsEnoughSpace(szRoot, dwNeededSize )) { bEnoughSpaceFound = TRUE; } }
szRoot[0]++; }
// ok, if we haven't found enough space anywhere, add it to install drive or win drive
if(!bEnoughSpaceFound) { if(drvinfo[1].Drive() != 0) uTempDrive = 1; else uTempDrive = 0; } if(uTempDrive != 0xffffffff) { drvinfo[uTempDrive].UseSpace(dwDownloadSize, TRUE); drvinfo[uTempDrive].UseSpace(dwExtractSize, FALSE); // now free up what we used
drvinfo[uTempDrive].FreeSpace(dwDownloadSize, TRUE); drvinfo[uTempDrive].FreeSpace(dwExtractSize, FALSE); } }
DriveInfo::DriveInfo() : m_dwUsed(0), m_dwMaxUsed(0), m_dwStart(0xffffffff), m_chDrive(0), m_uCompressFactor(10) { }
void DriveInfo::InitDrive(char chDrive) { char szPath[5] = { "?:\\" }; DWORD dwVolFlags = 0;
m_chDrive = chDrive; szPath[0] = chDrive; m_dwStart = GetSpace(szPath); GetVolumeInformation(szPath,NULL,0,NULL,NULL, &dwVolFlags,NULL,0); if(dwVolFlags & FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED) m_uCompressFactor = 19; else m_uCompressFactor = 10; }
void DriveInfo::UseSpace(DWORD dwAmt, BOOL bCompressed) { if(bCompressed) dwAmt = dwAmt * m_uCompressFactor/10;
m_dwUsed += dwAmt; if(m_dwUsed > m_dwMaxUsed) m_dwMaxUsed = m_dwUsed; }
void DriveInfo::FreeSpace(DWORD dwAmt, BOOL bCompressed) { if(bCompressed) dwAmt = dwAmt * m_uCompressFactor/10;
m_dwUsed -= dwAmt; }